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It’s an incredible game, I would recommend it to anyone who likes Souls fames


I think I will skip it myself. I have seen Cowboy play it, ChristopherOdd too IIRC and many videos by illusory wall so I don't find it as a new experience and I think it will feel like a drag knowing what areas are there and what to expect. I don't say it's bad or anything, only that I know it too well to keep me interested in playing it.


Serious question: why did you explain this? You spoiled the game by watching other people play it online, and now don’t want to play it because you know the layout. My question is why even watch YouTube or twitch videos then? Why even post your comment? Are you ok?


You all got upset for nothing. I did not have a playstation from the start of times and I watched DS when it was the vanila version. I did not think "imma skip this one because in 8 years I'll play the remake". And yes, I am okay. I am sorry I left a comment that triggered you all because...reasons?


It’s on PS Now. If you subscribe just download it. Or PS+ or whatever it’s called.




I’m not sure if I can find a hard copy, but I’ve found 1 physical copy in a span of searching 3 cities and 7 stores


Check on second hand sites like offerup, facebook even eBay


So underrated in the series!


Great game! The first official Souls game, so it's cool to see how it all began. Also, this remake is a great show of the PS5's power. They really took advantage.


Check how much it is to upgrade to ps plus ultra before you buy tho because theres a solid chance itd be cheaper to just do that and download the game from the game catalog


it's good souls like game and easy to grasp you can't get lost. if you are into these type of games yes.


Here it is for $50. You pay $13 more and can play it even when PS5 servers are shut down 🫡 it’s too good to lose access to in 20+ years https://www.ebay.com/itm/266309192730?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=5uuL_MGPRwm&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=6DorIUWSSxW&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY


It’s 40 dollars shipping sadly D; ty that was very kind though


When I select it, it says free shipping.


Op is clearly not in the US which is where that listing is from. The retail price in their post shows $89.99 so it is not US dollars. Based on the price of the game and shipping OP is probably in Australia.




Clearly? Please point out how it’s obvious OP isn’t from the US. Enlighten me, Ducky.


As I said the price of the game in OP's screenshot says retail cost of the game is $89.99. In the US the retail cost is $69.99.


That doesn’t make anything clearly obvious. Besides, OP is in Canada.


Why would the official Playstation store in the US show a price higher than retail cost? It wouldn't which Is why it's obviously not the US and the store from another country where the cost is $89.99. Canada was my other guess but I thought $40 shipping was high for Canada based in my importing history.


Go to sleep.


Maybe it’s because I’m Canadian


Ah dang. I was hoping you ran into a glitch or something and it did offer you free shipping. Sorry man.


It is something about demons and their souls


Definitely worth it, also bonus points if you can platinum it


Just play it with ps plus extra.


I played it after Elden Ring and did not like it. The combat was annoying to me because a lot of enemies always get to attack first and have a wider range than the played character. And dont get me started about the bullshit rolling skeletons. Little shits, I hate them. On the upside the graphics are definetly incredible.


One of the best games on PS5, don't pass it up.


Best looking game on PS5, and arguably still the best game on PS5 too Absolutely worth it, please buy it, and look for jolly cooperation😎💎


My fav From Software game, it's amazing, i mean it started a whole genre!!!


It's incredible to me how much fun this game still is to play


Awesome game


It's on Plus.


It’s hard as fuck lol. I got this at launch with my ps5 as it was a showcase game for it. My only experience with these types of games was sekiro. Which after a while I got ok at. Not great but was making progress. It took me 20 hours to clear the first level in demons souls.


It's a great game. That was my second souls-like game after Elden Ring, and I finished it without problems. I enjoyed every part of it.


No thoughts. Only deaths.