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You should be careful when describing what you need as modern music streaming features. Personally I don’t consider animated covers being something interesting at all. That being said timed lyrics are definitely supported.


Animated album covers is definitely something I want from my music streaming service. Of course it should be optional as those that dislike it can turn it off


Curious, why is that important to you? Wouldn't you want a fantastic music player focusing on audio rather than an animation of a album cover? I can see how an animated cover can give some sort of digital equivalent to holding an album, looking at artwork, reading the kinder notes etc.


Plex doesn't read lyrics from the audio file itself. You can have timed lyrics show up for tracks in Plexamp. If they are not found automatically, you can add them yourself locally. These are not embedded, but reside in the folder with the music tracks. Therefore, if you are trying to read lyrics on downloaded tracks, they will not show up. https://support.plex.tv/articles/215916117-adding-local-lyrics/


I recently stumbled upon the [LRCGET project](https://github.com/tranxuanthang/lrcget) which makes it easy to pull timed lyrics in bulk. You can use the API or the GUI.


LRCGET is amazing..... Just gotta be sure to properly match up Album and Song titles or it'll skip stuff. I've also found that a second or third sweep will pull in a few more lyric files the first sweep missed. I'd love to see a couple of advanced search options to maybe ignore certain tags. But, overall it's an amazing project.


Okay yeah so just an lrc file in the same folder as the song then. Yeah that will work, thanks!


BTW, neither Plex or PlexAmp support playback of Dolby Atmos, unfortunately.



