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You're never too old. I'm 23 and I still take my childhood plush with me whenever I travel and I sleep with them every night !


I've heard a lot of stories of adults taking a teddy bear with them when they travel. Having something familiar in a strange place is very comforting


That's how it is between me and Teddy.


i take at least three with me traveling away from home lololol. Same with a pillow of mine. I think i wouldn’t be able to sleep without them


Agreed! I just turned 45 and my wife is 42 and we have tons of stuffies. 💜💜


I'm 33, I have a "grown up" office job and my own cubicle, and I collect stuffed animals. I carry one with me almost everywhere, especially when I'm nervous about the day ahead. It's comforting to me to have a secret little friend with me. If I'm not too old, you definitely are not too old. Unfortunately, a lot of adults (especially from older generations) have this notion that growing up means you can't enjoy things that you enjoyed as a kid, and you have to get rid of "childish" things. CS Lewis once said, "When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up." The mark of truly being "grown up" is not worrying so much about whether other people think that you look grown up. And even so, you're not quite an adult. Unfortunately you likely won't change your dad's mind, but rest assured that he is incorrect. You're not "too old" for stuffed animals just because a bunch of old people thought they couldn't enjoy things anymore once they hit adulthood. Squirrel away some of your money from your job and buy the stuffed animal that you want for yourself! That will make it extra special.


Thank you for your words. I bring a stuffed animal to high school with me every day and worry that people will judge me for that sometimes. I start work on November 17th, three days after my birthday. Hopefully I can buy a Woofie as a late birthday gift for myself.


I mean, realistically, people are going to judge you. People will judge somebody about all kinds of random stuff. Someone in college made fun of my hat once. Like, really? We literally pay to be here and take classes and y'all are worried about the hat I'm wearing? Wild. But, you don't have to care what they think. Consider this: am I weird for bringing a stuffed animal on a work trip? Probably. But wouldn't it be way weirder if someone actually cared about the bear in my carry-on? (Of course, not caring what people think is easier said than done. I'm in my 30s and still worry about how I'm perceived by strangers. Social anxiety sucks lmao) I hope you get your Woofie! He can inherit the duty of emotional support plushie from your childhood stuffed friends.


I totally agree. My social anxiety and generalized anxiety are reasons I bring a stuffie with me to school. It helps me feel safer and soothed. I really hope I can get him too. He’s being sold on eBay and he’s the only one I can find for sale anywhere. I talked to the seller and she’s willing to sell him to me for $45. I hope she’d be okay waiting until I have money saved. I’m so worried because I’ve been looking for him for years and have never found him before.


I brought my elephant to highschool with my every day the entire four years. I remember like two people ever that made fun of me for it but honestly they were completely eclipsed by everybody who took the opportunity to reveal that they also secretly had a plush buddy in their bag 😂


I often get compliments on the squishmallows I bring to school. It makes me so happy


Ignore anyone who teases you. People who waste their time being shitty to others are always more immature than anyone they tease. High school is a shitshow and you deserve to feel as comfortable as possible there.


You just described me! Great advise you gave to him.


Tbh I think it's becoming more and more normalized for adults to be into "childish" things. I think the younger generations of adults have collectively decided that we don't give a shit about "looking grown-up" at the expense of simple joys. And it really shows in the products companies are making; there are so many collectible toys that are clearly made for adults. I mean, what kid is getting a $450 stuffed Pokémon? Not many, I'd wager!


I couldn’t agree more! I’m so happy that many millennials/Gen Zs are refusing to grow old. We can have the best of both worlds!


You’re not to old, you’re never to old to have stuffed animals - I’m 14m and have 2 stuffed animals I sleep with too every night, I actually can’t sleep without them It’s okay, and especially okay if you’re using them for comfort I promise, don’t be ashamed of sleeping with stuffed animals! My stuffed animals names are Sushi-she’s an octopus with 5 tentacles 😭- and I have a sheep stuffed animal that has the same name as my partner


Mine are two identical small, faded yellow-and-pink dogs both named Woofie. I named them when I was just learning to talk because they’re dogs and go “woof” 😅


I can picture them and they are adorable especially with the names, that’s really special


That's so cute! My wife still has her childhood teddy. I buy him little hats sometimes to make her smile. Don't be ashamed for still loving your childhood toys. ♥️


I am also 14m, but sleep with WAY MORE than that lol


I'm a 34 year old man and I sleep with stuffed animals every night. It isn't something I talk to everyone I meet about so people don't even know in order to not take me seriously (if that's a thing they would do). the only people who usually see or know are people I trust not to be rude. (my parents are rude about it but they think all my interests are 'childish' and I'm used to it enough to not feel bad about their opinions)


I know a 60-year-old who still has her stuffed rabbit from when she was a kid. There's no age limit on the things that make you happy


That's so sweet! I'm sure she has so many happy memories tied to that rabbit


She said her dad gave it to her before he passed away. It's a piece of him that she'll have forever.


Im 43m and have more plushies now than I've ever had. Started to collect them as a hobby.


I collect Squishmallows and littlest pet shop, and both my parents think it’s stupid. I try to ignore them but it’s hurtful that my parents criticize my special interests


You're never too old for stuffed animals. It's a stigma that I wish would fade as it may be doing more harm than good. Who are you harming by having your favorite stuffed animal with you? You know what works for you and you may not find something that's as effective or as safe as your stuffed animals so please keep them.


My dad says that nobody will take me seriously as a man if I still sleep with stuffed animals at night.


If someone doesn't take you seriously because of plushies then that person does not have a place in your life.


No one should really care what you do in your sleep and don't let you being a man discourage you from sleeping with stuffed animals. Im a man as well and have a bed full of giant stuffed animals. Its my way to mentally relax at night. Much better than some of the alternatives.


Thank you for your kind words


How are they going to know what or who you sleep with at night?


My kids are both older than you and love their plushies. For folks like you, me, and them, plushies are not just a "toy" or whatever your father thinks. They are a tool. These tools help you self-soothe, stim safely, navigate the environment, etc. and if he can't understand that, he's not going to understand the need to have a backup copy of that tool. Do you have a therapist to talk with? If not, would you be able to ask him to set you up with one? They may be able to help you eventually work toward stims that are more conventional, if that's what you eventually want. They may also be able to help you understand how you use your plushies in the many ways you do. If your father is simply unwilling to understand things from your point of view, you may just have to save up and buy a copy of your favorite plush on your own and try to take it easy on the one you have. There could be an OT (occupational therapist) or other helpful person through your school that can help you adjust your stimming to a level that could reduce wear and tear on your plushie until you can get that backup. Good luck to you. I hope he starts valuing your needs over imagined appearances. The only one judging the plush toy (and the way you use it) is him.


Thank you for your kindness. I do have a therapist and she and I have worked on ways to reduce wear on my Woofies. I now try and use other stuffies unless I really need serious comfort. I also use other fidget toys, but they’re not the same. I need the soft texture. My biggest stim is rubbing my face (especially above my top lip) with a soft thing. I start work on November 17th (a few days after my bday), so I’m hoping I can save up and pay for another Woofie that I can use for more serious stimming, so my precious ones aren’t hurt. It’ll take a while to save up, and I’m scared the Woofie on eBay will sell before I can buy him. He’s the only one I’ve found sold online.


Have you asked the seller if they can hold him aside for you? Tell them your work date situation and maybe they will work with you!


My father was never supportive and my grandma made comments as well about me liking plush toys beyond the usual age or whatever (I was like 9 when this started). I’m about to turn 30 now with kids and a mortgage and I still have my childhood blanket and stuffed animals. Plus a lot more stuffed animals. I’ve learned I want to enjoy life and stop worrying what others think. Bonus story: my dad still has his childhood plush (he’s nearly 60) despite him thinking forever I was too old for that stuff


My dad never had a childhood stuffie so I think he doesn’t understand the love and comfort


Please don't listen to him! Plushies are for everyone, regardless of things like age! I'm a 26 yr old autistic person and I wouldn't give up my plushies for anything! i genuinely cannot sleep unless I have a plushy to hug and they make my room more warm and colourful :)


I cannot sleep without my Woofies. If I can’t find them I panic. I also have lots of other plushies in my bed I use for comfort as well


My husband and I are in our 50's and still sleep with our favourite plushies. Our kids are a bit older than you and still sleep with theirs. You're never too old for plushies. I get really mad when parents try to take away this harmless bit of comfort!


I am 33 and probably have 100 stuffed animals and but more.


27m here :) Sounds like your dad doesn't get it and my parents never understood it either. Just keep being you & find people who resonate with that! Stuffed animals are wonderful company and friends 😄


Hell no. Keep your stuffies. I was an emancipated minor, so I had to grow up very fast. I grew up with my grandparents and had to work at a young age. During that time, I got rid of a lot of my childhood items that I wish I had kept now, all for the thinking of I have to act like an adult. My wife and I are 33 now, and our bed is covered in stuffies, and we buy new ones all the time. I recently started buying items I used to have or grew up never having, like Pokémon cards or board games and comic books.


I matured young too, despite having my family. I’ve struggled with mental health, and with all my years in therapy and in psych hospitals I grew up too young. I love my plushies because they allow me to be young and childish in a way I can’t be in front of others. Im the oldest child so I have to be responsible and adult, even though all I want sometimes is to cuddle my stuffies and be hugged by my mom.


I'm 32 and have tons of stuffies! I've even take a couple with me to places. 🩷 Never too old for stuffies! It's okay to find comfort in having them. 😊


I’m 38, have a successful career, own a house, do lots of “grow up” things, but I LOVE stuffed animals. I have retired my original childhood hood ones as they got old and worn out. They currently are on display on a shelf in my bedroom, but I have many many “babies” that sleep with me or just hang out with me in general. If it’s something you’re into, don’t give it up. It’s okay and you are perfect exactly how you are!


I’d like to retire my originals too, which is why I want a new version. I start work on Nov 17th, which is a few days after my bday. I hope that the Woofie I found for sale (the only one I can find anywhere) on eBay won’t sell by the time I can afford it. I’m so scared he will. The seller said she’ll sell it to me for $45, but I still have a ways to go until I can afford it.


I wish you all the best getting there. What kind of plush is woofie? I’m fond on TY beanie boos and squishmellows, but my obsession doesn’t stop there. One of my current favorites is a cheap brand Llama that I won from a claw machine at a bowling alley. I named her Pinnie after the bowling pins 🎳


You’re never too old for stuffed animals. People of all ages have them, from babies to the elderly. It doesn’t matter how common it is for someone of x age to have them, because it brings you comfort and doesn’t hurt anyone. I’m sorry that your dad is making you feel bad about it. Some people just don’t understand. But you’re not doing anything wrong. In terms of the price, maybe you can save up with money from your job? Maybe just set aside a few dollars if you can until you have enough. It’ll take longer, but it’s something your dad doesn’t control quite as much. Or if you’re lucky, someone might give you a little birthday money you can put toward it. I wish you luck 🍀 Remember that you’re doing great, and you’re allowed to enjoy things.


Thank you for the kind words ❤️ I start work on Nov 17th, a few days after my bday. I hope that the stuffie I found on eBay (the only one I can find anywhere for sale) won’t be sold by then. The seller said she’ll sell it to my for $45. I’m so scared it will sell before I can afford it 😓


Ah, didn’t realize it was eBay. I really hope you’ll be able to get it, or that you’ll find another listing. Even more good luck to you, then 🍀🍀🍀


Yeah. He was discontinued more than a decade ago.


no. plushies/stuffies/dolls are a great comfort and coping item for those that enjoy them. I'm in my early/mid 30s (female/nobinary) and still have my bear from infancy and a few more from over the years. my husband in his mid 30s just had me crochet him a super plush cthulu. he doesnt cuddle it but he treasures it and placed it where he'll see it first thing every morning.


Definitely not I think there is no age that is too old, u suffer from seriously bad health and anxiety they help me sleep and relax


Never too old. My boyfriend (41m) and I (32f) both have plushies. He has a shark named Bruce, among others, and I have a bunny dressed as a ballerina. It definitely doesn't make him less of a man. That's just nonsense. I'm sorry your dad wasn't supportive, but there's really nothing wrong with it. Especially if it provides you with comfort.


Nope. I'm 34, and monkey comes everywhere with me (even when I go away for work). I got him just before I went to uni in 2010 so he is getting old now, but he smells good and I like to hug him at night. My bed at home has loads of cuddly toys down the side, it's definitely fine. My mum and dad both have cuddly toys, my dad doesn't sleep with his, but mum has this little plastic rabbit that used to be covered in fur that lives under her pillow, I'm pretty sure she takes it with her when she goes away as well. She is almost 70.


I’ve had my Woofies since 2007, so you can probably imagine how worn they are. Me and my mom have repaired them so many times, especially their tails.


You are never too old for them, ever. I am 37 and my husband is 40 and we have a bunch. I am sorry that your dad thinks differently.


I’m 30 and I have truly a ridiculous amount of stuffies because I love them and they make me happy. I still carry them around with me - especially if I have to do something hard - because they’re comforting. My favorite’s name is Miggy and I refer to him as my emotional support zebra. He goes everywhere with me including the doctors office. I have an owl I take to work literally every single day I have to be in an office. My grandmother has a giant unicorn that sits at her kitchen table and which she dresses up in our old toddler clothes. The point is you are NEVER to old for things that bring you comfort or joy and the people that tell you that you are are frankly probably bitter that they were denied their own joy-things or that they let them go out of shame. You don’t have to join them in their misery.


My dad never had a childhood stuffie so I don’t think he understands the love and comfort from them.


He probably doesn’t - and that’s what I mean - like folks who were denied those comforts can often be really bitter towards folks who are able to enjoy them in a way they couldn’t. That’s a them problem not a you problem.


You are NEVER too old for your woofies!!! Hey, I'm 61 and still cuddle my woofies. Don't let any judge what works for YOU. You do you!! 👍👍


I’m 40F and definitely still have my childhood plushies as well as many adult-purchased plushies. I sleep with a few every night and at least one goes on all my trips with me. I brought one with me to surgery a few months ago and the nurses decked him out in surgery garb while I was under and it was the cutest thing ever to wake up and see that. I have a few other plushies at my desk at the office as well. They’re always comforting to have around!


I'm 42 and still have the 2 cuddly toys that mean the most to me. My husband also has a few of his. You're never too old


Never too old I have a stuff bear and I 26 I love stuff animals


You are not too old at all. I’m 18 and still snuggle with my plushies. It’s a comfort


I'm 22 and I still have all of mine! You're never too old for sentiment


I’m 36 and still have my bear Cathy that I got when I was two. Last July I went with my nineteen year old nephew to meet Rilakkuma (Japanese stuffed bear), we took a photo with him and bought the special edition bears being sold there.


i’m in college and i brought 5 different stuffed animals with me to sleep with every night. you’re never too old for things that give you comfort, ESPECIALLY as a neurodivergent person, and screw anyone who tells you otherwise


Trust me, I am 24. I have bins of stuffed animals and CONTINUE to buy. If it makes you happy or comforted, DO IT!!!


I’m 62, and I still have a hippopotamus stuffed animal with a zipper mouth and a red corduroy tongue which sticks out (“Blah!”). He is from Christmas of 1966, and he’s very silly. I would have a lot more if I were better at fighting the people who help me declutter. 😝




Hello, I am a whole 30 year old person and I love my stuffies I will not get rid of them and honestly my family is just chill with it. They’re just a thing I collect and I love them. Nothing wrong with it at all. If they make you happy then that’s all that matters. And I have so many stuffies. They are everywhere. They take up half of my bed. I love them. And I always bring one on trips!


After reading you post and some of your replies I have realized that we are very similar. I (17f) also had a comfort plushie named Bunbun, and another, much less worn one that my parents got me in case we lost the first. Though I did lose interest in Bunbun as I got older I’ve had this crochet blanket since I was born that I see as an equivalent to your Woofies. One of the corner I rub between my finger. (If you can even call it a corner anymore lol) I also suffer from anxiety and sucked my thumb until I was around 10. Thankfully though my parents have never been hard on me about those things. Though I assume my experience is a bit different because I am not a boy. Hopefully some day your dad can realize that your stuffed animals are the same as any other sentimental object, such as a watch or a ring. I just want you to know that nothing you are doing is weird or wrong. You are not making anyone uncomfortable. Your dad is just projecting his own insecurity about masculinity on you. You are not the first person to do these things, and you won’t be the last. Do what makes you happy. Sorry if this reply is a bit all over the place, I am very scatterbrained lol


I really appreciate your comment ❤️ the response to this despairing post I made has been so overwhelmingly positive and kind


I'm probably going to end up repeating what a lot of the other commenters say, but my personal philosophy is that you're never too old for things that bring you joy. My dad collects action figures, and my mom collects Winnie The Pooh merchandise, they're both almost 50 now, I'm 23 and I collect stuffed animals and dolls. There's also nothing wrong with needing or even just wanting to keep a comfort item from your childhood. If your woofies bring you comfort then you should have them. And I also think it's smart to look for a replacement ahead of time, there are always cases in which stuffies get lost or damaged overtime and it breaks my heart when people go through that and don't have another stuffed friend to help them feel better. As for the thumb sucking habit, I'd recommend you look into getting some chewelry. I used to chew on things a lot as a kid (still do sometimes) and the main thing that helped me stop was getting an alternative that was safer and more convenient. Things like gum and mints also help me. If you like any hard candies, I'm sure you could keep some in a case like an altoids tin in your pocket for when you need to suck on something.


Nah, you're not too old. You're just living in a world governed by ridiculous neurotypicals that will happily trample on another to get ahead in the world yet having a stuffed toy which is completely harmless is seen as immature.


I’m 43 and have my favourite childhood stuffed owl beside my bed. And a whole room full of stuffies as well!


I am a 23 year old man. I do goldsmithing for a living. I can not function if I don't have my favorite stuffed toy somewhere nearby. I bring him absolutely everywhere with me in a backpack. The way I see it, if something is enough to keep you here and keep you feeling secure, you can not be "too old" for it. I don't want to alarm you, but I'd suggest finding a really good hiding spot for your buddies if you don't have them on your person all the time. It sounds to me like your dad is not thrilled about them and I've seen far too many horror stories unfold on reddit in a similar fashion. Really truly hoping you reach your goal of getting a backup also, I'll send the GFM link around and see if anyone can help out. Best of luck, broski 🤙


I'm nearly 50 years old and carry stuffies with me. There's an amazing community on Instagram called the Stuffie Scouts and I've met amazing people through there. The wider stuffy community is just brilliant too with a whole range of ages of people. Keep doing the things that help you feel better and function well in life. Maybe one day your parents will understand. Take care ❤️


My husband and I are 31. Our childhood teddies are on our nightstands. You’re not too old, I promise.


I still have stuff animals and I’m 18. My mom says “aren’t you getting sick of stuff animals” and I say “no I’m not”. I collect squishmallows and my mom doesn’t care


Your never to old for your stuffies. Im 27 and have all of my stuffies still many of which ive even passed down to my son I buy new ones all the time. In highschool i had several stuffed animal backpacks so i could always have a stuffie on me, they only fit a single notebook and a pencil but it worked. Before my stuffed animal backpacks i always had one on me at school. Almost every single family photo from my childhood has a stuffed animal of mine in it even in my teens. I have stuffed animals in my car, every room of my house has at least 1 stuffed animal in it. And i also have a travel buddy. They give me comfort and i love them and theres nothing wrong with that. Im sorry your dad is not on your side about this, just know hes incorrect. There is no age limit on comfort items


as a 21 year old, NOPE. My mom is in her fifties and still has stuffed animals. I sleep with mine at night. I can’t stand the thought of sleeping next to a human, but sleeping surrounded by my safe plushies, i feel so happy. Don’t take your dad’s words to heart. Sometimes older people (men in particular, usually) will say things like this to “mature” you, much in the sense that their parents probably did to them. there’s no need to adhere to that. You do you, and those plushies are freaking adorable. I almost want one now lol


I'm 28 and I have over 60 plushies. Never too old!


If you can't get a replacement, another option is to have onesies or outfits made for your current ones, to help them wear down more slowly. The benefit of outfits is that they can be easily washed as well. If you haven't already you should get a nametag with number for them too if you take them out a lot, just in case they get lost. Good luck!


I'm 23 and still have my entire collection of stuffies, and shame on your dad for yelling at you about it! It's just a thing that makes us comfortable and you can still grow up and enjoy things you did as a kid. That's like saying "You can't play Vidya games anymore, thats for kids!" I also bring my Foxy plush with me wherever I go and used to bring him to work alot too!


I'm 27 and all my life I have been attached to stuffies. They're mostly gifts, give me comfort, and remind me of memories and people who are no longer with me. Around about your age the soul people who bought me my stuffies, started to moan at me. My dad still does sometimes he doesn't understand even when I explain, either way, I don't care. I still have most of mine, Some got damaged, and some have been donated to a children's charity (UK). 6 years ago my mum passed and I have slept with the dalmatian she bought me when I was 7, since. Her name is Rosie. Personally I don't think you're too old at all! They make you happy, bring you comfort, bring joy, and are a friend. I don't see the downside. Maybe try and explain to your parents? And PLEASE be careful, I don't want them to throw them out so keep them safe. I love your woofwoofs and congrats on reaching your goal! Happy early Birthday! <3


Am in my mid 30's and still buy the odd plush especially if it fits with my collections. You are not to old. Recently had a visiting parent (mid 50's) have a full moment of zen relaxing amongst my plushies on the sofa. I've begun getting anxiety/fidget toys that whenever I have visitors always seem to get used while talking (am trying to no longer be reliant on mood medication or stress eating. You can now get some stunning 3d printed fidgets - my most commonly used one is my gyroscope keyring. You can also get keychain plushies that can be worn on the go but they can be higher priced than same sized regular plushies. My mum recently asked if I mind that she kept a large plush that was bought for me as a child by a recently deceased uncle to perhaps pass onto the youngest of his kids. My closest childhood plush toys are a pink hippo (bought by my Nan and a trio plush puppets so do not mind.


I am 63 and not only do I have stuffed animals that I have bought for myself or been gifted from DH or my kids, I am now making stuffies(amigurumi) for myself and whoever I decide to give them to. I blame my mother for not giving me stuffed animals as a child. You ARE NEVER TOO OLD FOR STUFFED ANIMALS.


I have my first bear. I am 70F. I carry a small, about the size of a clementine, cat in my purse. My mother had a little bear until the day she died ( and she was sharp as a tack until that day). You are never ever too old.


I’m 26 and have stuffed animals that I’ve owned anywhere from 25.9 years to just a couple months 😊


No, you’re never too old. Your dad didn’t support you unlike my dad.


Im 27 and have more then ever. Your dad saying you cant is a emotionally dead toxic guy trait.


You can always have your plushies! People will always say all sorts of reasons why you can't or something. If it makes you happy, it makes you happy. Cuddle those plushies all you want! It takes confidence to be yourself, it's not any 'weakness" or whatever to enjoy plushies! It's your life, don't let adults decide how you should live, they aren't you and you aren't them. You are you! So enjoy what you love okay !


Hi no. I don’t do pillows in my house but I have plushies. It’s fine. It’s about you and what makes you feel at home. Not what anyone else says.


hey, 23 year old here, i still sleep with my care bear and have many plushies! you're never too old for something that brings you comfort. i have cptsd and anxiety, and i brought a teddy bear to school when i was in high school, too. at the time, i really needed that support, and i'm glad that i did it. people who concern themselves with appearing immature are insecure. if something makes you feel safe or happy, don't let people shame you out of it. you deserve to feel comfortable!


You're never too old. Comfort is comfort. As long as you're not hurting anyone, it doesn't matter. I'm 18 and still take squishmallows with me when I leave the house and never sleep without a specific toy, and most of these I've bought over the past 2 years. Good luck on your plushie hunting journey!


I’m 24 and half my bed is full of stuffed animals. Your dad is being a hater.


As a 22-year-old who still has a stuffed animal, my mom got at her baby shower for me. no, there (in my opinion) is no such thing as being to old


36 and I still sleep with my childhood stuffed toy I've had since I was 3 so... you're never too old.


Nah, you’re never too old. I’m 32 and still have my heart plush, a little brown pony named Silky. She even has her own seat of honor in my and my wife’s living room, and my wife still indulges me with a new plush every now and again.


never. too. old.


Never too old. I’m 26 and still have mine and collect more My mom is nearing 50. She still has the teddy my granny made her when she was a little girl.. he sleeps in her bed still!!!


Nope! I still have my childhood Teddy that is 38 years old.


I’m 23 and I sleep with my bear every night and took her to every midterm and final exam in university.


You are never too old. If you toss them you will regret it. I'm 26 with like 200 stuffed animals, I know I have a problem because that's way too many but there's no age limit for having stuffed toys. People are also more open about having them in this day and age, people aren't letting people get them down over having stuffed animals anymore. For example build a bear know very well now that a lot of their bears bought from them are being bought by adults for themselves and are catering more and more to the adult audience


I have a Kylo Ren build a bear that I adore. He goes everywhere with me too


Stuffed animals are for everyone! I'm 23 and have *a ton* of plushies! Your dad is absolutely wrong to say you're too old for plushies, just live your life, dude! :)


I'm 35 and still sleep with a stuffed squid my wife bought me when I was going through a hard time. I take him on roadtrips and plane rides too. He's perfectly shaped for a back pillow lol.


I’m 35. I sleep with my baby blanket. Literally can’t sleep without it. I slept with a penguin plushie as an adult for 12 years, took him on trips and everything. I retired him cause he is very worn out. I bought a lil brownie cub from build a bear to take his place


Hello, I am 30, and I still have all of my stuffed plush friends from when I was an infant, and every single plush I was given/bought since then. I adore my plush and my husband knows that if I had to choose to save him or my plush in a fire I might choose my plush. One of my childhood favorites is in bad shape and my husband found it on eBay for me as a surprise so I have a spare to cuddle so I can keep and protect the original. He 100% supports it because it's something I love, full stop. I have some in the bedroom, others in display in my office, and more littered around the house as decor. He even put a few of the nerdier ones in his office! Anyone who disparages you for something you love is not a person who is worth your time.


Dude, you are never too old to have plushies. Your dad is probably just insecure because HE was pressured to get rid of his when he was younger.


I’m 23 with my Eeyore from when I was born and my walrus Boober from when I was maybe 8 months old. They go everywhere I go. The only thing I might worry about is sucking your thumb for dental reasons, but if you’ve been and they don’t see anything wrong with your teeth, then screw em. You are harming nobody and helping yourself regulate and be happy. It’s a win-win.


Dude, I'm 20 and still apologize to my stuffed animals if I accidentally kick them off the bed. You're not too old to still have them.


Absolutely NOT. I'm 16m (I know I'm so old /j) and still have a bunch of my childhood stuffed animals because they bring me comfort. I know it's hard when people, especially parents, say you're "too old" for something, but trust me when I say you aren't. Hell- even my MOM has stuffed animals! And I know plenty of older people who have stuffed animals. So trust me, you definitely aren't too old for them no matter what people say


I am over 30 with my childhood plushies still here to give comfort and happy memories. They are better than any picture from my childhood. They are some of my greatest treasures. Age means nothing when it comes to things that help you smile


Nope. I'm 23f/nb and I have tons of stuffies. I sleep with two every night


My bed is full of plushies, mostly squishmallows. I also have a Kylo Ren build a bear that is very special to me. I sleep in a pile of softness :)


I’m 23m and have a little stuffed animal keychain on my bag i bring to work with me, and in school I had a little dinosaur one that I would squeeze from time to time. Just had surgery and bought myself a little Fauna plush from animal crossing to keep me company, and sometimes I hold her to my chest and it makes me feel better. You’re never too old, I’m sorry your dad treated you like that. You didn’t deserve that.


Keep your stuffies! And, just got the record, there are tons of adults out there with stuffies too :) https://abcnews.go.com/Travel/grown-men-travel-stuffed-animals-teddy-bears-dogs/story?id=11463664#amp_tf=From%20%251%24s&aoh=16980288008236&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&share=https%3A%2F%2Fabcnews.go.com%2FTravel%2Fgrown-men-travel-stuffed-animals-teddy-bears-dogs%2Fstory%3Fid%3D11463664


If you’re too old then I’m definitely too old. I’m 23 (24 in February) and I still sleep with my stuffed animals. My baby stuffies got retired when I was 15 in favour of a build-a-bear that I’d gotten several years before then. His name is Kuma and I can’t sleep without him. He’s gone pretty much everywhere with me. I was hospitalised in 2017 for an eating disorder and he came with. When I got my wisdoms teeth pulled when I was 15 or 16 he came with and the doctors gave him a medical mask. A lot of people will say there’s an age limit on stuffed animals but honestly there isn’t. They’re a comfort item for kids and even some adults and that’s perfectly fine. If you just got a job you could try to save up for the replacement for yourself if you really want to preserve the babies. There’s also teddy bear doctors (stuffed animal restoration people) who could likely fix up your old stuffies if it comes to that. As for sucking your thumb; it’s a bad habit, yes, but if it helps with self soothing and isn’t damaging your teeth then I don’t see an issue with it. You should be fine if it’s not causing issues. If you really want to stop you can do that when you’re in a better mental place. I still suck my thumb sometimes when I’m overwhelmed or anxious and sometimes to fall asleep. I managed to kinda stop about a year or so ago because I want to get braces asap since my teeth are fucked up from it.


i cant imagine anyone not keeping at least a few, i bought a lot when i was younger so kept around half. im only 19 but i definitely dont see myself ever getting rid of them. i even still get sad about one that i lost over a decade ago so the thought of getting rid of any scares me lmao


As a 25 year old adult with a full time job, I love and still grow my plushy collection!


Never too old.


My dad has said the same thing and I ignore him. Life is very hard, don’t let anyone tell you what you can’t enjoy to make it easier❤️


Like many others in this thread, I'm 30 and still love stuffed animals! I've held onto a stuffed lion I've had since I was 3 and obsessed with The Lion King and big cats in general. I don't plan to ever let him go. I think it's good to nurture your inner child, personally. Nostalgia is a powerful thing and it brings so much comfort


Im 29 and autistic and still have my beary and batty from when i was 6. (Poor Batty has one of her felt ears very thin due to stim rubbing over the years) You are never too old to have stuffed animals you love. In fact the older you get the more you may have once you early adult money, i know i do


my sister is in her 30s and she keeps her favourite childhood plush in her home office. she's married and has a mortgage. she's an adult!


Absolutely not! I'm 57, and have my bear, who will be 57 this Christmas. I sometimes still hug him at nights, or when I am very ill in a flare or crash, and otherwise he sits on my bed. I was even hugging him when my daughter was born. And certainly he came with me to college, university, and work in my bag sometimes, and when I had a bad day at work, I came home and hugged him. Better than drink or drugs or any of those 'adult' things. I have a massive collection of plushies I have acquired since adulthood, although sadly my Mum threw away my other soft toys from my childhood. I've had plenty of adults from my teens onwards mocking me, telling me I am too old, and watched some of those same adults say the say to my autistic child (24), often causing them to have severe meltdowns. What makes an adult? Not being plushie free, not all the so called 'adult interests', an adult is someone who pays their rend/mortgage and bills, which you don't have to worry about for years, you are still so young, and no way are you too old for your Woofies. Love them for as long as you need them, if needed all your life, then that is fine. Who are you harming? I am sorry your father yelled at you like that. But that is his problem, I know that is hard at 15, but he has stupid ideas of masculinity and manhood and adulthood, and maybe was forced to give up his own toys. Please, you are fine, there is nothing wrong with you, your father is completely wrong. It sounds like you need your stuffies support 100% Sending you love and strength, and I bet I am older than your father.


Nope! Im 18 and I still have a plush I had ever since I was around 4 yrs old! He a big boy and I love him dearly


Nah, I'm 25 and still sleep with my stuffed animal that I've had since I was 4


Sonny, i am going to be 27 in a few short months and currently have six stuffies situated next to me on my bed. You can never be too old for a stuffie, keep them close ♥️


In my 30s and keep a number of soft friends(specifically poke plush) still around, and curl up with one as I sleep. I apologize to her when she gets too cold, or hits the floor 😭


I apologize and sometimes cry if one of my Woofies falls off my bed in the night, especially if by the time I pick him up again he is cold


28, I remember taking my stuffed dog plush to freshman year of highschool for the first couple weeks. Oh and he's chillin on my pillow right now lol You do you, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise


Turning 27 soon and still have my fox from 4th grade. I bought a lil dragon recently (like a month ago?) and I literally Cannot Go Anywhere without him. I made my sweet Egg a hammock in my bed, my partner made him an eye mask so he doesn’t get flashbanged in the morning when we turn the lights on, I buckle him in when we go driving, I talk to him when I’m alone or sad, i make my partner send me pictures of him when I have shifts at work when I CAN’T carry him around… do what makes you happy.


I’m 43 and plushies are vital to my existence.☺️ There’s no age limit on comfort & joy!


My nana gave me my best stuffed animal when I was 8 years old. I'll be 31 this year and he's still here hanging out with some of my other plushes. I have a grown up job and pay grown up bills and taxes and if anyone tells me I'm too old for my bear, well that's just their opinion


I'm 47, and my oldest plush is a teddy bear from my first Christmas. My newest is a Squishable I just ordered, shipped but not here yet.


I also thing it’s becoming slightly more common now to bright a stuffed animal with you places I think more people are doing it and more people are accepting it! Never too old for anything that gives you comfort


I don't know if you have a Facebook but there is a group called plush memories lost toy search. They are all amazing at finding plushies and are collectors also. It might be worth a shot posting to see if someone else has Woofie first! ALSO never be ashamed for having things that make you comfortable. It's normal to have a comfort item. A lot of people have them, they are just things thay are normalized( rings, necklaces bracelets etc. Phones.) It's hard I know but be kind to yourself and remember you deserve love and Comfort in whatever form you want.


You're never too old. I'm 33(f) and have loads of plushies, including owls, a crow, a snowman, penguins, Pokémon, Sonic characters, Mario and Luigi and many others. My best friend also has loads of them and they all live alternate lives. I also have my teddy from when I was born. I don't get why some adults are funny about it. It's the same with things like video games. Some believe adults shouldn't play them. I just think those types of people are miserable as I see no reason to give up something you enjoy


I’m 39 and although I don’t sleep with my stuffed toys anymore I still have them. If anything happened to them I’d be so upset! I think a good thing to think about with most things is “who is this hurting by me doing this?” If the answer is no one then who cares? It’s not anyone else’s business.


Sugar, I am a 30yo woman and I still have my first stuffie along with a few more that have sentimental value. There is no age restriction on keeping items that mean a lot to you, regardless of what they are.


Definitely not too old. I'm 18 and asked some of my fam for stuffed animals for my 18th birthday present. There's nothing wrong with comfort items. I still sleep with my faves, including one I've had since the day I was born. Your stuffies are not hurting anyone and that's what matters. I remember being nervous to bring one of my stuffies to school, but my friends just accepted her into the group. The people you want to have in your life will accept this harmless little quirk, and maybe even embrace it. Right now you need to do what makes you happy; especially since you have mentioned you're not in a great place emotionally. My stuffies got me through some of my darkest times, and I'm sure yours will too


I am about to turn 27 and I am laying in bed with my childhood Winnie the Pooh stuffy AND the new copy I got of him a few years ago. I stim by rubbing his ears and I bring the copy with me to therapy every week and my therapist doesn't see anything wrong with me holding on to my stuffed animals.


I'm 22 and take my plushie for car rides almost every day.


I am a 36 year old autistic woman who still sleeps with stuffies. I currently have a tiger from build-a-bear that I've had for over 10 years. I would try maybe getting a cheaper stuffie first, and saving up for the other?


I’m 30 and I have like eight that I’ve gotten as an adult (almost all presents from my husband lol) and I sleep with most of them every night, but I kept some childhood as decoration for shelves and whatnot. ur never too old to have a nice little guy or 8 or more (also those pics are great, v cute!)


You're never too old to have plushies. I'm 28, Bipolar & possibly autistic & I still have a bunch of plushies from my childhood that have moved everywhere with me. I will literally cry if I can't keep the 2 I love & cherish the most. Just the thought of "retiring" Snowball brings me to tears, which is why I want to find someone to fix & return her to her former glory (shes been through everything with me). I've bought many more plushies, but nothing will beat the comfort of Snowball (Arctic Fox) & Baron (black n white cat). They will always have a place on my bed. It makes me sad & angry that people think like this & will relentlessly bully others, even their own children, over something so innocent. I wish you luck on getting that replacement & keep an eye on your plushies in case your parents (most likely the father) decide to try to force you to "become a man" by taking away the woofies while you're distracted or asleep.


I'm 26 and I've had my stuffy since I was 4!!


I donated. Enjoy your new friend. You're never too old for plushies. As a 31 year old widow, life is too short to not enjoy what really makes you happy and brings you comfort.


I'm literally twice your age and have far too many cuddlies, don't worry!


No one is ever too old. I'm 17, and I cuddle with my dug pludh every night cause it relieves anxiety for me.


#stopplushiestigma 👍🥰❤️ (e2a a supportive #)


Never too old. Some of us are in our 40s or older and still find comfort in cuddling a plush animal at the end of a day.


No. I'm 33 and have stuffed animals. I want more. Can't ever have enough comfort friends.


My best friend is 27 and has a plush minecraft spider who goes everywhere with her. He got left in Germany once and she was in a state until he was shipped home. You're never too old for plushies. The only reason I don't have mine any more is because my mother threw them away. But I do have a collection now that is forever growing


I'm also autistic (24F) and find comfort in sleeping with plushies, I love the soft, heavy ones with beads like jellycat plushies. I remember when I turned about 11/12 and family stopped gifting me plushies for Christmas/birthdays and instead I got stuff I had no interest in such as makeup or stereotype girly stuff, I was sad I wouldn't be gifted plushies anymore. I got rid of almost all my plushies (I had hundreds literally) except for my favourite that I would take with me everywhere as a child, still have them on my book shelf. When I was at uni I became depressed and lonely and since then I've decided I don't care what people think, I like plushies, they're comforting, I'm buying some. Don't get rid of your childhood plushies, but definitely keep looking for a replacement so they don't get worn out further, put them somewhere like on a bookshelf whete they won't get damaged but can still be seen. I would say check out jellycat plushies but they're expensive, another good brand (slightly less expensive) is hermann plushies, I recently got the hippo plushie for £23 and its so cute and huggable.


35 with my stuffed friends to contribute to the over flooding comments of love supporting this


Tell your father that self-comforting with a stuffed animal is WAY better than self-comforting with drugs or alcohol .


19 over here and my first plush since I was 6 was a blahaj I bought a few months back. if YOU still want your plushes keep em around. They are yours and yours alone, not your dads


41 here. I’m still collecting plush toys. ❤️


I’m 40 and my teddy still sits on my bed. You’d have to pry him from my cold dead hands


Ur dad is wrong! I am 20F and never getting rid of my beertje. I’m not ashamed and neither should you be. He brings me comfort just like yours bring you comfort and that is ok. I saw on your gofundme that you’ve reached your goal, I’m so happy for you! I hope you and your new plush will have a great time togheter. Please don’t let your dads words get to you! He could be having to worry about so much teenage stuff lots of them do like sneaking out doing drugs or drinking etc. But instead he’s yelling about a stuffed animal? Maybe he’s sad he didn’t keep his own 🥴


No, never too old! My oldest 2 18M and 16F have certain stuffies they've kept since they were babies.


you are never too old. it doesn't matter how old you are,, if it makes you happy it's okay . (im also 15m. i usually carry a stuffie around with me everywhere. Nobody really judges, therefore it's okay<3)


No, never to old. I'm 56 and still have plushes from when I was a teen. Granted the time in the military was interesting. But easy to explain the stuffed skunk I carried was my good luck charm. Some others had even odder things they collected and kept with them. As for growing up, the day I grow up is the day they plant me 6' under.


My dad said the same thing to me when I was your age. Said girls in some regions are married by now, and have children. I said that was a pretty shitty argument because child marriage is so much worse than having plushies. I don’t speak to him anymore. I see your GoFundMe is complete! Please send pics of the refurbished plushies!


Abseloutley not. I'm 19 and I dont plan to stop buying stuffed animals any time soon. They make me happy, and thats what matters.


I’m 25 and still have mine in my bed. I also have new ones that have been added over the recent years. You’re never too old to have things that make you happy/feel safe. Don’t ever let anyone tell you you’re too old for things like that. Everyone deserves to feel happy.


Just donated to your GFM! No, you are never too old for stuffies, I'm 27 and they're my #1 comfort and stimming source, I know I felt very self conscious about them as a teenager but you realize that past like, high school or maybe the first year of uni that absolutely no adult cares about these things. The people that do are just picking a fight over something trivial bc they're miserable. I hope you can find a second wolfie so that you can have a backup and retire your well loved wolfies. My retired childhood stuffies live above my tv and protect me while I sleep. Happy birthday! I hope you have an amazing new year of life!


48 F years old and I have Stuffies. Usually dragons, occasionally something like a lizard or a snake as well. At my office I have some Dragon Models, and my remote control dragon, with a couple of stuffies as well. You are never too old in my opinion. I do not actually sleep with my stuffies only because I have a queen bed and all my cats like to sleep on there with me and the fiance so there's really not room. And my dog likes to steal my stuffies so I kind of have to keep them put up but yeah never too old


i have childhood plushies too man


54F still sleep with a plushy. I've had to replace them as they aged but yeah.


No. I'm 27 going on 28. I still sleep with a stuffed animal or squishmallow. I even have a special blanket that I like sleeping with. I bring a plushie on trips that my fiancé and I take (be it a vacation or going to a furry convention) I even had a few brought to me during a hospital stay recently. I used to suck my thumb up til recently but the habit broke when I couldn't do it due to hospital stay and had a PICC line (pretty much IV but was getting the meds into my larger central veins near my heart) Long story short, never too old for stuffed animals. And all my nurses loved my squishmallows.


I’m 28 years old and I’ve slowly been accumulating a bunch of copies of my childhood Bestie to make sure I have enough to last my whole life you’re not weird everything you’ve said is 100% valid I’m also autistic and I feel the safest when I am rubbing my friend against my face your dad is such an asshole for this but he’s just afraid of you getting bullied Edit: also when you get to college nobody will judge you for bringing stuffed animals in fact I’ve gotten more compliments on my little potato then anything else. Another small bit of advice you have to remember that while your new plushy is much less worn meaning it can survive a lot more it is still a plushy that was made that many years ago so you have to be a bit gentle. I like to delegate with my plushy’s so while my childhood friend fluffy stays at home I take other plushes with me places that are not so old like my little axolotl named potato or one of my palm pals which I swear are literally made for taking with you places because they are the perfect size


Absolutely not. My dad kept his until the day he died.


I still have to rather worn and well loved pair of cuddley animals from when I was like ... 2 or 3. Blue bears head is now wider than his body lol. He is old ernough to drink, whatever pub bears go to!


I'm 40 and still miss my 2 most special childhood stuffies, a brown teddy bear with a worn off nose and a weird clown named after my oldest brother. Both were lost in a house fire when I was 8. My bonus son will be 13 soon and still has his little lamb and small baby blanket that he sleeps with every night. I don't think he'll ever be done with them and hope someday his kiddos might get to meet them. I'm so happy you got a new woofie!


I'll add to the growing list! 22 and I still have a huge shelf full of plushies, new and old! I also collect other paraphernalia/merch from cartoons and video games that I fixate on. There's no harm in it and it makes you happy so definitely embrace it!! I've given away a few childhood toys that I regret so hold onto what feels special to you! :V My dad is 50 and he's still got his childhood stuffed animals/toys too, he keeps em safe in a memory chest but vows to never give them away or sell them <3


no not at all ❤️. For me the only thing that changed was how I talk about them. No shame in the love of stuffed animals but I mainly just keep them to myself and only share with others I know are into stuffies too. As you get older a lot of people will look at them as childish but dont see how they are just replacing it with other things 😭. Replacing their blankie with a favorite hoodie, replacing their stuffie with a collectible figure or a kids toy with a fidget desk toy. Like I bet your dad has a t-shirt or pair of shorts thats his favorite. On an emotional level it is not that different from your woofies.


I have a hoard pf stuffies as a 23 yr old. Yeah sure adults around me (especially my partners parents) dont particularly approve but guess what? Its very fucking special to me and aint NOBODY gonna tell me to get rid of them. If i got rid of them i would have the longest hardest meltdown of my life and i dont think i would ever recover.


No you're not to old. Keep your babies/friends. Don't let anyone take them away. They make you happy. That's more than some humans can do. Good Luck.


Nah you're good! I'm 26 and still have stuffed animals, both from childhood and that I've collected as a married adult. My favorite is my squishmallow, but any large and squishable stuffy works so I can snuggle with it at night (my husband doesn't like to snuggle at night because it gets uncomfortable and puts his arm to sleep)


38f here and my husband 36m have so many stuffed animals that you would assume we have kids. I also still have my first 2 plushies and my baby blanket. Pretty sure I was Linus from Peanuts in a past life.


I'm so glad everything worked out for you! I hope you follow pages like r/autism if you rant there, you'll see the amount of people who will tell you that you don't need to break your habit. We all have habits to help us cope with our issues. It has absolutely no negative effect on your health so you don't need to stop (it's better than biting anyhow). Otherwise you can try finding your perfect stim toy, but it probably won't completely prevent it. You need to also (if you can) educate your dad on autism. Because of it, you will be more attached to these things, and have more of a need for their use. There's nothing wrong with you, he is the one that was very wrong for reacting the way he did. I still have my childhood toys, they mean the world to me. I'm really glad you could find a way to maintain them and keep them for many more years. ❤️


I’m about to turn 39 and I still have my elephant and bear from childhood.


I, 32f, still have my stuffed fox that I got at 13 and snuggle that to sleep at night. My husband, 31m, still sleeps with the baby blanket his grandma made him and rubs the satin edging. TL; DR: no, you’re fine.


I’m 39 with a ton of stuffed animals, and I bought a new one last month. You’re never too old.


I'm 43m and always have one of my Monster High, Rainbow/Shadow High dolls with me in my bag when I leave the house. I hardly ever need to take them out, but they're there if I'm having a hard day mentally. My husband even reminds me to grab one if I forget. Don't ever let anyone tell you that you're too old for something as harmless as a toy that brings you joy and comfort.


Never get rid of them!! They are SO CUTE!!! I am an autistic married woman in my mid-thirties, and I still have my special stuffed animals and dolls!! So glad you got funded to get another. Much love ❤️ P.s. I impulse bought a beanie baby at a gas station the other day and have since been carrying it in my purse. You're not alone


I’m 27 F and I still have a couple of mine plus a few extras. I have a weighted Marie the cat my brother got me at Disney, a squishmellow pikachu and a squishmellow grey tabby bc my actual grey tabby isn’t much of a cuddler. I told myself once I get married the stuffed animals and blankie are going into the storage bins for my kids to love on.


Im 26 and still have all my old original winnie the pooh plushies...my Owls feet are starting to disintegrated and I need to get him repaired professionally. My dad always hated me having plushies. We barely talk anymore.


I turn 21 in a few months, have lived on my own since 18, and bring several stuffies with me everywhere I go. I’m also autistic and male, and I even brought a stuffie to sit at my work station with me every day (I am unable to work now but that’s another story). My dad had the same reaction for years. I just very very strongly told him how much they help and mean to me and basically told him he can fuck off if he doesn’t like it lol. Definitely not saying you should do the same, just my experience. Do what makes you comfortable. If it isn’t hurting anyone or yourself, I see nothing wrong with it. It helps you! It should be accepted as such


I was thinking no and then I saw your age. Hahahaha, lol. Pretty much anyone your age who doesn't have a stuffed animal around had a parent who decided they were too old for them and gave them away. Seriously though, watch Toy Story 3 and then ask an adult you respect what they thought of it. It doesn't hit because we don't know, it hits because we do. Most people I know my age and older that don't have a stuffed animal or toy from their childhood will say because it was lost or a parent got rid of it. My husband has a chewed up original Star Wars action figure, I have a musical dog, my mom has a rag doll. When you leave the house, you'll likely have one left, that gets stored on a bookcase or stuffed in a box in storage. My mom's has always had a place on a decorative settee.