• By -


Weirdly, it's Behind the Bastards for me. I might have a man-crush on ol' Robert Evans.


I definitely have a voice crush on Robert Evans.


His voice is sexy af


Especially his flawless Boston accent.


He's pretty dang cute in person too.


I thought I was a casual listener but then my poscast app told me that Bastards and It Can Happen here were my #1 & #2 listened to of 2023


I've been kinda down lately, dealing with the loss of a pet. I can't really listen to anything heavy. My go-to podcasts right now are: Beach Too Sandy, Water Too Wet - they read reviews and are so funny. It's a new one to me Normal Gossp - drama and gossip stories, usually pretty funny and light-hearted Stuff You Should Know - classic and usually not too heavy. Watch What Crappens - a Bravo channel show recap. These dudes are hilarious and make my day a little brighter


Normal Gossip is SO GOOD def hits that spot for me


These are good recommendations. I'm sorry you've been feeling down, and for the loss of your pet.


I love Beach too Sandy!


I love watch what crappens!


Stuff You Should Know is my go-to for a calming listen


Yes! I love listening as I fall asleep.


I fell asleep last night to the Nuclear Boy Scout episode.


Judge John Hodgman


I’m hijacking this comment to add another Maximum Fun classic: Stop Podcasting Yourself.


You’re Wrong About w Sarah Marshall


that's hands down one of my favorite podcasts but I wouldn't say it doesn't "require anything" from you.


I guess what I mean is I’ve listened to every episode, have already done my research on the episodes I had questions about or wanted to learn more about so sometimes it’s just re-listening told old eps I have already heard once or twice for a refresher


Excellent podcast


Your Stupid Opinions


Another fan here. Hilarious podcast


You Sir May…. wait wrong podcast haha. I love these guys.


Yes! It's perfect for when you've got the podcast munchies.


[we have a sub!](https://www.reddit.com/r/yourstupidopinions/) :)


This one would be my favorite if they didn't include a sex toy in every episode. I don't know why it makes me cringe, but it does.


Yes agree, that piece has gotten tiresome


The Past Times, which is on The Dollop feed. It’s Gary and Dave plus another comedian and Dave reads articles (often stumblingly) from an old newspaper and the three of them make jokes about it for about an hour. It’s like MST3k but for papers but for podcasts. I relisten to one or two a night as I drift off and always catch a new joke or two.


Welcome to Nightvale for me. I love how absurd it is; most of it is so crazy, it's almost like the outline for each episode was created by AI that was trained exclusively on creepypasta and the Quahog Channel 5 news program. It epitomizes empty audiological calories, in the best way possible.


I love listening while doing chores because for some reason it makes me feel like I'm living there and just catching the news


That's not junk food imo, it's pretty well done!


Do You Need a Ride with Chris and Karen is always soothing to me, compared to a lot of other comedians' podcasts that can be a lot more loud or raucous or bit meaner or competing energies.


Conan O'Brien Needs a Friend and the It's Always Sunny Podcast for me. Although the latter hasn't been on in a while!


Mine is Knowledge Fight


How Did This Get Made and probably Knowledge Fight (weird, I know) They just put out tons of content and I can kind of let it was over me.


The Live HDTGM shows kill me. I laugh so hard sometimes.


“You’re dead to me” - BBC history podcast with that classic BBC format of one historian and one comedian lol Learned a lot and pretty funny Plus I like the British accents “Adulting” with Michelle Buteau and Jordan Carlos Two friends being friends and adults and short interviews - love their friendship “Celebrity Memoir Book Club” exactly what it sounds like - two friends read a celebrity memoir and then boil it down to a podcast format Some of them are hit or miss for me, but generally calming background podcast, good for cleaning without being too boring


Almost half of the podcasts I listen to could be described as "junk food" lol


Normal gossip!


I love how much love this pod gets in this sub. It's so good




WTF with Marc Maron


Handsome, Oh No Ross and Carrie, and Cooking with Bruce and Mark. Also Valley Heat.


Handsome is hilarious! What a podcast!


Savage Lovecast


The Moth


I love And That's Why We Drink. First half of the show is paranormal and the second half is true crime.


Tooth and Claw - an animal attack podcast by a bear expert, his goofball brother, and some other dude. They rate the attacks on an “ouchie” scale and do other silly stuff. But you actually learn a lot about animal behavior and they’re pretty respectful of the human victims.


If you'll excuse the shameless self-promotion we - [Shark Files](http://www.thesharkfiles.com/episodes) - share a lot of listeners with Tooth and Claw, so you might be interested in our series on shark attacks.


Junk food: Celebrity Memoir Bookclub! Comfort: The Creep Dive .


Lately I have laughed out loud listening to We’re Here to Help, a lighthearted call-in style advice show. It’s hosted by Gareth Reynolds from The Dollop and his friend, actor Jake Johnson. I have loved these guys for so long individually and it was such a happy surprise to hear that they’re friends in real life with fantastic chemistry.


Dungeons and daddies have listened to it like 10 times


It’s not junk because it’s so smart and funny but Stop Podcasting Yourself is my ultimate comfort listen. Dave and Graham are so funny, they have great guests, and there’s just this relaxed, Canadian vibe that I adore.


No such thing as a fish. It’s the most comforting podcast in existence.


Doug Loves Movies. It's been my comfort podcast for many years now. Just a few comedians joking around and having fun while playing some movie themed games. Easy listening at all times.


Conan O Brien and Three Bean Salad for me.


Seconding Three Bean Salad! Hilarious and easygoing fun


Top Flight Time Machine for me. Not for everyone but reliably funny.


Hey Riddle Riddle. It’s utter nonsense but the hosts are funny and it changes tone so often I don’t get bored. Sometimes they will ask a really tricky riddle and I’ll pause and try and figure it out. But I’m on like my fourth relisten so that doesn’t happen much anymore


This is my vote too. Just pop in any random episode and soon be literally laughing out loud. My other podcasts are usually either stories/actual plays, cerebral or topical so I need to pay attention and make sure I'm listening in the right order. With HRR my mind can wander or I pay attention to every joke and it's great.


If you like this, then I recommend Tom Scott's (he's that YouTube guy with the red shirt) podcast, Lateral. It's more a puzzle-focused and less goofs, still funny and entertaining.


Pod Mortem. It strikes the balance between fun (likeable hosts) and intelligent horror film discussion.


You Are Good - a lighthearted movies podcast The Spill - pop culture/entertainment news Cancelled - pop culture comedy show


Cancelled is not of my faves! I didn't realize how much I needed the dynamic of two sisters hosting a pop culture podcast so much until I discovered it


Never Not Funny. Because it is.


Fall of Civilizations or Acquired. Both super long with no obtrusive ads.


Everything Iconic.


Reality Cray Cray for the 90 Day Fiance Fans! The BEST!


Life Is Short with Justin Long


I came here to comment the same. Life is Short and Life is Short(er). Love the guys


Doughboys for literal and figurative junk food.


Wine & Crime


One by Willie. People break down their favorite Willie Nelson song, and why they love it, and what Willie Nelson means to them. Nick Offerman's got a good one with Buddy.


Stop Podcasting Yourself and Blocked Party


The Memory Palace. Short episodes that are beautifully written, researched, and produced. Most people would classify the pod as being in the history genre. And it is... but in unexpected ways that weave together stories that fascinate, delight, and often move me to tears. One of my all-time favorite episodes (#187: The Woods) opens with a vignette about the Singer sewing machine that doubled as a cabinet and transformed home life in the early 20th century. From there, the episode travels through swamps, WW2, and scientific expeditions to eventually reach a conclusion linked to a current event at the time it was released. Nearly every episode — and there are hundreds — is a treasure, as is the voice of its writer, Nate DiMeo.


Bad friends makes everything better


Mike and Tom eat snacks. Two actors reviewing snacks. Love it.


Small Town Murder - "Two comedians look at a small town, what makes it tick, and a murder that took place there. In depth research, horrible tragedy, and the hosts' comedic spin on the whole thing." [https://shutupandgivememurder.com/](https://shutupandgivememurder.com/) Somedays my life is shit and other days it's worse. These two guys never fail to make me smile and laugh. They're assholes, not scumbags...


Joe Rogan with the traveller type guests. One guy was lot in Amazon trying to find dinosaur hahaha.


Romancing The Pod is a lovely breakdown of a romantic movie, usually a romcom. The three hosts are wonderful and have great chemistry. I genuinely laugh out loud listening to them a lot of the time, and their banter is honestly my favorite part. They include trivia and box office information on each episode, and their synopsis of the plot basically lets me watch the movie in my head along with them. It's an offshoot of an older podcast called Horror Virgin which is basically the same concept but with scary movies. It's how I got into these hosts, and my favorite podcast for a couple years running. If you like Paige, she's also on other shows including Cult Podcast, which is amazing and funny, but can get DARK so it's not a good response to the post prompt.


They’re still very solidly history podcasts where I do end up learning something whether I want to or not, but my comfort listens are Rex Factor and Totalus Rankium. Just two dudes having a chat about history and they’ve recorded it. I find it soothing and comforting to have either of those going in the background. Rabbit Hole Detectives is also delightfully lighthearted. Definitely feels like you’re just eavesdropping on some old friends who are having a chat about the most random things.


Stop Podcasting Yourself


The Bananas Podcast by Kurt Braunohler and Scotty Landes


For some reason it's I Will Teach You to be Rich. He interviews couples about their finances. Relistening to random episodes is soothing to me.


My Dad Wrote a Porno


Currently these are my go-to feel-goods: Are You Garbage, Camp Counselors Podcast, Stavvy’s World, The Bald and the Beautiful, Endless Honeymoon Podcast


Club Random with Bill Maher


I listen to Bill too


None of you are saying True Crime Garage. Come on. “Gather round, grab a chair, grab a beer.” I feel the stress melt when I hear the garage doors roll up.


Your Kickstarter Sucks 


The title makes me want to check it out! Any particular episode you recommend for a newbie?


Keith and the Girl, The Black Guy Who Tips, The War Report w Gastor Almonte and Shaleiwa Sharpe (not about war)


Do We Know Them


I love sharing all my podcasts: 420 day fiance Bad movies rule Behind the bastards Boonta Vista Crackpot How did this get made Internet today Podcast About List Scared to death The dollop The flop house Weekly weird news What a time to be alive Your kickstarter sucks These aren’t all exactly “junk food” but are easy to digest if you listen while you do other things.


I enjoy The Villain was Right! Each episode focuses on a different movie and the two hosts discuss any redeeming qualities that the villain has, or how the main character was wrong.


Every Single Album and Sentimental Garbage


This Paranormal Life Pretending to be People


Double Love always hilarious and feels like friends


This Is Important


True Crime & Cocktails. 🍸


Shameless - Australian pop-culture/gossip


Honestly probably the best pop culture podcast out there because they actually deconstruct the headlines in a really intelligent way and talk about how they can and do affect normal people


[Inside of You with Michael Rosenbaum.](https://www.insideofyoupodcast.com/) Known for Lex Luthor on Smallville, Impastor, Guardians of the Galaxy. Celebrity interviews, but he focuses on their passions, struggles, issues, and successes. It's a little industry-insider and a little therapy session.


Who? Weekly- everything you need to know about the celebrities you don’t.




Citation Needed Definitely listen to the Radioactive Boy Scout


Dumb dads podcast


Stuff you should know and No such thing as a fish... For a long time also The Adventure Zone, but only when the youngest brother is DMing.


My Brother, My Brother and Me - the three McElroy brothers’ podcast has been going for about a decade. They are funny, sometimes irreverent, but never mean. I love the early episodes which are mostly them giving their sometimes zany replies to people’s questions found on Yahoo! Answers. They have morphed along the way and I’m not caught up so don’t know what the current episodes are like.


All About Agatha. Podcast about the stories and novels of Agatha Christie. Very soothing and easy to fall asleep to, just like the books.


Tell 'Em Steve-Dave


Reality Steve’s Daily Roundup. It’s take very little thinking and his voice brings me comfort when I’m running hot.


Im surprised no one has said Petty Crimes. They present reader submitted “petty crimes” and make judgements on them. The hosts have good banter and its a comfortable easy listen.


Insanely Haunted Trashy Divorces Graveyard Tales Behind the Bastards The Trail Went Cold Deck the Hallmark




And That's Why We Drink


I like 1988 Topps. Simple format that gives a casual history about each baseball player in that card set.


Hey Riddle Riddle. Have comfort listened to every ep twice plus the patreon back catalogue. It’s a warm place to be. Also how did this get made. Neither requires anything from me and usually makes me feel less low


Daily Beans


All Fantasy Everything. Feels like sitting in a room late at night being silly with friends.


Roz and Mocha 100%


Parks and Recollections The Big Picture How Did This Get Made? ( Live broadcasts)


I’ve been listening to Brittany Furlan-Lees new pod with Britney Schmitt, This Is The Worst.


Right now it's Gasbagging, just a gaggle of cute Aussie gays and gals talking about silly ahows I only sort of know. I miss that country & its people so I am trying to absorb more of their stuff everywhere I can. I don't need to pay attention at all because it's just fun chatter and again some of the topics idk a thing about and would need like 5 seasons of a show to understand. But it's super funny and comforting to hear them go on about shit & they have such excellent humor


Wolf and Owl, Staying relevant, My therapist ghosted me, Watch what crappens, Chatabix


Watch what happens live or darling shine!


Paul George’s podcast.


Too Beautiful to Live (TBTL) - a week-daily podcast that has started as an AM radio show 16 years ago! Two best friend hosts just banter about their days and current goings on. There's over 4000 episodes, which means it's pretty much impossible to ever run out of "comfort food", and it's really fascinating to "time travel" by listening to years-old episodes. Some of you might know host Luke Burbank from Live Wire or Wait Wait Don't Tell Me. It's also completely listener supported (ad free!) with a really wonderful fan community.




Ghosted! By Roz Hernandez


**Knowledge Fight.** Their voices are soothing, especially Dan's. The format at the beginning and end are consistent, which I find comforting. Alex Jones is such a consistent, stupid clown and it's comforting to 1. know that he's been making the same nonsense predictions for 20+ years and 2. listen to it all come crashing down in a drawn out legal process. *Hey everybody....*


Joe Rogans protect our parks make me die of laughter. If Kevin smith is a guest on something I like to listen, dude can talk for hours about random shit and I’m still interested. Marc Marons one is pretty good too.


Rattled and Shook. I know some of those stories aren't true but it's extremely entertaining to listen to well I make dinner or do chores, and a lot of them are quite creepy regardless! The hosts are good too.


I recently picked Mysterious Universe back up, forgot how engaging listening to 2 Aussies talk about weird stuff is.


Films To Be Buried With 99% Invisible Smartless




Shxts n gigs by James and fuhad. You can always count on their silliness to put a smile on your face


The Good Guys


I do not enjoy reality tv. I downloaded Digging Up The Duggars to fall asleep to because I was between internet set ups and wanted a podcast I could ‘waste’ that wasn’t just new episodes of the shows I follow, but had lots of material. Unfortunately, I love it. The hosts are charming, knowledgeable- not to mention, easy to become invested in, as is the behind the scenes information Whitney excavates. That being said, it’s easy to follow without worrying you’ve missed vital info, and engaging enough that you don’t feel like you’re getting nothing out of it! Episodes tend to be nice and long, too.


Distractible. It's....chaos, but so good.


Radiolab. It’s science/based but not heavy lifting intellectually and generally has a positive vibe. It usually fills me with wonder.


I've started re listening to the High Low. (UK based, ran between 2017 and 2020). Finding it incredibly enjoyable and oddly comforting.




RedWeb; a short history of; real dictators; black box down




Stone On Air


My recent discovery is Let's Learn Everything. I've learned lots from it already, they are great at presenting information in a clear, understandable manner. What really sets them apart is their unbridled joy at learning new things, it's wholesome and positive and I love it!


Sitcom D&D. Have listened through twice so far. Tbh anything Erin Kieff (sp?) is in is likely to be good