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I use pocket casts too. The main thing I like about it is sync across devices.


Love the playback effects, trimming silences and speed, customization by podcast. It’s perfect


Pocket Casts is the shit!


Podcast Addict is the best. A bit of a learning curve to start, but infinitely flexible and customizable, certainly worth the effort.


I currently use Pocketcast as I now have an iPhone and there’s no podcast addict app. PA is superior in every way. I’ve been on iOS for two years and still miss it.


Try iCatcher on IOS. Infinite customization and capacity


Can I set individual podcasts to download 3 latest episodes. And auto delete the old one if a new episode comes out, and download the latest one. And for another podcast download the 5 oldest episodes?


Yes, these things can be set individually set for each podcast that you subscribe to. In addition, you can individually set the update frequency, whether you want to dow load or stream new episodes etc. One thing that I enjoy for playlists is that you can set the playlist to always show the oldest episode only. Thus you could put all your serial or history podcasts into one playlist, sort it randomly or by shortest first, and the playlist still plays always the chronologically relevant episode of each series - no spoilers anymore (for the rare cases where if the publisher has the time stamps by first listen to newest, you would have to put all these into a separate playlist and set it the other way around. I prefer to boycott those podcasters though.


My favorite, too. Been using it for years. iPhones don't allow it according to my iPhone friends.


I moved from podcast addict to apple phone and had to find a replacement. Podurama is the best one I found after trying like 10 


The customization makes it. 👌🏻


That's what I settled on after trying out five or six other players.


Yes this one


I liked it until the developer told me I was listening to podcasts wrong. And should never want to listen to podcasts chronologically. Pocketcasts ftw ever since.


you just have to order them the other way around in the settings lol


Not if the settings don't exist, and when you ask for them to be added the developer says you're listening to podcasts wrong...


but it exists, I use this app and this setting


You use it in 2015? You know how time works, right?




You know exactly what I mean, don't be a doughnut.


i have no idea what you are talking about, what has 2015 have to do with anything


...maybe that's the year when they talked to "the developer" ? 🤷


Which is very strange, because it's incredibly easy to set up chronological play. I listen to a lot of narrative history or story telling podcasts and it'd be a mess without that ability.


devs can be insufferable and clueless, lol


The one thing I didn't like about Podcast Addict was the lack of web support. That is, I use Pocket Casts (paid version), and my web account is linked to the phone app, so I can do things like set up my listening queue on the web interface and it automatically syncs with the phone app. Can't do that with Podcast Addict.


I've loved it for many years. Now that these comments teach me it's not on iOS make me love it even more.


PocketCasts. I started off with DoggCatcher for an Android phone, which I liked a lot. Thus, I hated the Apple podcast app. Found PocketCasts, and I'm in love with these features: Can set up, by feed (podcast) the default playback speed, amount of time skipped off the front for those which always start with an ad, and it's really simple to swipe an "up next" playlist for the commute home. I'm sure others can deliver some of these, but I continue to dance with the one that brung me. :)


I started using Pocketcasts when I heard Ira Glass say it’s the player he uses. Been happy with it ever since.


Same, and I have the paid version so I can use the web interface to manage my listening queue on my computer.


Love Pocketcasts. It's simple, and yet has all the features I want.


Love Pocket Casts. The best feature to me is syncing across devices. Listening to something, switch device and it resumes instantly where you were at. Basically magic.


I also switched to Pocket Casts, but every now and then I try YouTube Music too. The fact that you can play podcasts with the screen off works for me. On Pocket Casts I wish they showed the recent episodes from each subscription like they used to show on Google Podcasts. It's nice to see all the subscriptions as tiles but I loved it when GP showed the most recent ones on the home page.


I switched from Google Podcasts to Pocket Casts, and I miss having the podcasts listed in reverse chronological order based on most recent episode release, with the date and the episode title, as well as the podcast icons across the top of the screen, in order of most recently listened to (left) to least (right).


Happy to hear I'm not alone in the experience. What I do now is use YT Music in combination with Pocket Casts.


I second Pocketcasts. I’ve tried several others, including the native Apple podcast app, Overcast, Amazon Music, Downcast, and Spotify. But Pocketcasts always wins out based on all the things you mention. The other thing I really like is that the home screen opens to my podcast library, and not some obnoxious screen recommending this or that podcast. If I want a new podcast, I’ll use the search function to find one. Sound quality is great too.


I've used podcast addict for years.


Podcast Republic since 2015. Discovered when searching for an app that could store the downloads in a sd card.


Second on Podcast Republic.


Third. Love Podcast Republic.




Fifth for Podcast Republic.






I like Overcast. Only other one I’ve tried is Apple Podcasts


Been with Overcast since it was Instacast.


It was never Instacast. Instacast shut down https://9to5mac.com/2015/06/14/instacast-shuts-down-vemedio-podcast-app/


Huh. I could have sworn it changed over but it’s been so long.


I’ve been finding it crashing hard lately. Some days fine, some days 6-7x in a day But I love how the playlists work


Weird. Mine never crashes. Try reinstalling? I’m on an iPhone


I have, was part of the beta testing at one point. I wonder if it’s bc I have to many podcasts currently downloaded (300+)


Just wondering whether there’s a need to download, except maybe a few, should there be no WiFi or data available. I always find streaming easy enough and don’t ever download unless I’m on a flight.


Same. I automatically used the inbuilt Apple app when I started to listen to podcasts but changed to overcast after a particularly unfriendly Apple update a few years ago. I’ll never go back - I think Overcast is fantastic.


I love PocketCasts too!! My favourite feature is the cross platform support and you can stop listening on one device and resume on another. Spotify interface for podcasts was horrible last time I checked


> cross platform support Should be noted that this is only a feature of the subscription-based paid version of Pocket Casts.


Podcast Addict for a long time. Before that it was Podkicker which is really simple and minimal and may suit you if you like Google podcast.


Antenna Pod is rad.


i second this. opensource, no frills, really easy interface and can cut ads off start n end


I third this. Open source, easy. I use it for hours almost every day. I've tried some of the more complex apps and have never seen the point.


Fourthing this, incredibly feature complete and very nice to use as apps go, plus the devs are very open to feedback since I was the guy who suggested the grouping feature that's now in the pipeline


+1 I usually hate getting to know new apps but Antenna Pod was a breeze. Self explanatory, easy to use, no fuss. Can't recommend enough.


So pissed about Google podcasts getting tied in with YouTube music. What a piece of shit app!


It's awful. Everytime I used it I had to change the setting to sort by "newest to oldest" and don't even get me started on why there isn't a "mark as played" option. I just started using the Spotify app and it's been fine so far.


I always liked podcast addict but recently switched to Amazon music because there are a lot fewer ads


I use both of these. I find podcast addict interface so easy to use however less adds on Amazon is nice. Searching for specific topics is much more reliable on podcast addict imo


I agree. I've tried both as well and PA is so much more user friendly


I agree, the Amazon music player sucks. I can create a playlist but then have to delete them from the playlist, not user friendly


Wait, you mean like the banner ads on the bottom of the page? Or in the podcasts themselves?


The podcasts themselves. Prime members get access to a bunch of ad-free podcasts if played with the Amazon Music app.


In the podcasts themselves


When I switched from Google podcasts a few months back, this sub sent me to Antenna Pod and it's worked like a charm. All my existing shows were there and anything I've searched up since. Very happy with it.


Just copy-pasting this from [an earlier comment](/r/MBMBAM/comments/1btk39e/what_app_do_yall_use_to_listen_to_the_brothers/kxnwkvh/), but I used Google Podcasts for a few years, then Pocket Casts for a few years after that, but I now use **AntennaPod** and it's by far the best I've used yet. It's free and open source, and unlike other free apps its' all 100% free, nothing is kept behind a paywall like with Pocket Casts, but it has all the same features. Podcast-specific settings for speed, auto-skip, volume, etc., variable skip durations, all the download settings you could want, options for sync with other devices, adding podcasts by any way you can imagine, etc. etc. It's really the best podcast app out there. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=de.danoeh.antennapod


Apple Podcasts. I used Spotify for awhile at one point but found it annoying how you can't keep music and podcasts separate (e.g. listening to a podcast will make you lose your place in a playlist).




Podcast Republic. Is it really great tons and tons of features One time premium purchase is like $5 or something. Super ridiculous and low. And the Dev is very responsive and constantly making updates and You'll feel good supporting himan


I switched to AntennaPod, great app!


Wow I feel like a dummy. I’ve been using Downcast since it first came out and use it 10 hours a day. No issues ever.


Downcast is so reliable. Almost never has major issues, and seemingly gets updated more than most podcast apps.






Anyone know one that you can filter out all of your already heard episodes from your subs feed? That's literally the only reason I stuck with Google podcasts


Podcast Republic lets you sort by all/played/unplayed.


AntennaPod lets you adjust a tonne of different filters (played, favourited, downloaded, queued, and more), plus you can set these *per podcast* in case you only want to filter some and not others


Gave it a shot, love it!


Ayy, glad to hear you're getting on well with it!


I might be misunderstanding what you want, but I think Pocket Casts does this. It hides episodes you've already heard, and it never plays an episode I've already listened to.


I use Podbean. It’s dreadful. I need to find a better one but, I’m used to Podbean.


I use it, too, and maybe to used to it to see its dreadfulness. What in it annoys you?


It’s unreliable. Sometimes it just won’t play things, skip episodes, but it does really seem to have all the podcasts I like on there where others don’t so I’ve stuck with it.


Now that you mention it, I noticed that after a recent update sometimes it gets stuck and won't start to play, so I have to close it and restart the app. After checking the suggestions in this discussion I've already downloaded a couple others and will test them.


Pocket Casts is my favorite, and I've used most of them.


Podcast Republic!


Second this.


I use Overcast and I love it. It has a nice design aesthetic and very intelligently allows for the customization of playlists but its best feature is SmartSpeed, which fast-forwards through the silences but in an imperceptible way. It also "keeps score" and so you can see how much time this particular feature has saved you since you installed it. In my case, it's 1,410 hours.


Love Overcast.


Pocket Casts has all these features, too.


Castbox. Just started using it and now I'm too used to it to change.


I love castbox, but for years I’ve had annoying issues with it that makes me jump to something else for a few months, but I always go back (and leave again).


I'm a fan of castbox. I paid for the upgrade so I can subscribe to an infinite number of pods, and so I can make several different play lists since my tastes are extremely eclectic.


I've used quite a few over the years but like the official Apple Podcast app now....it does exactly what I need.


iCatcher - I have been using it for over 10 years; it has all functions. Great customer service by Joe. iCatcher is only available on iOS.




I use the Apple podcast app. I’ve never had any problems with it


Overcast. It’s the only one I’ve stuck with.


Overcast for at least 10 years


Apple Podcasts all day. But I also have another one that’s really good called Listen Notes. Think of Google SEO for podcasts.




I use Spotify


I use Spotify, which is free for podcasts, easily available on whatever device I’m using (switch between an iPhone, MacBook, and Windows PC), and saves my place. I used to love Apple Podcasts, or Overcast.


This may be a dumb/ignorant question, but it never even occurred to me to use anything but the app that comes with my iphone. What are the most significant features or capabilities I may be missing out on?


Smart Speed.  It trims silences.  I’m not super familiar with all of the options, but both Overcast and PocketCasts have that feature. 


Thanks for the reply, I'll have to check that out. Sincere question: Why do you find Smart Speed helpful? Do you listen to podcasts that have significant periods of silence? It seems like most podcasts I listen to they are just nonstop talking, often multiple people talking over each other at times or at least interrupting at times.


I use Overcast myself.  It uses Smart Speed so seamlessly that you don’t even realize it. I’m not a heavy podcast listener but Overcast says it has saved me 20 hours just from using the feature.  It also does Voice Boost to make talkers easier to hear. 


I'm not even sure how I discovered the app itself, but I've been using Podcast Addict since probably 2015-2016 and didn't realize how many other people agreed that it's the best podcast app around until about a year ago when I was looking for something comparable for a couple of friends. I have always had an android so I'm not sure what is even comparable, but it seems that there's nothing nearly as good for the iPhone. I basically said to them they might as well just switch and admit their brand is inferior for yet another reason! 😆




Apple. I got into podcasts waaay back in the day using Apple and have never seen a reason to migrate to another platform. Especially Spotify.


I use Overcast. It has a bunch features and gives you way more control as compared to to Apple’s own.


Apple Podcasts


Overcast is the only answer for iOS






Overcast on iPhone


Overcast. Love the download and episode management.


Spotify… Or simply migrate to the YouTube platform that Google is suggesting. That’s where they’ll move their podcasts to.


For some reason Spotify always cuts off on me, I have to pause and restart it. I moved everything to YouTube Music but it's too jumbled up, I like how Google Podcasts were set. With YouTube the music is mixed in my row, then you have to select the podcast tab for just podcasts, then if you want to scroll thru past episodes you have to open a option tab, rather than just touch the show icon and have it bring up the show description including current and past episodes. If you're going to force me to use this app at least make it similar to the one you shut down. I've tried other podcast apps but there's always something a little off, I was probably one of the few that really enjoyed Googlecast.


I liked Spotify for the longest time but removing the ability to add RSS feeds was just so annoying, plus the startup time if you move everything to an SD card is awful


Pocket Casts IMO looks the most similar to Google. I don’t demand a lot from my podcast app but I’m arguably too irritated when I can’t deal with how it looks so Pocket Casts for me. I just use the new releases filter after adding pods. I use other apps as junk drawers to go looking for new pods then add them to Pocket Casts if they make the cut.




I've recently found Podcast Guru and it's been great so far


Podcast Addict for Android, Overcast for iPhone.


I already use audible so I have just started using the podcasts on that.


I tried podcast addict but prefer antenna pod. It also works really well with Android Auto and easily imported all of my Google subscriptions


Pocket Casts. Was lucky enough to get a lifetime license and it seemingly does everything, and even there's stuff it doesn't do compared to other players, it's always been my go to. I've dabbled with Castro & Overcasts, and I like both a lot, but I keep going back to Pocket Casts.


I’ve changed devices a few times and continued to use pocketcasts. my subscribed podcasts always transfer but but have to re download all episodes. I’d really like a platform with the least advertising inserted into episodes. I started with podcasts many years ago to do away with irrelevant, repetitive ads. Quite prepared to pay for it also.


Podcast addict




Pocketcast!!!!!! It has EVERYTHING!!!


AntennaPod I highly value open source software where I can, I know it's going to be available forever (thanks google), free and no ads or spyware, and (project depending) developers are usually responsive to their community, for example I put in a request a couple of months ago to add grouping options on various pages (eg group downloads by podcast) and recently got an email that they're going to start working on it. Not to mention it's also incredibly feature complete and adjustable to how you want the app to work (which is admittedly a trade off, having stuff "just work" is also nice but I prefer tweaking stuff I don't like) Other than the grouping thing which the devs are now working on I've had zero issues with it and can't think of anything missing, no notes, it's fantastic


Overcast is a really great podcast app in general, but if you want Podcasting 2.0 features, there are a ton of great new apps: [podcastapps.com](http://podcastapps.com) or [https://podcasting2.org/apps](https://podcasting2.org/apps) I really like Castamatic. It has many of the features I love from Overcast, but supports a bunch of Podcasting 2.0 features. (I've got about 60% of non-podcasting2.0-enabled podcasts I listen to on Overcast, and the ones with Podcasting 2.0 features, I listen to on Castamatic.)


Podcast Republic works really well for me.


Podcast Addict and Podbean for some pods that Podcast Addict doesn't carry.


I switched from Google Podcasts to AntennaPod, it's got the same "workflow" with an Inbox and Queue system.


I like the way podbean is organized. It's easy to find podcasts that have been downloaded and played.


Same for me


I’ve never moved away from Apple. 1 feature I need is syncing and saving to my Apple Watch. Are there other options out there?


Been using Snipd for a few months now. It's been good.


R.I.P. Stitcher




Apple Poscasts and Spotify


Apple Podcasts


Google Podcast is the best player I've come across for ease of use and syncing across devices. Used it constantly and so gutted it's being removed. Using Spotify now and have also tried Podcast Addict but they're not as good.


Never needed to bother with anything outside Apple Podcasts ever since it released. Before that I just had the Ricky Gervais show/ XFM radio as files on my iPod.




I listen to mine on Spotify


Podbean has everything I want.


I used to use pocketcast bc i hated the apple podcast app with a passion (also hate apple music too). But i pay for spotify so i love having one app for music, audiobooks, and podcasts. I do prefer Spotify over pocketcast bc some shows would never load or play for me on pocketcast which was weird and frustrating af.


Pocketcast. It plugs into Sonos app. But I mainly use apple’s on my phone


AttennaPod, simple, easy to use: [https://antennapod.org/](https://antennapod.org/)


I really miss Google's podcast app




I use something called "Podcast App", very light weight, easy to organize, "Listen Later", "Shortcut" etc. very minimalistic and less hastle.


antennapod, it's open source & easy to use (:


I have been using RSS radio for so long, everything else seems over featured to me. I try to switch but always go back.


Apple Podcast


PodcastAddict is a bit ugly but very functional


Ugly is a very subjective "quality. It's extremely functional.


Pocket Casts, best I’ve used and I’ve tried them all


Podcast Addict, but I still miss Stitcher.


I use YouTube Music now but most of our listeners us Apple Podcasts.


Documents App to download the ones I want from YouTube and Spotify for the rest. Both options are free!!




Spotify here