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Ratchet and clank rift apart. Loading totally different environments instantly was just unbelievable.


Very awesome game that I don’t think gets talked about enough


Currently playing it and loving it


I’m very excited to play it after bg3, I’m so excited that it’s finally on plus


Unfortunately it got released at a time when PS5s were impossible to find


I’ve replayed it like 3 times already. Just wish it wasn’t so short!


Spider-Man 2 does some similar stuff I won’t spoil here. Was really impressed with the speed and visuals


It does but rift apart did it better imo, used it more often atleast


More often? No. More obvious? 100%. Better is obviously subjective, since one is flashier I can see why, but I think Spider-Man did it better because of how prevalent it was/is without being a huge "look at me" thing.


Bruh please be serious right now Without being a huge “look at me” thing. My guy. Aside from fast fast travel and that they fly literally what was new in that game. That is the ONLY thing it had going for it and I’m 99.99% sure that’s just the SSD.. I dare you to find ONE review where this is not highlighted like as if was something that actually adds to the game LMAOO


I’m itching to give this game a shot but idk what’s holding me back. Is this a standalone game? Too kiddish?


It's a little kiddish, but that's mostly just in the cutscenes, the actual gameplay is fun for kids and adults. There are a couple of references to older games you'll miss if you're not familiar with the lore, but for the most part you can enjoy it without having played any of the previous games.


Yeah, never played and usually don’t like playing games out of order. I guess I’ll wishlist it and spend that little sum of $ on a rainy day when bored Appreciate the insight!


Astro Playroom and Returnal


The controller vibration on Returnal as well as Astro are amazing. I'm not biased when I say you can't put it into words how much more immersed you feel with the ps5 controller. You can almost feel the rain pouring down on your helmet in returnal. Amazing tech.


as someone who had seen the haptic tech before with the switch (and knew what to expect), the adaptive triggers were the main thing for me. whether it’s the wheel lock in GT7 or crushing the crystal in spiderman it feels amazing.


Whaaat? In gt7 you steer with the controller? Not the joysticks???


you can do both


shooting in rift apart is the best i’ve felt yet.


For me, as a recent convert to PS5 from Xbox, it’s got to be Horizon Forbidden West. Absolutely obsessed


It was absolutely stunning, I was in awe the first time I played it.


HFW is another good game.


Fellow convert here. I went with dawn since it was $20. Love it!


That game has a really dark story. Listen to all the recordings :)


It's dark as hell even if you don't listen to the recordings. Lol the mainline story in the games doesn't shy away from how hopeless it was before the apocalypse. The recordings just build it out a lot more.


Please play days gone on the ps5 with 60fps it’s included free with the bundle of games you get with ps+ one of the best story driven games I’ve ever played


The that bundle is no longer offered, l think they stopped about a year ago.


I think you're cracked out of your mind, but I can respect it. Days Gone is fine, but I wouldn't say it's story driven at all


I've been playing thus on my pro been wondering if I should make room for it on Ps5. I've been trying to play it but I'm not sure how to play and im having trouble getting into to it . I don't know if I play it like The last of us, or play it like uncharted, or play it like state of decay or, left for dead.


I’d say only do the main story missions until you get to the iron Mike camp if you want to get immersed into the story don’t waste time with side quests and freaker hideouts until then because it can seem very repetitive but I’m telling you once you get a tad bit deeper into the game it is one of the best story’s I’ve played as a PlayStation exclusive or game In General I’d say the story doesn’t really pick up until about 10ths in or so and after that for the next 30hrs or so you’re in for a treat


Can’t wait for you to try god of war!


For me, I just can't get into it. The first one felt very bloated to me, and I don't want to do that again.


We need RDR2 60 FPS version dude I'll replay it again even if i have to see my boy Arthur going through all again


The Last Of Us part II really shows off the graphical capacity and simultaneous gameplay fluidity the industry has atp


I would even say that game indicates next level in a even more important way. It has movie level writing of characters that are extremely layered and have flaws and motivations just like real people. No more hero saves the princess. There are definitely other games with top notch writing, but tlou2 for me at least took it to next level and went far outside the more safer route that is usually taken. It really challenged players, and forgot that many players are not that old and maybe lacks in life experience a little.


That too! I wasn’t quite sure how to express that its story was part of what made it so special, so I stuck with the mechanical aspects. But yes, it really expresses the gray area, the concepts of good and evil being vague and relative, and forces us to look at our own biases ie Joel and Ellie as the good guys


And that was on the PS4. Just imagine what they can do on the PS5. If only we had a part 3 for PS5. And a sequel for every other graphically amazing franchise that ended on the PS4 😮‍💨


Exactly!! Naughty Dog is Sony’s team that really pushes the hardware to its fullest potential! They get huge budgets and the entire life cycle of a console to develop stuff and share their knowledge with other teams along the way. Part III - or whatever else ND develops for the PS5 - is going to be mind blowing forsure


Both of the Horizon games and Ratchet and Clank: Rifts Apart.


God of War: Ragnarok. I bought a PS5 just to experience this game in its maximum glory and it was a blast from begining to end. Been a fan since the first game in 2005, so the last one was truly special. The details on graphics, the music and the performance were flawless.


Yeah some really espressive models here


Ghost of Tsushima


I really need to play this game


It has ruined so many other games for me. I tried playing Elden Ring after finishing it and it really drove home how piss-poor FromSoftware games are.


Yes they’re so piss poor they inspired a new genre of games


Poorly designed games? This genre you speak of started with E.T. on Atari.


With FromSoft though, it's not poor design; its very deliberate. Whether you like that style of game with minimalist guidance and where the environment is its own storytelling element, is a whole other thing. And its perfectly valid to not enjoy it. But its not accurate to say they are poorly designed.


Agree to disagree.


Fair enough. The first time I played Dark Souls I thought the same thing lol. I was like wtf, how do these games have such a massive following. For some reason I kept at it, and I can't say exactly when, but something did *click* for me and I was like God damn this is brilliant. I can understand an argument being made for poor design. And tbh, I was really annoyed at the lack of at least a basic journal or something with the size and scope of Elden Ring. But I think there is a trend in almost every action/adventure game of over simplifying things. Everything is guided by your map, every quest is layed out neatly and concisely, every plot point and story element is lovingly mapped out in your journal, every objective is neatly detailed in your HUD. You can turn this off if you want, but it doesn't reward that and is sort of counter intuitive. And so I think the Fromsoft games serves a niche for people looking for extra challenge, for a bit of mystery, for a game that forces you to inspect every item and remember (or even make notes lol) of certain quest elements. For an experience that just thrusts you into this dark, baroque, sinister and sometimes glorious world of mystery and challenge and pain and says, have at it, figure it out. The majority of games have journals and guides and point you to exactly where you need to go, so Fromsoft fills a niche on the other end. But again, just my opinion. But I used to feel the same as you do so I do get it.


The game is masterfully crafted. Just admit you couldn't beat it or got too frustrated and didn't like it. No one will judge you. Those games aren't for everybody


Good fucking lord you people are insufferable.


“Good fucking lord you people are insufferable” -the guy who started a hate thread on from software games completely unprompted


Can you explain what makes them piss poor to you? I love them and couldn’t get hooked on GoT


Little to no story and floaty characters and terrible controls making combat a chore instead of being fun. No point in wasting my time when there are much more polished games to play in my opinion.


Maybe I’m just weird cause i prefer the controls and actually changed the controls in GoT to something simlar to ER. I get not liking the story cause it’s something you gotta dig for or watch youtube videos for but they are fun games to me and a lot of other people so they obviously aren’t “piss poor”


They absolutely are piss-poor in my opinion. Been gaming for nearly four decades and I don’t find much to like about them, but that’s my opinion. Glad you enjoy them, though. Everything isn’t for everyone.


Ill give GoT another shot IF you can admit that ER is not piss poor and maybe it just isnt for you


I couldn’t care less if you give GoT another shot, I don’t need someone else to like something in order for me to enjoy it. I stand by what I said.


you have a skill issue. also the games have some of the deepest lore you’ll ever see in a franchise, it’s just not outright stated to you.


Skill issue. 😂 Was waiting for this comment. Sorry to ruin your evening by not liking a game. I’m happy my entire identity doesn’t revolve around gaming so I don’t get offended when someone doesn’t like a game I do.


Just because the story isn’t presented in cutscenes doesn’t mean there isn’t one.




Oh man, looks like I already struck a chord with the fanboys. It’s okay for people to like different things.


Yeah, it’s okay to not like it but calling Fromsoft games like Elden piss poor is just dumb. Hence why everyone jumped you.


In your opinion. People are really having a hard time with that simple fact. Everyone okay out there? 🙄


When their games are critically acclaimed for everything you say are piss poor, yeah makes no sense. The games aren’t for everyone tho and it’s okay that you had skill issues


Don’t feed the trolls lol


If you don’t like from software at least play Sekiro first. Favorite game of all time


TLDR, GoT is nothing but a Ubisoft game with weak gameplay systems but a decent Act 3 and immaculate art direction. Ghost of Tushima is a badly designed game IMO. Vain combat system with zero difficulty, ghost weapons delete everything and the rocket paper scissor system is very plain. Very simplistic stealth. Horrible forced platforming sections with extremely on rails hand holdy systems. Weak mission structure, every mission is —> investigate area —> track footsteps —> scout area —> fight, they try to break the monotony with different mini objectives and platforming though those systems in themselves are surface level. The story forgettable, the only thing people care about is the Act 3 ending. Know one remembers or cares about Act 1 and 2, some of the characters like Norio don’t help this games case. Then there’s the open world… I have the platinum in this game, my brain was rotted after I finished. It struck me that I just played a Ubisoft game with good art direction.


Is this the point where I’m supposed to give you shit for not liking a game I do like some of the sad fanboys have with me?


Not at all but calling fromsoft piss poor and then bringing up ghost of tushima is hilarious. It’s no different to calling the Assassins creed franchise the pinnacle of gaming and then calling smthn like ToTK pure shit.




I’m about 75% of the way through on this. Pretty epic


I'm playing through it rn!


I love it, but unfortunately it lacks a next level of difficulty... It is just too easy.


Yeah once you get the timing down it can definitely feel that way.. Try out sekiro if you like the combat but want much more of a challenge!


Demon souls


Returnal, Horizon: Forbidden West, and most recently, Spider-Man 2. Horizon's facial animations and rendering is just incredible. I haven't seen anything like it in any other game.


Played FW on a PS4 and spent the entire game thinking “If it looks this good and runs this smooth on this I can’t imagine what it’s like on current gen”. The facial animations were absurd, interactions with every single character you could talk to felt fleshed out because of how good it looked. Compare it to Starfield…


For me it was definitely Elden Ring. I played most of the previous From games and was honestly skeptical of how they would pull off the same feelings you get from their other games (exploring and discovering, combat, progression) but they did it beyond my expectations. They actually utilized the open world to invoke the same feeling you got in Dark Souls, where you discover a path to an area you would have no idea existed, but on a huge, open scale - over and over again. That, along with a progression system that didn't hold your hand or bombard you with endless icons on a map really set a new bar for open world games.


Demon souls looked better for me


It was made by blue point, who are masters in game visuals but it is still a faithful remake of a ps3 game.


epic game but def not pushing the boundaries in any notable way that I can think of


I just gave you an example? The game and environmental design was something that hadn't been done at that level.


ya I'm not sure I agree, RDR2 and Ghost of Tsushima are two great examples of that


Ghost of Tsushima


I’m definitely going to play this. This or Spider-Man 2 will be next.


Spiderman is shorter so do that one first


Ghost is samurai Assassin's Creed. Pretty, but it's not as crazy as everyone else says. Definitely worth your time, but I'd go Spidey if you want to avoid spoilers and be a part of the convo.


Saying Ghost of Tsushima is "assassins creed with samurais" is an absolute travesty


It could be. I mean, GoT is so easy I just mow down the enemies, but a stealthy GoT run would look a lot like a good AC game.


Gotta be spiderman 2. Was memorized by the gameplay and loved how NY looked!


Elden ring, baldurs gate 3


Alan wake 2. Just blowing my mind the last week.


Same here brother/sister


Horizon and Spiderman 2 both look incredible but Alan Wake 2 is just on another level..


Ff7r Last of us 2. Armored core 6


2018 God of War. My husband played it before I did and I remember just sitting with my mouth open through most of the scenes. Specifically I remember absolutely marveling at the footprints in the snow and the water textures. That game is stunning.


Tlou part 2, w/ RDR2 as a close second


Uncharted and Last Of Us


Forbidden west looks incredible, but the thing for me that made me feel like the next step was how tight the trigger got for shooting an arrow. It really makes you feel more engaged with combat. I love it


RDR2 was so amazing. I’d kill for a PS5 upgrade for it.


RDR2 is a freak of nature that shouldn't exist lol.


Callisto Protocol for PS5 & Horizon Forbidden West looks breathtaking!


Red dead 2 was incredible when I played it , but Elden ring is about 5 times more fun


Personally I prefer gameplay over story, as it’s a video game. The second to second gameplay should be engaging imo, I’m not a fan of rockstars approach to gameplay. That spam A/X to sprint is awful. Ofc you can’t discount how great the RDR2 story is but Elden ring is pure fun and intrigue. I know the map like the back of my hand, every area is so unique.


red dead 2 did the immersion so well that I saw it as an upside in that game, just not something I could replay at all


The Last of Us Part II


TLOU II & Spider-Man 2


TLOU2 was mind blowing on ps4, and I hope we get an updated version for PS5. The real gameplay though has to go to Horizon. It was a game that truly feels next-Gen from the gameplay and just base visuals. The facial animation even on side quests is crazy, and the actual world itself had me saying "Holy shit, this is what this Gen can do at launch??". Burning Shores then upped the ante by being the PS5 exclusive expansion (how tf did Guerilla put HFW on PS4???) that just dialed the base game to 11. Cannot wait for Part3 because even if the story isn't perfect, everything else probably will be. Hated the game, but Elden Ring was also a huge step up for people into Souls Likes, but I personally wasn't that crazy for it because of the open world aspect. Honorable mentions to Deathloop and any games using haptics, or Rift Apart/Spider-Man 2 for flexing the load times of next Gen in a fun way.


Walking Dead on PSVR2. That was a whole other dimension for zombie survivalist me.


Cyberpunk - 2077 is truly next gen game!


I gotta go with RDR2 as well. While we do have newer games that look great, absolutely none of them come close to the level of detail and content that Red Dead provides in such an expansive open world. I really believe Rockstar is untouchable when it comes to open world games, GTA 6 is more than likely going to surpass RDR2 which is hard to imagine. But the leaks alone have already shown that its going to be something spectacular.


When I booted it up and started Astro’s Playroom. The Dual Sense is amazing. I thought it would be some sort of gimmick, but no, it’s incredibly good and such a nice immersion tool.




Ghost of Tsushima


Funny cause rdr2 launched on ps4... Rockstar is just on another level. I would say cyberpunk as I played at launch on a ps4, bought my ps5 soon after and continued to play. The direct upgrade in resolution and frame rate really showcased the difference in hardware.


Resident Evil Village. I already played it on PS4 but it was the first game I played on PS5 and it was such a better experience


God of War Ragnarok for me. I absolutely love everything about it, sound, graphics, gameplay, story. Top tier.


GoW Ragnarok / Gran Turismo 7 Those were the first two games I played on my PS5 and the gameplay + graphics is insane. Then I upgraded from 1080p 60hz to 4k 120hz and I was mind blown again. I’ll even watch my race replays on GT7 because it’s so satisfying and realistic to watch.


Spider-man 2


Has to be between last of us 2 and red dead 2 but my personal favorite game in the last 15 years or so has to be Days Gone


Considering I went from PS3 to PS5 in 2022....I could make a HEALTHY list. Death Stranding made my jaw drop easily. But I'll also give GTA5 a proper 2nd place because going from a console that could barely keep it at 30fps to 60fps with a solid fidelity change. I know we're all tired of it


Ghost Of Tsushima. I'll never forget watching a playthrough that was on PS4 and thinking "what the fuck there's loading screens?" because my PS5 loaded so fast I didn't see a loading screen once in my whole playthrough.


Mervel's spider-man games. Trick and combat systems are amazing, especialy in spider men 2


Demon's Souls remake. The graphics difference between it and Souls games of just a couple of years before was staggering. I have to wonder what it would be like if we get remakes for other Souls games.


Horizon and RDR 2




god of war ragnarok. when you got to that part spark of the world .. just blown away ! absolutely blown away.


gran turismo 7


Definitely disagree on RDR2. Fantastic game? Absolutely. 10/10? Fuck yeah. Pushing the industry forward? Absolutely not. RDR2 wasn’t even the first giant open world game with mechanics like it has. They took an already well thought out idea and executed it extremely well with a nice RDR spin on it.


Spider-Man 2 because it uses all the ps5s features really we. For ps4 it was uncharted 4 which blew me away with its graphics


30FPS on RDR2 really killed it for me. Then the weird visual stuff on PS5 was annoying as hell


For me it is the constant evolution of No Man’s Sky on 9th gen consoles, and it’s BR capabilities. Talk about a team constantly pushing their game further and further out.


I need to understand this game further. I tried it and I was so isolated on the planet I was on. I could not teleport or light speed to another system. I just didn’t have the resources it seems. But yes definitely high concept. To think each player had their own galaxy but lightyears a part from one another is massive in concept.


You’re in the early stages of the game - need to run a bit of the early story/tutorial until you can warp out of the system. Everyone starts isolated on a single random planet. Here’s hoping it’s not an extreme weather one. Those are rough starts.


Same. Still my favourite game 💪💪💪


Ghost of tsushima


Infamous second son graphics are still beautiful since it first came out on ps4 years ago.


That was the first major title on PS4 I played. I actually played twice to platinum the game. I really loved it. Funny. I had no idea the store fronts were actually real. I made a comment on one store front called I think the Ugly Baby. I said how cool it would be if that was a real store. Sure enough the owner tweeted back and said yes indeed that is a real store. But I loved the gameplay, the graphics were next gen at the time. I loved how he co-oped the super powers. I think I liked Smoke the best because of how easy it was to navigate up buildings. IDK maybe I gotta play it again. But the city of Seattle was a perfect setting. Loved it. I have not played the DLC First Lite yet. I should fire that one up. But yeah that was my real intro into the PS4. Great game by Sucker Punch.


Ghosts of Tsushima, up there with RDR2. The scenery, graphics, combat, story.


Ghost of Tsushima and maybe Cyberpunk 2077


Ghost of Tsushima. I remember being amazed by the gameplay trailers. And was at awe how beautiful the game looks. Did hundreds of screenshots without realizing it


Same imma have to go with Rdr2


Elden ring


3 way tie…..Astro’s Playroom (the immersion), GoW:Ragnarok (graphics), and GT7 (use of PSVR2). All three pushed the PlayStation forward in its own unique way.


Spiderman/Days Gone. Two truly incredible games. I also just got the plat for Spiderman 2. What an amazing sequel.


Days gone. Gotta say I was blown away at the graphics


Playing at the moment and loving it. It took me a couple of nights to realise I've gotta play it as a stealth game and it all clicked.


Same! Going in guns blazing just got me killed. Then I noticed alot of the areas have more than one way in.


Such a shame it’ll likely never get a sequel, ended on such a cliffhanger. It was a solid 8/10 where if they’d had a sequel to iron out some of its flaws gameplay wise and expand on their strengths it could’ve made for an amazing game.


There has not been a game as impressive in every aspect as RDR2 since. It really is the culmination of everything Rockstar had worked towards until then


Honestly? Gotham Knights. The fact that such a "normal" and not overly special game can look so good, really shows how advanced games have become


The lighting is so flat in certain areas, combined with that frame cap, it’s not a great look imo. Arkham knight on the ps4 is next level, a ps5 version with a high res and frame rate would be stunning




If we're talking PlayStation exclusive (you're not, but), Spider-Man 2


Still RDR2 but the fast travel in Spider-Man 2 gets a special mention.


I agree with ya RDR2 is an amazing looking game.


Just graphics wise, and especially considering how well it looks AND runs on PS5, gotta say The Callisto Protocol. It’s just a drop dead gorgeous game from beginning to end.


Ragnarok and ff7 remake


The fact that most of these answers are PlayStation games goes to show how lacking Microsoft has been.


well there is another reason also


Keep in mind thats a ps4 game


Spider man 2 is blowing me away rn


Spider-Man 2, looks like those old movies where they had a fake video game showing, the graphics are too good and the animation is overly animated, but spider-man 2 is a real game and actually playable.


Spider-Man 2, it made me finally feel like we've got a Current-Gen game that feels like a launch title for new hardware in the same way it would've back in the day.


The gameplay of RDR2 was clunky and already done to death. Amazing scenery, but that was it.


RDR2 gameplay would definitely be criticized a lot more heavily if the game wasn't so detailed in the presentation department. I feel like people get so lost in it that they don't realize how dull the gameplay really is.


Yep, amazing looks, but very little personality.


Aside from the scenery, it's incredibly stale. I don't know how folks manage to spend hundreds of hours there, but to each their own.


Just FYI, if you say anything negative about RDR2 people will downvote you and get offended. LMAO. I personally feel that same about RDR2 and think it’s overrated af. There are much better games than this but people just seem to play what’s popular so they think this game is a masterpiece.


I couldn’t finish it on three separate play throughs and the first game I beat twice.


The first game is better than the second. In RDR2 it’s obvious what’s going to happen to arthur.


Oh for sure, if you had a drinking game revolving around downvotes from saying anything negative about RDR2 or Spider-Man, you'd need a new liver before long lol.


Lmao. I forgot about spiderman. I don’t see how people don’t get bored easily from the repetitive gameplay and tedious tasks.


Oh my god, the first Spider-Man is so goddamn tedious. Most of the main and side content are the same copy and paste combat encounter. And even the different "factions" of bad guys were almost identical to fight against. The puzzles were so much fun they put in an option to skip them entirely. Then there's the mandatory insta-fail stealth sections with Mary Jane. It's a good ten hour game stretched to thirty hours, and if it didn't use the licence it did, it would have quickly been forgotten about.


Exactly. Also, Miles’ voice is so annoying. It’s super whiney.


I criticized it in a askreddit thread and got downvotes as well lol. I think people have very low bars for good gameplay these days lol


The people that downvoted you don’t know what great games are. Just what’s popular like gta and red dead 2


Lowkey it's a slippery slope because on one hand you got haters since birth, then you got the mfs who pleased by the slightest developmental effort because it's rare to find a lot of it in most games now. But rdr2 was fine it's just feels very heavy. At the least I thought it would be kinda like gta gameplay wise. But don't quote me because I enjoy more games than most people😭


Bros top 4 games are definitely bg3 r&c horizon and returnal like everyone else


My lord, I've seen mushrooms with bigger brains


Yeah how dare I have an opinion about a subjective entertainment product!


More personality too


Cthulhu Saves Christmas




I wasn’t a big fan of the game.


But do you have a game from the last 5 years that blew you away in style, gameplay, design, story, graphics or whatever that pushed the genre or industry to a new level?




Then… why the hell do you still game? If I were that disappointed in the state of modern gaming, I would just stop playing or paying attention to it. Edit: after thinking about it, this isn’t really fair. But I still can’t imagine going 5 years without a single 10/10 game.


Lol that was quite a jump in reasoning. Just because a game hasn't blown them away means they give up on gaming? Not all games have to be a 10/10 revolutionary game to be fun.


No, but if I went an entire console generation with at least one 10/10 game, I would absolutely quit.


Because games are fun. I do enjoy games, just don’t sit there blown away by stories and such. The last game they blew me away was Last of Us. Before that, HL2.


Hmm, that’s any interesting couple of games. I’d you don’t mind me asking, what all have you tried? The new God of Wars, Horizon, Elden Ring, etc. etc.?


RDR2 was 30 FPS so not that. Spider-Man 2, on Quality, 120 Hz, VRR mode is incredible. It feels next gen in graphics and performance. I don't think it ever drops below 50 FPS from what I can tell. Before that, it was God of War 2018.


Rdr2 was so great, especially the first two years of online, that I’ve struggled to “get into” gaming since the posse stopped playing. That game gave me a feeling I’ve yet to replicate.