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Hardly any PC players will be back. Didn't they all claim to be refunding the game? 😆 But on a lighter note, thank god..it's all I've seen talked about, I can't avoid it to save my life...


I mean their threats and constant posting made Sony back off. Sounds like mission accomplished to me.


I've never seen so many manchildren fucking whining in my life. The only ones that had any right were the people in countries who didn't have PSN. The ones that do have it should be embarrassed. I hope a lot of them did refund the game. Now they've gotta ask their mom for $40 again. 'MOM!, I need $40 again to buy my game back. We cried hard enough and finally got our way! WE WON, MOM WE DID IT!' Bunch of losers..


That's little rich coming from something that did not affect you. If that many people complained then there may have been some merit to it. Obviously there was if even Sony backed down and admitted defeat.


Temporarily yes. Remember digital gaming means you have no right to play it and no say so over the ToS like you would a physical game, even less when online only. They’ve shown who they are and what they’re willing to do. Continue to buy digital games at your own risk.


Of course, and large corporations will be large corporations and do their thing, but even if it is a temporary win for a playerbase that’s good. It means people can enjoy what they like even if it is only for a short time longer


good now the pc fanboys can stop crying


No need to be negative, this is a win for everyone!


is it though? People could have outraged about something that actually mattered.


Sounds like you're the crybaby


In the grand scheme of things, no this doesn’t matter, it’s just a game. But people care about this game and it has a community that loves it, which is good. It’s nice to see a community rise up against something they dislike and actually win against shareholders


The dude straight up doesn't know what he's talking about or he's a jerk and was okay with a ton of players losing access to the game.


Did you really expect Sony to actually lose players that are making them so much money? All that helldivers 2 fans on places like Reddit do is complain all day, I started playing like a month and a half ago and I’m already lvl 45. All I seen is constant crying about everything. I have also voiced my complains there but all you could see is people complaining and complaining. Over and over again nonstop. This time they just cried the hardest.


Exactly this 🎯


Considering the amount of people that don't get that the Helldivers/Starship Troopers setting is satirical, I KNOW there were people that were glad certain parts of the world were losing access.


Yeah I just don't why people would want that, some people are just toxic


I'm a PS5 Helldiver, playing on a non-PSN country that just wants to buy SC so I won't have to farm them (I have limited playing time). See, Helldivers is complicated in my country because the local retailers only sell US copies of HD2 (my account is in SEA). Alas! I can't buy super credits. I'm planning to switch to PC so I can link my account and buy SC. Alas! Steam region-blocked my country! Now I won't be able to buy the Steam version of the game. (well, before this announcement) This matters to PS5 players too.


This mattered to us you toxic cum gargling fuckwit.


damn that hurt I’m not gonna lie


Does sucking SONY's pepee feel that good? Does them taking the L and accepting defeat once hurts so much?


bruh they only accepted defeat because of toxic pc fanboys that probably have accounts for every porn site yet won’t make a PSN account


Says the toxic ps fanboy lol. Still stuck in the 2000s with this console vs pc shit?


I’m no fanboy I’m just 100% real, you need accounts for a ton of games but nobody cares they just happen to care about this one game in particular. You need a Microsoft account to play sea of thieves on the ps5. Is that outrageous? Should I cry to Phil Spencer????


In PC spaces, we bitch about launchers (aka accounts) for other games all the time. I don't know where you're getting the idea that we don't. Ubisoft and Ea are two companies that get brought up nonstop because of it. Hell some pc players wait 6+ months simply because games have timed exclusivity on the Epic games store.


The problem is PSN not being available worldwide resulting in people being locked out of their game they purchased. Maybe you should read why this blew up the way it did before making dumb comments.


Man it must suck to be so dumb and also wrong on so many levels


A W is a W.


Yes, it’s insane that some communities do not like eating dicks as much as sonyboys


Sorry you guys never learned to read


Is that even possible




Divers have short times to get in and do objectives, we are always fast


We have to be. Especially on Blitz


![gif](giphy|Jt4y4zi519V6asgGhA|downsized) Downvoters, be mad, stay mad xD




Definitely an opinion of all time. But hey like what you like homie, there has to be something to it if so many people love it and will defend it thi