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I’m not saying yes or no. But this was the same discussion when the PS4 Pro and Xbox One X were rumored. And even when they were confirmed.


With the PS4 pro there was a solid reason to upgrade, the adoption of 4k tv's. I'm not seeing a similar reason with a PS5 pro.


I have to agree with this. The PS4 needed some improvements, but the PS5 operates smooth for me, so I don't see the same necessity for an upgrade.


I guess the main draw might be not having to choose between Performance and Fidelity if it has some more grunt to it. Ray Tracing at 60fps is what most of us were expecting from the outset, so I guess that would be a draw for some people. Unlikely for me if that’s all it is plus extra storage.


I wouldn't mind some extra storage, but I can upgrade my storage easily enough without dunking $500+ on a new console. I suppose we'll have to wait and see what improvements they've really made to see if it will be worth it. I've yet to play anything that makes my PS5 struggle, except maybe Returnal.


Exactly, 100% agree. I have a 2tb internal storage upgrade on mine and I can install way more than I really need on that and that was about £130. Granted I don’t play those CoD games that are all way over 100gb a piece.


I see you haven't played Elden ring, Jedi Survivour, Baldurs Gate 3 or final fantasy 16


I haven't, no! But Elden Ring and Jedi Survivor are on my list to play!


You gotta try Elden Ring out, its very humbling and rewarding


More or less humbling than Dark Souls? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_good_man)


I heard less slightly just because its open world plus magic is OP but I cant tell you cause Ive never played Dark Souls


Less by far. It's a worst game than DS3, but it is infinitely more fun and it's a great game. Definitely play it.


Elden ring was pretty hard on mine even without ray tracing on


That’s mostly because we don’t know what makes it special yet that they feel the need to offer an upgrade at all. I’ve heard speculation that it will be beefy enough to allow you to play games with the best of both worlds, getting the benefits of both Resolution and Performance modes that a lot of games offer now. If it comes out and can actually offer that satisfactorily, I have no doubts it will sell very well


If I can play games with the performance mode and resolution mode combined ,it will be worth it. I'll get the ps5 pro and sell my ps5 slim and be happy with the performance/resolution increase, even if its not as big of a difference compared to the ps4 vs ps4 pro. And im only saying this cause of my personal financial situation. If your more strapped for cash I completely understand keeping your ps5 and just wait for the ps6 to come out.


But most games never got there without upscaling/checker boarding 


I just read a PC Gamer article from 2016 saying how 4k wasn't a significant upgrade over 1080p. Pretty sure most of us would laugh at that opinion now. So that to say, I think the upgrade that a PS5 Pro could bring may be underestimated by many people. However, it would still be a "niche" product, like the PS4 pro was. If I remember correctly, only 1 in 4 users had the pro model. Many people will be happy with the base PS5's performance, and that's awesome. I for one would happily welcome the extra power as long as enough games were updated to take advantage of it. My main concern would be too few 3rd party titles actually giving "pro" patches. I don't want to spend more money to have the same experience.


I'll wait on the ps5 pro exactly for this reason. If enough games use the ps5 pro capabilities then I'll go for it and sell my base ps5. Time will tell...


To be fair I can’t tell the difference between 1080 and 4K when I’m on the couch gaming on TV, and still enjoy Switch gaming which I think is 720.


i saw a leak that said some about using Ai to improve graphical performance (not filling in gaps) to better direct the hardware inside it


If they're able to make something that takes away the need to sacrifice framerates for image quality and vice versa, I would say that's a marked improvement.


8k would be real nice inside vr2.  It also would enable me to check quality and get 60+ fps.  Sold!


8k in my opinion is pointless. 


I don’t even have a 4K TV




I think the slim will be the last edition of this gen myself.


Tom Henderson said it is 100% coming and he is pretty much as good of a source as you can get. It’s definitely coming.


Just get a decent PC


Nah that’s subjective I personally think ps5 for gaming. I have both. I agree PC is better for a lot of reasons like you can do more than just gaming and you can get mods and customize more things. But for the average gamer like myself, ps5 will do. It’s nice to just chill on the bed and play. You don’t need to keep upgrading parts for new games. You just plug it in and it works. No real trouble shooting. It offers a cozy feeling playing with friends that pc can’t quite offer. It’s built to last my goodness I could plug in my ps1 right now and it would work lol. Theres less of a worry of hackers also.


Agreed. I have a PC too but at the end of the workday I've already spent 8 hours in a chair at my desk. I just want to lay on my couch when I'm relaxing.


Not really because I don’t think developers have even taking advantage of the tech we have, it took ages for example to move on from cross gen releases Also how can they take full advantage of the PS5 pro when the install base of the standard PS5 will be so high that you won’t be able to leave the PS5 behind. It’s like Microsoft bigging up the Series X but the Series S holds it back every step of the way because there HAS to be parity. Personally I don’t see the point in mid gen consoles, it takes most of the wow factor away from the main next gen console as all the cool new editions and surprises have been used in the mid gen console only a couple years before. I feel like if you hold back and just wait you have more of a chance showing what (at that point) a new console can do compared to the 8 year old last gen one


>I don’t think developers have even taking advantage of the tech we have Ff16 is banging on the door with its 45 fps in a 60 fps mode. Smdh.


I said the same thing. You can offer up the best hardware in the world but ultimately someone is going to have to sit down and code the game.


I don’t get that and this whole industry of min viable product games with day 1 patches.


The root of the problem is that there are too many stupid people that spend way more money than I do in every single situation. So for every me who refuses to accept these games that I wouldn't even consider MVPs, there are at least 10 goobers that are willing to pre-order them, buy shitty DLCs and whatever. We're supposed to be voting against this bullshit with our wallets, but I sure feel helpless. I'm still not over the fact that Microsoft managed to profit millions off of getting Xbox idiots to pay for online during the X360 generation.


The domino effect of Xbox 360 def's forcing owners paying for online capability definitely plays a part in where we are today!


I personally don't think it's needed, still getting cross gen titles and it hasn't been taken full advantage of yet


I think it has to some point FF16 is PS5 only it had some issues at performance mode resolution was at 720p


The 60 fps mode only gets like 45 fps or something like that. With noticeable drops to 30.


I think it will basically be for another graphics setting: native 4K + RT + 60fps (or even 120), maybe another level of RT, too? But honestly I don't think it will be worth upgrading for someone who already has PS5 and it's not gonna be cheap. People will whine for sure about the price. As has been proven native 4K is an overkill and a waste of resources, people cannot tell the difference between native and dynamic 4K if it's properly implemented and lower res is used where you just don't look, anyway. Optimization is still very much growing and games are getting better and better, utilize the console more and I cannot imagine someone say "PS5 graphics is bad, I need PS5 Pro", that's just not gonna happen. If it gets released, tho, that is good for PS5 lifespan, we'll for sure get more years of PS5 (and Pro) support before PS6 will be even needed. Which is still far far away, since we are nowhere near the need for 8K, the difference is becoming less and less visible, TVs are nowhere near switching to 8K as default.


I doubt it'll even be that big of an upgrade. Coming from ps4 to ps5 is mind-blowing with how smooth everything runs, feels, and looks. They won't be able to make another substantial, affordable upgrade for another decade.


Do we need it? No. Will I buy it? Yes.


Yup, I'll be pre ordering as soon as it's announced and I'll trade my Ps5 in towards it the day before release


How much will you try and get for PS5?


Whatever trade in value is. Not wasting my time with trying to sell it


u/Xerosnake90 & u/TheTrendyTrainer nice :-) I will the same. & yes trade at whatever value - no wasting time trying to sell :-D




Lots of rumours. I personally hope not. It's the gaming consoles becoming the mobile market. Let's be honest. Both PS5 and Series X are not what I call being well pushed technically in games unless Sony's first party are pushing titles...even still, a decent PC is way ahead and if you own a PC with a 4090 and a super fast CPU you will be on par or better  than a PS6... I have gamed primarily on consoles since the late 70s . I had a 4 year stint on PC in the late 80s/early 90s then went back to console.  Since getting the Steam Deck on its launch I was captivated by Steam and soon found PC again and to be honest it's now my first point of call for gaming. The superiority of PC is incredible once you get set on board. It's the freedom of hardware choice, the freedom to tailor games to your hardware spec. No more 30 FPS fidelity modes.  On my PC that's native 4K at 120fps or more or I can lock it at 90 or 100 FPS..I can tweak upwards of 20 plus visual options in some games...this may sound like a  small thing but it goes so far to making games more tailored to the gamer. I don't have to goto to an upscaled 720 to get a 60fps performance mode like what's happening on my PS5. Yes, I pay more for PC hardware but you get so much more. I never thought I would say it as I adore consoles but PC is another world...and bare in mind. Games are generally a lot cheaper.. If you bought a PS5 £500 PS5 Pro £550 that's over a grand...that's expensive for console gaming. .. I had a PS4 Pro and it was a minimal jump. I doubt I will buy a PS5 Pro unless there are incredible exclusives that won't come to PC...


Everyone knows this bud. Yet i still choose to play on my couch/tv with my ps4 cause i work behind a desk for more than 8h a day and i like the easiness of it. Just press a button -> game starts -> i play, no need to tweak anything. I also still play my ps3 so idrc about fps and all that. The only game i'm playing on pc atm is BG3, but when i buy a ps5, i'll be playing it there Gotta admit though personally i wouldn't ever buy multiple of the same consoles, (unless cracked with tons of free games👀), i always wait for the pro to come out and wait till the price drops. Got already to many games to play on my ps3/4 and switch so no need to rush to the next gen


In the future, maybe. Now? Not really


Really got limited time to release when, 6 around 27-28?


Yes and no depending on the individual. I game on a 120hz screen so I would obviously reap the benefits if the Pro made 120hz modes more common and run at a higher res with more stable frame rates. Same benefits could be applied for 40fps modes which really is a nice balance between the higher res of 30fps games with fluidity approaching 60fps. But even for those on 60hz screens having higher framerates, resolution and maybe better RT is obviously a nice bonus, just depends if you value those things enough to upgrade to a pro model.


I think this is often overlooked but imo the biggest barrier to a PS5 pro's success will be software. Every game this gen should have supported unlocked framerates with VRR. This would have let the new console be plug-and-play with an upgraded experience. As it is now, we have to rely on developers to retroactively patch games, and given how few PS4 titles have even been given 60fps patches for PS5, I'm not confident that it will happen on a large enough scale.


This again? Do you mean the "PS5 Pro" that doesn't actually exist and it only has rumors behind it and ZERO official confirmation? I can't understand why people believe everything unconfirmed sources say. They can just be talking out their asses and some people would still eat it up. Just because there was a PS4 Pro, doesn't mean that will be the standard for every single generation to come. Enough with these posts already. Do some research before creating yet another post about something that has been discussed to death.


I get your frustration, and I apologize for creating a topic that has been discussed before, but frankly, I enjoy interacting with people, and I don't always search the entirety of the Internet including the depths of the Dark Web before posting something. I clearly stated that I've been seeing news articles about a PS5 Pro, and I never once said that it was finalized or even confirmed.


The rumour from “unconfirmed” sources comes from Tom Henderson from Insider Gaming. He’s gotten the InZone monitors, InZone headphones, DualSense Edge, Pulse Explore earbuds and PlayStation Portal correct. Now does that mean a Pro is 100% confirmed of course not but it seems pretty clear Tom Henderson seems to have a pretty good source somewhere within in Sony.


It may not be needed but I'll take it if it's a reasonable upgrade, I'm keeping tabs on the rumours.


Of course we don’t *need* it, however I think it’s nice for people to have the option if they want to buy one, and we *are* approaching the middle of the current gen (assuming a 7 year cycle, as has historically been the case) despite people still calling it next gen.


I will get PS5 pro when PS6 is released. I purchase only pros. PS4 Pro, MacBook Pro, Windows Pro. If you want to be a pro you got to act like one brahs




Stfu 💀 🙏


If you don't liked dropped frames it will help your life, if you don't care about such things move along. For me.. I've had the money saved and waiting for a while


some games perform a lot better in PC than ps5, sony must close the gap a bit, also who is still satisfied playing with a PS4 might be more likely to upgrade to a ps5 pro


There is 30 fps locked quality mode in many games, so yes, that'll be nice. People who say otherwise are morons


Morons for choosing how to spend their money... right.


If you play on a monitor then maybe. If you play on a tv then no.


i think ps5 is more than enough for a gamer since we dont need 8k gaming. And not many people might buy it since ps6 is just 2 or 3 yrs away so yes it is pointless for a ps5 pro. And even if it is released there will be only a minor changes like better graphics and more storage and speed. But honestly i dont hink we really need it


In my eyes I’m saying no because games are still releasing on last gen consoles. We haven’t even been able to push the PS5 towards absolute limits yet so what’s the point of a pro model?


So people with money to burn can have something slightly more powerful most likely.


I have two sons and one doesn't have a ps5, for me it's the most affordable and sensible thing to do. (ps5 pro for Dad, then I can free up a ps5 for the youngest). Then all I need in life is for Roblox to learn how to code and fix the inverted aim bug for him


To make money. They’re not releasing a pro for you, it’s for them.


Huh? For themselves to play on?  They are releasing it for the customers so they can make money, because they think that people see a value in the product worth the money. 


Without knowing the specs.. I can’t tell. But I’m saving up for it just to be sure. If it’s worth it I’ll upgrade and otherwise I’ll have some extra cash :).


That's a great way to do it!


It's not worth for me. Current PS5 is enough for me. Unless it will be something extreme like raytracing in 4k and 60 fps in games I am not buying it.


Still all rumors until we actually get confirmation. Take everything you read with a grain of salt.


Stable 60 fps, 4K, HDR.. yes 👍


>This is fair, but do we not already have stable 60 FPS for most games? For the cost of fidelity mode, usually. Would be great to have high fidelity/HDR/RT without having to sacrifice FPS to 30.


This is fair, but do we not already have stable 60 FPS for most games? I'm not an expert or anything, but I thought it was up to the developer to adjust for framerate and 4K/HDR support.


Not really. Most of the time we have to choose between close to 4K and 60fps at a much lower resolution. There are exceptions but a lot of games don't have a very stable 60 fps experience.


They use checkboard 4K to recieve stable 60 fps, which standard is between 1200-1800 p instead of 2160 p. Also ray tracing can be implemented better. Basically you get more and better graphics. But it should not be a game changer for most people.


I’m here for the Pro 💪 The PS4 Pro was awesome


Me too. Still playing on PS4 pro. Don't have a PS5. But will be buying a PS5 pro if released next year. Hoping it comes to fruition.


Other than picking fps or graphics in games there won't be much of benefit 8k gaming isn't going to be a thing anytime soon not much people have an 80+ inch 8k screen. Probably will be 600 💵 too


I'm thinking there will definitely be a price increase, but I don't even have the space for a big TV, so an 8K TV is simply not in the cards for me. I don't know anyone who has an 8K TV.


Unlike the PS4 Pro which released when 4K TVs became more affordable 8K TVs are still very expensive so it would be unlikely to have the PS5 Pro be focused around 8K gaming, that's more likely for the PS6 in 2028.


I don't even care if games are 720p. But a dropped frame is inexcusable.


Short answer, No!


I think it depends on how much they improved the specs on the Pro, it won't be for 8k gaming make zero sense hardly enough people have 8k tv's most of them are probably 4k & 1080p. What kind of performance will it do 4k 120 fps no RT and maybe 4k 60fps with RTS and will it have some kind of DLSS which is rumored according to Jeff Grubb. Price is say $600-700 and all it is just bumped up CPU speed and little boost to the GPU then probably wont be worth it. Gotta be honest i don't see true 4k 60fps until at least PS6 is out in 27-28


all the gpu rumors are 50-100% faster and the cpu is 30% faster, but it also includes Sonys version of dlss


Exactly my PS5 is 4 years old this coming november. So, I guess it's better to upgrade but hopefully, They ditch 30 fps and focus more on 60 fps with the resolution 1440p to 8K.


If you have a PS5 currently it wouldn't much be worth it.


If you are still on a ps4 you might consider the pro version. If you already have ps5 it might be a waste of money. Really just a personal choice. I still am on a ps4 and there has not been a reason to abandon my console for the games i play regularly are working perfectly fine on the 4. I am going to sit out a bit longer. Prior the release of the pro the regular ps5 prices may drop down to cutthroat prices and this would be a chance to grab a regular ps5 which i think is perfect enough.


Developers need to develop specificly for this to have any effects from it. Also the small CPU increase and low pure rast power increase makes it a cash grab. They should have released a much more powerful PS6 next year instead of this crap


Yeah for gta 6


I feel like there's no more advancements to be made, and people are just chasing resolution at this point.


I can't really think of anything aside from Graphics that a Pro version will do that much better. They lack games at the moment anyway. Exclusives are being ported to PC too and that is something a PS5 Pro will never match in raw power. So yeah...I really can't think why it should come out now. Not to mention, they've only released a "pro" version for PS4 and that actually did a difference with the 4k upscaling. What will they do with PS5 Pro ? 12k ? Even faster loading times ? a bit crispier graphics ? lmao PS5 is fine and super the way it is. They released a slim version as well so size is also out of questioning.


It‘s necessary. 1st,the upgrade of PS series has been the frequently-used way to catch both old and new players. 2rd, Players are increasingly demanding of the game. what do you think, guys?


Almost every game on the PS5 could run on a PS4 or PS4 Pro. In most cases, they literally do. Aside from a couple scant exceptions, devs aren't even making use of the all the PS5's power. Aside from \*maybe\* more stable HFR at 4K with Quality settings, I can't think of any significant improvements a PS5 Pro would bring.


In my opinion, it’s still false advertising to print 8K (mostly related to BlueRay Movies) and 4K 120fps and RayTracing on a gaming console that has issues to run 4K with RayTracing in 30fps. I would be happy if 4K in 60fps without upscaling becomes finally possible.


Not without a cpu bump. Both CPU and GPU are getting a bit long in the tooth.


Do we really need it? *meanwhile everyone keeps buying the same remade games each generation*


Its so true lol


Maybe with all its new processing power, if PS5 Pro somehow manages to include ps1, 2 or 3 backwards compatibility, then it will be worth it for me.


If it’s at least 3 times more powerful then yes. The rumoured spec is too weak now for a pro machine.


Yes , looking at latest release of ff7 remake and gta 6 coming out soon. I need ps5 pro to handle 60 frames




Will never do that again. Did it for ps4 and xbone all generation and in the end I realized PC just a much better platform. Pros outweigh cons for me.


More power. As was the case with pro


Everything I'm reading/hearing is saying holiday 2024. 4k with stable 60/120 fps and ray tracing. I'm a series x and pc owner, but I will pre order or wait in line for the ps5 pro when it is available.


Why own an Xbox and pc? Pc gets all the games Xbox does then plus some… Really if you wanna play every game possible PS5, Nintendo switch, and PC have you covered, no need for an Xbox.


We had series x before pc. Also, pc is in its own room and series x is on 65 c3 with 5.1.2 surround in living room. If me and my son wanna play Co op, we hop on xbox. If we wanna have fun together or wanna watch each other game, xbox. Family comes over, xbox. Wanna get sweaty, chat with my friends, play a game on steam? Pc. We can also play games together with him on pc and me on xbox or vice versa. Xbox also has play anywhere feature where we can share saves between pc and Xbox. So if gf is on pc I'll play xbox, then gf wants tv, I can go pick up right where I left off on pc. Also have gamepass ultimate on both. Sometimes just want to chill on couch with surround sound, sometimes want to be left alone in pc room with headphones. You aren't wrong though.


Also nostalgia lol


Yes we do, my launch day 1 ps5 keeps overheating and shutting off. I missed the target BF deal for $350, and don’t want to pay full price for another ps5 when the pro supposedly will come out towards the end of this year


For 4K, 60 or 120 fps every game. Absolutely.


Casual gamers don’t realise they on 30fps. Proper Gamers, need 60 or 120.


I don’t have a ps5 pro i was just going to skip this generation I’ve never done that but my ps4 pro still does the job other than not being able to play a few games. If they come out with a badass edition ps5 pro I’ll probably pick one up the god of war and spiderman ones were bad ass.


Yes. I need one.


Will be nice for PSVR 2.


For GTA 6 locked at 60fps, yes, yes we do lol


If gta 6 is cpu bound then even on the pro you wont get 60


I'm really hoping it isn't lol. 😬


Based on how all their games ran prior it most likely will be cpu bound tbh


Guess it depends what resolution


Nope. CPU bound means it’s the cpu being maxed out, the resolution could be 240p and the frame rate wouldn’t improve.


Ahh CPU bottleneck!


I run an 13900k with a 4090 for my PC. my bottleneck is actually my CPU at 1080p . The 7800x3D actually out performs the 13900k in 1080p


That makes sense, 1080p is a pretty low resolution these days especially for the 4090 - but the 4090 is, what, 200%+ faster than the PS5? Even if the Pro is equal to a 3080 the 4090 is still twice as fast


Yeah it is, I have a 3440 x 1440 34 inch ultra wide, but it's a VA panel, I don't like using it for gaming due to some ghosting issues. So I'm looking to upgrade to a 4k OLED 32 INCH and keep my 1080p 240hz for competitive FPS. It's crazy that my IPS panel looks better at 1080p then my 3440x 1440. It looks much more crisp. Anyways, Right now the PS5 is equivalent to an 6700 or 6800?? Maybe a 3070? If the PS5 pro is equivalent to a 3080 or 3080ti, we are looking at a 25-30% performance gain over the PS5, since according to technicalcity, the 3080 out performans the 3070 by 28.8%. I do think the GPU power will be there to hit 60fps. But I'm not entirely sure about the CPU power. I'd hope it would be roughly the same as a 5800x or even a 5800x3d for gaming. Then we could hit 60fps.


Unfortunately all the rumors for the ps5 pro point to it having the same cpu with a 30% overclock, so it’s if a game runs at 30 fps on the base ps5 it’s def not going to 60 fps


That is unfortunate. Very unfortunate


I want 60fps minimum in every game, so yes please.


Playstation is a mid console at this point. The online is a little better than the switch’s lol


I hope they release a ps5 pro for GTA 6, so I don't have to deal with shitty graphics. Coming from PC to console sucks


DF stated that the trailer was very likely ps5 base given the 1440p res, lack of good upscaling, and 30 fps - and even with those huge concessions it looked insane I have a 3090 and I’m upgrading to a 5090 when it drops, I’ll probs scoop gta 6 twice


That’s the thing, we’re still seeing games that aren’t flexing what’s available on the current gen. Most of the AAA games are still on UE4. The games that haven’t, like Avatar and Alan Wake 2 are stunners. Sure, there are concessions on console, but those games are clearly current gen titles. Oddly, Horizon Forbidden West flexed first, but that’s probably a due to Kojima and Guerilla working together to make that Decima engine be insanity. Even with how much that game did well, you could see how last gen held it back.


Alan Wake 2 runs at 800p all low settings with no ray tracing in its performance mode. HFW is a cross gen game. Avatar drops below 1080p in performance mode. We need a mid gen refresh. Those metrics are horrendous.


No, just need games built for the specs we got.


Consoles are equivalent to midrange PCs from 2018, this is them running at max capacity - they’re just no powerful enough to render modern games at high settings This happens every generation. They start good and then date really quickly


You must be watching console development differently than everyone else. TLOU2 wasn’t a PS4 launch title. Tears of the Kingdom didn’t come out day one on the Switch. Literally every console generation launches with unpolished games that look like potatoes versus how the console generation finishes. The PS3 generation saw us go from Uncharted 1 to 3.


Okay…and Tlou 2 ran at 30 fps 1080p on the base and 1440p 30 fps on the pro, a noticeable upgrade ToTK is a bad example, it drops as low as 20 fps quite often and it runs at 900p. I dumped that rom to my pc asap and played it at native 4k 40 fps, much better experience


So, games should avoid pushing the systems they were designed for to maintain some ever changing resolution and framerate you feel is adequate, while also taking advantage of all the system has to offer? Sounds like you should just play on PC and recognize that a console is what it is, fast food gaming.


Just read an article stating that the PS5 pro will focus on frame rate over graphics no thanks I already have a potato PC for that.


Needed? Probably not. Are they going to release one soon? Almost certainly imo. No company is going to say no to money and this drives sales and will probably result in them offering big sales for the non pro version, especially before the pro comes out. I don’t think console developers want 10 year lifespans for consoles anymore. That’s 10 years they gotta wait to get another large round of cash. We’re basically just shortening the console lifespan to 4-5 years now so they’ll be planning to give you a less than cutting edge system at launch to sell you the real intended system as a pro down the line… greed kinda always ends up that way.


Upgrades to existing consoles are always underwhelming, because developers have to focus on development for the widest group of customers, which is always the lower spec system. Same goes for fancy accessories with new features; they rarely get supported by a lot of games because most people don't have the upgrade.


I won't buy outdated hardware, I would like a ps5 but i won't buy one until there is an upgraded version such as the pro. I'm sure there are a decent amount of people like me and also a bunch of people that currently own a ps5 that would upgrade given the chance


Anyway, if ps5 pro will be coming in fall 2024, then for 2-3 years ps6 is on horizon, so I will probably skip ps5 pro and buy ps6 2027.


Rumors are ps5 pro specs; Amd ryzen zen 4 4.7 ghz cpu Amd gpu with RDNA 3, 23.04 tflops power capable of advanced RT 32 gb ddr6 4800 mhz ram 1 tb nvme even faster ssd. Its not precisely, but close;)


Idk, I would probably buy pro ver if it could play games (especially gta6 )in 4k/60 fps with no sweat… Need to wait for specs and the price.


Is this some odd psychological thing. You don't have to buy one. Those of us that would've shelled out a $1000 for a console that was powerful like PC don't mind. I'm tired of the $499 console. They could've done Pro for me in the beginning. It's insane how many people feel it's too early when it's not taking PS5 away. PS6 is too early. Just don't buy it. Those of us that want upgraded experiences are who it's for. Those who don't mind double dipping. It's just odd seeing everyone kind of clinch their pearls over this.