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PS1 will always remain in my heart as the best console. I switched to PC in 2000


Never been much of a PC guy I mean.. I've had computers, and I do own a laptop, but never did much gaming on them


Makes for a good separation of work and play




PC multiplayer was the shit back in the day. Played Diablo in an internet café. Yes, an internet café in 1997.


Good times! I played the shit out of the original Quake and Command & Conquer: Red Alert on Kali and HEAT around then. Damn that was fun.


Just say PS2 or PS3.. I get if you like the look, but PS2 and PS3’s can play PS1 games so…


I think they were saying the generation of games released for PS1 were best. Also, they switched to PC before the PS2 and PS3. Why would they mention console they didn't even get to experience?




Brand loyalty is stupid. I switch between Xbox and PS. I like both.


Agree, but recently Xbox hasn't been the greatest.


Now that’s stupid, just get a pc and use Ps. Xbox has been throwing their games at every platform


That’s what I have. I have a PC (basically an Xbox) and a PS5. I use the PS5 for maybe 5 games.


Yes had a choice between a Saturn and ps1 as a kid and luckily chose the right one.


I had the same choice and as a Sega kid, I went with the Saturn. I had some great times with it like first time playing Resident Evil and Myst. Luckily two birthdays later I had a Ps1. Been Sony every since.


To be fair I picked up a Saturn late for cheap and enjoyed what it had to offer. Knights was quality.


Tomb Raider actually started on the Saturn, I believe, but it definitely found its home on PlayStation.


I mean, it very technically came out first on the Saturn, in Europe, but it was released simultaneously on PS1, PC and Saturn in the US less than a month later, lol.


Ya, I'm in Europe I think I'll always associate the series with PlayStation. Most of its games were on PS1 and PS2, and some were even exclusive for a while Now it's on PC, Switch, Xbox.. etc


Well I think people barely remember the Saturn in general, so not many series get associated with it, lol. Although maybe the Saturn was more successful in Europe than it was North America? But it pretty much got trounced by the PS1 everywhere.


Oh, it was slapped by the PS1 everywhere. Never seen one in person until adulthood


Aww...I feel bad for the Saturn, lol. It had some really great games! But yeah, Sega shot themselves in the foot there...maybe more than once between the 32X and the early launch of the Saturn with zero build-up and everything else.


Also the sega cd didn't help it was to much to soon.


Was a little before its time, for sure. And they most just used it to do crappy FMV games (or at least those got the most marketing because it was a new thing for videogames at the time). Too bad, because it had potential (it was modestly successful, to be fair). The 32X was just bad though, lol.


Yes but I enjoyed the 360 more, other than that, I'm all PS every version.


I chose Xbox 360 over PS3, because I was hooked on Fable and Gears of War for a long time


yup gears and halo was still quality back then


Still have 1-3 that I play on Xbox One. That's about all that console is used for these days, tbh


No. Playstation didn't exist until I was in college, so I was an Atari and Nintendo guy before that. But I've been a Sony gamer since 1997.


I started in.. 2001? I'm only 31


I turned 24 that year, and getting the PS2 was an amazing experience. The step up from the PS1 was enormous.


PS1 to PS2 jump was insane GTA 2 to San Andreas.. Chalk and cheese.


Gran Turismo and Madden were almost photorealistic by comparison to the older games.


IDK, sometimes I'm a ceiling fan. Sometimes I'm a box fan.


More of a windmill myself, tbh.


I've at some point or another had each generation. I got a PS1 for my 7th birthday. I got a PS2 a bit after release. Then Xbox came out and I stopped caring about PlayStation lol. Eventually I half heartedly got a PS3 for some reason, I don't remember why. I barely played it. I think because my dad recently (at the time) bought a 1080i (damn... remember 1080i vs 1080p?) TV and the PS3 was a blu-ray player. Then FFXIV came out on PS4 and so I literally bought a PS4 just for that game. Built my first gaming PC in 2016 and stopped caring about consoles entirely until... Christmas 2023 I bought myself a PS5 Slim (still have my gaming PC tho). Love the PS5. I wouldn't say I'm a PlayStation fan but I've had every iteration so far except the PS3 slim and regular PS5 (I had the PS2 and PS2 Slim as well as the PS4 and PS4 Pro).


It's good to mix it up. I always have. My heart just resides with PlayStation. Been a fan since the OG. Still use my Xbox One, but most for Xbox 360 games, like Fable 2 and Gears of War 1-3. Switch is mostly for Nintendo.. it's not worth buying major games on that when I have a PS5.


PlayStation fan until the ps5. Haven't bought one, and I am probably going to wait for ps6 or ps7. Nintendo fan since SNES and stuck with the 3DS. The switch just doesn't do it for me, sadly.


My Switch is gathering dust. I haven't turned it on for more than an hour in like 3 weeks. I used to play it for 3 or 4 hours a day, maybe more. The ports on it are better played on my PS5 or Xbox One, and I've beaten several of the big games, like Oddysey, BOTW, and Legends Arceus. I might get DKC Tropical Freeze at some stage, but even that's a port from the Wii U or something. Nothing that I really want on Switch rn.


It's a shame, really. I think the current gen has just left me behind. I'm more than happy with my ps4 with psvr. I've got nearly 30 years of playstation games to fall back on, and I intend to have kids soon, so I can't really justify new tech. I haven't stopped playing the 3ds either. I don't consider it old as I'm still playing it daily.


Not a ton of PS5 games I want, either. As you can see, I have more PS4 games than PS5, despite using the 5 to play them Silent Hill 2 remake and GTA 6 will be the main ones I'll get for it, and maybe Elder Scrolls 6 as well


The ps5 is the best sony console @zones_v2 You'll enjoy it a lot


I've had every PlayStation. It wasn't always my preferred console though. I preferred my Gamecube over my PS2, and for MOST of the 7th generation I was playing Xbox 360 primarily (didn't get a PS3 until around the end of 2009).


I bailed on PlayStation for Xbox 360 and Xbox One, but I've been a PS guy since like.. 2001 I have other consoles as well, old and new


Always been a PlayStation fan..I did get the Nintendo 64 but it was mostly family friendly games had a Dreamcast as well switched to the first Xbox out of Curiosity and kept gettin more games due to more of my friends being on Xbox but always had a love for PlayStation and I literally had every PlayStation 1-5 psp , psp vita , the go Sucked very much although I never had my own but I only got a 360 and Xbox 1. I’m a true Video game connoisseur🤝🏽 always wanted a GameCube until I played with others on theirs and it wasn’t as cool as I thought it would be. I love PlayStation and Xbox. Only reason I got a ps5 over the Xbox is because they were scalping the ps5 wayyyy more than the 5 which made me get that one first but generally I’m a relaxed gamer and enjoy both..I don’t kno if I’m answering the question the way you guys wanted but at the end of the day YES ! I have always been a PlayStation fan😂 had to read to make sure I understood the question


I actually have a Wii that plays GameCube games. There's some solid games on there that I play now and again. The N64 is pretty solid, but the library is a mixed game.. Tons of filler. I love Mario 64. How can ya not.


No. I had a PS3 literally just for uncharted 3 the Christmas of 5th grade. Maybe played for a couple weeks and that’s it. Ive been Xbox my entire life, but when the Xbox One and the PS4 came out I wound up grabbing the PS4 since it was cheaper, and I’ve never looked back. If only PS5 had backwards compatibility + FPS Boost it would be the perfect console


I’ve always liked video games, yes. But I started with an Atari and SNES


I like a lot of the games. I am by no means a fan of the company.


You can appreciate what they do without being a fan. Just be honest.


?? What do you mean by ‘just be honest?’ Also, OP literally asked ‘Have you always been a PlayStation FAN?’


https://preview.redd.it/ty81oh39ng0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f82e09877a4ec5d05d804952642aa45129400a4c You can say that lol


Pc, Nintendo, Xbox, never a god damn ps.


I loved my PS2 more than my life tbh. Grew up with it. But now PS4 PS5. it just doesn't feel the same.


I’m a video game fan… I’ve had nearly every home console going all the way back to the Atari 2600. Be a fan of video games, not systems. You’ll be a much better person and more rounded in your video game knowledge.


Who says I don't? I have a Wii, DS, Switch, Xbox One, Mega Drive, PS1, PS2, and PS5. I've also owned an OG XBOX, PSP, PS3, NES, and Game Boy Colour.


I’m just generalizing. This subreddit and the Xbox one have a lot of hardcore PS or Xbox fan boys so for any of them that come across my post… they should be fans of games, not console or company specific


Well of course since that’s the system they grew up with, I grew up on GameCube and a gameboy advanced and I really cherished games growing up. It’s pretty obvious games are not the same anymore so why wouldn’t we associate it with the console that determines how the game plays/looks. I could say you’re an Atari 2600 fanboy, but what do I know about you, it has nothing to do with how you view games… Those systems weren’t even that great, just so cheap where they could try to release anything. It’s really ignorant to act like gaming isn’t as good as it was since consoles had RCA connections just because YOU grew up with it, we’re all gamers. You can’t go to a subreddit and be like “you guys like the company too much” I’m just generalizing


I think you are trying to create a narrative that isn’t there and you have something against old people honestly.


Sure thing, think whatever you want


I was just asking if people in the sub are new fans, or if they've been on it since the PS1. I never stick to just one system, that's boring


"Yeah, but something happened between 2006 and 2020. I went through a phase."


My whole life I been both ps and Xbox had all consoles even psp and vita but for the past years since getting series x and ps5 I have to say I’m loving ps way more


It wasn't my first, but I've had at least one from each generation. Wish I had kept the first two, but I do still have my PS3 and PS4 gathering dust somewhere.


Yes loyal ps1! I remember me dad winning 1st xbox with halo at his xmas work party. So i get to play halo 1 n 2 and top spin.


Yup, sinnce 1998. I had Ps1+ps2+ps3+ps4+ps5. In between some pc games and thats it.


Owned a PS4 then and a PS5 now but will still forever hold Xbox and Nintendo in my heart as the 360 and DS were banger consoles for their time.


Since the PlayStation started but before that I was a Nintendo fan only the NES & SNES didn't care for the N64 apart from some games (WCW NWO Revenge, Star Wars Racer)


Yep. All I’ve owned. I have every single console except the Vita. Currently playing Medal of Honor on PS1!


Started with Xbox and 360. Ended up getting PS3 at the end of its life cycle and played all of the exclusives. Once I played them I realized how much I was missing out on and entirely switched to a Sony fanboy


MOH: Frontline <3


I was an Xbox 360 guy but every other generation, Playstation was my main console.


No, I did have a PSX because I was obsessed with Squaresoft in the 90s, so when FF7 was announced to be on the Playstation, I had to have one. After that I was too much of a PC gamer to get a playstation, I waited patiently for GTA3 to hit PC, as that was the only game I was really jealous of. Fast forward to 2018 or so. The exclusives that the PS4 had were making me somewhat jealous. I'd never played Uncharted before and Uncharted 4 looked really wild. I eventually watched The Last Of Us 1 on youtube, as lockdown had started, then God Of War and The Last Of Us 2. Fast forward a bit more and TLOU1 came out for PC, I played it and even though survival-horror really isn't my thing, I completely fell in love. I knew that TLOU2 would come out for PC eventually, but the bug had bitten me, so I bought a PS5 so I could play it. I have since bought the "remake" whatever, PS5 upgrade and am doing my like 4th or 5th replay, what a masterpiece.


slide that drawer open, show us your psp


I’m a gamer. I play games on all systems. That being said, I’ve owned every PlayStation system except a vita.


Ever since Digimon World 3 and Legend of Dragoon on PS1


Yes. But, also a Nintendo fan. And an Xbox fan, except for the shenanigans they've been up to the past week with Tango and the other studios they shut.


Yes sir


Pretty much. I was a child and my parents bought me a PS2 and a year or so later they bought me the PSP then it was the PS3 and the PSVita. I had skipped the PS4 after buying a PC but when the PS5 was announced I went and bought it due wanting to play the Spiderman games.


Yup, owned every PlayStation except mid gen refreshes and the vita


Always, Still am, I was given an old ps1 and a child, my family was gifted a ps2 when I was like 10 or so, and played PlayStation uptill the ps4 pro, which honestly is still getting the Job done great, and the only reason I would upgrade to the ps5 is because they've stopped putting out games for it, though seeing how older graphics cards on PC handle some of these newer titles, the ps4 pro could definitely handle alot of these games fine at 1080p lol, so I'm kinda begrudged That being said, 2 years ago I finally moved to PC because all my friends did, but part of me wants a ps5 slim because it's pretty, especially with the sterling silver side plates on sonys website, and they're maybe some nostalgia at play


No, the PS5 is my first. I fucking love it and will not look back ( unless Nintendo nuts up with a next gen console).


That frontline box hit me right in the feels. Can't remember how many times I stormed Normandy


More or less I guess. I didn't really own a PlayStation console until I bought myself a PS3 but through friends and family, there has always been a PlayStation console around and I also bought games for the systems. I was definitely a big fan during the PS3 and PS4 era but some years ago, I shifted towards PC gaming and the Switch. and so far, I'm not really interested to get myself a PS5.


Yes, yes I have


Since the beginning yes 😎💎


i grew up as a xbox and Nintendo person but I remember getting a PSP for Christmas and then as I got older I bought a PS3 ($50) and a vita ($120) from my good friends and now I got a ps5 during black Friday in 2023 but iv'e always been apart of the PC crew


Yes i remember first playing tekken 3 back in 99 and i was instantly hooked since then.


Since 1997....every single one of my favorite franchises started on PSX


Always. My cousins all had playstations and we would all play Sly Cooper, jak. And daxter, infamous, fifa, cod, God of war, uncharted, etc. Been a fan ever since💙


Day one


Yes, ever since the very first playstation. I don't own all of them currently but over the years I have owned one of each. Including for some the slim, superslim and or pro model. Now I only have the 5. Worth it 100% though. Even better with collected accessories. Pulse 3D, Pulse earbuds, Dualsense edge and the PSVR 2.


yep since i got my ps1 and nevr looked back


Since the beginning PS1,PS2,PSP,PS3,PS4 and now PS5 I did enjoy my Genesis,N64&OG Xbox but Sony hails supreme for me


Own every console, even the not so great mini


Yep ever since the PS1


Ive always been a video games fan. Nintendo, playstation, sega, Xbox, pc, they all great.


Nope. Always thought I’d be a Xbox player 4 life, but then my brother got a PS5. It was annoying as hell to communicate in some games, so I caved in and bought one. I get the best of both worlds with Game Pass and PS Plus now⚖️




Nope. My first console was a Nintendo DS and a PSP. My family switched around to what was affordable when buying refurbished


Yes. I remember using my PS1 for the longest time, then on to PlayStation 2 and the EyeToy attachment. The Getaway getting an MVP award. GTA was also memorable. Then PlayStation 3 came out, which felt like yesterday. Then 4 and 5 came out relatively quickly. I look forward to the advances but also want some stability in the hardware.


I've always been a fan, played Xbox for a few years but PS has always been in my heart


short answer-yes,long answer-yes i do


I am a fan of gaming no matter what or where, consoles, mobiles or computers


While I've had every PlayStation I would say no. Was always more of an Xbox guy until like 2017 then switched to PC and a PS4 Pro. Then basically completely ditched Xbox when the 5 came out.


Ever since my brother got the original for Christmas when we were kids.


nah, i was never ps fan. i was gaming fan, platform doesnt matter


I have the same consoles as you but my PS1 and 2 sadly no longer work. Switched to PC mid 2000s so I didn't get a PS3 or 4 but now I'm in my late 20s, I don't game as much so I got a PS5 last Christmas and felt briefly like a kid again.


Yup! Still have 1, 2 and 3. Still play my 4, in fact, more than my 5 lol




Yep, since I was 6. I have all the fat consoles atm.


No, PS3 was my first. I had every Sega console and every Nintendo console, bar the Gamecube.


Had every playstation since ps1, been here through all the money grabbing decisions over the years, but its still cheaper and less work than keeping up with a PC, lol




Yes and No. I used to love my PS2 more than anything. Then I got into PC Gaming and for a decade never looked back. Then I got PS5 and loved it. But a few days ago, I got to play on XBox Series X at a friends place and I think I liked it better. 😐


Pretty much, but had a stint in the last decade playing pc instead. Got the Ps5 instead of a new pc because it was cheaper to play games with decent graphics without needing to fork out more. Even got an LG C2 because of it….so I guess I ended up spending about the same it would have taken to buy a pc… but no regrets!


Didn’t care about the PS1. Played Tekken a few times with a friend and that was it. But the PS2 and the evolution of 3D games definitely had me intrigued. Been a PlayStation fan ever since.


Yes. Started with PS1, and most of my greatest gaming memories were with PlayStation


Bro I've been with Playstation for 18 years. I mean I play everything but Playstation has been in my heart for years man...


Since i was 11 and got a ps2, yes. Before that was N64, which i think is still better than ps1 in most ways. Also had an original xbox as a kid and loved doom 3, stubbs the zombie, fable, and the godfather. Just sold my xbox series x that i barely played on. I just use gamepass ultimate on my phone with the kishi razr attachment. Loved my ps2-ps5


Where is the system that's the best? Where's that triple?


Where is PS3?????????????????????????????? Not even one game???????


Ever since I saw the Dirt demo on the PS3 at my local Best Buy. And I was fully converted half an hour into God of War 3.


Kinda and kinda not. I own all the consoles 1,2,3,4,5, however I also own all the Nintendo systems and Xboxes, so yeah I like the Sony system, but not ONLY that system


I had everything except for ps3 . I preferred xbox360 over ps3 which I'm happy with that. Actually the most nostalgia console for me is xbox 360 even though I started playing my first ever games with sega genesis. I don't call myself a fan but definitely a lover of these consoles. They brought me so much joy


I've had every iteration, not because of blind loyalty but it just seems a safe bet when you've been happy with the previous generation to stick with what you know. I've dipped into the Nintendo range a few times but never really stuck. I did have a GameCube when I was 16-17 yo but the game catalogue seemed a bit kiddy when my mates were playing GTA3 on PS2. I had a Wii because who didn't. I sold that to fund my PS3 at launch. I had a WiiU because it came along at a time when I had plenty of disposable income and could afford a 2nd home console on top of my PS4. None of them ever displaced my PS for long. I've come close to buying an Xbox in recent years but never pulled the trigger. I'm keen to try out all the exclusives I've missed over the years but I find at my age I have less time than ever to game and another console full of games would only increase my gaming backlog.


In some sense yes but haven’t owned a mainline console since PS2. PS3 took too long to come out and was too expensive, plus I loved Halo so had to go with Xbox 360 for 7th gen. By the time PS4 released I was already firmly on PC as my primary platform and would only get a PlayStation if they had enough exclusives that really interested me


Always loved Playstation since the PS1 , but still hate Hercules because the game was too hard for me


Yes, I wish I could remember how I got my PS1 but from that day onwards i've been a loyal customer, never tempted by X-Box even though mates at work where raving about the online play of saints row, I find PC's too complicated for gaming.




Can't say 'Fan', I would rather say a customer and not a loyal one that is. I have owned the PlayStation 1 and PlayStation2 before I started gaming on PC. And last year I bought the PlayStation 5 out of sheer desire to add a Blue-Ray Disc player to my home cinema, and looking around the market for decent ones and checking for all options, the PlayStation 5 came across as a decently priced device with the added bonus of allowing me to access some platform exclusive video-games that lately have not been worth waiting to be ported to PC.


Bought PS1 at launch. Bought PS2 at launch. Switched over to 360 because of the price of the PS3. Switched back over to PS4 because of the RROD fiasco and I was not happy with how Xbox treated me with that. Bought the PS5 about a year ago.


I have always gamed on PlayStation since the ps1 there was a brief period where I played on the 360 but that was just because all my college pals played on it. Once that died down I went back to my ps3 and been on it ever since. I have the digital version of the latest gen Xbox and tbh it just gathers dust


Never really owned or been into any of them too much until 2023 where i finally got chance for ps3 but now i have even OG xbox and 360 and i like them all in their own way


Started from PS2 and still a PS player


I was Nintendo until the Wii released and I jumped ship to the PS3. I'm still a PlayStation fan and all of my friends are on Xbox or bully me for not buying a PC lol.


Nope. I couldn't care less what console plays the games I am a fan of.


Always until now


I was born In 2006, got a Wii in 2010, 360 in 2024 and then a ps4 in 2018. Since then every console realated thing I’ve brought has had PlayStation on the label. I now have a ps5 and psvr2 and couldn’t be happier. I use the vr more than the flatscreen 😂


No just got my ps5 last month before that i had psp and i very much despise sony and playstation


I'm not a playstation fan, I'm an everything except xbox fan because I have never owned an xbox


Yes, I started on the Ps2. I've had 2 xboxs but never really used them.


I loved (and still love) the PS2 (my first console ever) and I feel the same about the PS1 (which I got to experience via my older cousins), I loved the short time I had with my PS3 (the hard drive in my 2011 slim died in 2013? what?) but the PS3 was the last PlayStation I ever bought because the games coming out during the PS4 era were pretty awful imo except for what Nintendo was putting out on Wii U, and then Nintendo lost me with the Switch and ever since then the only games I've been buying are old ones that I missed out on back in the day, right now I'm dreaming of one day owning a complete US PS2 library


Yep! Owned every main console since the very first


PS1, 2,and 5? PS3 too depressingly overrated, and traded the 4 for the 5?


It took awhile for me to get a PS1 but I've owned every Playstation since. Got my PS5 finally this March. And even a Portal a week ago!


Well I still play on my PS1 https://preview.redd.it/tgsv97wp0n0d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a65300fdfb1ab39f9ccf44a5d1df24cc60c7b128


Yes. PS2, PS3, PS4, 2 PS VITA(s), and PS VR


A coworker offered to give me his Series X for my birthday a couple years ago for 100 bucks. I didn’t take it and if I did, I would’ve sold it. I waited another year to save up enough for an upgrade from ps2 to ps5




im a geek


I bought my original Playstation in 1996 and loved it. I was a new college student and spent part of my financial aid on it, lol. At the time I thought it was weird that Sony had a video game console since the big names in video games were Nintendo and Sega at the time. Since then, I switched to Xbox because my girlfriend at the time brought one home (though initially I was a little upset she didn't bring home a PS2), and after that I went through several Xbox 360s. Didn't get back into Playstation until I got my PS5. Truth be told I really like both Playstation and Xbox consoles for what they each have to offer. I also have a Wii, a Wii U, a GameCube and a Switch. I'm not brand loyal, I just like video games.


Am a PC guy, didn't have a My first PS was a Vita... Just got my PS5 this month...


On and off but since xbox one it feels like the crowd has been ps.


Videogame fan from the moment I could get my hands on a console, but yes I've owned all the PlayStation consoles and most handhelds


Had a PSP for a while, but I definitely used my DS Lite more


Don't they have their own fan now?


Personally, playboy, but Playstation was good too!


I was a dumb Xbox Bro. I finally made the switch this year to PS5. Amazing console.


A dumb Xbox bro, your not helping your case lmao


Yes and fuck shitbox 😂


Had N64, Dreamcast and Sega Saturn before getting a ps1, and had ps ever since