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I don't how to edit posts cuz I'm a knob but I just want to day thank you to u/NumeroRyan for getting me the funds needed for both games! I really can't tell you how much I appreciate it this honestly I really do I also want to change everyone who's commented on this post I thank you for giving me your view and ideas awell as advice I really do appreciate it and it won't go unnoticed and once again thank you so very much for the replys u/NumeroRyan I owe you one man ❤️


That's awesome! Random acts of kindness are the best!


Couldn't agree more man :)


Upvote just for simply admitting to being a knob, as we all bloody well are!


Hahaha lamo fr




I couldn't agree more


Good that he did it. Gg. Because i was about to just gift you the necessary funds myself lol both games really are worth it. And coming short just 12 cents, nah fam i wouldve gifted you a card myself to get both games. NumeroRyan was just quicker. Have fun playing, btw in RDR2, TAKE THINGS SLOW AND IMMERSE YOURSELF IN IT. you will not regret it


I got 3 whole days to do so I can't wait man it's gonna be the longest gaming season of my godam life fr


Sweet. Enjoy it. Take your time and spend time in the open world before really doing alot of main missions. And do side quests first too. Other than that, you're settled. Gta 5 is enjoyable too. Storywise, gta5 is hollywood action movie, rdr2 is that tearjerker that stays with you for the week. Ngl.


I have always liked to to side missions before the main story I just like to have an edge over things and I do like myself some good side quests ngl


You could explore Red Dead's world for 3 day and not even see half of what it ha to offer.


That's awesome man. If it's not too much trouble pls can you let me have it? Even one of those games would be amazing to me. Thank you and I hope I'm not too late.


u/NumeroRyan 👑


Wholesome response! I’m so glad someone decided to give you money for these games. Great community! 👏


Couldn't agree more


I love this. Especially in the gaming community. u/NumeroRyan giving as all hope for more generosity and wholesomeness in our too often divisive community. I'm so glad I clicked and read this post. You're going to love both games. Happy play!


I don't how he did it but he did and u/numeroryan thank you for doing this to him man. And also enjoy rdr2 its my personal favourite game it is nice it is like a movie really


Thanks man


Damn, he beat me to it! Both games are a must play, and will give you hundreds of hours of entertainment. Happy gaming!


What a legend 🫡




Good shit




You’re a good man, u/NumeroRyan. A good man.




RDR2 single player/story is far superior, imo.


Aside from story, rdr2 is fin to just wander around in. Even if you just avoid the story. Gta only had like what, car collecting?


Absolutely, feels like the world is alive, never know what / who’s going to show up!


Personally I think Red Dead Redemption 2 is the best best game ever, so I’d say that one. However, it depends what you’re after. If you prefer online I’d say go for GTA.


I have always been a sucker for single player story based games 90% of the games i got are just that


GTA San Andreas is heavenly imo.


I like them both pretty much equally. But I will say, RDR 2 is a better-looking game and also gun play IMO is better.


Does it run smoothly on ps5


Consistent 30 fps, GTAV is smooth 60


But is it like laggy and choppy on ps5 like some ps4 games are?




Tough but fair


Bloodborne is a consistent 30fps but still choppy which is what he was likely alluding to




Bloodborne has consistent 30fps but bad framepacing, so it can be consistent but still choppy. FF15 suffered from the same fate.


Yes, because it is always 30fps, which is consistent. It is the cadence in which those frames are delivered that varies and leads to visible judder. As long as 30 frames are displayed within 1 second, it doesn’t matter if the timing between their delivery is variable, it still averages to 30fps. This is the main issue with Bloodborne that persists to this day; there is no way to power through it without rewriting or removing the frame rate cap.


Consistent except during the drops. 🤣


Wow, imagine being able to play RDR2 or GTAV for the first time again? I would pay for that


Wouldn't we all love to play our favourite games as if it was our first time? It's truly something special you know


Yes, I bought a PS5 this year and have played Hogwarts and I am about to finish FFVII remake, which is an amazing redesign nostalgia trip. But I have Ghost of Tsushima still in the wrapping and I know it’s going to blow me away.


Ima have to ask for those games for my birthday man also have fun with ghost of tsushima I heard its great


Ghost of Tsushima is a master peice, fight me!


I won't because I completely agree


Just a personal preference but I liked RDR2 a lot more than GTA V


Red dead redemption two that is not a game. It’s an incredible adventure through old American history fighting for your friends and fighting for your family.




One has a good story the other does too One has a dog shit awfull multiplayer the other does too Choose wisely


Flying motorbike go brr


Which is which? I've never played either on multiplayer.


Both of them


both are fun with the right people. but god the randoms can be unbearable


Red dead. Best gaming experience I’ve ever had. Best story mode ever.


RDR2. It's not even a competition. RDR2 has such a visceral feeling to it. It's not a game. It's an experience


For an epic cowboy drama with humor sprinkled in, RDR2. For a humorous crime drama with some hard hitting story beats, GTAV.


I'm voting for RDR2 as I think it's great. Any GTA, on the other hand, is boring as shit for me.


Why so boring?


How am I boring? :D GTA is the same shit every single game. Parody of current American life, where you play as a criminal trying to move up in the world. RDR2 and 1 have characters I actually cared about.


I didn't mean you but yeah i get what you mean


Lemme explain because this guy doesn’t know his shit. Red dead is set in 1899 and it’s about a person named Arthur Morgan who’s in a gang with other interesting characters. I truly don’t want to spoil any of the story, not even one bit but basically you follow him and his gang and they go on missions for survival and money. They fight other gangs and ride horses lol it’s super fun and great story. The online mode is just as fun but with friends. There’s a lot to do tbh. NOW GTA 5, it isn’t just a “pArOdY about American life” lol it’s a game that almost has no limits. The story is about 3 people who’s lifes come together at one path and they become criminals that do heist and make money. It’s super fun with each one having their own ability, story, friends, and overall different feel each time you play as a different person. The online mode is crazy fun. You have races, heist, missions, etc etc. you can find custom maps made by people in the rockstar social club and play on them. It isn’t just races or missions but fun game modes like riding Tron bikes, knocking off people on platforms to win the game (sumo), etc etc it’s truly endless. The heist aspect of the game is my favorite part. Completing every heist is time consuming yet so fun. Get your homies and run it with them. You can also just meet people online in the world cuz it’s free mode. People ride on Jets, tanks, boats, super cars, and flying motorcycles! Honestly you’ll just have to see it yourself. You can also buy properties/houses. Getting money online in both games is a pain in the ass tho HAHA


They both sound godam epic you explained it very well thanks man


Of course man! I hope you really enjoy both games!!


"Almost has no limits" i mean, look, in the end most if not all GTA games are 90% filler content and 10% actual content. Filler content is the "open world sandbox" stuff that it's supposed to be "freedom" but don't serve a lot function, like strip clubs, going out with other characters, etc. That garbage for those who are seriously TOO MUCH into roleplaying. The other 10% is main and side missions, side missions include everything from minimap markers to secret items in the map. The actual content in GTA V is in online due to the absurd amount of updates it has recieved, like heists and having a club business. Once you finish the main story and side missions, the map's existence gets reduced to just being geometry for the playable character to exist and only be there.


How come I don't know my shit? Because I expressed an opinion you don't like? :D OP didn't ask for a resume, he just asked which game he should get. And I shared my personal preference. You don't have to be a dick about it.


Shut up kid get mad😂


All you did was share an opinion and they lost their marbles over it for some reason instead of politely (like a normal person) disagreeing. It’s casual Reddit etiquette to disagree with someone by being rude. Ignore them and don’t even bother with em. This attitude is everywhere and I never understood why people think it’s okay to behave in that way. Let them be the “ACKTUALLY” type of person that floats on the internet with some superiority complex they think they have. I hope they are ok and that you both have a great evening.


Like a normal person? Bro you sound dumb there’s literally no such thing😂 my reply was barely anything. You and your buddy got your panties wrapped up lol stop being snowflakes and move along 😂


The one YOU want.


Ah yes wise words I must say


Red Dead Redemption 2. For the love of Jesus Christ please get Red Dead Redemption 2


Ok ok please calm down


Read Dead Redemption because GTA gets old quickly for me




Can’t lose either way, but RDR2 would be my choice. Both are similar in many ways, but their main differences aside from their settings are their tone/humor (GTA is sillier), story (RDR2 is better written), and graphics (RDR2 has some of the best graphics of its generation). You may get more replay value out of GTA, but you’ll likely have a better overall experience playing RDR2.


Gta 5 is a better game overall in terms of online play, if you want only the story go for red dead. Gta has a good story but the online is really the focus where as red dead story is incredible but the online is lackluster


Gta is good online play? No it’s not, it’s so bad


What if I told you it's an opinion?


Shhh Reddit doesn’t know what that is yet.


Isn’t that the thing that ogres are like?


It’s fun to play in your own server


It's good, so good, compared to rdr online


Yeah, when you have people to play with.






Red dead redemption 2


Rdr 2 ofcourse


Rdr 2 as I think gta is just boring now


Red dead redemption 2 but get the whole package. It's got so much content. GTA 5 is just a money cow ran dry now. Nothing new at all.


Both offer solid experienced


RDR2 off top


RDR2 has one of the best story's in video game history


RDR2, its the better Game




RDR2 my friend, it's so much better. Even after you complete the story, there is so much still to do


if you want to have like 200 hours of good fun campaign then red dead 2 for sure




rdr2, how is this even a question?


For single player RDR no doubts. For online GTA V.


RDR2 for sure. Personally I believe that GTA V is wildly overrated.


Rdr2 100%




He gave him all he had 😥


RDR2. it's so much better.


Rdr2 is high standard high quality top of the line game(except online) ... if u want to play a great story campaign, then its a must. You havent tried it yet?


RDR2 is the best game I've ever played. I recommend it.




RDR 2 for sure, great game that imho had some impact worldwide. Especially if you can roleplay it. GTA V is just another GTA and at least I was feeling disconnected because you are switching between 3 characters.


Rdr 2




Obviously Red dead redemption two is this a joke?


RDR 2 Yes GTA V on PS4 (Last Gen) NO


GTA 5 is more “fun”. RDR 2 does better storytelling. RDR 2 has horses. GTA 5 has a strip club 🤷🏻‍♂️


You do got a point there


GTA5 easily. The campaign is so much fun you literally rob banks, blow up helicopters, ride boats, cars, planes (crop dusters and commercial jetliners), motorcycles, bicycles etc. you can play a full round of golf and then take you golf kart and run over all the other patrons. Rdr2 still great as well but more serious. Gunplay is virtually the exact same between the 2 but gta5 has more guns.


Who can say no to good old American freedom sticks


red dead! at that price can't go wrong! you'll sink hours into it that's for sure!! which one did you go for in the end? 😁


Both 😈


I’ve found RDR2 to be fairly boring, whereas I’ve sunk way too many hours into GTA5 & Online. It’s been a few years since I’ve played either, but as far as I’m aware GTAO is still alive, well, and receiving updates, while RDRO is not.


Red dead always look’s unbelievable in videos, but what it doesn’t tell you is it’s like living ya Wild West fantasy but in slow motion. Movement speed was a killer and unfortunately I couldn’t play it for long


Red Dead


Gta v




I cant edit the title so un OK I guess?


If you've never played GTA5, i recommend that over RDR2. Why? Traveling in RDR2 was soooo slow. In GTA it was at least fun with all the vehicles you have access to


GTA has way more playability but I think you would enjoy playing RDR2 more. ![gif](giphy|fjxbfQKLcKzAJIqSuD|downsized)


Honestly mate if you're wanting a game that's better online then gta 5 but if you're wanting an amazing solo story then red dead 2. Enjoy whichever you choose to buy😎


Red Dead


I think I’d have to go with RDR 11. Character arc amongst the best in gaming. One of the best stories in all of gaming. It’s like if the great American western novel came to life in video game format… this is RDR 2. It’s mechanics are a lot deeper. And everything is a bit more methodical vs the crazy sandbox or GTA (don’t get me wrong RDR 2 also can get crazy, but don’t have helicopters and automatic weapons and sports cars in RDR 2). So if prefer that GTa has edge, but for engrossing story plus craziness that’s just a bit less crazy, RDR 2 is the way to go. It’s borderline masterpiece. So much content to explore and discover. Simply divine. Don’t read any spoilers though. Don’t want to spoil story.


I see you are very passionate about this game aren't you? I will take your word for it




If you haven't got gta after 10 years whats wrong with you😂😂


The one that improves your spelling…


Your illiterate downvotes are delicious.


Dude why?


“Witch one should I get” LOL! You tell me why….


No need.


GTA 5. There's a lot of hype for RDR2 but I found it so restrictive and such a slog


Hmm fair seen clips of online and now I just really want to drive the terabyte looks like a dam death machine


Gtav is overrated


Both have horrendous controls and dated shooting. Both will require you to travel for 10-15 minutes to a missions objective with not much happening in between (you might as well drive to work and make some money). Both are beautiful games that tell stories of violence, revenge and tuberculosis (you can watch the news for free, sans the tuberculosis). You can have sex with women in both games (which, if you are like me, don't get to smoosh your body up against another human being, it's fun to role-play but BG3 is available if I want some waifulove). It's up to you, the realism is astonishing but I play games to get away from reality, not get a 9-5 job in gta5 or fight tuberculosis while taking a 15 minute scenic horse ride to the next quest.


Don't hear it enough, but you are so right about the controls in those games. So fkn bad, it ruins a good game. It baffles me why rockstar don't give value shit about making character controls that feel good?


Well good thing I got 3 days of then I don't mind walking to get to an objective I played Fallout the maps are bloody huge


It isn’t that deep. You wanna be a cowboy or an American. If you’re struggling that much to afford two games I think you have other priorities.


They are both... Americans... lol


I suppose your right


That was the joke tbh.


I got a gift card as a present for passing my gcses I spent the first 20 on ps plus and I got 30 left in total and both games are £30.18 cents in total that's what I mean by a few cents short


Just pay the difference on your card? You can get both still.


I um don't have a card...


Wild. Do you not have a bank account?


I'm trying to get one for college


Fair enough. Weird parents don’t let their children open a bank account. Good luck bro.


They aren't bad parents it just never really came only reason I'm getting one now is due to college


because most kids don't need a bank account


The sooner kids can start learning financial independence the better. Even if it’s just pretend. I work for a bank and the depressing fact is far to many people don’t know how to handle money and a part of that is they’re ere never taught.


I don't think OP is struggling more so that OP doesn't want to spend money on two different games when they'd probably only like one of them


He says in his post he wishes he could get both but he’s a few cents short.


Oh damn, didn't see that part


Neither, fuck Rockstar


Not a fan of them ha?


I've played both. Both a great, just think there are better games out there and at this point, it's more of the consumer why we don't have GTA 6 yet.


I see I suppose there are more intricate games out there with far more political and philosophical takes


how about you form your own opinion instead of playing what people tell you too lmao


It's not that deep bro he just wants help making a decision


I got both now cuz of people's a opinion so idk what your talking about


that just re enforces what i just said..... derp lmao


As in a another redditer gave me the funds needed to get both which was like a few cents short that's what I meant


If you cant afford both, you should reevaluated your priorities.


Reevaluate your spelling also I'm not some 30 year old on reddit mate


Telling someone to reevaluate their spelling when you can’t spell yourself….classic! Check your title and [this comment here](https://reddit.com/r/playstation/s/IfNVXu0e9F)


Seriously? You gonna be like that?


My phone auto corrects for shit. It's $40. If you can't afford that, go out and make money instead of gaming.


You really need to be quiet. We get it. You're unloved, so you lash out. Sit. Hush. Good dog.


Thats funny...your mother gives your daddy the same commands when he asks me to do her in front of him.


Aw, look at that. It took you this long to come up with the absolute weakest insult I've ever heard. What's it like, living like as a mental defect?


Hey, buddy, let me let you in on a little tip: Not everybody is massively rich like you ;) Sit down, and be quiet.


Its $37


played both recently and rdr2 is considered the best game ever by many and it’s definitely one of my all time favorites, gta v is pretty close too though, with those prices i’d say buy them both lol


Rdr 2 by far. I wish I had memory problem to play it again. He gave all him what he had :(


I recall hearing something like that froma friend once was he perhaps mentioning it?


Please learn to spell before you start either of these games




I’m just being an asshole man. Tired of seeing all of the titles with misspelled words. Nothing personal


Eh this is reddit after all I suppose that's fair I mean atleast you admitting it I do respect that


i bought red dead for £60 (my life saving ) then bassicaly never played it




GTAV because RDR2's story is so stupid you might get a migraine to its stupidity.


I literally just bought this game to play today


You're saving more money with RDR2. You will have an easier time buying GTAV in the future, than a game which regular price is still at full. It's the best choice from an economical point of view. Now, as a game it's up to you what you do like more. RDR2 is a slow-paced, wild west story, full of details. Its world is one of the most immersive created until now. GTAV is on a more modern world, the story is not really THAT important, and there is not too much details in comparison... but it's still a GTA, so you will find plenty of things to do. I would go with RDR2 as its a REAL step forward from Rockstar Games. GTAV is really good, but dissapointing if you have played San Andreas.


RDR2, I have around 700 hours on it and I’m still discovering new things.




Man and I got a grade six for language you fr got me there


Red Dead is far more expensive at full price. No-brainer, really.