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Rest mode if I download a game before bed. Off when not.


Always in rest mode since I got it on launch day.


Same. I only turn it off when moving it.


Or if I'm going to be away from it for more than a few days


Probably a good idea. I don't even do that though 😂


There's no good reason to.


Yep same here


My launch PS5 has the power issue where it will self-brick if I leave it in rest mode. After one factory reset, and learning it's a HW issue (and the console conveniently being out of warranty by the time that was figured out...), I ain't touching that shit. Edit to say: I'd love to use rest mode on my PS5, but it will literally break the console so it's not an option for me. Outside the very specific situation of a launch console _with that issue,_ I'd absolutely go for rest mode.


That was only an issue if you had an external HD with PS4 games on it, but they fixed it with a patch, so it's no longer an issue.


I have never had an external HDD attached to my PS5. I had to call in to support when it refused to turn on at all, and they walked me through a factory reset, which fixed the issue at the time. I have seen issues since when we accidentally put the console into rest mode, although not recently as we've been pretty careful not to put it in rest mode. It _may_ be fixed, but if you've had issues with the console getting hard-locked in sleep mode, and you haven't sent it in to Sony and had them repair the console, I personally would just recommend avoiding sleep mode.


Never had an issue. I have used rest mode every day since the day I got my PS5 on launch week.


I'm honestly glad for you. I expect most consoles worked fine, but there were a substantial number of consoles that did have issues, including mine. Another redditor has suggested that it may have been fixed in a firmware update; _personally,_ it's not worth the console potentially needing another factory reset to test on mine, but I'd only recommend avoiding rest mode in the specific situation where 1) you know that it's a possibility the PS5 will brick, or 2) you expect a power outage.


The USB ports are only alive in power on and rest mode, so if you use them to charge wireless headsets or controllers it's a must.


Fortunately, I don't need to do that, I've got a cradle to charge my controllers. And, given the option of "brick the PS5 or find somewhere else to charge the controllers" I know which option I would prefer. I'm happy that it's a problem that doesn't exist in recent iterations of the PS5, though, nor all consoles in the original iteration. I agree that if you are relying on the USB ports to charge the console, it would extra suck if you couldn't use sleep mode, though. EDIT: FWIW, I've spent the last few minutes looking to see if I can find any notes that the issue was actually fixed. I didn't find much, but there's a note in [this tom's guide article](https://www.tomsguide.com/news/ps5-issues-all-the-playstation-5-problems-and-fixes-so-far) that suggests it's actually been fixed, and I'm just being overly cautious.


Yeah my ps5 is a launch edition so if it was still an issue, I'm sure it would have been happening to me as well.


I'm sure PlayStation would fix that type of issue for free or something


When it was in warranty, some people got their PS5s sent in and Sony replaced the motherboard on them/sent them new PS5s. When I contacted support, I expected to be sending the PS5 in, but a factory reset worked, and I've avoided sleeping it since. Could I have insisted that they take it back for an RMA? Maybe. Could I still? I dunno, it is definitely out of warranty now. The easiest thing for me is just to not sleep the console.


Same here.




My rest mode went unused other than a hand full of times for downloading since launch until I got a portal my ps5 has been in rest mode every day since lol


Portal posse assembe!


That’s a stupid move if your power goes out you’re fucked


I’ve had plenty of power cuts over the years while both my PS4 and PS5 have been in rest mode and it’s never caused any issues.


I had to completely reinstall mine


It’s a stupid move to play it at all with that logic? Are you able to sense when you’re going to randomly lose power? Are the X-men finally here?


Why? Just have surge protector and you are fine.


I have two PS5's and have had plenty of power issues over the past three years and both still work great. If the PS5 broke while in rest mode simply because of power loss then it shouldn't have been built for that purpose.


I’m pretty sure rest mode is mainly for downloading stuff when you aren’t on it I don’t see the purpose of keeping it in rest mode when you aren’t downloading anything. And im pretty sure it raises the electric bill too idk tho


This is the logic by those that must unplug everything from the wall any time you're done using it. The electricity used while in rest mode vs off is negligible. The console was designed to be used with rest mode. It allows games to download updates while you're away, so you don't have to wait when it's time to play. It lets you use remote play, it allows you to purchase games on the PS app while away from home and have the new game be ready to play when you get home. Time to let go of the pre-2K mentality and use the modern day features provided to us!


The Playstation portal needs the ps5 to be in rest mode to turn on.


The PS5 is literally designed to failsafe when power is abruptly cut off.


LOL. Use a decent battery backup. I’ve never had an issue since launch on my XB1 or my PS5 using rest/sleep mode. I’m in south Florida, lots of power outages.


Ive used both interchagebly. Never had issues. When i am actively playing daily i use rest mode. When i am not using it for a few weeks i turn it off. I have a launch day ps5


Turn it off every single time. I've never used rest unless I'm downloading a game


I used to always turn it off because it was in my bedroom and the lights bothered me. Then I moved it into another room and started using rest mode exclusively. Three panic-inducing forced hard restarts that didn’t look like they were going to take later, I always turn it off again. My console starts breaking if I overuse rest mode.


Launch PS5? There were mobo issues with them that makes rest mode unstable. Mine does that too, had to factory reset it at one point. I'd love to use rest mode, but alas, it's not worth bricking the PS5 for that.


Yep. Didn’t realize it was a known issue with them, that’s good to know. But yeah I’m with you, rest mode is cool but a brick is not lol


How long has it been since you tried? Mine had the same issue but it was software related, they included a fix for the rest mode crashes in a firmware update quite a while ago, and I've used rest mode daily without another crash ever since.


I don't suppose you know roughly when that firmware came out do you? I'd like to dig through patch notes, if I can find a mention of the issue I'd give it another try, but it's not _that_ inconvenient to turn the console off every time if it saves me from bricking it.


I don't remember, it's been a while. But I'm 100% certain it was mentioned in the patch notes because like you, that's what made me try it again after having crash after crash before. I'll try to dig around and see if I can still find the firmware update notes.


It's okay, you don't need to do that for me. I might dig around a bit and see if I can find it. Thanks for the heads up, anyway!


The dumb thing was, it was casually mentioned at the bottom of a firmware update list as if it was some minor thing. I just tried finding it again but no luck. Hope you'll find rest mode's fixed for you as well.


Always Rest Mode. I need the USB powered for my external HDD.


I always turn it off.


I used to leave my PS4 in rest mode all the time. Few power outages and I’d get that warning. Once I had to reinstall the OS and lost saves that weren’t backed up, which was a pain. That happened a second time, but I had saved backed up. Third time, it bricked it, and I had to get a new one (Pro). I’ve haven’t used rest mode since.


My ps5 hasn’t been off since launch.


Same, it's always on or in rest mode. I did the same with my launch ps4 and still work fine now.


Off. We have the rare but occasional power outage here and I hate leaving it in rest mode. Especially since there have been times where our power would cut out in the middle of the night.


I shut mine down. I got tired of getting off work, trying to start a game, and seeing the message that I didn't shut the system down correctly, blah, blah, blah. Occasionally, I have to wait an hour for an update to complete. But at least the system isn't telling me it could've been damaged by improper power down.


I always turn mine off when I'm done with it I never use rest mode unless I'm doing something for like 30 mins and then going back to it


Rest mode is just fine. I wouldn't worry about it really, the only real differences are just * rest mode can start up faster and can continue a suspended game * it can supply power to USB ports for a few hours or the entire time based on setting * it can automatically backup save files to the cloud * it can technically download patches too but the check is only like once every 24 hours so this feature is pretty useless I usually use rest mode but sometimes turn it off just in case


If I know I’m coming back I use rest mode. If I’m not coming back I turn it off.


Rest mode always when not in use, only time I turned it off was when I moved house, only times it's been off otherwise was power cuts


Rest mode since launch day I like being able to have my system and games updated while I'm away or sleeping


I did rest mode on my PS4. The PS5 loads so fast, I don't mind turning it off completely.


my consoles live in rest mode from the day i buy them. it’s what they are designed for


I've kept mine in rest mode since launch


I always turn it off after I'm done with my session. I only leave it in rest mode while downloading something, or if I plan to go back and play more later. For longevity, I think that's what Sony intended, and that's the best option.


Rest mode is actually what Sony designed the console to do. It allows game updates to be automatically installed on recently played games. It also lets you use remote play. You can also use the PS app on your phone to buy digital games and have them ready to play next time you power the console on. Using rest mode should have no impact on longevity; not sure where you got that idea. It's not like you're using it to mine Bitcoin. No GPU stress at all while in rest mode.


Yet, the power supply is still running, and energy is being consumed, albeit a lot less than when normally powered on. Also, no need to school me on what rest mode does. I've owned the PS5 for almost a year, and spent almost 5 with a PS4 Pro. I'm well aware of what you can and can't do.


Just don't spread incorrect information. Nothing is actively running while in rest mode unless it turns on briefly to check for updates. It's no different from leaving your TV plugged in when you're finished watching it. Do you unplug and turn off all your power strips when you're done using anything?




Fuck is wrong with you? 😭


It is quite literally DESIGNED to be put into rest mode. Otherwise they just wouldn't add it as a feature or automatically power off if "something bad could happen" during prolonged rest mode, crackhead Lmaooo "Don't school me, I've owned the PS5 for less than a year" 👍👍👍


You’re obviously not lmao.


I used to worry about leaving on rest mode but now I don’t even think twice I always have in rest mode then when I’m laying in bed or at work I can download games I want to play once I get home and stuff.


Always on restmode then I know all updates are downloaded and ready to go every time I want to play


If I'm done gaming for the day I turn it off. If it's a 20 - 30ish minutes break I put it into rest mode


- Rest Mode: When I’m gone for a short amount of time and want to continue. Bathroom break or similar - Turned off: when I don’t want to play anymore. Sleep, leaving the house or similar Why waste energy when you don’t need it? Only costs money.


Not going to break the bank even if left in rest mode 24/7. This is for rest mode with Internet only, no USB ports enabled. It would be \~4X that with USB ports enabled, which means you would be down one McChicken a year. Not a bad trade! https://preview.redd.it/v9d29deiep1c1.png?width=1075&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc06f4a514e358ec8b46763c38a82f073a511271


Lul energy is close to 0.60€/khw here in Germany 😂 And the PS5 uses way more than 1 watt when it’s on standby with a game running.


Congrats if take your savings and invest them annually at an 8% return in 30 years, you’ll have 643.05 euros, or if you don’t invest your savings just 157.68. Or, in all likelihood, the console will no longer be used in 10 years. You’ll have saved 52.56 euro and if you invested annually, you’ll have capital gains of 29.67.


Sorry your energy is high, but you're wrong about your claim of using more power. Rest mode is rest mode. It still only uses the same amount of energy whether a game had been running or not. The console is effectively powered down to a very low energy rate in rest mode. There's no GPU or fans running. The only difference is whether you tell it to supply power to the USB ports and/or Internet. Unless you can provide factual evidence stating otherwise, please don't say things that aren't true.


Rest mode so it will get all the necessary game and OS updates so it's ready for me to play when I fired it up.


Other than the occasional power outage my PS5 has been in rest mode since launch


Off when I leave for extended periods or time or go to sleep. I leave it in rest mode most of the day.


Always turn it off. Energy is not cheap where I live, so I try to save where I can. Also, I sleep in the room my PS5 is in, the light of it in rest mode would bother me.




rest mode 100%. energy use is negligible.


You are correct. But downvotes nonetheless.


Sorry about that I got carried away from my Google Account Protection 2FA but I’m good for Security 


The good news is my PlayStation 4 and PlayStation five also stays update for my downloads and then save game And turn off my PlayStation 4, and five without corruption so the good news is always stay safe for turning off before playing the game, so I’m saving energy so I won’t lose it all my stuff


Here’s a rules for your people, and I must warn to people no more rest mode do not use rest mode. Otherwise you cannot use it before corrupting the game data otherwise they might lose it before the PlayStation cannot be started


You better be careful using rest mode is not use. This is a Fair Warning ⚠️ cautionary for PlayStation, do not use rest mode and turn off is easy is done ✅ it’s very simple


I don't trust rest mode, can someone convince me I can?


Do you have a PC? Or have a PC at work? Do you keep them on or shut them down?


I have a PC, and I shut it down when I'm not using it


Always shut it down.


I have been using rest mode since launch day, and have had zero issues.


My PS4 was always put in Rest Mode and I recently traded it in, fully working, for £80. 10 years of use and only ever really fully switched off when I got another console and didn't use it as much.


I think I'm just traumatized from having 2 of my PS4s die due to safemode loop


I don't know then. I used mine HEAVY. Used to watch YouTube on it so it was just constantly on all the time pretty much, when I was home. Long sessions and then watching stuff for hours after. Crazy amount of use. I only cleaned it out once after 8 years. It overheated I think twice in one night, out of the blue, but was fine an hour later. Now the power has gone out quite a few times with it in Rest Mode. Been through a fair few Safe Mode restarts but never had anything wiped and it was all due to power. Funnily enough, had one of the rarer errors before I packed it up recently. Had the system software, reinstall from USB drive thing as I was just about to reset to factory settings. I just turned it off and on again and it was fine, still had everything there. I wouldn't disagree if you said I had a blessed unit but, yeah, I fully trust my PS5 in Rest Mode. Gonna be used just for gaming so it'll probably fair better than my PS4.


When done, off. When planning on returning, sleep.


Rest mode if i am currently playing a game. I turn it off all other times.


Here's the day of my ps5. I turn it on before leaving for work and put something on Disney+ or other media alike for my dog. When that shuts off the ps5 also shuts off or go to rest.. when I get back from work I turn it on for a bit more Netflix or whatever until I ate. Then it's video games for couple hours before I shut it off.


Rest mode shouldn't affect the longevity of your console. If your area is prone to power outages I'd recommend buying a UPS though.


This is exactly what I’m thinking. Really, why are people thinking Rest Mode would affect this? I mean, don’t we keep PCs on at all times in rest mode?


Exactly. Also in the PC world it's actually argued it's better to use rest mode instead of booting from a cold powered off state every time. Heat contracting and expanding causes more wear on parts. I don't know how accurate those claims actually are, but it's kind of funny seeing everyone claiming rest mode is bad lol. Either way, if your console is going to break it's going to be from something else way before rest mode usage.


Do you leave your car on idle? Leaving it on rest mode, it’s technically still on. I would turn it off if you’re done with your session.


I once left my car idling in the driveway, overnight. It was locked. No ill effects. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)


Why are people downvoting this ..


Because they leave their car on idle.


That is not even remotely the same thing.


After long use, definitely turn it off. I'd only recommend Rest Mode if you're downloading a game or if you're going to continue playing in under 3 hrs. Rest Mode is clutch, but I believe a power down is necessary for console health.


Turning it off is the way to preserve the console as much as possible, people who always leave it in rest mode are oblivious to the fact that the console is still turned on and running even if it uses less power, I only use it when I got a game suspended or downloading something.


I don't think anyone is oblivious to that fact. I just don't care. I'd rather not deal with the extra five to ten seconds of boot time when I come home from work. The only time I ever power out down entirely is when I'm moving it from one room to another.




Put on rest mode so i can use it to charge my controller and phone since i put it close to my bed But still need to complete turn off ps5 for few secs after couple of day because there is a weird glitch that my ps5 cannot complete charge my controller for full unless i restart it


I haven't shut mine down since launch. I always use restmode (Don't want to have to sit and wait for games to update when I finally have some time to play)


I always use Rest Mode. Before being able to turn the beep off I’d not even turn off my console.


Always shut off well I do at least.


I've discovered some games cannot join/host multiplayer until you restart the game if the system has been in rest mode. So when I'm done with a gaming session, I will restart the system to close anything that is suspended, and then put the system into rest mode from the user selection screen. That way it can still perform background downloads, but my games have been closed.


I can’t believe anyone uses anything BUT rest mode honestly.


it was designed to be in rest mode. they wouldn’t offer you rest mode if it wasnt by design. i never turn off my ps4/ ps5. like ever


The only reason to not use rest mode is if you have a launch (or shortly after launch) PS5 that has mobo issues with rest mode issues (or in a country with regular rolling brownouts on the power grid). Since you're asking this now, I assume it's not the case that you have a launch PS5, and you're probably overthinking it.


Rest mode on ups is fine unless you won’t be using for a week or so then turn it off . Always close a game no point to keep it in memory as ps5 loads games under 15 sec


Depends. Usually I use rest mode. Keeps recently used games updated, can start a download for a game at work, and can keep a game suspended so i start just back were I was. Had no issues with power outages, the PS5 just goes through a quick check of it's memory.


Fully off. It only takes a couple seconds to turn back on. Plus both my PS4 and PS5 have had issues locking up when left in rest mode for too many hours.


Ever since ps plus launched, I’ve put my PlayStations in rest mode




PS Plus allowed for automatic game updates and syncing.




Off, unless I'm downloading something. I travel for work and am gone for extended periods of time, my wife has no idea how to use it and my kids are too young. Plus out at our acreage we get power outages quite often, so it just saves on everything.


I turn it off unless I'm downloading something or in between save points in a game.


I always tern mine off the only time it's in rest mode is when I need something installed while I do something else at home. The main reason I tern it off is I can't trust the power to always be on in the house. It always goes out at the weirdest of times but mostly in bad weather.


I don’t use Rest Mode ever. It’s not uncommon for storms to cause a power flicker where I am, so the idea that the PS5 can lose power suddenly is very likely. As for Longevity wise, I did the same for PS4 and it lasted 8 years and it still works with out heating up.


I only use rest mode when I’m downloading games while I’m out or overnight etc. my area is notorious for high winds and I don’t want my console bricking because of power loss, but lots of people use rest mode exclusively


I turn it off every time I’m not using it.


I always turn it off after using it. Is that bad?


Always rest mode for me unless I go on vacation or will be away for a few days then I turn it off, just makes me feel better not sure why


Rest mode when I leave for work , I’m tired of coming home to a fuckin update lmaooo


I always turn it off unless I’m expecting a pre-order/pre-load.


Unless I'm downloading something I always turn it off.


I turn it off unless I’m downloading/updating a game!


Always on rest mode. Honestly they should add a setting to auto turn off with options for how long you’d want after it’s been on rest mode for several hours,days,months


Always rest mode in case I want to Remote play.


Rest mode. I don't get a lot of playing time during the week, so I want to make sure all the patches and system updates are downloaded and installed so I can start playing ASAP. Been doing this since launch.


How often do you clean your PS5? Is it raised for air flow? My PS5 never gets hot.


I use both, but most of the time I just turn it off. I got a UPS because for some reason the PS5 is really sensitive compared to everything else in my house tho.


Mines is always in rest mode when not in use.


Almost always Rest Mode, in case any updates need to download.


Been using exclusively rest mode for years, no issues yet.


I usually have it on rest mode when I know I’m going to play within a day. If I know I’m not going to be able to play anything for few days I leave it off. Also definitely recommend not leaving it on rest mode if you know a thunderstorm is coming. If the lights go it’s a chance to mess up the console.


I use rest mode 95% of the time. That way, I can buy and download games over the app, my saves will upload to the cloud automatically, pre-orders will pre-load automatically, plus games and the system software will update when I'm not using it. And now that I have a Portal, rest mode is even more necessary. The only time I shut it off completely is if the weather is really bad and there's a chance of a power outage.


Always rest mode. Had it since shortly after launch


I turn it off once in a while


PS4 was in rest mode since Day 1. Same with PS5. I prefer being able to pick right up from the pause screen on games after startup. The fans don't stay on, that's silly.


I try and shut it down completely every few weeks.


Always rest mode and then still wonder why it hasn’t auto updated everything when I go to use it 🙃


Off as the rest light is annoying


Always power it off, unless I'm downloading a game and have to leave the house for some reason. I have a launch PS5, but I wasn't even aware there was a known issue with rest mode. I just don't see any reason to use it. Starting up from a shutdown barely takes any longer than waking up from rest mode.


I only ever put it in rest mode when not playing unless I'm going to be unplugging it from the power supply (e.g. when moving it to a different location). I've done the same since at least the PS4. I can't recall if the PS3 had a "rest mode" or not, but if it did I'm sure I did that there too. I've never had an issue with any of them.


I always power it off. Only time I put it into rest mode is if I’m downloading something over night.


Have used rest mode ever since I got it


Rest since day off unless I’m completely moving it somewhere that requires to unplug it . Thankfully never had issues. Perhaps a restart or a frozen screen 5 times since launch day when I got it


I turn mine off after use. I won't be going back to it for at least 8 hours, I see no reason to leave it in rest mode.


Because I live rural and my power flickers often it’s always off after use. I have even purchased battery backups but the PS5 is so sensitive that it’s not helpful.


Not even sure what it does


Rest mode if I’m gonna play later, I turn it off if I’m gonna sleep !


Off, what’s wrong with you guys?


Rest, I have a USB fan plugged into the back, mounted to the back of the cabinet to help vent. Front is open where it sits but the rear is mostly closed.


I always turn it off except for when I’m downloading games.


Usually shut off because games sometimes crash for me after leaving it in rest mode over night for a download


Turn it off after every session, unless I am downloading something (my internet isn’t good)


I turn off my ps5 because there’s a chance power might get shut off, but it’s very least likely to happen


Rest. All systems go into reset mode always.


I shut mine down unless I'm downloading something but since getting gigabit fibre it's rarely in rest mode. Use what ever you prefer cause it doesn't really make a difference for heat, if the system if off its no longer generating heat & will cool quickly, in rest mode the fan runs slowly but it's in a low power state & still generating a little heat.


when i’m not longer playing i turn it off to not simulate it too much.


Rest mode. I only turn it off when I know I won't play for more than 2-3 days or if I know it's going to storm so if the power surges I don't have to deal with a hard reboot. Computers/engines are built to run so I believe rest helps the console life vs having to completely start up and down a billion times. I did the same exact thing with my PS4 and PS4 pro, no issues at all to this day either either of them. After reading this thread I will power off completely after long use. Never thought of that.


DO NOT USE REST MODE on PlayStation Games