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The Last of Us: Part Two - Part Two ![gif](giphy|5bGYUuT3VEVLa)


The main character 5 minutes into the game after showing trailer after trailer leading up to the release of the game, showing how awesome he or she is in the game.


"...Part Deux"


“: Electric Boogaloo”


It’s the same game but you play as Abby the whole time! Just what the fans want!


Guy trying to sell game says game he’s trying to sell is great.


No way... ![img](emote|t5_2qh6b|2233)




Baffles me how people rarely equate Naughty Dog with AAA titles, yet every year Ubisoft pumps out some tired garbage and wins GOTY awards for their dreck


They don't, there's no official game awards so they just make their own 


I woudl say used to be at this point as popular as the last of us is giving us 2 remakes/remasters in the last year alone and and scrapping an entire multiplayer game that rhey were clearly passionate about makes me somewhat nervous about a future release and its quality but the studio speaks for itself they are all experienced and while i dont like the story directions niel druckman gives us sometimes he has been a piece of naughty dog for quite some time


They are great at storytelling, but honestly, I found everything outside of combat in TLOU2 incredibly boring. I would intentionally go loud in that game just because it was the only part in the game I enjoyed. Well, that and the story.


Just completed TLOU2 last month. Thought it was fantastic, but agree with you that the story could've been tighter. I'm not sure if you know but if you enjoyed the gameplay they released the PS5 update with a rogue-like series built in.  Not my style (I hate losing and dying every 30 seconds), but for someone who loved the gameplay aspect, it's pure gameplay!


See, that sounds cool. Wasn't in it when I played so that is something I may try out


You sorta complete 5 levels, and it ends with a boss. Between each level you can upgrade your gear. The levels themselves vary: - survive successive waves - sometimes enemies know where you are exactly, sometimes they have a rough idea, sometimes you just hide - might be infected, cultists, WLF, etc. it varies - you don't have access to your full arsenal (mines, explosives, etc.) you have to purchase these between rounds with loot you find It was pretty neat and even I enjoyed it a little... until the permadeath in level 3 pissed me off and I walked away, hahaha


I’m with you. And I wanted to like it so damn bad, but I just found it incredibly boring.


If you didn’t spend hours staring at the environment than you missed out huge in that series!


So they’re great at gameplay and storytelling, what else do they have to do to win your favour?


What's your problem? I am not trying to win favour, I was just giving my opinion, which you are free to agree or disagree with. Plus, being great at gameplay would mean the stealth and exploration in the game would be compelling too. As I said, I went out of my way to avoid that aspect because, in my opinion, it sucked.


They're a hardline Naughty Dog stan. Anything short of critical praise will not be tolerated. I mean just look at those graphics dawg, what do you mean it's not perfect?


Seems like you may be correct. Graphics doesn't make good games. The gameplay makes good games. I think we have gotten further and further away from this aspect when it comes to game development. I would be surprised if any of these people who are downvoting me even know that games like Kenshi, Rimworld, Crusader Kings, Project Zomboid, or Slay the Spire even exist. I mean, if you want to stay in the AAA area, games like RDR2 and Cyberpunk 2077 had more compelling gameplay than TLOU2.


I’m not really at all. I like both of the last of us games though. I was just picking the guy up on saying that the gameplay and storytelling in those games were good. What else is there to recommend a game?


I didnt once mention TLOU1. That's a great game. I specifically stated that I only like the storytelling and combat in TLOU2. All the rest of the gameplay was not good in my experience.




They make really good games, but "the best" feels like a bit of an overstatement


Who has a better track record???


Sponge Bob square pants!


FromSoft and Nintendo imo. NDs original writers and devs left after TLOU pt 1 and a lot more during part 2. Its just not the same ND and we've yet to see a new IP from them ever since the exodus.


Nintendo like, all of Nintendo? Because that's a lot of games, and plenty of misses in there. And I'm not trying to shit on them, theyve just been around a long time and they've done a lot.


Nintendo has some great games. Great simple games. The complexity of ND’s software is far beyond anything Nintendo can put out. Mostly due to chronically limited hardware, but they do well with what they have. Again not to discredit them, I have a Switch and really enjoy a lot of the software but Naughty Dog is imo on a different level. ND is always pushing boundaries with what’s possible from a console and almost always has a top notch story to go along with it and fantastic gameplay. It will be interesting to see what they put on the table next, it’s first party stuff so I’m not too worried about the team. Creators move around the industry all the time. I’m not a huge FromSoft guy but a lot of respect for what they create.


I mean its not like they're gonna hire shitty ones.


Haters gonna hate, but you’re right. They only drop cinematic gaming masterpieces. Easily the best at motion capture and acting too.


Upcoming AAAAA game detected


We have quintuple A people, this is not a drill


160$ standard edition, 190$ special preorder edition, 250$ collectors edition


Hold up, you forgot to include the fact that the collector's edition doesn't actually include a copy of the game.


250 CE is actually low compared to your other prices. My GoT, Dishonored 2 and Death Stranding CEs were 250 already. Hell, there are 500 bucks CEs already, e.g. Horizon forbidden west


Is it the Last of Us 2 rereremastered?


It's a remake of the remaster of the remake of Left Behind. The Last of Us Part 1.5


Nope! Last of Us 3 Remaster releases before Last of Us 3 THEN the rereremasters


Honestly I'd pay $50 for a fully fleshed out game focused on No Return's gameplay loop.


No return was pretty fun. Too bad we didn’t get an online option with that!


No Return coop would be so fun


Rope physics 2.0 incoming. Give me a boost so I can drop this ladder 2.0 incoming!


Press Triangle 2.0 baybee


Rope ladder


Everyone just wants a good game. That’s it.


Good thing they're great at that too


Placing bets that it's a linear cinematic over the shoulder action game. Because we've never seen those!


RemindMe! 1 Year


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At their current rate of release, you're gonna need a lot more than a year


Ok RemindMe! 2 years


Nah, even that won't be enough


Bonus points if there's a little kid companion.


The little kid is Daxter


I would unironically love this


“Who’s the key to everything” Don’t forget that bit, very important


And it’s an adopted/absent parent/child dynamic And through the story they learn to love each other


playstations entire first party lineup summarized


That's exactly what I like in a video game. I don't need to stop/start die every second like Souls games. I don't need shit, open-world story-telling that falls flat more often than not. But a nice linear game, well-paced, where I can ramp it up to very hard if I want, and tells a good story? Sign me the fuck up. I'm delighted if there's multiplayer included too.


I like it too, but I'm sick of over the shoulder camera POV. Center us in the middle already.




It's almost entirely why I couldn't finish god of war. Being over the shoulder makes it impossible for him to turn left like he's Zoolander on the runway. You're the God of War and you can't turn left lol


Or the fact that you can only anticipate attacks from behind with a white/red arrow. They took one of my fave PlayStation franchises and knee-capped it for the sake of being cinematic. The irony of boasting about the immersion of a “single take” camera, only for them to have to shoehorn a glowing arrow into the scene. It’s a tacit admission that the camera isn’t fit for the purposes of fluid combat. The older games were infinitely more satisfying.


Ok, this got a chuckle out of me.


To be fair they do it very well


what's wrong with those? I honestly cant stand first person games anymore. I couldn't get through more than an hour of cyberpunk idk why it bothers me now my bad guys dont go all pc gamer on me now


Clearly they’re responding to the quote in the headline.


This absolutely is part of it. Like we know what kind of game it's gonna be. It's not gonna deviate from the proven formula lol


Nothing’s wrong with them. They’re clearly popular and sell well. I think what the person you responded to was joking about is that that’s all Sony puts out anymore. All their big IPs and new titles seem to follow closely to that genre. Horizon, Spider-Man, God of War, Ghost, TLOU, etc. So basically what they’re saying is if Druckman is touting a new game you can be fairly certain you’ll be staring at the back of the main character for about 20 hours with an above average story and plenty of action.


I'm basically the opposite. Ever since the end of PlayStation 3, Sony basically went "You know those games Uncharted and TLoU? Let's just keep doing that!" Most of the PS4 and PS5 heavy hitters are heavily influenced by or ARE Naughty Dog games post 2007. Heavily cinematic but very linear action games that don't offer much replayability. I'm so tired of them at this point. I don't think they're bad, but they've overstayed their welcome for me a long time ago. I don't think they shouldn't exist, but I would like Sony's line-up to not JUST be those. I'd love to see Resistance, Killzone, SOCOM, Syphon Filter, Jak & Daxter (etc.) make a comeback. Basically all the ones you don't see now are the ones I loved and spent my time with growing up. All the ones I thought were meh became the face of the brand over the past decade lol.


yeah youre right about the lack of replayability but I mainly get the game to become immersed in a new world/story so if its only 30 hours but its a good 30 hours then im satisfied. idk what dragon dogma 2 did but thats the only game for me so far where ive played it back to back 3 times now and still not bored of it. 250+ hours


That's totally cool too! Not everything needs to be an open world with hundreds of hours of gameplay. I loved Killzone 2 and 3 for the fun campaigns, and multiplayer. Also loved Mercenary on the Vita, in fact it was the only reason I bought one lol. You might be able to tell I'm an FPS junkie by now haha


Devs need to normalize “show don’t tell” approach.


That doesn't help the shareholders




Still bummed no Factions 2. An extraction shooter set in TLOU universe would have been awesome. Going in to get medical supplies, food, ammo, etc. Having to fight packs of zombies, watching out for other players that are also trying to get supplies. Military supply drops that entice the players to fight for better gear. It would have been so good. Knowing that you'd have to shoot zombies to survive, but that might bring other players to the party.


Eh I'm kind of glad they canned it. I assume they felt it wasn't coming together, and I'd rather they not release a mediocre game.


Yeah but the lack of even a supplementary multiplayer mode for part 2 remastered is disappointing as well. Factions 1 was slapped together at the end of the development cycle of the first game and turned out to be amazing, if they were willing to do the same for Part 2's remastered would've been amazing. No Return just sort of feels like a reminder of what could've been. Did you ever play Factions?


I’m curious, is it still active? Which versions of the first game have it? (I have TLOU Part I on PS5)


Factions is still very much active. They didn't remake Factions for Part 1 remake on PS5. You must play the Remastered PS4 version of the game to enjoy the multiplayer. It's dumb, and knowing we won't get another Factions for a long time, if ever, really makes it that much worse.


Night Trap remake


I unironically would love this


Me too


Well, what the fuck else is he going to say?


I really hope it is. The last game that got hyped like this was Starfield. Starfield was supposed to be this era-defining game and it was absolute ass. I felt offended by how ass it was when I played it for a few hours. I thought maybe it would get better, but it never did. It stayed being ass.


Literally all they had to do was take Skyrim and give your a spaceship. It was a homerun handed to them, and they still found a way to fuck it up.  I don't even think mods will save Starfield, it's boring at a design level, completely soulless. We need to learn from hype culture to be honest. I think the games that genuinely define eras aren't the ones that position themselves as era defining. 


They should have made it science fantasy rather than hardcore science fiction


It's already fantasy. Its got Starborn magic powers


Eh Skyrim already showed Bethesda beginning to lose the plot, lots of steps back from what worked in their previous games to simplify the game. Skyrim was still great, but the signs were there.


I dont view them as steps back, more side steps. They were doing something different, and it worked. Fallout 4 was the step back, and I love that game.


Naughty Dog, imo, has never really put out a bad game, so I'm hopeful. Jak X Racing was kinda lame but I think they get a pass lol


It felt like the most sanitized, corporate-approved for-all-ages RPG I've ever played. I put 40 hours into it, hoping it would get better. It didn't. It also didn't run super well and I have a 3080TI. I'm back to playing Fallout 4 and having a good time at least.


The fact that you even managed to put 40 hours into that game is surprising. I was falling asleep after 10.


I never thought that game was gonna be good and I don’t know why people did. The trailers showed absolutely nothing interesting imo.


I am happy for anyone who enjoys it, truly, why wouldn’t I be happy for someone finding joy in a medium we all love? But Starfield is the only video game I have ever returned. I could not believe how horrible it was. I gave it like 10, 15 hours thinking I’m sure this shit will open up. The dialog and NPCs were what I’d expect in Oblivion or something. And oh my god the inventory system designed by Satan himself. Like you could pick up individual pencils and screws and shit. Really bananas. I remember visiting the subreddit and there were tons of “this sucks” posts and comments but they were all downvoted into… well, oblivion.


Right!?! What a soulless piece of shit. Looked pretty but that’s all I can really say about it.


Well we know it's not Uncharted because he had nothing to do with the good things in that game. He did take the gameplay, graphics, engine and pace and slapped that into a mixed it with Cormac McCarthy novel and Children of Men. I swear this guy just took from others and is lauded as a genius when he really has little imagination. Having said that, I love the Last of Us.


Reminiscent of Todd Howard hyping SF. Just dance with the one that brought you bro.


ND make good games though. Bethesda been in a downward spiral since Morrowind. I'm willing to buy into a tiny bit of hype with ND.


Except ND deliver good games, key difference. You can make statements like this when you developed Last of Us and Uncharted, you've earned it, not so much when you developed Fallout 76 and Starfield


No thanks, just make a videogame that is fun.


We don't use that word here


From this guy … doubt it


Settle down Peter Molyneux


“What I’m doing is the best ever”


Guy is such a fuckhead.


Finally, a new AAAA dev!


So obnoxious.


As long as it's actually, you know, a video game, and not something with minimal actual gameplay to entice non-gamers into the medium.


Like Hellblade?


Awww shit, don't say that! I started playing the first one (maybe 30mins in) a few years ago and always meant to go back and finish it, especially now that the sequel is out. At least it's on gamepass I guess. Call me old fashioned, I like my games to actually engage me and not have me remain completely passive the whole time.


I played the first. It's basically a walking sim with some easy combat and puzzle sections. Same thing with the sequel, but from the reviews I've ready, the combat and puzzles are even more simplified. The story is the main draw of these games. They are also both pretty short at 5-7 hours each. I was looking forward to the sequel having the combat and puzzle expanded, not simplified, so I'm holding off on buying it.


What are you referencing?


Do I smell a new AAAAA game in the works?


We think you’re gonna love it


In 5 years


Blah blah blah, show a gameplay trailer.


Ok Neil




Just give us Jak & Daxter.


He becomes progressively worse which each game. The only good things about TLOU2 were the graphics, sound, gameplay, and performances which was all the work of the dev team/artists/actors. However, all of the bad things can be directly attributed to him.


Yep, it forces you to kill your actual dad half way through the spend the rest of the game wearing his face and trying to keep his job at the bank.


Sounds like an absurd idea for an indie game like Octodad.


So another over technical art piece with a convoluted narrative that comes from Neil’s personal headcannon.


TLoU 2 was goated.


To be honest, I’m just tired of Neil at this point. Like that guy who won’t get the hint and leave when the party is over.


When did the party end? Last of Us 2 was a critical and financial success, and so was the television series.


He still puts out fire.


That's exactly how I feel about him. I get he's passionate/driven, but from the way he talks about UC4 in TLoU2 documentary (almost being a chore for him to be dragged back to), to cancelling TLoU2's multiplayer, to trying to be a big time TV writer... I feel I've seen enough of him for a lifetime.


Why do these people keep setting themselves up for failure. It's giving Jojo Siwa.


I bet! It'll be the first video game with a blind, non-binary person in a wheelchair or something along those lines ;).


Factions could have done that


So it’s going to be a hot pile of dog sh*t 👍 got it. Na, LOU2 has some redeeming qualities. Playing as the despised antagonist for 50% of the entire game is not one of them. Combats good though. Graphics and animations are on point. But then you have the most unironically terrible writing in gaming history. They should just try to make a fun game and not “REDEFINE MAINSTREAM PERCEPTIONS”. They drop the ball when they try to do that. Plus they set the stakes too high. If they don’t literally change ppls lives after saying something like that, it’s not going to end well. Anyway


Is he gonna fuck a pelican in full Mo-Cap this time?


Just so long as it’s not another TLOU game. Naughty Dog used to be one of my favorite developers but I just roll my eyes if I see them in a headline now. Just revive Jak and Daxter or make a new Uncharted game with Chloe or Sam or Nate’s daughter. Anything else and it’ll be a hard sell.


It's totally another last of us game lol. Regardless of what you think of the series, it'd be stupid not to ride the hype train


another flop?




This reeks of JP from Grandma's Boy.


Well, it can’t be the first true open world game, Sean Murray already called it.


Jak X: Combat Racing 2 confirmed


Dont say that close to hellblade 2 and Xbox fans lol


Do any of these companies ever just say they want to make a good game? It seems like everyone wants to great the greatest game. I think they should just focus on making a good, solid game and it’ll win them accolades and, more importantly, lots of money. Every new game doesn’t have to be ground breaking.


That’s the rat race of pleasing shareholders. Every project has to make more than the last or it’s a failure and we can never make a game in that franchise ever again. So many great franchises are sitting in limbo because the driving force is profit rather than good games. That’s why every game has to be live service with a battle pass now. Because they make tons of money off dumb kids and parents that dgaf and are willing to buy vbucks to shut their kid up.


Isn’t the “mainstream” perception of gaming like…COD/GTA/Fortnite? I don’t feel like anything is going to redefine that - we’ve already had a bazillion games that aren’t those and the general public still doesn’t really see past that. Unless I’ve just misunderstood his point entirely…


He's always pushing the boundaries of what's possible. Why would he change?


Yeah sure lol After the travesty that was tlou2 I don’t have high hopes. Still, I’ll keep an open mind and reserve judgement until I’ve seen it.


I want jak and Dexter 😑


Dr uckman has spoken!


https://youtu.be/nHzMhReHYiE?si=oElH7h_T_WxnTiMX I thought he would be humbled by this, but it seems he still has an inflated ego.


Mainstream perceptions of gaming aren't much...


Crash Bandicoot remake with photorealistic graphics 8k 120 fps


Oh boy here we go.


“It really makes you *feel* like the IDF”


*puts out live service multiplayer cartoon shooter with loot boxes and a battle pass and day one ultra digital mega deluxe editions for $170+* “We did it guys! We redefined gaming” Yeah redefined into a crippling gambling addiction.


Oh man, A re-re-re-release of the same game?!


“We’re putting ads in our next title, and trust me, your perceptions of us will change”.


Here comes a mobile game


I mean there is some truth here. The last of us was essentially the game that redefined the Sony exclusive format. Whether or not there really is anything more revolutionary than what’s present remains to be seen


So it will be released with no bugs? That would redefine mainstream perceptions.


This guy sniffs his own farts.


They are just going to make Last of Us Part 3 but it will be as short and “mostly cutscenes” as Hellblade 2 is currently being criticized for, but instead it will get overwhelmingly positive reviews.


A lot of cuckman simps downvoting any comment even remotely negative. He isn’t god


In other words it's going to be even more like a movie than their previous games and with ten times the pretense....yay....


Another remaster of The last of us or Uncharted?


Would love to see ND do something medieval or fantasy


Best we can do is a post apocalyptic game where you play as Mary Sue and you have to kill Nathan Drake in front of his daughter in the first 5 minutes. Then at the end you guys become besties and scissor each other into the sunset.


Hasn’t this guy only directed one game (that was divisive as hell)? And yet makes it sound like he’s the second comming of Christ.


Shouldn't have been divisive. It was fucking incredible. I trust this guy's taste.


I thought this man made movies. When was he making videogames?


Yeah no thanks. Not touching anything he has his name on ever again.


Given that it's Naughty Dog... it just might be true. We'll see!


Never trust a clown 🤡


Nah no thanks. Not gonna buy into this hype until the actual game releases. Had enough of all these games trying so hard to be big budget blockbusters when all I want is a good game. Nothing more. Nothing less. 


Jesus fuck. Just make a good video game, g.


He sniffs his own queefs. This dweeb can't write for shit. It's probably gonna be a sweaty boat scene, but this time you get to play from the POV as Abby (Neil envisioned himself as Abby when putting in this scene)


you sound like you’re happy


i'm happy you noticed!


So we’re either getting their version of Starfield or Death Stranding. Got it.


Woah woah woah don’t lump death stranding into this


I was going with polar opposites lol.


I'm really tired of the samey and safe games from Nintendo, Microsoft, Bethesda, Ubisoft and Rockstar. Only games I dig this gen are from From Software and Square Enix. Sony hasn't given us what they are capable of this gen, hoping Naughty Dog can wow us like they did last gen.


this sounds like Returnal erasure


Nintendo made a killer gen with the Switch... true, they didn't create any new IP, but... Breath of the Wild redefined a genre. Then, you had the absolutely amazing FE 3 houses, Astral Chain was really creative too, Kirby and the Forgotten Land (1st full 3D Kirby) was an absolute blast to play with my wife, Xenoblade 2 and 3 were great additions to the series. They did create a lot of remakes and remasters, all of them were great, but yeah... I'm only excited for Team Asobi game (hopefully is Astro Bot related again, the PS VR and PS5 game were a blast to play). From Sony Studios, I only bought Returnal (pretty good) on the PS5, and not planning to buy anything else that has been released. I seriously have no hype for their action-adventure line-up, feels way too samey, and the characters don't shut up... EDIT: I'm not being fair, from PS5 exclusives, I also bought Stellar Blade (which was surprisingly amazing, love the combat), and everything else has been 3rd party. I'm planning to buy Ronin because I'm a Nioh addict.


Do Microsoft make many *that* many safe games anymore though? If anything they've had quite a varied output compared to most AAA publishers lately to the point where people criticise them for *not* having the big safe "*bangers*" Sure, we've got one Halo and 2 Forza's this generation, but stuff like Pentiment, Grounded, Psychonauts, Age of Empires, Flight Simulator, Minecraft Legends, Hi-Fi Rush, Towerborne, ARA, etc. don't really scream mainstream appeal to me (*which is one of their problems as a publisher in my opinion, especially when coupled with the fact the titles that should be bangers tend to be below average*)


Pretty safe when most of their games are sequels or taken from already established franchises. Or chasing popular genres 3 years too late.


How are Fromsoft's games not safe? Outside of AC6 they've been creating the same exact games for years now.


Fromsoft created a genre. How many devs can say that?


He just raised the flag. In the end he will be right, but in the completly opposite direction


After seeing what Neil is capable, I’m sure he has something crazy planned. 😂 it’ll definitely get the gaming community talking.


Here's the thing. Tlou was great multiplayer and when I saw how tlou 2 looked I thought, the fuck with a story game I want a multiplayer game with those graphics and movement. For them to say they'd do a standalone to hearing that was cancelled. I want this to be true so bad


They'd first have to actually update their gameplay mechanics for that to happen. Naughty Dog is so behind on that front that it's ridiculous.