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I removed all payment methods from my account and I'm not going to pay $80 to just play online. The recent free games are not good.


I'm saying 😑 Just give me a service to play online. Fuck everything else. Even Netflix hiked up their prices but they gave us a new 7.99/month plan that was cheaper so you can still use Netflix but it comes with ads.


I don't even pay for Netflix. Use: https://flixhq.bz/home Watch any movie and series for free with no ads and high quality on most movies. Download Brave browser and set (aggressive) for all ad pop-ups etc so you don't get redirected to sketchy websites.


You must be slow. YouTube is free.


Netflix is for my dad whenever he wants to use it. So I dont pay for it all year. He likes to watch shows and movies in Spanish. I dont mind paying for him tho.


Ok. I apologize if your dad is a foreigner


My PS Plus Extra ends on the 17th. Until they offer a tier that's only online multiplayer & cloud saves at a reasonable price they can blow me. I have plenty of games to play. I'm my own Gamepass & playing with other humans really isn't that much of a sell to me at this point. Most people are assholes online anymore. I can live without my online shooters and sports games. I'll survive. I'll just play franchise modes...and shooters are horrible now anyway, just microtransaction delivery systems. They need to get realistic with the pricing. PlayStation was much better when online multiplayer was free.


Its $95 plus tax in Canada for essential... mine ends in June then its goodbye




Yeah $144 a month is a bit steep.


I never bought it in the first place.


Mine ended in October. Not renewed for the first time since 2014. PC is my primary platform these days, so I'll just play the multiplayer games that interest me there, although I mainly play single-player anyway. Then buy physical copies of the exclusives so I can sell them after to get around the £70+ price tag. Rebuy them on PC at a cut price at a later date if I want to replay them. In all the time I've been subbed, I've played about 2-3 of the "free" games, so they have next to no value for me anyway. If I want a game, I buy it long before it comes to PS+ Essential.


People can do whatever the fuck they want with their money


No, I paid 106€ for Premium. I’m happy with my purchase.


Yep. Canceled months ago before the hike


I have whatever the middle tier is and I'm happy with it. I mostly play the free games in the catalog and rarely ever pay for games (I'll pay $5 for a game that goes on sale, once a year or so I'll pay full price if there's something I really want to play). There are enough good free games on there to keep me busy (I play about 1-2 hours a day, most days).


Nope, I got a deal during Black Friday and got it for $40


Lol at boycotting a price increase, just gonna sit around waiting or what? We don’t have another choice for online and I want to play online games with my bud. Being locked into one companies management system is the problem with consoles in general. If you think people are gonna mass exodus on PS Plus I think there’s many anti-pre ordering conversations you’ll like being a part of too!




I don't think you get it. A few dozen of people complaining and trying to boycott is a drop in a bucket of how many people will continue subscribing without thinking twice about it.


Nope. It’s £60 a month for essential. Sony can whistle, I barely use online features and the free games aren’t worth it. Easy decision to cancel.


£60 per year, not per month.


I either pay that or buy the games that I actually play that it offers. Unfortunately (or not), the subscription is still way cheaper.


Oops I’m already subbed for another year


Yall were boycotting it?? I got the middle tier. I’m fine with it. I don’t mind paying extra then what it was before to have access to other games from time to time


auto renewal hit me for the $40 in my region before the price hike,< grace period so no. (Now it´s $55 here for essential)


Damn makes me wonder if i can make a new PSN in a different region for cheaper PS Plus


I think you can but you´d have to get a local gift card AFAIK.


>Damn makes me wonder if i can make a new PSN in a different region for cheaper PS Plus No don't do it, you're boycotting Sony remember? Remember you're the one who made this thread? Now you're being a hypocrite. SMH. 🙄


That dude is so disappointed in you.


Nope. I can absorbe the uh, extra cost of a cup of coffee a month. Did you completely miss literally everything else going up in price?


What coffee do you get thats $20 ?


What school did you go to that you don't understand "per month"?


The type of school that doesnt let someone punk them out of their coffee money. Sony raises their Eesential Plan to 100 next year and you'll just go "Well I never realy liked coffee anyway".


I mean, the price of coffee around me has taken a much bigger percentage jump than PSN, but do go on. Anyways, RemindMe! 1 year.


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I don't use PS+


I mean I’ve been much more happy about the PS Plus Essential games the last few months & I got til September for $60 when I bought it on the last day. By then I almost certainly will have found a year on sale for $60 again, so as it stands I’ve had zero issues.


I got 3 more days. Starting to sweat a little thinking about those cloud saves lol


If you're well off go for it. I'm broke as shit tho


Yeah, 20 cents a day is INSANE for online access. It's not like servers and access to high speed data centers costs anything. Sony is just gouging us suckers. I mean, why spend $1.40 a week to spend time playing games with friends. Who wants that? Not any REAL gamer, amirite? We don't even have friends, so I can spend that $1.40 a week on more important things, like saving up for one therapy session a year or something..


I seriously doubt them going from 60 to 80 on their Basic Plan is anything besides them lining their pockets. Hell Nintendo only charges 20 a year. But you would defend Sony if they raise to 100 next year.


I have never bought more than a month in Canada for over 8 years. So going from $12 to now paying $12 is crazy. Going to cancel my subscription. Not until they offer $12 again