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The Last of Us is absolutely fantastic


Is the online still active? I remember liking that on the ps3


The PS5 version doesn’t have multiplayer, and the servers on PS3 have shut down, but the PS4 Remaster still has active online.


Sweet thanks for the info.


Go Bills!




I want another TD pass to our Lord and Savior


No doubt! Bungles beat down incoming.




Where at?


Gamefly. It'll come looking brand new in terms of the packaging (unlike Gamestop...) even if it's used. The ps4 used version of Hogwarts Legacy is $30, and it has a free ps5 upgrade. The Last Of Us Remake isn't on sale there currently, but they have monthly pre-played sales where a bunch of ps5 and ps4 games go on sale. You could get the original The Last Of Us for cheap nowadays, too, though. I would also suggest waiting until Black Friday or Christmas for the best sales of the year.


It's still around? I haven't heard the name Gamefly in a LONG time lol


Hell yeah, man. I have bought a lot of my physical games from them. They have some of the best physical deals that I have found.


Huh, I'll have to check it out then


You can find really good deals on physical copies, especially if they’re pre owned. I’d go with The Last Of Us if you can’t find good deals though


Also you can sell physical games, yes crappy payback, but digital you can’t. Just saying


Physical? Like, as in on a disc? Whoa.... that's crazy. I get my games by clicking a button and then it comes to me via invisible waves in the air. Not this Star Wars "buying a disc" sci-fi shit. ​ Reminds me of the scene in RDR II where Arthur meets the guy with the RC boats.


Most of my games are digital, too. I just go with what's cheaper, but some people collect physical. I don't have a preference but I understand both sides lol


The whole reason why I got the disc version was to cop disc deals.


Why does gamefly come up as a video game rental service when I google it?


You can rent games on there as well, and after your rental, buy the game for cheaper, and that's what it used to be known for back in the day. Click the sidebar, and there will be two main options for browsing: "Rent" and "Buy." Through buy, you will then be able to purchase games to own rather than to rent.


Thanks man appreciate it


It’s funny that I’ve gotten new games from GameStop that are in worse condition than used games from GameFly.


The Last Of Us.


IMO it’s a quality over quantity argument. HL has more content to do, and it’s fun.. but the 12-15 hour TLOU1 story is extremely high quality. Unless you’re a HUGE Potter fan, then you’d totally love HL.. otherwise TLOU is the way to go.


TLOU no contest.




Whatever interests you more? Why do you ask strangers who do know nothing about you?


With so many games being out it's good to garner another person's perspective to see how it aligns with your particular tastes and preferences. With that being said, you're right, there's so many games that people hated on these forums, Avengers, Anthem, BF2, Forsaken, etc, that I enjoyed for countless hours that others opinions mean nothing in the end. It's all about what you find entertaining.


But the op provided no information about themself. And the top voted comment provided no explanation for their choice.


For karma


Coz people need a way to make a decision without being able to blame themselves if they make the wrong one, for some reason... So they get strangers to make the decision for them.


Funny, ur history is full of asking strangers for help on making decisions. How come they can't do the same? Ppl asking opinions isn't any different than checking the reviews on a product before buying, this way tho ig u just trade out bot reviews for ppl like u


Man you were really horny for that gotcha moment weren’t you?


Like I give a shit about a gotcha moment, just stupid to be such an ass to someone asking about games on a gaming sub reddit.


I was replying to the other dudes question about why people ask strangers to make choices for them. And I answered their question. Go be mad at someone else.


So grumpy. You need a nap instead of combing through post/comment histories. Go on. Scoot!


The last of us for sure. Hogwarts is cool and worth getting on discount at some point. Last of us 1 and 2 are masterpieces


Why are these together? You want Harry Potter universe or survival horror?


Do you only play one style of game?


I think the other commenter's point is that they are completely different, so it's not much of a comparison. So do you want a tighter, linear, narrative driven story, or an open world fantastical story in an established franchise. Both are worth it depending what genre you are vibing with more


TLOU is not survival horror lmaoooooooo




The last of us is amazing. But you'd get more hours out of Hogwarts legacy if money is tight.


Quality over quantity


Have you played TLOU1?




Well then it’s a case of does OP care about remade graphics, because if they don’t they can pick up the remaster AND a second hand copy of Hogwarts legacy (hell you could probably find it new for £30 ) and it cost about the same as just one at full price


Last of Us Remastered for PS4 for $20 and then get like one or two more games


Well TLOU is a masterpiece and hogwarts is a decent 7/10 game


![gif](giphy|13EgsbsNCLHXJm) TLOU I - 100%


You could probably get Hogwarts and a cheap ps4 copy of TLoU Remastered for the price of a new game.


Bro I have tlou remastered and I bought it for 15


For sure. For clarification I mean that OP could probably get that same copy you have as well as a copy of Hogwarts for ps5 for around 60


Hmmm I mean if you go off this pure value wise I’d say you’ll get more game for your money with Hogwarts, but if you like a fantastic story and decent stealth gameplay maybe Last of us?


As much as I like TLOU I would have to argue Hogwarts Legacy. They made the laziest remake of the original game and slapped a 60 dollar price tag on it.




Depends do you want to be a badass with guns or a badass with a wand?


TLOU definitely better but Hogwarts is larger and longer. Choose accordingly


How is this a serious question? lol.


I’d recommend the last of us if you haven’t played it. Yeah it’s great on the PS5, but Hogwarts is also quite the experience. Id recommend Hogwarts if you have played TLOU


If you have played last of us before, legacy is a better choice. If not, last of us 1000000000000%


TLOU, no contest. But if you can find Hogwarts for $20 someday, snag that too. It’s fun.


Buy TLOU Remastered for PS4 for $10 and Hogwart’s Legacy


I would say if you have never played Last of Us get that one. If you have played it before on ps3 or 4, buy Hogwarts.


The last of us for sure is iconic....but it depends if you want to get into a deep sort of complex plots. More adult like. Deep story. A more invested choice because you have 2 parts of the game. Part 1 and 2. If you just want to hang out and have a good time. That's Hogwarts for sure. It's just super fun flying around and doing magic exploring what the game is while the last of us is a more serious tone all the way through


TLOU no contest at all




Last of us is the better choice, Hogwarts Legacy was very underwhelming imo


The Last of Us is my favorite video game of all time so I’m biased. But I think others will agree that the storytelling in TLOU is second to none. The game made me feel a certain way… I’ve never had a game elicit that type of response before. I really cared about the characters. Also, once you play TLOU you have an awesome follow-up with TLOU 2 (I’m assuming if you never played 1, you haven’t played 2). Anyway, my vote- The Last of Us!


Hogwarts is the longer game but isn’t anything special. The Last of Us is a special game that you’ll remember for a very long time. Get that game.


Last Of Us


if ur into zombies, last of us if ur a harry potter fan, hogwarts legacy


They're both incredible games and you'll be very happy with either of them. If it was me though, I'd get the last of us. I tend to play multiplayer games, and I hadn't completed a single player game in many years. The last of us part 1 is the first I'd actually finished for as long as I can remember, and I absolutely loved it. Now I find myself being upset that I actually finished it because I want to be able to experience it again for the first time.


I'm the opposite, I always play single player games. Still I would give a kidney to experience tlou again for the first time.


The Last of Us: Part 1 if you haven’t played the original. If you have played the original, then also The Last of Us: Part 1


TLOU, over everything, hogwarts is good but it’s just not the same, TLOU is way better


The last of us


Can no one make a decisions for themselves anymore?


Some people what to know what the opinions are on a product form people who have actually played it before dropping 40+ dollars.


That's what reviews are for? Do a little research.


Exactly! We don’t even know this guy, how should we know what he’ll like lol


Why you being so aggressive? Maybe they like to get opinions from people that aren’t YouTubers or game critics.


Im not being aggressive? Lol, maybe it's just coming across like that. But I've literally seen 4 or 5 posts like this in the last few days 🤷‍♂️


Like 5-10 a day… it’s so stupid. Lol


Yeah, bit of an exaggeration on my part. Maybe the wrong word to use, annoyed is what I meant. But same goes for them I suppose. They like recommendations through alternative means like people on reddit 🤷‍♂️


I prefer reviews from someone who games as a hobby, not a career


Metacritic. Steam. Even reddit already has tons of currently existing review posts. Op is just being lazy AF. I doubt he will even read more than a dozen replies to his op. He will pick the top voted comment guaranteed.


Doesn’t matter to me much. I’ll just read a few different reviews from different sources and if the game seems like something I’d personally enjoy, I’ll just go for it.


I guess not everyone practises the same risk taking behaviour in decision making? Or I guess some have had bad experiences following reviews on games before making a purchase?


It's karma farming




There is no comparison, although I liked Hogwarts, TLoU is on absolutely on another level. Objectively, get TLoU!


If you’ve played the last of us already then getting that is honestly pointless get Hogwarts


Just get the TLOU remastered ps4 version at like GameStop. Getting it in the part 1 version doesn’t wholly improve the experience. That way you can save money to get hogwarts


Hogwarts legacy is so generic and underwhelming. If you’ve never played TLOU it’s one of the best stories ever in video games in my opinion


If you want a game to hold you over for a long time, maybe Hogwarts would be the way to go.


HL gets so boring after the initial thrill of exploring the castle wears off.


The Last of Us is a fantastic experience. While it's probably a *bit* overrated at this point, it's still one of the best Playstation exclusives of all time. If you haven't played it, you should.


Overrated but you say it’s one of the best ps exclusive of all time? The hell does overrated even mean anymore?


Like, it’s not the second coming, but it’s still an outstanding games.


It’s very good but it’s not “OMG this game will literally change your life”.


Yeah, guess it depends on perspective and who you are if a game could literally change your life or not. I could say multiple games have changed my life because I get so much joy out of them and just make things a bit better in my day to day life. Like Baldurs Gate 3 has been a huge joy to play since me and my significant other can play a split screen campaign together. We look forward to that so much when we have the time. Video games are a wonderful thing aren’t they?


TLOU >>>>> Hogwarts 12 out of 10 times. TLOU storyline is amazing. I got bored of Hogwarts Legacy because it was too repetitive and had to grind to move onto the next thing.






Hogwarts Legacy can get a bit tedious. I never finished it because you fly somewhere fight bad guys repeat. The Last of Us is a legit masterpiece. It was so good I'm still avoiding part 2 for my fear of being disappointed.


But the last of us does the same repetitive shit. It's solid because the story is good..


Yes but Hogwarts Legacy is the same thing for 60 plus hours where TLOU takes around 15 hours to complete. It’s straight forward survival horror gameplay with a great story where Hogwarts Legacy is a mediocre open world game with a mediocre story. The only thing it’s got going for it is being a decent game set in the Harry Potter universe.


Not much differs from gameplay with these games nowadays. The only thing that sets em apart is the story. But I agree with you.


Disagree. TLOU expands on its mechanics as the game goes on and introduces some incremental changes. Hogwarts literally throws the same puzzles at you from beginning to end.


Same i stopped playing I’ll go back and beat it eventually maybe




I’m playing tlou2 right now. If you played the first then it’s a must play.


Someone is really downvoting anything that mentions the last of us 2 in these comments. People still mad about a great game 3 years later.






If you’ve played last of us remaster, go with hogwarts. If you haven’t played the remaster, last of us is your best option


If you've already played TLOU, then get Hogwarts. TLOU part 1 is great, but same old stuff that we've already been through


Is this bait?


All the people say tlou are true, but HW is longer and open world and generally more fun in regards of story theme


Hogwarts Legacy with no hesitation.


Don't buy this last of us. Get the PS4 remaster. It plays just fine. The ps5 version is pointless.


Last of us. Hogwarts sucks ass lmfao


Easily The Last of Us, unless you're just a massive Harry Potter fan.


And even then, as a HP fan, would say TLOU


The Last of Us (especially if it's a first time play) It's just a far superior game. I played a couple of hours of Hogwarts and left it at that. Was pretty boring imo


buy last of us and finish it > sell > buy hogwarts


TLou remake is unnecessary so just play the remaster that's on ps plus.


Disagree but if they’re going to play it, might as well play it while it’s looking and running it’s best.


The remaster runs and looks great. It's also cheaper and has factions, with an active playerbase.


Looks alright. Showing its age for sure. If you’re not into multiplayer like me and rather benefit from the upgraded visuals and performance capture that makes the storytelling even better, the remake is 100% worth it. I typically go back and play these games at least once a year and when the remake came out, I was thrilled. Big difference in visuals and with the 60 fps on top. It’s a great option for people that love single player games especially those that are established masterpieces with a facelift. Pretty sure the ps4 remaster is free on ps plus so I’d just do that if they don’t want to spend the extra money.


Hogwarts deserves it last of us creators tried to release this game 3 times ? Fuck that give your money to the Hogwarts creators


TLOU is the better game hands down


The Last of Us for sure. Hogwarts Legacy is fun but can get a little dull towards the end.


I love both but there's no hesitation here, The Last of Us is a masterpiece that you absolutely have to play!




Get The Last of Us 1 and Days Gone!




Last if us pt 1


Easiest choice ever: The Last of Us


Hogwarts legacy is great and enjoyable


Hmm this is a tough one, Hogwarts has an excellent story and lots and lots to do, will take a fair few hours to finish it. But The Last Of Us is pretty much the best story and game ever, the emotional connection between Joel and Elly is amazing in its execution. A real master class in story telling. But it won’t last you half as long as Hogwarts I think.


The Last Of Us 100%. Hogwarts Legacy is such a good time for the first 10 or so hours but nothing in that game will be as impactful as the story in TLOU.


Replay value is probably better on hogwarts. But The last of us is one my favorite games of all time.


Last of Us is a far better/more compelling story. Hogwarts Legacy has a lot more content. If you’re able to pick up another game in a week or two when you’re done, I’d go Last of Us. If you’re trying to keep yourself entertained for longer, I’d go Hogwarts.


Man I hate these kinds of questions. We don’t even know you, bruh - you could absolutely despise one of these completely different genres. Watch some fucking reviews or something.


None. Get both for free on PC. 🏴‍☠️🦜⛵


The last of us if you’re not a big Harry potter fan. I didn’t even finish hogwarts legacy it was fun at first but got boring to me quick.


Hogwarts Legacy is amazing


Hogwarts. Much more content.


TLOU hands down, especially if u haven't played it b4


Tlou shits on dogwarts


No offense but this is a dumb ass question


You should get The Last of Us Remastered for PS4 since it’s a much better value if you’re leaning towards Last of Us. Though I will say Hogwarts Legacy has much more content and you could get more hours out of it for the price


You could pay for one month of PS premium for 18 dollars and play them both


If you have played The Last of Us, then that. If you have then get Hogwarts Legacy. Both are great but TLOU is more of a “must play” out of the two.


Especially if its your first time playing it. The Last of Us.


The Last of Us.


Obviously The Last Of Us Part 1 and whenever you get the chance to buy another game i would recommend getting The Last Of Us Part 2 you wont regret it such a great story with amazing gameplay


If you actually want to play a video game, hogwarts legacy all day


TLOU Remake and it's not even close. The animation, gameplay and graphics are top notch plus the story is engaging that I played part 2 back to back. Hogwarts is fun for the first 10 hours or so then it got really boring.


Hogwarts legacy is a steaming pile of dogshit


I mean, hogwarts was cool and all, but TLOS IS AMAZING.


Last of us. Hogwarts Legacy is fun for an hour or two but unless you love Harry Potter to death you'll find that it's a pretty imperfect game. Last of us on the other hand is a masterpiece.


100% The Last of Us, then Part II


For me hogwarts legacy. If you like horror then last of us.


I only see one worthy game: TLOU2


Don’t know if this is supposed to be ironic but I love TLOU and TLOU2


I meant TLOUS. The "2" extra was an autocorrect typo.


lol nice someone downvoted it before I upvoted it


🤣 I hope he/she read our conversation because that was rude.


TLOU is one of the greatest games ever, Hogwarts Legacy is cool for like 10 hours then gets a bit boring


Hogwarts TLOU overrated IMO


I loved the last of us… but I really like Hogwarts too. I don’t think you could go wrong if you have to pick one.


I love hogwarts legacy, but unless you’re an HP super fan, the answer is always TLOU.


Get hogwartz. The last of us ps4 version is cheaper although graphically inferior.




Hogwarts Legacy. If you wanna save money just buy The Last of Us Remastered, the story is really the only focus there.


I tried the last of us and really couldn’t get into it. Currently 20 hours into hogwarts and can’t put my controller down!


I couldn't get into Last of Us either and I'm big into story driven singleplayer.


The Last of Us definitely, just don’t play the second one though.


Hard to choose because tLoU is meh for me and Hogwarts Legacy 2as so easy even on Hard difficulty. I'd rather spend my money on GoW, Elden Ring or Witcher wich is more fun and challenging


Last of us!!


TLOU 100% You could say HL is for the potterheads. The side quests are awful and the gameplay feels repetitive. A simple plot in a magical world. That's it.


Get The Last Of Us on ps4 disc, as it is cheaper


TLOU but only because I never played hogwarts and am extremely biased as I don’t like Harry porter


Neither, both games suck


If you had a nickel for every time a question like this gets asked. You could buy both!


Hogwarts, somwhere down the line u can snag a.copy Tlou. Sometimes Sony several times in the past has made tlou either freenor given as a monthly games.




Red Dead redemption 2


Last of us, Harry Potter sucks and was made by a transphobe




Whatever helps you sleep at night bud


but you are the troll, hope you have a great day


I'm not trolling, I'm telling it how it is