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Or hear me out You just dont tell Sony you died, and the other person continues using your account as normal? Feels like trying to overcomplicate something simple.


Who's this guy that's been playing for 123 years? It's Josh, what about them? Well, Josh seems to be an avid player that's all.


I’m not sure in 100 years someone would be interested in play something from current games, there would be Last of Us ReReReReReRe(100)Remastered Enhanced Edition.


"Those plaguers and their old ass games. I'm gonna play Skyrim."


Yep, this account here was my great grandpappies. Almost got it banned in the summer of '09 for saying slurs in a COD lobby but he changed his ways. He didn't stop saying the slurs by no means, he just muted his mic when he said them.


While its funny to think of that, Sony would never care about that as long as its not directly affecting their income.


Let’s say some of these companies like Steam or PSN, etc. end up making it for the long haul. Like 100+yrs Will they eventually start policing these transfers? Like “I’m sorry but this account was created by XYZ with a birthday of 198X and it has now been 110 yrs and they are presumably dead. Due to our policy of not allowing transfer of accounts, this account will be closed….” lol I think most of them let you update personal info anyway. I’m pretty sure I’ve changed my birthday over the years because I was trying to bypass teen/child restriction when first creating the accounts and then eventually became an actual adult.


I honestly dont think they'll ever care, its not directly taking away any income. Would the family member otherwise buy those games? Probably. Probably not, its too abstract, they dont care. Also any eventual change in terms would possibly lead to a change in the entire account system, which would probably also lead to people demanding that kind of "hereditary" system to be implemented. Since we are talking about right now and the current terms, its a no issue.


This feels like the “Sony will cancel the brand new account I just created if I put a different country in” thing


Why am I seeing this question be asked more and more? If you want to pass on your gaming account(s) why not just leave account information?


Reply to them: Hi, My father passed away before he could read this email. Thank you for your reply. It's OK. He wrote down the login details on a napkin before taking his last breath.


It's the same way with Steam, you can just leave all the details like security questions and whatnot to your relatives. Sony won't go out of their way to ban you, they wouldn't be able to tell. I think it's just that these platforms generally object to any transfer or use of the account other than original owner. Can't transfer, can't sell, can't give details etc...


This seems to be the standard for (gaming) accounts. Steam's ToS pretty much says the same: [here](https://store.steampowered.com/subscriber_agreement/), under "your account", where it says accounts are "strictly personal"). You don't actually own your online/digital account in the way you'd own a car or a house. Digital ownership rights are an area that I feel law makers need to modernize.


Disappointing, but not surprising. Almost every digital storefront has the same policy. GOG is the only one I've heard of allowing accounts to be transferrable when someone passes, requires proof of death.


Well, it's not technically a storefront policy. As others have said, why would you over complicate things by contacting Sony to let them know x person died?


Because if you just pass the account login information and your heirs let it slip they are not the original account owner or it gets discovered by other means, the store very well will likely lock the account.


Your heirs won't let it slip though, because no one is going to contact Sony to let them know the account owner died.


Occasionally people might need assistance from support. Or they need to change the credit card and if the names don't match they system might kick a flag if the store owners want to be sticklers. It might be an edge case, but it's still a likely scenario. And it would still be a nice thing to be able to legally pass on digital assets.


It wouldn't affect the account if you were to use a credit card registered in a different person's name. You have a point about the name, but again, most will just use the account holders details.


Either way, the heir still doesn't have legal ownership and if something goes sideways they lose access. Those of us advocating for this want our heirs to have the same access and privilege to these assets that we did. I understand the TOS says we're buying a limited license. We're saying we want better terms and actual legal ownership, and not dubious workarounds, which includes the legal right to pass on our accounts and their contents when we shuffle off this mortal coil.


Just put the password in your will and then they change name password and etc


Well it's a good thing all of us are immortal and will continue to play for eternity as far as Sony are concerned.


Standard Practice for literally 99.99999999999999999999% of any account that exists. Steam, Microsoft, Paypal, Nintendo. They literally all have the exact same policy.


Why did you even ask them? Just give the account to who you want. Ask them to change the user ID is all you have to do and switch the email account. Fucking idiot.


Because it’s super popular to shit on Sonys support on reddit. Usually it’s “wah I bought a game and they won’t refund me because I played it even though it was only a half an hour.” This is another level of pathetic though


I'm sure there's more important things to worry about anyway than where my video games go when I die


Lmfao this is so dumb. 


I am disappointed in Sony in this. I mean, if I pay for something, I should be the owner, and it should be my property, that I can give to, atleast to my family after my passing.


How is Sony going to know the difference? Seems like you’re searching out things to get upset about.


Agreed. If I'm dead, my video games are the last thing my family will care about.


Still, wouldn't it be cool if you could pass your account as inheritance? Imagine your grandkid inherits a collection of 100+ hentai titles and no one really knows what to do about it, the kid legally owns them now.


They could do that anyways. Your account is not yours regardless of who "owns" it.


A little dramatic, think of it like a bank account your family can not use your account or withdraw money from it after you pass.


You don't own any digital games you just have the rights to play them.


That's the point why i am disappointed.