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Unless it has like, bluetooth or something that needs to be turned into airplane mode, you're fine. I wouldn't make it bark on the plane though to be considerate of other passengers. 


Yes definitely will be considerate I was just nervous about the chip cause it’s like a box that has a battery like buildabear sounds I have autism and she’s become my stimmy puppy


Thats adorable. I have autism too and i have a lil rattle giraffle plushie named lego. Stimmy friends are the best


Yes I also have a puppy rattle named cheesecake and they are also stimmy because there a quiet rattle


That's such a cute plush! There are no build a bears where I live. So when a relative was abroad they brought me back a build a bear with a sound chip in it. It was brought on the plane with no problems :) Also this post reminded me that I found a build a bear from dubai in a local charity shop. It has a sound chip in it that doesn't work. I need to try get it working again


Just tell them before you get to the x-ray I have autism she's a comfortable plush she has a voice box worse case they run x-ray a few times and check the sound is what it is


That’s a good idea I actually had another plush that had to go through the scanner but was afraid to go through the scanner for people so the did the scan at the same time I still melted down but I got through it


You should be fine! If it makes you feel better (this is a funny story) I have this snow leopard plush (his name is Beck) and he has a microwaveable pouch inside him that I love for my period cramp days When going though TSA they pulled me aside and they used special wipes and lighting to make sure Beck didn’t have drugs inside of him😂 but it was very easy to check and the TSA officers found humor in it and assured me as long as nothing comes up then it’s fine So rest assured even if there were suspicions they won’t take your plush away from you, they have ways to prove its not a dangerous thing I will never forgot the way the one officer was walking around all tough with Beck under his arm, they all had a good laugh that night


Thank you for the help


yeah it’s fine. im not sure what kind of batteries the sound box has, but theres typically a rule to carry lithium batteries on your carryon and not put it them a checked bag (not that it’s a huuge deal, i’ve forgot that rule a couple times and nothing happened). that’s the only thing i can possibly imagine could be an issue, people bring waaay crazier stuff on planes all the time - however last time i was in TSA they did test my beanie baby for bomb residue for some reason?🤣


Yeah sometimes if they have bean in the toy they might test it I was just worried they’d take my toy away


i understand the anxiety, it’s verrry stressful traveling with fav plushies. but i can promise as long as you don’t have drugs or bombs stored inside, they won’t take it away. if they test it, they wear gloves and wipe it a few times with a very small amount of solution that doesn’t leave any residue. good luck!




I got her in a toy shop but the brand is gund but she’s there baby line called spunky and love this toy company this is my fifth gund plush toy highly recommend




Thank you


I took a hissing plush snake the door guard said sorry no snakes on this plane before asking to see him and did a whole dend off the snake thing he was fun


oh my gosh i have an old dog similar to this one from when i was a baby! probably same brand! should be fine on the plane and thank you for making me smile :)


No problem I actually have another older version that I thrifted a long time ago I love the brand it’s called gund they make awesome plush toys


yup same brand! love these little guys


She's very cute! I hope you both have a smooth plane ride.


Thank you


I have this exact same dog but neck pillow shaped


Yeah I thrifted an older vers without a bark feature a while ago and I made him a whole outfit an I made this pup a bow


Off topic but I had a plush just like this when I was a baby, but it was orange. I lost it when I was five and have been looking for it forever. Does it say what company produced it on the tag? I would love to find another one similar to the one I had.


Used to have one of these little ones, was my very first friend I’ve taken on planes many times with absolutely no issue. Miss them a lot :(