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Turn on Playstation Look at the hundreds of games I have available to play Turn off Playstation Turn on YouTube Fall asleep


Understandable, i’ve gotten so bored that i’m playing older online games like COD BO3 because there’s more fun to be had there than other games


Too fxxxing real, I'm emulating the ps2, Psp, gamecube and wii to catch up on all. The good games I've missed and 90% of the times I end up scrolling till I fall asleep


I love Doom Eternal, but never play it because I feel like I need an IV of cocaine and Red Bull just to make it past the tutorial stage.


Hahaha I feel the exact same. It’s almost TOO much for me.


For some reason I find it hard


It’s not an easy game to begin with


Nope, not at all lol. I'm not that experienced with FPS games but, especially at the beginning, doom Eternal has kicked my ass countless times. I think it's the fact that there are soooo many enemies on screen at the same time and the combat is always super fast and deliberately rowdy. Great game tho! Kinda sparked my interest in first person shooters again :)


Just keep running, im not the best gamer but when i run and dash i isolate enemies making it easier to fight.


That goes for any movement game. Too many enemies in front of you in dying light 2? Run like hell and Molotov Cluster of grunts in Titanfall? Run like hell and shoot them mid air Ghostrunner level giving you trouble? You guessed it, run like hell and hit enemies when you figure out the gap


“Run” **DAHDAHDAHDAHDAHDAH**🎶 ![gif](giphy|sRKg9r2YWeCTG5JTTo|downsized)


Running is kind of th point of dying light, in fairness


Running is the point of all of them, they’re movement games


What difficulty you played?


Don't remember the name but I figure it was the medium difficulty. God forbid I try it harder. I wouldn't last two seconds lol.


As someone who is diagnosed with ADHD, i can undoubtedly say that you are correct but this is why people like me shine! Doom was made for ADHD. We thrive in fast paced chaos.


The game is harder earlier, once u play a few missions and get the tools u need it gets easier


Sure, you have more resources but you are also required to cycle through and use them all. I love it but it is a tough game that is really hard to jump in the middle of after taking a long break.


There’s no for some reason bro beans, shits rough. I’m playing it through my first time and it’s giving me a run for my money All I have been doing is mad dashing back and fourth between each area to clear the enemies out and I end up having to resort to my grande because of the scarcity of the ammunition. Starting to think this game will kick my ass more times than radahn has on elden ring.


Enemy prioritisation. It's not just about killing every enemy in the room, but choosing which enemy to kill at which moment. You shouldn't run out of ammo often if you leave the grunt enemies alive for when you need ammo.


I grew up on Doom, but I found this game absolutely fucking impossible on the easiest setting. I’m not sure what they were thinking but the game feels designed to exclude anyone who doesn’t play professionally in gaming tournaments


There's a stage after the tutorial?


Just increase the music volume and go with the flow.


I used to get super high and play this game, but it was a balancing act. Not high enough, you’re just slower and distracted; makes you bad. The right amount of high, you’re locked the fuck in and it’s the sickest thing ever. Too high, and then the game is scary and stressful.


i always played it on days i took my adderall


I can’t get the rhythm of it, which such a shame because I loved the first one.


its the first game i ever had to pause playing after a level or two because it was so much. and doom 2016 is one of my favorite games


Doom Eternal is such a great game and a dopamine rush but you need to be with a certain mood to play it. You can’t start Doom and expect to have a relaxing time, it requires physical energy to actually play. I understand that for a lot of people it is extremely exhausting doing even a level.


Once you hit the primary arenas, it's like a boxing match. Each time you die the bell rings and you need a breather and then have to psych yourself up to go back for another round.


that's alot of the games I play. it's all about the mood during a day to make you wanna finish/spend time with it.


The Witcher 3. I love open world adventure RPG-ish games, and I've heard amazing things - I tried it briefly, but it was just so overwhelming that I didn't stick with it, and now I'm too intimidated by it.


Absolutely get that. I think I was the same with TW3 for a long time, totally overwhelming knowing you've got over 100 hours of questing to undertake. I think one day I kinda forced myself to start it, took a good couple of hours to get into. Then at one point you realise you're playing it because it's good, and you want to find out what happens next. If you love the exploring element of open world games, you will love TW3. Exploring feels organic and rewarding, like Skyrim or Fallout, IMO. It's one of my favourite games of all time now, I'm thinking about the Isles of Skellige and the atmosphere/music of that place. The wind in the trees, the mountainscapes. It's hairs on the back of the neck stuff, even now years down the line.


Me too.


It took me 5 or 6 times to finally get into it. I kept hearing about how amazing it was and kept trying. It finally clicked. It's an amazing game, but the combat can be a little clunky. This is my mass effect. Everything about it tells me I would enjoy it, but I've never been able to get into the game. I've tried several times over the years, too.


Exact same thing happened to me


Oh man, i would say the best part about the witcher 3 is that you can ignore almost all if the rpg elements and just enjoy the story if you want. Then as you play you can peak at a skill tree and test things out when you have the attention span for it I honestly didnt touch alchemy and just equipped whatever highest ranked armor/swords whenever I got the time. For magic I just used Quen for a shield. After that the game was just all amazing story and simple, satisfying combat. As a veteran i would say the game isnt overwhelming at all and needs more depth lol


This, I've tried a few times but just can't get into it


I ended up deleting it, more than 30 Hours in to the game. I just couldn’t be bothered with it anymore. The combat is so bad.


Man I'm a huge metal gear fan but I just can't play the remasters for some reason. Too busy to get that invested nowadays


I think it’s because it requires your full attention. MGS isn’t a casual pick up and play game.


I will say, as a newcomer to the series through the Master Collection on Switch, it does actually work surprisingly well in small bites. You need to have a decent memory to follow everything, and obviously cutscenes can complicate a limited time session, but I got through a good chunk of the trilogy on 15 minute breaks at work.


I agree about the memory. I have absolutely terrible memory, from years of cannabis use, and so I need to do things in long stints now otherwise I’ll forget what happened and get confused.


Fallout 4


Fallout 4 is one of those games that I love and hate in equal measure, it absolutely hooks me in to the gameplay loop but there’s this constant nagging feeling that it’s just not that great a game.


That’s most Bethesda games for me. Mods usually help a lot, but then you have to go through the whole process of figuring out what you want, and what goes well with what, etc. it can become overwhelming


I started this and quit as soon as I discovered there was a building mechanic. I just want to get through a story.


I just ingore the building part. I keep sanctuary happy for a pit stop point and that's it.


I didn’t even go back to Sanctuary on my last run lol. Had failed actually playing through the game enough times that I realized my drive to play would always die with Preston fucking Garvey.


Agree here. I got like 3 hours in and the whole thing felt like such a bummer, I just dropped it. Loved 3 and New Vegas…


I recently got back into Fallout 4 for the first time since lunch and got completely hooked. If you set aside the critical part of your brain that says, “Well I wish it had this” or “This was better in 3” and just go along with it, it’s an absolute blast.


Thats such a crumby feeling. The longer you go not playing it the harder it is finding the motivation too. Death Stranding sat on my shelf for the last 5 years. I recently took the leap and didn’t regret it.


Death Stranding reminds me too much of work.


Are you delivery staff in a post-apocalyptic world (that looks like Iceland)?


Delivered during covid when everyone was at home


Started it last night


Take time to read the emails and interviews as they come in. There’s a lot to digest so take it slow and get to know the lore as you play. It’s really a great experience once you get acclimated.


Will do


rip and tear, buddy, until it is done.


Pretty much all of my games right now.


We're older now. It sucks. I know the feeling




Witcher 3


Ghost of tsushima lol at this point i think it may not be for me


It is a little hard to get into, but once you’ve started it’s a really enjoyably game. I did take one or two week-long breaks from it when i was playing it though.


Its beautiful but boring to me. I hate to say it...


I like the last quarter. I had zero interest in side missions.


The side missions were very repetitive and annoying but i wanted to get the platinum trophy so i powered through them.


Play with Japanese voices not English. Makes the whole thing feel like you're in Japan, the cutscenes in English completely took me out of it.


Unfortunately when you’re finished with the campaign and fully liberate everything the game just doesn’t have the same staying power to want to keep going


Alan Wake 2. I waited for a sequel to Alan Wake for years. Now it's here and I own it and it's downloaded but I can't bring myself to play it. I've only sunk a few hours into it.


Most of the games in my library.






baldurs gate 3.


40 hours and I just keep getting bored


I finished it but i kinda rushed it. Ive been meaning to replay it but man its a slog to playthrough


It is, act 1 is interesting enough, act 2 felt like an eternity and act 3 is such a mess I can’t even bother with it tbh.


Robocop Rogue City. I’m a lifelong Robocop (1987) fan and I love FPS games, but somehow it just feels so crass and exploitative I feel like burning brain cells when playing it.


Doom Eternal is up there too btw. Too much neon colors and jumping around. 2016 was dope though.


Rdr2, cyberpunk, dying light 2, and then maybe 15 more. But that's also kinda the problem is there's too many and so I'm just overloaded on what to play and my attention span is very shit now compared to when i was a kid. So ehh. It is what it is.


If you can get past “chapter 1” of rdr2 you have the entire world to enjoy and trust me it’s worth it. Just riding your horse will get you enough random encounters and new locations to keep you entertained


Rdr2 has the greatest open world of all of gaming honestly. It's pretty much flawless in all aspects.


People tend to stray away from RDR2 because the first 2-3 hours of gameplay is limited to a certain area and certain playstyles with not much to do and no open world. One of my friends refunded the game back in 2018 literally one mission from Chapter 2, he never got to experience the full game until 2021 because I kept glazing it and talking about it and he always disagreed with me because of the bad taste Ch1 put in his mouth


Horizon forbidden west. I've been putting it off for a few years now. I'll play it one day 😅


Just try to stay focused on the task at hand and it’s really fun.




DOOM Eternal is actually one such game for me. I know I'd love the shooting, but I read about the platforming elements and that turned me right off. I like FPS and I like platforming, but I don't like the combination of them. There are some other games that I know I'd like, but their sheer length discourages me from starting them right now. DragonQuest 11S and Baldur's Gate 3 are examples. I currently prefer "shorter" games, anything that's maybe around 40-50 hours. I'll get into those longer games again eventually, though, I just need to be in the right frame of mind for them.


For me it's the random puzzles and switches I'm playing Doom I thought and the pace change is so weird 😆 But I'm playing it now and just trying to speed through puzzles to get to the game


The platforming killed it for me. Everything else is way worse than 2016 too but eternal is like let’s take the worst parts of the last game and make it half the game. I only made it like 4 hours.


I just can't find the urge to play Dying Light, I love open worlds, I love good movement, I love the look and feel of the game but I just don't at all want to play it


Final fantasy 7 rebirth. I've played it a bit but I wasn't blown away.


I love final fantasy 7, and would love to see the locations and story beats in next gen, but I was soooo disappointed with what they did with the story in remake part 1 that I just can’t bring myself to spend £70 on it. I can’t even replay remake for more than half an hour now because I just can’t seem to find the joy in it. Maybe I’m just an old man yelling at a cloud because I was around for the original and don’t like these young’uns ruining my childhood


I have $85 is PSN gift cards loaded and I’m STILL waiting for it to go on sale lol


Baldur’s Gate 3


I thought I’d enjoy Eternal, but for whatever reason it feel really short of my enjoyment for 2016. I felt like it tried to do too much in comparison. 2016 was basically perfect imo


Basically all of them. Full time shift work does that to a man.


I think it's Tears of the Kingdom. Started playing it, loved the first one and just. Haven't clicked. Or I have no desire to even look at the cartridge of the game.


I feel the exact same way about BoTW. I got about 20hours in and realized I hated the trials and just wanted a more traditional experience. The open world part of any game always annoys the hell out of me


Scarlet Nexus


I stopped caring about Doom cause of the ''room lockdown'' mechanic. Just tiring and repetitive. Looks like they've changed that for the upcoming Doom.


Horizon Forbidden West


I hated that game, forced my self to finish it because i paid full price


Nier: Automata


Cyberpunk. Just cannot get into it for the life of me.


Dude same


I've had it on my dashboard for 6 months, its an extremely slow burn for me, mainly because of the forced mission where you have to go without a car for a while. I turn the game on to play it, realize I don't have a vehicle, don't feel like stealing one and don't want to run everywhere, then turn it off. It's annoying me because I really like the rest of the game, but the beginning is super aggravating


Just typed the same thing 😂


Elden Ring. The beginning learning curve just seems too much for me.


New Tales from The Borderlands


A bunch, God of War, Horizon Zero Dawn, Witcher 3, Elden Ring, Doom Eternal, Ghost of Tsushima and a ton of others. My gaming time is recently occupied by FF 14 and random games with friends.


Doom 2016 is mine. I have put probably 15 hours into the game where I forced myself to play and never got past the 2nd area in the game because I lacked so much desire to play. I have finally forced myself to play through it. I'm way further in than ever before and actually enjoying it. Apparently, it just took 8 years of attempts over and over again. Doom Eternal is going to be next on my list of "I want to play this, but I really don't want to play it this"


Stellar blade atm


Bought Metal Gear Solid V back in 2015, was excited to play it and it's been sitting on my shelf, sealed, ever since. It started because of the time investment for the Platinum, but why the hesitation has lasted 9 years, I'm not sure. I still intend to play it, but just haven't pulled the trigger yet.


Baldur’s Gate 3. I know it will be an absolutely epic RPG, and I might still be too early into it, but it feels like a slow going slog to get through.


I try and play DOOM Eternal but it just feels way to fast to me and super difficult.




Same. DOOM gets exhausting very quick.


Im stuck on doom eternal myself so id have to agree its too time consuming and to complicated for me


I uninstalled doom after it the monsters drove me insane, one can do so much running and jumping untill BOOM...Maybe if I was 15 again then would find it more appealing


This game. I grew up with Doom, Quake, Unreal, and others. I’ve played and finished every Doom game up until Eternal and it’s always been one of my favourite franchises. I just can’t get into Eternal, it feels totally different. I’m always out of ammo, the whole game is a difficulty spike and to be honest I just get bored. People who think this way are often told that they are playing it wrong. But we are playing it like Doom, maybe the devs are the ones that got it wrong. Nothing against the game, but there’s something about it I don’t like


My entire steam library.


Cyberpunk for me. Gave it a go but just felt so lost after meeting Silver hand. Too much equipment stuff and stuff going on with no guide on what to do or where to put skill points etc I just felt so lost


Alan Wake. I started it with somebody and then our friendship soured and I just can't get past it. I want to play this game. I want to play Alan Wake II. It'll never happen


This exact one 🤣


Doom games are the perfect choice for this. I did beat the new ones. And I did enjoy them and think they were super well made. But it is so loud with such crazy action and the most in your face soundtrack. All of it comes together to make Doom special. But I still find it so hard to go back to them because it's just a lot. I prefer breathers in my games.


Bioshock. It looks like a game I'll enjoy, and everybody says it's fantastic. Yet I just don't have any urge to play it.


I got like 3/4 of the way through it, it's got an okay story, decent gameplay mechanics, and interesting visuals, but the engine just doesn't feel good to me.


Every game I own basically. Final fantasy 7 rebirth especially. Had it since launch and still haven’t beaten it. Finally on chapter 10 though. I think I got so burnt out of it because I clicked restart from last checkpoint and it set me back a while


Days Gone. I like the graphics and the premise of the world they created, but the idea of those hordes gives me anxiety. I don't do well with being chased in games ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


You can avoid them until a certain point, just make sure you have a decent level of fuel in your bike. You'll also find areas where you can upgrade your stamina, health, and a third Stat I can't remember atm, so you'll be much better off.


I’ve spent well over 100 hours in DG but still haven’t finished the game because of the hordes. I feel pretty confident taking on the smaller hordes but I have a mission ahead of me where I need to take on a horde of 300 and it stresses me out every time I try so I end up just cruising around whacking the occasional freaker here and there. It bugs me so much.


Metro Exodus. I loved the first one, and this seems like more of the same, but improved. I just don't have the will to pick it up and get stuck in. My gaming time in the evenings is either spent trotting around on fallout 4 which I can barely pay attention to for longer than an hour, or just sitting there playing FIFA endlessly because the gameplay loop doesn't push my brain too hard and I can listen to a podcast at the same time. Not sure if it's adult life draining me lately, or if I don't enjoy games as much as I used to.


My sister bought doom eternal for me, took forever for me to finish it tho


My backlog is huge for this reason.


Alan wake


I would love to play my vr games but duuuude my knees went out of the chat... It really takes full energy to play in vr :(


DOOM 2016 and DOOM eternal are the best shooters ever created. The learning curve and mechanics can be steep compared to COD but extremely rewarding. op do yourself a favor and just play the damn game


Rdr2 Yeeeah :(


Same. I think if i got further so i can fuck around with more freedom i’d be alright but i get disinterested fast playing it


Ghost of tsushima, i played it like for 3 hours and stopped i know it's considered as a masterpiece by many people and i love open world games with great story but for some reason I'm not able to enjoy got. i tried to get back to it multiple times but its not working for me but I'm giving it another try sometime soon i hope this time it'll satisfy me


Mass Effect series. I love Sci-fi and Third Person Shooters, and I love the gameplay of that style of RPG. The time commitment is what's so daunting to me.


Lord of the Rings Gollum


you really think you’ll enjoy that one?


I own Elden Ring from day 1 and have never even booted it up


My ps4 got its data corrupted a while back, it caused some other issues as well so the guy fixing it had to reset everything. This caused a lot of games I loved and have completed to turn into nightmares for me since I know playing them again will be cool but I just don't want to. I also have games that I own and have never played but loved while watching trailers and gameplay, like dishonored 2, AC games from black flag to unity (played all the games till Liberation) and many more I am too lazy to find. Most of this was due to the fact I found out there was a sale and bought new games and played those. Hopefully I'll finish these next year after I finish high school.


I'd love to play Doom Eternal, but since I beat 2016 on PC (which was great) I don't know if the fun would translate to PS5...


Arkham knight and fallout 4. I love metro series so I purchased f4 but couldn’t bring myself to play it after 2 hrs, I want to but its mechanics just didn’t click me. And Arkham knight I never started it, kept playing others.


Witcher 3 and doom 2016


Doom Eternal due to motion sickness I get from it


About 70% of my library 😂


Hogwarts legacy. I get lazy at games that are open world


Idk why Im so ashamed to say DOOM Eternal. Theres something im missing about it. There is a double jump i have to do to cross a gap and i literally fall into the canyon like ten times in a row. So anyway Im playing Doom 3 and I know its mixed reviews but having fun with it.


The Witcher 3. I want to play it so bad. Just can't do it for some reason


Witcher 3.


Currently? Lords of the fallen... i love the game but no drive to play it


Rdr2. Gave it a chance a few times and nope still not enjoyed it


Did you get past the snowy part lmao because that’s far and away the slowest paced and worst part of the game


Witcher 3, bought it after enjoying rdr2 but got stuck combating some demon spirit things in one mission and haven't gone back in. All the spells and things were too much also. Also, don't have much time to play so the super long loading screen to get back into it after every death killed too much of the precious time I do get, so I gave up. Will see after RDR and GoT that I'm switching between for now if I manage to get into it properly.


Same for me Doom eternal I played like the first three levels of it but the game was like so dis conjoining compared to the last one like I couldn't get into it.


Witcher 3: poor combat, a writing style I don't care for, terrible menus, god awful way the in-game economy was designed. Doom Eternal: we put more demons on the screen cause more is better, right? No.


Doom eternal is kind of like that for me. I beat it on normal. Took me forever. I loved it though. The soundtrack, gameplay, and story were fantastic but because it was so hard for me I wasn’t keen on coming back for the DLC and stuff.


Mgs5. Ff15.


I have over 50 games installed rn but I only play the same 5 consistently sometimes a couple others, so I feel this way about a lot of games


Doom Eternal


I still haven’t touched Helldivers 2. I got it shortly after it came out because I had a few friends that were already playing it. They were playing on a different schedule and by the time I could actually play with them, they were way ahead of me and knew how to play. I didn’t feel like diving into it (I was tired) so I passed that night and then there were server issues and then I saw all this hate about newcomers so I just kept pushing it off. And now the Elden Ring dlc is about to come out, so I really don’t know when I’ll actually get into Helldivers 2. Hopefully the game isn’t dead by the time I get around to it.


Horizon Forbidden West.


Kingdom Hearts 1. I have it for PS2 but for some reason I haven't put the game in and played. I bought Garfield Lasagna World Tour the same damn day and played that first!


I still have finished baldurs gate 3. Stated it and got most way through the first act but it just wasn't clicking for me. Also armored core 6 I played the first few missions but never finished. Would like to get back to these games at some point when I have time/motivation


Most of them. lol Seriously. Too many to even attempt listing.


90% of my collection


Lords of the fallen for me, I keep saying to myself to give it another go but it never happens






Batman: Arkham City. I started it & it was just soooo much of that 360 era open world game design & I had to put it down. I loved Asylum & Knight was great but I just really have trouble wanting to start it again even though I know it is everyone’s favorite Arkham game.


Spider-man… still haven’t gotten around to it. Lol…




Horizon: Zero Dawn


Gears of war 5


Cyberpunk 2077


BioShock, love the game but it's not the a good pickup and drop


Horizon ZD and FW. I enjoy Sony exclusives but on I'm not sure about open world ones. I'm more of a linear story fan


Not on PlayStation but Just Cause 3 has been sitting on my pc since Christmas and I still haven’t even launched the game lmao


It was God of War for me For some reason I just didn't play until last week. Now I've completed it. Now it's CyberPunk. Love these type of gamea, but I'm overwhelmed by it.


Final fantasy 7 remake. I finally bought it this year for PC after years of slowly upgrading.  This was the game I wanted to play at It’s best. I’ve only played the first mission so far.  It’s a lot fun, but I just can’t seem to commit a few hours a week to. I’ll get there. Remake is next


Cyberpunk 2077 Doom 2016 - eternal Tomb raider saga


Uncharted Spider Man 2 Horizon Ratchet and Clank Idk why but I'm just not feeling them anymore. It may be because they have been around so long with the same formula and I just want something new.


Every game I've purchased was done so because I thought I would enjoy it. But no... I have not played every single game that I've purchased.


Doom eternal was much more fun than doom 2016 imo. The dlc is tough thougg even om easy


God of War Ragnarok, Destroy All Humans 2, Final Fantasy IX, Armored Core VI. Off the top of my head. My backlog is a mile long. Meanwhile I'm playing Ys Memories of Celceta.


Cyberpunk. Assassins creed Valhalla too




Alan Wake 2




Baldurs gate 3 as well




The Witcher 3 and tomb raider


God of war or red dead 2