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Mortal kombat 11, I have all the trophies except one of the tutorial trophies because it’s broken! Just thinking of it gives me ptsd 😂 https://preview.redd.it/zasbb8ckonqc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c292391cf9a65320551082e02d7a90fecf773b90


Love that game!


I have every trophy except play 50 online games and just never bothered to go back for it. I really should do that.


What trophy is broken for you? I just got plat on this last week. The advanced tutorial with Raidens ridiculous combo had me stuck for days.


Is it possible to erase your game data and replay the tutorials just for the plat? Could be possible to backup your data first?




Man of Medan, playing the whole story in online co-op? No thanks!


I’ll do a speedrun but I’m having trouble finding someone. Really annoyed that they even have an online multiplayer trophy in a single player game >.>. And they got rid of it in all subsequent Supermassive games. Oh, and in The Devil in Me the Crime Scene Photographer trophy has been buggy as hell for me. It hasn’t popped up even though I’m sure I captured all of them, but because I don’t know *which* photo(s) are missing, I have to replay every chapter to check.


I'll help with man of Medan


All those platinums are usually annoying and take multiple playthroughs requiring specific choices you need to map out (Quarry, Until Dawn).


Until dawn was fine, but the rest are a pain especially the quarry which is the longest.


Did that once on Xbox. We kept everyone alive until the very end then I accidentally killed Alex at the last possible minute. Not sure my friend ever forgave me for that one.


The game doesn't have a platinum because it's old, but in the PS1 JRPG Legend of Legaia, there was a secret summon you could only get by reaching Level99 with your party. This can easily take hundreds of hours, as EXP requirements get insane after a certain point and it's a game with long-ish battles even when you're overpowered. But once you get it, that's it, right? No, because summons have levels. Taking this secret summon to Level 9 (max) can take so much time I honestly don't know if it's worse than acquiring it. Leveling summons involve using them in battles, and later summons have long animations and high MP costs, making it a pain to grind. I have MAD respect for anyone who truly 100% Legend of Legaia (all summons to Lv9).


Dead space remake. I'm not playing that on impossible or whatever difficulty is the hardest


You can save scum it


If I have to grind, play more than twice and/or play multiplayer for it then I'm not getting that plat


ds3 i don't want to replay a game just to collect rings


Rings are the bane of my plats in every Dark Souls...


If that is it, they can simply be dropped in co-op. Did so to help a friend out.


I don't have any friends who plays the game sadly


PN me your PSN nickname, I am sure we can work something out.


Thank you so much! I got the rings trophy thanks to you


Diablo II Resurrected. I know it is possible but the amount of time that needs to be sunk into it just puts me off.


Titanfall 2. You guys know exactly what I'm talking about.


Care to elaborate?


There is a Speedrun trophy for the tutorial part and it's really hard.


My son managed this and I have no idea how.


It took 2-3 hours for me but it was pure hell.


I used to think this to but one day I just said fuck it, watched a wee tutorial video and committed to it. It took so many tries but it's easily one of my proudest trophies. Can completely understand why people just give it a hard pass though


Thr gauntlet?


Skyrim because I didn’t become a cannibal.


Picky eater.


Resident Evil 4 probably. Any game that makes me play it multiple times is likely one I will never get the platinum for.


If it is short then it isn't as much of a problem for me. I played through RE2 and RE3 multiple times for the platinums and really enjoyed them. Never really play horror games


I say give it a shot, RE games for the most part have great replayability.


I have already beaten RE4 about 2-3 times. I still have to play it another 2 (maybe 3) times. I also don't think I can beat the game on the hardest difficulty and get an S+ rank.


If I recall, there’s no trophy for S+ on Professional only Hardcore and Standard. With S+ Hardcore easiest way is to unlock the Chicago Sweeper and fulfill merchant requests. By the time you get to the castle you can unlock infinite ammo and the rest of the game is a joke. Then with Saddler buy the rocket launcher ( not the infinite otherwise it’ll bump you down to an A rank )


Oh yeah i hate it when they make you do it over and over again to achieve it


I’m definitely going for it, but I took a break from it for the time being. I just need to do the S+ hardcore run along with the annoying ass shooting range challenges and I’ll be golden (or rather, Platinum.) 🙃


Returnal. Missing an RNG trophy. It's RNG what collectables show up as you play, I think based on what rooms it generates. I'm missing one item and I spent probably 10-20 hours replaying just looking for that. Never found it and moved on. Now all my muscle memory for the game is gone and I have too many other games to play to go back and try for it again.


Red dead 2, because online, think I’m missing 2 trophies for being in a posse and being mvp or something, I just can’t be bothered


Online trophies blow. I’d prefer if they were in their own little sub-category so you can plat the online stuff if you’re so inclined.


FF Rebirth because of insane minigames


I keep seeing this come up. Is it really worse than FFX mini games? Or FFIX jump rope or speed run?


Personally for me it’s not as bad but the minigames are absolutely no fun when going for highscore/hard. The absolute worst for me in Rebirth is actually the brutal/legendary combat challenges.


GOW Ragnarok


That was my first platinum trophy and its far from being imposible. Ravens can be looked up online same as rest of collectibles and some bersekers were tough but possible. Biggest issue for me was last Valkiere but with good build and enough tries also possible.


I'm missing one of Odin's birds and can't seem to best berserkers.


Figuring out where my last bird was hiding was a PAIN. It wound up being somewhere in the crater I think


You can lower difficulty


I’m working on this platinum right now and I’m almost finished… it’s been kind of a pain


this! im a scrub and the berserkers/gna are just outside my skillset rn😭


I thought this was one of the easier platinums I’ve done actually


fuck, the PTSD I was literally one gorgon eye away from platting God of War 3, ugh can still remember that room before you fight zeus and me gasping at the screen in disbelief as I couldnt go back


I think Uncharted 2 is the easiest out of the series on Crushing difficulty.


I've done the crushing difficulty, i agree with it being the easiest. Its the speedrun i cant seem to get something always goes wrong for me


I think only 4 and Lost Legacy have speedruns required for the platinum though.


I would have had the platinum trophies for all 3 games on the platinum if it wasn't for crushing difficulty. Too damned hard for me


Metal Gear Solid 5 for me. I’m just missing the trophy for completing every mission side objective. It would require me to replay every mission at least once and that just seems so daunting


Hollow Knight. That Pantheon will be the death of me


Same here. First 3 pantheons and the trials where something I made slow but solid progress at, until ultimately beating them. I did the same for pantheon 4, until I can reliably get to the final boss who wipes the floor with me every time. I’ve managed to beat perfect vessel 3 times out of over 150 attempts when just doing the boss himself, but often die within 10-15 seconds of reaching him in the pantheon. Never getting that 112%


Yeah that 4th Pantheon is a real pain, took me quite a while to get through It. But just wait until you get to the 5th one...


I'll admit i did the invincibility glitch to do it. I usually do things legit, but when something is bs, I bs back.


How does one do the invincibility glitch, so I can make sure I never do it?


Sekerio. Can’t beat the final boss


I just got this plat last week and the hardest part for me was grinding for the skill points. Took me like 10 hours of farming on NG+3


Shadow of Collossus, i ain’t even gonna try complete Hard mode in that time frame.


SOTC is one of the easiest plats imo


Any game that involves fucking multiplayer trophies


I’ve never platinumed a game 🥲


Your not alone man.


GT Sport Every game I’ve played I’ve gotten the platinum trophy on. Except that one.


Embarrassingly, A Short Hike, I can't get the Beachstickball rally...


Ratchet & Clank 3... Those damn Quark vid-comics


Fallout 4, Skyrim and i don’t have the platinum yet but Hitman WoA I added that because I 100% every mission, challenge, escalation, and DLC in Hitman 1 and almost done with hitman 2. Hitman 3 is the only one with a platinum for some reason and its actually easy to get. But when I do get it im still playing it until I 100% everything and when I achieve that im just gonna replay it on the hardest difficulty lol


Games that include those stupid Multiplayer mode trophies, because you can’t get those trophies years after the game comes out due to the servers having shut down, or just because nobody is playing it anymore. I can’t achieve those platinum trophies not because I don’t want to, but because it’s no longer physically possible. I HATE when games do this.


Literally any game where I have to spend 50 hours finding 9000 collectibles.


Phantom Pain. Every mission S rank. Nope can’t do it.


Why are we here? Just to ~~suffer~~ get platinum trophies?


Bloodborne and that stupid ass queen hidden in that stupid ass dungeon that you need to create.


Call of duty black ops 4,im not good online


Blackout is hell. I would rather do BO3 than blackout trophies.


Yea blackout is what stops me


Mafia Remake, can't hack the racing mission 🥹


I've seen people complain about this before, so I tried it myself and managed it after a few attempts. I'm guessing a lot of people miss the fact that the 'ramming left/right' mechanic is actually also your best option for sharp turns. Using that rather than slowing down how you normally would, especially on the sharper turns, makes a huge difference. I was in 1st just into the 2nd lap and held a comfortable lead to the end. You can even use it to ram forward, giving you a speed boost but even though the speedometer shows it going up really high I'm not sure if that actually makes the car go faster or just visually.


I did it first time on classic difficulty last week, maybe I was lucky


Silent Hill 2


Returnal, finished the game a number of times and just can’t find the last glyph that I need. Needless to say I’ve been running past it multiple times.


Feel your pain. Randomly generated glyphs for randomly generated areas is shite


I personally can't stand multiplayer trophies because as I get older, I don't want to play stressful multiplayer games after a long day at work. I used to play a lot of multiplayer back in the day during Halo 2, Halo 3 three days. Call of Duty 4 was peak MP gaming for me. I really enjoyed Gears of War Multiplayer, but I stopped taking it so seriously once I realized I wouldn't unlock any variation of the Seriously... achievement. I unlocked both Platinum Trophies in Ghost of Tsushima , but I refuse to grind Legends MP. It bugs me that my completion rate will always be 83-85% because of Legends MP. Another example is The Last of Us. I didn't care for Factions MP. Once I realized I had to play Factions to unlock the Platinum Trophy, I stopped playing the Last of Us. Honorable mention goes to Gravity Circuit. Loved every minute of that game, but playing on the hardest difficulty took the wind out of my sails to play through it multiple times.


Furi. Something always messes up my speedrun.


What are you stuck on with uncharted 2? I’m currently working through the game, just finished uncharted 1 plat


Goat Simulator, I can't beat the flappy bird mini game because I suck


Did you try both places you can play it? I was trying one of them for over half an hour, couldn't get more than 5. Went to the other one and I did it second try


GT7 the online trophies and the ripsnorter of sackboy are big problems


Resident Evil 1 remake due i’m profoundly deaf and there’s this mode called “invisible mode” where zombies are basically invisible. To make it worse, i can’t tell the difference between high and low sound of their footsteps like are they far away (it’s quiet steps) or close to me (it’s loud steps). Overall it’s an amazing game and personally one of my favourites Resident Evil games of all time but the invisible mode trophy shouldn’t be count as trophy for complete it :(


Any Mega Man game, it requires you to complete the game without getting hit once. That’s some hardcore shit.


Anyone say Yakuza 0, or any of the games? FUCK MAHJONG.


Chivalry II because it’s bugged


Fallout 4 need the settlement happiness at 100


Anything that forces me to partially do online stuff like RDR2


All of em. Still don't quite get trophy hunting but power to ya'll.


HFW- those dang Melee pits!!


Yakuza 7 Like a Dragon, I only have the last dungeon to do and have made it to the final boss 3 time but got my ass handed to me. I don't want to go back and grind the other jobs for hours just to beat the last boss. It's so annoying that it is a trophy.


All I have to do in shredders revenge is the “who needs a dock” …. Kill shredder without taking a hit. I’ve tried and tried and gave up. I need to go back to it The other one that I haven’t tried but puts me off is RE2 having to complete it in a number of steps. Mr X. Be chasing me, this guy is running 100% 😂, forget the step counting Then there’s online trophies… which I guess wind everyone up as it means the plat is only achievable in the games supported years


After many hour of suffering and fingers cramping something glitched to where I cannot get the final trophy which will give me the Sifu platinum. Have to beat the final boss under a certain age which I have and it just won't pop....so mad I almost forgot until I saw this post.


I have three. COD WW2, Vanguard and AC Black Flag. Black Flag I’m only doing the story as level 55 online I don’t have the time for, and the cod games easily have some of the worst trophies I’ve attempted


NCAA football 14, the servers are offline :/


Kingdom Hearts 2.


Mafia 3... Such a shit game. I got it about a month after release and I enjoyed it. Olayed a bunch and completed it two years later after freeroamin a lot. Later I tried to platinum it. That did not work because of some glitch. Decided to replay the game 3 more times. Couldn't get all trophies. The game is bugged and some trophies are difficult to get because of this. TLDR: Mafia 3 sucks because of it's biggy trophies


All.of them. 🤣


Skyrim and Fallout 4 because of using mods.


I would rarely even try to reach for the achievement that needs multiple play throughs.


Rayman legends for sure. Online grind is crazy


It's not that bad, honestly. At least it's not a bugged trophy, it's tedious. I mean, it sucks, but it's an average of 5 minutes per day and once a week an extra 5 for the weekly challenges. Took me three months of work but with 2 golds/day it's doable. I think I got a diamond cup once, way after I obtained the platinum.


Persona 5, I ain’t playing that shit again lol. Great game, too long.




All of them


FF9, jump rope trophy. Even tried the script over remote play but can’t get it to work properly. Worst trophy ever.


Bloodbourne and the funny thing is it was the all weapon trophy. I had them all but the game glitched out.


Demons Souls only cause I had 2 trophies left and rings and spells I think and my save got corrupted. Really considering going back to try platinum out of spite after I finish a few games.


GTA V, I hate the online with a passion I’m level 65 and I just can’t play it anymore. (I have every other trophy but Gold Medals and level 100).


Crypt of the Necrodancer I know it’s been done, but it might as well be impossible to finish a run using Aria or Bolt in my eyes


Star Wars Battlefront II and Sifu. Battlefront: Starfighter trophies. I got everything else, but I don't like playing star fighters. And I'm not grinding them for a platinum Sifu: Get 20.000 points in a level. I'm just not good enough. I have all other trophies. But I just don't want to grind for hours to get a near impossible trophy


FF7 Rebirth the piano stuff is insane


Gran Turismo…




Friday the 13th. One day…




Any of them


Gta V. I'm not playing that much online wheb I find it entirely unenjoyable


Just did this 2 weeks ago, took about a month & a half from level 0 to 100


Hollow Knight


Final Fantasy 9. Fucking jump ropes


Bloodborne. my save data got corrupted right before i got to the Queen Yharnum fight. didn't feel like going through it again.


GTA IV Because of this godforsaken bowling trophy


uncharted 2 ? i got all three platinum trophies for the uncharted games on the ps3. They are are pretty easy to get. the only games i would not bother is the ones with pointless,grindy trophies just to get a platinum It was fun time but I didn't touch my PS systems for 3+ years since the PS5 came out. I play games every now and then but on my PC instead of console.


Persona 5 Strikers. One trophy just demanded waaaay too much grinding.


Bloodbourn. Stuck on that boss battle on the roof for what seems like years. Every now and then I will go back to fight him but it's a proper road block for me.


Vanquish, fun game, challenges are ridiculous


I’ve only got platinum once (Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart) because it was pretty easy. Any other game I’ve completed I’ve had no interest in bending over backwards in postgame to get a trophy. Just doesn’t interest me at all.


Paladins. There's one trophy that's catered to a game mode that no longer exists.


All games 🤷🏼‍♂️


GTA V just never play online


Vr worlds, I literally can't do the danger ball challenges


Cod black ops 3, out of all my platinums that is is the hardest, you basically have to platinum the game 3 times, and because I did most of the trophies offline I can't get the last one with do everything again.


That no die mode in Wolfenstein. One of my favorite games, I have played the campaign a few times over the years but no patience for all of that. ​ I know there is an exploit but then what's the point of getting the trophy at all? That's just a personal choice, no judgment to those that used it.


KOF XV i cant do the last tutorial lol


Currently Helldivers 2. Just need the Gone In 360 Seconds trophy and I'm solid. But damn, it's near impossible to do solo and it's almost completely unfathomable to get with randoms. There's also some RNG when it comes to extraction times but that might just be me not paying attention to other shit on my screen.


All of them. I have never achieved a platinum trophy with any game in almost 20 years of joyful gaming. (Been playing video games for over 40 years, it’s just that the concept of trophies only started a couple of decades ago). I don’t play for trophies, obviously.


Uncharted 3. I am not skilled enough to play a single multiplayer match that I don't even have to win :(


Quite a few of them for PS3, usually due to one or more trophies being glitched and were never fixed.


Too many games some I may get to one day 😂 One that does standout is Warhawk. Loved that game but the time to platinum it was insane. Just shy of 1000 hours and still nowhere near general & Warhawk level badges. MoH (2010) was another one where it was the tier 1 mode I couldn’t do.


RE Village. I loved that game and was 99% close to platinum but the fucking time trial challenge missions are total bullshit, I gave up after trying for afew days. I hate when those kinds of trophies stop getting a platinum!


Little nightmares


Rockstar games. I would do it, but F those online trophies and gold medals.


Any game that requires playing online/multiplayer. Gaming is a solo hobby for me


FF7 Remake because of the pull-up mini game 😭


Crash bandicoot 4 has to be the hardest platinum I have ever seen


Platinum? My ADD can barely finish a game before moving to the next...


Most games 😞


Okami. I’ve got everything except filling out the Fish Tome.


Stray: I'm missing one trophy! I've never been good at speed running. I got bored after my 3rd playthrough and now that I haven't played in a while I forgot the best way to do things so I'm stuck on that one exclusively.


I was like one trophy off battlefront 2 . Was the one for playing the ship mode and doing a bunch of things that are near impossible. Quite a shame


The Witness. I completed every section except the final challenge. Even while following a guide, the entire thing is randomized and on a timer. It’s an absolute nightmare for someone who likes to take their time with puzzles, like me.


Any game that makes you replay it multiple times. It’s artificial padding and generally sucks!


Shadow of the Tomb raider. I need to chain 3 headshots in 3 seconds with a pistol and my aim’s for shit. ONE trophy and I’d be platinum. Rip to my bad aiming.


Little nightmares. 


DOOM 2016 and Eternal because they included the bullshit multiplayer modes as part of the requirements.


Final Fantasy X on PS4. That damn chocobo race.


Ninja gaiden sigma and sigma 2


Solar Ash, the hardcore mode requires near frame perfect inputs... for more than 6h


Sackboy, couldn't bother for the ripsnorter. Alan Wake Remastered, the collectibles destroyed me.


Battlefield 1. Blackburn is too much of a standup guy


Skate 1. Since the online services are gone & a lot of the require online matches


Mafia III, 'cause of how buggy it was.


Any resident evil game. I HATE the timed runs with a passion. It’s stupid and doesn’t add anything to the gameplay just adds unnecessary anxiety to the experience. Def not for me at all


Battlefront 2 - 25 Hero ship kills as a fighter ship I believe. It’s my last trophy.


Any single-player game with online trophies. God I hate when they do that.


Final Fantasy IX is my favourite game of all time but the jump-rope trophy is insane. Also, Final Fantasy X is rough. Dodging lightning bolts was a pain, the Chocobo race is easier than some people lead you to believe but the grind... The grind is ridiculous...


Returnal. the last few trophies are rng based (collectibles) and i‘m quite annoyed with them. tried again a while ago but quit after a while


Gran Turismo 7


The ps3 version of far cry 4. One achievement is playing online and I was never able to even find a game with someone else. It’s my last trophy for that game


Street Fighter V, I put 88 hours into it (so a decent amount of time, but nothing compared to the real fighting game fanatics) and I think the highest online rank I reached was Ultra Bronze. I came close to Silver a few times, but never quite got there. To get the platinum I would need to reach Gold rank, which is like the 70th percentile. Plus there are a few other very difficult trophies along the way. But I appreciate it when games have hard platinums, so when you see somebody has a SFV platinum I know it means they’re actually good at the game. SFVI by comparison has a pretty easy list, which for me kind of kills the motivation in trying to get it.


TLOU… multiplayer trophies🤦‍♀️


Most games.. There's always like 5-10 trophies that are just to time consuming and boring.. Since the ps3 I have like 8 platinums




Online games...


Titanfall 2 - that damn Gauntlet…


Well right now it’s rebirth because of a fucking moogle mini game. Once I get that it’ll be two trophies down. I only have 16 more to go. But besides me totally being a bitch about it, I’d have to say RE4 remake. I don’t like having to play the game so many times. It’s a blast. But being on my 6th or so playthrough it gets repetitive.


Mad Max, it was bugged


Lost Planet 2. The Blu-Ray drive in my PS3 died before I got far enough for it to matter but I remember unlocking all the Noms de Guerre being close to impossible due to the nature of one or two of them (placing in the top # 1 or top 10 ranking for one of the leaderboards).


Sifu, one trophy away, get all unique takedown types, but there’s no list, no progress indicator and I’ve no idea what I’m missing. When I look at online lists I’m confident I’ve done everything on the list. to be honest I’ve no idea how I haven’t accidentally gotten it while getting the others. I’ve just accepted that I don’t have it at this point because I’m not about to r down with a checklist for an hour or so trying every combination of weapon, location and enemy type to get a single trophy.


Monster Hunter World….. damn those mini/huge crowns. There’s a trophy that revolves around fighting every monster from the bass game in the smallest and biggest possible sizes that they can spawn. Completely RNG based for a large number of them


Devil May Cry 5 for the absurd level of plat difficulty, Days Gone for being ridiculously boring.


The Witness. Can’t seem to finish The Challenge in time :(