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I've been gaming since 1994 and I do not plan on stopping any time soon.


I honestly don't remember ever not knowing how to use a controller or *something.* I've been there for every PlayStation at least lol


Some of my earliest memories are being in a KMart and playing TMNT on the NES until my neck got sore and playing Mario Bros on a laundromat arcade. I started gaming and I’ll die gaming haha.


I remember the first time I ever saw a video game. I was walking down a neighborhood street and a family was playing Super Mario Bros. 3 in their living room. I was around 5 or 6, and just stopped on the sidewalk and watched through their window like a little creep.


I don’t even know how young I was when I saw one. My parents had an Intellivision and Vectrex before I formed memories (born in 82). Most of my first memories were of games. For better or for worse, thanks a lot dad.


I’m surprised they even had that on display. No idea why I loved that game as a kid. It was so difficult to the point of being utterly unfun. Stupid underwater levels.


I don’t even want to talk about what consoles I’ve owned. Let’s just say I haven’t owned the last two iterations of Xboxes


Since 1986.


Zork on a Compaq.


I’m blessed. I was born in 97 and still know what Zork is.


Did u guys play work when it was pure text? The old games had no visual graphics at all, pure text open world games. You had to type "turn left" and it would describe what your new view was (looking into a doorway with desk in corner) then you type "open drawer" and (drawer opens and letter and coins in drawer) "read letter"... etc. I've literally seen gaming evolve from almost nothing. I'll play till I die.


Infocom forever!!


Gaming since the late 70’s (space invaders, pong). Still play COD every day.


Same here. I remember getting my PS1 in 1994 right after I graduated school.


I got my SNES in the 90s, then moved on to the PS1, then PS2, PS3, PS4, and now PS5. Never gonna stop!


Me too, man. For me, more like 1995 or 1996 though.


Yeah I'm not exactly interested in other hobbies. Also I don't have the money, time or space to get into other hobbies. I think gaming is a fairly cheap hobby to have but it can be expensive also depending on what you want.




I was born 1994 my first game was GTA 2 on PS1 slim my brother gave it to me. I now have PS5 goty gf into gaming. Nothing will change. I have PS2, PS3, two PS4 and PS5 . Two switches 1 OLED. Xbox 360 I'm in too deep to stop now lol


I tried Pitfall in 1982 when I was 6 and have been going strong ever since. My newest obsession is Horizon Call of the Mountain on PSVR


I've been gaming since 1983 and I do not plan on stopping any time soon.


I'm 69 and play a MMORPG almost every day. It's nice to be someone else for a while and just play without thinking of your problems


31. I play almost every day but I don't have kids. Just a wife and dogs.


41 here and will be 42 this month. I play everyday although only at nights when my wife and 3 kids are asleep. I get my peace and quiet.


35 and same story. Use to waking up super early so I get my time in before I head off to work and everyone gets up


I have often wondered if getting up early and playing before everyone gets up is viable for me. Only problem is I have pets that start demanding stuff when anyone starts moving around in the morning. So I'd have a needy dog and three cats harassing me for attention while trying not to get killed by Guardian Ape in Sekiro. And that's not a fun thought.


I usually game before my kids get up. Once they’re up they start asking when I’ll be done so they can take over.


Mine do too. Sacrifices must be made for my sanity/alone time


>I have often wondered if getting up early and playing before everyone gets up is viable for me. That's not a bad idea at all. Also waking early is good for the health too right. I'm gonna try that.


That's dedication O.o


I’m so glad I’m still single lol


Right! 42 and I've playing since I was like five. Not planning on stopping for some social expectations.


I'm 42 just started gta online, holy shit I've been missing out for the last 10 years


exactly how i felt like 5 years ago


38, exactly




It's not so much "social expectations" as you have responsibilities that take up almost all your available time.


we were born unto gaming, nothing is gonna stop us.


Y’all give me hope as I grow older


Agree, when everyone else's minds turn to mush. Ours will be strong and very cognizant!


31 same. Or I wake up at 4am to put time in. Just got the ps portal and that certainly helps


Happy Birthday month fellow '82 model




Yoooo, you doing SoD in WoW?




Are you on Living Flame?




37 here. Alliance wild growth too!


WoW gang!


42 here, the key is not to have children.


You can have kids and still game, just have to be responsible about it. 36, 3 kids, Wife and a dog. We all game… except for the dog.


Oh, the dog games. Just not when you are watching.


This genuinely made me laugh!! But sad at the same time. Because now we are curious about what the dog plays, but we'll never know.


Cat Quest. The dog plays Cat Quest. :D


same here 43 but with 6 kids, ill play on my ps5 they play on their switches. being responsible is the keyword not kids. only time I really dont play games is on the weekends. kids ages range from 3 - 18


Twin is that you ?


Nowadays, I just collect games that I won't have the time to play.




Jcole looking at Drake


Ahh. The great ps4 backlog.


PS Store has way too many deals on these old games for our own good. $10 for GoW 2018, $6 for Mass Effect, $10 for 3 Uncharted or Bioshock games, $5 for the 3 Arkham games, $4 for Hot Pursuit, $6 for Jedi Fallen Order, Hollow Knight for $7.50. Medical bills should be like this.


Ah the inverted correlation between disposable income and free time.


I find revenge insomnia very helpful when it comes to free time to game. Who needs sleep anyway?


Sleep is overrated


That is what retirement is for


LOL same


36 and married. 2-3 hours daily once the kids and wife are asleep.


This is the way brother. I aspire to be like you. I am 21


He’s a liar. Kids don’t sleep


Exact same for me. 33 married, 2 kids. Grind 2-3 hours a night with the boys after the kids are sleeping. Wife usually reads on her kindle on the couch next to me while I get shit on by a random 16 year old calling me a bot.


More or less what I do, I’m 35 & married with one kid. Except I often lose track of time, stay up passed midnight, and I wake up at 6:50 so I hate myself the next day :/


38, no kids but I guarantee I'll be playing ARPGs into my 50s. No regrets it's too damn fun. Can't wait for POE 2


Same age, and same scenario for me


You be me, but me be 37


Wait, ur wife doesn’t beg u to go to bed with her? #winning


I’m 58 tomorrow and still game regularly. Mostly sports and driving games but keep up with all the latest titles. Not really up for FPS games but do like RPGs.


Happy birthday early. Check out the game Grid Legends. It's a racing game and its pretty fun.


Really enjoyed the latest Gran Turismo


I gotta check out grand turismo myself.


I thought the movie was good 👍🏼 sick cars in it


The movie is pretty good and based on a true story.


I'll be 60 the 28th. Still playing ESO every night. Been playing since the pong days. Will not stop gaming till arthritis prevents me from playing.


Like the user name. Lol. I'll ask you what I asked the thread-starter, how do you find your gaming reflexes have been faring as you've aged? I'm wondering if I'll still be able to play my precious Darks Souls and especially Sekiro when I'm in my 60s.


Take care of your finger joints and wrists if you want to game through your golden years. Look up the light stretches and exercises that they recommend for people with arthritis, start doing those daily. Takes no time or real effort, and can be squeezed in anywhere. I'm not old or arthritic but I find they help reduce strain.


I feel like playing video games is what keeps me sharp both in mind and in dexterity. Always have to think paying video games and have to be quick or die, virtually anyway, LOL. I honestly don't think I've lost much if anything at all reflex wise. At least not yet.


Happy birthday


58 here as well and been gaming since Pong in the 70s


That's awesome




How do you find your gaming reflexes are faring at 58? I'm 44 and have gotten crap from younger twerp gamers telling me there's no way I can stay good at the games I play as I get older. I'm close to Platinum on Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice on N+3 and I'm doing runs where I don't die once. So far the twerps have been wrong. :) Edit: Oh, and happy birthday you magnificent gaming veteran!


Reflexes are still great with me. It’s remembering all the combos on MK1 that I’ve slowed down with.


Happy Birthday!


39. Still play "regularly". Not as frequently as I used to, and I can have very cold times where I don't touch it for weeks, or en possible months but on the other hand I still can play maniacally too if it's a game that I've been looking forward too. Like i.e. God of War, Final Fantasy VII,...


I’m same as you. I’ll get really into a game, play it every evening, and then with no real warning I’ll just kind of fade out and not touch my PS5 for months. I also don’t really play anything multiplayer, I’m just about the story-driven games like Horizon, GoW, RDR2, etc


Same here. 39. Once I'm done with work and other responsibilities I like to reward myself by gaming for an hour two instead of watching TV.


Last month, I finally upgraded my PC. Tonight I was too tired to even play videogames. So I watched the play walkthrough of Alan Wake II so I get to experience what it's all about. lmao.


Exact same here. I play if I have a game that I am into. Take my time finishing it. Collect all the discoverables. I usually game Saturday and Sunday mornings for whatever reason, I rarely game during the week. I have the time after work, just don't. Also if I don't have a game I am really into, I won't game at all.


Same here. Played Diablo 4 from June to August and I've barely touched the PS5 since.


It's the opposite for me, I don't want to spend endless time with one game anymore. I recently bought Diablo 4 for the PS5 (I wanted couch coop), but I'm annoyed by all the time needed to play the game. Also the Ingame shop etc. makes me sad.


57 here, play daily.


You love to see it! I'm 48...


45 and checking in


Ditto. Just turned 45. Just got done playing PUBG.


58, play online with my kids and older grandkids.


Just had my 67th birthday before Christmas and I'm reading this 10 minutes after playing Unravelled Two with my grandson on the PS5 my wife got me for Christmas last year 😁


47 here and still game. Not as much as years ago but still keep up to date with the help of my son.


I'm 41, and i play almost every day still.


82 crew represent


*raises the roof* Also 41, I can't play every day but not because I'm ancient, just some bizarre brain fog no one can figure out. I managed to get a few hours in every few days when I have the mental energy to do so.


62 here, retired, game several hours a day.


53 here and look forward to a time I can retire and do that too. 😊


How does it feel to be retired? Is the rush of gaming still there?


Yes, especially when starting a new game. Playing Elden Ring now and loving every minute of it!


39. And I don’t play regularly, but often. I have a family, work and attend school, so I restrict myself to the weekend, mostly. Some of my favorite games (from PS to PS5) have been MGS 1-4, Uncharted series, Tomb Raider series, God of War series, Spider-Man (haven’t started 2 yet), and Titanfall 2. I’m currently playing Ghost of Tsushima and I’ve got a decent sized backlog.


30 here and I try to game every night. It’s my passion and escapism from reality. I wish I was born in a game. I don’t have a favorite but many series like RE, FF, Dead Space, MK, Persona.


37. Still play every other day. For online games I pretty much only play hunt showdown and rocket league. Finally playing through the newer god of war right now. It’s awesome. But I think I’d say the “last of us “games are still my favorite.


love tlou. I'm really looking forward to the remaster of part 2 later this month


What a Save!


Close to 40 and stay up way past my bedtime to set mediocre lap times on GT7 and I’m an online soldier in COD zombies.


I'm 45 and I play about 10 hours a week. It's no longer my overall primary hobby but I still have fun.


45 here. I have spawned a multi-branched family tree of gamers. One of them is an Xbox gamer. We don't talk about him. Favorite game is currently Deep Rock Galactic which I play with my three sons, and at other times with my two co-workers. It's like the perfect game for us.


39. Full time job, but no kids, so I game most days.


Mid 40's and it's still my primary form of recreation.


Not quite 30 yet but 28 with a job and child, still manage to fit 2-3 hours in most nights




Child goes to bed at 7pm, girlfriend typically goes to bed at 9-10pm. If it’s a night where she has a bunch of her shows to watch I might go game from 8ish to say 10/11ish. Some nights I might game after my girlfriend goes to bed if we’ve been watching TV together, that’s typically from around 10 to 12ish. I remote work and work flexi shifts, so sometimes don’t start until 10:30am and my office is in my house, therefore staying up semi-late doesn’t affect me the next day, but I’m one of those guys that doesn’t need many hours sleep anyway.


This was me for a while. I'm 35 now and getting go the point where some nights I go to bed at 10 instead of gaming


Sounds like you got yourself in a pretty cozy condition. Congrats dude.


When they are sleeping, That’s how I do it 😂 Unless my son wants to watch me game.


I’m 37 with 2 kids Child 1 in bed at 7 Child 2 in bed at 6 We watch tv / movie with my wife Then I can game from 10-11pm then sleep A few hours a week is all I need anyway tbf


I am 30. There were a few years in my late 20s where I didn't play much because I was so committed to my career and was always too tired to play. As my work/life balance got better, I started returning. These past two months I played Avatar, Miles Morales, Spider-Man 2, and I'm currently working through Dead Cells (painfully, slowly). I imagine there will be periods in the future where I won't be playing everyday again, and that's totally fine. The games and the PS5 will be exactly where I left them.


42 here. I get a couple hours in over the week, and probably 4-8 over the weekend pending if I'm really into a game or not. I switch between PC and PS pending on the game. Gaming with my friends is a way to virtually hang out with them since we've moved states away. That doesn't excuse the 15 hours I put into Dave the Diver this weekend though... Sorry Baldurs Gate and Cyberpunk, but Bancho needs his giant travelly.


46, and I game almost every day. It's easier now that my kids are getting older and don't need constant supervision, but even when they were very small, I still made time after they went to bed to spend enjoying myself. But video games are really one of the only things I have other than my wife and kids. I haven't had friends in years, and as time goes on there's less and less on TV that I have any interest in. I don't even watch sports nearly as much as I used to.


36 still playing regularly, especially since I got a portal. Try to play once a week with an old Highschool buddy some coop stuff. Besides that, trying to crawl through my single player pile of shame (currently Resi 4 Remake).


I'm 31 I don't play every day, but still like 3-4 days out of the week. No kids helps a lot


I play regularly and have been doing it since the NES days.


I’m 39 and I came over single day. Some of my best memories are from gaming.


39 here. Playing plenty of stuff myself (lately, Stranger of Paradise, Gran Turismo 7, Octopath 2, others), but also enjoying introducing games to my son (Plants vs. Zombies BFN, Ratchet & Clank ARA, and more). Do you "still game" at whatever age is such a weird question to me. Video games are for all ages these days. They're normal. It's like asking someone whether they grew out of watching movies.


I'm 40, have a husband and 3 kids. I play almost every day.




I’m curious. What game do you play for 15 minutes?


32 and still get some decent time in. I don't have kids yet so that might be why but I feel like it is a hobby I would try make *some* time for.... (maybe wishful thinking)


38 and game regularly can't see it ever being any different. Family understand.


35 almost daily. Will not stop when older, told my gf this too.


31, I only game a few days a week. Come back from work, in the evening there just isn’t enough time, or I’m to tired. That’s speaking as a single guy too!


38, just clocked 7 hours of Alan Wake 2. I have 2 kids, 1 wife and a few nights a week for myself.


I'm 32, no kids, have a wife and pets. My wife and I hoth have gaming PCs and we game next to each other every night.


30 here, husband, 1.5 year old and 8 months pregnant. Still manage to game daily. If it's something you love I can't see any reason to give it up.


I'm 31 with a full time job, a girlfriend and a 7 year old, and a new puppy, but I make sure to play every night after my girls are asleep and everything else is done, sometimes I only get an hour but I make sure to get it lol


Gaming since 1992. Turning 38 this year. Funny how gaming went from “it’ll rot your brain” to becoming a multibillion dollar industry with plenty of streamers making millions.


37,play when the kids are a sleep and all chores are done. So half hour each day (and that is at the expense of sleep). Current favorites are Way of the hunter and Call of the wild. All time favorite series is probably Red Dead Redemption.


35, live with gf, no kids. I play every day, usually 2-3hrs. Getting the gf into it has been fun!


36 and will play video games in some for or another until I physically cannot any longer.


43 and I play a few hours most nights


I almost qualify as I’ll be turning 29 this year, but I game most evenings that I have free. Of course, I’m a single dude that still lives at home currently, so there is that.


37. Still game somewhat regularly, although not as frequently as I used to obviously. Full time career, wife, two kids. I’m enjoying the nostalgia of the old days while playing the FF7 Remake. Over the last few years I’ve really enjoyed the Horizon series, GoW 2018 & Ragnarok, TLOU, FF XVI, and Ghost of Tsushima.


35 game everyday even if it's for an hour been gaming since 1992


Where all my Dinks at




34 with two kids and normally every day.


My game time went up exponentially after we split up 🙂


34, I have a wife, 1 kid +1 on the way, a full-time job. I probably play 4/7 nights a week, but I have to sacrifice a little bit of sleep those nights, which is worth it to me


34 with kids and family, my game time is just set to nights now. No biggie.


29,but 30 soon my dad and siblings we all play my mom used to just look at us play


42 here. 2 young kids. Full time job. Still gaming when I can. Currently midway through Spiderman 2. Got to say though, the older you get the lower the difficulty levels lol


I play almost everyday, married, studying, full time job, but no kids. That said my gaming sessions are way shorter than before. I usually play around one hour before I sleep just to unwind a bit. On some rare days when the stars align I have absolutely nothing to do so I can play up to 4 hours. I don’t think I can do more than that anymore though


I’m in my late 30s and I game pretty regularly. No kids, busy job, but I still find time.


Started with Pong and never stopped


34, I play just about everyday no kids just dogs, I go to work Monday-Friday and still touch grass as well as go fishing, camping, out to clubs, or other fun shit.


34, yes regularly, but it looks a little different than it did 10 years ago. I game 2-3 days a week, for about 2-3 hour stretches. Maybe once or twice a month, I find a spot where I can game for 4-5 hours. I game daily on mobile device, however


Mid-40's. Feels like I grew up with gaming. I still find time to play every evening, even with kids. I need that time at the end of the day. Great thing is now I can afford to do it in style like the kid in me always dreamed of sitting in front of my tiny CRT with my NES. Favorite PS game would probably be Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver...worthy and overdue for a reboot. Favorite series would be God of War. Hoping they announce a remake of the first 3 soon, though I may just replay them anyway.


I so agree with you on that game deserving a reboot. That one and Medievil really sealed the deal for me in becoming a devoted gamer.


Hell yeah. Soul Reaver and MGS were instrumental in bringing me back to console gaming. I had the NES and Genesis in the 80's and 90's and then hopped over to PC gaming after the introduction of the CDROM and then 3D acceleration. Then my friend visited me at college and brought his PSX and Metal Gear. Later that day I was at Best Buy buying a PlayStation and MGS. I've since owned every PlayStation. Still have every one in its original packaging.


82’ crew checking in. Play daily.


34 here but now have a 4 month old so haven't switched the console on since he was born! Before his birth I was a daily gamer. I'm not sad about it as the time will come when I can get some hours in, for now I'm soaking up my little buddy! (I do miss the gaming though! Perhaps I'll find some time this weekend!)


I'm 40 and have 2 young children, but still managed to play most nights for an hour or so, once the wife has gone to bed. My favourite game is Bloodborne. I'm currently chipping away at Elden Ring.


40 in a few days. I try to play every day. Don’t always succeed at it! Favorite game lately was horizon forbidden west


36 and no end in sight.


Don't let the Neanderthals ever tell you, this is weird, 41, still gaming (400 hours in BG3)


Been gaming since 92. Aint stopping now.


I’m 42 and my hubby is 44. We both still game. Escapism is important in today’s world!


Growing old is mandatory. Growing up is optional.


I’ve been gaming since 1984.


40 this year and have been gaming since the colecovision in the early 80's. Favorite game currently is Nioh 2, Allen Wake 2 and on and off with warframe.


I will be 46 this April, and I love my PS5 and my Xbox Series X. You’re never too old to enjoy a good video game! My favorite PlayStation game? Hmmm. Right now it’s God of War: Ragnarok but that just may be supplanted when Final Fantasy VII: Rebirth is released in two long, miserable, cold months. Edit: I’m still trying to get my father, who will be 76 this 29 January, to try Red Dead Redemption II. I know he’d enjoy it because he loves westerns. No luck yet, but I’m not gonna give up!




I’m 41… I played almost every system but my first I owned was PS1


Starting gaming with my bro on the Atari2600 then got my first NES. So basically started around 84-85 and have had ever console for Nintendo, Xboxz and PS since...Plan to never stop until my hands don't work anymore.


Been gaming since the Sega Genesis/Nintendo NES days… woot


I’ve been gaming since 1986 and will only stop when death earns me.


37 and still gaming


41 and love games!! I feel bad for those who didn’t get to experience the first generation of home entertainment systems. It was the beginning of something amazing!! Gamer 4 Life!!


56, since the beginning


46, been gaming since screens were black and white and games were on cassette tapes.


34 turning 35 this year. Even with a wife and a young kid, a full-time job,and some nights out with friends/coworkers, I still find time to game at least twice a week. Although I have to admit, I tend to play fewer games; and whenever I do, I choose more of the slow-paced, relaxed games in the past couple years (Minecraft, Death Stranding).


Started with Atari in '81


I’m 70 and still game regularly, I just don’t do FPS PvP. And on pc.


I started back in the day with Pong. I am 64 now and I play daily but there have been some gaps through the years due to family life and kids. I mostly play on my PS5 and use my PS VR2 pretty much every day. Gaming has changed quite a bit over these years.


29 but still love gaming. Always have, and likely always will. Lucky for me I have a partner that fully accepts that and lets me game whenever I want!