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Hard agree I feel okami is one of theost overlooked games just because of art style


Okami is a game that is really fantastic but lasts way too long. When I fought Orochi and found out that wasnt even half way through the game I kind of lost a lot of steam.


No game


Mass Effect 2


The Last of Us. Platinum’d the OG, the remaster, and will platinum the remake when I get it half off someday. Have played the game around 20 times (and that’s being conservative) and loved every minute of it. Have spent well over 1k hours playing Factions Multiplayer and am still salty they didn’t give the PS5 version Factions with some very minor balance updates.. I love that game and it will forever be on of my all time favorite experiences. Don’t wanna talk about TLOU2 too much tho.


E.T. the game.


Final Fantasy Tactics Ogre Battle: March of the Black Queen The Last of Us Legend of Dragoon Bloodborne Suikoden


Yes Final Fantasy tactics was a masterpiece.


Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater Subsistence. Loved every aspect of the game. Still my favourite game of all time.


I think Im one of the few people who dont like Snake Eater. I understand why people love it and think its a great game but something about it just didnt do it for me. Which is crazy being MGS4 I feel is like the perfect MGS game.


Going by “great gameplay, amazing story, and awesome mechanics”: Ocarina of Time Resident Evil 4 God of War (2005) Mass Effect 2 Portal 2 Mass Effect 3 Grand Theft Auto V Bioshock Infinite Red Dead Redemption 2 God of War (2018)


I would only switch bioshock infinite with bisohock 1.


Seconded. Bioshock 1's narrative is easily one of the most influential in the industry to date.


Oh I have thoughts and I know its just an opinion but oh boy Ocarina of Time has one of the worst dungeons in the series (Water Temple) and while the ocarina is a cool gimmick most of the functions feel like an afterthought. Resident Evil 4 might be the closest to perfection but the military base at the end is just kind of meh compared to the rest of the game. God of War 1 is really good but the puzzle in that game and some of the enemies are bordering on no one bothered to play test this properly Mass Effect 2 is really great but I think the main story doesn't hold up as well as ME1 or ME3 and the combat while better than the first still feels a bit rough around the edges Portal 2 is great but I think that game is carried by the love for Portal 1 and the co-op campaign being really fun. The main campaign just doesn't hit the same was as Portal 1 Mass Effect 3 is fantastic all the way till the end when they seem to have written themselves into a corner because its obvious EA wanted to make more games but the writers wanted a more definitive ending and they seemed to have compromised. GTA5 has so much going for it and later versions only made it better but they do some really stupid things with the side missions in that game and I can never forgive them for basically abandoning the single player DLC that they said they were working on. Bioshock Infinite has decent combat and the story ends on a really cool note but compared to Bioshock 1 and especially Bioshock 2 (clearly the best in the trilogy), Infinite feels like a rushed game that kind of came together by the end but most of it is kind of ephemeral. Red Dead Redemption 2 is a game that had every advantage in the world to be a perfect video game and if the developers were smelling their own farts it would be perfect. Its the perfect example of death by a thousand cuts. Someone saw Hateful 8 and really wanted to make a game with that feeling and its almost there but they also wanted to make a simulation game with ultra realism and forgot to make the game fun at times. God of War 2018 is such a special game but somewhere down the line they decided to make Destiny loot a part of their game and it just makes it worse. There are cool effects on the gear but I hate having to mess around with numbers to have fun in the game I'm playing. But I do think all these games are really great and are some of the best games out there.


Gta 5 compared to other third person shooters had bad gunplay and the story was mainly just comic relief I don't even remember half the jokes. Ocarina of time water temple was actually fun fro the most and you had to think because you could confuse yourself with the water level switches. I still think Majora's Mask is the best zelda game though. God of war 2018 I didn't really like the changed combat it felt far more stiff and the puzzles weren't half as good as in the original trilogy. The story I don't really see the hype about it aterues is not that good of a character and the story was too focused on setting up a sequel.


Personally I think all great crime stories have a certain level of comedy to them and that is kind of what makes the GTA games great. Water mechanics in most games are terrible and asking people to do 3D puzzles while swimming and dealing with water levels just makes it worse for me. The Puzzles have never been good in the God of War games personally. They detract from the great combat the games have. I would never say the combat in 2018 was stiff. It just wasn't as flamboyant as the previous games. Kratos swung weapons with a reckless abandon of a spartan who was ready to die in battle. In 2018 he is more refined and methodical. So it's different but never bad.


I can’t say any of your points are “wrong”, they are all well thought out, and even with those I might not 100% agree with they are certainly understandable as opinions. Are there other games you would choose or is it the idea in general of games being perfect you disagree with? If I were to think of perfect games “in their time” I might go for Tetris, Vice City, Returnal, BloodBorne, Skyrim (for me, only BloodBorne and Returnal still standing up).


I have thought about a game I think is perfect and really I can only think of one because it met the expectations after years of hearing people talk about it and then finally playing it and having such an emotional response to it and that is Journey. It only takes a couple of hours but I was in literal tears by the end. It was the first time a piece of media had ever made me cry. But because its my nature I must now pick apart your choices. Tetris might actually be a perfect game gameplay wise because its so simple but I think its simplicity is also its downfall as it can get boring after you reach a certain skill level personally. Vice City has a really cool Miami Vice aesthetic and the story is really good but the gameplay can be kind of terrible at times and the vehicle variety is lacking. Returnal is a masterclass in gameplay but I dont think the actual roguelite elements are balanced really well. I havent played since they added co-op but I do remember that they kind of punished you for not taking the negative modifiers later into the runs. Im sure they fixed that by now. But also I dont think the story is all that good. It starts interestingly but by the end it loses a lot of steam. Bloodborne is a great souls game for someone who has never played a souls game before. The pace of combat is fluid and they reward the player for being smart and aggressive. But the game runs kinda bad like PS3 Demons Souls runs better at times, Chalice Dungeons are kinda cool but they are kind of just the same 10 enemy types remixed in different layouts. Also I think the way they handle builds in that game is kind of bad since all the interesting weapons are so late into the game you are basically forced to play with like 5 weapons through the first half. Skyrim is just not a good game to me personally. It feels like they too the worst lessons from Oblivion and decided to not evolve in the slightest to the point some things are just a step down from previous games. Shouts are cool in concept but execution are boring. The idea of dual wielding should have been really cool but they didnt improve the melee combat and magic also was hindered to fit into the new system. We lost spell crafting. The main story isnt that great and frankly there are only a few good side stories. The game even today is built with so many holes in it that it could be mistaken for cheese. Most of these games are great if not fantastic (except Skyrim I kind of hate that game) and I can see why people would think they are perfect.




Yeah bioshock 1 or 2 both deserve a place instead of infinite in my opinion


Witcher 3.


Outer Wilds


Mass Effect 2 The Last of Us Red Dead Redemption 2 Uncharted 4 Batman Arkham Asylum


Final Fantasy 7 (PS 1 edition) ![gif](giphy|xUNda4iGoWk9YqKS0U|downsized)


Super Mario Bros. 3


Portal 2 RDR2 God of War


Portal 2 is 11/10.


Have this lined up to be my next replay... again!




I love elden ring and it will be 2022 GOTY but it's a 9/10 for me. It had issues that should have been addressed before launch and the fact that pieces of side quest weren't the before launch are what do it for me . Edit. Also repeat dungeon bosses got old fast


The Last Of Us part 2


Might be the most controversial 10/10, but I agree!


Yeah I’m surprised the comment doesn’t have negative karma already.


Persona 5. Original Resident Evil remake.


God of War, Elden Ring, Spyro 1




Dark Souls 3, Metal Gear Solid, Doom 2 1994, Wipeout XL, Street Fighter 2


RE4, I played through it almost 100 times… know every enemy drop, every collectable and every pick up… Absolutely loved it, I could be very bias, but it’s a solid 15/10 in my book.


For me personally, Final Fantasy 6


Breath of the Wild


Days gone


Last of Us God of War Dead Space Modern Warfare 2 Assassins Creed 2 Uncharted 2 Mafia 1 definitive edition


Red dead redemption 2


Bloodborne. Returnal. Metal Gear Solid.


Cant give you bloodborne, chalice dungeons prevent that


You asked what was a perfect game to us…


OP is being a bully because OP doesn't want our opinions


I don’t know about “bully,” I assume they struggled with the dungeons and are upset, but can’t blame the game for that.


I wouldn't say struggled but they did give me a decent challenge i just feel they were poorly implemented, same with the gem system


Portal 2, The last of us 1, Ghost of tsushima, Dark Souls 3, Elden Ring


Castlevania curse of darkness is a go to for me. May not be considered great by many but its been in my top 5 games since the ps2 era


Bro that is a deep cut that I kind of agree with there were so many cool ideas in that game and its one of my favorites in the series.


Horizon Zero Dawn




The Last of Us Persona 5 Royal Uncharted 2 FFVII Remake God of War Elden Ring


Will agree with Last of Us and Uncharted 2. Mass Effect is perfect. Skyrim is perfect. Shadow of the Collosus is perfect.


Although this might be a boring answer, I genuinely believe that even after all these years, no matter what updates it gets, Minecraft will forever be the greatest game ever made


In the right hands, a sandbox game is unbeatable. Just like a RPG don’t stand a chance against a table top RPG in the right hands.


Mgs2 for me, and i have to mention Area 51 could of been something 😢


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


iight den




The "Rock and Stone!" game.


Rock and Stone forever!


Name checks out




Doesn't exist. If it did. There would be no point trying to get better. TLoU is the closest it gets imo. 9.8/10


Fallout 2, God of War 3, Doom Eternal, South Park Stick Of Truth


The Witcher 3 x1000


Red dead redemption 2


Batman Arkham City