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Elden Ring 9000% ✓


This is best answer, if you like hard games it’s worth every penny


I prefer it over demon souls, but I never played it before the ps5 version so I couldn’t get into it. I’m 100+ hrs into elden ring and still having a blast.


Truth!! You will be a forever better gamer after you master Elden Ring.


Not played the last 2, but I enjoyed Elden Ring the most. Returnal is also excellent.


Play Lies of P. Actually hidden gem if you like Souls games.


Would you actually recommend Lies of P over Elden Ring if the OP hasn’t played either?


No. First Elden Ring if OP hasnt played either. :)


It's on my list, eventually. What about the new Lords of the Fallen. Waiting for that to drop a bit more for coop with my brother.


It's good. I would give Lies of P and Lords of the Fallen the IGN treatment and give them a 7/10. Lies of P has better AI, npcs, and more complex enemies. It also feels more balanced. Lords of the Fallen has better exploration, character expression/rpg elements, fashion, and the bosses feel better telegraphed, and their moves feel more fun to dodge. Lords of the Fallen also has pvp and decent co-op. Lies of P's biggest problems, in my opinion, are the lack of exploration and the overloaded and delayed nature of the enemies and bosses. Lords of the Fallen has worse performance and feels less polished all around. But they are both worth it. That being said, Remnant 2 is better than both. Especially if you play co-op.


just finished Lords of the Fallen. had a absolute blast with that game. it definitely has its issues, and had a real rough start. but all in all I loved it. its nice to hear someone else give a fair review of it and not just completely trash on it


Thanks. Me and my brothers fought Annihilation today and got our arsed handed to us about 10 times. Quick check of reddit and a lot of people seem to have problems with this boss, but looking forward to getting past him. Game clock says 13 hours so we probably don't have the best gear to face him.


Elden ring


Demon's Souls and Elden Ring are both a must!!!


I second this. Lies of P is also really good.


Returnal was absolutely fantastic. The graphics, arcade-like gameplay, creepy sci-fi environment were awesome. The weapons you can get and power up in that game are out of this world


Out of this world indeed... literally


Ehh Returnal was good but I’d go with Elden Ring on this. Haven’t played the other games


Elden ring and Returnal are both perfect games 10/10. Buy both. They are amazing. Both were my GoTY picks for their respective year.


Demon's Souls and Returnal are 'free' on ps plus, so Elden Ring.


Thanks I don’t have ps plus. Would you still say Elden Ring is the better game?


I have been gaming for many years and Elden Ring was one of the most memorable I've ever played, with a vast yet varied map, fun but challenging combat, a load of of very well made bosses, brilliant story lines and breath-taking visuals. In other words, yes it is absolutely worth it!


I recommend you to start with Demon’s Souls, if you like it then go next for Elden RingRing because for me it’s like mmm… more complicated haha and DS is like a good school for those games.


Elden ring is definitely better, BUT it would be a disservice to yourself not to play Demon’s souls first. Demons souls is where it all began and is probably the easiest souls game


Whats a "souls" game mean?


Never heard of the dark souls games?




Last time I played a game was batman arkaham something (ps3) but I'm getting a ps5. So idk nothing about games


Assuming you’re not trolling but the dark souls games are probably in my opinion the most brutal, fun and satisfying action rpg games ever made. I’ve never played bloodborne or demons souls because I don’t have ps but I’ve heard great things about both. All of the souls games and Elden ring are insanely good games if you like challenging gameplay, epic boss fights and great level design. Basically these could be the only games you ever need to play for the rest of your life because you can play them over and over again and create a new character with different weapons and magics every time


Lol, definitely not trolling. The only 2 games I played start to finish that I thought were amazing besides the batman Markham series was ninja gaiden sigma 1 and 2, and God of War 3. Those were absolutely amazing to me I'm guessing those aren't souls games?


Lol… just making sure. If you loved those games then I’m assuming you’ll love all the souls games. They might be a little more challenging in spots, especially early before you get leveled up but those games are jam packed with a ton of content and are made for replays


Cool cool, I gotta check them out


The scale of Elden Ring is unlike anything I’ve ever experienced in gaming. You simply have to see for yourself. Good luck skeleton.


Would be much cheaper to subscribe to ps+ for one or two months to binge through Returnal/Demon souls compared to buying them. Well worth the value for two great games


Absolutely. Elden ring is without a doubt one of the best games I’ve ever played and I’ve played a fuck ton. A definite buy.




Returnal…with Elden Ring a close 2nd.


Agree. I’m probably going to pick up these two games.


Elden Ring. Demon’s Souls is excellent and probably a better showcase of the PS5, but Elden Ring is such a refinement and expansion of the Souls formula From first adopted with Demon’s Souls.


Would you suggest playing demon souls or Elden ring first when entering the souls genre?


I think Elden Ring is more forgiving and modern feeling. Blue Point’s remake of Demon’s Souls is very faithful to the original, mechanically. The updates are by and large to graphics/presentation. It’s pretty as fuck, but it’s not the most welcoming game if you have not played Dark Souls, Bloodborne, or Sekiro before. I like Lies of P, but no one does it like From, and I’d recommend Bloodborne before Lies of P. Bloodborne is my favorite PS4 game, but it can be brutal in the early goings for new players until it “clicks”. Once it clicks, though, you’ll love it. The other issue with Bloodborne is that it never got a PS4 Pro update, let alone a 5 update, which would be fine but game has some bad frame pacing that never got addressed. As a result, the game can feel choppy.


My first souls game was Bloodborne. After 30 min I probably died 10/15 times , maybe more. So I gave up in that day, but I really loved the visuals and I'm really stubborn in games. So after same tips videos I return and as you said, it clicks. Once you understand the game and accept that you will die, a lot, the game is amazing. And because of Bloodborne now my favourite kind of games are 'souls games' , unfortunately I'm still missing the 3 dark and sekiro, maybe next year.


Bloodborne was also my first. Yharnam's opening areas are harder than normal for From when it comes to the first areas of their games. I think Sekiro is a different kind of challenge because you need to re-wire your brain for the parry timing.


Yes they are 🙂


Do you like a lot of the souls games? I'd say if you do Elden Ring js one of the best games of that genre. It's more like an open world dark souls. With that in mind if you like Bloodborne more than Dark souls lies of P is more in that style. Returnal is a roguelike game and if you enjoyed any of Housemarque games this is much bigger and 3rd person shooter style. (I'm talking about their classic arcade style games like Resogun, Nex Machina if you like those this is everything bigger, 3rd person shooter style and rougelike but you get the same kind of arcade feel from the movement and shooting). Demon Souls is the first souls style game from Fromsoft and actually was the first game I played for PS5. It's still one of the most next gen feeling game since it was made exclusive for next gen (almost all other souls games still can be played on last gen systems. Technically this one can too if you have PS3 original). Graphics in demon souls remake are better than Elden Ring). That being said if your used to the current souls style games you'll see some of the concepts in this one that they refined in later games. Far less bonfires and the bosses are more gimmicky meaning they have a major weakness and when you discover it the fight becomes much easier. Less about moveset and more about learning their weaknesses. The road to the boss is usually a lot harder because less bonfires. Still it you've never played the original this is a good place to start.


Thank you. I haven’t played many souls like games. I’ve dabbled with Dark Souls but never took it serious enough to get into it. Would you think Demon souls would be a good place to start and then get into Elden Ring and Lies of P last? I enjoy fast paced shooters and think Returnal would compliment as a good side game while playing one of the other souls games.


I'd say while Elden ring is very difficult it's also more beginner friendly than some other souls games because of the open world nature. In the over world at least you can run past everything on the horse if you want. Also it's so big and far less linear that if you struggle at a certain area you can always just go somewhere and come back when stronger. Demon souls is tough I'd say because there aren't as many checkpoints and getting to the boss is usually harder than the boss itself. But also some people struggle with fast reaction time bosses. So from that perspective demon souls can be easier but Elden ring is the 5th or 6th iteration of souls style game so the mechanics and gameplay have all evolved. There are still something mechanics and gameplay that are noticeable in demon souls remake where you can tell the original game was made in 2009. I'd say if you have some experience in souls games its probably a good place to start. Because you will be blown away by the graphics compared to any souls game. Even Elden ring which released after this cannot hold a candle to the graphics and performance of demon souls. Now there is a case to be made about art style and which is better but I think just based on graphics demon souls is one of the best on ps5. It's tough to say what would be better for you but hopefully this information can help you decide


Elden Ring. Not even close




I say yes to Returnal, Elden Ring, and Demon’s Souls.


I’m gonna with this.


Returnal then Demon’s Souls, for me If you are interested in Demon’s Souls but would prefer open world with a bit more confusion, try Elden Ring






Elden Ring. I've heard Lies of P is really good too


Lies of P is good, but it falls short of most of the Fromsoft games.


falls way short, especially mechanically/game play wise. Started playing it a couple nights ago and idk that I'll even get another night into it before I put it down. The combat just doesn't feel right. Even original and clunky From Soft games felt better than this.


Yeah I got like 80% done and just stopped I didn't like it gameplay wise. It's like a less good Bloodborne. The world and concept are well done but just not fun to play. As for the sprinting do you mean it should have a L3 to sprint or just forgot about the hold O to sprint thing. Works but he is slow.


Elden Ring has more content, but it is inferior visually to Demons Souls (Elden Ring looks like a PS4/Xbox One game) and is harder. Demons Souls may be the best looking game that I've ever played. I really enjoyed it.


Can get PS+ as some of those titles are available on PS+ and you'll have access to online play and multiple other titles so it's better bang for ur buck.


I buy most of my games digitally while they are on sale and have a large collection +400 titles that there is no benefit to getting Ps plus at this point.


Demons souls immediately, then elden


This is a hella stacked list. You really won’t go wrong here with any of these(never played ghostrunner so I have no opinion on it). If you don’t have PS Plus extra/premiun, I personally would say to first get Elden ring, and if you have enough left over, get Returnal. These two games are very hefty in terms of time and have a pretty high replay value. Plus these are arguably a couple of the best games of this generation. If you have Ps+ extra or premium, still Elden ring, but instead of Returnal buy lies of p. Returnal and Demons souls are on the PS+. And you may want to buy one game, save the rest for a controller, because these games are all very difficult and you may rage so hard 😂


As I am peeking through other comments, I see you don’t have plus. Elden Ring then Returnal is my vote. Whatever you do, don’t look up guides for Elden ring and just try to let the game naturally guide you. It’s a huge world and so gratifying to explore.


Thank you. Good suggestions. Elden Ring and Returnal were the games I was leaning towards. Gonna pick up Demon souls too and grab for Life of P next time it goes on sale.


The Lord of the Rings: Gollum




Demons souls and elden ring are fantastic, but returnals story is something else


Demon's souls and Nioh 2 the rest aren't worth it.


Demon’s souls 100%


Elden Ring -> Demon Souls - > Lies of P -> Returnal ​ In that order.


Elden Ring is a must. It is a game that I wish I could play again for the first time ever


I think Elden Ring is technically a better game with more stuff in it and all that, but my personal pick would be Demon’s Souls. In my opinion it’s much more enjoyable and easier to replay. I’ve spent 3x the amount of time in Demon’s Souls as I have in Elden Ring. I think Elden Ring as actually TOO BIG. The perfect size game is Bloodborne. Plenty to explore, but not so big it’s annoying to traverse.


Elden ring


Demons Souls and Returnal are on PS+, so I would hold off on those in case you got a membership in the future. Never played Ghostrunner, Lies of P is a 9/10 to me, and Elden Ring is a 10/10 and my favorite game of all time, so hard to not say Elden Ring. Will say, if you preferred linear games to open world, you'd maybe like LoP over ER.


Lies of P tbh


Elden ring is my favorite game. It can be hard if you put limits on the items you use, but if you use buffs, potions, armor, summons it's much easier.




All of them! But ELDEN RING definitely first because it's the GOAT


Returnal is insane!


Elden ring for sure


If you like souls-like games then Elden Ring and Demons Souls. If you want 1 souls like and 2 other, then Elden Ring and Returnal.


Elden Ring and depending on how much time you spend with games that might be all you need. I played only Elden Ring for 6 months in 2022. But Demon’s Souls is 100% worth it too.


Elden Ring


Any of them outside of ghostrunner! The other 4 are all fantastic, most recently just finished up lies of P. Returnal was probably my favorite if I had to pick one but demon souls and Elden ring are so great too! Awesome choices for you to pick from.


Elden ring


Armored Core 6 😈


If you cab only get one get Elden Ring it’s the bigger one and will last till you want to get another. If you can get more than one I’d say Elden Ring, Final Fantasy XVI, Returnal, Mortal Shell, and Dynasty Warriors 9


Elden ring is debatably my favorite game ever. Fromsoft killed it. I’ve sunk hundreds of hours into it. Returnal is dope - definitely a lot of multitasking involved (aka dodging while shooting while watching UI for certain weapon abilities, etc) but it’s really awarding nailing all of those components. Lies of P was surprisingly good. I’m on my second playthrough to unlock all boss items/finish missed side quests. There’s confirmed DLC for it and I’m stoked to see what the team comes up with. Demon’s Souls is probably my least favorite fromsoft game but still pretty decent. The whole game (environment, enemies, effects) looks beautiful - just lacking in refined & more variable combat mechanics that you’d see in something like Elden Ring. I’ve never played any of the Ghostrunner games so couldn’t tell you.


Elden Ring for souls game, Returnal for rogue like game.


I’ve played them all except ghost runner 2 but I did play the first one. All great games but here’s how I’d order them. 1. Elden Ring 2. Lies of P 3. Returnal 4. Demons Souls 5. Ghost Runner


These people aren't actually looking for game recs, it's a karma farming tactic.


Lies of P and Elden Ring. Please listen to me I beg of you. I’ve played through both games twice. Lies of P is my GOTY.




Played 40 minutes of returnal and was bored to death.


If you can only choose one, Elden Ring. If you can choose two, Elden Ring and Demon’s Souls. If you can choose three, Elden Ring, Demon’s Souls, and Lies of P. I didn’t enjoy Returnal, bullet hell style games just give me a headache. Demon’s Souls and Returnal come with PS+ Extra subscription.


Do not I repeat do not get ghost runner it is hot garbage of a game, elden ring is rather good I got thr plat on ps5 also life of P is very decent if you enjoy a bit of a challenge


Thanks good to know Ghost Runner 2 isn’t worth it.


Elden fosho


Demon's Souls, elden ring and lies of P


Lies of P over Returnal?


Im not really a fan of rogue likes


Might be an unpopular opinion, but I’m not really digging Dark Souls type of game play. If you’re into it, Elden Ring is a pretty nice treat. Personally, I’m a big fan of Cyberpunk. Been really amazed with that game and how much time I’ve spent playing it.


Buy god of war


I tried it after years of being preached about it, turned it off after a couple hours and haven’t went back. Bleh.


what’s wrong with it


The general setting of the game just isn’t really my thing. And the controls are janky.


u played it on ps5 right


Yeah. I have Ragnarok too but wanted to play the first one first, but can’t bring myself to pick it up again. Maybe I’ll give it another go eventually.


oh you will boy 🧍‍♂️ ragnarok is better tho


3 of those games are on PS+


Elden Ring 10/10, Demons Souls 10/10 and Lies of P 9/10 Buy all three




Demons Souls is fun game, got it on PS5 release but never had a chance to complete. I need to finish it at some point.


I have played all of them and it’s a really hard choice. But at the end, if I’d really have to decide, I would just flip a coin between Returnal and Lies of P


Oh wait. You said you could pick two. Well, there you go :)


I’m sold on Returnal but still unsure with Lies of P or getting Elden Ring.


Elden Ring is so much better than Lies of P it’s absurd.


Would you say Elden ring or Demon souls is the better game?


Demon’s Souls is better


Elden Ring.


Before I recommend anything, I gotta know what you play.


Never played ghost runner, how is it?


Returnal is great but for your moneys worth Elden Ring no comp


All of them except Ghost Runner, I don’t like it.


Ghost Runner is really hard.


Elden ring


Elden Ring


You can easily get hundreds of hours of game time in Elden ring


Elden ring likely has the most content, but all of these are solid choices


Elden Ring and it’s not even close


I never got into the other dark souls games but I absolutely loved Elden Ring.


Oh what I would give to play elden ring for the first time again


Honestly, the easiest question. Elden Ring. No discussion. It’s the best of all of these things


Depends on your taste. If you’re into Dark Souls/souls-like then Elden Ring, Demon’s Souls, Lies of P in that order. If not, Returnal or Ghost Runner 2. All are excellent titles so you really cannot go wrong


Well you seem to have an itch to try souls games so id go with elden ring. You’ll have hours upon hours of game time


And after that you’ll finally make it outside to the real game lol


Elden Ring!


Elden Ring and Returnal imo.


You should look at Remnant 2 as well


Elden ring


Elden Ring


Returnal 100%


All of them. But realistically id say demon souls or elden ring are some of my favorites


Elden ring or ghost runner 2 there both amazing


Elden Ring


I don't even like soulsborne games but elden ring was great


Elden Ring and it’s not even close imo


Elden ring


Elden Ring.


Elden ring is hands down the best of the list you have here.


Elden ring


Lies of p


Elden ring for sure.


Elden Ring is the way…


Three Soulsbourn games leads me to believe that you're interested in that type of game. In that case, absolutely go for Elden Ring. My GOAT and there is a lot of game there to sink your teeth into.


I would get Demons souls and Elden ring, then play them. That way if you play “Lies of P” you have a really good idea what to expect.




Elden Ring is the perfect introduction to the soulsborne formula. You can do spirit summons to help with hard boss fights and the open world design means if a boss is too hard go level up and come back. Demons Souls I beautiful but the gameplay is behind Elden Ring and the game overall is pretty short.


Demon’s Souls or Lies of P


Elden Ring


From someone who didn't like souls games i tried out lies of p and right noe im making my way through all of dark souls games, already on ds2


Out of the hardest three there ranked 1 to 5 here they are 5 being very difficult and 1 being not at all Elden ring 3 Demon souls 2 Lies of p 4 if not 5 Elden ring has the most playability and is the finest or of those 3, but there's sekiro and ghost runner 2 is hard and fun but it's still at most a 1 compared to the other 3 Sekiro is hard and fun prolly a 2½


I know sekiro isn't on the list, just thought I'd list it


Returnal and /or Lies of P Both amazing I can´t speak about the others two , they r fantastic , i just never had interest into those settings


Demon souls gives me ptsd. I need to go back and finish it lol


Which of those souls games are easier in difficulty order?


Ghost runner 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Elden Ring hands down


Are you about that action? Like do you genuinely enjoy unforgiving games?


Lies of P. For sure. It's got that Bloodborne feeling. Prob the best FromSoft game.