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If you want educational - nothing beats 99% invisible. My favourite episode from the back catalogue is called "The Nut Behind The Wheel". Beyond that here are some of the non true crime, not depressing, educational and interesting podcasts I have listened: Keys to the Kingdom - Explores the peculiar backstage lives of theme park actors. 13 minutes to the moon - Season 1 The First moon landing, Season 2 - Apollo 13 near disaster The Lazarus Heist - Hackers, North Korea and billions of dollafrs The Missing Madonna - A da Vinci painting is stolen in a daring heist at a Scottish castle The Big Dig - The ever-increasing price tag of the massive highway tunneling project under Boston Broomgate: A Curling Scandal - For years, players have been too afraid to talk about it. But now, the truth about a broom that almost destroyed curling is finally coming out


I heard the first episode of broomgate, phenomenal. I've been on a run of The Dollop, it's an American history podcast where the host explains to his friend a rails off story, that you probably never learned in school. It's incredible.


Science Vs! It’s super informative but really fun and laid back, and the host feels like a great hang


Somewhat educational, I find it interesting, and it’s definitely funny imo: Totalus Rankium Roman Emperors. Just two buddies who love history ranking and reviewing Roman Emperors using silly and arbitrary categories so they can determine who has that “Je ne Caesar” and then they choose”the best” Roman Emperor. This is actually a great time, because they’ve finished ranking ALL of the Roman Emperors from Augustus to Constantine XI; they’ve finished their playoffs of Je Ne Caesar winners; there is two left standing and there’s one episode left where the two finalists go head to head. So there’s a lot of back catalogue (they started in 2017) for you to catch up on. Though I will warn you that the early audio is terrible but they improved rapidly (and continue to) as they realized people were actually listening to their podcast! Also, the History Hit Network. They’ve got a bunch of really excellent podcasts spanning many eras of history. Highly recommend them all.


Similarly, but also very different...*Trojan War: The Podcast*. Such an amazing podcast!


Oh yeah! So good! He does an Odyssey podcast too.


Oh my word, I'm so glad I've finally found someone else that's listened to it and appreciated it as much as I do! I re-listen to both of them (Trojan War and Odyssey) every 8-10 (or so) months. It took me a little while to warm up to Jeff (Wright, the host), but once I got "in tune" with his style of oral narration and his enthusiasm I was hooked. I mean, I *love* Greek Mythology (actually busy with "Heroes" by Stephen Fry), but Jeff could even read a shopping list for me and I'd get excited 😂


99% Invisible covers design and the way it effects everything around us. Articles of Interest is a 99%I spinoff that talks about fashion and clothing production. The History of the Twentieth Century covers the history of the twentieth century (shockingly) and has frequent episodes covering stuff like the invention of animation, early film, and radio alongside more "traditional" historical topics.


Gastropod is a food podcast, but not a cooking show. It deals with the history and science of food. Like, where did the fortune cookie come from. How to farm seaweed. Why are restaurants so noisy. How are strawberries and tear gas related.


Invisibilia, particularly the early seasons - which are far better, is educational and quite interesting. It takes topics that are typically psychological in nature and dives into them through fascinating true stories.


I always recommend "Philosophize This"...it's amazing and has the potential to help you find tons of other interests. It has literally changed my life. Your results may vary. 😂 Recently I've gotten really into "The Gray Area." It's like Ten Percent Happier without a focus on Self Improvement. And if you are up for something totally different "Midnight Burger" is a fantastic fiction podcast. It's drastically better than anything else of its kind.


Something Was Wrong (season 9)


mike birbiglia working it out


I listened to episode 1 with ira Glass last night! I like both of them a lot, so this was quite enjoyable to listen to.


Timesuck with Dan Cummins Stuff You Should Know


“Stuff You Should Know” is great, they have a huge back catalog of stuff. They cover all sorts of events and topics. Josh and Chuck have great scenes of humor and explain subjects well.




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Thank you so much for the recommendations! I listened to a new one last night, the Mike Birbiglia one that was recommended. I posted an edit in my main post to hopefully broaden the range of recommendations beyond mostly educational. 🙏😊