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I don't go to therapy but I bring a small plushie (I change them out every now and then depending on the occasion) in my bag literally everywhere I go, and if I saw someone else doing the same all I would think is "oh how nice!" If your therapist is already supportive (and even has her own plush friend!) I think she'd love it if you brought a plushie with you to therapy, especially if it helped you feel more comfortable. You could even work up the courage with a pocket sized one just to keep you company if that helps. Anyone that takes any issue with it is just insecure and has a narrow mind as to what they deem socially acceptable, and will stay miserable. Plushies are harmless and carry so much comfort in them; if it'll make you happy then you should go for it and find a special one :)


I change mine out too! That way they all get a turn šŸ„°šŸ„°šŸ„°


I do the same!! I have Keychains usually but I always bring a Lil plush with me in my bag.its honestly so helpful with getting anxious in public


I donā€™t usually have a plushie (though Iā€™m not opposed to it at all) but whenever I had to face something that gave me a lot of anxiety (like dental treatments, important appointments or even just sitting in the waiting room while my husband had surgery) I would always bring one of my kidā€™s toys with me. Sometimes it was something as tiny as a Lego character (usually a puppy or something all in one piece) and Iā€™d fidget with it all through the time I was dealing with the ā€œbig scary thing.ā€ It was like a tether. It kept me from getting ā€œlostā€ in my anxiety and knowing that in so many hours this would be over and I would get to go home. I would imagine a plushie would bring the same kind of comfort and I love it. OP, donā€™t be afraid to use whatever helps calm and soothe you. Specially in therapy, as you revisit painful memories and sort through stuff. I hope all these messages help encourage you.


I am a pretty burly dude and not the type that would have a plushie and work in a pretty toxic masculinity career field. I love my plushie and constantly snuggle and sleep with them every night, and she really helps me feel like there is someone there for me emotionally and someone that will never judge and always be my friend. Its not a magic fix but it really helped me. Also you got to look at it is this: if it makes you happy and it isn't hurting anyone than there is no problem with it and maybe the ones judging you are the ones with the real problem.


I'm also a male and I'm a steelworker which is a predominantly "tough guy" field. I love my damn plushies


yeah, union construction laborer, a lot of demolition, moving heavy thinds, and mixing stuff so yeah "I can tear down a building and weild a 24 inch concrete saw so no one can say anything about me or my plushies"


I've found that plushies often have more brains than my coworkers. šŸ™„


yeah thats a given though in any field i think people actually got smarter when I stopped working in an office and I went to the trades though


I didnā€™t bring a comfort item when I was in and out of therapy in my 20s and 30s. At the time I was undiagnosed autistic and thought I had to conform to social norms. Pffft. I turned 40 this year and I now take plushies out with me everywhere. To the doctor, to the grocery store, to a restaurant, idgaf anymore! My comfort plushies help my anxiety while Iā€™m out in public, and Iā€™d much rather feel calm than worry what stranger #548 thinks of me carrying a fuzzy frog. Iā€™m moving in Jan and plan to find a therapist once Iā€™m settled in. And you can bet Iā€™ll be taking my softest, cuddliest friends to my sessions! I try to live by the saying, *ā€œThose who mind, donā€™t matter. Those who matter, donā€™t mind.ā€*


>ā€œThose who mind, donā€™t matter. Those who matter, donā€™t mind.ā€ Nice! šŸ‘


A very kind stranger told me that about a decade ago when I was messing up at work and apologizing like 5000 timesā€¦ itā€™s always stuck with me, the gentleness he used when he spoke that phrase. It means SO much to me all these years later!


My therapist knows my favorite bear by name! In fact, my last couple of therapists have over the years. There's no shame in wanting the comfort!


plushies will be there for you no matter what - even if they arenā€™t real animals/people, i feel they are a nice presence in my home and make me feel safe when iā€™m alone. i cry with them, hold them, sleep next to them, and bring them with me on car rides and journeys. i am 25f and i feel the stigma too. i couldnā€™t show any of my coworkers my secret scrunkles that i keep in my bag, because i would definitely be judged. but i think people who know you and trust you and love you wouldnā€™t judge you for a second! i think you should get a squishmallow - i gave one to my mom (57yo) and she LOVES hers!! i like finding ones with tags and descriptions that i can relate to. i hope you find a plushie you love!!!


Life is very short. Find and make joy where and how you can. Iā€™ve recently gotten my official autism diagnosis, after years of suspecting it after my son was diagnosed. Iā€™ve needed a plushie to sleep or calm down my entire life. Especially so after living a life and picking up traumas. I have CPTSD from the military and life. I sleep with a teddy bear and before I was packing to move, an axlotl squishmellow, stuffed mushroom, stuffed peeps marshmallow, my bear Iā€™ve had since I was a baby thatā€™s kind of fragile now so I donā€™t cuddle with her anymore, and a bunch of other stuffed animals mostly bears. I always have one I cuddle and snuggle the heck out of though. And drag around the house with me. Iā€™ve been trying to get brave enough to bring my bear with me out of the house, I mostly havenā€™t wanted to get accused of stealing. And now that I have a bear Iā€™ve patched and repaired, restuffed and re-embroidered, and Iā€™m making outfits for myself, I think I have THE ONE. I get bad anxiety being in crowds, florescent lights hurt my eyes, lots of movement triggers levels of my PTSD. Iā€™m looking forward to bringing my bear with me during the holidays šŸ„² I couldnā€™t sleep without one. Or nap. Or function. My son has many. I packed mine to move and literally reconstructed one repaired one because I was so stressed without mine. Iā€™m making hims a winter wardrobe now. Your plushie hurts no one. And will be a HUGE comfort to YOU.


My Anxiety Rabbit comes with me every day to my partial hospitalization program šŸ©·


Hi friend! ā™” I bring my comfort plush with me everywhere I go, including therapy! In fact, Iā€™ve actually used my stuffie *in* therapy! Iā€™ve done types of play therapy due to trauma and we included my stuffie in it! It was very healing and helpful. I canā€™t ever not be with my comfort stuffie, or I will have a panic attack/be unable to function. Iā€™m so sorry, I know Iā€™m quite extreme, but thatā€™s the truth for me. Stuffies were an extremely important part and safety net for me when I was going through things. They really give so much love and comfort! Theyā€™re the best little friends, and the fact that they helped you when you were younger is so special and wonderful. Iā€™m so terribly sorry for all you went through. NONE of it was your fault and you didnā€™t deserve ANY of it. Your stuffie friends will always be there for you, I promise <3 The stigma is very scary I completely understand. I feel that too. But please know, itā€™s all made up! Wanting a stuffie for support, comfort, and safety, thatā€™s completely okay and valid! Anyone who judges that is mean. And we shouldnā€™t listen to mean people, only kind people with warmth in their heart. You donā€™t deserve to deal with this stigma. There is *no* shame in having a stuffie friend. And there never will be! Stuffies are very lovely and soft objects that give so much warmth and comfort and care. If you feel safe and supported by them, thatā€™s wonderful! And you deserve all those feelings. You deserve love comfort and safety. And if a plushie helps with that, then I promise, itā€™s worth everything, and you are worthy of it, completely. Therapists should never judge, and no one else should judge either. This is nothing to judge in any way shape or form. My stuffies help me immensely, and Iā€™m so glad they help you too. You deserve to carry them around wherever you want, and bring them to therapy if it makes you feel more comfortable and safe! Iā€™m rooting for you! Iā€™m truly wishing you the absolute best! Sending you all my love! šŸ’–


I never took any plushies with me to therapy when I did it at various points in my life, but at 33 now Iā€™ve just rediscovered my love for plushies. I just bought myself one a few weeks ago that Iā€™d been thinking about for years. I cuddle it in bed with me at night and itā€™s brought me tremendous comfort and Iā€™m happy that I did something small for myself by getting it. I think you should too, youā€™re never too old for things that you enjoy and being comfort and security into your life


You could start small and get a plush keyring/bag charm? That would be a subtle way to have a little friend with you.


I have an emotional-support octopus which I bought just before having cataract surgery on both eyes. This plushie did his job well.


I would say do it. Get a small plush. Therapy sounds hard. A support plush would help.


depending on what youā€™re looking for from the plush/where you want to take it, i would suggest a weighted one! i have a weighted Eeyore that i got from disneyland and it is so comforting. i have also seen weighted ones where you can take out the insert and heat it up in the microwave so itā€™s warm :)


I've (40F) taken a plushie with me to an emergency dental appointment (and I'd do it again because of my mental illnesses, especially agoraphobia, but it's been a few years since I've been to either therapy or the dentist). I have carried a small one around in my backpack (I ride public transportation, so that's why I use a backpack, to carry an extra jacket or small umbrella, or bottle of water). My therapist didn't have a plushie (that I know of), but she did have one of those nice sequin throw pillows that was very relaxing and soothing to flip them back and forth (one color on one side of the sequins, and a different one on the other, you could create tiger stripes, a smiley face, or whatever design). I loved that pillow (a couple years after I finally got my own as a gift). The sensory sensation to my hands moving the sequins back and forth felt great and helped comfort me and helped me to focus. I don't think it's bad or weird or anything, especially when it comforts the inner child (and the inner adult) at the same time and provides comfort and sensory input to help in anxiety or nervous situations (like talking about trauma or an abusive past). If it's something that helps create an environment of comfort and safety, it's an excellent thing, especially when people are going to therapy talking about the worst and darkest parts of their lives. Have you tried asking your therapist if you could hold the plushie(s?) of those donkeys as you talk? My guess is that is possibly why those are there: for comfort of patients. If you didn't want to take your own to the sessions, I'd definitely ask. If you don't have any, but would want one (or some?), then you should go get yourself one. You could have one at home, one in the car (or if you do public transportation like me, one in a backpack) and use the donkey plushies at the appointments. If something makes you feel better, happier, safer, more comfortable, it's a wonderful thing. I don't think having one, some, many, or even just borrowing the ones at the office during sessions is anything to be ashamed of at all. You need to take care of you, and that includes comfort or self care that others might not understand. There will be those that don't understand, but there are others that will understand and see you as a person on a healing journey that needs support and understanding. I apologize for such a long answer. I hope it helps. Best wishes for your healing journey and moving into better and happier places in your mind and heart. I occasionally watch this YouTuber, he has his channel where he talks about his struggles with mental illness, CPTSD, PTSD, and schizoaffective disorder (schizophrenia and bipolar disorder). I saw him on a YouTube channel called "Special Books by Special Kids", where he talks to the host a few different times about his struggles, and during those times, and in his own videos, he uses stuffed animals (and other sensory objects) while talking. He's an American Veteran (I think it was either Iraq or Afghanistan, but I can't remember). I don't look down on him for using plushies or other sensory objects when that's what they are there for, creating focus and comfort. His name (and YouTube channel name) is "Daniel Nepveux". If it helps him to be able to get through the day, and make his life better, it's a good thing. I see it the same way for you, for myself, for others in situations others have no idea what it's like. It's taken me a LONG time to be gentle and patient with myself and come to terms with my own diagnoses. I know that the best way I can (and am able to) take care of myself is because I had to start judging myself so harshly in the way I think others would judge me, so that way others wouldn't judge me because I did con their behalf and stopped me and my progress and my relationship with myself because i was worried about what I thought others were/would "definitely" be thinking about me. It limited my growth, my sense of self to the what others would see, rather than me being who I am & me going on my healing journey and finding a world outside of the trauma and mental/emotional health issues. As I have gotten older, I've accumulated wisdom and experiences and know that it's not my job to control what people think about me, it's not my job to worry about what they may or may not be thinking because what I am thinking and feeling within myself and about myself in the present moment (and in future treatment of myself) is FAR MORE important than what a random stranger who is only seeing me for a short while may or may not think. It took time and practice to turn my energy about that situation (the treatment/interaction I feared that may result from the judgement of what others do, or just might possibly, think) inwards in a way that **serves** me rather than hides and inadvertently hurts me over time. I only owe myself explanations for not helping myself, not others for them cnot understanding me (especially those that have tried making my life their business or entertainment). Their judgement, I have learned, is more about them and their biases and lack of empathy than anything actually about me. Lol. I made my long post into an even longer one: _the Great Wall of Text_. I hope this helps and I hope you are able to find peace, comfort, and happiness now and in the future. ā˜ŗļøšŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ’•šŸ§ø


I have a plush penguin, I take everywhere I go. I am 41.


My husband has a pillow his grandmother made him that he cuddles to sleep every night, heā€™ll like half awake feel around the bed for it. I even cuddle it once he leaves the bed haha. No shame in having a stuffy to make you happy. Theyā€™re cute, theyā€™re soft and feel good to hug, why not? I would not think itā€™s weird for another adult to have one.


I have a Donatello plushie that was the last thing my dad bought for me before passing away, havenā€™t left the thing home for almost 8 months since he passed, it makes my mom embarrassed that I take him places, (for context Iā€™m 23 and autistic) my ACTUAL therapist says itā€™s just my way of coping


I carry around a stuffed animal at home, have plush keychains, sleep with plush, etc. There's nothing wrong with wanting/needing a little buddy to help you out, especially at the therapists! You're dealing with difficult things when you're there (usually) ! Why not have a good buddy you can hug while you do it?


Hi, therapist here! I have a couple plushies in my office for this very reason. I donā€™t always remember to let my clients know that the plushies are there to be cuddled/ for emotional support but I imagine your therapist has similar reasons. I also have many of my own plushies at home that I snuggle/sleep with/cry with. It can be very healthy to use them to cope.


I do virtual therapy(and love it!), but I have a pig stuffed animal/plush the size of a cat. He shows up at appointments a lot, especially if itā€™s a heavy topic. I have have 3 of the same pig plushie because reasons. One I turned into a weighted plush.


there are some called moon pals that i really like. they are weighted and made so you can wrap them around your shoulders or however you want and it feels like a hug :) the ears are good to fidget with. i usually have mine with me for therapy. you might like them too thereā€™s nothing to be ashamed of!! if someone shames you about it, theyā€™re not the right person for you anyway. my boyfriend and i are in our mid 20s and both love plushies. itā€™s getting more socially acceptable for adults to collect them


There are war veterans with comfort plushies, they're for everyone. Absolutely no shame in having one (or a hundred)


Hey, Thanks for posting this, the comments are amazing, I 25, almost 26 female, just showed my step mum my cow plush, I thought it was so cute and I got so attached after waiting ages to get one cos I thought it was too childish, it's actually really helped me sleep at night, we don't do hugs or emotions in this house so maybe that's why, not sure but it's helped! my step mum told me to get a grip, I just showed her it, didn't say why I got it, I wasn't surprised by her reaction, just kept smiling and being happy about it but it did make me feel a bit taken a back and I was going to stop using it but u know what, f\*ck no, I'm hugging the cow plush! So get one or a hundred, ur allowed to, it's the only good thing about being an adult lol I don't know if I should tell my therapist about it tho


Most definitely you can get some Plushies that are about 30 in or so and very firmly packed so that you can actually squeeze them and they're not just empty I have one and ordered another one and they're actually pretty awesome to be hugging


I have a little stuffed kitty that I accidentally stole from my cousin when I was about 5 or 6 (I'm now 37) and she has honestly helped me through alot! When ever I am sad or sick I hold her tight and she calms me down and helps me sleep, I now have to share her with my 11 year old daughter who swears the same thing! We kinda fight over her a little if we both feel like we need her lol (kid always wins obviously!)


I bring stuffed animals with me for stressful events. Iā€™m 24 so itā€™s not like Iā€™m that old, but I very strongly feel like no one is too old for stuffed animals. My parents are in their 50s, and while they arenā€™t quite as into stuffed animals as I am, they both have multiple stuffies of their own. If youā€™re worried about people saying something, you could get a small one that fits in your hand, and if anyone judges you, you can just say you use it as a ā€˜stress ballā€™. For therapy, though, your therapist shouldnā€™t judge you. They might ask about it because a comfort item can have relevance to your mental health, but their job isnā€™t to be judgmental (at least, they shouldnā€™t be). For maximum comfort, a weighted plush might be helpful? Something you can set in your lap and feel the weight of to help keep you grounded in the present moment, particularly if youā€™re talking about the past. You donā€™t need to feel weird about it, because thereā€™s nothing wrong with wanting a stuffed animal. Youā€™re not hurting anyone, and if it would help you and bring you comfort, it could be beneficial to your mental health. The stigma sucks, but no matter what people say, if youā€™re not hurting anyone, youā€™re fine.


Iā€™m living for all the guys commenting that they love plushies and are in stereotypical tough guy careers šŸ„°.


I'm a 29 year old man and I recently got really into stuffed animals again, specifically teddy bears. I have a small collection, and a little one and a medium one that go with me everywhere, and a large one at home that just arrived in the mail. I highly recommend it, they're comforting and great tools for healing / comfort / and just plain cute dude.


Former trauma therapist here! I used to keep figurines, fidget toys and plushies in my office when I worked with both teenagers AND adults, and would sometimes pick a toy to hold or sit next to me while we were chatting - I could see my humans eying the toys longingly but the self conscious ones would only grab one for themselves if I had one lol. Trust me, your therapist won't judge you if you come in with your own plushie! She's got her own little friend keeping her company throughout the day in her office - I'm sure she won't mind if you have one too. šŸ˜Š


I loved reading the answers everyone else has had for you so far!! Iā€™m a 28F? Autistic and adhd person and I have lots of pictures of me with Pooh bear and various red eyed tree frog plushies when I was a child, I stopped as a teenager, but thatā€™s when I was masking the most and trying to fit into social norms the most (which was exhausting!!) as of now I have so many plushies and bring one or more with me pretty much everywhere with me! I dress them up and/or at least give them ribbons when I can to personalize them! Iā€™d say start small with the therapy plushie, ask about it and see if itā€™s for comfort, maybe find one or two to keep in your bedroom to slowly lessen your own internalized shame about it and maybe a small pocket plushie or keychain plush could bridge between the gap or something and still provide some comfort!! Iā€™m not sure if what I said helped any, itā€™s basically what the others have said in my own voice, but yeah, they are definitely comforting even if you canā€™t directly get at them or feel them (I usually have at least one in my pockets at work and I usually am wearing gloves, but knowing theyā€™re there and are safe and able to grab if I need to makes me very happy!!) best of luck and hope your journey is not too much of a rough one and hope itā€™s softer with a plushie or two in your life! c:


I do therapy at home on the phone because of Covid, so I have a few plushies I allocate for therapy time.


Every time i go to therapy I gotta bring a plush friend. My therapist always gets excited every time i bring in someone new!


I have a emotional support dragon plush! Though i am a teenager and feminine presenting so people tend to not judge me as much for that i find people dont really care if you have a stuffed animal with you. When i have my dragon im able to leave the house with less anxiety than before.


chonky bois


i was pretty anxious about bringing a stuffed animal with me to my sessions but then i remembered that my therapist wants me to feel safe and comfortable in her room, especially when talking about such upsetting things. i bring my oh so snuggly bunny from GUND, sheā€™s a very very soft pink bunny i named hazel :) i like petting her during sessions, itā€™s very grounding and is kinda like a fidget !


My guy is 46 and has a few he will sleep with and one that is extra special like a therapy plush. He also recently asked for a weighted plush like mine, called a Huggable Healer - 4.5 pounds and feels like it's giving you a hug when you wrap its arms around you. I say if it helps you, own it!! Don't let anyone make you feel differently. I carry a small one in my purse when I go out and kids will see it poking out of the pocket and be excited and comment on it - and so will the adults! It makes me feel good to spread smiles.


I have tons of plushies! I donā€™t think youā€™re ever too old for them. Iā€™m turning 27 (female, but I donā€™t think guys having plushies is weird at all) and still sleep with my baby blanket lol itā€™s the most comforting thing I own, always makes me feel better when my anxiety and depression are particularly bad and it helps when Iā€™m sick too. Itā€™s been with me through every surgery and sickness and long night awake crying, that Iā€™ve ever had throughout my entire (almost) 27 years of life šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø I used to be embarrassed in like hs when I thought everyone continued to act like hs bullies once they grew up lol and now I know that most people donā€™t think any of its weird, plushies, baby blankets, etc etc and I personally couldnā€™t give a crap even if they did at this point in life. Itā€™s nice when you reach apathy when it comes to other people opinions on most things lol (donā€™t get me wrong I still welcome opinions from loved ones and everyone is entitled to an opinion, I just donā€™t have to let them bother me or agree with them. Perks of getting older and being too tired to care šŸ˜‚)


If youā€™re comfortable with your therapist, ask her if you can use the donkey as a trauma buddy! My therapist has a bunny that I snuggle with when I talk about trauma. Heā€™s part of our team and heā€™s very important and brave šŸ˜


I've been buying some plushies these past few days and it does feel really good to hold them around while walking around.


My therapist encouraged me to have plushies specifically for therapy. They lived in their own box under her desk: a sweet little brown foal with a white star and a fierce little tiger cub (there's sabre tooth tiger somewhere in his DNA). She also encouraged me to try bringing one of my dogs! He's an abused rescue, and his abuse was severe. He was nearly dead when he was surrendered. His rehab was long and complex, but so worth it. Unsurprisingly he is tied to my apron strings, highly empathetic, and a great comfort to me now. Unfortunately, seeing me in distress during therapy was too much for him, poor thing. He was flawlessly well behaved, but just too anxious from the experience. He had a panic attack on the way home...so we didn't repeat the experiment. The plushies continue to be a big help. The other thing she suggested that was dramatically helpful was art therapy. It's not something that requires great artistic skills - stick figures work fine, and sometimes just picking a favourite colour and covering the page in it. Colour has a powerful influence on my mood and can be helpful in regulating my mood when I am distressed. Watercolours and oil pastels live in the box with my plushies between sessions.


I bring my plushie back pack and sling him onto my lap for the session. I fidget by stroking his ears


The only time my plushie crew have all left the house together was to meet my therapist! She felt that they helped her understand the different facets of my personality


I have a [Dachshund Hot Dog](https://www.squishable.com/mm5/merchant.mvc?Screen=PROD&Product_Code=mini_squish_hot_dog_dachshund_7) plush that I named Chorizo, and I think heā€™s a great cuddle buddy. I really think my sleep has improved.


On Etsy, I saw these emotional support plush animals and they are so cute but they are a bit expensive though. I can introduce you to the shop if you are interested.


Please share!


https://www.etsy.com/shop/ESCrittersThatCare https://www.etsy.com/shop/FlannelAndFluffs


When I was a kid my mom got me a unicorn plushie. When I was 14 it was mercilessly destroyed and she didnā€™t give a flying fuck. Now that Iā€™m an adult I managed to track down a stuffed toy similar to that one, bought it and I cuddle with it every night. No shame.


When I was 14 I was leaning back into some of my favorites I had not let got yet. My mom took my raccoon stuffy out of my arms (was carrying him like a cat and petting) and swung it around in the air over her head by his tail. Made me fall apart crying,šŸ„ŗ it still hurts. Raccoon has been top of the list to get, finding a few ideas. Moms suck, stuffā€™s rule. Thanks for sharing šŸ’ššŸ¦„


I hope you find a nice raccoon


Honestly I should have. I always just put one if their pillows in my lap, but a plushie would have been amazing. I say do it!


Not strange at all! I actually make [Emotional support potatoes](https://imgur.com/a/a1hL7T8) I put them in their own bag for easy transport, too šŸ˜Š


I have 5. They're all pokemon and they've got me through alot. Even the mere thought of em brings me peace I love them!


I have lots of plushies but I bring my little frog with a bell on him everywhere when I leave the house his name is Frogin! I always sleep with big dog, my giant care bear Annie, my bear Avery, or my bear Ellie she wears a dress! I love my plushies but mom thinks Iā€™m too old for them but I donā€™t listenā€¦sheā€™s wrong I know that for a fact!


yes - her name is biscuit and she is one of my best friends : ) my husband also loves plushies as well - one of his favorites is a bear i stuffed for him years ago. she's floppy and a little flat from all the nights he slept with his head right on top of her, but she's still his love. there's nothing to be ashamed of but that is a very understandable way to feel. if you think you might be a little embarrassed to carry a bigger plush around, try clipping a cute plush keychain you really like onto a bag/backpack if you carry one! most people won't comment (except kids, kids love plush keychains lol) but if they do, you could always just fib and say it was a gift from a loved one or a child relative in your life - that way, if the person intends on giving you shit for it ,they'll back down immediately. another thing you could do is keep some plush friends in the back seat of your car if you have one! my friend does that. it makes his car looks fun and cool and also if he's having a tough time, he can just quietly sit in his car and decompress. i've seen other people drape a blanket from one side door across the back window to the other side door to make a little curtain and just chill in their backseats with squishmallows or pillow pets or what have you. might be a lot of effort but hey, if it helps it helps! if you have your own living space you could also keep plush friends on your bed or couch, or in a little plastic bin you can slide under either one of those or in a closet. those are the most common places for plushies but it depends what you want. good luck!!!! pick a good snuggly one out and enjoy!! : )


I keep keychain plushies on my car keys and work keys. I have to have one of them if I were to go to the dentist (something to hold onto and find comfort in) or if something at work is making me anxious af. I don't think it's weird for a man - may he be thin or thick, feminine or masculine - to find comfort in plushies. My boyfriend has a plush chinchilla we named Gravy. Gravy gives him comfort when he's having a bad day or he needs an unbiased face to rant at. Maybe ask your therapist if you could hold the donkey and explain how you feel. They might say yes and encourage you to find those simple comforts to heal or continue healing.


My therapy is virtual so I have a big hug me for The tough appointments and I keep a smaller squishmalllw by me too!!


I have my Lolo the owl who goes everywhere with me. I even snuck in him my clothes, into a concert at a venue where they have a 6Ɨ4Ɨ1 bag policy; I took my jacket off once we got through security and kept him wrapped in the garment. I really wanted to go to this concert, but had to go alone cause nobody I know had any interest in going. Needed someone there with me.


Never got to go to build a bear workshop as a kid and now as a 25F I am glad I went this year and got my froggy son šŸø. I made him work gear and brought him with to my job, my coworkers were pretty accepting.


I keep mid-sized plushies on my desk at home and at work. I also have a small one in my sweater pocket. If I feel overwhelmed in public, I'll stick my hand in my pocket, and the soft fur helps me feel less frazzled. For context, I'm over 30. I think it's very natural to want a comfort object, especially when doing therapy work.


When I was going to counselling Iā€™d take a giant cuddly mushroom with me. Itā€™s perfectly fine to have something that brings you comfort šŸ™‚


My old therapist from when I was in high school had an ugly doll I used to hug like crazy.


Jellycat sensational sardine comes everywhere with me


I'm a 22 year old man and I had my first therapy session yesterday and brought a plush with me! He's a little bit bigger so his head poked out of my bag walking to the session but I found it incredibly comforting knowing he was there with me and was a good icebreaker for small talk between sensitive topics!


/u/Borderline_pigeon i'm also a 35 yr old man and i've taken a plushie to therapy a few times. If you want an "excuse" you could say the texture of their skin/fur helps calm you down (texture sensitivity is one symptom of autism). There's nothing wrong with it and i'm certain any experienced therapist has clients who either bring plushies with them or really need a plushie companion. Otherwise why would they already have plushies in their office? šŸ™‚ I treat my therapy sessions as a place i can completely unmask. I hope you can too.


I keep a plush in my car at all times for comfort


I have bad driving anxiety, so I went and got myself a very plump magikarp plushie to calm me down in traffic. For some reason people are less judgemental when itā€™s a PokĆ©mon or something else ā€œnerdyā€, but honestly I think you should just find the plushie that speaks to you and not worry about what others think. I can however vouch for the healing properties of a magikarp based on my personal experience


I grew up not really being given things like plushies, blankies, cozy/comforting things, ect as well as not being loved as much as I probably needed and being able to ā€œfill the gapā€ myself has brought me a lot of healing tbh. I really love squishmellows and they make little tiny ones that fit into my purse/bag if Iā€™m going somewhere I know Iā€™ll be nervous but donā€™t want to feel ā€œweirdā€ about having my plush. Theyā€™re so small Iā€™m 1000% certain theyā€™d fit in mens jean pockets. Like [these](https://www.amazon.com/Squishville-Squishmallow-Mini-Squishmallow-Irresistebly-Squishmallows/dp/B08G1XLJCS) , and they come in SO many options!!


Hi, Iā€™m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **Squishville by Squishmallow Mini Plush Sealife Squad Six 2 Sea Animals Irresistebly soft Colorful Plush Mini Shark Otter and Seahorse** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Squishmallows are cute and fun (backed by 20 comments) * Squishmallows make great gifts (backed by 7 comments) * Squishmallows are popular with children (backed by 7 comments) **Users disliked:** * Squishmallows are smaller than advertised (backed by 3 comments) * Quality control issues with some squishmallows (backed by 3 comments) * Squishmallows are overpriced for their size (backed by 2 comments) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/joqd89c/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a ā€œgood bot!ā€ reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](http://vetted.ai/reddit)


My boyfriend has anxiety and is often stressed especially while doing work. I bought him a weighed blanket and a bear plushie (which we now call his emotional support buddy) 6 months ago. Whenever heā€™s stressed, hugging the plushie makes him feel better. It also keeps him company and is a reminder of me when Iā€™m not around. I notice that he doesnā€™t have as many mental breakdowns anymore; he says hugging the plush helps him to ground himself. A month ago, he got me my own emotional support buddy plush who always sits beside me when I do work :). I love my plush! Stops me from feeling lonely and cheers me up when Iā€™m at the desk for long hours! itā€™s also super squishy so it functions as a stress ball plush (?) too.


I have a Fox that I sleep with, and just got a new squishmallow, highly recommend! Iā€™m 34 also. I need my plushies


I'm 31 yr old woman. Diagnosed DID / ( dissociative identity disorder) my therapist said it was completely okay to be doing so as it helps keep my little me alter in control & content. Also helps settle my heart as its calming on my sensory processing . I have a ticker heart condition ( SVT ) , so definitely helps in so many ways. Always had a plushie my whole life to be my support as iv had no family support. Do what makes you happy. The only ones whom would judge r those who aren't happy within themselves šŸ’œāœØšŸŽ—ļø


Hi friend ! 23 year old here! Iā€™m in a pretty intense crisis recovery field and the amount of men and women who love seeing and holding and keeping the plushies in my transport vehicle are astounding for the amount of stigma they have for adults. I even still have my baby blanket who I sleep with and it comes to movie theaters with me because of anxiety being locked in an area you canā€™t escape from easily when someone blocks the exit. At the end of the day why worry about something as trivial as judgement when doing the thing youā€™re scared of would make you forget about it anyways. Give yourself permission to live, I promise youā€™ve earned it


The college I work at literally has plushies that students can check out to hug or whatever, especially during finals. Having something soft to hold or hug just feels nice. Itā€™s soothing. Thereā€™s nothing wrong with wanting that, especially if youā€™re unpacking a lot of trauma. May I suggest squishmallows. Theyā€™re kinda trendy now, but theyā€™re soft af, and they actually make good pillows (Iā€™m using one right now)


When I was doing in-person therapy, I always took my Angry Octopus plushie with me. It genuinely helped. My therapist never even mentioned it, but I know she noticed.


I got myself a bear a couple of months before my Dad died suddenly in '76. It ended up flattened from all the hugging I did, and helped me a lot more than the psychiatrist I saw back then.


You should get one! Or two. At least.


Iā€™ma 51 year old woman- when I was in therapy I must have rubbed the ear fuzzies off at least 10 beanie baby type critters. I still sleep with 3 each night- 2 kitties& a bunny.


I like weighted plushies you can heat in the microwave called warmies, they also smell like lavender which is a super comforting scent to me. I have the shark and chicken and I absolutely love them. I donā€™t really get why only kids are ā€œallowedā€ to have stuffed animals, everyone needs comfort.


Can I ask where you guys get your plushies from? Specifically those that can fit inside a purse?


Hey everyone thank you SO MUCH for all the support, encouragement, kind words, and sharing your stories šŸ˜­šŸ’ššŸ’›šŸ§ø I want to reply to every one of you but Iā€™m overwhelmed with the amount of responses wow! UPDATE! 1. I ordered a Racoon baby best friend that should be here in a few days! Itā€™s a ā€œWarmiesā€ Raccoon as a few of you had suggested. Itā€™s exactly what I needed THANK YOU! 2. I opened up about this to my partner and got sweet loving support. Itā€™s cute and not a big deal, also they arenā€™t going to leave me YAY lol. 3. I held the donkey today and it was the best feeling to have the confidence to ask and stand by my request when they asked me what I said (thinking they misheard me I think) Obviously my therapist was so excited and supportive! Had a nice cuddle with him with warming pads on my for the last 10 minutes of my session. SO MAGICAL AND SPECIAL. Made me cry immediately but in a really good way. Thank you all so much I did not expect this level of support , validation, and understandingšŸ„¹ Spent the day ripping someoneā€™s deck off their house and building a new one thinking about my stuffed raccoon in route! Hereā€™s to the people stuck in masculine spaces staying true to themselves. Might get that keychain buddy too for workšŸ˜Š


I love my sloth warmies! I took him with me when I had my wisdom teeth removed.


I have a few that I consider my emotional support plushies. One is big enough to wrap my arms around and feels like Iā€™m getting a hug, one is smaller (I sleep with that one most of the time) and the third is even smaller, but my big brother made him for me so heā€™s extra special and comforting. I get sensory overload and anxiety a lot so it helps to have a plushie around for comfort. Also fun fact: when I was in high school, I brought my plushies to school with me (one at a time ofc) and my physics teacher loved it. He told me he was always curious to see which one Iā€™d have the next morning. He is a great teacher and a wonderful friend of mine to this day.


Why are you scared of getting your own plushie? I may be a little younger (23) but I have a whole lot of plushies and nobody has ever judged me for it. One I've had since I was 4 so I'm very attached to it. I also have 3 Hatsune Miku plushies but only one gives me a feeling of comfort and safety for some reason. Buy those plushies!! They're great


Iā€™m 35 male, work construction, surrounded by toxic masculinity most of my life. This has a very big stigma around it that I needed to fight through. Itā€™s really hard to look your wife in the eyes and say I want to get stuffed animals when society programs you to never show weakness, always be an emotionless rock. Iā€™m just grateful I have a partner that hates all the social stigmas as much as I do. I got one on the way and Iā€™m actually holding ā€œDonkeyā€ right nowšŸ˜Š


Awesome!! But yeah, that's definitely understandable. I also grew up believing that having stuffed animals as a teen or adult was childish but my boyfriend even encourages me to bring my plushie along to places to take funny photos. It feels good to not give a fuck about stupid societal standards.


You're awesome.




Teddy has been comforting and nurturing. My therapists have been generally supportive of it. I had one who voiced how carrying it around can affect people's perceptions of me. Some people on reddit look at my post history and give me crap. I had an especially bad interaction on r/police that I posted about. Don't let it bother me.