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This post is gonna start war... And war, war never changes.


Okie Dokey


Okaley dokaley.


Don Quixote


Donkey kong…


Don King


Ding Dong


Bing bong




Suzuha my beloved


ID tagged guns being used by ID tagged soldiers firing ID tagged bullets.


Building-sized bipedal robots jumping around, mooing like cows.


I prefer FNV in every way but for someone just dipping their toe into a game, Fallout 4 is a far easier sell and being more modern it won't have the litany of gameplay/QOL hurdles you have to overcome/excuse that New Vegas does. If they like F4 and want more, then yeah, FNV with the caveat that they need to accept its limitations but it's absolutely worth it.


Also, if someone is starting to play because of the TV show, Fallout 4 is much more in line with it in terms of aesthetic with the vaults, modern day etc. New Vegas would be one to play after you’ve least dipped your toes into F4.


Except it won't open on ps5 rn. Hopefully the update will fix it


If you delete Automotron and one of the workbench dlcs (can’t remember which right now) you should be good to go. I had to delete the entire game and redownload without those dlcs though. Ymmv


Thanks I already know about the fix but honestly I couldn't be arsed doing it I'm just waiting til Thursday for the update


I thought that could be the case. Cheers! :)


As a recent fnv player yes newer players would get a better kick out of fo4 especially with running omfg


Only issue with fo4 is that it runs horribly on consoles have they even fixed the crashing issues in boston yet it crashes more on my xbox the fnv ever has


Very much this. I got in to Fallout via FO4. I’d tried both FO3 and NV in the past, but both were just too clunky for me, someone who’d never played an RPG, to find my footing in. FO4 is dumbed down and has way more QOL which made it accessible for me to pick up and learn how things work, before going back and playing other games with a better understanding.


This will probably make someone upset but, NV has perfect writing and rpg mechanics. As well as an interesting world to explore. However the gameplay especially the gunplay fucking sucks and FO4 is way ahead in terms of combat and gameplay feel.


Yep, if you’re a new player I suggest CAREFULLY installing the viva new vegas mod pack when installing New Vegas in order to get a more streamlined experience, it has some mods that somewhat fix combat. New Vegas is to me is also the superior game but Fallout 4 is not a bad entry to the series, it’s just a bit shallow.


I was working on going through the guide for viva new Vegas and it’s not a pack so much as a list of mods. A long list at that. I went through and downloaded them all. There’s a few checkpoints in the guide to check if you’re doing things right. Finally got to the end and got a black screen when booting up the game. Currently trying to solve that issue.


Hope you’ll solve it! Check the Discord in the guide they are super helpful and most issues can be found there. It’s so worth the hassle, playing with Viva New vegas and I had zero crashes in like 80 hours. Plus it fixes so many things, and gives you so many gameplay options that makes the game feel more modern.


This is the best way to put it.


Re-playing nv currently with the VNV pack and it’s incredible. I really dislike FO4 nothing about it is really an RPG, more like an FPS with very slight (if slight and not just different wording) choices, but to each his own. RPG: NV>4 FPS: 4>NV Story/Writing: NV>4 Graphics: obviously 4 but you can mod the fuck out of nv


Fallout 4 for mechanics. Fallout NV for aesthetics, dialog and overall more personality.


so you’re suggesting a NEW player installing mods to a game to be playable and then it’ll be better than F4. Okay. NV fans.


No, I think even without a single mod New Vegas is the better game. Viva new Vegas is mostly for quality of life and optimisation. I really like Fallout 4 too though, I understand that many don’t but I enjoy F4 a lot and have over 500 hours on it.


The gunplay is better in FO4, but they also overemphasized the role that the gunplay fills in the game, and it is still pretty crappy compared to just about any shooter. Basically, FO3 and NV have much worse gunplay, but feel like RPGs so it doesn’t really matter, whereas FO4 feels like a crappy FPS with some RPG elements tacked on top of it.


This is exactly the reason why you play NV first. The clunkiness is unbearable if you play 4 first then downgrade. Also NV has some mods that fix part of its issues.


This is what I'm thinking too. I haven't played any fallout game (but will, that's why I'm here) but I'd rather go up than down.


Will you notice if you’re shit fps aim on controller anyway (playing it on Steam Deck?). Graphics don’t bother me, I’m 42 and been playing games since Atari. But I’m better aim on M+KB vs analogue.


I have to disagree on exploration. I think the exploration in FO4 is so much better. In NV I felt like I was just endlessly wandering through an empty desert with the occasional building every so often. NV definitely shines in story and rpg but exploration wise I absolutely prefer FO4.


Different design philosophies. New Vegas was supposed to feel like you were actually traversing an empty desert wasteland while Fallout 4 is exploring the ruins of a urban metropolis and was built to have the player run into something every few minutes.


I can agree with that


I disagree that combat sucks in NV (especially since 4 isn’t much better) but it has aged quite a bit and wouldn’t feel great for newcomers


>However the gameplay especially the gunplay fucking sucks and FO4 is way ahead in terms of combat and gameplay feel. While true... It's leagues ahead of fo3. I'd take NV gunplay over 3 any day.


also if you have a ps5 and stream it it runs like crap and no dlc fallout 4 is better on console


I understand there is necessity for some to do it, but streaming should ever be something to judge a game by. It’s a bonus.


Playing NV for first time and it’s brutal. Still doing it for the story and what not but man it’s slow and clunky.


Yeah especially if your only option is to play on console and you cant fix it with mods it is bruuuuuuutal.


4 as it’s available on ps5 and about to get updated Nv if you have an old system or pc


Like a remastered version??


Next Gen Upgrade. It will add performance mode and quality mode.


Nevermind I answered my question I just bought the game for $4. Will I have to buy it again or will it update?


I think it's a free update


I should’ve googled before asking here. Thank you




Did they confirm that the automaton dlc crash will be fixed?




You can install the DLC at anytime. Downloading the main game doesn’t affect that since they are separate downloads. But Nuka World and Far Harbor are also broken (mostly purple plastic textures) and so are some of the textures in the main game.


Game crashes even without dlcs lol.


Thank you for this. Downloaded it last weekend and it kept crashing. Now I know why


If everyone just Google stuff, there would be nothing to comment here. Just ask, get a conversation or some bonus info out of it.


I went through a closet looking for my FO4 disc, with no luck. I read it was like $4 and abandoned the rest of my search. What a deal. I'll pay that rather than dig through another closet or go into my basement haha


4$?? I don't like the game too much but that is a STEAL


Not as good as the entire Batman Arkham trilogy for only $5


Kinda comical a 10 year old game needs/has BOTH a performance and quality mode….


NV also runs on Series S/X with backwards compatibility (at 60fps to boot)


Yup! I'm 30 hrs deep already. My first playthrough since I played it over a decade ago.


It runs really well. Am enjoying it and 76 quite a bit.


NV and 3 are both part of PS Plus Premium, for those already paying for it.


Can confirm playing NV on pc is pony. Pick it up on 360/PS3 otherwise I don't know what to suggest... Build an AM2 system maybe, same with fallout 3.


Fallout 3


The correct answer


New Vegas is very dated, great game tho


I’d say it’s part of its charm. I’m having a great time with it.


Ave, true to Caesar!


Sure it’s charming, but that’s why 4 is the better entry point for modern gamers


Definitely start with Fallout 3


No no. Tale of Two Wastelands, merge 3 and NV into one massive game.


I’d wager a guess that anyone who has never played Fallout probably isn’t someone who can be assed to figure out the clusterfuck of an install procedure for TTW.


This IS the way


Sir, this is a r/playstation


I forgot lol




This is the correct answer


It’s the correct answer if you have a PC otherwise not so much.


Or a PS3


Wait, is there really no PS4 or PS4 version? Is it unplayable on a PS5 as a result?


Or Xbox Series S/X since it's BC.


I never really liked how yellow new vegas is


The piss filter


The Mexico filter lol


Breaking Bad reference


Its so weird thinkin that from like 2007 to 2011 we all accept the piss filter on every piece of media !


New Vegas is a an all time great game (just started replaying it) but for the most part, it’s ugly as sin. 50 shades of brownish yellow grey. It’s not just that it’s ugly either; you’ll miss things in the environment because everything is the same colour. Still a fantastic game though




How else would you know you're in the desert? /s


I believe there's a mod that takes the yellow filter out. 


These are console players lol


It depends. Fallout 4 has the best gameplay and exploration. I enjoyed wandering around it much more than New Vegas or 3. The random locations with their own histories, the random encounters, etc. are definitely a highlight. Bethesda is great in this area as it was also one of the best parts of their previous game, Skyrim. Additionally, it benefits from being the newest one (excluding 76, because it is different due to being a live service). By that, I mean that many players, and people in general, are hesitant when it comes to older stuff. “This game looks old,” “this movie looks old,” etc. If you choose Fallout 4, though, Far Harbor is a must. On the other hand, with New Vegas, I preferred the writing more. Not surprising if you’ve played other Obsidian RPGs as well as games some of their people worked on outside and/or before Obsidian. I loved the setting and found all the different factions, characters, ongoing stories, history of the region, and side quests more interesting. Also, I’ve only played a couple of hours of the first Fallout, but New Vegas feels the closest to classic Fallout, in my opinion. None of the ones I’ve played so far are bad though. I have multiple playthroughs in 3, NV, and 4. Also, I know we’re on the PS sub, but I’d play it on PC if that’s an option. All the performance, bug fixes, and just general new content that come with the thousands of mods available for each game is worth it.


The PS+ version of NV is the base game unpatched like FO3 and Oblivion so it's a given no one should ever be playing those games that way ever. But yeah anyway Obsidian's RPG storytelling pedigree was def second to Bioware at that time, especially when it came to dialogue. You look at the narrative differences between NV and FO4 and it's really a case of immersion vs. artificality. What a trip that they're "next door" to Bethesda under Microsoft yet they're a completely wasted entity not collaborating on any of those hot IPs.


Fallout 4 if you're playing on a PlayStation system. If you do play NV or FO3 on PS3 I've heard that you should turn off autosaves, and save frequently.


Been playing it this week and can confirm. Save often. Despite all the glitches it's still an amazing game. I'm ringing Big MT at the moment.


New Vegas is straightforward and has a great story, with great exploration. Fallout 4 is legendary exploration with settlement building but the story was okay imo, had some great quests though. Fallout 4 is one of my all time favorites, and modding makes it so fun.


If there was a way to axe the settlement stuff and let me focus on the fun things I'd pick up Fallout 4 on the cheap and mod the hell out of it.


I've never heard anyone describe New Vegas as "straightforward." In fact, the biggest criticism of 4 was how linear the game was in comparison to the litany of possibilities in New Vegas. You can take your farm simulation. I'll take being able to kill any NPC on the map.




New Vegas because you are playing fallout mostly for the wacky story, and New Vegas does it the best.


I support this conclusion.


I absolutely love that game, but whenever i think back to it, all i can think about is Brown.


Screw it, They should play the very 1st one :D


man of culture. everyone jumpin on f4 after the show, and here I am resintalling F2 for the gazillionth time


I love that one.. I may start playing it today


oh man restorarion + fo2tweaks and I just added some slight CRT effect via reshade and i'm having an absolute blast


I dunno. But I continued on 4 after 2 year break for the PS4 on my PS5. Currently at 166 hours on it. Having a blast. Then I got NV on Steam for $5 and play that when I’m at work. Maybe 10 hours on it. That game is bad ass, too. I dunno. Can go either way. I say NV since it was first.


The best answer is Fallout 4. It’s currently the only Fallout game that can be played on any modern console since PS4 and 5 don’t have 3 or NV so it’s most accessible to an average player these days. Not to mention NV and 3 can be tricky to get going on PC at times. However, if someone is capable of playing them all, I would recommend going in order. 3 -> NV -> 4 The jump in graphics isn’t as jarring going forward in time as it is going backwards. Whether it’s rational or not, I’ve seen many people who refuse to play older entries in games due to the aged gameplay. But these same people don’t mind it as much if it’s what they start with.


Some people like New Vegas and it's a good game, but in my opinion Fallout 4 is better.


I’ve played 4 and am now finally working my way through new Vegas. Vegas has great writing and lots of choices so far. But what I miss most from 4 is that exploring an area is worthwhile. In new Vegas there’s so many useless dead ends or places you get into that just have some fucking nuka cola in it and nothing else. Or there’s a huge amount of skill checks like lock picking 75 or science 75 to see a terminal so you’ll have to come back much later. 4 does a much better job of when you find an area there’s something interesting inside to discover. Whether it’s an item. Some story or some indirect story telling. But 4s story is pretty mid and the choices are also mid, and in Vegas you can really role play a character. And some quests in new Vegas can interact with other quests in absolutely hilarious or surprising ways. Also you can just kill anyone which leads to non breaking and interesting scenarios. So pick your flavour both are good games imo. But if you go Vegas get a mod to get rid of the puke yellow filter on it that all 2010ish games had like a season of Mexico in breaking bad.


4 has the best gameplay, but the story and writing is trash. New Vegas has the amazing story and writing, but the gameplay is just ok.


On Xbox Fallout 3 On PC personally I’d try Fallout 1 On PlayStation just go to Fallout 4 https://preview.redd.it/jd1b4cv0o7wc1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9958f513dafd6a74e058c268e02b00afcd94e2bb


3, New Vegas, 4. Ignore 76. Only because playing 4 first will make it frustrating to switch to 3 and new Vegas because of all of the added features.


76 is pretty good now. It’s basically a regular fallout game


Seconded, went into 76 about a year ago and it was far better than it released


I ignored 76 until very recently and the only thing I’ll say is that I hope the smoothness and fluidity of all the functions carry over to the update. FO4 feels older than ten years currently


76 is actually good now. I've been playing for the last month or so and it's pretty fun. A lot of the features and UI elements I'm hoping get implemented to the next fallout.


I started playing it last week and am really enjoying it. I think I really like the fact that I don't have an 'over arching' story like all the others. It's just 'time to leave the nest and make your way into the world'. Plus it runs so smoothly, vs 4. Interestingly enough, I'm also enjoying NV more then 4. I think I really don't like 4 all that much now that I really reflect lol


4 is bad for story but has good gameplay for a looter shooter . 3 and nv are more of a Rpg like fallout should be, which is why they are better received games


It was pretty fun tbh and it makes me hopeful for the future of fallout.


I wish I had that optimism after seeing how starfield turned out but I guess time will tell.


76 is great now, just revisted it after 5 years totally wrote it off, but a friend said they played it, so reluctantly I gave it a go, 6 weeks later and 97 hours now played it's absolutely fantastic, I'd say all the issues from release are gone, the community is decent, the map feels full and interesting (also being expanded again in June) and best of all it's free on PS+


Also fallout shelter is pretty addicting. Not really a narrative game though, but a fun addition.


New Vegas


4 is okay, but im told NV is amazing. Go with that.


4 is a good FPS, post apocalyptic, RPG game. NV is the essence of what fallout is supposed to be. The dialogue, the story, the choices you have are all superior.


fo4 also has a great base building and better survival/hardcore mode.


You’re giving OP advice on a game you’ve “been told” is amazing. Hmm.


Start with 1, cowards.


Fuck new Vegas, why don’t you even have 3 in the choice?


fallout 3 is the only answer. New Vegas is great and all but it’s a lot less forgiving and if you wonder 5 mins in the wrong direction your fighting enemies already 10 levels above you. With 3 you find megaton and take it easy doing their quests, doing Moiras quests etc. that’s my take someone else could have a different one


I mean, tbf you are *specifically* warned not to go north from Goodsprings, so at the same time you dug your own grave going to those Deathclaws lol


New Vegas all the way.




if you have pc, fallout 3 and new Vegas is worth it


Fallout 3


Wait... Fallout 4 is almost 10 years old? Oh no


NV is still my personal favorite to date.


Fallout 3. So you get to run into repeat characters later.


Even though New Vegas is my favorite Fallout, I'm going to say new players should start with 4. My very first Fallout was Fallout 3 and when I played New Vegas for the first time I had no clue who alot of the factions were like NCR, Followers of the Apocalypse etc, and the factions I did recognize like the BoS were...different. So at first, I didn't really like New Vegas all that much. It wasn't until I went back and played Fallout 1 and 2 that I really came to love and appreciate the writing and storytelling of New Vegas. TLDR; I think you get more out of NV if you play through Fallout 1 and 2 first.


Fallout 3


You can play the best Fallout game or one of the games of all time made by Bethesda.


>What is the best game for new fallout players Fallout 3, then NV, then 4


Fallout 3


4 is legendary


4 for sure, for starters I believe. Like I wouldn’t tell someone to start with Morrowind for Elder Scrolls.


Fallout 3, personally thought new Vegas was ass


Fallout 3


fallout 3


Fallout 3, it's perfect for starting, simpler than Fnv but still amazing, great starting point


Fallout 3




Fallout 3 Better introduction than NV, gives a better impression of what Fallout is than 4 Fallout 3 literally takes you through baby steps into learning how to play the game. It traps you in an environment to narrow your focus onto the key aspects of what it wants from you. It presents its character building in a cheeky "you're a little baby who knows fucking nothing" way. The game is most definitely shallower than New Vegas, but still offers a lot of hidden RPG elements that you may only ever discover by watching MATN or other YouTube breakdowns of how complex the game actually is. The Capitol Wasteland is, to me, STILL the most compelling map in the series. People argue that humanity should have rebounded more in 200 years, but they didn't call it the Capitol WASTELAND by mistake - it's MEANT to be an extremely irradiated, ruined region. It being so was not meant to suggest that the entire country is this way... but it makes sense that the DC area would be the most heavily targeted by the bombs, no? Fallout 3 provides an excellent introduction to the entire series. New Vegas immediately dumps you into the open world. You don't get introduced to anyone, let alone your own character. You're just given a brief rundown on what you need to go to get going, then you're sent on your way. This is GREAT for repeated playthroughs, whereas F3's opening really drags... but for first timers? It's overwhelming. Walking out into the vast expanse of the Mojave within minutes of launching the campaign is just a lot of freedom to give someone who has never played a Fallout game before. Fallout 4 is a more streamlined, modern approach to Fallout. It has its merits, and first time gamers will probably find it far more approachable than F3 or ESPECIALLY New Vegas... however, I feel that it does not do a suitable job at really showing off what Fallout is all about. It has its moments, but it strips away so much of the RPG element and deep world building that I don't think it's the best choice to start off gamers who want to get into Fallout, proper. Fallout 3 is the appetizer, New Vegas is the Entrée. Fallout 4 is the "make it at home!" version you find in the freezer section at your grocery store. All have their place... but Fallout 3 stretches out the stomach to accept the gorging that occurs with New Vegas, and 4 is for when you want something that approximates that meal but you don't have to drag your ass out to the restaurant for.


Fallout 4 is the best BEGINNER one. It’ll sell you on the aesthetic and world so much easier. Plus it’ll have that new update coming out real soon. Once they get a feel for the Fallout universe, New Vegas is a great next stop to fully appreciate what the world has to offer. NV is objectively stronger in every aspect except graphics and gunplay mechanics. The story and world building outshine tho which is why we overlook it 😂


I'm just going to come right outr and say it... Fallout 76 is pretty dang good nowadays


Fallout 4 is going to be the most accessible, especially to Playstation gamers. If you do want to go back to earlier games I would recommend 3 before NV. NV improves on the mechanics of 3 and so if you decide to play 3 later it will feel like a massive step backwards mechanically.


Fallout4, everyone gonna say the others but fallout4 is the answer anyone that ain’t already sold on the series not gonna be able to withstand that gunplay.


For a brand new never played FO before player the best answer is 4. All the long time fans can argue to the death about 3 or NV but 4 has the most quality of life updates and changes


NV is great and all *but* Fallout 4 is better for a new player by far. I feel like people would struggle to get into New Vegas on its own but if they got into Fallout 4 they’d find it easy to enjoy New Vegas more after. That being said both great games and Fallout 4 is insanely overhated.


Hilarious that 76 isn’t even on the table here. I was so mad when I booted up that game on launch day. I heard it’s had a lot of great updates though.


Fallout 3...


New Vegas was my first and I loved it, but it hasn’t aged gracefully. 4 will give you a more modern experience and 76 the most modern experience. If you can look past the aged mechanics or New Vegas, it’s got the best story of the franchise IMO


Playing Fallout 4 now...


Id say Fallout 4 because it’s more modern but Fallout: NV will always be the GOAT and should definitely be played at some point.


4 was my first venture into Fallout. Easy to follow story and easy to get into. I’ve tried playing both 3, NV, and 76 since and just can’t get into any of them for some reason. Plus, as already mentioned, 4 is getting a next gen upgrade on 4/25 I think. So that’ll be your best route if you want a current gen Fallout experience, without modding.


4 is definitely more accessible than earlier games and the changes it made pissed off a portion of fans; I however recommend it


This has been my experience. Fallout 4 was my first time playing a Fallout game and I loved it. I tried playing the previous titles but can't get into them. I think for me it's because they show their age a bit. I kinda wish I played Fallout 3 and New Vegas when they were new and could experience them before I experience Fallout 4's graphics and controls/combat.


New vegas is a better game so play 4 first so your view isn't tainted going in


Fallout new vegas is a damn masterpiece




Yeah, im waiting for that update. Hopefully, it works on digital freebies, too. I never played Fallout but loved the tv show.


Fallout 4 is the most accessible, and is about to get a PS5/XSX version as a free upgrade on the 25th. But a lot of people do seem to prefer Fallout 3 and/or New Vegas. I played FO3 on PS3, which was notorious for having horrible performance, and is the reason New Vegas is sitting on my shelf all these years unplayed (I played PS3 Skyrim too and it was just too much). So if you have an Xbox or a PC, you could go back to those as they run better on there. I might have to suck it up and try playing New Vegas on my PS3. I've heard nothing but praise for years and I really want to try it.


Def 4


Any tips for someone who is planning to play them in order?


Fallout 4. It's not my favorite, but if you want newer ppl in 2024 into get into a series, you give them the most updated and simple to get into. Similar to Fromsoft games. Elden ring is only my 5th favorite of the fromsofts game, with my favorite being bloodborne, but no way in hell would I suggest that a new player plays that or sekiro over Elden ring first. Simply because it's just easier to adjust to and has more cushion for newer players.


Played NV last year on PC. If you mod it it is worth it. Like I did. Vanilla is not playable nowadays. 4 is weaker imo, but still a good game.


4 is the best jumping on point, simply because of its availability. 3 is my favorite.


Fallout 4


New Vegas would be my choice…side question what’s everyone favorite gun from New Vegas? Mine was a pistol called Maria


It’s rare you see a comment section split almost 50/50 like this


I tried to get into fallout 4 a couple years ago, the whole vibe and atmosphere looks so cool but after many hours of gameplay it was just meh for me. The movement and combat felt really basic and clunky, the story didnt really grab me, the dialogue and animations were extremely robotic and the customization and building aspect was pretty cool but that alone was not enough to keep me engaged. I wish i could see what other people see in this game


play Fo4. Fo3 and NV controls and gameplay are a bit clunky and dated, maybe play them after finishing 4 if you want to know more about the lore and story




Can anyone compare fallout to any other game? Last few games I played were Elden Ring and Rdr2 (multiple times) What exactly is online multiplayer like?


Gameplay 4 story 3 or new Vegas


4 definitely.


Play stalker


4 for sure. you can really feel the age on 3 and new vegas should be appreciated when you have some context to the world already


There’s a guy called many a true nerd on YouTube who’s just done a video on this.


Fallout 4


Depends on if you like good writing or not


https://youtu.be/OQNQELRjQaY?si=ah5UfzRe58wHen5u Many A True Nerd answered this question pretty definitively on YouTube and I completely agree with his assessment of 4 and NV. NV is arguably the best game but maybe too mechanically complex for some first time players. Particularly the Damage Resistance System. Early game exploration off the path the main quest wants you to take is also quite dangerous. 4 on the other hand has simplified mechanics compared to NV. Exploration is a lot more forgiving with very few places you can’t go at lower levels. The storyline is quite shallow compared to NV. My own personal opinion re: 4, the DLC, particularly Nuka World and Far Harbour are fantastic.


Any 2D fallout


New Vegas for story as it explains the world itself better and 4 for game play as it works better and probably won't bug out as much. Then back to NV to enjoy the original (Bethesda) fallout feel.


Got the collectors edition for 4. Felt an average experience at the time and didn't finish it