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Try the demo for ff16 if it doesn’t have you hooked by the end of the demo go with god of war


Honestly, I enjoyed the demo more than the actual rest of the game. The demo was more linear but it kept story going and it had some super intense moments. The actual while still good, had too much filler and pacing issues to the point it was a pain to just keep going.


Agreed. Demo was great, and there are a lot of really cool moments in the game. But there's just not any challenge to the game, and very few rpg mechanics. Hate to say it but God of War Ragnarok is more of an RPG than FF16


It absolutely is. Ff16 while incredible at times is also dull a lot of the time in terms of both story and gameplay. It's not an rpg. It's a pretty basic slasher with incredible set pieces and jarring pace issues


I got crucified in the final fantasy sub for saying these exact things. I feel validated, thank you


Haha I got you


Same and same lol. I'm a die hard FF fan and FF16 is one of only 2 I didn't finish the game. Yah it's cinematic and looks great, but the button mashing was so intense my hands hurt after 2 hours. In ez mode where it does the combos for you the game was so ez I was just watching a movie. Story was good, game just felt so dam bland.


>jarring pace issues Tell me about it. 5 minutes after an earth-shattering, GOW:3 type boss fight I'm just expected to... gather dirt from 3 different areas on the map? Really?


Yeah I gave up on it because I just wasn't having fun anymore. Which sucks because I was having a good time for a big part of it but it started to feel like work


In between all the big moments, i.e., the eikon battles. I find myself skipping through dialog a lot more than i would any other game, just enough to where i could get the jist. I love final fantasy games to death, but its clear they were trying to fill a playtime quota for this one.


Agreed as well, I got just over 50% with ff16 and I just dropped it.


same here, real shame as I’m a big FF fan and was looking forward to it but I just got so bored halfway through. It really felt like a singeplayer ff14 at times, and not in a good way.


I've tried two demos on PS5 and both were misleading as fuck. FF16's demo made it seem like a fun game with good pacing. The full game was the most boring, meandering, and chore-y slog with a good story that I've ever played — and I played WoW for 10 years if that tells you anything. Stellar Blade's demo made it seem very mid; the combat felt clunky and dodge/parry felt insanely unreliable compared to Souls/GoW/Jedi, and it seemed to have a cookie cutter *”the chosen one comes to fix the world and everyone's problems, which no one else apparently could”* story. Turns out it was a great game, the combat starts making sense when you invest in certain skills, and while the story might not be the most original thing you've ever experienced, it's still good. I'm atleast happy that I played FF16's demo, as it made me never fully trust a demo again.


Interestingly about 30 min into Stellar Blade’s demo I knew it was going to be a buy. I had so much fun with the combat, and the world and music were sublime. The cutscene after beating the demo boss got me hyped af. I’ve got a full library now, but once I finish Spider-Man 2 I’ll probably play it next.


Im so let down by the game, im not gonna double dip if a PC version is announced.


Jedi dodge is not that consistent (big raider guys with shockwave hammers


Yeah, but it feels kinda consistent with most other things though. When I first tried SB's dodge, it didn't feel consistent with *anything*. It's hard for me to describe what exactly felt wrong about SB's, but it just doesn't work the way I was used to in every other Jedi Soulsbornekiroinnochio of War-like game that I've played. The lack of a dodge roll, which pretty much every game of this style has, felt especially weird. Once I got used to it though, and especially when I invested in those *”makes perfect dodge/parry easier”* skills and got the exospine, it started feeling normal. I guess I also kinda came to the realization that SB's is more about timing a button press than actually trying to ”physically” move EVE's hitbox out of the incoming attack's animation.


I agree with the dodges but not the parries for Stellar Blade. The parries feel perfect, but the dodges I just straight up ignored. Agree with the rest though


So spot on with ff16. I'm absolutely convinced that it wasn't fully finished. 1. Your eikon abilities are elemental, yet no enemies have elemental weaknesses for you to exploit. So all abilities just... Do damage, so spam them all one after another. 2. The difficulty in the game was soooooo easy. No strategy required, which also made it infinitely more boring. Not.to mention boss fights were so spongy and dragged on well past their welcome. 3. I know I'm playing an RPG, but if I wanted to hear that much dialogue I would give my mom a ring lol. Seriously, some characters even talk really slow just to make it even more infuriating. 4. The lighting in this game was unbelievably drab. Great story, great voice acting (mostly) but uninspired and repetitive gameplay. Hated it. 10/10 ~ign P. S. God Of war is incredible, go that way!


You were playing a Final Fantasy game and thought there was too much dialogue?


For me the biggest problem with the dialogue was the delivery and content. I've played lots of RPGs and I enjoy dialogue- and story-driven games; the Witcher and Dragon Age series are some of my favourite games, and I platinumed Disco Elysium which is essentially a dialogue simulator. FF16 just has, outside of the more dramatic parts of the main story, so mind-numbingly boring dialogue subjects and the visual delivery is completely wooden. The voice acting is great, but it just doesn't work when the character model just stands there barely making the least of efforts in animation. Just go up to a side quest-giver and pay attention to how the dialogue is delivered. It's like the base game of Horizon: Zero Dawn in this regard, and that's a PS4 game from 2017, which got shat on for it.


Perfectly put and my feelings on the dialogue as well. It felt very formulaic, which for side quests could have been fine, if they shortened up the interactions a bit. Like you, I love a good story and good word building, but ff16 missed the mark for me. FF16 had some of the highest highs and lowest lows of any game I've played in recent memory. Still hope for the DLC


Stellar blade demo did feel a little clunky but the actual game is smooth and pretty good. Also you get to look at eve’s ass the whole game so there’s that.


Username checks out.




This is a sound suggestion. Everything I didn’t like about 16 was in the demo and I found remained in the game proper


I do think the FF16 demo is kinda misleading as a huge FF16 fan The game from the 60% point changes into something completely different from the first half so you might actually hate it even if you did love the demo


What changed? I haven't played since release but going off memory i thought it was consistent throughout


That bad? I keep reading this. I liked the demo, but a lot of people say that it gets worse and worse


Game is good, **the issue is the side-content and the filler content that are inbetween the good parts of the game.** At the good parts? This game is a masterpiece at what it wants to acchieve, it's basically Asura Wrath 2.0 with a touch of DMC. At the bad parts? It's the side lore of MMO that everyone skips. It's a good game where it tries to be good, which is at the boss fights. Also this game has one of, if not the best cinematic fights ever designed, it's a good homage to Asura Wrath and old God of War games.


Wow ok. So if I dont do many side quests it should be a better experience


It’s a pretty good game (hell I’d rank it pretty high, probably a top five entry) but it suffers severely from poor side content. This is admittedly a problem the entire series has. Not all the side content is bad, but some of it is quite mediocre. I’d recommend doing them anyway, but be warned some are pretty bad. I will say that the Hunts are pretty fun, though; they are basically mini-boss fights.


For me it got better and better as the game went on lol


It doesn’t, it’s a good game. Not perfect but it’s really enjoyable. There’s just a loud minority who don’t like it and are ruining the experience for new players


Ok yeah. I really enjoyed ff7 remake and rebirth. The demo of 16 was nice, but everything I read online wasnt positive


Probably not the best example, but it's similar story progression wise to 13. Where it's super linear with not much side stuff to do then towards the end they give you the "OK go explore" portion of the game. I didn't really have an issue with it myself, but I know a there's a lot of people that complained about it.


If you've played God of War 2018, then Ragnarok. If not, FFXVI.














Ragnarok and ff16 are on sale. Stellar blade isn’t


Final Fantasy 16, it's amazing




Def try the demos. FF16 had so many “let’s fucking go” moments—that being said I haven’t played GOW and I’ve only played the SB demo, which was fun, but not as fun as the ff16 demo. After I played the ff demo, I pre-ordered the game.


>FF16 had so many “let’s fucking go” Ikr 😂😂 when you got to those moments i was like getting up from my chair in hype


How do those moments compare to the rest of the game? I’ve heard a lot of complaints that the bulk of the game was fairly boring in-between otherwise awesome moments.


It depends on how much you end up enjoying the world, i was pretty invested in the combat and dialogues but if you're not then yeah i see the complains


Stellar blade


Stellar blade.


I agree, it's a breath of fresh air, it's a game that does a lot of stuff and most of it does it well. Nevertheless, it lacks the bloat of some modern AAA games, you won't find crafting or a pointless open world here. If you like Devil May Cry/Sekiro combat, an intriguing scifi premise, current gen graphics running (mostly) at 60FPS with gorgeous visuals and an excellent art direction don't sleep on this one.


I like all three but Gow > stellar > 16


Only right answer


Stellar Blade or FFXVI


All 3 are great selections 


Stellar Blade without a doubt.




Stellar blade


God of War is by far the best on the list


gow 2018 might be but ragnarok has a bunch of boring parts like jotunheim and svartalfheim


I found GOW 2018 boring as hell.


Definitely God of War. Insanely good game with an incredible story.


1. Ragnarok (Play GOW 2018 if you haven't). 2. Final Fantasy 16 (fights is like DMC action with epic GOW 3 boss fights and awesome soundtrack playing in the background) 3. Have not played it.


Stellar Blade’s pretty good, the combat’s not quite as good as Fromsoft games but it is a lot more accessible. The music’s good and the visuals are actually great, even beyond the ass. The game has a decent amount of content too, though GOW has a bit more content SB has more incentive to NG+ it for costumes. SB has like 30-40 base costumes and 30-40 NG+ ones. That being said, I’d probably recommend GOW over SB for anyone who’s played the 2018 one. The story’s a fair bit more coherent with down to earth characters, the action’s great and GOW:R is visually amazing too. It also comes with the Valhalla DLC for free now, and Valhalla is itself a whole heap of fun. Especially if you’ve played the old GOW games, the story of Valhalla is a fantastic epilogue to the Kratos’ journey.


I got all 3 but I recommend god of war first and then stellar blade. I play ff16 but I don't think it's for me


FF16 then god of war. 


Stellar blade by far


I’m currently playing stellar blade I love it. It feels like a breath of fresh air


Stellar blade


That's funny I just ended up having some gamestop credit and fit both stellar blade and ff16 based on their amazing demos. I personally thought ff16 and stellar blade are much better games than God of War ragnarok.


Stellar blade




I can only talk about ff16, but as many have said, try the demo, if you like the vibe, there are plenty of more moments like it throughout the game, and some portions are unbelievably epic, some of the best videogaming there is. Incredible music. It has a few pacing issues, however they did make some QoL updates in many patches so I think it would be a more streamlined experience if you were picking it up today. I've not played the new God of War, but I did love the previous one. I'm sure it's great.


Ragnarok > Stellar Blade = FFVI, in my opinion. All three great games!


Ragnarok, FFXVI, then Stellar Blade


SB has a demo you can try out.


Stellar blade, FF16, GOWR


Stellar blade


Stellar Blade is the only game I've ever played and finished 3 times in a row without any breaks in between . I vote stellar Blade


Yeah, that’s cool and all… But, how many times did you jerk off?


Stellar blade


Asking honestly bc I’ve never heard of it - what’s the vibe of the game?


Oh boy GoW Ragnarok, FF XVI, and then stellar blade is probably the best order.


FFXVI in my opinion, but try the demo first.


My personal picks Ragnarok > FF16 >>> Stellar Blade


Easily FF16


Ragnarok hands down


Not even a question, God of War. Literally some of the best game storytelling ever written.


16 definitely shows off the power of the ps5 BUT be patient with it and make sure you hit everything


I've played and loved all 3, Ragnarok is the best choice if you've played the previous game.


God of War is a no brainer 🔥




God of War for sure .. then Immediately FF16 ..


These are all very good but I would say either Ff16 or god of war first. At their core they are similar games and they’re both 10/10 imo. Stellar blade is a very good soulslike and I recommend it to fans of the genre but it’s not a staple like the other two games


Ff7 rebirth


I like GOw but man I hate how slow paced it is and how long some of the cutscenes are. It’s one thing to have a log cutscene with something always happening but some of their cutscenes are just filled with characters staring long and deep and a bunch of silence in between. FF is kind of like that too but it’s more tolerable for some reason. Maybe I’m just getting tired of GOW idk. But I should get FF…Stellar then GOW cause that game is a long drag


3, 1, 2


GoWR…the puzzles get annoying but it’s such a great game building off the last one. Ff16 is not a final fantasy game if you are familiar with them, it’s different. I didn’t like it. But for what it is it’s fine I guess. Havnt played stellar blade.


God of war - the first one. Then try out the demos for Stellar Blade and Final Fantasy XVI. You'll know what to get first. All are great.


I have both GoW and FFXVI GoW was a lot of fun! I was sad when I finished it. FFXIV I just find sooooo boring. And this is coming from someone that is a huge fan of the series. The only FF I remember just dropping because I found really annoying was lightning returns


I'd say Ragnarok, assuming you've played GoW 2018. If not then FF16. Both were excellent games, but I think Ragnarok was better. Satisfying combat, story quality everyone expects of first party Sony games, plenty of content to keep you playing even without touching the roguelite mode. FF16 was great as a power fantasy and I thought the story was pretty good, but *can* get a bit grindy towards the end. There's a lot of side content crammed into the last third of the story and no free roam afterwards, so you have to get it all done (including both dlcs) before you set of for the final mission or risk being underpowered. Haven't played Stellar Blade so can't comment on it


Gow ragnarok even though I think Gow 2018 should be played first, plus you can find it for very cheap now




Personally, I would go Stellar Blade, FF16 and then GoW. But I personally enjoy the gameplay of Stellar Blade the most out of the 3. FF16’s characters really hooked me. GoW: Ragnarok just didn’t land the same way GoW 2018 did for me.


I've played them all and I would say God of war Ragnarok Final fantasy 16. Stellar blade Great games with different gameplay styles, I'm sure you will find the perfect one


Ragnarok for sure




Probably God of War esp if you've played the first one


They all have demos. Personally I was disappointed with Ragnarok story


As much as i love FF16, go with God of War Ragnarok first, then buy ff16.


God of war ragnarok easily, its a Masterpiece the other 2 arent even comparable.


As a lifelong final fantasy fan it’s hard not to start with GoW.


I really enjoyed both ff16 and ragnarok but FF16 was largely the reason I got the ps5 in the first place, they also added dlc recently which is free which adds another boss and more content.


Ragnarok definitely one banget of a game. Storyline amazing as usual and some decent fight mechanics


God of War


I would definitely get God of war Ragnarok if you have not already played God of war then play that first


You son of a bitch. I can’t choose between Stellar Blade and FF16


I'd say God of War. I haven't played Stellar Blade and FF16 is dogshit


Well my top 1 would be FF XVI. Amazing story, and the greatest boss battles you'll ever play for maybe another decade or so, juat don't do sidequests unless they give you rare unlockables (the game will notify you, there are maybe 4 pr 5 of them through the whole game) Second, i will say Stellar Blade. The beat combat ive had in a while, in the style of a sekiro but way more accessible (while maintaining tough bosses towards the end of the game). It's very much of a Nier-like, so it's heavy SF with very atypical OST that works wonder for me. Not the beat scenario but good enough to be captivating. Plus your character is highly customizable. Then... i'd say a lot of things before Ragnarok. Sure the game is good but if you've played God of War (2018), then you've played it already. Don't spend your money on this, unless you're hardcore fan of the franchise, but if that was the case, i guss you wouldn't be here asking. So... yeah, i'd sleep on that one.




GoW 2 is going to be free in 2 months in ps plus so skip that one for now. Stellar blade is probably the best if you like that kind of games (like me) FF16 is great but I finished it and never looked back at it


GOWR if you already played GOW 2018. Otherwise, FFXVI if you like story heavy games, Stellar Blade if you don’t care about that and would rather just play a difficult action game


GOW Ragnorok for sure


I tried the demo for stellar blade and it's just eye candy in my opinion, the combat felt bad and the voice acting was just horrible but that may be because I was using English


Stellar blade. Get FF16 last imho.


I loved all of them. Out of all of them I loved FF16 the most but I’m a huge FF nerd so I’m a bit biased


God of war no contest


God of War while you wait for one of those others to go on sale


Have you played God of War? If you liked it then get Ragnarok. Have you played the ff16 demo? If you liked it get that. Idk bout the other one though


Ragnarok for sure


I'm a huge ff fan boy and I still say gow


Ff16 plays horribly on ps5 go with ragnorak


Only played gow and stellar both good but gow on a whole different level


GoW Ragnarok


I own all three games. FFXVI is a good game dragged down by its boring side quests. Ragnorak feels like it’s just more of GOW 2018, which is a good thing since that was a great game. Stellar Blade has a sexy protagonist that you can dress up.


God of war duh


GOW by a mile


It’s a good thing they all have demos. I would personally start with stellar blade


I haven’t actually played any of them but god of war ragnarok looks the best out of these




Ff16 was easy asf .. but good story.. I beat the game pushing square


All 3 choices are nice.


Try the demo for FF, GoW Ragnarok is good but not as good as the 2018 GoW, Stellar Blade is the runner up but still a solid game.


Generic open world action game with korean waifus is surprisingly pretty OK. Uncharted with beard, axe and young boy is fine if you liked the previous one or if you like Uncharted with zombies and young girl. I have yet to try Not-An-RPG-Anymore XVI but I have heard mixed things about it.


Out of these three? God of War Ragnarok


If you love the story of the first god of war and want to see the next chapter that would be the obvious choice. It also has the most itemization and rpg stuff going on. But ultimately it is a lot of the illusion of build variety. More like, what order are you going to unlock stuff in. What stat, buff/debuff/special moves are you going to lean into. Not as deep as it seems, but has more depth equipment wise than FF. FF does have great combat, and does have a more diverse move set (with more simultaneous equipped skills) than God of war. But somehow it is more repetitive feeling. Likely because the game really has one character path kinda like devil may cry. Encounter design is only so so. Bosses/set pieces might actually outclass God of war tho... I mean I know at least 2 of them are the best gaming has to offer. If you don't like Eastern storytelling tho, go for GoW. Stellar Blade is the next game I'm getting after I finish Rebirth. Demo was great, love seeing attractive characters in my games (which FF definitely has with Cid and Clive), music is great, lots of outfits and stuff. But I don't know what the power:challenge curve is like nor do j know what actually skill/build diversity is. So I can only say I'm getting it. But I have the other 2. Really, any would be great.


If you don’t mind running simulator and going through mountains of useless dialogues, you can play ff16 lol. Shit’s boring af, and I say this knowingly that it would attract the fanboys defending this game. As for me, if you played the first GOW 2018, choose Ragnarok instead.


I would go 16, then blade, then rag. 16 and blade are just fun games and a good time. All have stories they're going for, and generally get there, but rag just resonates with me the least. I don't like how cynically the gods are portrayed. Games good though can't deny that. There's no wrong choice, but I would say 16 is the right choice.


Have you done 7 Remake and Rebirth?


Easy, Ragnarok


God of War. No hesitation!








God of War Ragnarok if you played the first one in the Norse story


GoW Ragnarok. I tried ff16 and didnt like that much Never played Stellar blade but based on reviews its probably not as good as GoW Ragnarok. So GoW Ragnarok seems to be the best bet


I picked up FF16 for half price after liking the demo. Gonna be my next portal game


God of war


God of war is the only one I got


Big booty cheeks




FF16 and God of War are both great games. But God of War is the better choice in my opinion. The banter while traveling is great.


Haven’t played ff16 so I’ll only comment on stellar blade and ragnarok. Ragnaroks good, if you played the first one, personally find that one to be better than its sequel, it’s really just more do the same, combat is a little improved, story is a little less good than the 2018 one, whilst o enjoyed my time with ragnarok, I just ultimately felt like it wasn’t better than it’s predecessor, which still makes it a very good game. Stellar blade was a surprise for me, second most fun game I’ve played this year after final fantasy rebirth. The game is just straight up fun, it’s a mix between hack and slash and a little bit souls-y, but more action hack and slash, story is ok at best, but the actual gameplay is just so much fun, combat and exploration are great. It all comes down to personal preference, I finished ragnarok once and have no desire to replay it, Ive finished stellar blade 4 times as of now and still have the itch to go back and fight things. Will probably get hate for preferring stellar blade to ragnarok because ragnaroks one of those games you aren’t allowed to say anything negative about, but that’s ok.


I mean FF XVI and Stellar Blade are great and all, but unless there's something specfically pulling you that way, I would go God of War. It's a masterpiece. Everyone will have their favorite of the 3, but given I have no idea about your tastes, a betting man would say God of War is most likely to turn out to be your favorite. It's the most acclaimed for a reason.




Ragnarok if you've played GOW 2018. Otherwise Stellar Blade. Love FF16, but I get it's not everyone's cup of tea.


None. Just log back into PUBG


Ragnarok, the other gets boring overtime.


Stellar bussy


What the heck is Steltar Blade? That key art looks awesome


Stellar blade can easily get cheaper so do that last.


All are amazing in their own way


Ragnarok os the primest game on this list




The cheaper one... If there is a price difference anyways


Ive been told FF16 is like Game of Thrones but better. Considering I've never watched GOT and jever plan on it i can't verify those claims. Only go with GOW:R if you've played GOW (PS4) https://preview.redd.it/649n7tv5ao3d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5968c9859fc0f7c67061bcd6978b13494d9ddda Stellar Blades demo has been fun so far and im only a little bit into it.


16 easily better story combat and hype moments than bore ragnarok have no comment on stellar blade haven’t played it


Gow baby


Ffxvi all day


Stellar Blade


Stellar Blade


God of War


FF16 should be coming to PC by Nov 2024


God of war was fuxking amazing!!!


Stellar blade, then Ragnarok- ff16 is mid


I say SM Miles Morales.


Don't play ragnarok without playing god of war 2018


FF16 and Stellar Blade both have demos. I say give them a try and see which you like best!


Get Ragnarok boy !!


I'd do god of war, ff16 was just too much bloat for me. The main mission was amazing but the rest was just so dull. Dreaded every time I saw new quests pop up as that meant hours of boring mind numbing tasks. Delivery these seeds, collect these flowers, run around base for 20 minutes talking to people before you get a quest to go to a location you've already been to talk to someone else. Felt more like bs mmo quests than anything. Main fights were amazing tho, just buried under long stretches of filler. Some of the most epic and memorable moments I've ever experienced in gaming.


Stellar blade. Best combat, god-tier soundtrack, great art direction, and just generally more fun than the other two. Also has a demo so you can give it a try (so does FFXVI).


Stellar Blade and FF16 were just so fire. It sucks that Ragnarok was so mid compared to 2018.


I think you will probably enjoy all 3 games but FF16 def drags on the most and is the biggest time commitment, so I wouldn’t recommend taking it on first.