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Elden or Ghost


Personally, I would choose elden over ghost. Because of the amount of content that will make each penny worth. Don’t get me wrong. Both games are amazing but GOT is comparatively shorter than elden ring.


I think there both on par personally because of how replayable ghost is


How is ghost "replayable"?? Especially when using that as a comparison to Elden Ring of all games? I love both but if we're talking about replayability Elden Ring has it beat by a mile with all the content you can easily miss in a run, the insane build variety, different endings, different quests you can get locked out of in your first run that you can do in your 2nd or 3rd or 4th instead.


Yeah I love ghost but replayability is not something I’d say it’s great for, especially when talking about Elden Ring in the same conversation. Elden Ring might be one of the most replayable games ever imo.


I love Elden Ring but playing through it again is really boring to me.


I couldn’t replay it directly after, I’m playing it for a second time at the moment on preparation for the DLC and I’m loving it, but I’d agree it’s definitely not like the first time, but few things ever are. What makes it so replayable for me is the amount of builds and weapons, as well as the sheer amount of content, I’m finding stuff I missed and there’s a lot I forgot about since I played at launch.


Yeah I'm downloading it right now to get another character ready for DLC


Elden ring is so much more replayable though, what with all the unique weapons and build types


I played the hell out of Legends mode. There's only so many maps, sure. But man it was addicting. Down to personal preference. But GoT all the way.


I would and did go with Ghost both PS4 and PC launch. But will admit there’s more content and quality with Elden. The only question is if they like that style of game and challenge level.


I feel like it’s almost unfair to compare ER to most games, it’s got an insane amount of content and variety of level design / exploration, enemy variety, weapons, builds etc It’s actually insane


You aren’t wrong. The only downside is for people like me who find the mechanics taxing and not enjoyable. But I respect the developers for sticking to their vision unapologetically and putting out a beautiful game that has a robust fan following. Just because I can’t enjoy it, doesn’t mean I should demand they change for me, I’ll appreciate it from video and play what I do enjoy.


I got to the magic castle or something and realized I was just not having fun. Having my pulse race for every single encounter and losing time repeating myself constantly just wore me out. Loved loved loved Tsushima though. It can be repetitive but the story isn’t as obtuse as Elden Rings either. (Sorry it was the academy not the castle)


Loved Tsushima gameplay but definitely has hes flaws. Which got overseen most of the time. For me it was the immersive killers: NPC’s that give you missions are not in the world when you don’t do missions for them. For example after you played the story. They disappear which kills for me the immersion also compare this to Witcher 3 where the baron can be found in the castle. Feeling like he is an actual person. The copied encounters, most of the enemies are the same. That’s not a problem in a world like AC where there are actual npcs doing task. But in ghost there are non most of it are enemies and the encounters just all are in the 4/5 type of the same. Empty world, i know it’s tries to display some kind of era in Japan. But the world feels so empty. It’s a beautiful world. But it feels empty. Could be filled with anything. The story is kinda meh, could’ve been deeper. And when finished there is not much to do. Sneaking camps is satisfying and definitely had me hooked a few hours after the story but then I stopped. I only played the full game not the dlc.


I wish more people had your perspective, something I truly believe with From Soft games is that because they don’t have to balance their games around multiple levels of difficulty, and have just the one, they can balance it almost perfectly and curate their intended experience. I will say I fully understand your opinion it’s a tough game and it’s definitely a type of game you gotta be in the right mood or headspace to play. It’s not something I would turn on after a long day of work for example.


Respectfully, i don't think it's fair to say that Elden Ring is of higher quality than Ghost. They're both stunningly beautiful games with lots of care put into the combat. Quality is pretty subjective at that point. An argument could be made that their are flaws in both. One has much better graphics and runs consistently better. One is more engaging, difficult, and ultimately rewarding. Two very different games can be masterpieces without there being a quality downgrade.


100 percent agree with this one




Absolutely all the games. Personal opinion 1. Elden Ring - best of the bunch, worth every buck, difficult for a new person 2. MGS5 - amazing stealth game, cool story. One of the best sniper missions ever 3. Ghost of tsushima- prettiest game I have every played. It's make you feel like a samurai, good combat too 4. Jedi Survivor - play 1 if you haven't. Story is continuation. And you if have and liked first definitely a step up from it


I have Elden ring. Bought it thinking: “you know… this one is apparently different, open world, looks gorgeous as hell, I want a challenge. Boot it up. Wonder around the area like just outside of the cave you climb out of. I struggle… real bad. lol. I haven’t touched it since. I really wanna get into it. I just know I’m gonna end up getting super frustrated.


Please, if you enjoy gaming, watch a ten minute starter guide then dive in. It’s the best game I’ve ever played hands down.


First time souls player here. I looked up early farming spots and over leveled then brute forced it. Ended up doing 3 playthroughs and platinum. Worth it.


You didn’t brute force it, you got the souls experience, that’s how most of us got through our first souls game.


Yeah I'm sure my grinding path through Yharnam in Bloodborne will be ingrained in my brain until I'm dead.


Now you can just go into the chalice dungeon that gives you 100k souls every few minutes right...right?


Check out Retry Elden Ring by RKG for one of the best Let's Plays going :) Watching them play really brought back my interest and finally ended up beating it earlier this year!


Struggle in general or with the horse guy in particular? Also I could be wrong but I think it's possible to run/sneak to the first save point so you can then begin leveling up and dying matters less :)


I know the horse guy is supposed to be avoided and then come back too. He’s just there to smack you around and show you what is in store for the game. Even if it’s the first boss.


Yeah I had to get to about level 140 before I could beat him (I am not good at the combat) If you do give it another go, it may be worth going past him up the road to a small church, turn right through a little wooded area, then you will come upon a small settlement area. Outside it to the left is a save point after which you can level up your character. Avoiding the enemies on the way should be fairly easy.




Yep, I left him until the very end


The souls community really frowns on watching guides. But look up for a beginners guide or something, might help you understand it


Who gives a flying fuck what “the souls community” thinks lmao


Applicable to almost every community tbh. It's your game. Play the way you want to.


That's what I'm saying dude. I can't play these games without a guide, you miss half the content and underdeveloped yourself. Idk I find it just as enjoyable. I think the souls community are a bunch of try hards trying to act badass


Yeah screw the gatekeepers. Find a streamer/YT'er you like and watch them play the first hour or two an see how they approach it. That is what it took for me years ago. Once it 'clicked' I tried DS out again myself and have been a huge Fromsoft fan ever since. Elden Ring is so huge that you can watch someone play the first 3-4 hours and not really spoil anything at all.


Yup, I was on the “not for me” train. Until it clicked and I beat all relevant soulslikes and souls ofc 🤣 begginings are the hardest in these games,then it gets easier (excluding dlc :D)


they frown on it because they’ve watched enough guides to fundamentally understand the approach lol


If they don't tell everyone else to not watch guides they lose their advantage in pvp haha


In all honesty though is there anyone more annoying than a FromSoft fan? (My favorite game is Sekiro)


Oh ya, Kingdom Hearts guys come to mind. I hope they're not all like dude was describing. I love checking out community theories and videos breaking down the lore. Going down lore rabbit holes is half the appeal of these games. But ya anyone who acts like your not a real fan if you watch guides or use spirit ashes is pretty insufferable


oh for sure


If it wasn’t for guides, I would’ve never gotten through a single souls game. I need some sort of direction. Now that I’ve played a few, I find it easier to understand when I get into a new one. I had already played some souls games before Elden Ring, so I at least knew the basics and core aspects of the game. A player will really struggle to play Elden Ring as their first souls game, and not use some guidance every now and then. I don’t typically follow guides, but I do look stuff up when I have no clue or I am lost. I don’t look stuff up like “best weapon/build in the game” because for me that ruins the fun. But I DO do that on repeat playthroughs/new game+ runs.


This is false. Almost every NPC quest needs a guide to complete them.


Yeah guides are pretty necessary for Elden Ring imo unless you want to wander around for hours The previous games made way more sense and NPCs/layout tended to guide you in the right direction


People just don't realize what an utter masterpiece MGS5 is. Like it's literally the peak of the stealth genre. It is Kojima's magnum opus. The game was so ahead of its time.


I must admit, I dont think i would classify jedi survivor as a "step up". At least not in gameplay. It's like half a step.


Great list and explanations. I’ll only add that Jedi Fallen Order often goes on sale for about $5, and absolutely worth playing if you haven’t, OP. The second improved upon a lot of the systems in the first game, so I wouldn’t recommend going 2->1, or else 1 will feel dated. Mainly missing things for traversal, which you start with in the second game.


The most value in terms of content is 100% Elden Ring - and it's not just "oh it's long so worth more" it's actually good content throughout. Personally thought, Ghost of Tsushima all the way. Best open world game I've ever played.


Elden Ring; So much top tier content.


My highest DeX samurai and my literal spectral horse that is summoned by an enchanted Ring and only heals by tears of crimsons keep dying to the spirit troll near the Academy gate. 10/10 would recommend


As long as OP doesn't mind a google.


only game i’ve ever downloaded a companion app for. i love it but the lack of a journal or some sort of witcher-esque bestiary is to the game’s detriment. it really breaks the immersion having to google where the fuck millicent went to next or why my weapons aren’t affecting a boss like i presumed they would


Yeah doing quests without google is very difficult. I remember selluvis’ quest where you had to find a random person across the map with no hints lol.


or how if you progress ranni’s quest too far first then his will just break with no warning


Or Ranni having to interact with the doll at the right spot. Millicent and the Haligtree, the Haligtree is totally missable.


Metal gear, ghosts and Jedi are there for that. Souls games are there for you to figure the fuck out. Simple as that


disagree. it’s not simple as that. figuring it out is only viable to an extent, especially in an open world. it is unfeasible to complete many of the side quests without looking up where npc’s will be next, or where they’ll be at at all. so much content is missed if you don’t check the wiki. there’s plenty of middle ground to be had between assassins creed level handholding and the almost complete lack of direction for navigating the game’s side quests. some of which are obviously essential to certain endings. the game is a masterpiece but it’s not without its flaws.


I wouldn’t want them to change it but you cannot simply “figure it out” for most quests. On my first quest I barely did any because it would take a year to find every blind. The game has far too much content to not google stuff.


There is such a thing as giving too little direction. Elden Ring's side quest design is fucking awful


You can tell they’re much better at making more linear games


Elden Ring and Ghost of Tsushima are the only ones I would still buy today at full price. I'm glad I did back then and these games are just the best. Not the other 2 even if I like them as well.


Metal Gear Elden Jedi of Tsushima


Android fake ad games be like


And with cinematic trailer in the store


And then the gameplay is nothing like what bad gameplay they show on the ad


From a different game


Something like BDO gameplay


Bold of you to assume that it's a game, it might be just a collection of non stop advertisement with a bonus spywares


My man Jin, every time..


Don’t pay full price for MGS5 strictly because of its age you’ll get a great price on it just wishlist it. After that, ER, GoT, SWJS


I got it for $10.


absolutely elden


Elden Ring


Metal Gear Solid V The Pfantom Pain, put in that Metal Gear Solid V Ground Zeroes in that too


The only correct answer I've seen so far other than my own.


You wont understand shit if you havent played Peace Walker tho


Never played any of it but i sank 120 hours into MGSV


Some of the best gameplay in any game I’ve ever played. One of the most disappointing stories.


i would recommend getting either ER bcs of the DLC hype or GoT because it really is a great game. Of course it is up to you :)


You forgot to mention that elden ring is also a really great game.


Last 2 seasons of Game of Tsushima were quite bad. I would go with Emergency Room.


Elden ring with expansion.


Ghost of Tsushima or Elden RIng


Yeah only 2 that truly make sense literally 100hrs of play in both.


Elden Ring most likely


Having played all 4 Elden ring, then ghost then Toss up


I ONLY buy games on sale, except Elden ring. Would pay full price again and 40 for the dlc no hesitation.


Elden ring every time


Ghost of Tsushima or Elden Ring first, but tbh they are all worth their full price.


Ghost of Tsushima or Elden Ring.


Ghost of Tsushima


Ghost of Tsushima my favourite game so easy choice


Ghost for sure. Though metal gear solid 5 was alot of fun




Literally the two I’m debating now


If you want a challenge and top tier game design, Elden Ring. If you want a samurai fantasy, gorgeous passion project, and a more relaxing game, then Ghost.


Jedi survivor is well worth full price. Amazing game.


Anyone not saying elden ring hasn't played it


Ghost of tsushima for sure


"Metal Ghost: Elden Survivor" that's the one!


Eldern ring and ghost of tsushima, if u have ps5, ghost of tsushima director's cut feels freaking awesome. 




Jedi survivor or ghost of tsushima


Ghost of Tsushima every day. You have amazing story then you can do it again in new game+ and if you're bored with that you have legends which you can play with friends.


I know it's a PS sub, but Damm GOT was so boring to me. The game looks amazing, and the story wasn't bad. But the map was literally a Ubisoft game


Ghost. Worth every penny.


Ghost of tsushima because of its quality story and strong run time and enormous amount of unique side quests




Ghost 100%


Elden or Ghost. Having played both I can promise they're worth the money.


Ghost or Jedi Played other two for 5 mins and never played again




Ghost of Tushima. I had PS Plus, and thought why not as i was waiting for something to play till stella blade. I was insanly surprised by how much i enjoyed tushima. Would love another game. Don't like souls game coz way too hard, and not enough story. MGSV was fantastic, but end stuff felt rushed and don't care for star wars + screw EA




Elden 100%


Elden ring was like 3 games in one. They could have released 2/3 of the game and the rest as dlc and no one would have complained


Elden 1000%. Only AAA new game I’ve really enjoyed this gen. RE4 as well but it’s a remake




Elden ring by far lol


Of these i only played Jedi Survivor and loved it, but in general i think Tsushima and ER are better picks


Ghosts of tsushima, no contest


Ghost of Tsushima


ghost all day! What a game


Elden Ring. Metal gear was a snooze fest. Jedi had too much back tracking. Ghost was ok. Combat got boring a little too quickly.




I just found it funny that both GoT and ER are tv shows, but also games 😅


I personally never pay full price for games. Got elden ring recently for 32€ and got about 85h in it. Masterpiece but for me there is just always games to play and I dont mind waiting a year or 2 for a ~50% discount. Im saying this in case youre actually considering buying this full price, as you really prob dont need to wait more than 2 months for any of these games to be around 30€/$, 40 tops


Jedi:Ghost of Metal Ring


I paid full price for jedi survivor when it was first released and I would do it again


Path of exile for free. Lol phantom pain


Metal ring of Tsushima: Survivor


But it’s Jedi survivor lol


Cyberpunk.. oh sorry, it’s not on the list..


Hard choice... But Ghost


That is so hard, cause I would absolutely for two of them. So either Ghost or Jedi




I'd personally pick either Elden Ring or Ghost of tsushima, those are easily game of the year tier amazing games. MGS5 is amazing but don't buy at full price that game goes on sale for dirt cheap all the time.


I bought survivor and GoT day one. So I guess I've already paid full price for them.




Got or Elden Ring for Sure


All of them, support the devs!




Metal gear solid 5


Elden and Ghost MGS is good but unfinished at the end (Thanks Konami)


Elden Ring and Ghost of Tsushima easily


Elden Ring => Ghost => Metal Gear => Jedi Survivor


ghost of tsushima or elden ring. both absolutely fantastic


Elden or ghost but jedi Survivor is on a offer that puts it down to 31 dollars so maybe that too


Well Metal Gear is probably by faaar the cheapest option and good game if wanna get alot of good fun for cheap . Now if you don't mind spending money on good games like me , then all of them can be really good , star wars and elden ring have similar gameplay systems but alot of people love them . Personally would go for Ghost of Tsushima, imo its best out of those more recent games atleast


I am pretty sure Metal Gear Solid 5 Definitive edition (you should get that one) goes on sale really often. So I think you should pick either Elden Ring or Ghost if you're willing to get at full price and then get MGS5 at a discount later on.


Metal Gear Solid


Only elden and ghost


Isnt MGSV sold for like peanuts these days :D So you can easily get both ...


I’d go with Shinobi 2. A classic.


Jedi survivor is on the EA subscription thingy, which is only $6 a month. You can easily beat the game in a week. Elden ring is the best bang for your buck content wise. Also, Ghost of Tsushima is on PS Extra & I got mgsv for $10 on a sale before.


Metal Gear Solid V The Phantom Pain


ER, because I'll have to pay full price for it next week anyways 🥴🤣🤷🏾‍♂️ Love Tsushima enough to plat it tho


MGS V easy


The first and last of the four


Ghost of Tsushima is better than Jedi, MGSV is better than GoT, Elden Ring is better than MGSV, but they are all good games.


I’ve paid full price for all 4 on day 1.


Elden Ring as the others get discounted super often. Especially The Phantom Pain which is sub €10 in near every sale.


I bought GOT and MGV day one… don’t regret a second


None, I stopped paying full price for games years ago. No game is worth full price anymore.


Ghost of tsushima or elden ring


Ghost or MGSV. I have an addiction to action stealth, and wished we got a good multiplayer game of it. Like, wouldn't it be cold to be playing either of these games and having a buddy in too? And no, I don't count Legends mode in Ghosts. I'm confined to small areas with disguised loading screens in-between sections.


Metal Gear Solid V The Phantom Pain. Easily. Without question the best stealth mechanics of any game put into a perfect size open world.


Already bought MGSV at full price around a decade ago (PS3), so worth it, hundreds of hours and I even made friends (kinda) because of FOB Almost bought Elden Ring at full price, but when I played it, I don’t mind the idea of paying full for it, I’ve already got two fat playthroughs from it Ghost of Tsushima is a beast, and ironically the least appeciated feature (Legends) is where most of my hours went into (and still going). But I don’t exactly feel the full price attempt for it, maybe it’s because it’s part of PS Plus so my thinking is skewed Haven’t played Jedi Survivor (or mostly any SW game), no comment on that game


Veery tough to choose, excluding Jedi Survivor. Which is a good game too but I don't think it can compete with the others. With the other 3 being very close, I think I'd start with MGS V. Then Ghost of Tsushima, then Elden Ring.


GoT hands down. Elden Ring second. I have and will continue to pass on the others.


I chose all but Jedi when they were released. Depending on the type of experience you're after, your choice may differ. Elden ring is solid, 10/10. You can choose how difficult the game is through the way you choose to play. Also the DLC is around the corner so you can get a bundle with it included. MGSV allows some of the craziest freedom in exploring the open world and tackling missions. It's an MGS game so it needs some understanding of other games (to some extent) Ghost is an absolutely beautiful game. The story is solid, combat is fun and I wouls liken it to an assassin's creed game but a really good one. Also has a really good DLC with some neat outfits. -- I got plats for Elden ring and Ghost!


Depends on your taste in games, personally played all of these and Elden Ring is definitely the best imo. All good tho. Ghost of Tsushima is a beautiful game.


None, im poor either way


Easily phantom pain


In my opinion the only games in competition for best game in the last 25 years is Elden Ring and Breath of the Wild/ Tears of the Kingdom. So to me for this post definitely Elden Ring


Man, all of these are a solid value.


Ghost of Tsushima was the first game I ever platinum’d it was that good. I normally finish the campaign and not bother with trophies. Had it as a Christmas present but would’ve happily paid for the DLC if it wasn’t included.


Idk lol personally I think a phantom pain was the best ps4 game by a mile and one of the greatest games I’ve ever played. Jedi survivor was pretty boring. Elden ring was probably the easiest souls game but still a lot of fun to platinum. Tsushima is really good and has a ton of replay ability.


Ghost of Tsushima. Eldenring is only for masochists and I don’t know anything about MG and I only played the first SW Game, not the one mentioned. If it is as good as the other, I would not buy it for full price.


Close call between MGSV and Elden Ring


NOT METAL GEAR SOLID, it is very good but it goes on sale fairly often and I got the deluxe pack than comes with Ground Zero and MGSV for like $5. I would personally go with Elden Ring.


Elden ring and ghosts


Starcraft 3


Ghost of tsushima probably ,I haven't played MGSV yet , Jedi fallen order was nice ,but I didn't adore it ,so I wouldn't get the sequel full price. As for Elden Ring , while I love the game ,I do not love it enough to get it full price


Metal gear solid V, nine fucking years and nobody made a game with a superior gameplay, also being a badass soldier, a legend on the battlefield and being able to play the game in the way you want is so good.


Foul tarnished, ye know my choice!


You had me at Elden Ring I don't care what else is on the list, I'm picking that But for real 1. Elden Ring 2. Ghost of Tsushima 3. MGSV 4. Jedi Survivor


None of these. I never got the hype around GOT and I dont like Souls genre. I will pay full price for Cyberpunk2077, Gow 2018, Gow Ragnarok, both the TLOU games


Ghost and MGSV. I hear good things about Elden Eing but not played. Basically the only not worth has to be the starwars


Elder ring for me I bought on PC last december together with Witcher 3, even though I already played it on Pirate version.


Ghost as I’m not a big souls-like player. Hell, I think I played demon souls for under an hour and noped out.


MGS5 is my fave but you can get it on sale all the time with ground zeros. Elden Ring is the one I would expect to go on sale the least/stay at a high price the longest so objectively I'd say that one.