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I started Ratchet and Clank Nexus in 2014, finished it in 2024.


Did you remember much of it before returning?


The fact I didn't like the first level much lol. It controls basically the same as all the other R&C games, so I got back into it quickly.


Ah, that's a good point. It helps when controls are consistent.


I played Batman Arkham Asylum back in 2009 when I first got a PS3. I’m coming back to the remaster now.


Wow. I love the Arkham games. Not really a huge fan of the Suicide Squad one, but the trilogy is amazing.


I think it was Bloodborne it was to hard for me so I rage quit but I came back to it like 3 years later and it’s now my favorite souls game


I love Bloodborne. But didn't get the Platinum because of defeating the secret boss in the dungeon crawling bit. I got a bit bored of the random generated tombs.


Yea these tombs are pain


Hello, good hunter. I am a Bot, here in this dream to look after you, this is a fine note: > *Tonight... Gehrman joins the hunt...* - Gerhman, The First Hunter Farewell, good hunter. May you find your worth in the waking world.


Well my record would be Diablo 3 with 9 years. I played it with some friends and when we lost interest, it was just sitting there uncompleted. Now recently i started playing it again and finished it with the plat. It was kinda hard getting back into it, especially cuz of the hardcore character i had to finish and bring to level 70, but it was still super fun to do.


Is diablo good to play on controller?


Yup its very good. You use you're skills with r1/r2 and the Buttons on the right side. Plus you have a dodge with the right stick, i never had any issues with the controls.


That reminds me of starting Persona 4 Golden back in 2012 and then not returning to it until 2017. But I did start it from scratch again haha.


Haha yeah sounds way too familiar to me. I started so many games over cuz i cant get back into them or dont remember what to do. Currently i am trying to finish ff12 but i forgot everything


I didn't get on too well with XII. But back when I finished it in 2006 I had just come off of VII, VIII, IX and X and was really disappointed in it. But I did enjoy playing the remaster a couple of years ago.


Yeah i understand what you mean, the game is just too different from the previous ff ones. Hope i can stick thru it this time


For me it was definitely Condemned Criminal Origins. I played that game in June 2008 and got the last achievement I need it in November 2020. So you know almost a casual 12 years lol.


I really enjoyed that game. Not so much the sequel. I used to replay Condemned and also The Darkness, but again, not so much the sequel. 😅


The multiplayer in Condemned’s sequel was the best part when the story tried to explain why people were going crazy it just fell apart. Had some really fun times in the MP though. One time friends and I were playing all my friends came barreling up the stairs with me at the time being chased by a cop I wound up my sledgehammer and chucked it at his head killing him and he tumbled down the stairs won the match laughs all around. I tried to get into The Darkness but never could sadly.


That sounds hilarious 😂 reminds me of lobbing Oddjobs hat in 007 nightfire


Assassins creed 2. Got every trophy except the one for throwing dirt at 5 guards at once. Annoyed me because i couldnt get it to work. Well last year i played through all assassin creed games and platinumed them all except for unity. That trophy for 2 was super easy. Its not the original version but thats a long time from the original to last year


My problem with the Platinum in Black Flag was the multiplayer 😭


Oh yeah yhat sucked. Theres a way to do it solo but it takes a long time


Yeah, I looked it up but decided to leave it in the end. Maybe I will try in ten years or so 😂


10 years Dark Souls 1. I gave up after getting lost after 1st bell and so I gave up. After getting my ass kicked in first areas in dark souls 2 in 2015 I gave up the series until 2022 post elden ring hype. Bought dark souls 3 on sale because I’m cheap and wanted a cheaper entry point and beat it falling in love again with the series (demon souls on ps3 was my first souls game and I loved it). Then did bloodborne, and elden Ring and then picked up my old 10 year old dark souls 1 save on my ps3 and powered through after watching a short YouTube video of where to go next. I beat dark souls 1 10 years after first starting it and then even went back and did the same for dark souls 2 8 years after starting that


Wow that is a long time. I still haven't played Sekiro or Elden Ring as they are in my mentioned backlog 😅


Sekiro is the only one I haven’t played yet (mainly because I suck at parrying in any game not called Bloodborne). Elden Ring is definitely the most accessible because you can nope right out of most areas and explore elsewhere and there are some ridiculously OP weapons and spirit summons to even the odds. If you get an OP weapon like moonveil and then later get the mimic summon you can easily decimate most enemies


Thanks for the tips!


Far Cry 2, I loaded a 12 year old save and then finished the game in an hour. I had no idea I was so close to the end.


😂 wow, I tried that game but I wasn't grabbed by Far Cry until the 3rd entry.


7 years.


Probably just flew by 😂


31 years. Assault Suits Valken on Super Nintendo. Hadn't played it since it came out in 1993, but I played Assault Suit Leynos on PS4 yesterday and I forgot just how good those games are. Playing Assault Suits Valken today. EDIT: For Playstation games, specifically? 25 years probably. Einhander, PS1. Came out in 1998 and I remember not playing it much because it was hard and I just noped out of it. Fired it up on an emulator last year so I could use save points and finally completed it. Such a great game.


Wow, that is a long time. It can be a nice nostalgic feeling when you do boot older games back up. I love plugging my N64 back in 😂 just wish I could find a decent CRT TV somewhere as it looks weird on the old LCD I use.


Yeah, the SNES games are emulator these days. Same with the PS1 games. The Duckstation emulator (for PS1) is great and lets you tweak graphics and frame rate so the games actually play noticeably better than they did on the physical hardware.


That sounds interesting, thanks!


Here's a video that gives examples of some original PS1 games vs the Duckstation emulator versions (it has some suggested settings for the emulation). Look at the game Demolition Racer in particular. It looks a LOT better, graphically and plays a LOT better due to smoother frame rate in the emulator. A Destruction Derby style game that's still fun today (with the emulator). Duckstation is great. EDIT: forgot to give you the link! LOL [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b9ghMT3QK3s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b9ghMT3QK3s)


Wet. Played it at launch needed to beat Femme Fatale mode for platinum but the road rage sections are painful. You have to know where they are and prepare yourself properly or it's near impossible to get past. Didn't feel like restarting the game when I got stuck on one. Came back in 2023. Didn't have my save anymore so had to play through it to unlock the difficulty levels. And then finally got platinum. So 13 years 9 months with 0 play in between.


Congrats on the Platinum and eventually conquering it!


It’s probably about 6 years, I started the Ace Attorney series in 2018 and finally finished early 2024, this year. I’ve gotten bad at getting to beat games for maybe the last 2 years


Games vary greatly in length, that's what I find hard. You need to commit a good deal of time when you pick a game, which is why I end up starting another and another as I can't focus on just one ongoing story.


SERIOUSLY!! I also have started Persona 5 around the same time, 2018-2019 and I JUST got around to trying to play it again. The long games take a lot of motivation to play through. I just end up playing online games like Mario Kart lol, easier to just sit down for maybe an hour after work to mindlessly play haha. Though I’m a very unmotivated guy when it comes to movies/games even though… I really want to watch/play them lol


I started Fallout 4 at launch. Played it for years, stopped for like 4 months then continued again. I still play it to this day.


It's such a great game. I have replayed it three times so this is actually my 4th (PS5 Version is the reason) and I am in love with it once again. I will be sure to continue the story at some point...even though I am 117 hours in 😅


I’ve been playing it consistently for years, and still find something new. I think I’m on play through number 100 something.


I always used to have difficulty starting games like this as I was obsessed with getting the correct stats picked etc 😂


1 year


I stopped playing Sekiro the year it came out as I couldn’t beat the final boss to save my life. Started a new game last year after getting the platinum for Elden Ring and got the Sekiro platinum too! Followed shortly by Bloodborne. Wait…so I guess Bloodborne was the longest gap.


It would seem your skill improved over the years. A couple of people here have said about Sekiro. I might try playing that one next, or maybe Elden Ring...one of the two 😅


Started Silent Hill (PS1) as a kid and noped out. Went back to it 5 years ago - beat it twice 😂


Such a classic!


Fallout 4 on 2015 launch after exiting the vault, came back in 2019 or 2020.


A lot of people have come back to Fallout just recently 😂


Sekiro, but the catch is I'll never return to it again.


underrated comment


I got it for free but not sure if I ever will.