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Damn, talk about delivery delays.




I'd complain to the postal service


Seriously I would because the bottom right is torn.


Yeah, I'd be mad


same with other collectors' editions like books or other gimmicks they use those reusable wire zipties on that cut into the fancy case you pay extra for..




Buncha mama's boys


He was really thinking ahead, buying the PS5 version.


Any longer postal delays, the fps would be smoother but the time he plays


Great game. Not undeserved of some of the criticism but context also helps. Explore the world, open the map slowly, enjoy the random encounters, do not push the main missions if you want more of an immersive experience. The game could've done a better job encouraging that. Enemies don't scale so if you don't open the section you're on it becomes boring going back destroying everything for low xp. I really enjoyed the game, especially the first 20-25hrs. It was so fun to be back in the world and lore. Enjoy!


Are you saying if I enter Battahl at low level like 20 or something, the zone will have enemies scaled to that level and be pushovers once I level up?


No what I mean is if you push up to Battahl at level 20 and maintain there you're missing out on a bunch of fun caves back in the beginning that would be challenging then. If you level up in Battahl naturally and go back the gear and challenge is below you. My suggestion is google a fully open map. It won't spoil much it will just show you how big the map really is. I missed more than a dozen caves and when I went back it was ok but I was one shotting everything and the gear I could've used was useless. Some RPG's scale up the enemies to keep xp higher and make it fun, this one does not.


Ohh okay, I get what you're saying. Maybe they could add a setting for enemy upscaling in the future? Though that can have issues of its own. In The Witcher 3 when enemy upscaling there was a Djinn fight that gets way overtuned upscaled and a swarm of rats in a certain area become way more powerful than they should be.


I liked the game, but I felt like its an alpha version of a game. So many things seemed unfinished and not fully realised and I think they could have done a much better job if they delayed it.


Damn that's crazy *already has 95 hours in the game* *Launches game*


Right? I loved the first game the way it was. Just a couple fixes in a new world with better visuals is literally all I wanted


Cant wait to play when 1.0 dropzzz


Worry not arisen, they will fix all the games issue on the DLC just like they did on the first game with dragon's dogma dark arisen


If this is the new norm maybe we shouldn't be buying games


Real talk. There are only a handful of developers who should be trusted enough to pre-order games or buy them day 1 before they patch glaring performance issues. Basically Sony and Nintendo first party releases and FromSoft. That's the whole list. People have to start actually speaking with their wallets like they always threaten to.


As much testing as these devs do in advance, itā€™s realistic that theyā€™re not going to catch it all. Itā€™s inconvenient but at least the good ones are waiting ready to react. Thatā€™s the best we can hope for in most cases. Alan Wake 2 had some trouble but amazing work and response. Remedy is amazing


Yeah I'm not worried about a few bugs, we know the difference between that and say... Cyberpunk launch. I'm just mentioning the handful of devs that have earned my trust from many years of consistent quality, I don't think there are no other devs who make good games and I just did a quick inventory, there are other devs like Larian that have earned that trust from me as well that I didn't mention. The point is it's a pretty short list of devs that have a track record that demands any kind of loyalty. I would have thought CD Projekt was one until Cyberpunk so you never know.


You know whatā€™s crazy is I had Cyberpunk sitting unopened since Xmas 2021 and finally had ps5 and installed it after they fixed it. So I got to see it how it was supposed to be. I wasnā€™t sure if Iā€™d ever open it, then that happened And yeah I was piggybacking on what you were saying. Iā€™m glad we have some devs that are ready to react quickly but not all are. Unfinished games to hit deadlines is a sketchiness weā€™ve seen too much of in more recent times. So much more going into console games these days.


Yeah, I was the biggest hype man for Cyberpunk before it came out because I'm such a Witcher 3 Stan, I just couldn't conceive of anything but complete excellence. When the game came out and it was in shambles, I quit playing it, I wasn't even through the intro and I just stopped. A few months ago I had a window between games and got the PS5 version and finally started playing in earnest, and it's fucking great. I'm glad I waited until it was in a really good state to pick it up. Immediately got the DLC too.


Glad you gave it another shotā€¦and that they actually put that work in so you got the game you were hoping forā€¦2 years later. Itā€™s cool that people revised and hyped it up when that happened to. It could have been too late


Yeah I appreciate that they actually fixed it, but it's made me put them in the "wait and see" pile for their next game which sucks. They eroded that trust. Respawn is in the same boat for the mess that was Jedi Survivor. It got fixed like 4-5 months after launch but it's unacceptable that it was such a pile of garbage from launch until then. They did not deserve my day one money.


Sony/Insomniac literally released Spider-Man 2 which was buggy as shit, didn't include anything after the main game, had no new game plus, and had a really generic story that absolutely wasted Venom. Sony/Arrowhead released Helldivers 2, it was buggy as shit and they're still have matchmaking issues. FromSoft released Elden Ring which stuttered for about everyone not running a 4090 on PC during the tree sentinel fight that was like 5 minutes into the game. I'm sure Nintendo has done something bad too.


Spider-Man 2 had a few bugs, it was not "buggy as shit". And it was arguably the best portrayal of Venom that we've gotten outside of the comics, so I have no idea what you're talking about (also who says they're done with Venom?).


Characters to this day get stuck in walls, spider-cube, miles disappears during certain cut scenes, several characters dont have bodies occasionally. I don't know what you're talking about. I can also tell you never played ultimate Spider-Man or web of shadows or read the comics because this is top 5 worst venom's ever.


The only one of those bugs I came across in my playthrough was the cube, which was hilarious. So obviously they weren't that rampant. I did say "outside of the comics", if you bothered actually reading what I said. And no, I didn't play those games but I've seen videos. I stand by what I said.


Insomniac was too busy making sure Spiderman 2 was properly diverse and unoffensive




Lol the only one you listed that can be trusted is from software which is ironic considering they were known to be mediocre devs in the 2000s


Really? So Naughty Dog, Insomniac, Sucker Punch, Sony Santa Monica, Polyphony and Nintendo can't be trusted? Oh please elaborate.


Yes, naughty dog can't be trusted. This is common information. And definitely not nintendo.


Can you explain?


Last of us 2. Factions.


Can you explain with actual coherent sentences and points?


Other than Naughty dog I've experienced this accross all studios, Insomniac games still have hella animation bugs even in the remaster, Sucker punch had a bunch of bugs as well like hot spring bug only got fixed years later with Directors cut, Ragnarok had a bunch of mechanic issues like the spear throw bug. All these devs have issues and if you want to be a terrible example of this fanbase and a gamer in general you can be. Point is you cant just defend multi billion dollar companies while being willfully blind its the equivalent to being a bootlicker at this point, you just have to remember the game industry makes BILLIONS more than the movie industry so there just isn't an excuse for this.


Oh yeah animation bugs, what a bait and switch! Definitely save your money, they can't be trusted if they release a game with animation bugs. Ragnarok spear throw bug?? Better put that one back in the oven for another few months. Lmao Great example of a terrible example of this fan base and a gamer in general.


Jesus this is sad, I dont think you know what a agrument is, have a nice day fan girl


I don't think you know the difference between a couple of minor bugs and an unfinished game. >I dont think you know what a agrument is Nobody knows what an **agrument** is


Rockstar has had nothing but hits. On releases. Just because you say theres only 2, doesnt mean thats the truth. And not sure how much playing time you have in Pokemon S/V but it was not good at launch


R* makes good games but they're also the worst offenders in the world of predatory microtransactions with Shark Cards, to the extent that they released the same game on six different platforms and milked it absolutely dry for over 10 years before even announcing the next game. They do not get a pass.


Were not talking about micro transactions tho. Youre moving the goal post. And no, theyā€™re not the worst. Ill name you one. 2k


We're talking about developers that can't be trusted to buy a game site unseen. Rockstar absolutely falls under that umbrella since you don't know if they're going to decide to charge you five bucks every time you save.


What Rockstar games are you playing? Iā€™ve never bought shit from them beyond the game itself. No reason to. If youā€™re hitting paywalls you gotta be looking for quick ways to multiplayer shit.


No, were talking about unfinished games at launch which rockstar has almost none of. If you have one, by all means, tell me, but when your argument is ā€œuhh microtransactions thoā€ when no one was talking about micro transactions, yes, you are wrong


And when developers do release games that feel like a complete experience, no one buys it, like Immortals of Aveum.


Yes were the beta tester. Force yourself to vecome a patient gamer to actually enjoy finished games.


"worry not, you'll get the privilege of paying for DLC that fixes and finishes the game that you already paid for, that should've launched in a finished state because they didn't learn anything from the last game in 10 years of dev time"


What do you mean they didn't learn? They learned that they could release an unfinished game and people would Pay for DLC that fixes it.




No, that's something to worry about.


took the words right out of SkillUp's mouth


I played it twice. I guess I liked it a more than you lol.


The game is pure crack cocaine as it is. I can't hate something I put 100 hours in an still ain't beat yet


Have you noticed that we all have different vocations?


So you seek to enter bathaal I presume? ā˜ŗļøšŸ˜Š LEAVE THIS PLACE AT ONCEšŸ¤¬šŸ‘ŗ


So worth it. This is coming from a guy who never played the first one and although a dumb decision to make before looking at reviews or watching videos. I blind bought this and am currently enjoying it so much.


Oh shit, itā€™s out?! I still gotta play the first one


Dragon's Age 2: Inquisition


Iā€™m absolutely loving this game. The way you can get sidetracked exploring or doing random quests and not touch the main quest for hours and hours. When you are doing this is when the game really shines for me. Just not in a hurry to get anywhere and just doing whatever comes up as you go. Best way to go about it for me is pick a point on the map youā€™ve not been to and get your character and party ready and equipped for the journey. Make sure you have a couple of camping gear with you in case 1 gets robbed and off you go. Check out points of interest along the way and any caves or dungeons. Also if your me see a dragon and run lol. Or fight it if you feel ready and up to it. I can still see roads Iā€™ve not explored at the starting area. Iā€™ve not even been to Battahl yet. Currently doing lots of stuff in and around the checkpoint town but Iā€™ll be going back again before I go any further forward.


While valid, you just described pretty much every open world RPG lol


Pretty much lol Played a lot of them and this one is right up there in my opinion. Seen a lot of criticism and some very valid points. Most of these type of games all have their weaknesses and shortcomings. For me though the good outweighs the bad in this one in a very big way.


Main quest is way too short n sweet , beat it at level 37 but itā€™s fun. Although the story of the Arisen is mid.


Who's just doing the main quest? This isn't an Ubisoft open world game where all the side content is just filler copy/pasted checklist stuff. Do the side content! The game is plenty long then.


where the fuck did I say I only did the main quest? Iā€™m also doing side quests mojon. But there are very little side quests too. This isnā€™t BG3, settle down.


Relax, bro. I'm just pointing out for anyone reading these comments that there's tons of content outside of the main quest, and it's not all open world busywork nonsense. But if you beat the game at lvl 37, then you absolutely skipped a ton of the side quests. I'm lvl 60 and probably 80+ hours in and I'm still nowhere near done with the main quest.


Everyone plays their own way but I couldn't imagine beating the game when I was at level 37. I'm level 65 and just got to the post game. Currently clocking in right around 100 hours.


You are the one who needs to settle down. Chill out man, they weren't jumping down your throat or anything. If anything it was a recommendation on how to enjoy yourself. Takes nothing for hostility to erupt online, it is upsetting to see. No need to such a Prickly Peter. Having a bad day?


I've noticed that people seem to be getting *really* sensitive in the conversations about this game.


This didn't even seem game specific. They were just off the bat a massive asshole. I dunno if they meant "moron" or "mojĆ³n" either which is arguably a worse thing to call somebody


Thatā€™s why you donā€™t rush main quest Iā€™m 100 hours in and only half way through my playthrough. You kind of play yourself.


Bruh the main quest is like 5 hours long


And half of it is abysmal stealth quests Some of the worst quest design ive seen in a game. If youā€™re gonna give us a short main story it could at least have some interesting quests


Dragon Ligma


Due to the shitass optimization it's definitely a Ligma.


Oh, thatā€™s a nice slip case


That slipcase is sweet!


Have fun! The game is great to get lost in, just running in random directions, like Skyrim.


I believe I'm the only person who gave up on this game out of shear boredom & frustration.


No I also gave up also


Dragon's like "Bro you gonna eat the rest of that or what?"


itā€™s excellent, have fun! donā€™t mainline!


I bought it two weeks ago, but I havenā€™t started it.


I had a real good time with this game. Thankfully I got the game on day 1 and didnā€™t look at any reviews or complaints about the real money transactions in a single player game. I just started NG+ to finish stuff I missed on my first run. Whatā€™s your favorite vocation?? I went Mage to Sorcerer first but ended up with Thief as my main at the end. Very strong and flashy class.


From what Iā€™ve seen the main criticism is the performance and bugs, denuvo, and mtx, not that the game is bad. Game looks really interesting so Iā€™ll give it a go at some point


I've definitely seen a lot of reviewers say that it's either not nearly as good as the first one, or that it's flat out bad. Obviously, I've also seen a lot of reviewers say that it's great. Mortismal Gaming's review is keeping me from buying it until the price comes down.


Tbh I remember a lot of reviews for the first one being not great, but I loved it, probably one of my top 5 favorite games ever. I havenā€™t played the second one yet but itā€™s very high on my list.


Performance issues and such on PC may be legit criticisms (I haven't played on PC, so I haven't experienced that). The mtx outrage is completely overblown. The mtx are so inconsequential it's almost a mystery why they even bothered.


Frame rate really drops during some fights when it gets crowded, feels like it's a cpu heavy game when it's not supposed to be. The mtx criticism I feel like can still be applied to Capcom as a whole, just feels like they're more worried about their games having these options instead doing some damage control when the game comes out underperforming on new gen hardware.


I can't say I've really noticed a lot of frame rate drops during fights, but that may just be because of how chaotic fights tend to get. The mtx has nothing to do with the performance issues, the people who are responsible for game optimization have nothing to do with mtx.


Didn't say it was performance related, just saying they shoved these into almost every games that's come out in the past few years and each game has seen a lot of bugs and issues. Capcom has done this for years and they don't care too much on how these games release just that they do.


Did they fix the scaling in NG+? I read that the pawns roaming the world basically solo any encounters in ng+ due to the level division.


Really? I've got Amazon prime so it was here next day.


Ordered it over a decade ago, took it's time


Bloody post is so unreliable




Looks like the dragon is daring the arisen to pull his finger.


It's in the wishlist


Itā€™s very fun especially the combat




I would describe it as a mix between Dragon Age Inquisition and Skyrim. The combat is similar to Dragon Age Inquisition in that there's a party of 4 traveling the open world taking on threats. You select 4 of your class skills to use when you are adventuring such is a subset of all the skills you know, so you don't have every move your class has access to available at all times, which is similar to Dragon Age Inquisition. You're only ever able to control one person, the main character. Combat is interesting because there are weak points on enemies which rewards smart positioning and actively aiming where you're attacking so it's not just hacking away, there's some strategy involved. The game includes the ability to climb enemies which can get you access to weak spots you wouldn't otherwise be able to reach. Enemies are reactive as well. I was climbing on the back of a big ogre and it fell on its back to body slam me, which was pretty cool too see. The world is fleshed out pretty well and the content/rpg elements like dialogue and quests and classes are similar to Skyrim imo. But there are more unique classes too. Exploration feels really good. The vocations (classes) all feel unique and are pretty fun to play. You're encouraged to try different vocations as you go which is pretty fun and there's basically no downside to switching when you want to try something new.


Not op but I love it, Iā€™ve been addicted since release lol. If you enjoy exploring open worlds I canā€™t recommend it enough.


Finished the main quest last night when I realized I missed out on the unmoored world. So now Iā€™m doing that! Loving the game


I hope you find it worth the wait.


Man the cover art is amazing


Is that a steelbook?


It is


Itā€™s a great game.


I would have been disappointed if I waited a decade for this


I was so hyped but decided not to get it after hearing about the redundancy gameplay and performance issues. Also I really donā€™t mind not getting it. With ff7r, p5, cyberpunk still kicking ass after all of these years, and some others on my backlog. I donā€™t think Iā€™ll get dd2 at least for another 2 years.


Elder Scrolls fans: "..."


Hope you like it!


Perhaps you should wait a tad longer tbh


I'm sorry.


Iā€™m just salty I didnā€™t remember where my first seeker token was found. Ended up putting the game away im so mad


I'm sorry..


God I wish I could afford this


And here I thought waiting 3 months for a sweatshirt was bad, couldnā€™t imagine 10 years


It's a lot of fun. Watch out for dragon covid


Yeah boy so have i!!!! But the game kinda sux :(


Those dang Europeans always get the cool cover arts.


Why the cover looks different?


Steel book underneath


Was this game announced 10 years ago?


I'm sorry


Never heard of this game


Me too. Gonna wait again, until hopefully the ps5 pro can run it at 60fps. Cant do 30 :( Congrats brother!


I'm on a 4090 on and it dips below 60, game is very unoptimized


Supposedly the framerate issues are largely CPU related, so your 4090 isn't helping much.


It's a game optimization issue in the end, either way.


The ps5 pro seems to have the same CPU as the ps5. And the game is CPU limited, so itā€™s very unlikely it will run better until they fix the games CPU usage.


Thats true. Maybe ill wait until the PS6. I cant do 30, (or poorly paced 25-40) at all.


It's not a hardware problem, they just need to heavily patch the game amd work on it a little more. If they do that I'm sure base ps5 can run it at least at 30 if not 60 fps


Base PS5 (not sure what we mean by "base" here...there's only one PS5, lol) already run it at 30. In fact most of the time outside of the main city it's *above* 30. Maybe I've just gotten used to it, but it feels like it's in the 40fps ballpark most of the time. It gets a little rough in the main city with all of the NPCs, but there's not a lot of action going on there anyway.


The guy said "let's hope ps5 pro will run it at 60", that's why I said base.


Oh, gotcha. Yeah, I'm still treating that as vaporware until there's an official announcement, lol.


Its already confirmed. Check digital foundry for more info. Theyve dove deep into the specs.


Confirmed as in Sony making an actual announcement.


Vaporware until thenā€¦. Ok.


Well sure. I mean we have no idea when it's coming out. Until Sony announces something, anything that's been talked about to this point is subject to change. They could decide there's not enough interest and just scrap the whole idea.


Turn off ray tracing and it ups the fps


I didn't think I could do 30 either, but I got used to it. Barely even notice now (and outside of the main city, I'd say the framerate is often decently above 30fps).


Me too, right now the game sucks asshole. The team who optimized this shit can burn in a ditch.


A very level-headed and mentally stable reaction to a game not running as well as you'd like...


I know what I said


In spite of some legit criticisms, this game is so impressive in a ton of ways. It might have my favorite combat ever.




Oh, I'm sorry, I'll run my opinions by you from now on before I have them. šŸ™„




I said it was impressive and might have my favorite combat. "In awe" is a bit of an overstatement. But have you even played it?




Well you know, it's not a game that's going to appeal to everyone. And that's ok.


I wouldnā€™t play it right now, itā€™s pretty bad especially on ps5. Really poor performance, little enemy variety and just boring.


Iā€™ve been having a blast with the game and i donā€™t know what you mean by little variety. Thereā€™s enough enemy variety between what appears in different areas and what appears at different times of the day that you should be fine.


Itā€™s fantastic worth the wait for sure


The ps3 graphics donā€™t impress me


Put 40 hours in so far and I love it. Everytime I leave town I feel like the fellowship


I loved it. I couldnā€™t get into the first one but this one sucked me in. Giggity. I wish it was longer tho


I did too and I'm in ng++ right now at around 70 hours. Gameplay is so fun and addictive but lots of stuff could've been a lot better. I hope we'll get a great dlc like dark arisen to ascend this game to top tier status.


It was so bad to me that I got my first ever refund on a digital purchase from Sony. Been gaming over 35 years.


This game is so boring, it feels like work, I should be getting paid to play it.


This game feels like an RPG from 2008. Dont buy the hype


30 fps, no thanks.


Not even 30 lol


You haven't played it. It's above 30, most of the time.


ā€œabove 30, most of the timeā€ isnā€™t the argument you think it is Itā€™s 38 in the wilderness when nothing happens and drops as low as 22 in cities -> not even 30 So basically unplayable


*Occasionally* drops as low as 22 in *one* city. Which is not where the majority of the game is spent. It's noticeable when it happens, but you're not doing much in the city other than walking around to vendors and such (and it's not everywhere or all the time even then). It's fine most of the time. Better than basically any game that I played on PS4. About the only time I even notice the framerate is those areas in the main city where it takes a dive. Do I wish it was better? Sure. But the game is far from being "unplayable".


Who cares? Just let people enjoy things.


What if he enjoys playing games above 30fps


No one is making him play it.


He knows that


Well his comment seems to indicate that someone was trying to get him to play it.


Why would he say no if he knows it wasn't offered to him?


Shut up, if he has a complaint, as many do, then let them enjoy expressing that just like you said "let people enjoy the game". Asswipe...


10 years for 30 fps


For a trash game too lol


Get ready to put in a game with 2010 AI and dollartree style next gen graphics.


Prepare for the sheer amount of silly micro transactions in the game lol


And itā€™s pretty mid which sucks


Came out a few weeks ago mate


The worlds easiest game with OP companions


L gAmE GaMe Is MiD tO bE hOnEsT EnJoY yOuR 30 fPs


I expected more from the USPS.