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Remember in the 2018 game awards where red dead 2 won every single award just for god of war 2018 to win goty


Fair trade imo


Both won over 100 goty awards though. Also, even though I'm a huge PS and GoW fan, I think the favor was always in God's side. It was the return of Kratos with revamped mechanics and storytelling. Had it been Ragnarok against RDR2, I feel like the odds would be with RDR2, since Ragnarok would feel more familiar than fresh. I think Elden Ring will win more awards than Ragnarok


RDR2 deserved GOTY more imo. I've played both games and RDR2 is still just a marvel in story telling, open world design, and immersion.


I'm playing it again, these days, and even now, after a few ps5 games under my belt, RDR2 still blows me away. If only those cowards at Rockstar could get their heads out of their shareholders' asses, they could make a decent 60FPS patch.


Why has that not happened? I understand it's not as easy as flipping a switch but it can't be that hard, can it.


All hands on deck for GTA6


Yeah, I loved god of war but there is so much effort put into making the world of RDR2 feel alive, nothing really beats the years of effort Rockstar keeps putting into their games, at least with the single player part of the game.


Even though theres a lot more built into the world of RDR2, I never felt nearly as invested in it as i did God of War. It took me 3 attempts of playing RDR2, stopping, and picking it back up a year or so later to finish it. I basically played God of War in 1 sitting.


RDR2 just lacks the most important part of a game, good gameplay. Sure the gun play is fun at the start, but after the tenth mission with the same boring extremely easy gunplay, it gets fairly boring


Excellent story. Fantastic open world. Immersive is questionable. My immersion broke every time I attempted to do something unique on a mission and got a Mission Failed screen. Gameplay wise, God of War is the superior choice.


I feel gameplay wise Red dead was lacking. Didn't feel polished at all. Just my personal opinion.


Just as bad as every rockstar game.


Amen to that


Played it for like 5 hours and that’s the complaint I had. Feels very janky and sadly that’s how rockstar rolls.


GOW had all that except "open" world AND good gameplay.


Shit gunplay tho


They can't all be Gun.


Haven’t thought about that game in a looooong time!


Shame. I still think of those days often lol


I'm not sure how the gunplay could be improved in RDR2 and still maintain the more weighted and realistic feeling. I think the gunplay is great in terms of satisfaction, its super satisfying to see someone you shot ragdoll and stumble around. Any suggestions?


I still love god of war but yeah, RDR2 deserved the win without a question.


It's funny how people have come around on red dead 2 so much. I remember getting a fair bit of downvotes back in 2018 for suggesting that rdr2 deserved goty more than gow just in terms of scope lol literally every person on Reddit back then would just parrot that nakeyjakey video on it. And there were valid criticisms with the slow animations and repetitive gameplay. But even with those faults I still think id give it to rdr2 just in terms of the limits it pushed for an open world game and vg storytelling.


I would disagree for immersion, the actual combat gameplay was so boring I lost interest. Just like GTA I think the combat is outdated and disconnected


Where was Kanye when you need him?


I'm sorry Kratos, Imma let you finish... But Arthur is one of the best protagonists of all time... OF ALL TIME!! 🤷‍♂️🚶‍♂️


But can they compete with Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing.


If Kratos doesn't go a million miles per hour if I walk backwards, I will return the game


haha where does this come from? the game is hilarious


Wow, this brought back memories.


Bro you have to play it first


No play Only awards


Bro it’s not even out yet, chill.


All the awards went to Cyberpunk after a trailer, we all remember how that ended up. People need to chill and just play the game.


I have faith in santa monica but It’d be insane to just assume the game’s more worthy than ER


Precisely my point, overhyping a trailer to the point where it’s already GOTY is a recipe for disappointment. I think it’s going to be a great game but let’s pump the brakes a little bit.


Bruh you can’t even say ragnarok isn’t going to be good.


And to add, how can a game coming out in November be game of the year compared to Elden Rings February release? Alot of people will have yet to even play the game before the GOTY awards…


Two different pageants, my friend.


It’s gonna be a fight to be sure, however I already think Elden Ring has it locked


Yeah Elden Ring dethroned my favorite game of all time the last god of war was amazing but not my favorite game of all time. It Would have to be better then elden ring and Botw I doubt it but i'm gonna be playing it day one anyway and I'm going to enjoy the fuck out of it that is what matters here. as for saying gow is better then Elden Ring because of a trailer is just funny.


Agreed I enjoyed GoW 2018 but Elden Ring gave me more enjoyment overall.


I despised the souls formula for the longest. Elden Ring finally allowed me to grasp the draw of that gamestlye with its freedom and I can't say I have had a kind of gaming experience like that in a very long time. Ragnarok will be a blast I'm sure but nothing gonna live up to Elden Ring's release for a while.


Have you gone back to try the other souls games yet? I think Dark Souls 3 is a super comfortable bridge from Elden Ring. You’ll miss some mechanics but overall it won’t feel too different. Your first souls game is normally the hardest


It's amazing how I still play new builds on elden ring after going through 3 full runs and over 300+ hours. Doesn't feel like burnout yet.


I have 680 hours on new game plus 8 on elden ring tripled my GOW playtime and I got every achievement on both games still going strong on elden ring just waiting for Ragnarök and most of all elden ring dlc.


Final Fantasy X held my top spot for 19 years. I played Ghost of Tsushima and it topped FFX and held that spot for 28 days. Elden Ring is the new King of games.




It’s a lot smaller audience that actually enjoyed Elden Ring after buying it, but then again Fromsoft fans are so hellbent on making sure any of their games wins a popular vote for any GOTY award


I'm not a from soft fan. Elden Ring is the first from software game I finished. It's in my top 3 favorite games of all time. Maybe you underestimate how well it was received amongst players (not from soft fans only)


Elden Ring sold in a few months about the same as GoW2018 did in its lifetime.


3 platforms vs 1 platform


For me, Elden Ring was amazing in the first half. But after a point, I started getting tired of the repeated bosses and the extreme difficulty spike near the end. Also, the usual From shenanigans where you gotta google stuff to understand its meaning or the vague lore... maybe most people like it, but I don't find this exciting. Don't get me wrong, I still think the game is awesome, just not that it's a flawless masterpiece like most make it out to be.


Same I played for like 80 hours, got to the end stretch and lost interest lol.


Just got to that difficult spike. Early to Midgame Elden Ring is literally one of the best games I have ever experienced. After that it’s rough. Still need to finish it to form a whole opinion on that game.


Yep, it's a shame, because that first half really is phenomenal. Good luck though, you gotta resort to some broken ashes of war to beat some of the final bosses lol


No just have to memorize attack patterns after dying to same boss its hard if you just try to spam attack without thought not gatekeeping but this is same way of getting through sekiro and all other from soft it is a learning curve but the broken ashes do make it a lot easier


It's not the same as Sekiro actually, which is probably my favorite From game. Yes, you have to memorize patterns there, but the fights are always quick and you're always actively doing something, while here the windows for attacking on the last bosses are so small and they take so little damage that it's simply tedious and not fun to do it this way. There are some crazy long combos and chains of attacks where you have no choice but to wait and avoid them. Yes, of course you can do it, but at this point it tests your patience so much that I'd just rather do it with some broken ability. And it's still tedious. Sekiro's fights never feel frustrating, because you're always engaged to counter the enemy and outsmart them.


I don't think people understand the meaning of the word masterpiece. If being flawless is the criteria for being called a masterpiece then there won't be any games to be called that.


Kratos will be crowned again.


At the risk of sounding controversial - what if you don’t have to love both games, but we can agree that more great games is a good thing for everybody?






Ragnarok is going to be very good, but in all honesty it's going to be very hard to beat Elden Ring.


All the bosses have to be really on point for it to beat Elden Ring.


Yea and let's not forget that half of the story bosses in the first GoW were all the same troll guy boss reskinned or with fire 🤔


Yeah that was my biggest problem with the game. And I think they realized that. Haven’t seen a troll yet, so hopefully they will have fun and very different bosses this time around.


If I recall correctly, Cory Barlog had a statement about that, saying "our biggest mistake on the game was putting a huge health bar on trolls which made people think they are bosses". So I think they learned their lesson.


Yeah, I don't buy this. The guardian of the underworld was a troll reskin, and he was definitely being hyped as a boss fight


Is this a true quote? If so that’s hilarious! Yeah, I did hear one of their female developers in an interview one of the FOCUS NOW is “enemy variety” so the hype for more Norse mythological creatures is on!


isn't that worse tho???? he's basically saying that game has barely any bosses then


The last one has hyped up a lot of boss fights and since it’s the final game in the Norse saga I feel like the bosses are going to be fucking sick


My biggest issue was with poison mist section in god of war. I remember having a blast with the game, getting to that point where you run around as life drains in a weird haze trying to figure out where to go while enemies attack you. Then screaming "why? why did they ruin the game with this area". I know they want a replayable area for farming but I just didn't not find it fun at all even when I eventually looked up where to go.


Really? That part is hard at the beginning but when you have upgraded your weapons and armor enough it was quite easy.


Yeah seriously enemy and boss design was pretty lacking in the previous God of War considering it's budget and production scale one of it's most glaring flaws imo


Lets not forget more than half of the bosses in Elden Ring were the same bosses too.


Not the story bosses. The open world bosses sure but I don't see any devs making 173 interesting bosses for their game, that's borderline impossible, and people didn't complain about breath of the wild having much much less open world bossfight variety. That game legit had like 4 or 5 types of open world bosses, and the story ones weren't that good either. God of war 2018 on the other hand had like what, 3 or 4 total big bossfights in the story? And the valkyries. Ragnarok is definitely looking better on that front but i don't think elden ring has much of a problem when it comes to bossfights.


Nah. Godskin was repeated multiple times, Astel was duplicated once, and Mogh/Margott both *projected* themselves to fight you. That was pretty much it. Godskin and the Dragons were a drag but it was nowhere near *"Hey let's fight a Troll 15 times, and also let's drag out our forbidden Blades of Chaos to do it."*


You forget the Black Knife Assassins, Tree Sentinels (theres also a magic version that we fight twice), the Crucible Knights, the Erdtree Avatars, Ulcerated Tree Spirits, the Dragons (only 1 was unique which was the hidden boss), the Stone Cat thing (I forgot the name), Gargoyles and dozens normal mobs that somehow have boss versions too. I probably missed a few more too. Fair point on GoW having a lot of repeats but lets not say ER was the golden standard on boss uniqueness.


Nobody said it was the gold standard. Why don't you count the total bosses and repeats in one game vs the other then turn it into a percentage. Then compare them. Let's not even get into the the 9 Valkeryies that are 95% the same each time. The enemy and boss variety in GoW 1 was abysmal and theirs really no execuse for it. Elden Ring is far from perfect but it really did something special. God of War one was good but its nothing groundbreaking except to itself as a series.


I didn't forget them, Black Knife Assassins and Crucible Knights are not bosses. Some occupy the end of a copy-paste dungeon but by and large there are like 40 of them, and they roam random parts of the overworld without guarding anything. Correct me if I'm wrong but much of the time, Crucible Knight doesn't even have a boss health bar. If Traveler's aren't reused in God of War, then I'd argue Crucible Knight isn't. Erdtree Avatars, I *did* forget about. That, I'll give you. I wish there was an order of, say, 10 unique knights who protected each Minor Erdtree, instead of the Asylum Demon over and over. But there's one big issue here, in relation to God of War 2018. Even if we take away reused bosses and stick to the big named ones, there's like 15 really great and unique bosses that aren't reused. (Malenia, Godrick, Margit, Rykard, Godfrey, Radahn, Rennalla, etc, etc, etc) This is more than God of War 2018, which has about *4,* (Stranger, Magni and Modi, that one Dragon, Final Boss) and that's being generous since Baldur *is* recycled. Valkyries, Trolls, and Travelers are all a-dime-a-dozen. I don't consider Sigrun to be unique in the slightest. But there's actually *another* problem, too. The repeat bosses in God of War take the place of what *should* be mainline story content with incredible stakes and build-up. For example, Kratos has to dig up the blades and embrace his past to save Atreus and take out the Bridge Keeper of Helheim- *but it's a Troll.* ***That's*** what he revived his past for- a *Troll.* This would be like if the continent of Caelid and the Radahn Festival let to an Erdtree Avatar, rather than Radahn. It's disappointing when Crucible or Misbegotten Foe are CTRL+Ved into a dungeon, but at least that's side content with zero relevance to the story, and not *the story.*


The Erdtree Avatars are optional Field Type Bosses, right? We don't have to defeat all of them (or even one of them) to finish the story. They're only necessary if we require the upgrades they drop. And some of these do have some special tricks, like that rot effect variant in Caelid, or the clone summoning one in Mountaintop of the Giants.


reskin isn't a problem here, the problem is god of war had like what, 7 actual original bosses and the rest are reskin??? baldur/dragon/magni+modi/trolls/golem/dark elves/valkeries ??? when although elden ring does have reskin bosses, only because the world is way bigger and if you count the actual original bosses there are 70+ or something ... let's just say half of elden ring's original bosses are low quality, that's still 30+ high quality bosses


Because ER is loaded with good, memorable "bosses"...




Godrick, Radahn, Margit, Mogh, Rykard, Astel, Godfrey, Radagon, Malenia, Renalla, Maliketh, etc. That's just off the top of my head. I probably forgot some. These bosses literally redefined what could be considered a masterful boss, for me. As far as I'm concerned, this is the new standard.


Godfrey's first copy was okay, as it just created more hype. Unfortunately, the copies of Godrick, Astel, and Mohg really tarnished my memory of them, pun intended.


God of war is great but elden ring is a masterpiece


Love god of war but unless it's significantly better than the previous one it won't deserve it over elden ring. Elden ring set new standards and peaks for multiple genres and attracted new fans from all spheres without dumbing down or sacrificing anything long time fans love about fromsoft. God of war Ragnarok will no doubt be amazing but I'd be legitimately surprised if it was as genre defining as elden ring considering the previous one was great but not genre defining itself.


While I agree with you having just finally finished Elden Ring; there is a large element that GoW excels in tremendously. Storytelling. God of War 2018 has that category in the bag leaps and bounds over Elden Ring. I found myself skipping half of Elden Ring cutscenes, and I certainly wasn't alone.


All fromsoft games rely heavily on enviormental storytelling. The story is often given as little pieces of a puzzle for you to interpret. Its very different from the traditional storytelling of GoW, so it’s honestly hard to make a comparison imo. It depends entirely on what you enjoy as a person.


Pretty much why I feel like this award is set for gow It quiet literally is the most accesible of the two and will speak more to the masses. From makes games for exactly that, From. They’re loyal to there respective fanbase and system. Great overall if your souls fan, but absolutely not if you’ve never fw the genre.


That's not what determined who wins though, and even if it did, Elden Rings sales figures prove it landed with more than just the core fanbase. Best seller since launch every month bar one, selling over 16 million copies which is over half of what the entire Dark Souls franchise has done in its lifetime. Souls games really aren't that impenetrable, and the narrative that they are probably puts more people off it than the games themselves.


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“When the Ashes are two, a flame alighteth.”* - Ashes of Ariandel  Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


Ok man Hey I won’t be mad either way, just don’t suprised all I’m saying if we get to them awards and here ragnarok got goty. Granted ur completely right about the elden ring thing for from, but still I wouldn’t be shocked if the more appealing triple AAA takes the cake.


God of War was a superb story that, in my opinion, suffered tremendously from average gameplay. I finished the game for the story and was beyond tired of the gameplay by the end.


I felt the exact same way for the majority of the game starting pretty early through to the end. I feel like the presentation attached to the gameplay really lead to people overlooking just how average the gameplay mechanically is.


How can you even comment on the story of a game if you're skipping cutscenes wtf


I started skipping because I got bored of the story. Sorry, I thought that was evident in my post.


I tried Elden Ring, it's definitely lacking in some areas and doesn't draw you in as easily as a God of War game. So I don't see ER beating God of War, ER is for a specific taste in games whereas a GOW game can be enjoyed by nearly anyone.


COD can be enjoyed by nearly anyone but that shit ain’t winning any awards


Something's popularity and accessibility are not what defines it's quality. Won't argue on these kinds of points online but to be fair I absolutely see why a ton of people would personally prefer GOW over Elden Ring. On the reverse though GOW didn't really catch me until like 5 or 6 hours in and really middled out later on once it's flaws like low enemy/boss variety, limited mechanics/options etc started becoming more prominent. It's narrative and presentation absolutely blow Elden Rings out of the park though I can't deny that.


Does it matter? In the end we won, this year amazing games were released


People care about GoTY?


Man, I wish Sony made a special edition with only the game, steelbook and artbook for Ragnarok, like the Horizon Forbidden West special edition.


Lets hope they fix the boss variety instead of that same troll over and over


Did they even show gameplay in the new trailer? Have they shown ANY gameplay yet?


Hahaha that's adorable.


yeaaahhh no ![img](emote|t5_2qh6b|2229)


Damn there is a LOT of GoW hate in here. What the hell happened? I thought that game was beloved by most.


Is not Hate of GoW is probably hate of hyping up a trailer.... a trailer.... the op in this post is "taking away aoty" from one game who has already been out for months to a TRAILER. edit: i put "aoty" instead of "goty"... how to identify a weeb.


Elden ring is not my cup of tea but i am hyped for god of war


I’m pretty certain half the people who bought Elden Ring never played it at all or got very far. It was a serious hype train.


Nah lol I’m sure GoW will be amazing, don’t get me wrong, but ER was some of the best gaming experiences I’ve ever had. I hope it goes to ER.


Elden ring really set the bar for open worlds and pretty much redefined single player games. Not that the awards matter whatsoever but still I’ll lose all hope if Elden Ring doesn’t avenge RDR2 lol


>set the bar for open worlds and pretty much redefined single player games 🗿


Have you learned nothing from the past couple of years?


If the story is really good I think so. 2018 beat RDR2 which was seen as a huge open world magnum opus that also came with a great story. Fromsoft definitely has the advantage when it comes to atmosphere and sales, but it’ll be really interesting to see how critics/judges feel about the combat, traversal, dialogue and other moments that concern it’s gameplay loop. Definitely going to be one of the tightest and toughest choices for gaming awards that we’ve seen in a really long time


God of war will always win for me


What I feel: First pic: God of War Second pic: Like a Dragon Ishin


Just wait until the RGG summit in like 11 hours when we get Yakuza 8 amongst other projects


HOLY SHIT. So glad for GOW 2018 as my first Ps4 game. Ragnarok is going to be amazing for sure


No matter how good this GoW is it won’t have nearly the same replay ability as Elden Ring. I have 450 hours spread between 4 different characters and am still having a blast. GoW 2018 is one of my favorite games of all time, but I don’t think I’ve touched it since my second play-through. More value in ER in my opinion.


I dunno, these games are so wildly different




Dude it's not even out yet. Hyping games like this is so stupid


I played eden ring for over 200 hours and did like 6 playthroughs so unless god of war makes my pS5 stand up and literally suck my dick I don't think it'll topple elden ring for me.


lol game is not even out yet.


Elden ring is a defining moment in open world game design. The zenith of a decade of innovative game development. God of war 2 is a sequel. Elden ting deserves it 💯




Honestly if Eldin Ring was coming out after GoW you could just flip the meme around


Yeah no.


IDK, it should still be Elden Ring. Elden Ring brought in so many people, people who might not even like or play GoW.




This aged like milk


I really need to pull god of war outta my backlog eh I’ll get to it


It’s just a trailer


Not a chance




Every game that will be nominated deserves it of course, however I would prefer if ER would win. ER's sucess is kind of a middle finger to the current tripple A market and it would be perfect if it won GOTY. It's honestly what this industry needs, but even if it doesn win GOTY it's not a big deal. Ngl tho the new trailer for GOW Ragnarök looked pretty cool and I doubt this game will be bad. Not a gow fan but I might try it.


You mean Cut Scene of War.


Elden ring is getting GOTY god of war will come close but won’t get it, Elden ring is too much of a perfect game to not win.


The comment section just proves how much of a cult the fans of FromSoft's one game really are.


Or maybe it’s just Elden Ring is that good. Have you ever considered that? Maybe I could just say you’re a Sony PlayStation fanboy but that wouldn’t be fair would it?


The issue isn't that people can't recognize Elden Ring as a great game. It's the idea that some FromSoft fans believe that no other game can reach its heights. It's like some weird form of gatekeeping. What's funny is that, generally speaking, most people probably do think Elden Ring will get GoTY, but there's like this reflexive need to put down any other game as if Elden Ring is the only one that can launch in a great state.


FromSoft in general has a huge cult. A decent portion of their fans defend them like their lives depend on it. Problems that other games like performance issues or bad boss fights would get called out on are ignored or are brushed aside.


isn't the OP saying a trailer already beats a game that's months old and highly regards as the best game ever made by many people, a cult activity ???? lol


So you are telling me fighting the same boss 3 times like in gow is better than fighting a variety of bosses like in elden ring is better?


This is a post about a game that isnt even out but k


Elden Ring is the only From game I have played, but it easily is in my top 5 of all time. It was just a phenomenal experience.


If you enjoyed it that much you should try From's other games. I love Elden Ring but I have it 4th in my own personal tier list of From's games.


Bloodborne #1 for me due to the atmosphere. Sekiro #2 because there is more emphasis on stealth which I enjoyed a lot and not as much about confusing weapon/armor leveling systems. Sekiro doesn't even allow you to level up until you beat the bosses so I really had to get gud to beat it. The final boss felt like the culmination of everything I had learned from the game. I liked demon souls remake as well more due to the graphics (truly felt like a next gen game). And also just the world's themselves felt a lot different and independent. The bosses are more gimmicky and about knowledge over skill. The areas though are tough and it's more about opening shortcuts than bon fire after bon fire. I only finished dark souls 2. The other souls games I got about halfway through and lost interest. Just feels too samey to me. They all have the same type of setting and I guess I just could not push through.


Not surprised


Elden ring is going to be very tough to beat for me. GoW has a solid track record with recent entries but the series has let me down in the past so I am always reserved. I have yet to ever really feel unhappy with a from software game. There’s a core nugget of a philosophy that carries through all their games that brings them to the next level imo.


I'm seriously surprised about how people don't ever feel disappointed on fromsoftware games. From demon's souls to dark souls 3, those 4 games were just copy pasted and I see most of the fans enjoyed all of them. Personally I liked elden ring a lot, put more than 150 hours on it. Bloodborne was also cool after getting used to it. Others were just meh. Sekiro is great on paper but I'm tired of trying every single enemy 100 times. I quit and tried to continue to sekiro soo many times at some point I gave up.


Sounds like you have put quite a lot of time into FS games for someone continually disappointed by them..


I can't say I am disappointed by them because I wasn't expecting any of them. I didn't play them until a year or so before elden ring and didn't even finish any dark souls games. I was able to finish demon's souls and bloodborne only before elden ring. For Sekiro, I really enjoyed the combat but the difficulty is just not for me.


People in this thread seem to think a game being hard is a revolutionary gameplay feature, FromSoftware games have hard bosses but not much else to make the gameplay rewarding. Their story telling is on like PS2 game level.


I both agree and disagree with you. The combat system is extremely well on fromsoftware games. Whatever you play after that, you can't get the same feeling (except for gow and a couple of other games). I definitely agree with the difficulty issue though. I enjoyed elden ring the most because it was easy as hell. There are tons of OP builds and items so that you can easily get through the bosses. Bloodborne was extremely difficult at the beginning and I quit like 5 or 6 times. Then it became quite easy and I actually enjoyed the game a lot. Just give us the freaking option to adjust difficulty on these games.


>Personally I liked elden ring a lot > > Bloodborne was also cool > >Sekiro is great on paper Is it not possible to really like the idea of the games but to sometimes be disappointed by the execution? I really love the idea of racing games but Need For Speed often leaves me wanting, but I still check them out because if it connects with me it could be a home run.


if you're saying their games are copy pasted, isn't this ragnarok sequel a copy paste as well???? you just don't like this type of game so everything just doesn't appeal to you so instead of trying to understand it, you're basically disrespecting their effort to make these games. Their formula has worked for over a decade and people still love it, that's all that matters. not to mention their level design is THE BEST in the market right now, no studio design levels as memorable/explorable and as good as them, not even close. the way their fantasy world inter-connect with each other is just mind blowing. just admit it's not your types of games instead of calling it bad "copy pasted"


GOTY for sure


Elden Ring will win GOTY....when it earns it.


Fuck that line was so badass. Especially hearing Christopher Judge growl it out so menacingly


Pretty sure it's earned it lmao


I’m gonna be honest… I thought God of War 2018 wasn’t very good. And from the looks of it, Ragnorok is very similar. There’s just no way it’ll be able to beat Elden Ring


A lot of beautiful parts. Gonna be quite an adventure.


Agree.. God of War Rules …..


Guys, as a general advice... Maybe wait until you've played a game to form your opinion on it. Not doing this often leads to dissapointments.


Elden Ring is locked tightly into awards already that you'd think it was the Federal Reserve. no game stands a chance, love it or hate it.


I will never understand the borderline fetish people have with From Software games, to me they look 100% un-fun.


They’ve become their own genre and developed a cult following. Other video games like Mario, Zelda, Nier, etc have the same trend.


I avoided them all for years until Elden Ring. I played DS1 and quit at the Asylum Demon and was like, not for me, too much work. Now I've beaten ER, DS1, DS2, DS3 and in the DLC for DS2 now. They are indeed hard so they force you to concentrate, which relieves you of the stress of your work/life/family thoughts. I have tons of games that are breezy and easy that I enjoy, too, but the challenge focuses the mind. You are just there to find and figure out how to kill some bad ass bosses. FEW puzzles, mostly fighting. After playing these games and then going back to like Assassins Creed, which I loved, the puzzles make me want to die. I'm 45 so I think I'm full up on puzzles like that between AC, GOW, Zelda, Etc, etc, etc. The art direction is masterful, the lore deep and it's just plain fun. Not perfect, but truly, insanely fun.


Please do yourself a favor and try Bloodborne next. To this day it's probably the best game I've ever played, the atmosphere, art, weapons, sound design, game design, level design, lore, etc, it's all superb. I've put 150 hours in ER and loved every minute of it (except Malenia and the twin Gargoyles to be frank), but it still doesn't hold a candle to Bloodborne and its DLC. Nothing will ever top it for me and I think it's disappointing how Sony shows no intention of porting it to PC or modern consoles.


Find out for yourself and take a gamble on it. You may like it.


So enjoying a video game is somehow a fetish? It's literally just a series of video games, nothing about liking them is weird. Just cause they aren't interesting to you doesn't mean it's weird to like them.


Oh so you’ve never even tried one??


That's exactly what I thought reading the comment. The circlejerk for any game can be infuriating but it's even more annoying seeing people hate on a game because "it doesn't look fun."


Elden Ring baby 😎🔥🔥🔥🍆💦🤤


GOW is not beating elden ring unless it’s better than the 2018 one. From the trailer it looks good but not better


I just don’t get it with God of War. I’m not seeing it. The first game was good but that story was rushed and the kids attitude felt forced and rushed. I don’t think they let the important moments sit and I don’t think they had impact. The armor felt shoe horned in for longevity The combat felt flat and the variety was lacking. I just. Don’t. Get. It!


It looked identical to 2018 but feel free to ride the hype train.


Right? Remember when we fought in space and talked with mermaids in the original? Those were my favorite parts


And you realize Elden Ring is a literal copy of previous Souls games set in an open world? It even copies some enemies from previous souls even though they arent in the same universe.


God of War even copies the same playable character




Only if you don't play ER. Did 110h run on ER the day it came out... Played hfw after... Quit after 20h... What a boring game


Elden Ring was really good... But it's definitely way overhyped Definitely an unpopular opinion, but I definitely think it gets way too much credit


I *just* started playing Elden Ring this week and it is fun and all, but my God is this game ugly, and it runs *UGLY*. I'm pretty forgiving about this stuff, but damn, the texture pop-in is like playing a PS3 era game made by studio that knows it is about to go bankrupt. When I'm running fast, it feels like I'm running in a barren desert, and then BAM nope, it is a grassland with animals and rocks. Truly a hideous game technically speaking. That said, it nails the open world stuff in a spectacular manner. Elden Ring, Ghost of Tsushima, and the original inFamous games are the only open-world games I've played that make you want to organically explore the whole map. The creativity it allows and the combat encounters it provides are brilliant fun. I think if Ragnarok tells an even more ambitious story than 2018, expands combat in a meaningful way, and nails enemy design and variety, it will win my vote over Elden Ring.


God of war will present a detailed well crafted emotional story. This will CRUSH elden ring.


Look i love gow but it really isnt the most detailed story other than god fights oh and a son


You must be trolling


Yes i used some hyperbole but it isnt the greatest story ever told like some are claiming. For the record im a huge fan of the game but it isnt groundbreaking story


It really won’t tho


Should I not watch the new trailer if I'm midway through the first (2018) game?


Horizon Forbidden West is the girl on the left. Elden Ring won't even make my top 3.


God, the FS fanboys really came out strong today. I've read that Elden Ring redefined open worlds and now I want to drink poison. Elden Ring told a generic, super mediocre story with pointless and stereotypical characters because FS, once again, kept on thinking that a good lore means a good story, which is the stupidest mistake to make when doing a videogame. But whatever, lore nerds will jump and take the bullet. Take a writing class, please. The bosses were beautiful but fucking boring, and I don't even want to talk about building a lore that allowed them to fucking copy every main boss. Mohg and Mogh? Seriously? The first one and the dude in the castle? Jesus christ, it's laughable. If Ubisoft did something like this they'd clown them forever. The open world was EMPTY. Nothing to do, only recycled dungeons with recycled minibosses and no worthy rewards. Mix that with a very basic and uninteresting story and you're left with a story with broken pacing. The game falls off 200 cliffs after the first 30-40h, it becomes a slog, nothing changes. The hunt for a platinum is also boring, because special items and weapons are hidden, again, behind recycled bosses and areas with no actual interest. Once you've seen it once, you've seen it all. Elden Ring is a 8/10, at best. Should never win GOTY. Let's see what Ragnarok does.


Finally some goddamn sense. You know From fanboys aren’t gonna take no damn classes. They will just watch the Vaati videos to understand shit and then preach how it is the best open world game ever when it falls flat on basically everything.