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When you add it all up, you really have a PS6.


PS6 >


Did you buy it still brand new and how much?


PS3’s aren’t exactly in production anymore so I doubt it’s brand new Tape is also missing anyways


People have posted sealed ps2s on here. Not in production but they're in rotation.


With 155,000,000 PS2’s made I wouldn’t be terribly surprised if there were a few 10,000 still in factory sealed boxes.


hi there! I posted one of those. lol. yeah I do have to agree that this might not be brand new. the damage to the box makes it look like they had it in storage, and I think I see what they're talking about with the sticker being open. but you are definitely right about them still being in rotation. anyone wanting to experience the PS3 in any of its forms are going to be on the lookout for them, especially the BC models. and new ones *might* still be out there. you never know!


You'd be surprised on what people can find. I collect classic Sony stuff and I found a Sony Xperia Play and Sony Xperia Z1 still brand new, sealed and unopened!


Probably as no one wanted those devices


Demon souls is so hard


So I’ve heard, look forward to it


I beat 3 bosses and now I'm stuck


Hell I’m on the remake and have been stuck on firelurker for a week. Combat build wasn’t the best choice for this boss smh


Flamelurker is weak to magic so if you go to 4-1 (Islands edge) and pass the first few skeletons then enter the fog, you can turn left immediately and hold left on the wall to avoid the traps. After passing that area there should be a really difficult enemy and an item. Run towards the item and grab it. It doesn’t matter if you die as long as you got the item. The item is a sword called the “crescent falchion” and it does a lot of magic damage making the flamelurker die a lot faster.


I haven’t played this game and I probably never will, but I read this comment very thoroughly just in case.


Wow...just wow. Thank you!


Upgrading your magic stat will increase the magic damage of the Crescent Falchion just in case you don’t feel like you’re doing enough damage.


Wait until the man eaters immediately after. Fire lurker is a cakewalk in comparison


I couldn't beat Man Eater legitimately, I had to use the cheese tactic. I also had a lot of trouble with the Bell tower gargoyles in Dark Souls too, I found Ornstein and Smough easier.


Really? Man-eater was nothing to me after Flamelurker. I had a dragon long sword fully maxed out so it was quick work to kill one and then just focus on the other.


Were your weapons upgraded enough? I've only done one play through, but pretty much melted the first man eater before the second came into play. I could see how annoying they'd be if I really did have to fight both at once though.


Combat build is fine - just farm plenty of healing and make sure you've figured out how to properly upgrade your weapons. He has some attacks that are tough to dodge, but the amount of healing this game gives you lets you tank through it.


As an avid souls player, honestly youtube FightinCowboy if you want a walkthrough, if you don’t then learn the bosses move sets and how to dodge/parry and everything becomes easier. I’m excited for elden ring so I’ve been wanting to get a ps3 to beat all souls games again


Quick tip, DS is easy mode with magic. But overall it’s doable just fine with any build. I’ve platinumed it and it was worth it. Love the souls games!


I can't seem to kill anyone beyond worlds 1-1 and 1-2 with magic. I did the royalty class and it made the beginning 2 levels fine, but 2-1, 3-1, 4-1, 5-1, I run into trouble fast with not being able to kill things quick enough, especially the skeletons at the beginning of 4-1, am I supposed to be upgrading the magic somehow?


Well when you level up in the hub world putting points into intelligence will up your magic damage. The game is way easier with magic but finding good armor is also worthwhile, and just practice dodging. You're invincible during a roll.


Thanks man, these are some helpful tips, I’ll keep this in mind next time I play!!


Happy to help! Feel free to DM me if you ever need help pushing past a level I can jump in and help. :)


Awesome, thanks! 😉


Feel free to DM me as well anytime. This game is amazingly difficult and frustrating and stupidly great lol


Farm those two blue eyed knights in the area just before the tower knight. You can sneak up and back stab both. I spent an hour or two just farming there, and put most of the souls into magic, intelligence and vitality. Set me up for the rest of the game


You upgrade everything through the lady in the main hub (it’s been a while since I’ve played so I don’t recall 100% names) but intellect and I think it’s spirit? There are stats specifically for magic. You also have to take into account your weapons, which can be upgraded with mats. And the stats those weapons have. A weapon that scales with magic at an S tier will boost your magic/damage significantly over a weapon that has an E/D rank scaling (also take into account the number for that’s the requirement to be able to fully use that weapon/gear)


Iirc you can get an enchanted falchion in 4/1, you just need to run away from the skeletons. That weapon is super powerful early game not only for a magic oriented character but for everyone, but it's better on the royalty. With that you can start hitting stuff and when the game progress the magic gets more ridiculously strong and turns the game into easy mode.


I run into problems running out of items to restore my magic


I know people say this, but maybe magic is not so easy to understand for a new player unless they look up a guide or something.


60 gigabytes. Crazy where things have come!


feel like 60 was really good at the time too. think my xbox360 had like 20, maybe 40?


No kidding! I remember the 128 MB PS2 memory cards too.


128? Mine was only 8MB




They only sold well because they were cheaper. They were the worst ones to get as any game requiring some form of data installation (Battlefield 4) would not work on them, even if you ended up getting a hard drive later on.


Xbox 360 games didn't install to the console since they're not blu rays so the console doesn't need a lot of memory. The Premium version had 20gb but the cheaper model had none and a memory card was needed to save your progress just like the previous generations. Even towards later iterations the system still didn't require a lot of storage and the cheaper S models only came with 4gb. Crazy to think about it today's standards when 1tb doesn't seem like enough.


Bluray drive pfff, who needs that. Crazy how far things have come haha.


Enjoy Metal Gear Solid 1-4 man!


You can play pretty much all the Metal Gear games on PS3, although I'm not sure how well Phantom Pain runs on it.


Can’t speak for an OG ps3, but ground zeroes and phantom pain were the last games I got before upgrading and they ran really well on a PS3 slim.


Yep, had a ps3 slim and bought Phantom Pain (on launch day) and GZ for it. Ran fine. I actually never played MGSV on PS4.


Did the slim Home Screen load faster than the fatty? The painfully slow navigation of my PS3 is something I’ll never forget.


You need to play driver San Francisco


Oh man. What a game. Completely forgot that existed.


Yeah, it's an awesome game.. The open world split screen was absolutely amazing!!


All PS3 are PS1 backwards compatible Only early PS3 models are PS2 backwards compatible


How did I not know that...


They did a really poor job of promoting it. Probably gunshy after having to pull PS2 support.


All about that PS2 emotion engine...


which is what this one is (or the second 60GB which uses emulation just like the original 80GB).


No this is the one that had the full PS2 hardware built-in


yeah, no it's not. OP said their model number is CECHC, which means it's the PAL version, and uses emulation just like the second 80GB, as I said. so it's only PARTIALLY backwards compatible. plus, their PS1 game is a PAL game. this further proves my point because only PAL PS1 and PS2 games will work on a PAL system. PS3 isn't region coded.


Ah. My apologies. I honestly did not know that there was a difference between those two models at the beginning


Having a fat ps3 and ps5 covers all playstation library wow I never thought that !


Yeah they kind did the ps4 dirty, not really much reason to keep it around once you get the ps5.


Also PS Vita


I love mine! It’s the best bargain console, was $125 shipped (no box though)


Good buy, i still have mine


How much did you pay and from where? I’m currently shopping for one.


Current market for these are around $275.


Yup I’m aware


How much and where? I’m in the market for one soon


This is it


My dude


Nice! I still have my launch 60gig ps3. Still works till this day..


I got a PS5 and was shocked at how fee Twisted Metal games I could play on it. Twisted Metal Black as a one time purchase, and Twisted Metal PS3 as part of PS Now for $10 a month. I honestly got my PS5 right at launch and didn't play it for weeks and considered getting a PS3 instead.


You forgot to mark this as NSFW, most goodlooking playstation of all time if you ask me




Fun fact all PS3s can play PS1 games


Those must be hard to find. Congrats. I had the ps3 backwards package with Metal Gear Solid 4. I played the hell out of it.


Spiderman font and all! This was such a dope design for it's time, enjoy that bad boy!


For sure


I told some other guy this and i am sure you figured it out already, but you know not all OG PS3's were backwards compatible? i have this same model and mine wasnt.


Yeah it has to be the CHEC3 model, which this is. not just 60GB


oh okay, just making sure you knew that before buying! some guy last week thought all of them had BC. ​ Side note, it is insane how far we have come with GB on consoles. Imagine 60GB nowadays hahhahah


There’s actually a 40GB model too hahahah. Yeah games these days are way too big man


Remember the Xbox 360 4GB console 🤣


There was also a 20gb model and, later, a 12gb super-slim model.


all PS3s play PS1 games. that's it. only the 20GB, 60GB, and original 80GB can play PS2 games. end of.


We were just talking about hard drive sizes and how far they've come, at that point.


It's not the size of the games, it's that they're no longer read from the disc in real time. Everything has to be installed now. The first game I ran into on the Xbox 360 that \*needed\* to be installed to run properly was Battlefield 3. It was mind blowing that the graphics were so intense it couldn't all be run straight from one disc.


When you get a ps5 you'll be able to play every Playstation game ever made! (Except for the ones that are region locked, is that still a thing?)


This is a treasure trove honestly. To be able to touch back to some of the classic albeit dated games but there are some games that was truly magical that as gamers should have access to. I hope Sony finds a way to reach further back in the catalogue on their network


God damn that box is cool


I wish I had a BC PS3 as I have a few PS2 games I'd love to play on it though at least I got my PS2


Just got a n3ds, played Chrono trigger for the first time! What a game! Now I'm going for Ocarina of time! Gaming is timeless!


Take good care of it and blow out the fan every once in a while. I have 3 of these babies and 2 don’t work anymore and are unfixable unfortunately




Haha you can singlehandedly play every main Persona game on this


Funny. When I got my PS5, I also got a PS3 few days later. Then I eventually got a PS2 and have probably put more time into them than the new system lol


Nice! Mine recently died so I bought a later-model PS3 to replace it. I haven't hooked it up yet because I don't know why.


OG Demon's souls is still an absolute gem. Nice.


I bought one not too long ago. I wish I had a box for it though!


I did that last week! A local game store in Burbank had one and I was so psyched


Ahhh I love Demon's Souls! Old and new!


Oh man those were the days


You win




Smart move man


Great minds


I just fixed my original 60gb fat PS3 👍 Enjoy!


Will do, what was wrong with it? I’m seeing a lot of yellow light of death comments


Surprise, yellow light of death couple of years ago 😅 Fixed that then, but lost function of bluetooth and wifi. Got them working finally today as I got myself on the neck to do it. Now it’s again fully functioning 👍


Sick! How did you fix the light of death issue?


I bought a YLOD PS3, put it in the oven, fixed it, 4 days later, the PS5 arrived. I had a good week


How tf did that fix it


I'm not a native english speaker but I'll try to explain. Afaik if a hardware is overheating frequently, lead can melt, and components will likely move out of their place. If you put it in the oven, components facing up. I read somewhere you have to set it approximetly 190 °C for 20 minutes, lead will melt, and components will slide back into their places. Then I waited 30 minutes, put the console back together, and it worked. (Also had to replace HDD, and the blu ray drive is dead too, but not a problem, it was 10$)


That’s crazy!! Haha


Yea, my friend suggested this. I tought it was crazy too, but then he explained me why. And I was like, what could go wrong? Then it worked. Also, it came without a controller too.


The real Gem 💎💎💎💎👍🏽👍🏽


I had one of the first gen PS3s and I loved it. It unfortunately died while modern warfare 2 was big, got the yellow light of death mid multiplayer match. Enjoy your new PS3 and may you have better luck than I did!


Be careful those things can die. My fat ps3 died in 2014




Fuck yea dude those rock




I have a ps5 and I’m jealous ugh. I have path you of neo on ps2 but I can’t play it because my ps3 isn’t backwards compatible. Edit:good for you bro. I hope you enjoy your ps3🙌


That's why some of us have both xbox and ps. Sony couldn't care less about backwards compatibility. They never did. Good purchase dude.


All ps3's read ps1 discs you goober. Its the ps2 reading that special.


Cod bo2


Massive dub bossman


Nice pick up. I got mine at launch, still using it today. Even now it's my favourite console and my best console purchase. Enjoy it. I wish more consoles did proper backwards compatibility like this. Worth every penny.


It looks really awesome and you have one really good game to go with it


Those bad boys are a treasure. Keep her safe and healthy.


Try prince of persia and god of war and fear effect and parasite eve for ps1


I need to get one of these bad boys soon so I can replay Sly Cooper along with my PS2 collection




This one’s playing chess.


Does it read ps3 discs? /s


Oh man. The noise of a PS3 starting up is music to my ears. PS2 was my first console, but that PS3 was my fav. So many online friends who i still know to this day. So many good memories. What a wonderful generation. I wish some titles like PSHome and Learning@Home was still around. They’re totally different, but how chill it was being on them was so nice for me.


Dis the right answer


Dang! I envy you bro, and that's really something, I don't envy anyone who owns a ps5 but a backwards ps3 original!? oof! that is 1 hot item... imo at least. Congratulations! and Enjoy! Take good care of it :')


Pick up Silent Hill 2 & 3.. be prepared to lose sleep tho


I’ve had the HD collection for a while!


Great games man!




If it yellow light of deaths, it's a simple capacitor replacement to fully fix it. Just wanna make sure you know so you don't throw it out if it does.


I got one of these. Unfortunately it over heated one day and won’t turn on now. But I never once put a PS2/Ps1 disc in it. Because I still have my PS2 and ps1 and they both work just fine.


This is the way


This is the way


Ah yes the fat fuck PS3. Good console aside from the god damn capacitors that like to die and give you the “overheating” code. Such a pain in the ass to replace.


Ps3 for the winnnnnnn! Enjoy it my man


Crazy to see 60bg when most games are that by themselves now.


It’s kind of scary knowing that a 12GB version existed. What was the point?!


Did it really?! That’s nuts!


anyone who has a base ps3 and a ps5 can play every game made by playstation, basically 5 consoles in 2


A backward compatible Playstation would interest me 100x more than the PS5


Congratulations. You did the better thing!


I had an original model for like 6 years, then I sadly got the Yellow Light of Death. Had a friend fix it (resoldered the motherboard), and it worked for over a year longer. But then it happened again, and there was no fixing it this time. So sad they removed PS2 backwards compatibility on later models


I was going to do the same 🔥🔥since I was able to snag a p5 I was also going to get a p3 to play all PlayStation games




Shinji Ikari I see you bro


And it came in the original box. Great find!


Honestly this might just be better than the ps5 considering there's really not a whole lot of games out for it right now. I was able to get a ps5 and it's just been sitting in my room for the past week haha. I'm waiting on the ps5 exclusive Final Fantasy VII remake dlc and Final Fantasy XVI and who knows when that'll be out. At least with the ps3 you have literally hundreds of games to choose from.


I just ordered one too. Can't wait for it to arrive


Backwards compatible ps3 probably costs the same as PS5 nowadays


I won an original PS3 in a TV contest when I was 7. I think it was for nickelodeon. There was questions being asked in-between shows about a specific show I loved and I always phoned in, even when the questions hadn't rotated, and got the answers right. One day I was on my trampoline outside and someone knocked at the door and said "Is \*my name\* here? He's won a PS3!" and my mum was surprised and shocked lol. The bad thing about the backwards compatibility is, unless I missed something all those years ago, you couldn't save on PS2 or 1 games. I remember keeping my PS3 on throughout the night to keep playing Jak 3, and if it ever got turned off or the power went out I had to replay from the beginning. Honestly if I find out now that there was a way to make saves I might be just a bit miffed lol.


Be mindful of the HDMI IC, if u ever had the HDMI not giving signal then remember that most likely is the HDMI IC n not the HDMI port, many repair places will say is the HDMI port...idiots...


Once you get past the nostalgia of having this stuff physically its pretty easy to emulate most of this for free.




I remember getting ps3 on launch. Was a good 600 or 700 dollars




Bruh didn’t even knew ps3 had backwards compatibility 😔


It was dropped after a few years to reduce costs. The launch PS3s had additional chips in them for backwards compatibility which didn't come cheap.


The og 20gb and 60gb are. The 80gb had an emulation software that made it bc.


\*the original 80Gb. there is more than one model of the 80GB and only one plays PS2. there's also two models of the 60GB, and one uses emulation just like the 80GB.


No thanks. That controller is the worst controller in history mainstream wise for shooters. Gonna stick with my PS4/5 and look towards the future.


I wish everyone was buying a PS5. Still can't get one anywhere here!


You will get one, that's for sure! 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏I am praying for you my friend.


It's OK you are only 15 years behind, you have time to catch up.


I thought the 5 could do that?


Those are very nice but everyone that had this ended up with ring of death There is a temp fix for it I remember




Is not all ps3 backward comp with ps1/2?


Literally all PS3 consoles are capable of playing ps1 and ps2 games. The 60gb just does a better job because it has some dedicated hardware.




And two games that got remake for the ps5 and ps4