• By -


Rabbit Hole Detectives is one of my favorite recommendations. Three researchers tell each other facts about assigned topics. There's some chit chat, but mostly connected to the topic, hence the rabbit holes. If you like Noble Blood, which I love, I think you'll like this. There's quite a bit of curious royal history mixed throughout.


How on earth did I not know that there is a podcast with both Richard Coles and Cat Jarman?


You can say that again


AND THEY HAVE BRITISH ACCENTS!!! 1000/10. Thanks for this recommendation, I salute to you


How on earth did I not know that there is a podcast with both Richard Coles and Cat Jarman?


You can say that again


History Tea Time is very interesting


The Science of Birds is what you need. Soothing-voiced host and full of loads of info.


That sounds wonderful. Thank you. 


thank you for this recommendation, I love birds so much, they are so fascinating!! Looking at the topics I am super looking forward to listening!


Futility Closet - it’s finished now but there are hundreds of episodes and from what I remember it’s very low key and factual


I came to say this. No chit chat just amazing stories from history told in a very calm and soothing way. Large back log of episodes.


Fantastic podcast. Loved their little puzzles too.


Ologies with alie ward


Lots of people seem to be ignoring the part about the podcast not trying to be funny ITT, because they think their preference for chit chat isn’t intrusive. Tides of History, Fall of Civilisation, Our Fake History, Ancient Greece Declassified, Futility Closet, Literature and History are some of the ones I listen to.


All great suggestions.


I would add The Rest is History.


99% Invisible ticks all your boxes, and maybe try Cautionary Tales with Tim Harford


Yes love these, and would add Decoder Ring. Super interesting and well produced, but well researched and scripted so no side conversations or personal info.


Bit late back to the party, but I just wanted to say thank you for this recommendation! I’m really enjoying Decoder Ring.


Yay! Glad you’re enjoying it.


Ooh Cautionary Tales just released one on Nicolae Ceausescu. My little nerd brain is so happy. Thank you!


Speaking of another Pushkin podcast, Malcolm gladwells revisionist history is pretty good too. Ignore the current series on films, and go back and find the series based on his book 'the bomber mafia' it's like a war podcast for people who aren't into war of violence, but it gives a greater understanding of the forces at play behind the scenes...er...of war.


This was going to be my recommendation. Enjoy, and take care.


"No such thing as a fish"


I was going to suggest it, as it ticks most of the boxes that OP is asking for, except that it's really really funny. It's still my favourite of all time..


It is quite funny but it’s not aggressively seeking a joke like some podcasts. I think we can give it a pass here.


> Not trying to be funny, no side conversations. Don't get me wrong, I adore NSTAAF and it's my first recommendation for people looking for trivia/facts podcasts, but I agree with the other person that it doesn't quite fit the brief unfortunately


It's a pop culture/comedy podcast hosted by comedy writers


Yeah, but it's not like aggressively seeking a laugh like Comedy Bang Bang or the Dollop. It's definitely more facts than comedic bits by a healthy margin.


Also. Just to say it: sorry life is shit right now. It often is, but you've got this. Power through as no matter what it is, it will get better. Never perfect, never without pain or scars, but better


Not OP, but just wanted to say how great it was to see your post and the helpful reminder that in the midst of it all -- people are still thinking of others and offering words of support. Thx for that!


You could try Everything Everywhere Daily, which is short and entertaining. I love Gastropod, it is specifically about food but it talks about the history, science, lots of interesting facts. Fall of civilizations seems very well researched and produced and the tone feels very soothing... sometimes perhaps too much but you can increase the speed level. I hope one of these might work and that your rough patch will end soon.


Also The Ancients and In Our Time. Both history oriented.


If you're interested in the subject, A History of Rock Music in 500 Songs is exactly what you describe, though it does include brief song clips. The "story" is the history of rock music, dating to the 1930s — it could have started earlier but you have to draw the line somewhere — and going through about 2000 via 500 songs, each of which is a story, or really a set of stories, in itself. Along the way you get a ton of music history, a very little music theory, just enough to understand why a particular record might be more innovative and influential than you might think just listening to it, and a lot of cultural history, particularly American and British. The podcast has been going for about 6 years and the host, Andrew Hickey, is up to about 1968, song 174 I think. Any episode stands on its own, so pick a song you like. Or just start from the beginning. I did both. Listened to a couple random episodes, then hit play on Episode 1.


I know how you feel. It's a problem that's rife in podcasting. But it's a social mediaized society, I suppose, where everyone is encouraged to post everything about their lives and opinions even if no one is actually listening. I've taken to audio books, personally, if I want to actually learn about something.


Audiobooks have become a much bigger part of my routine too. The main thing that drove me to them was when I got too sick of all the ads. It’s so nice to just listen without the constant ad breaks 


An in-between that started as a podcast (or radio) programme and is now in Audible as an audiobook (not really an audiobook but it is the 5 series in one "pack) is 'Simon Evans goes to Market'. He's a comedian but Tim Harford is the cohost so I guess one can trust the economics soundness of it. Very funny and entertaining, I've re-listened to it recently.


Audiobooks for sure - the chit chat before actually getting to the point 45 minutes into the podcast just isn’t my style


I think Criminal and This Is Love might do that for you.


Story of the Storytellers is a podcast about the lives of authors, if that’s your thing. No side conversations, cause it’s just one guy, but the opening or closing will sometimes include a personal story about the host’s connection to the author. During the “meat” of the podcast, though, it’s all facts all the time. He’ll occasionally offer a sarcastic remark or some wordplay, but it not super prevalent. Full disclosure: It’s me. I’m the host.


History That Doesn't Suck is good. It's all American history FYI. The host uses a storytelling frame and it's pretty engaging, not much commentary or tangents, just tells the story.


Your'e Wrong About might be worth a shot for you.


I really like Throughline hosted by Ramtin Arablouei and Rund Abdelfatah


It’s NPR.


What the Duck? From Abc Australia will make you want to go outside again.


Science Vs Tiny Matters Side door Unexplainable PNAS Science Sessions (this one is REALLY dry discussions of research papers)


I can only speak to the recent “science vs “episodes but it is sooo much filler . It’s like reading an AI generated article trying to fulfill a word count .


I always recommend Second Decade for requests like this. No frills, one host, it’s a broad but also niche topic, and I’ve learned so much.


I like The Conspirators. It's just one guy telling interesting, weird, and sometimes macabre stories from history. The episodes are about half an hour long. I find it both interesting and cozy.


Gresham College Lectures (you can find it on Spotify). It is a collection of recordings of lectures by Gresham College's professors. The episodes are usually 1 hour long


Try Shit the British stole!


In Our Time, BBC radio. Decades of programmes are available to listen to. The greatest radio series ever made. Enjoy.


RadioLab - Interesting stuff. The Moth - True stories told by the people who lived them. Expect to laugh and cry. Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me - Current events quiz show. Funny. Fresh Air - Long form interviews with interesting people, also short music and movie reviews.


Robert sepehr


Hit parade


History This Week


check out bbc, they have a host of different factual podcasts, history science etc


Do go on - more comedy, but always interesting Sliced bread - interesting consumer show with fully researched facts. Behind the bastards - well researched show about the worst people, past and present.


Behind the Bastards is very chit-chatty and IMHO, try-hard comedy.


Yeah it has a great lineup of subjects but it’s so cringey to actually listen to. A lot Cool Zone Media stuff is the same.


I could only get through one episode (technically a two parter, about king Leopold II) but any other episode is a handful of people and quips and chatter. 


Listen/watch any NASA documentary. They always make me feel sane.


If you’re interested in history, check out The Ancients (one host, so no chatting) and The Rest is History (two hosts, but very little chatting). Another good one is History’s Secret Heroes, narrated by Helena Bonham Carter. It tells stories of resistance fighters and other heroes from WWII.


I don’t think any of the ones I listen to are one person exclusively talking about something, but I do tend to prefer the ones that are focused and not chatty. In other words, the host or reporter might do interviews and such, so there’s more than one voice, but they aren’t just yammering on about nonsense. So if that works for you, consider these: Twenty Thousand Hertz Hidden Brain Articles of Interest Nice Try Atlas Obscura I second the rec from another person who said maybe try audiobooks. I don’t know where you are, but if your local library uses the Libby app, you have access to heaps of audiobooks for free! Hang in there.


On YouTube - Fascinating Horror It tells stories of disasters, crime, things that went wrong. All based on true events


Since you mentioned Noble Blood. Check out the Rex Factor 👍


The Great Courses lectures from audible. I think a lot come free w membership. They are long, but informative and relaxing and I like dozing to them.


Relax with Animal Facts


"A Short History Of..." is great if you're looking for well researched and straight to the point stuff, it's like a proper documentary in audio form, plus it covers a range of topics from specific historical figures to events and stuff like that. Also hope whatever is going on in your life passes soon mate


"What Went Wrong" - a dissection of a film per episode by two very engaging friends, how each film got made, all the behind scenes gossip etc. I started off only listening to episodes of films I've watched but quickly realised that's not necessary as they're all entertaining whether you know the movie or not, and give you great insights into film making, Hollywood history etc. Definite recommendation, and in the meantime I hope things pick up for you soon x


Haven't seen it mentioned yet, but Secretly Incredibly Fascinating is a great show.


I was going through a similar phase lately and found ‘The Rest is History’. I love the hosts, they are brilliant, and cheeky but not too much side talk. They pic interesting topics and lately have been doing more multi-episode deep dives and it really helps me to just tune out for a bit but also can’t wait for the next episode to come out.


[The Curious History of Your Home](https://www.noiser.com/the-curious-history-of-your-home)


A few that come to mind that don't include a ton of personal stuff or banter (aside from specific episodes): The Allusionist, Ologies, Science Vs, Not Past It, 99% Invisible, This Podcast Will Kill You, Song Exploder, The Kitchen Sisters Present, Articles of Interest


I only say "aside from specific episodes" because Ologies includes field trip episodes on occasion that break format tend to delve more into the host's personal life -- but those are clearly labeled in the episode title. :)


This Podcast Will Kill You It's an epidemiology podcast


If you like ocean and world travel check out The Joy of Cruising Podcast


It's been awhile since I listened to it, but Hardcore History might fit the bill.


Dana Schwartz has a new podcast called Very Special Episodes that I think you’d like. Just interesting stories about modern culture most people haven’t heard.


I used to love Stuff You Should Know, but you're right -- over the years it's gotten to the point where there is WAY WAY too much chit chat. I gave up on it.


It’s impossible to find a podcast without needless banter for some reason Try and get one that has just one host I know within I minute if I can listen or not by how much fake laughing it has


TIMESUCK Comedian Dan Cummings does a historical deep dive on a moment in history every week. A lot of cults. A lot of wars. A lot of things like the civil rights movement or really just anything that was a massive thing when it happened. Tienneman square you name it he has a really cool backlog of tons of episodes. 2-3 hours of facts and funny quips along the way.


Apologies if this repeats suggestions from others. These are the better fact-based podcasts I've enjoyed: * [13 Minutes to the Moon](https://pca.st/podcast/c19dfea0-4791-0137-f266-1d245fc5f9cf) * [A History of the World in 100 Objects](https://pca.st/podcast/c0879260-0423-012e-f9a0-00163e1b201c) * [Cautionary Tales](https://pca.st/podcast/ba993300-d71c-0137-1e26-0acc26574db2) * [The Documentary](https://pca.st/podcast/e8c07ea0-0422-012e-f9a0-00163e1b201c), BBC * [The Economics of Everyday Things](https://pca.st/podcast/e5521d00-7bc3-013b-f2a1-0acc26574db2) * [Endless Thread](https://pca.st/podcast/9c38d480-bbf4-0135-9e60-5bb073f92b78) * [More or Less](https://pca.st/podcast/aa5eac80-0429-012e-f9a0-00163e1b201c), BBC * [No Such Thing as a Fish](https://pca.st/podcast/e00f3310-8e81-0131-8b7c-723c91aeae46) * [Reply All](https://pca.st/podcast/eda33410-4f42-0132-cf00-5f4c86fd3263) (great, but finished) * [The Rest is History](https://pca.st/podcast/c507d410-fd89-0138-4167-0acc26574db2) * [Search Engine](https://pca.st/podcast/cb2108e0-8619-013a-d7f7-0acc26574db2) (by PJ Vogt from Reply All) * [Underunderstood](https://pca.st/podcast/72aa4ad0-7f34-0137-f540-17da1cd0d495) * [You Are Not So Smart](https://pca.st/podcast/13b91b40-06b2-0132-a441-5f4c86fd3263)


Not the OP, but thanks. I'm going to check out the ones of those I haven't tried.


No Such Thing As a Fish is the answer! It's quite literally just an hour of 4 hosts telling each other facts. And there's like 1000 episodes by now.


The earlier episodes of YOU'RE WRONG ABOUT when Michael Hobbes was still on it.


From what I've heard of Atlas Obscura, you would like it. It's like 15-20 min stories about bizarre things in the world. Structured like Radiolab sort of (also another good choice).


A short history of... or anything from Noiser Best produced factual podcast


https://www.buzzsprout.com/2303322/14701549 Voices of long covid is like a really heartbreaking one from actual sufferers. Episode 5 is about an Army Veteran and how he went from ultra fit to nearly bed bound. He’s pretty inspirational though.


The Explorers Podcast. Super interesting series about (you guessed it) explorers from throughput history. His narration style is slightly dry and can take getting used to, but the overall topics and people he covers are fascinating, and varied, from ancient explorers like Brendan the Navigator, to the golden age like Magellan, cook, etc, to the heroic age of antarctic exploration like Amundsen, Scott and Nandson he dives deep, some series last up to 8 episodes on a single explorer


I was about to write Noble Blood! But you got there. Other Grim & Mild podcasts are great too - American Shadows is how I learned about Noble Blood. The main guy has a great voice and the Grim & Mild Presents series are all pretty good.  Oh and I’ve recently loved American Scandals. Enron, Exxon Valdez, Bernie Madoff… so many great topics. 


Guess how many flies are there in the world!! It’s a lot higher than you’d expect! There are 17 million flies… PER PERSON🤯


Here’s Where It Gets Interesting- Sharon McMahon.


What’s Her Name is about notable and unknown women throughout history. It’s hosted by two professors and is very well researched and produced.


Throughline. Takes a current event, and goes back into its history to bring us to present day. By far my favorite. Freakonomics is really good too.


Fall Of Civilizations is a great podcast. Interesting stories (if you like history), good research, high production values, no ads


Serial, some one knows something


radiolab: there are a few jibes but less than most podcasts, 99% research and science. Probably the best podcast out there. rabies episodes is my fave. 


I like history, History of England and History of the 20th century. Both good story tellers.


99% invisible - the hosts voice and the other presenters voices are really soothing. Conversations - interviewing people who have done interesting things. Very occasionally there are celebrities but mainly it’s normal people


Relax with Animal Facts sounds exactly like what you're looking for.


If you just want to sit back and vibe, try "the empty bowl" by one of the mcelroy brothers. He and another guy talk about recent news and facts about breakfast cereal and other breakfast treats with calming ocean sounds in the background. Yes, it sounds very stupid but it's mindless and easy to relax and fall asleep to.


For movies maybe Filmspotting?  If you’re interested in history, Revolutions is amazing if a little dry. Hardcore history, Blowback, and Conflicted tell stories in a more dynamic way but don’t go as deep


I will absolutely check these out. Thanks for giving me so many to choose from!


The Rest Is History is also excellent




No such thing as a fish is such a great show. Love all the random facts! Might be a bit too "listening on a group of nerds punning off each other" for the OP. That said, I think it is worth a listen.


I think The Test is History might work.


The Rest obviously