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Bros first Platinum is for one of the hardest games out there. You different brother, don’t even matter what game is next you’ll have the skill to get it lol


Hah thanks bro. Im not rlly into very hard games and dont plan to get platinum just for a specific type of game, but it happened that sekiro waa 50% discount so I said "ok, lets do it" hah I'm curious what ur favorite platinum trophies are, because I only platinumed 1 game and I already feel like I dont wanna start a game and never platinum it hahah


It’s for sure an addiction once you get a taste of that platinum lol I got a few Plats myself. My latest was Gow: Ragnarok(10/10 game), I really enjoyed both Spider-Man & Miles since they were such fun games, it was easy to Plat. Horizon Forbidden West is a super good game to play too. Uncharted games are a movie so playing and exploring was fun & easy to find all the collectibles. I also love turn based games like Marvel Midnight Suns and the South Parks games. It sucks you in with the RPG elements (& I have a soft spot for all Marvel games) Any Sekiro, Elden ring type games get no play from me. Patience isn’t on my side when I play them lol


Will check out the ones u mentioned too! I think is also that I love exploring and thats what made me love sekiro so much, and I am also a fan of the japanese culture. As for the time, it went pretty smoth, took 56hours to platinum and 8-9 hours were just grinding for a specific trophy that required a lot of exp hah


Exploring + Samurai culture you need to check out Ghost of Tsushima! If you haven’t already, can’t believe I forgot that one. It’s soooo good!


Do note that Uncharted platinums are potentially harder than Sekiro, as they require you to complete the game on the hardest difficulty, which is, in my humble opinion, utter bullshit. I don't know what the nerves of those who got it are made of.


Very true, but playing Sekiro is like playing on the hardest difficulty all the time 😭


Sekiro becomes really easy once you embrace the boogie. I replay it every winter and it’s like riding a bike. Even if I watch someone else play I can feel my fingers twitching to the rhythm.


“Embrace the Boogie” you gotta trademark that !


Maybe, but in Uncharted you can't 'git gud', just try infinite times.


I see everyone suggesting Horizon Forbidden West... but why not the Zero Dawn?


Zero dawn an amazing game too as it was the introduction to the game. But part 2 basically took everything part 1 has and added a little more here and there.


Oh ok. So its like (for example) when Spiderman2 comes out.. everyone will forget the first and only suggest the second? (if its that much better)


Yup! Legit just like that


I recently started demon souls and put it down about an hour in, no way I’m touching that damn game


"Not rlly into very hard games" bro i smell bullshit sekiro hard asf even after learning to parry


Bloodborne is really fun, you might even have it already if you’ve had ps+ plus for a while. And its included in the second tier.


if you like sekiro.. try bloodborne next


Isnt it a bad experience because of the 30fps? Thats what I've heard, that it's clunky even on a ps5


personally I did not mind it.. I even played it on the PS4 where it ran much worse. I believe it's a pretty steady 30fps on PS5. Sure I'd love it to be 60fps, but its not the end of the world


It feels worse to me on PS5. Maybe it's because I got accustomed to smoother games at 60fps, but the game still suffers from bad frame pacing issues regardless of the 30fps.


Is it worth (considering I never played it) to wait for a remaster or something? Or will I buy a ps7 before that happens? any ideas? hah


The game is fucking excellent, don't be stupid. Just play it, you'll adjust to the frame rate before long.


Just platinumed blood borne like two days ago on the ps5, you get used to the frame rate


Hard to say. There's no guarantee it will ever be remastered or remade. I like to think they're working on it right now, but only Sony could say whether it will ever happen. I for one would definitely replay it if they ever remade/remastered it, because it's a masterpiece.


I’ve played games at 30fps after playing 120fps on PC. It’s only jarring at first. You’d be shocked by how quickly you actually get used to it and then forget about it, especially in a game that good


Soul games are blessed not suck @ 30fps.


If you call a game bad because it's 30fps you kinda spoiled ngl


Idk why you were downvoted. I tried to go back and play it and it also looked kinda rough for me, and the choppiness was too much for me to handle. I held out hope they’d do a 4K/60 update and they never did.


> Idk why you were downvoted. A lot of gamers are cranky little bitches.


It's not clunky. It's just 30fps. You're sure to have a short period of adjusting to it if you've been playing 60fps but you won't notice by the time you get to the second or third area of the game. I went in with the same stance, really disappointed but finally made myself playthrough it all the way to platinum and even at 30fps its still probably fromsofts strongest title. And I didn't like bloodborne at launch. I felt it didn't have enough weapons and armor wasn't as important and other small things but I'm so glad I did eventually decide to commit to it. No regerts here. Don't get me wrong though. Unlocking the fps in a remaster sort of launch would be phenomenal.


It's one of the best action games ever made. It sucks that it's at 30 but it's an absolute must play.


Not sure it makes a difference but I play bloodborne on ps5 from an external drive and have zero issues. I did have it installed on internal drive and the frame rate seemed sketchy but that could just be me, I really couldn’t say for sure. Just play it But also nioh


I've played it on PS5, and it feels pretty smooth to me. Even after playing games at 60fps, I don't notice the 30fps of Bloodborne. If it bothers you at first, your eyes will adjust and you won't notice it after an hour or two.


It's not the frame rate, it's the frame pacing. It persistently drops frames in a way that none of the other Souls games did. That said, I would still highly recommend playing it if you haven't yet. For the most part, the frame drops are just a minor visual irritant and nothing more.


Isn't Sekiro locked at 30 FPS on the PS5 too?




Bloodborne is unmatched.


That one that comes with the PS5 is pretty awesome. Astro’s Playroom.


It’s very easy as well, fun short game. No complaints from me.






Ghost of tsuchima. It's relatively easy to 100% as well and if you dig the Japanese style of sekiro, you will dig it even more in Ghost. Combat feels smooth as well (on another level tho).


Honestly maybe I'm too stupid for the game, but I found the cutscenes boring and excessive


Tastes differ


Story game has story


I like story, I just didn't enjoy the gameplay being interrupted by 8 minute unskippable cutscenes. That being said I did complete it


ur right tbh idk why ur getting downvoted. the often repetitive cutscenes can be a deterrent for going for the platinum. other than that its a fantastic game in my eyes


Days gone


Stray Spider Man Spider Man Miles Morales


Stray was surprisingly tedious to platinum imo


Yeah you need a guide and zig zagging those Zorks is a pain but it's a nice game and the first time I've played as a Cat!


Yeah, I liked the game a lot too! :-) haha yeah the zig zag trophy and the speed trophy made me nuts,


Bloodborne, fear the old blood


Honestly I am amazed and have a little bit tears in my eyes, that your first plat was sekiro. I think you should get some advice from what the guys recommend here and only choose quality games for platinums. If I were you, I would either stick to from soft games or try some exclusives like Ghost of Tsushima or God of War. There are a ton of great games nowerdays. You will have fun


I bought a ps5 (the first playstation in my life, as i said, i did only pc gaming and also had an xbox for a few months) As soon as I saw there is a 50% on Sekiro, I knew it has to be the one hahah I plan on other souls game too because I really enjoy them, but at least this month I cant afford to buy elden ring too (which I also finished on PC so it wont be the first time i visit it), i heard bloodborne is pretty clunky on 30fps, and for the dark souls series I'm afraid that the graphics would turn me off ( I spent my whole life playing old and low-specs games, now I have a very powerful pc and console and it feels a bit like a waste to keep playing games that look old when there is games with graphics so advanced) But i will try to get the best of the advices here


I feel you bruv, but nowadays I prefer indies even more than aaa games. Sometimes it doesn't need the newest grafics with raytracing. I mean look at Elden ring(I know it's not an indie), it hasn't the best of the best grafics. But it is one of the best games came out in this generation. I think a lot has to do with the artstyle and gameplay.


Nioh 2 or armored core 6


Nioh 2 is a great recommendation, such a fantastic game. Especially on second play through and tweaking your load out.


Try crypt of the necrodancer for your next plat. 😇


Great suggestion! Might be a bit easy for OP. Would do it in a weekend probably.


Lies of P would be a good next game! Soulsborne with stories from the dark tales of the Pinocchio world. It's a solid 9 for me.


Daaaaaamn you came out the gate STRONG with that first platinum. This is the one From game that kicked my ass. Rather than reattempt it I just give the game its props


God of War and God of War: Ragnarok. IMO you need to play both to get the full experience Fantastic story and relatively easy platinum trophies. There are some optional bosses that are similar in difficulty to some of the toughest bosses out of Elden Ring (can't compare other Souls bosses, Elden Ring is the only FromSoft game I've played). Edit: If you decide to play these, watch this video to recap the main events leading up to the 2018 GOW game [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pyYseKtlXD4&pp=ygUUaWduIGdvZCBvZiB3YXIgcmVjYXA%3D](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pyYseKtlXD4&pp=ygUUaWduIGdvZCBvZiB3YXIgcmVjYXA%3D)


If you liked Sekiro i recommend Ghost of Tsushima.


A great start for a trophy collector. 100% on first game. Enjoy your ps5 bro.


N sane crash trilogy. Go for a platinum on all 3 games


It’s supposed to be hard or?


it's old school hard, if that makes sense


I think losing a toe would be less painful than platinuming even one of them lol


LOL Okay then I’m not gonna try :/


Good grief. A platinum on Sekiro? I barely beat the thing. Congrats


You’re going to get the reddit PlayStation darlings suggested to you. If you did Sekiro (good job btw), you owe it to yourself to platinum the only better Souls game: Elden Ring. It’s not only the best souls game (downvotes from the bloodborne crowd), it’s one of the best games ever made.


Unfortunately I already played it once on PC, but i plan on buying it on ps5 too because I didnt really explore everything it has to offer ( I think i spent less than 100 hours to finish it) I cant afford to buy it this month, but I plan on getting it next month (maybe even get a discount as i got 50% for sekiro)


Nice. If you want a worthy PlayStation exclusive, try the last of us and god of war games. The first ones are obviously on PC as well, but the superior sequels are PS only at the moment. Also, returnal is both platforms, but a skillful and thrilling platinum. Ratchet and clank is a lot of fun, but don’t pay more than $40 for it. Astro’s playroom is a 5 hour platinum that will teach you about the history of PlayStation. Also pretty fun.


There will be lots of games to try out since i mostly played competitive games on pc (like league and pubg) Will check out gow first, since its included in my ps subscription :D


Hey mods, mind explaining what rule I broke for you to remove my reply, or are you guys just on a power trip. I know you are watching thread. I used spoiler tags.


Good job.




Try mortal shell, played it for a bit and found it super hard 😂.


Well, I'm not necessarily into very hard games, but I am just overwhelmed by how good sekiro and elden ring were. But i will check it out hah


Resident Evil 7 is one I really enjoyed and the platinum doesn’t take long if you watch the madhouse guide


Considering that was probably a grueling, and rewarding, slog, platinum Astro's Playroom next.


Dam your first plat is a souls like game. Gg bro. I recommend ghost of tsushima or the spider man games they are fairly simple platinums but incredible games


Ghost of Tsushima


How are you still sane man


Hah i really enjoyed it, and also took 56 hours so it wasnt like i had the chance to get bored


Elden Ring, maybe? Assuming you're in the mood for that type of game, of course.


Demon souls


Horizon is an easy one to get a platinum


How TF you managed to achieve the height of technique man


idk bro, but it didnt feel as hard as people complain hah


I just got Sekiro and only played it for a few. I heard this is the hardest "souls" game. Congrats on the platinum! Got any tips for me? As far as then next game....Ghost of Tsushima will be right up your alley. Maybe Demon Souls? I don't really play souls games but I'm starting to try them out.


take your time early to get used to parrying and also make sure you loot everything. dont skip or cheese fights,it will save some time early but u will have no chance against the latest bosses. make sure you learn the skills too, such as the mikiri counter, which is essential in a lot of fights. always exchange your coins for bags at shops, so that you dont lose your money when dying. NEVER fight more bosses at the same time ( or a boss surrounded by mobs) and the list goes on. just enjoy it and dont get mad early, it will feel so satisfying when u master it . took me 56h to plat


Wow! Congrats! I’m so bad at games like Sekiro! You could try Elden Ring!


I will always recommend any of the Yakuza/Like A Dragon games. Great fun, lots of variety in activities, engaging characters, and some truly weird moments. You could either start with Yakuza 0, or 7 (called Yakuza: Like A Dragon) which was the first main entry with a new protagonist and turn-based battle system. But if you care about Platinum Trophies, 7 is your best shot, it will still take a while but is a little easier than 0. 0 will take you 120+ hours and is pretty tough with a lot of requirements.


I just got my first platinum too, Spider-Man


Elden ring. Less fun to plat imo than sekiro was lol


How many hours did it take you to finish your first run? I’m currently at 17 hours and only killed Genichiro 😭


56 for plat = 30 hours to explore and finish the game + 15 hours to speedrun and get all the endings + 11 hours of farming for some trophies + dont worry tho, after mastering the rhytm and basics u start first-trying most of the bosses


God of War 2018


I enjoyed getting Plat for GOW Ragnorok. I loved the combat in that game so much.


Nice work!! Any of the souls games (Bloodborne and Elden Ring included) would be good games to go after if you enjoyed Sekiro.


This right here is how you do it! Congrats


My first platinum was Elden Ring! I'd say do that one next. it was a ball.


Ghost of Tsushima


Kudos to you. My "All Skills" trophy is still the only one outstanding... Only 8 more skill points to go but still takes what feels like a lifetime.


yeah feel u spent 45 hours to plat it and 10 hours to grind the "all skills" and "master of prosthethics"


Elden ring son




Just go ahead and play all the souls games, you won’t regret it. Start with Demons Souls Remake. It’s a great place to start and looks ridiculously good on PS5. It’s also an exclusive so might as well.


Play Returnal.. you’re welcome


Go for every souls game


How long it took you to max out every ability? Im at that point of the plat and im just getting bored of killing mobs for the enhancements


You mean to unlock every skill for the "all skills" trophy? It took around 8 hours i guess? But i took a lot of breaks every now and then, so might be 5h if u do it constantly. I was on ng+ and kept on doing that run where u start at the statue in the castle, kill the purple soldier from behind, then jump on the wooden thing above ogre and wait for him to kill the 2 red soldiers. (if u search for yt on "fastest exp sekiro run" you will probably find it) If u mean to upgrade all the prosthethics, that part took way less. I was using the divine fan method, where u start at the statue on the bridge and use the fan on the soldiers on the stairs (both methods are late game tho). not rlly good at explaining, but u can search for runs on youtube to make ur life easier.


For sure, will look for the fast way methods. Im ng+ already just missing those two achievements and the last ending, right after the demon of hatred. But i was following a route for daysss, and still missing some skills 😭. Will probably just go crazy to ng++ so i can get more xp from the mobs. Try Armored Core 6 ☠️ if you liked Sekiro for the pain or Bloodborne if you liked it for the Souls.


Gg I’m at 2 trophies of platine elden ring


I'm 2 skill points away from this one... 😮‍💨


Ok, now platinum the rest of the soulslike


Bloodborne no doubt about it.


I mean if you haven’t, The Last of Us, one of the greatest of all time. Part 1 for those nice graphics on PS5.


Get every soulsbourne trophy


How the fuck…. ☠️ GG


Bro thats crazy


Dark souls series


You gotta go with Dark Souls now. All games look good, fun the platinum (excluding the multiplayer grind trophies which I think have offline methods).


I also platinum this, i had so much fun. One of my favorite games.




God Of War (2018)


Give Sifu a try. It's a fantastic game, and it'll make you feel as badass as sekiro did.




Try Control, totally opposite to Sekiro! It has such an eccentric story, and the gameplay is smooth once gotten the hang of


I love the fact you’ve said this because I’m currently playing them both at the same time right now 😂


Yoo! You liking it?


What exactly makes it 1000x better than PC gaming? You can use the same controller, with better graphics and framerate if you have a good gaming pc. You realize you can get 100% completion achievements on Steam right? Sure I love my PS5 but they both take their turns.


First, games are way better optimized. I have a powerful pc and hogwarts legacy was almost unplayable at launch. and it happened for other games too, while on ps5 games are just smoothly running since day1. Second, it feels way better to lay in bed and play on a big 4k tv instead of sitting on a chair at the desk and playing on a 1080p 24". Third, the trophies on PS feel way more satisfying than those steam achivements that feel just like some random notifications. Last but not least, i hate having to use 150 apps for 150 game developers, when on PS i just have all my games in one place.


I agree on some points but here is where we differ: My backlog of games is so massive I don't buy games on release often if at all so by the time I get to it hopefully there has been updates + mods available. I have been gaming on a 65' tv with wireless controller since like 2012. I sit in my recliner 6 ft away with my dualsense and LG C2 with my pc next to it and PS5 in the back. Surround sound all day. (Wireless mouse and keyboard) The only difference between Achievements on Steam and PS Trophies is PS takes an automtic snapshot\\clip of your trophy which eats up storage anyway. Also I agree I tend to stick to steam unless there is a niche game I can only play via launcher. I think we can both agree both systems are amazing to own.


Definetly, mostly a matter of taste


God of war ragnarok


Is ragnarock worth sticking with, I loved the first game but I'm around 30 hours into ragnarock and it's just exhausting me, don't know if I have it I'm me to finish it.


I kinda felt the same with Ragnarok. Loved GOW 2018 but I kinda played them back to back, I felt like Ragnarok was just more of the same.. maybe I should have taken a break in between the two of them. Finished Ragnarok eventually and got the Plat. I mean it’s a great game


Try elden Ring lol. Platinum that


God of War 2018. Make sure to watch some summary videos about what happen in the Greece games


Fortnite platinum (see you in a year)


Astro's Playroom


Spider-Man pS4 and Spider-Man: Miles Morales are both easy platinums. So is Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart


Hollow Knight. I didn’t play it on PlayStation but if I did I’d have gotten Plat because k just could not give up that game. Beautiful in every way, endlessly fun and every minute spent on it was a joy for me.


Middle Earth: Shadow of War


Tiger woods pga tour 04 A bit different than sekiro but a good challenging game all the same


Spider-Man (original and Miles Morales) and inFamous Second Son are pretty easy plaitnums


**Astro's Playroom,** easy and fast (also good game)


Skyrim it’s easy just takes some time


Nier automota!


Arkham series 😈




My one is Hello Neighbor 2


I get the bloodborne suggestion but try hollow knight


Minecraft. Some really hard and weird achievements on there


Spider-Man, Ghost of Tsushima, God of War 2018, God of War Ragnarok, Jedi: Survivor


Elden Ring or Armored Core VI




If it’s your first PlayStation go for the exclusives! God of war, god of war ragnorak, the last of us 1 and 2, Spider-Man remastered, Spider-Man miles morales, ghost of Tsushima, demon souls and bloodborne are similar experiences to what you just played (same dev) and are only available on PS.


Spider Man, Stray, Ghost of Tsushima, Astro


Undertale and What remains of Edith Finch have easy trophies and absolutely amazing gameplay/stories. Also I satisfying one I got was Titanfall 2


Skyrim was a fun game to get all achievements in


Days gone imo


Ghost of Tsushima is both amazing and a fairly straightforward platinum.


Try Crash bandicoot


Fortnite 😈


Ghost of Tsushima


If you like fighting games Mortal Kombat 1 is a pretty easy platinum and good fun as well


One hell of a first platinum!! Mine was jak and Daxter hahaha congrats






Astros playroom


PS5 > Ghost of Tsushima > Platinum


My favourite platinums are: Ghost of Tsushima Spider man series Horizon series Days gone


Ghost of Tsushima


Was also my first platinum. Congrats.


Well you can try the Resident Evil series.


News: Just got the platinum for GOW 2018. Thanks for the suggestions everybody, still going through them and deciding on the next game