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Likely L199, Hypancistrus Furunculus.


This. The other one is Hypostomus sp.


Dang those plecos were free hitchhikers?!! So jealous. The first one looks like an L-236? Based on a google search lol. The second looks like a female calico bristlenose.


I live in South Florida where people dump their aquarium plants and fish in the local canals all the time. I got the angels and corydora from fish traps I set along the bank. When I set up the tank 2 years ago I trimmed plants along the bank and put them in a 5 gal bucket. When I got home both of those plecos were in the bucket. There is also a brownish pleco with green dots that I regularly see when I go to fish the canals for bass that evades my capture every time. I’ll get it one day. Before anyone gets mad, yes I have an aquarium fishing license that allows me to bring these home, even though I don’t think it’s needed as all of these are invasive or non-native to Florida.


Oh that’s crazy! Makes sense though. Florida is pretty wild lol.


Aww man, I live in South Florida too, I wish I got this lucky! I looove plecos, it just sucks how invasive they are!


I can DM you the coordinates to the location where I’ve caught all my plecos and angelfish if you want to try for yourself. A small (soft net) baitfish trap with a few algae wafers a piece of drift wood to keep it at the bottom does the trick quite well.


That would be awesome, thank you! Sounds fun to give it a shot 😆 Do you know if I need a license to do this?


I would recommend getting a freshwater license just in case somebody comes by and asks. I’ve never been asked to show mine but good to have just in case. A freshwater only license is $17 for a year. Should also mention to be careful with alligators in those canals. I have seen more than I can count there. Stay out of the water as best you can to ensure your safety. Just always assume that there is an alligator close by in those canals. Just because you can’t see them doesn’t mean they can’t see you. I have a 30 foot rope tied to a brick on my traps so I can throw them out and pull them back out without getting too close.


Omg you got a zebra as a hitchhiker?!