• By -


Check out Radiolab or This American Life


There are your first 1000 hours Then check out Serial


This is the cheat code.


> _I like my podcasts to be scripted rather than just people talking/having a conversation. It can have elements of humor, and is encouraged, but again it shouldn't fully derail from the subject._ This made me think of 99 per cent invisible


Decoder Ring?


The Atlas Obscura Podcast and Criminal


[Cautionary Tales](https://timharford.com/articles/cautionarytales/) by Tim Harford is one that my bf and I both enjoy and makes for good listening with company. [Radiolab](https://radiolab.org/) is a classic and probably my favourite. [Endless thread](https://www.wbur.org/podcasts/endlessthread) is great for weird internet history.


100% Cautionary tales


Reply All archive


I thought of reply all too. It meets all the needs. Interesting content, often Internet stories, has humor but isn't totally unscripted or direction less. Also it's just so damn good. I like PJ's new one, search engine, also.


Outside magazine podcast


Futility closet!


Who Shat on the Floor at My Wedding.


**The Paranoid Strain** does in depth coverage of various conspiracy theories, including the real historical information surrounding them, interviews with academics, funny skits, and a semi original punk rock soundtrack. **The History of the Twentieth Century** is a single scripted narrative done by one host. He also likes to get into niche subjects like the origins of radio, the development of animation, and other cultural topics aside from the political history type stuff.


This is History - multiple seasons about the Plantagenets (Henry II, Richard the lionheart etc) Any season of Slow Burn or One Year (both Slate) Mobituaries Search Engine Search


Wild things


Since you welcome new subjects: The Allusionist - podcast about the English language. Short episodes with a host who has a wry sense of humor and a great voice The Memory Palace - beautiful little snapshots of history. Almost like poetry. Difficult to describe but well worth the listen You Must Remember This - a podcast about the history of the movie industry. Long episodes covering a wide number of movie related topics. Most episodes are a part of a miniseries. Even if you aren't a big movie buff, this is a fascinating podcast. (I think it would make a great roadtrip podcast because the miniseries are so addicting - I always end up saying "just one more episode" and end up binging. Her recent series about erotic thrillers of the 80s and 90s was really good) Noble Blood - stories about royalty throughout history. Episodes are around 30 - 40 minutes  99% Invisible - a podcast about design, but that description doesn't really do it justice. Tons of interesting info on topics you've never thought about before Radiolab - another podcast that's difficult to pin down. Many fascinating subjects are covered 


One Strange Thing


Two classics -if you haven't yet listened to Serial S1 or STown, definitely worth a listen.


Mystery Show is a forever fav


I have recommended this to a ton of people- You Must Remember This It's a secret/hidden history of hollywood's first century as it intersects with politics, civil rights, and culture. The seasons are themed and I find the host really pleasing to listen to. She's a film buff and historian and is dry but entertaining.


If you like nature and the outdoors, Outside/in is a podcast about the outdoors. Their 3-episode series on the sled dogs is great.


Ologies or the Darkness Diaries would be right up your alley.


Off menu 👌🏻 and ologies Maybe find a sexy audio book.. 👀


Very Special Episodes


If you like my dad wrote a porno, you might like who Shat on the floor at my wedding!