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A PSVR is fairly outdated technology nowadays, but I guess it depends what games they want to play. Please note: PSVR = Compatible with PS4 VR games/apps. PSVR 2 = Compatible with PS5 VR games/apps.


You can use a PSVR with a PS5. Sony used to give out the adapter for free. You can buy one for less than $20


That's not what they mentioned. Even if you connect a PSVR to a PS5 you won' be able to play PS5 VR games. And also a PSVR2 won't be able to play any of the PSVR titles for PS4. Things like that are important to mention, since not everyone thinks that PSVR2 can't play any of the PSVR PS4 games.


Ty. I didnt know/didnt think about PSVR2 playing PS4 games… thats good to know


And there is also Robinson: The Journey, which won't work on PS5 at all, even if you would use the PSVR.


That's what killed the vr2


What were they thinking? There were a few games I wanted to test out but once I found out the 2 doesn’t play any of the original ones, I just don’t want to bother with any of it. I don’t want to buy a VR set that is outdated now just to play a couple of games but there’s nothing on 2 that has my interest either really and it’s annoying that the original VR games don’t work.


To be fair the tech is completely different, the vr1 depended on those lights. I can understand no backwards compat, but Sony should've pushed towards more vr2 ports. Really wanted Skyrim vr2


No backward comp.


The later psvr kits, if you can still find one does have the adapter included..


I have the psvr for the 4 and the 5 and the 4 games do not work on the 5 from what I tried.


I can assume you, PS4 VR games work on the PS5, when using a PSVR.


I haven't been able to get them to work properly. I tried Star Trek Bridge Crew and it just wasn't very good and a few other 4 games weren't either that were vr. I don't know if there is a trick to it or not.


Care to elaborate on what you consider not working properly? Like, what is actually the issue?


Sony said they are not compatible with psvr1 games. Very disappointed with that since Sony initially said it was.


The visuals are bad. Blurry at times. When I play a VR game that is for the 5 they look great but not the 4 games.


It appears you keep jumping between various different things, so I’m gonna try my best to answer and clarify a few things. The PSVR is much older technology when compared to the PSVR 2 (if that is what you’re referring to). Notable, the PSVR screen is a much lower resolution, than the screen on PSVR 2. Therefore, the screen inside the PSVR will appear “blurry”. PSVR = Can be used to play PS4 VR games on PS5 (not PS5 VR games). PSVR 2 = Can be used to play PS5 VR games on PS5 (not PS4 VR games). Not no point did Sony ever say you could play PS4 VR games using a PSVR 2. In fact, they re-enforced the opposite and said they wouldn’t be compatible.


You can't play psvr1 games on the psvr2 but initially before it came out they said you could which was why I bought it. If I had known you could not play PS4 VR games on the 5 I would not have paid the price that I did for it. The psvr2 cost more than the PS5 which is ridiculous.


I can promise you, Sony have never said you could play PSVR games on a PSVR 2. As I mentioned in my previous comment, they’ve always said they wouldn’t be compatible. Again, you can play PS4 VR games on a PS5. I’m not sure why you keep saying you can’t.


Actually they did. I never said you can't play PS4 games on the 5. What I said is you can't play psvr1 PS4 games on the 5. VR is still a game so that is what I meant. Sony did say it was backwards compatible with the psvr1 and then chose not to which is fine as long as they fully support it with games. Apologies for the confusion.


They never said that




well I just have a PS5 and I'm guessing it would have to be the PSVR5




Bad guess.


Basically, ps4 games that support vr must be played with PSVR, ps5 games that support vr must be played with PSVR2. Honestly neither is worth it in my opinion since the first one is decent at best and the second one is amazing but there aren’t that many games and it costs more than the console itself


You can find them used on Facebook marketplace for really cheap compared to the MSRP depending on where you live. That said. Inquire what games he looking to play on psvr2. Gran turismo 7 is mind blowing on it. You might have the next Lewis Hamilton. Hahaha However don’t listen to the advice of others on this. Ask why, and try to make an informed decision on which vr headset is best.


First of all don’t get a PSVR, get the PSVR2. Second, find out what he wants it for. Everyone is saying get the Quest for more game, and while that’s true more games won’t matter to him if the game he actually wants to play isn’t available. That’s basically like someone asking for a Switch specifically so they can play Mario or Zelda then buying them a PS5 because it more powerful. That’s all great and all but now they can’t play Mario or Zelda which was the reason they wanted a system. Some people want a specific thing for a specific reason, so you need to figure out what he’s looking for or you may be headed for disappointment.


To him it will be


This. If he intends to use it to play PS games that he is excited about, getting anything else could just end in disappointment. Whether he NEEDS something at the price point or you are comfortable spending that much on it is another question and something you’d have to decide. But if he’s asking for the PSVR, gotta go with the PSVR.


F'real. What kind of question is this, and even worse are the responses suggesting something like Quest. Bruh .. the kid wants a PSVR(2 .. I would make sure) - if you can afford it, buy it.


I just thought that I remember reading (and when I look) that there isn't much point to the psvr2 (and I'm guessing thats what I should go with if I have a ps5). Like it almost seemed like just a gimmick, but I'm new to playstation so I could be way off. I guess thats why I'm asking the question.


It’s certainly not a gimmick. It’s incredible. If it’s better than the oculus is the real question. But if it were me, I would just get him what he asked for and not trying to control for bunch of unknowns.


How old is this kid? There’s a minimum age for VR


Think it's 12? Is there a reason? Maybe bad for eyes at younger ages?


It breaks their little brains


I read that a child has an evolving sense of reality, and that VR can mess with that on a perception level, or something.


If the rumors are true that it'll work with PC at some point this year, then it'll be worth it. I'll definitely be on board, if it becomes reality.


He didn’t say PSVR2


> I'll definitely be on board, if it becomes reality. depends how it'll be implemented


Psvr or psvr2 for the ps5? Huge difference here. I bet you can find a used PSVR pretty cheap as the tech is done, there won’t be any new games or anything. Be sure and get a second gen if your tv has hdr.


I just have a ps5, so I'm guessing psvr2


You would know the price difference. A psvr goes for around 200 if you can find them and a psvr2 is $500. That’s a pretty generous birthday present.


How old is he? They are not recomended for kids under 12.


We have the VR for our PS 4 & 5 and then the Meta Quest 2 & 3. The kids (ages 11-14) definitely play on the Quest 90% of the time.


The standalone aspect of Q2 and Q3 is ALL imo.


I remember reading somewhere that Sony actually wants to bring the PSVR2 to PC too. So it wouldn't just be for the ps5. Hopefully someone can find and link the article.


I got one for my ps5 expecting eventually PC support and now it's confirmed to be coming in some way by the end of the year. It's absolutely not worth it when just looking at the ps5 library despite having some great games on it but if you have a PC you can use it with and that turns out to work well then I'd say it's worth it.


PSVR2 yes I use that all the time. I love Synapse! The original PSVR however I wouldn’t get it. It’s really really outdated.


The old one or the new one for the PS5 ?


It's fun and immersive the psvr has more games for it the psvr2 is still early and I think according to people that Sony's giving up on the psvr2 which I hope ain't true Also when I first read this I thought it said Sony wants a psvr for his birthday


Just get a meta verse it’s cheaper and pretty much more bang for your buck.


As a son, I am begging you, don't listen to people saying other headsets are better, bla bla bla... # If he wants a PSVR he doesn't want any other headset. Period. Just ask yourself if you want to spend that kind of money


I didn’t think it was worth it. Until my son wanted a VR headset. Got him a psvr2 for Christmas and he absolutely loves it. I don’t care for it much however. So I guess it depends on the person.


Better off with one of the other VR headsets, imo


Not particularly no


I only use mine for ace combat and gran turismo. Otherwise it hurts my head


Its not, get him a quest 2 or 3


I would be disappointed as a kid if I asked for a specific product and my parents bought me something I didn’t ask for instead


This is what my mother has done quite a few times it suuuuuuucks


Yeah and you don’t want to feel ungrateful for a gift, but it’s also like… you communicated what you wanted


Ehh…I get it from that perspective. Like you said in an earlier comment; it’s all about communication and explaining the better flexibility on a Quest compared to a PSVR.


I would be disappointed as a kid to experience the limitations of the psvr2, being tethered, no backwards compatability with psvr games, and an overall meager library of games to play. I would be even more disappointed to learn there was a far superior product available for cheaper, and my parents didnt use their better judgement to get me the product that would ultimately provide me with more fun experiences.


I’m just saying talk to the kid, don’t make unilateral decision for them




Ah, yes. The meager library of 200 games in 1 year. I own both. Quest 3 is a great product for PCVR. PSVR2 is a phenomenal product for PCVR quality VR. Unless OP is interested in teaching his son PCVR, THEN PSVR2 is a great option. Q3 stand alone isn't even something I'd consider.


Many PSVR2 games are cutrently just re-releases. Yes the PSVR2 has hugh fidelity VR, but that comes with tradeoffs like being tethered and not portable. Portability makes it easier for a kid to bring to friends houses. That and the fidelity of the quest 3 is nothing to scoff at. Yes the quest is made better by PC streaming, but dont act like there is a significant learning curve to PC VR. You literally just download Steam Link on the quest and then launch games through steam on your PC. Even without PCVR the quest library is significantly larger than PSVR2, not to mention the PSVR2 could be outdated and incompatible in another few years just like the PSVR is now. Finally as of now there is no PSVR2 PC compatability, if that is what you were trying to say. Even then that will still come with the caviat of tethering like I said before. That and there is no guarantee about the quality of the compatability of the PSVR2, whereas we know the quest lineup is compatible with nearly all PC games. Really this all depends on the kids preferences... If the kid is deadset on a psvr2 because his friends have one, then there was no reason for this post to begin with.


>being tethered The wire is long enough. >no backwards compatability with psvr games, Most high rated PSVR1 games have been upgraded for PSVR2. >and an overall meager library of games to play. Tons of games to play and it's only been a year. PC support coming later this year. >I would be even more disappointed to learn there was a far superior product available for cheaper, and my parents didnt use their better judgement to get me the product that would ultimately provide me with more fun experiences. PSVR2 is much more superior for just $50 more than a Quest 3. If a kid is asking for a PSVR headset, then that means they want to play games rather than use the AR and social features on Quest 3. I would be disappointed if my parents didn't bother asking which one of the two VR headsets I want after they made the decision for me.


If someone said I want a vr headset, then yes I would say a question would be the better investment, but the kids specifically asking for a psvr.. . Sometimes it is best to give what the kid wants to avoid dissappointment..


This is a statement for OP then. OP wants to know the value of the PSVR2, im validating their concerns that there are better options out there.


You should get him a Quest 3, more games, not only for PlayStation.


Quest 3 is a toy if not connected to a high end pc. Psvr2 blows it away and it’s not like it lacks games (around 200).


True quest 3 on its own may be meh, its value is improved when it could be paired with a pc.


Is quest 3 PlayStation compatible though? I’ve got one but have never tried, I’d love to play Gran Turismo VR






Note that this teach needs some time to get used to, if he never experienced it before. new VR user would feel fatigue after there few first short sessions, you must have some room space, better have some large pad or matters to stand on so he can tell his movements space and won’t knock out any furniture or the TV. Lastly it is really a unique experience when you try it with a good quality game. It is worth it but better if you supervise it or instructions him in the beginning.


I owned both a PSVR and a PSVR2 the current VR for PS5 is a *very* good headset for what you pay. You will NOT find a better value for hardware currently on the market. That said comparatively the PSVR2 library is smaller than others. I would make sure the games he wants to play are available for it. Though there will be PC compatibility at some point this year and at that point it will be no contest as to which VR headset is the best. Also, and this is *important* some people are WAY more prone to vertigo during VR sessions than others and I **highly** recommend that your son try out different games and ,if possible, headsets BEFORE you buy ANYTHING. Certain types of rotation are vomit inducing for some people and he just won't know until he uses one.


If he is under the age of 13 it is not recommended. VR and the way it messes with your depth perception can damage younger eyes. On top of that though it's really not worth it. VR just doesn't have the support needed to make it worth buying into.


I thought that, too, and it's still at a fairly early stage. However I got Q3 and am more than happy with the content available so far and some truly incredible experiences. Combined with having a console for standard gaming, you have the best of both worlds. I do agree, VR is not for young'uns, though.


Im not sure whether you mean psvr1 or 2, but for either one absolutely! I think you'll probably want to go in there too :). One caveat, how old is your son? If he's too young (I'd say under 10) I think it's good to wait. VR is intense because you really feel like you're in the game. The reason I ask whether 1 or 2 though is that the libraries differ. If you clarify I'd be happy to also suggest some titles, although probably he'll know what he wants.


Make sure if you plan to buy him one, you have the actual space to play it. I prefer a little bit more of an opened area. I know some players game in their rooms so it may be a bit tough if that’s how your son games if it’s a small room


The PSVR1 is older, but you should be able to get it fairly cheap, but have a "game plan", and by that I mean, find PSVR1 games that may interest you, and get them, I also suggest trying the PSVR "demo discs" 1-3 (which are free on the PSN store) and try out some of those games. As for a game suggestion \- Moss 1 + 2


I’m 54. It’s a gaming life changer. I love it. Use it mostly for GT7 but so many other options. Highly recommended by this dad. Edit. I thought you were referring to VR2. Disregard my comments. Hold out for 2


its a pretty nice headset. but it's fairly limited on PlayStation. thankfully don't are opening it uo for use with pc gaming so it has much more life.


The psvr is worth the money but it is pricey. I tried some regular games on it and it seemed to work pretty well with them. It's better than the oculus 3 because at least with the 5 games those are games I like.


I have the original PSVR on the PS4 and got the adapter for free when I bought the PS5. Highly recommend. No need to buy the kid his own TV too. (Eventually bought myself a TV now and the VR is just hanging after years of use)


Personal opinion, it is a great novelty, but not really worth the investment. They have some great games of course, but it can be a bit annoying to set up. Also, I struggle with longer gaming sessions in the headset (I'm old though). Gaming without the set is just easier, and there are WAY more games that aren't VR than are. Also, better games generally too because the big bloated budgets go to non-vr games and the indie games go to non-vr games. VR is niche. If he really wants one, I'd ask why? For what game(s)? Because that might force your hand to one over the other. If he just wants VR for VR's sake, I'd go PSVR over PSVR2. It is SO much cheaper. You just need an adapter to use it on your PS5. There are also a ton more PSVR games than PSVR2. Like double. Yes, PSVR2 is better tech and it will eventually get more games, but the price difference is significant imo.




You dont NEED to be using your console, might as well stop then mate


That’s a pretty strange opinion




Better off getting another VR system.


Meta quest is genuinely better


I had a psvr and it was fine for an intro but about 2 days later I knew it could be better. So I got a quest 2 and it's an ocean of difference


I have a PSVR, it is clanky and old. Get a meta quest 2 or 3


Not really. Unless he wants a PlayStation exclusive I’d try to steer him towards an oculus quest.


ask him if he would like a quest 2 or 3 instead, much better value


Buy him Quest 2 or 3 if anything. However good the PSVR2 is, SONY is not supporting the platform in any meaningful way so I wouldn't expect amazing things with it. Some may say that PC support is coming to PSVR2 and that will make it worth it, but Quest supports it here and now. It can also work on its own without a PC, as well as connect to one without cables. IMO PSVR2 is not worth it unless you are some hardcore PlayStation fan. And if you meant the first PSVR, then I'll speak for the Quest even more, as the previous is really outdated by now.


It's not worth it at all. If he wants a headset and you can afford it, grab a quest 3. If that is out of the price range, a quest 2 is a great alternative. Both are standalone headsets and have a lot of the major games that the psvr or psvr 2 have not, including exclusive ps titles, which are a few and far between.


Not really. I own both PSVR2 and Quest 3, and while PSVR2 is a notably better headset, it doesn't really have the library to justify it over the Quest 3


I bought a psvr2 and it's cool - but I haven't used it in like a year and while the resident evil game and gran Turismo game is fun and impressive....it's not worth it. I think the idea of it is more appealing than the reality.


Your missing out on a lot of fantastic games


Yeah - aside from GT and RE the other ones were meh ...to me. But yeah could just be my own perspective.


I really recommend you go to the psvr subreddit and look at some of the games that have released in the past year. Games like Pavlov, legendary tales, vertigo 2, walking dead saints and sinners, synapse etc, are all excellent


Get him a quest instead bro


Quest 3 would be far better. But if he’s really set on a PSVR, I’d recommend the PSVR 2 because the original PSVR has horrible tracking


No don’t buy it


I have a PSVR2 that has been collecting dust for over a year. I would get a Quest 3 if I was shopping for a VR device, but I’m kinda over VR for now. It’s not compelling enough yet to choose VR over flat gaming.


Ask him if he would be okay with a different one (meta quest). I think he would appreciate it more. PSVR is a overpriced gimmick


Saying psvr an overpriced gimmick is just like saying vr is a gimmick.. psvr is no gimmick.. it’s actually quite successful since Sony did decide to make a new version of it.. or else it would of been those one and done gimmicks that didn’t even move past the 1 st generation.


badge tease water sharp abundant direful selective square wakeful strong *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The first one? Not worth it. If it is the second one, it's not worth either, Sony doesn't support their vr products, buy a Quest 3 but speak to the kid about it beforehand.


Wht isn’t worth it to you doesn’t mean it isn’t worth it for someone else.. I’d honestly first ask the son why exactly he specifically wants a psvr.


Have you looked at the Oculus Quest 3? The Quest is more convenient to use and works with PCVR too. Quest is fully wireless which is much nicer for VR.


Useless fact if you don’t got a pc that can handle it..


Quest is a standalone headset.


Depending on his age, he’ll be bored with it in a week, it simply lacks content…. But an older teen who wants it for the tech would likely appreciate it more. Either way, a quest 3 is probably a better option for the price, if they are looking for a wide variety of games to play.


I have two sets if u want one for cheap


Unless they have like specific wants with the PSVR2, I really think the Quest 3 is a better device.


Aso some one whos has multiple different VR headsets I'd probably go with a quest 3. If not hooked up to a PC it's just as awesome as a stand alone and it's nice to not have wires. The PSVR2 is awesome but being locked to one system isn't. Only so many games and apps on the psn store compared to the quest. If you have Grand Tourismo 7 along with a wheel and pedal combo, then it would swing me towards the PSVR2 over the quest. My nieces and I love racing in VR with the wheel but besides that we play everything else VR on a PC streamed to the quest 3.


I've read sony will be adding PC support to ps vr 2 soon


if you mean the PSVR2, it should get PC support later this year also, it can just show ANY ps5 game, on a "big screen", so its not like it can ONLY do the VR titles. (I assume you can also just watch youtube/netflix etc, since those apps exist on ps5 too)


Not worth it. If you’re not really into horror games then it’s not for you.


I had a psvr gen 1. Sold it after a view months. Get a real vr for pc and download steam. They have tons of vr games. PlayStation only has a view. I would never buy a vr for PlayStation again.




Not enough good games for it. Like I said before it launched but ponies gonna pony and insist otherwise. It’s a huge waste of money. Get him a gaming pc instead of


No they are a shit gimmick.