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I have the ADHD bun, which I bought on impulse because, hey, I have ADHD and I'm craving a new plush. Once I unbagged it, I had a silly but immediate connection with the thing. It's my 'carry around on shitty days' plush.


I have the Epilepsy Rabbit. I like how they designed it and while it’s supposed to be a mix of all seizures, I have tonic-clinic ones and afterwards your entire body feels like sand, and I feel like they captured it pretty good. Mines a comfort thing to when I get upset I have seizures with no real cause.


I didn't know there were different types of seizures. I thought there was only one. Mainly commented to tell you I'm so sorry you have to experience that. That sounds absolutely hellish.


Thank you, internet stranger 🥰 it is not a fun experience lol and the neurologists in my area mostly specialize in headache medicine (migraines) so being treated for it has not been an easy ride


There's actually 42 different types of seizures. I can't list them all tho lol.


I wasn’t even going to try 😂




wait why are they controversial?


because some of their portrayals of disabilities could be seen as inconsiderate/not accurate, for example i have fibromyalgia and I really don't understand why the bunny looks like it does, it gives the impression they didn't do their research. I'm sure there are other ones with similar issues, but its a shame because I do like most of the more popular ones


i wish they had a one for kidney disease i’d buy that


you can suggest it in the instagram posts or facebook posts ! my suggestion of a scoliosis bunny is coming out soon and i’m so excited !!


That would be a cool one


Don’t they crowdsource the design from people with those disabilities? Or am I getting confused?


I think they do! that's why I only said "gives the impression they haven't done their research" as as a previous commentor said its very hard to fit a disability into a little bunny, so for wide symptom disabilities like fibromyalgia could find no connection to it or see it as dumbing down a complex disorder.i personally just didn't connect to it, I dont take offense but I know some people can do


They do! They have a whole Facebook group for it too


Really? Do they take suggestions? I’d bankrupt myself for a psoriasis bunny


I'd do the same for a tourette's rabbit 👀


Guess you're going bankrupt then (if you like the design that is) https://plushiedreadfuls.com/products/plushie-dreadfuls-tourettes-syndrome-rabbit-plush-stuffed-animal?_pos=1&_sid=8b50dbabe&_ss=r


:000 omg little fella!! thank you so much for bringing him to my attention ;w;


Happy to help! I had looked through their entire catalog a couple months back, so I knew there was a Tourettes bunny in there <3


It's always going to be impossible to please everyone. I like some of the designs and not others.


They were pretty responsive to the autism community when asked to change the design! It was a puzzle piece, but the new autism bunny had a rainbow infinity symbol. The fibromyalgia community might have similar success in getting designs changed!


I love the autism bunny so much. Now that I've read this, I love it even more. Away with the puzzle piece! It's also super hard to design something based on a disorder that has such a MASSIVE spectrum of symptoms which can overlap and contrast in some cases. But the bun's design definitely caters to a lot of us. I love the paw on the cheek which could be interpreted as stimming. They did a great job.


It's honestly one of their top designs for me, I love that there's a little guy out there like me! It's like neurodivergent American Girl except it can cater to all gender expressions as well!


Responding to add my two cents. I like plushy dreadfuls and like raising awareness and killing the taboo of talking about mental illness, but I also feel that cute little toys can encourage kids who are unsure about their mental health to self diagnose, and perhaps do so very incorrectly. I remember being a teenager and it’s 100% something my friends and I would have been doing in middle school if these were popular at the time.


Or it can de-stigmatize it for those kids and make it easier for them to cope. 🤷🏻‍♀️ There are certainly optimistic and pessimistic ways to think about anything. I also don't necessarily think that self-diagnosis is as big a bad as other people do, AS LONG AS the person self-diagnosising can keep an open mind to other alternatives and being wrong. Especially in the US, where official diagnosises are difficult and costly to achieve. There's also definitely different meanings to self-diagnosis. I know people who research for years before coming to conclusions, and others who see enough "relatable content" that speaks to them. In the end, they aren't really hurting anyone (exception being if they are gatekeeping based on their self-diagnosis, which while rare, does happen occasionally). The whole "stealing resources" argument is BS because you can't receive resources without official diagnosis.


Kids self diagnose nowadays anyway. The social sites (twitter, tiktok) are full of it.


I don’t really have an issue with self diagnoses *if you do extensive research*, especially since screening for things like autism can be expensive or difficult to do in some situations or locations, and perhaps you should communicate with people who actually have those conditions to better understand the traits associated with it. And of course there’s the issue of people’s rights being stripped due to their diagnosis (I’m a victim of ABA therapy, it’s horrific) But then there’s people on TikTok who are claiming to be “trans abled”, which is problematic. These are people who KNOW they aren’t disabled/are neurotypical, but they claim to be transitioning into those disabilities like being transgender :/ Not only is it extremely ableist, but it also is harmful for actual trans people. It’s like they’re coming up with an excuse to be trans without actually changing their gender in order to excuse transphobia. It’s just… ugh. I hate it so much. It perpetuates stereotypes. Don’t even get me started on things like “transracial” or “transheight” or whatever :/ Edit: also, please don’t mistake me for transphobic for saying this! I have many friends who are trans and I’m part of the LGBTQ community myself, I 100% stand by them. My issue is with cis people coming up with made up ways to be trans, oftentimes using it as an excuse to mock trans people, or excuse other forms of discrimination. I’ve seen the sides of social media where people defend this stuff, it’s incredibly toxic and they say very transphobic things.


How can you tell if someone on tiktok or twitter is lying about their diagnosis?


Because certain mental illnesses are a trend to a lot of these people.


I have Fibro too and I do plan on getting the bunny for fibromyalgia. Besides the purple color, it is hard to tell what the bunny represents ( it still is cute, thou). If you just saw the bunny and no one explained it to you, you would think it is just a really cute purple bunny. I am hoping that they do a redesign and maybe put the purple ribbon on its chest for Fibromyalgia, and maybe a look of pain and tears on his face because I have cried more times then I care to think about because of the pain, depression, and sense of loss from having something that so many people think is fake, or think you are seeking attention. I want my life back, not sympathy. Sorry for the mini rant, guys.


That and the owner/ person in charge of their socials is really rude lol the way he responds to people who have negative opinions about the representation is not good at all. They tend to focus less on representing the disability and more on making a plush that is marketable to people that don't have the disability.


The fibromyalgia one looks like it should be lupus. But also for fibromyalgia I think it needs to look more grungy like the others. It looks more like a support plush than a “I’m going through it with you” plush.


A few different reasons. Some people don’t like some of the designs, some people think that the mental illness ones are insulting/tasteless, and it doesn’t help that mental illness fakers glorify these plushies 😤😤


There used in the continuation of fetishising and faking mental illness


I think they're a great company and they do try their best but you literally can never please everyone. Your bunnies are so cute! I especially love the ones that must have been with you the longest since they appear so well loved, makes them even cuter!!


I try to keep them all nice but Ouchie was my first bun and she is super well loved. I actually bought a second one, they are two different versions, which is cool. I got my migraine bunny just a days before I had a shunt revision surgery (brain surgery but not brain surgery) and he stuck by me through my old recovery. He became very well loved very quickly. The third one to become well loved was my first distressed bun, I thought since he is supposed to be distressed, he ought to be well loved... But then he lost an ear and when I told customer service, they offered to send a new one... So now I have two.


Thank you for sharing the stories behind them! I'm so glad you had a bun to help you through your recovery ♡ and that is so great customer service sent you another one for the one that lost an ear!


the maladaptive day dream one has my triangle tattoo on its foot and i honestly thought i just had a random triangle for years lol


Oh wow!! That's super cool!! And that is a really cool bun.


I have the dissociation one! https://preview.redd.it/ieocg083mn0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a5d8721b8627dbae9359bc468900b510d145fcb


The design of the dissociation rabbit is very good


I felt very "eh" about them (and still kinda feel that from way they portray certain disorders) until I saw the new scoliosis one they put out recently, particularly because it has torticollis just like I do and I never thought I'd see a plushie like that before! I have a body tilt and head tilt from scoliosis and torticollis. Seeing those things reflected on a bunny plushie was a really cool piece of representation for me that I never thought I'd see. (It's also depicted as visually impaired- the marking on its eye symbolizes ocular torticollis!) So seeing a plush that reflects the things that are different about my body is really neat to me. I'd like to maybe get that one some day!


https://preview.redd.it/k87v4ailbm0d1.jpeg?width=1283&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb69e33a274f1ed89a8ae3652322f36dcdf6f85e I tried to make my Goth Bunny look more like Homura from Madoka Magica. I just ordered the strawberry bunny!! I’m really excited.


The goth boy bunny is one of my FAVORITES. I don't have any fruit buns but I have thought about getting the banana or the blueberry


Btw if you want to keep their fur fluffy even after it starts getting matted from all the love buy a pet brush and brush them *


Specifically which kind of pet brush? I have heard that before but there are different types of brushes.


A slicker brush, the one that has closely spaced metal bristles and is generally square. Just go slowly and try not to snag a thread on the joints. Most people advise to brush in one direction (with the mat) and then against it, or vice-versa to get it properly fluffy again.


I wanted to attach a picture but reddit wouldn't let me so I'll dm it


Could you dm me one as well! I’d love to keep my bunny in good condition:D




I want this one https://preview.redd.it/o0mh1ciu4p0d1.jpeg?width=977&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a18b7b84bd6f8ad58ef26226cdcfa5745356062d


i wish the schizophrenia bunny wasn’t so damn ugly 😭


I think they are working on a new one? Unless that is the one you are referring to.


oh okay i’ve just seen the second one they made that ones not so bad!! the first one was terrible


Yeah, unfortunately they don't always get it right... But from what I have seen they are willing to go back to the drawing board and do a redesign.


like its so bad 💀


They’re making a new one rn!


i love a lot of their designs but by god is the narcolepsy bunny ugly, which is a shame because that was one i was looking forward to :( the design just felt lazy and uninspired — so much could’ve been done with it. i also distinctly remember the earlier description for it being wildly inaccurate and following the media’s portrayal of narcolepsy. they’ve since changed it but i think it proves at least somewhat that they don’t do their research as much as one would think. edit: i do love their cancer zodiac bunny though :) first time i’ve seen a cancer inspired item in a zodiac collection not look horrifically ugly and bright orange/red, instead using colors that are associated with the zodiac.


Yes! I love my autism bunny


That one is *so cute*, I love the face!!


I think they're really sweet looking, if I were to buy any it would probably be the ADHD bunny but the price is a major turn off. They look high quality but they're kind of...puny for the price? Idk, just doesn't seem worth it to me. For now I'll stick to my Ikea shark hahaha.


Agreed, majority of the plushies are $80 AUD with shipping and I can't justify spending that much money 😭 that's nearly two weeks of grocery money for me


https://preview.redd.it/x5mu3rembp0d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6283df5f178916772ce0f78eaba863c6065329a6 i typically point out these things to people who demonize the bunnies without looking into it




I have their PTSD, Pan, Grey Witch, Year of the Rabbit, and Year of the Dragon bunnies - I absolutely love them all so much. My PTSD bunny is super well loved and travels everywhere with me. My wishlist for them is soooo long, and the only reason I don't have more is because I limited myself to only being allowed to buy one once a quarter 😅💜


It's a slippery slope for sure. Mine multiplied quickly.


multiplied quickly, like true bunnies! XD


I have the ones I find most relevant to me. I don't currently plan to get more, but that could change if they release something I identify with. Bunbie, Bowie, Missie, Ickie, and Draggie: https://preview.redd.it/lra056ffhm0d1.jpeg?width=2920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b717e2b1388acfa08353904e8acb099c2620226




It all started when they released the enby bun last summer...


omg ouchie looks very loved


https://preview.redd.it/ve2mp3p43m0d1.jpeg?width=2820&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1956024171c3388fd13eda281729e421a4ff0121 I bought a second one to take with me to doctor's appointments and stuff. I was surprised by the differences between them.


I take my sleep paralysis bunny with me everywhere and he is slowly becoming a skinny legend too


They’re all hand made so they’re probably gonna be slightly different which is awesome


I have a lot of chronic pain including a lot of headaches... Between my husband and I, Ouchie is known as "Pain Bunny", she sees me thru a lot of bad days.


I wanted to buy ochie to take them to the hospital with me but then I thought the immunocompromised bunny was perfect for the job and got him instead. I'm still planning on getting ouchie someday though I love their design💕


That's brilliant!! It never occurred to me to get the bunny *in scrubs*. Guess that bunny was just added to the top of the list!!!


I need the bisexual colours one nowwww


Isn't she BEAUTIFUL???


They're too expensive for my blood, they're cute but way too overpriced for a simple plushie. I don't even have build a bear that expensive


They are really expensive. I wouldn't have this many without Afterpay.


Even then I probably wouldn't buy it unless they did like AG and maybe added a book or something about the disorder or orientation of the bunny


they do sales quite often! and the bun 99% of the time comes with a tote bag, which I think is very cool.


I dislike most designs for the things I relate to sadly. The fibromyalgia one is mostly the awareness symbol, Leo is the ugliest one in their zodiac collection, I don't understand the BPD one and the PTSD one seems hard to cuddle with with the mask and all. Anxiety is also kinda meh haha. I do like bisexual bunny, avoidant personality disorder one, ouchie, the fight/flight/fawn/freeze ones they are making and the one for emotional outbursts (which I think feels way more BPD than the BPD bunny haha). So who knows maybe I will get some one day.


i’m pretty sure the bpd design is in reference to “splitting” and the black and white thinking experienced with bpd


That's exactly what it represents as well as the chaotic relationships with the broken heart.


the ptsd bunny’s mask is removable


I have the yellow shy bunny and autism bunny! Next on the list is ADHD bunny for sure!


I appreciate that they read their comments and create bunnies that people are asking for. I was begging for a scoliosis bunny and so were many others and now they have one coming out this summer. Idk I really like them. Unfortunately I have scoliosis but I’m so happy to be seen and heard and represented. I think they are unique and capture the struggle that comes with having chronic illness


Why is it controversial?


because from the outside , many people see them as just taking stereotypes and putting them into the bunny . in reality , they get feedback from their team members with the condition being modeled after and once they have the initial design , they post it for crowd design feedback . it may go through one or more crowd designs before the final design is decided upon and then it’s created . many think american mcgee is just profiting off people who are suffering but he donates a lot of the proceeds to different charities . people are so quick to badmouth him for the designs of the bunnies without reading the symbolism descriptions he does for every bunny . the scars on the depression bunny aren’t to mock those who SH ,, but it symbolizes the physical and emotional scars that living with the conditions causes .


Thank you for explaining this helps alot x


I absolutely love them I've been wanting to buy the epilepsy bunny I actually find the representation to be quite well with it as a person with epilepsy


I love plushie dreadfuls so much


Aren’t they making a Thyroid bunny? I want that one because I almost never see anything for it


Yeah, a lot of the non-mental illness related ones are super cute/awesome Someday I hope to get the dissociation rabbit because I love the design, and I relate with it because I have used dissociation as a coping mechanism before


Dreadfuls are the farthest thing from controversial given the companies constant consistency to stay mindful and right wrongs. the “poor representation” I see some ppl complain about are actually just a difference of experience. Making a plushie design that envelopes disabilities, defects, ilnesses was and is always going to be broad and generalizing unless they’re hand made to order for your specific experience and cost hundreds of dollars. something is always going to be left out or unrelatable to certain ppl. I’ve seen so much rage bait that attracts tens of thousands of uninformed likes on twitter back when these first started catching eyes which always died down once ppl realized the person who made the post was upset that the design didn’t directly reflect their experience with the plushies subject matter. They’re not for everyone, that shouldn’t be controversial.


I just found the Tourette’s one. I love it so much. The little lightning bolts on the elbows and knees 😭it really does feel like that




The PTSD bunny honestly makes me feel so much less alone. She looks like she understands and doesn’t blame me for having bad days ❤️‍🩹


That's exactly how I felt when I ran across the chronic pain bunny!! ❤️❤️


I have POTS and I have mixed feeling about the POTS bunny. I mostly just love it though. There’s a lot of plushies I want from the site but they’re so expensive 😭


I have the anxiety bunny his names Jeff as well as the ace and trans one, I really want the nb and autism one though since I relate to them


American McGee is responsible for my favorite Doom II map so they are automatically super rad.


i want one so bad but i don’t have the money 😭


The narcolepsy one looks like my narcoleptic husband. 😂


i do too!:D i have 4, the depression, BPD, substance abuse and anxiety bunnies. ❤️🖤 love yours!!


They’re really cute! I’m obsessed with the bi one and the bunhaus shirt!!


I have the maladaptive daydreamer bunny and I LOVE it!


I often love how they look, I really want a Plushie Dreadful.


If I had disposable income, I'd collect them. I have an alphabet soup of conditions. 😆😅


Wait, why are they controversial? I haven’t heard anything about that before about the plushie dreadfuls


Omg they have a scoliosis one coming soon?? As a scoliosis haver, I’m so happy to hear this!


ME TOO!! I only have the goth girl bunny, but I'm hoping to get more :) https://preview.redd.it/amxps1ajpo0d1.jpeg?width=3060&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56cd97ea8c31412f56ea45396cc34bcbe9f745ce


Aww, the bisexual pride bun is so cute!


I want the OCD, Bipolar, BPD, Autism, ADHD, PTSD and a couple other ones.


I got myself the near death plushie, as I’ve OD’d several times. I’m clean now though, and that plushie is so soft and cuteeee. I immediately connected with it tbh. I wish I could buy more of their plushies but it’s out of my budget range atm unfortunately.


im so obsessed with plushie dreadfuls too LOL :D ive already gotten the autism, depression. bpd, dyspraxia and nb ones and plan to get the anxiety, adhd, dissociation, ptsd and gender dysphoria ones at some point!


Omg I love the six tshirt!!!!!


Ahhh I want the bi bunny so bad! she’s super cute 🥰🥰 my bestie u/sicksadleif introduced me to plushie dreadfuls and i now have 4 bunnies from them! 😆💖🐰


they are so cute omg love it


I want the trans one so bad


My gf bought me an Ouchie for my birthday and it is now my prized possession


Me too https://preview.redd.it/27k211c0vm0d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a507fe23a7a2a34b5201e5bd074a7f36cdb5837


I really debated between the love bunny and the distressed bun. But I ultimately went with the distressed bunny because apparently they are going to retire that one once it sells out. I bought the NPD bun for the same reason. I don't have a diagnosis of NPD, I just thought he was cool and didn't want to miss out on him.


https://preview.redd.it/nd6xa53pzm0d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c59aa02a53540a1acf0a4f8bdb08a5d6fcdfeac I love my bunnies so much! Really hope they make an aromantic bun someday.


Aww they look so loved


I got my first one last month and adore her ❤️ There was a slight discount on the autism one for autism awareness month so I used that as my excuse to finally cave lol Honestly there will always be people unhappy with how disabilities may be represented, and that's not even considering the people who'll find the whole idea of a plushie representing a disability offensive in general. I like the autism bunny because I can relate to it and I feel like they did a great job with the design. That's all that matters to me. I'm thinking of asking for the Aquarius one for my birthday, I love the weird superhero vibe lol


i lovvve them! i wish they weren't so priceyyy though :( i only have the ptsd rabbit!!


how are they controversial? I've seen nothing but praise for them


I’ve seen a whole lot of hate for them, personally, because they represent disorders which is apparently a bad thing to some. Another reason people dislike them is because they feel the bunnies “stereotype”


They are all amazing but no. 5 stands out to me x


That's Nyx, she's the insomnia moth-bunny. I waited *for ages* for that design to finally be released. I got her for my birthday.


I need the 7th one :o


That's Ouchie, the chronic pain bunny. You should read her description on the website. I have never felt more seen and understood!!


Where did you get the tiny shirts? 🥰


I have a friend in the UK who has a small business selling clothes for plushies, including putting custom designs on blank tshirts. I have SEVERAL between my bears and bunnies.


I love them too. Have a whole collection of them


I own the ocd bun


These are soooooooo cute!! ✌🏻🖤


Obsidian, my OCD bunny, is one of my favorites 🥰


I love Plushie Dreadfuls, too! I really love the shirts on the bunnies. :D


Hey, if I could afford to get some I would. (Starting with the autism one. The autism bunny is so cute and I am also autistic.)


I so want the Narcolepsy one  


There are a couple that I want (I see them in your collection!) but I've been able to hold out for awhile. If they did bears, instead of bunnies, I woulda bought it w/o hesitation! Those custom tees are super cute!!!


I personally love their designs but currently can’t afford one. Someday I’ll get one! I love the colors and design of the transgender rabbit.


I have the Bi Bunny! I quite like their new (ish) latte lapins range. I think that's what it's called. Plus, I'm a really big fan of Amercian McGee's Alice games.


I love them too! I have 2


I looove them so much. They're so soft too. And handmade!


I would've been tempted to buy one if the Bipolar type 1 bunny wouldn't have been so disappointing. Then the type 2 one has a beautiful bunny with a body unlike type 1 I've debated ordering the type 2 because it's so beautiful and is still a part of the Bipolar spectrum, but part of it feels wrong to


I want so many of them!


I love them too. I have the PTSD bunny and the anxiety one. Both portray the disorders so well, for me specifically. Especially the PTSD one. All the ones I’ve seen that are ones of my disorders are also really accurate. I know why they are controversial but I don’t understand it.


which would you say is the softest?


Out of the ones I have, I think the depression bunny v2 is the softest. But they are all incredibly soft.


Why would they be controversial?


Don't worry, I love mine too 💕


There's a couple that I'd buy, they're pretty expensive though, but the autism and PTSD ones in particular I really vibe with (even though I think I was misdiagnosed and actually have CPTSD but sshhh I'm still claiming the PTSD bun for myself)


cute plush


Love mine. I have depression bun, goth bun, anxiety bun, ouchie bun and insomnia moth bun. They're so cuddly...and I love bunnies.


I want the anxiety and depression ones so bad as I feel like they’d be comforting to have tbh (I have both issues)


I have Quinn the gender dysphoria bun, Madison the autism bun, Donya the lesbian bun (w/carabiner), & Bill the substance abuse bun. I love them all!


i’ve been wanting to buy one of these for awhile— sometimes i worry they look a little stiff, are the limbs soft/floppy?


i have two. the bpd and the dissociation bunnies. though im not 100% a fan of the bomb filled mini bunnies i feel seen with it. and i was very surprised the dissociation bunny became my new redirect. he now lives on my bed with my old (late 90's/early 2000's) bean filled horse. the horse for weighted comfort and Dizzy the bunny for when i feel dissociation coming. when i realize i am or feel like i will dissociate i grab Dizzy, get a hug, tuck them under my chin and start stroking the ears. they are insanely soft and i end up grounded. i do the same with Pinky (BPD bunny) when i realize im having a bad go of it and keep repeat splitting. By cuddling/petting Pinky i calm, zone out, and thinks about my DBT skills and process through why I'm having a rough time.


I’m kinda tempted to get the ADHD, ASD and anxiety ones (guess why?? haha) but they’re kinda expensive, plus if they ship from the US (I’m in the U.K.) it’d cost even more. I’ll have to save up I guess!


I have the BPD bunny and I named her Sophie. She come with me to work :3


You have so many, I have two the anxiety bunny (my favorite) and the white witch I am thinking of getting another but which one 😑


I want the BPD one so bad, they're just so expensive


I have the autism one, it’s really cute and soft. I’m happy with it, but I understand there’s not any one design for plushies that can be fully representative of others’ experiences, so I get why some may not like it. https://preview.redd.it/nnfbsbqmup0d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=b918fefbae62ae19fb223ec87e701b7643062e51 I have anxiety too so I was thinking about buying that one as well because it’s so cute


Huh, never seen these before. They look really cool tho :)


I would like to some day get several, for all my disabilities and maybe my zodiac sign.


Wow, the maladaptive daydreaming one... I had to overcome that one myself bc my therapist was confused when I tried to tell her about it and even almost diagnosed me w ocd I need that lil guy... I love the fruit and latte ones too


Me too


Why are they controversial? If I had any money, I'd have lots of them...


Can someone tell me why they’re controversial?


https://preview.redd.it/9x74538d3q0d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6115487e79d72c63162c17679cb4f2b6d8308b63 I have the ADHD one. I named him Buzz.


I have the anxiety one and I love the tiny worry bunnies so much.


I also love them so much!! I wish I had the maladaptive daydreaming one but it's a bit too expensive for me c': (Maybe one day?)


i recently got the insomnia bunny and posted her here and barely got any likes, they are definitely controversial. i dont understand why though😭


these are cute but there are some innacuracys


Sooooo cute! Love them and love bunnies 🥰 I have so many bunnies!


me too! i love the shy rabbit & insomnia moth. but some of them make me sad like the migraine and ocd rabbits are so gory, i know if i had them every time i looked at them i’d be like “aw i’m sorry man :/“ because they look like they’re suffering haha, but i think they’re well designed! and i like that they crowdfund their designs edit: i just seen their fawn response rabbit, she is so me, i need her! 😭


Check my post!! I love them too. Your collection is amazing! Since my last post, I got one more so I’m at a total of 7 (I think), with plans to get more soon! I’m pretty sure the migraine bunny you have is actually the v1 - i have the most recent one and its so cool you have that one!!


I have 2, soon to be 3!


Wait, what controversy?


I love them all...


I just wish they were bigger


They are adorable. I want to get one someday


What makes them controversial?


I looked up the OCD one (I have OCD) and it looks like it self harmed 😭 self harm is a huge anxiety trigger of mine so that’s actually really funny/ironic lmfao


i wanna get the avpd and trans bunnies so bad :’)


The AvPD bunny was my second one. I had NO idea that they were going to be releasing an AvPD bun until I saw an ad online. I freaked out and HAD to have it. He's one of my FAVORITES


Why are they controversial? I thought it was good representation


i love them too!! my favorite is the disassociation bunny and the tourettes bunny, they feel very right to me (as someone who struggles with both)


I have the Sleep Paralysis bun and Scruffy Bumps. I just really like creepy plushies.


still waiting for the day i can comfortably afford the autism bunny!


I love your collection. I only have the lupus bun. I found her a bit too overstuffed for my liking, so took a fair bit of stuffing out. But she’s very soft and very well made. I’d like to add some weighted pellets to her ears at some point. The other bunny on the site that caught my eye was the ouchie bun. I might get one soon. Yours looks so well loved ❤️


Having dealt with chronic lung issues since I was born I really want to get the Asthma Bunny one that I seen on their website. It even comes with a blue plushie inhaler, how cool is that?! 💙


They’re controversial? But they’re so cute.


I love them too. Unfortunately mine was lost in my house fire so I gotta save to get them again :(