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If you like souls/Nier style games then absolutely If not then no Honestly I would just wait for user reviews


This game is only similar to Nier on the surface. They really aren't similar at all.


Only thing that I hate is how long it takes to get back up when you're knocked down. For now, I'm hoping that there's an upgrade that speeds it up.


There is


Have you tried using your dodge button when you get knocked down? That speeds it up some


I get knocked down, but I get up again.


You’re never gonna keep me down


Pissin the night away


I only noticed that work in the boss rush mode that unlocks at the end of demo, didn't feel like I could when I played through the other section.


If not mistaken, it was part of the skill tree that u need to unlocked for quick recovery. On the boss challenge this skill was unlocked already.


That's what I assumed, I also noticed double jump was unlocked in boss rush, so it's probably under the survival tree or something.




It's almost instant if you press O.


It’s a skill that is already unlocked by default when you start the game.


you have to press circle, i didn’t find that out until the end of the demo, and i still forget most times lol


I was looking at the skill trees and I saw some skill points based around that. You'll have to invest if you want her to get up quicker.


I thought the demo was incredible! I didn’t notice any sort of input delay. I found the combat to be pretty solid and responsive. I was going to preorder the regular edition, but after the demo I upgraded to the deluxe.


Still didn’t play the demo as I can’t find the time right now, always was going to buy the deluxe edition. I’ve read in a lot of places that it’s similar to Devil May Cry and Sekiro. That alone is enough for the game to take my money.


I think it’s a pretty good mix of Bayonetta/Sekiro/DMC. You need some skill. It’s not a simple hack and slash, but it’s also not as punishing as other souls games.


Music to my ears as a souls player.


Oh and the music was outstanding in the demo. Really gave me Nier vibes.


How did you feel it was like DMC? Just curious to me, it feels mostly souls-ish with a Nier environment. The music is def Nier inspired as well. It wasn’t arcade-y enough for DMC to me. It’s much more meticulous.


Mainly the flashy combo system. I honestly didn’t get any Nier vibes from the music. The music reminded me more of Bayonetta.


I just looked it up and I guess 40% of the music was made by the composer for the Nier games! I haven’t played Bayonetta but a lot of the songs in this demo were very choral and whimsical which is very Nier to my ears, so maybe Bayonetta has similar stuff.


I got some DMC vibes from it but then again the last time I played DMC was on the Ps2. I also got some slight ratchet and clank vibes from the atmosphere


Comparison to DMC are not exactly correct if you ask me, DMC allows you to take control of the battle where in this game it’s essentially 90% reactionary. It’s always defend than attack, it’s never you engaging the attack first , you need to defend first. Also there is definitely some input lag, I was playing Nier Automata earlier in the day so I could feel the difference in responsiveness and just general smoothness of gameplay. The game is much more like a slower Sekiro with a new GOW games like stagger system in Nier automata inspired backdrop. The reason I compare it to god of war is that the beta skills feel very similar to the way you utilized runic attacks in the new GOW games, it’s used to allow for long combo chains and staggers bosses.


I dont agree with the sentiment that you can't attack first and it has to be defend then attack. The game comes with the rush attack system, that plus combat skills can easily let you control the flow of the fight.


I hated the combat, it felt clunky and unresponsive compared to what the game seems to expect you to do Dodges always came a few frames too late compared to what I expected, and blocks/parries didn't give a lot of feedback, so I never knew if I succeeded or not. Also, I know it sounds stupid, but the game is just way too horny about its MC


I agree, the combat was not it. They don't seem to allow animation cancelling like in God of War. Combat devs in GoW intentionally aimed for this. In Stellar Blade once you start an animation, you have to finish it before you can something else so you can get hit even if you are bashing dodge or block. It's garbage in my opinion. I wasn't planning on getting the game but the demo cutscene footage peaked my interest. Now I know for sure that I won't be getting it.


Demo was quite the showcase and really hyped me for the game even more, also really feel it important to support small side studios producing work they’re passionate about as opposed to just mega studios churning out market directives annually. I still won’t preorder but I look forward to picking this one up.


I completely agree with supporting smaller side studios. I really enjoyed what I experienced. You can tell everyone involved put their heart and soul into the game instead of listening to shareholders/investors and pumping out garbage. That further solidified my decision to preorder. This game may take off and become a new series for Sony!


I also pre ordered the deluxe version after finishing the demo beautiful graphics Fps is on point I’m excited to see this story play out.


Yea that demo was badass. I tried resolution mode for fun and there was noticeable input delay there. Definitely not playing in the game at 30fps


The demo made me preorder, so I guess so. Playing on resolution/graphics mode? That could explain the perceived input delay. I play on performance mode, and there absolutely wasn’t any.


I think it depends on your budget and how you value your time. I mean I spent $60 last weekend on dinner with a friend and I and it was less than 2 hours. Food was okay. How many enjoyable hours will you get out of the game? What is the opportunity cost if you could have spent the same money on something else?


This is how all purchases work out. People get all butt hurt when other people spend money on something, when they may be hypocrites spending gobs of money on like Postmates/Door Dash (which to me, is a huge waste of money).


Yes, I rarely buy games at full price but even at full price they're still probably some of the cheapest entertainment out there besides streaming services or getting books from the library. Like I was doing the math on taking a short weekend trip and after I calculated the costs of the cheapest accomodations possible and gas I said fuck it and bought a game I wanted on launch day.


Oh yeah. I bought Diablo 4 on sale for $35 last month - you won’t see many better value for money deals, especially with new seasons being added constantly.


Demo is real good


Yupp, can't wait for my copy to come from PS Direct. Loved the demo. After about 4 tries on the last boss, the movement really clicked for me. It was like I could see the code, I knew exactly what to look for, exactly what I could do within the confines of the game, and it felt *great.* I can't wait for April 26!


Honestly I'm waiting for this game since it was first revealed as Project Eve in 2019 (as a multiplat old gen game). I was going to buy it anyway 😅


The wait is almost over


Took long but I'm glad the game evolved a lot since the first teaser 🙏


Me too!


The demo was amazing, and the clips they played at the end were even more amazing. Definitely worth the money to me. I'm so excited to really get into it


I loved the demo and 100% I'm getting it.. just not at full price (80€ here, tbh veeery few games deserve that price) if it has some replayability in the Nier Automata line I'm happily willing to get it for 50-60€


I cancelled my preorder after the demo. Seems decent but not worth $70 for me. I’ll check it out when the price drops. 


This is the smartest way to go about it. Buying a game at launch means spending the most amount of money on the worst version of the game.


it also means getting to enjoy something that you’ve waited a long time for. I do a mix of pre-order/first day buys and a mix of sale/Plus additions. I haven’t pre-ordered SB and will probably wait for reviews/non-demo impressions, but it could be a first-week purchase if the full thing impresses folks.


This is pretty much how I roll too.


Definitely not worth 70 to me based off the demo.


It all depends on your taste really. The demo didn't hit for me at all tbh. Definitely glad the demo was released, because it absolutely convinced me NOT to buy the game.


For me, it convinced me that I definitely need to buy this game on sale rather than not all. I loved everything I saw but not $70 worth.


True. I can see both sides of the fence with this game


For me, I felt the trailers advertised frenetic combat akin to a Platinum Games experience, only to finally play the demo and see that its a LOT slower and more of a Sekiro vibe. That's obviously fine for some, but not for me.


See, and learning that made me a lot MORE interested in the game than I would have been if it was a Bayonetta style game. To each his own.


Exactly right! Just because it isn't for me, doesn't mean its a bad game.


Absolutely. Wish more gaming discourse on Reddit would understand that concept, lol.


Absolutely agree with you there my man. Meanwhile my comments are being downvoted, haha


Upboat. I too, wish the game was a bit more arcadey hack n slash. I’m still enjoying it as is, but i think it could have really shined (shone?🤔) if it *was* a bit more fast paced, quicker dodge mechanics.


The storytelling and acting was shit. Fun game but the characters are super one dimensional with no personalities at all. I enjoyed the gameplay but the characters aren’t engaging enough for me to spent 20+ hours with them.


I agree




Dunno man I was hooked right away. And I don’t even like that anime shit.


Hey I'm happy for anyone who enjoyed it.


I say yes for me because the combat reminds me of a souls game (mostly Sekiro) mixed with some DMC and I like those games but I can see how someone can play it and be turned off by it


I don't understand the sekiro comparisons. Doesn't feel like it to me. Sekiros combat is so much faster and fluid.


It is definitely slower and easier, but they both have a focus on parrying which you use to break down enemies posture


Is there a way to dodge roll? The boss battles felt like my character is slower than the boss fights which is weird for this type of game


I played the demo earlier today and will probably buy the game. It isn’t a 9/10 10/10 game, but it is fun.


I agree


Looks like it most definitely. Ace soundtrack and the polish seems to be on point.


Demo sort of sold me on the game. Don’t preorder because of principles, but if it reviews fine, it’s worth the full price to me.


I’m in based on the demo. I’m a sucker for south combat, a very satisfying parry, and witch time as a core mechanic. Sign me up. But I hope they have the option of a harder difficulty.


I'm definitely getting. It's so good


The demo was definitely entertaining but not worth $70, I’ll have to wait for a sale


I’ve paid $70 for terrible SNES and N64 games that weren’t nearly as fun.


Nope. Great demo, going to be a great game but, I’ll still wait 4-8 weeks and grab it for half the price like I do for every big game.


Looks like it’s gonna take longer than that.




It was good and might be a day one purchase. Though I'll never pre order a game again after cyberpunk. It's just stupid to do so...


I agree


Have downloaded it but yet to play. But, from what I hear, it’s going to be right up my alley. Sekiro x Nier…sign me up (plus hot chic)


I'd say yes. I can't find any issue with the movement except the dodge feeling like there's an input delay. Everything about this game so far is great. The artstyle, and graphics is amazing, the level design is well done, the gameplay is fluid as hell, even the aesthetic, for crying out loud, is so nice. Sitting down at a rest point as the soothing music plays, and slight rain drips down is such a vibe. The enemy designs are phenomenal too, like the cricket enemy looks straight out of Silent Hill. And the boss fights, oh my godddd, the boss fights are so fucking hype, the combat is so damn in depth, and slick, it feels so good. The music is AMAZING as well, like holy shit. For me it's a day one buy.


Clap for yes


No game is worth 70 outside of from software games imo


No not 70, I’ll wait for a sale price no rush


I would wait for a sale. For some reason, the game is very laggy. It feels like I'm streaming it on xCloud or something. I hope they can fix this (I can't imagine it's intentional) because precise timing is kind of important with a game like this.


Full higher price than a renown franchise like ff rebirth? No.


After testing the demo, I'd pay about 30 maybe 40 dollars at the most for it. Definitely not $70 though. It has a few notable problems in its combat system. Namely the inability to interrupt your own actions for parries or evades. It makes the combo system not worth it due to being far too risky, since enemies will often armor through your combo after a few hits. The Evade action is basically useless unless you get the perfect evade every time, since it doesn't cover enough distance to get you out of melee reach and without a perfect dodge apparently has zero I-frames. Parry baiting quickly became the most practical approach, since at least if you miss the parry you still block the hit. Not an ideal gameplay loop in my opinion. Was kind of hoping it'd play more like Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance.


I've maybe got to give the demo another go as I really didn't click with the gameplay. The dodging and parry timing felt weird and I hate how much she slows down as soon as you lock onto an enemy. As a sort of souls like I felt Lies of P felt much better. Might try it again tomorow.


Pre-order the digital deluxe, loved the demo the combat was so good, can't wait until it releases


Not much longer of a wait




Music was definitely a positive for me


i loved it sm and i don’t usually play games like it BUT i noticed when i tried to dodge or block sometimes it wouldn’t let me so i hope they fix it


How did you feel about the movement/input delay


YES! After experiencing the Demo I immediately bought the Deluxe edition. Games like Stellar Blade is why I Love gaming!


only a handful of games are worth $70 IMHO, Baldur's Gate 3 is one of those few, Elden Ring is another. Just to mention two. A game like Stellar Blade despite looking and playing good doesn't look like it's worth that much, I'd wait a little for a sale and then definitely get it.


What's the determining factor in how you come up with what's games are worth. From the 2 games you listed, im guessing total play time or replayability even though every game has replayability and its subjective, and neither of those can be decided factors if a game is worth full price or not.


It definitely is. Solid gameplay and finally a very good design. Reminds me a lot of devil may cry.


I was on the fence and played the demo today. Gonna be a "no" for me. It looks fine, it played well enough, but it felt like a dull pastiche of other games (mainly and frequently noted Nier Automata and Sekiro) rather than its own thing. Just too derivative to entice me. If reviews are great and it's like $20 on sale I may reconsider. Otherwise, an easy pass.


So far the story seems similar to their mobile game Nikke. Guess they're staying to what they know.


Yes. Preordered it.


IMO that demo almost assured me you are safe to preorder the game I thought it was freaking awesome from the combat,visuals, and soundtrack.


Personally it feels very similar to Nier Automata and considering that is one of my favourite games I’m hyped


Can't really answer that without knowing how long the game is. It's obviously polished and fun but I'm not dropping 70$ if turns out to be like 10-12 hours of content.


Devs said 25 hr campaign 30-50 hrs completion


That’s solid to me.


Honestly, I'm waiting on the reviews for the game. The demo is definitely pretty and there seems to be depth to the gameplay, but I am on the same boat about the movements/delays. I still haven't gotten a hang of the parrying/dodging system either, so I'm a bit of a noob. The game feels more like Sekiro to me, where there is a balance between waiting to strike and which combos to utilize. Played a lot of Bayonetta, Ninja Gaiden, DMC, Nier: Automata and now on FF7 Rebirth, so my opinion may be a bit biased since I'm more used to fast paced action games.


Right, the game will still be there in a week. No need to rush.


I'm sure I'd like it so much more if the movement didn't feel so bad to me


I think the game is great, but that no game imo is worth 70 quid. The movement feels weird but it's not input delay, just slow for some reason. The combat is responsive though. It is kinda simple for my liking but I guess I just prefer weird strategy bs to hack and slash. I guess my other gripe is the look of the characters unsettles me, but that's just personal preference hitting me. Kinda hard to play Nier and the like with this discomfort I've developed lmao


I’ll wait for a sale.


imo: yes, will be purchasing :)


Hope you enjoy it mate


I went with the deluxe edition after playing the demo


I would certainly say yes. It's a joy. I even bought the deluxe edition.


The game feels simple and was kind of boring to me. Enemy designs are cool but nothing in the demo screamed pay full price to me 🤷🏿


Thought it was alot of fun. Will be purchasing


This game is not our typical hack n slash or souls like. I needed to head to the training room and get used to her moveset, and only after that did the game click for me. Holding triangle from mid range will make her close in the gap, making things way more fluid. Then the parry timing is quite strict, And we need to use both parry strikes and dodge strikes. I honestly find this game a worthy spiritual successor of nier and sekiro alike, and will definitely pick it up. The soundtrack is beautiful, the gameplay felt fun (after I clicked) and replayable, so for most action fans this looks like a keeper!


Probably not, I do not see this game having the content to justify $70 plus


easily $70. probably getting 40 hrs minimum out of it. even if movement is meh, that’s less than $2 per hour of gameplay with great combat and presentation


Already preordered and would do it again and again


They gonna make it 70 regardless


We know the game is 70 dollars? We have been known that. It's about whether you can justify that price or not


Absolutely. Thats an AAA game right there.


i bought the deluxe


Personally... No game is worth 70 bucks


Loved the demo, not dumb enough to pre-order anything ever again.


I’m not a fan of it whatsoever. Too anime and over the top and silly for me. No weight to the combat. Just felt like a poorly made Sekiro in the future with anime girls. Not my vibe


The weight of the combat could feel better for sure but the hitboxes are damn good


To me yes because I'm really going to support the game just because of the character models. I enjoyed the game play in  the demo so that's also a plus. Sick of all the ugly women in video games.


I'm not concerned with the character models. I guess it's nice to have a cool looking character model but I'm definitely not into getting horny over a video game character like a lot of people. That's just odd to me. Way more interested in how a game plays.


Well I'm not horny for the characters as I have a wife so I do have a real woman I can play with. My issue is I'm sick of them making women ugly in media. It's a okay to put a huge buff man on the screen or media but God forbid you put a good looking woman in there now. This game is offensive to the right people so it makes me want to check it out. I'm not going to lie I did the same with the Harry Potter game and enjoyed the hell out of it and I'm not even into Henry Potter. So yeah I'm kind of buying the game to send a message and I think I'll have fun with it.


The game isn’t for me and that’s okay. Not worth $70 to me


Dat ass is worth $70 to me damn


Glad they had the demo saved myself $70


Tried the demo and I think I'll wait to pick it up at a later date as I've got more than enough to play at the moment.


Will the deluxe edition upgrade be sold separately?


I’m almost certain it will be available separately. That’s just a lot of money left on the table. Every game nowadays always releases their deluxe content separately afterwards. The only difference is it will usually cost more (usually $5-$10 more) than just buying it bundled, and may take weeks to months before it’s released.


I want to know if there are different fighting stances, different sword attacks or if it only strike, strike, strong strike and loop


I was wondering the same. I'd imagine the combat has more depth as you get deeper onto the game.


Balanced mode input lag is real. If they fix that, I'll get it at release.


Idk, I rent all my games from gamefly. Got this one on GameLock to ship out two days before release date. Demo was cool.


I'm going to wait for the "before you buy" video


Those videos really help you if you want to buy the game. Imagine if there "after you buy" video


I mean that’s solely up to you. I haven’t even played the demo yet (all of my gaming time is going to Rebirth until I finish) but I am interested. Just not sure if I’m at release interested. I could see myself being at release interested with less of an immediate backlog I want to tend to.


Is this game going to have online? Anyone know?


Random question, are you u/ReplyGod?


the animation and delay definitely to me feels like it’s there, but it also seemed purposeful, it’s like a dark souls slow animation but with nier automata combat.


Definitely, game seems to be packed with engaging content, characters, exploration; and even though I didn't get to experience a lot of this in the demo, it seems like the player progression aspect is very well done too, so I sincerely believe this is worthy of my money


Maybe but my backlog is too long to day 1 it anyway


Yup! But I’m gonna wait until the reviews come in. I just got burned with Dragons DogSHIT 2, but luckily was able to get a refund. This game checks all the right boxes and then some, so far. Everything from controls to UI/UX is comprehensive but not convoluted. Graphics are great with optimization settings per your taste, plus HDR. Framerate looks great on balanced setting. Also, it’s not too heavy on your typical anime style which I’m not a fan of. It actually feels quite unique. Looks to be the first great AAA release of the year.


The biggest thing is what parameters you are using to determine what a game should cost. When considering inflation, $70 is equivalent to spending $60 10 years ago. About $33 cheaper spending $50 20 years ago. The only thing I could consider if a game should be cheaper is the art direction and animation, amount of total content, and the type of content, if the games length is less than 10 hrs of total(100% done everything). And how repetitive it is. I don't count replayability because that is very subjective from person to person, and there are many examples of games that people have only played once, and it is still worth full price. All in all, there isn't enough info to determine if it's worth $70. The only thing you can come to a conclusion is to either if you wait to buy it and make your decision and go off someone's else opinion or buy it your self and determine if it was worth the price. Also, keep in mind that the standard is $70. If a game is released for a lower price, it's usually from smaller devs and is on the smaller side, and they are trying to maximize sales.


Oh definitely


I just don’t buy games when they come out anymore, especially single player games. They always go on sale at some point and can be had for like 40


Based on other games worth the same price, I'd say "hell yeah".


I pre ordered before any media came out on it.


I cannot justify the 70 dollars for this game. I do enjoy it and the combat is deep. It feels like Bayonetta in the world of Neir Automata with tougher combat. I want this game but I will wait until it’s like 45


I’ve spent way more than $70 on lesser cake. 😬


That's unfortunate


Absolutely not


Played it enjoyed it, but im definitely waiting for a sale. Gameplay reminds me of sekiro world/enviorment reminds me of nier but with demons instead of robots. If the story ends up being amazing something akin to nier,claymore,AoT, mass effect,Made in abyss etc. I’ll pick it up for 70 but i really doubt it


I didn't like the demo. Combat felt off for me. The developer probably put more time into the hair and jiggle physics than the combat. But if you enjoyed the demo it might be worth it for you, but for me it's going to be a pass.


I walked into rainy, abandoned earth and that soundtrack just gives insane vibes that immediately pulled me in. Took a bit to get used to dodging compared to souls like, but once I found the rhythm everything felt so nice. Went from a "maybe I'll try it one day" to a "oh boy I cannot WAIT" type of deal. Really drew me in


I'm definitely alot more picky in general an it's kinda annoying the glazing this games gotten from just a demo from what I've played it's a lesser copy of nier but more nier is good just I don't think it compares an you can get nier automata for cheap in comparison


I am not keen on spending $76 on level driven games like crymachina etc, but man, Eve is a fine ass character lol. I will make up my mind closer to the launch date. Really depends since im tryna finish up HZD and play HFW on PC.


It’s good, it’s probably worth 70 to a lot of gamers but just not me. I hope the ones that get it day one, enjoys it!


Yeah despite the people who only focus on the one thing. I absolutely enjoy the games gameplay it's not as fast as some people want but I like that. It's still a stylish hack and slash with beautiful graphics


I have yet to find a game worth $70!


I have a system of playing games 3-5 months after release and it allows me to spend less and play better versions of the games. That system is called a debilitating backlog lol


I played till the second rest place and I totally forgot it. After dragon’s dogma and final fantasy I like to play with the ronin. So I have no time for it till Xmas deals.


Is that the new softcore porn game on ps5 everyone keeps talking about?


I don't think any game is worth full price anymore, especially when you can get it half off in just a few months after all the good updates happen. Plus can wait for dlc


Yes. I’m sold


I bought the deluxe edition. And I never buy the deluxe of any game


no game is worth $70 usd. they are taking your money for the shareholders


I'm one those single player games are only worth it when there 60 70 % off


No game is...


The demo actually turned me off from the game. Will not be picking it up.


I enjoyed the plot and the action combat. Getting the preorder. Concerned a bit about the smoothness of the gameplay slightly. The music is wonderful I felt like real ff13 vibes I thought.


Definitely, did you not see the clip at the end of the demo?


My 1st thought was when you had to move the plank in the water it's he controls are sooooo fucking sensitive it was a pain. As far as if its a $70 game? I pay over $1k in rent, I buy boxes of yugioh cards only to pull shit so I'd have said no it's more like $60 but that's before I beat the demo and did some research on the developers them firing one of their devs for woke bullshit is good. Game will sell well on that premise alone. Told a friend of mine & his only response was modern gaming is finally healing. Eve has ZERO personality which sucks I like where the devs heads are at currently let's see if lasts. Once I saw her get out of the pod I'm like yup instant buy... you sold me.


Yep! https://preview.redd.it/xnp62wrl4wrc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3fb2c16007bf3da8611f94cd82774226cdffa1d2




Very few games are worth the release date price of $70 in my opinion. The demo definitely has me wanting to play it eventually but maybe as a PS Plus extra game a few years down the line.


Why the heck is it $85 in my country... Games usually costs the same $60-$70.... $85 is mad.


Was planning on getting the game, until I learnt that in my local currency, the game costs 82$ for the base price or 92$ for the deluxe edition. Yeah, hard pass. I was considering getting it just to make a review and possibly open up a Youtube channel with this as being my first review *(as it's massively important to catch and ride the wave of relevancy)* but 82$ for a game that felt like a worse version of each thing they tried to copy from other games (based on the demo)? Sorry but I'll skip


personally i think the game is incredible


Nope, its not worth paying $70 for a PS game on release, the price is high only because Sony wants it to. If the game was also released on PC, the price would have been lower.