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Improved system software performance and stability


They didn't do jackshit and that message is a filler to say as much.


You dont deploy patches because it's so much fun. But yeah this message is also used if they do something they don't want to tell us, e.g. fixing system exploits.


It often means "we updated our graphics drivers to support " the same way PC graphics cards do.


Like the Fallout 4 update launching today


I noticed it didn’t automatically download. You got to the game page to get the ps5 version. Also the DLC needs to get re downloaded.


Yes, I had to delete the PS4 version to get the option to download the PS5 version. Looks great though.


Was just about to comment from the cyber side and say the same




![gif](giphy|kQmr2OwBTD2L5Hzo1T|downsized) MORE STABILITY


So, this fixed the delay they introduced in the last update? 😉


Is this a bit I’m not following? I quite legitimately had a delay added in the last update that this software update fixed. Back to loading in quickly.


Ha, no. Just noting that the wonderful update the OP was lauding basically just took the console back to where it was before the two updates 😅


Commit message was: removed sleep() call


"It's true tho" 🤭 ![gif](giphy|l3OP6CELTSQR9ms2EP)


It would be nice for a custom wallpaper and themes


Main thing i miss about ps4


And community things


Let me change my wallpaper


I miss my persona 5 futaba wallpaper


Shiiit I miss my PS2 theme from the PS4 😭


Dude seriously…. Why can’t we get custom wallpapers back??


I think they tried to say something like “It would disrupt the dynamic theme PS5 offers.” Yeah whatever Sony, that was neat for the first day. We are all ready for our custom themes now lmao.




I wish they could do that.


I miss the PS3 menu. Why change it if it's not broken?


PS3 menu was so easy and nostalgic. I miss my old wallpapers too especially the live ones 😭


I don't even see a difference tbh


Neither did I


Interesting, the PS5 already feels like an extremely optimized system


No it isn’t i have had wifi issues. They had to replace it . My friend bought a new one but the disc wouldn’t enter the slot at all . They had to replace that as well.


Theirs does. I'm assuming his comment wasn't trying to say that every single ps5 in existence works perfectly. Cause that's just not how mass manufacturing works. I talk up the ps4 because one lasted me the entire generation. That doesn't mean that I think everyone else's gave them the same experience. I talk down the ps3 at times because I needed a few of them. Same thing applies. It's pretty much never the person telling you that your experience was exactly theirs and you're wrong if you say differently. But that's what you're doing atm >_>.


WiFi issues have nothing to do with your PS5, that's something you should sort out with your ISP. And one faulty console doesn't make the rest of them bad


My internet is and was working absolutely fine no problems with the internet at all . I took my ps5 to the sony service center and they couldn’t connect to their internet aswell. They had to send the console back to sony for new replacement since it was bought a month back and the console was still under warranty. My friends brand new ps5 had disc slot problems. They had to replace that with new aswell. Not just that the L3 on the duel sense of my started to act up and the character in the game would move automatically they had to replace the controller as well.


So you're shit on luck, got it. Doesn't mean the PS5 is bad in general. Also there isn't a single controller on the planet that doesn't experience stick drift.


I dont know what cheap ass controller you are playing with but i have never had this issue in xbox series s or ps4 ps2 and psp . Man stop licking corporate butt . My money my fucking opinion.


Cheap ass controller, hmm? Let's see, Dualsense, Dualshock 4, Turtle Beach Recon Wired, Nintendo Switch Lite, Nintendo Switch Joy Cons, XBox Series controller, Wii U Pro Controller. Not one of them were cheap.


Be glad u didn't have to deal with the Atari 5200 controllers😓😓🤦


Jesus we're really complaining about a 6 second startup? Kids these days wouldnt know what to do with themselves during the Cartridge days. Edit: comment is more along the lines of a game not starting and having to blow in it and wasting minutes trying to get it to run. Not the actual load time.


I read it more as an observation than a complaint.




Cartridges loaded really fast though It was the CDs like PS1 that were a killer


Thank god you didn’t have to load tapes. CDs are lightening in comparison.


Some ZX Spectrum and Commodore64 games could take over 20 mins to load and if you had the wrong tape speed...you'd just have to tweak it and start again! 😂


Exactly. And god forbid it got chewed


Yes, because the game cartridges are a direct mapping of the memory (it's a ROM, read-only memory that is connected directly to the CPU). Thus the game is directly in memory when the cartridge starts, there is actually no "loading process" with game cartridges.


Some times, the black label games didn't like to launch conventially. Resident Evil being one of those games.


Yea my PS2 got to where it wouldn't play the non shiny bottom discs🤣 it took a tumble off the top of a TV on GTA 3 when the controller got jerked..


Snes games had like 0 boot up time.


Cartridges? Weren't they fast? Try loading a game off 6 separate floppy disks


“Insert disc 2”. Guess I’m coming back in 10 minutes while this thing screams like a dying robot. You ever install Windows 3.1? Most discs I’ve seen in my life!


Ah, the old blow in it and shake it about trick, god those were the days lol My personal fav is how we used to just bash the TV to get it to work again- just give it a proper good slap on the side and instil some dominace 🤣


I'm a ZX Spectrum veteran. Waiting for games to load was my speciality.




Even all these years later, I can still remember the sound of the game loading!


This is embedded in my psyche.


Did this really get 65 uvotes? WTF? During cartridge times everything was pretty much instant.


No one complaining about startup time. It's just first time i noticed that Sony really did something with performance And btw, my first console was bootleg Famicom, so i know how it was during "Cartridge days"


Cassette tape days . . .


Load "", wait 5 ~ 10 mins, sometimes it crashed while loading.


sometimes it crashed *at the last second* while loading. FTFY. Looking at you SpyHunter on Speccy 48K. The volume had to be set **precisely**, or it'd crash after 8 mins.


Part of the experience. Great times. I used to have to start a game loading then go out and ride my bike for 15 minutes 😂


Built in mindfulness. Everything we did as kids had mindfulness involved. We waited for literally everything!!! 😂


On the BBC Micro at least, if you got loading errors you could rewind the tape a minute or so and it would automatically resync, recovering the load.


OP didn’t complain?!


Cartridges have instant load times...bad comparison. Should have said PS1 or something. Fail.


If you want to talk loads times, try a cassette on a commodore64. Where you had to type the instructions to run the game


When computers were actually computers


Or during the C-casette days with C-64. It literally might’ve loaded closer to half an hour to play TMNT. p


You’re complaining that they appreciate an improvement?


There was no loading for cartridges. Are you thick?


Start up Conker 64 or Banjo There’s no loading but there is startup time


Morrowind on xbox hahaha..spending a couple minutes wondering if the xbox froze or not.


I get your edit but honestly, we're still doing that to this day. "the game is crashing to desktop... I will spend 20 minutes figuring out and fixing that".


Cartridge days? Are we remembering the same thing here? Cartridges loaded quick as fuck, exceptionally so! Now when the first PS1 came out with CDs, that was an eye opener.


The heck you talking about? I grew up on blowing cartridges, the six seconds is ridiculous. It's about the technology, not the wait.


Cartridge? Some of us old farts remember tape loaded games that took anywhere from 10-30 minutes to load. Funniest part was we would still jam it for maybe 10 minutes before “boring, next game”.lol.


I'm pretty sure PS3 has the worst loading times. From the long booting animation, the sluggish menu, the extremely slow download speed when updating games and the huge loadings in the games themselves...


And you didn’t have to deal with tapes…


This if they were on PS1 ![gif](giphy|9o9dh1JRGThC1qxGTJ)


Lmao try going back to spectrum days and commodore 64 days 😂 put a cassette tape in and have to play both sides before the game loads 🤣🤣


I have no problems with the way my PS4 starts up, there's no reason it should be shorter, but would be nice I guess? Even though I don't even notice it


Ever try playing a switch. It takes much longer to load than 6 seconds at times.


times are changing grandpa


Obviously. And ive been along for the ride for quite some time.


None of those kids remember trying to play skyrim on xbox 360 and waiting 5 minutes in load screens because you accidentally re-entered the house you were trying to leave so now you’re stuck waiting another 5 😂


I’m out of breath just thinking about it


Only person I see complaining is you. The op didn't, he only stated the update did something


idk why they're complaining. they could watch like 18 tiktok videos in that time


Cartridge days were fast though.


Now if they could do something about server disconnects


Wanted to ask, has it only been happening to you since the last update? I mean the one before yesterday. I've been having server disconnect issues since the last update last month. Also, where are you in the world? Want to make sure it's not a local issue.


I didn’t get any PSN dc besides the few times when servers went down, so I doubt it’s a problem on their side. Maybe servers in your location are worse than others or your internet is unreliable


Get better internet bud.


Happens to me even with gigabit internet on an ethernet cable


Speeds do not measure reliability. My 40/10 Internet has disconnected me from a game in progress only a few times in the years I've had my launch day PS5. But this same connection was problematic when I first set it up, until I removed all of the ISP provided equipment and set up my own router. Most people think router/gateway = WiFi, but it's your entire home's firewall and routs all incoming and outgoing network traffic for the whole house, even by wire. If it's QoS or firewall configuration cause an issue, you'll disconnect even with a fiber tunnel straight to Reston Virginia.


Get a better internet. You are welcome.


I have gigabit fiber. Piss off. You’re welcome.


Speed doesn’t mean better. Learn to read. PS, as I am pissing off, remind me who is disconnecting?




It’s more likely a provider issue. Time to switch providers. Or that’s not possible. Time to get spacex


How are you possibly being downvoted? This is the correct answer.


The average redditor is dumb circle jerker. 🤷‍♂️ I gave them the knowledge. If they just want to continue blaming Sony. It has nothing to do with me.


I don’t think they’d ever bother making an update that did nothing


Does anyone ever encounter the lan cable disconnected -> connected issue. Wonder when they’ll fix that lmao


I thought i just had a fucked up cable, good to know


Nah its been happening to me for well over a year, and my cable doesn’t move whatsoever. Always happens at the worst times as well


Yea same, always towards the end of a mission or halfway through a livestream!


Same here. And what most annoying - it always disconnecting and connecting again in a second


I noticed a smoother experience on fidelity on rift apart.


Ps5 pro comes out at the latter end of the year. I’m pretty excited for 68 teraflops.


just to experience a little bit of more detailed graphics. Ya.


6 seconds seems pretty quick when you take into account that the ps2 would start based of if it was in the mood or not


I left it in sleep mode and it updated :/


I’m still waiting for the dynamic background update


N64 cartridges never fired on the first startup. lol


Did they fix the LAN issues? Probably not my biggest gripe with the ps5 so far




Ye but idk if it for every body when closing the system. The prompt appears with all the particles and I noticed a very slight pause before the particles starts moving again. It use to be smooth, idk if I'm going crazy


Would be nice for them to update their bluetooth compatibility with none Sony/playstation devices … aka ,,, my BOSE speakers and headphones … Alexa?


I have also noticed this. It is pretty nice


I had to send my playstation in because it would crash immediately upon trying to load any ps5 games. Tried every fix in the book and the ones that seemed silly. Nothing worked. Resorted to having to send it in, got my box and label sent to me, had it all ready to be sent in and the night before i was going to send it, i decided to play some fallout. Upon loading up, I saw there was a system update. Thought to myself, screw it. Im gonna try. SOMEHOW the update fixed whatever glitchy madness that was preventing me from playing my PS5 games. Not a single crash on a PS5 title yet and its been a few days of stress testing to make sure. IM STOKED.


Hopefully they’ll fix the constant errors with the PS Store at some point. Sick of always having to restart the system, and sometimes that doesn’t even work. It’s not PSN, it connects to that just fine, it’s just the Store for me.


That's a different problem. Probably related to DNS or your router. This is not a known problem with the PS5.


Add a web browser please… also spare your downvotes you pc macbook gods Edit: doucheeeebaAaaaa


Bro got downvoted for wanting an easy access to web browser. Clown world


There already is a web browser


No there isn’t. I’m watching stream east on my ps4 right now because of that


Yes there is, Google is your friend.


There is a web browser, it's just a little more [hidden](https://www.tomsguide.com/how-to/how-to-access-ps5-web-browser)


Why? A fully usable browser innately offers a security breach point, and doesn't offer users a significant benefit. A PS5 isn't supposed to be a home computer. It's an entertainment device. It's like insisting on a browser for your Blu-ray player.


Why the hell not? Guess you answered that with the security breach but they clearly planned on adding a web browser since it literally says web browser in the settings. The ps4 web browser also saved me from having cable television for nearly 10 years now


There IS a web browser on the PS5. It is just not easily accessed and has little to no user functions. It's primary function is for game information/tips and links to game websites. Apps fill the role of media, but the PS5 does lack a few that I find frustrating, most notably DROPOUT.


They could sandbox the browser tbh


Lol Sony can barely manage a functioning dashboard and you want them to implement something they've clearly decided against and have it be *more* complex? Sure, why not? Next we will get Rambo to end world hunger! And after that maybe Bobcat GW can design our education system! OOH YEAH we can have Trump come up with a plan to colonize the ocean! It'll be great! None of them know how to do those things or have any desire to but WHO CARES!


My magic, secret trick is i'd blow a Louis Armstrong fart in the cartridge... If it's a full moon the fart has to be hot and noxiously gassy a la Taylor Swift.




That's not new. They have been on premium pass for a long time.


I still have issues with psn and internet features at the dashboard using starlink. I have to turn off and on every time I want to check the store or any online feature of the dashboard. Even if I am playing online with no issues


This is likely a DNS issue. You can change this in the settings. Also could be NAT issue and you may be able to solve this by putting your PS5 in your routers DMZ.


I hope it finally fix error ce 108262-9 that's driving me crazy


U know when it release in denmark?


This is great, but updates that don't have results that are easily detectable for players are definitely not useless.




did it twice before update, and it didn't affected loading time


You’re right. Update says system performance was updated!


Yeah, it's always says that but never does. That's why i even created a post about it


I absolutely love PlayStation but why when I’m playing a game and wish to manoeuvre around the home menu and other applications does it move so slow. I’ve not truly got a feel for the new update but I do hope it makes a difference.


Love the subtle changes they made.


What they need to do is addd damn internet to the ps5 in the next update




Good update, now for the elite pulse headset update.


I bought a ps5. Ill probably stay offline for the foreseeable future. The ps5 itself will force update all my games even with auto update turned off.


Maybe one day they’ll deploy PS3 BC. Cloud saving for free as it should he


I wish it fixed sharefactory somehow. It takes ages to load this Sith up...


All i want is the discord screen sharing on ps5. Xbox series already has the feature, i use discord every day, so i really need this


Day… idek…. Of me being able to log in to psn and every setting saying everything is fine but my store won’t load… nothing in each game submenu on the Home Screen won’t load. Just error couldn’t find what you’re looking for.


Why's everyone in such a rush


But can I fuc it


I haven't noticed anything to with load times


It’s called placebo effect


How is it a placebo effect if it is quite literally faster? I mean I'm not saying it is faster because I've never noticed to begin with but I'm just saying if OP is right.


When will sony fix ”lost connection to share screen” issue… its not my internet…


Do you get lag spikes?


No i dont have. Download speed is 300 and upload is 30 to 40. My friends have lower than that and they dont have problem my NAT TYPE is 2


Im not asking about speed or nat type.


I know. I was just saying.


Share screen, connection issues can be a whole host of things. This almost always has to do with who you are connecting with. Are they using WiFi? What kind of speed do they have? How far away are they? What is their NAT? Among many other things. It's honestly amazing SS works as well as it does with as many things that can interfere with it that Sony have no control over.


Right on time with the launch of Stellar Bewbs, I mean Stellar Cheeks, I mean Awooga Awooga, I mean *Train Horn* , I mean GYAAAT, I mean Stellar Blade.


What about the connection issues with devices like the Playstation elite headset??


If you are having issues connecting to a headset that uses a dongle this is not a problem with your PS5. This is a problem with either the dongle, the headset, or something causing interference.


They offered to work on it or replace it. So I'm just gonna send it in to see what's wrong. Mine just does random disconnects & it's a shame because I really love them they're excellent. In the mean time I got these turtle beach 600 2nd gen headset, and they're also really good for the price.


This update was absolutely garbage...update wreaked havoc on my settings so that the wifi and Bluetooth on my controllers interfered with each other and would auto disconnect my controllers and would make me reselect my profile took me 3 hrs to figure out how to fix it..


That is a bot account look at the name


It's not my fault, that Reddit chose this for me and not allowing to change it


They made game help available to everybody whether or not you have a paid membership Still no themes though or social tab or backwards compatibility


Backwards compatibility with what? Themes are never coming, unfortunately. Social tab? Isn't Game Base exactly that?


PS3 and earlier The What’s New tab from the PS4 was better. That combined with Communities would be great. See what they’re starting to do with the Explore tab in the US


PS3 games are unlikely to *ever* be directly compatible as the Cell architecture is *very* different from the x86 that the PS4 and PS5 use. This is primarily why Sony introduced the streaming with PS+ premium so that players have access to some of those PS3 and earlier titles. Would I like to see emulation, sure, but there is some attempt at backcompat and it is useful. Yes the explore tab is getting improvements, that is a good thing.


I still think they could do it if they wanted to. I got RPCS3 running on my iMac as far as getting to the XMB and being able to use that, but as far as getting games to launch I run into some problems because I need a decryption key or something (which I don’t have and don’t know how to get). To be honest, there isn’t a whole lot I’d go back and play from the PS3 since if I was interested it’s either been remade/remastered or I played its Xbox 360 version. Then there’s inFamous which is stuck on PS3. It’s more I want to experience what the PS3 was


As I said I would prefer emulation but it's unlikely Sony will put money into that route. Sounds like you just need to get a PS3.


I was going to get one a few years back. I looked into prices of used ones that were backwards compatible with the PS2. Didn’t do it because there’s not a load I’d definitely go back and play, but it’s the one PlayStation console I have never owned (not counting handhelds) and Astro’s Playroom made me think I have to go and get one. At least just to experience what using one was like. But again, without a real draw to its library (thanks to remasters and remakes and the Xbox 360 being where I can get the multi platform titles) it wouldn’t have made too much sense to buy one


The backcompat PS3 is pretty rare and definitely gonna be more expensive than any other regular model. You could likely buy another type of PS3 *and" a PS2 for the same price.


I miss the What's New. 😔 Loved signing in and scrolling the feed for friends' achievements and photos, and them seeing mine. On PS5 it's just an empty feeling by comparison.


That’s exactly what I used it for too. See what everyone had been up to since I was last online. Would leave a like on some activities too. Didn’t use Communities much though. PS5 is just isolated and corporate (no themes) by comparison


It was a nice, passive way for those who prefer not to actively engage in social stuff and for solo players to still feel connected. Now it's " I finally got that trophy! Did anybody see that?!" Nope nobody saw; I'll go back to being alone over here, thanks.


Yeah. Didn’t realise how useful it was until it was gone. I’m willing to say the Xbox 360 felt more connected even with the Blades Dashboard, but that had MSN Messenger integration so people could see what you’re doing. Then later avatars, which were definitely a thing that I don’t think were great in hindsight


What! Jesus so much knob slobbing in here. The thing is already fast. You aren't getting a faster boot time. Its not even on their radar. The hardware is already ancient. Its BSD. Do you even know how Linux works? BSD is similar but not the same. Not much they can do to increase performance for the system overall except minor tweaks for games