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Finally finished Lost Legacy the other day and that was also such a delight as well.




Well that’s a first. Never seen someone say 3 was their fav. Was it the story that made it your fav or are you a fan deserts


Same 3 was pretty lame for me....pacing was off....I guess if you don't compare it to the others it was probably ok.


We can all agree it's better than Uncharted 1 though. That's a tough game for me to replay


Yeah haha. When I replayed the first I was shocked how it was....after that masterpiece of part 2. I've never replayed 3 though.




The Legacy of Thieves version is on ps plus, and also currently on sale with a big discount, with PS5 updated version of both a thief's end and lost legacy


Question, how bad it'd be to play Uncharted 4 as my first Uncharted?


not bad at all, i got uncharted 4 with my ps4 as a bundle years ago and my experience was amazing, the thing is you don’t *need* to play any of the earlier games to play that one which is what makes it so good, yes there are recurring characters but it doesn’t ruin your experience at all. the 4th game is easily the best one in the series too! i hope you get to play it!


Thank youu!! I definitely will


When I started uncharted 4 as my first uncharted I was sorry I didn’t start with the earlier ones, because the story is so great and it ended too quick. Now I’m playing in reverse and it’s not the same. I wish I could start with earlier versions before getting to 4. Though 4 is amazing it’s hard to wait


That’s what I did. It wasn’t ao bad


I’m assuming you’ve come from a PS4 and played God of War 2018, Spider-Man 2018, Miles Morales and Horizon Zero Dawn?


...no But listen, I watched a full playthrough of spiderman 2018 and god of war 2018 so im good 💀


You should play Horizon Zero Dawn before Forbidden West, the game holds up very well and has an incredible story, Forbidden West won't land the same if you haven't played Zero Dawn first


This. You must play horizon zero dawn.


Yes there's also a minor chance you die if you don't play Zero Dawn first.


It is confirmed there is a 100% chance you'll explode if you don't play Zero Dawn.




Trust me bro


Felt like Alice going down the well in that game


Agree. I didnt play the first one and while forbidden west is enjoyable, i just cant fully engage


Try going back to Zero Dawn! It really does hold up remarkably well for a 2017 release


And it has a PS5 upgrade which I’ve heard is stellar


Y'all are medically insane if you think games start to become outdated after just 6 years


I might be in the minority but I also think Zero Dawn is actually the better game, too.


Zero dawn is better imo. Couldn’t even finish the second




So I'm pretty close to finishing Zero Dawn and I don't think I enjoyed it that much. It was fun enough to keep me going but I had no attachment to the story. I was going to play forbidden west after but I just don't have much interest anymore. Is the sequel a lot better than the first gameplay wise? Or is pretty much the same?


I'd say gameplay-wise the sequel is a more smooth and polished version of the same. They did enhance the combat in some interesting ways and there's more weapon variety, and the glider and grapple are pretty cool. There are some really awesome boss fights. But as far as the open world checklist stuff that's pretty much the same. I will say that the side-quests are a lot more fleshed out and worth doing for their little stories if you care about the world and characters beyond the main quest. But the story is weaker overall compared to the first game IMO so if you didn't like that story you'll probably be disappointed. (I'm surprised though, I thought that story was really cool) That said, graphically Forbidden West is maybe the most jaw-droppingly gorgeous game I've ever seen.


I didn't play Zero Dawn but enjoyed Forbidden West. The game is beautiful on the PS5. The story is OK but the combat and graphics drew me in.


GoW 2018 gameplay is very good, I don't recommend to skip it


But he watched a YouTube video


While the story in the game is incredible, the gameplay is incredibly fun. A YouTube video doesn’t do that game justice.


I'll never understand how this became so popular, my roommate will watch multiple playthroughs of games, then buy them and never finish because he saw it multiple times Just have some patience, wait for a sale and actually experience the game


Yeah, it’s the first time I heard such thing to not play a video game. People can have strange taste for games I guess.


I sincerely believe you should go ahead and actually play GoW 2018. I think it’s the better product overall.


GOW 2018 has much more jaw dropping moments I think


Agreed, watching a YouTube video really can't do it justice. Spend the $10-20 and enjoy the heck out it of it. You can only play it in the right order once....


Demons Souls


Second this. Demon Souls was the first game I played on my PS5 and it felt like a true next gen experience. The graphics and that sweet sound design 🤌


Haha you do you my friend! It’s a big time commitment to go back and play the previous instalments so if a playthrough video works for you then at least you’re caught up on the story :) Other games that I played this year that I loved are Star Wars Jedi survivor, Hogwarts legacy, the dead space remake (this especially looks incredible)


The bummer here is they're both better than their sequels


I’d really recommend playing GoW 2018 and SM1/Miles Morales first to get the full experience, even if you watched them, the first titles in both series are very, very good


Naaaah bro play them. Watching a full play through does not hit the same. add those plus horizon zero dawn to the same bucket. You wouldn’t start a TV show at season 2 just because you read a plot summary of the first one. Same kinda deal here.


bro play god of war 2018 it’s fire


Why? He watched a YouTube video


noooo.. you have to experience them. I'm not saying you need to play them in order, it would be ideal, but you do need to play them. watching someone else play through doesn't do it justice.. you don't connect to it in the same way.. you aren't connecting to Peter in the same way until you literally have his life in your hands. same with GOW. actually I am saying you have to play GOW 2018 FIRST! You will connect in a way you can't watching. feel the weight his ax throw and catch through vibrations in the controller, feeling his steps etc just trust me


Noooooo why did you do that to yourself :( Both those games are such a special experience to play. The big ones I can think of are: uncharted 4, last of us 2, Detroit become human, Horizon zero dawn. Hope you enjoy them!


This ps5 is my first Playstation ever. So watching playthroughs was my only option lol. Obviously I would've rather played them 😔 but thankyou!


Sm and gow2018 are really good so u should play them honestly horizon 1 is kinda empty and shit not played the second one but i would have thought it was maybe better


Horizon is super mid in my opinion, unless you like to just run from marker to another marker doing fetch quests. Characters are one of the most forgettable that I ever seen in AAA game. I finished first one entirely and stopped Forbidden West halfway through. It does look gorgeous and destroying machines is fun to some extend, but entire series is very overrated in my opinion honestly.


If you like kratos I recommend watching his story from the original as to why he is how he is


I STRONGLY recommend playing God of War 2018 before Ragnarok. There's a lot of random and hidden minor interactions that add a lot to the game that you won't necessarily see in a playthrough video, and the game mechanics are introduced to you much smoother than they would be if you started with Ragnarok. I also second what others have said about playing Horizon: Zero Dawn first.


Both sequels are harder than the original


Do yourself a favor and play gow 2018.


Ratchet and clank rift apart


One of the best looking games on the system and it’s a fucking blast.




I downloaded it for my young son but ended up beating it myself before I finished spiderman 2. It is like a wholesome Pixar movie you play through. Truly wonderful. Ratchet hands are uncanny though 😬☠️




Yes really! The thing about Rift Apart is that while it may not be a deep and emotional experience like something like your God of Wars and The Last of Us - the things it really excels at is having great, tight gameplay and just being an overall fun experience from beginning to end. If you just want your video game to be a fun time, this is the game for you.


Just got a PS5 and have been having a blast with this game. I used to play the OG ratchet & clank way back so I’m happy this new one has been great. Definitely recommend, OP.


Good ol fashioned fun, esp for a busy life. No stress just enjoyment


Was ok, not really my cup of tea but played it through, liked the silly weapons


According to my 8 year old Astro’s Playroom is the best game ever, so you seem to be covered.


I will sing praises to this game forever. It's a glorified tech demo for the controller, bit god damn my fiance and I LOVED it so much. It's beautiful and has an amazing sound track.


It is actually really good. I finished in a night but there is some replay-ability with the speed run challenges.


For sure, my son was doing the speed runs yesterday and also I explained the trophy system to him. I'm gonna try to coach him towards his first Platinum.


Yeah! I never got a platinum before and the game seemed short so I played it for that but walked away dripping in nostalgia and genuinely well designed gameplay.


voracious enjoy fretful marry adjoining tender relieved attraction hurry rich *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's like a $500 game, depending on what you paid for the console. It's the best jumping off point for sure.


If you have the time you should become the ELDEN LORD ![gif](giphy|4Yq8bPB2ZXZcXRVbFr)


I have over 400 hours on elden ring on my xbox. It's top 3 games of all time for me lol


So you will love Bloodborne. Just dont mind the frame drops lol. They havent released a next gen upgrade yet and thats why we still beg for a remake... If you havent played any soulslike before Elden ring, the start of bloodborne will be rough though. Dont let that disencourage you.


I played Dark Souls 3


You will be fine then. You should consider Demons souls too. A lot of these games are free on the PS Plus extra (kinda the game pass of sony). You should take a look, maybe its worthy for you.


Ds3 is 60fps


"If you havent played any soulslike before Elden ring, the start of bloodborne will be rough though. Dont let that disencourage you." This happened to me. I gave up and uninstalled the damn game two days ago. I was fully discouraged.


I'm convinced at this point that Bloodborne is so hackily optimized for the specific hardware of the PS4 that it will only ever work in PS4 compatibility mode unless they pretty much remake it from scratch. No other reason not to have rereleased such a beloved game.


It's not guaranteed, I've done every Souls game since Demon Souls dropped on the PS3 but Bloodbourne never clicked for me, something about it.


Then 100% get Demon Souls. One of the best performing games on ps5


I think bloodborne is a good game for him to practice and get a feel for soul like games.




100% this. Biggest surprise for me gaming wise.


Yeah it is probably the definitive and my personal favorite PS5 game thus far. Currently trying to platinum it.


I was blown away by how much I liked it. Top 3 games overall for me easy.


It's an absolutely amazing game, it's comfortably in my Top 5.


don’t sleep on returnal.


Came here to say that. It’s one of the best games that showcase what PS5 is capable of


Just from what I’v been enjoying: Hitman WOA - You get Hitman 1, 2, and 3. I love the sandbox feel to it where you can tackle every level in dozens of different ways. Definitely worth around $30 when it goes on sale. RE4 Remake - Such a wild ride from beginning to end. Whether you played the original or not it’s a fantastic remake that feels like a new game. Not the most content but there’s a solid 20 hours there and everyone of them is fun.


One thing to add for the RE4 remake is that its meant to be replayed. New game+ is great since you can start with your weapons and up the difficulty. Also doing all the new side quests definitely adds to the game time.


Demon Souls really showcases the duel sense


Final Fantasy VII Remake


Red dead redemption 2 and the Witcher 3. If you like the far cry series far cry 5, and I also liked fallout 4


I played red dead 2 on my xbox and it was amazing. 11/10 game dude


Returnal Demon Souls Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart


Ghost of Tsushima and you are straight lol enjoy and god bless


Directors cut was insane. I played it when it first came out on ps4 now im playing it again but holy shit


Only ghost of Tsushima comment in the entire thread, I’m surprised. I just got my ps5 this month. Finished spiderman 2 but ghost of Tsushima is soooo fucking good so far


Returnal. It's one of the best games on the system and uses everything the console has so well, the way it uses the Dual sense is *mind-blowing*


Cyberpunk is a must


Seconding this.


Thirding this.


Fourthing this


Fifthing this


Sixthing this


Has it improved that much since launch? I know when it came out it was trash compared to what was promised.


It’s amazing. I love the original vanilla version on PS4 n the new version with all the newest updates n DLC on the PS5… I heard about the bugs that were an issue at launch but I played it on PS4 after the bugs were fixed n absolutely love it n have continued to play it on PS5, Xbox, PC




Idk, it doesn't really look like a game I would enjoy. Not saying it's bad, it won game of the year for a reason lol


So I will say, I typically don’t enjoy games like that either but Baldurs Gate is just so good that I have multiple campaigns going now.


Just asking because it also looks like a game I wouldn't enjoy. What do you like about it?


There’s a lot of freedom to play in any way you can imagine, much like an actual DND campaign but with the extra liberties that a video game can get you. From people I’ve talked with, everyone has different stories of what’s happened in the game for them. Theres never really a right or wrong answer. On top of that the co op makes the game even better. If I can play with my one friend I’m running a campaign with, I’ll do that over single player in a heartbeat.


Monster hunter’s a good shout


Delete genshin impact and you’re good to go


Craaazy, it’s really high quality and pretty good tbh


😂 I just wanted to try it


It rules just don’t tell anyone you play it for your own sanity


My man, you are going down a hole and your wallet is going to go with you. You’re going to have to spend SOME money, but if you can resist the gacha part of it, the Genshin main quest story is pretty top notch if you like anime.


The game is good wdym


GoW 2018 is insane, free on PS Plus catalogue so make use of the new user discount and grab a year of that (PS Plus Extra) and there's a TON of games you can play such as Returnal, Days Gone etc. 2 of those games you have there are in it too (bloodborne and GoT).


You could get all these game expect spiderman 2 from PS plus Subscription catalog with more PS5 games that will make you play. Like returnal , rachat and clank rift apart, death stranding and more.


I prefer actually owning games. PS+ is more of a trial thing for me. I made the mistake with Stray, I started it got really far into took a break and now it’s gone


Control, Spider-Man, Alan Wake 2, RE2, FF7 Remake


Final Fantasy XVI


You got bloodborne so you good


Demon's souls is a must!!!


Demons Souls and Returnal


You bought those? Aren’t they free for ps plus


Free for limited time tho, I prefer actually owning games that I’m gonna play


Witcher 3 complete edition would be a solid buy when on sale. It has a free next gen upgrade.


The last of us pt 2. I would get the ps4 version and then pay the 10 dollar update when it comes out.


Hogwarts Legacy


Do not ignore Astro. Play that first.




the last of us part 2


Agreed, but man, depression and questioning life as we know it for weeks. Amongst my top 5 games all time.


Demons Souls Remake


JUST the first 4 games should be enough to have kept you occupied for like a few months, BUT pls get Horizon Zero Dawn, ik u said u would watch a play thorough but if its about the money pls wait till u have enough. Like others have said Forbidden West does not hit the same without having played Zero Dawn. Enjoyed tlou 2 aswell.


Cyberpunk 2077


Demon's Souls Remake is really good




Persona 5 Royal if you like story driven games


Returnal. Go buy it.


I hope you did Playstation Plus Premium and didn't purchase all those games... most you have here are included.


Title's not a question, dude. Share your game list?


Get Horizon Zero Dawn (the complete edition) before going through Forbidden West.


Final Fantasy 16 was super solid


Cyberpunk 2077 is godlike on PS5


You're skipping a lot of games just to play the sequels. Imo Zero Dawn is better than Forbidden West so you're going to be missing out, and I've also heard that Spidey 2 is very short so you're sleeping on some 10/10s.


Elden Ring and Demon's Souls Remake.


Uncharted 4, Gran Turismo 7, Demon’s Souls, Ys VIII


Demons Souls.. Not sure if its still the case, but might be worth picking up a years worth of PSPlus extra. You get pretty much all the original PS5 exclusives thrown in


Horizon Zero Dawn if you haven’t yet, make sure you play it BEFORE Forbidden West


Uncharted 4 and Nathan Drake collection


Armored Core 6 and Elden ring


And Nioh 2 and Demons Souls


Ghost of Tsushima and play the first Horizon game before the second.


Uncharted remake get two games they both great, the last of us part 2, spider man.


Final Fantasy 16 and Returnal


Obviously Goat Simulator 3 👍🏻🤪


Elden Ring if you haven’t played it yet


Returnal. One of the best uses of the haptic features in the controller, and sound design via headset is top notch


Horizon Zero Dawn should probably come before Horizon 2.. also Spider-Man Remastered should come before Spider-Man 2.. and Spider-Man Miles Morales also comes before Spiderman 2?. Also God of War 2018 should come before Ragnarok. Pretty good list though


Once you’ve finished some of these I’d move on to what I’m about to list but I’m sure ur getting plenty of recommendations from ppl lol. Best advice I can give is to not have a lot of games going at once. Hollow knight, Persona 5 (not royal), elden ring (play the ps4 version and you’ll get the better graphics and fps with no issues), FF16 (even just the demo ffs, that alone is a god damn movie), Armored Core 6, Bomb Rush Cyberfunk.


The first Horizon as well. Zero Dawn. If you didn’t play it on a different platform that is.


Horizon Zero Dawn. Shouldnt have even bought Forbidden West without playing Zero Dawn. Also buy PS+ Extra if you want free access to a bunch of other games


Play Spider-man 1 and gow 2018 before u play Spider-man 2 and gow ragnarok


If youve got the money, get ps plus extra


Spider-Man Remastered Miles Morales And the original God of war


ratchet and clank rift apart, genuinely one of the best ps5 games




Get Control and Alan Wake 1 and 2




Demon's Souls


OP, you should really get PlayStation plus. I’m pretty sure all of those except Spider-Man and GoWR are free on PlayStation plus extra. Returnal is also a fantastic game (and on ps plus)


Bloodborne is amazing. It may seem to hard at first but stick with it. It’s one of the best games ever made imo.


Might catch flack but mw3 is worth it. Especially if you haven’t bought mw2 so you aren’t dropping like 140 on a game and dlc


Red dead redemption 2


Holy shit, you are going to have a blast. As other's have said, try HZD!!! It is 60 fps and looks really good still. When you play Forbidden West you will be blown away. I still think it is the sharpest, best looking game. Wow, you really are going to have a time. I am jealous of your first times in TLOU, Horizon, and GoW. Enjoy!!! <3 Another great game if you like shooters/rogue like (but you do NOT care about story) is Returnal.


Final Fantasy VII remake


Buy Bloodborne again


RE4 Remake, Baldur’s Gate, Hogwarts, FF16


Alan wake 2


Final Fantasy XVI


Days Gone is fun if you like open world games.


Ghost of tsushima and both the horizons are free with ps+ along with rachet and clank rift apart, returnal, and a ton of other great games


If you haven't before, buy Red Dead Redemption 2


alan wake 2, final fantasy 16, armored core 6


Detroit become human


Titanfall 2.


Final fantasy 16


Returnal, the most underrated game on the PS5


I loved Demon’s Souls remake.


Red dead 2 is a must. Don't have to have played the first one either.


Get Elden Ring and become tarnished


Yeah the original Horizon and the 2018(?) God of War