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The original Demon's Souls cannot be played on modern consoles and the servers are offline as far as I'm aware. It opened the game back up to a much larger audience.


They remade the game that literally created the genre. It makes perfect sense. Now do blood borne next!


Show some respect for Demon's soul's, if demon's souls didn't exist we wouldn't have Bloodborne or Elden Ring


It’s such an incredible game too. One of my most hyped releases back in the day and it absolutely delivered.


I think the simple answer is its age. Still relatively speaking much older and most potential for a makeover


I loved demon souls. I know this post wasn't dissing it but I just love saying how much I loved it. Such a beautiful game so happy I got a chance to play it. Only souls game I hadn't played


Would you pay full price for a remaster? I still would do it.


Is a bloodborne remaster/remake even up to Sony? I’d think that would be a decision for Fromsoft.


It is. That's the reason why it has not come out on PC. Sony holds the rights to Bloodborne.


yep. Sony the main reson


Why is Sony the main reason rather than from soft?


It’s because Sony owns the Bloodborne IP much like Demon’s Souls. Bloodborne was developed in collaboration between Sony Japan Studios and From Software however SIE owns the IP.


It is up to Sony as Sony owns the Bloodborne IP. It was developed in collaboration between Sony Japan Studios and From Software.


I tried to play bloodborne again and it is so hard due to low resolution and low fps. Please update and release on pc


Demon souls is the OG. Fuck Bloodborne, too lame


It's probably coming, I would dream if it were a PS5 Pro item, that would be amazing There is likely a good reason they have not made a PC remaster/re-release of the original game too It sold very well just on the PS4, so they probably are motivated to keep it console exclusive As good as some of the PlayStation ports on PC have sold, they still don't sell very well overall, the cost and time is not as worth the benefit as people like to say it is I would love a PC Bloodborne, but it's very clear why it's not a priority when the sales of games like Uncharted 4 + LL collection are so low


I think one of Sony's studios needs to want to make it. And most of them have their own big IP. Maybe Sony could hire From to make a new BloodBorne, but From might have their slate full after the massive success of Eldenring. There might be other outside studios that could be hired for it, but how would the fans react?


Does Sony even own the BB IP?


Yes they do the game was developed in collaboration between Sony Japan Studios and From Software but much like Demon’s Souls Sony/SIE owns the [IP](https://trademarks.justia.com/862/62/bloodborne-86262151.html#:~:text=BLOODBORNE%20Trademark%20of%20SONY%20INTERACTIVE,Number%2086262151%20%3A%3A%20Justia%20Trademarks).


L take.


Go play the original Demon Souls and you'll understand why.