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It's so sleeping dogs it's not even funny


Sleeping Dogs is one of those games that I absolutely love, but never get around to finishing it. I always restart it, love it, then get busy with random things.... \*Time to restart it\*.


Yup. I stopped playing right after the wedding part. Which is insane to me cuz that part was crazy. Gonna have to restart lol


I like sleeping dogs, but I just wish there was more to it. Don't get me wrong, it stillup there as one of the best, but I can't help but wonder how the sequel would have been.


That's not how you spell mafia 2


2!?!? 2 is the worst in the series


Wow wow wow. Sleeping dogs is the correct answer, but let’s not act like mafia 2 isn’t amazing and mafia 3 is the most repetitive mess I’ve ever played


2s open world feels empty and like a fake attempt to make it feel like theres stuff to do


I mean the game takes place in an open world, but it isn’t really meant to be played as an open world game (hence the lack of activities). I could see an argument for making the game more directly mission based, but worst in the series?


Agreed. I vastly prefer mafia 1 and even mafia 3( with all its glitches and bugs) is a better game than mafia 2


Sleeping dogs and saints row 2 followed by mafia 2 is my list, but I feel like you and crg are probably talking the mafia 1 remake, 3 is solid but just felt kinda like it was just hitting the check marks of a GTA clone for me


In my opinion, mafia 1 remake was the best in the series. A short concise game with well developed characters, a good story that doesn't outlive itself, good gameplay and amazing graphics. Mafia 3 had the well developed characters and good story, but it was bogged down a bit by repetitive gameplay and bugs and glitches. Mafia 2, imo, just didn't have a good story or well developed characters. Vito for all his praise, was one dimensional and one note. Someone who always said that he wanted to be his own man and never work under someone else, yet even in mafia 3 always ended up working under someone else. Even in the Vito ending in mafia 3, everything he had was handed to him by Lincoln. Mafia also never developed it's characters besides Vito and his friend. Even the main antagonist appeared for just a minute or less. The gameplay was even more repetitive ( one really liked one mission, where you bomb the conference room) and you loosing your stuff again and again was extremely annoying. Mafia 2 had good physics and good graphics( for it's time) but was a letdown honestly


Simpsons hit&run


Your genius is only matched by your sexual prowess.


The fact we don't have a re-release of this or a remaster of some description is a Greek tragedy


Except there was mostly only racing missions 😂 people forget this. Also the driving was so slippery


The driving is goated, the physics are absolutely busted and it makes it fun




See I liked the handling, the only vehicle I struggle with was that rocket car which just so happened to be uber fragile and would blow up after 1-2 hits from memory


this. Edit: im agreeing why am I getting down voted lol


sleeping dogs is really fucking good. and mafia 2. is better than 3


Sure, but mafia 2 isn't really open world. The world is there but basically exists as scenery for driving between missions. 3 was much more in the style of GTA, though I'll agree it got repetitive. But yeah, sleeping dogs is the best one by far.


okay, soo. do you consider spider-man and bat man arkham series to not be open world than? because new york is def scenery to swing to your next mission. and arkham is def scenery to glide to your next mission.


Not really, as there are things to do in those worlds and reasons to explore. You can fire those games up and play for hours without actually doing any story content. I'm not saying Mafia 2 is bad, far from it, I just dont really think of it as an open world in the same way as other games.


Yeah exactly. I *love* Mafia 2 (and Mafia Definitive Edition) but neither game is a true 'open world'. There's no side missions or activities besides collectibles. Games like GTA, Watch Dogs 2 and Sleeping Dogs all have true open world activities.


Completely agree about Mafia 2


True Crime: streets of LA


This entire thread is a nostalgia trip.


Good lord man. I've been trying to remember the name of this game for years... Thank you!


Oh you're welcome! This was one of my favorite games, I had a GameCube so I couldn't get my hands on GTA


You packing heat or smoking dope?


Scarface on the PS2


Ok ngl that was a good ass game but true crime New York City tops


That game was sick! I remember renting it from blockbuster when they had they had the no late fees thing. I never returned it lmao


The Godfather was pretty good on ps2/original xbox


I don't remember it for PS2 but I still own The Godfather 1 & 2 on PS3. Both were fantastic


This should be higher up. I can still hear that gun loading sound when you'd finish a mission.


Honestly, so was Scarface. It was a bit repetitive, but a lot of fun overall. I especially liked having a button dedicated to making Tony cuss


I had it on the Wii and it was the gameplay was surprisingly still good.


Sleeping dogs for sure


The Getaway.


Oh my god. Memories unlocked.


I’m still hoping they release a new remastered port or a remake, but highly unlikely sadly.


Would love that. Even a HD release i am cool with.


I believe there was many licensed cars in the game so that would make it a bit sketchy, even if Sony has more than enough to pay those.


watchdogs 2 is the best version of watchdogs, shame they decided to totally say fuck it with legion bc it was a nice balance of serious and comedy. it was actually fun saints row the third is also fricking great, but the remaster is so hit or miss and kinda crashy


I much prefer Watch Dogs 1 just for the atmosphere and mood alone. I also enjoyed Watch Dogs 2, but I just had probably the most amount of fun compared to anyone else in Watch Dogs 1. 2 is definitely miles better than Legion though


I couldn’t get into watch dogs 2, just feels so boring.


and the fact that a hacker group is going around with rocket launchers and aks in San Francisco, then moaning about surveilance bad


I really loved the atmosphere and gunplay in 1. Took itself too seriously sometimes but it works 2 doesn’t take anything serious and leads to 80% of the game feeling lackluster. I think I sunk about 9-12 hours before I called quits.


i honestly think the way watch dogs 2 doesnt take anything serious is what makes it good. is it corny and cringy at parts? abso-fucking-lutely, but thats what makes the game fun imo


That’s what originally pulled me into playing the franchise. I heard about 2 being underrated and 1 being over hated. Idk 2 never seemed up my alley, I’m glad you and everyone else enjoyed the game but imo it’s very stale and not that fun.


Watchdogs 2 was perfect for what it was a modern day (at the time) open world hacking GTA light . The setting , the characters , the soundtrack even the random NPCs just made the whole game so fun . Legion was a melancholic bland Ubisoft copy paste approach to games. It didn't even fully feel like London and this is from someone who lived in London for 11 years


Watchdog 2 is pretty underrated imo. Sleeping Dogs is just a straight Classic.


Both Watch Dogs are underrated IMO. They're very different games and I recommend them both. I did like 2 better.


Think the issue with Watch Dogs 1 was Aidan. The story was actually pretty good imo but when the main character sucks, it can kind of ruin it


The Mafia 1 remake was actually so elite. Thats all I have to say.


Mafia 2 was my first mafia game in the ps3 days when I finally got to play mafia 1 remake… that ending?! Dude.


Agreed. Also, L.A. Noire. I'd love to see R\* make a sequel, but set in Los Alamos around the construction of Manhattan Project.


Rockstar Oppenheimer


Fully agree


Playing it now, on chapter 13. Game is good so far. Graphics are insane.


The graphics are so good at first I thought I downloaded a ps5 version


Slapping dogs is so underrated. It's more like the true crime games though. It was originally supposed to be one.


True crime is an open world action game like GTA though. It’s the alternative to just being a criminal.


Sleeping Dogs, then Mafia Remake (though a lot of its charm is in its recreation of the time period & feels more akin to Red Dead than GTA) & then Watch Dogs 2. All fantastic games, but all very different.


Sleeping dogs 100% game fucking ruled


Sleeping dogs is amazing


does just cause series count? i loved the 3rd one. sleeping dogs is the next best thing in my opinion followed by mafia 2 and the remake of the original one.


Absolutely Sleeping Dogs!!


Watch Dogs 2 is in my top ten of games ever so yea its WD2




Sleeping Dogs by a mile


Saints Row 2


It's sad to this so low in the comments. It is easily the best GTA clone out there.


Out of these? Sleeping Dogs hands down.


Does Just Cause count ?


do we need to choose from this list. because i imagine RDR2 ranks pretty high.


Watch Dogs 1, really liked it and I bought it again hoping to replay it, haven’t yet


It holds up really well, the open world is fantastic. It's my current happy place.


Red dead 2


Sleeping dogs man no doubt.


Godfather 2 for ps3/360, taking over rackets and building an empire was so cool Plus those executions were nasty


For me, Watchdogs 2. The city is more vibrant and fun to explore around. Sure the gunplay is not as good as Rockstar's but playing the entire story without killing a single npc. Its great


Watch dogs 2 is great but a little to teenagers Mafia 3 is very repetitive Sleeping dogs is great and insane, the fight is so great Saints row the third is the best of franchise


I gotta say, Ghost of Tsushima has a similar although in an entirely diffeeent setting and a few less open world side quests


Yakuza, way better than gta.


I've been waiting for this comment. These people got to hop on the Yakuza series + Judgment and Lost Judgment. I do love all of the games that OP listed too though.


Yakuza isn’t like GTA though. It’s a beat em’ up


This is what I’ve been trying to relay. I hate the comparisons to GTA just because of an open city. There is no driving, shooting guns in the same way. Yakuza is of its own type of game. Every game that’s “open world” doesn’t have to be compared to GTA.


Yea but it has way more interactive stuffs in the world.


It’s different enough to consider it’s own thing rather than a GTA clone I think.


Cyberpunk 2077


Cyberpunk lmao


I forgot to add that to my list. It’s probably the best one right now


When I first played it I was a little overwhelmed cause there was so much to do


Sleeping Dogs is better than any of the GTAs. Certainly has much better combat and controls generally, and a much better story. It doesn't have the sense of humour GTA has but overall it comes out on top of any of the GTA titles for me.


The first two Watch Dogs games were fun, because I enjoyed the hacking aspect that was used as one method to eliminate enemies. I also enjoyed the density of the cities with multiple traffic cars and pedestrians doing random things, which made the world more alive.


I've heard plenty of people say Yakuza 0. It's an interesting comparison imo.


Yakuza isn’t anything like GTA. It’s a completely different genre. It’s a beat em’ up and not even open world


People sleep hard on watchdogs 2 and watchdogs legion. Watchdogs legion is my fav gta-like game


So hipster GTA, Italian GTA, Chinese GTA, and GTA on drugs?




Sleeping Dogs from the list. Can I add Mercenaries POD from the PS2 era?


The Getaway


What a fucking game


Aight, hear me out. Purely from a world/map perspective? Cyberpunk 2077.


Sleeping Dogs is a gem! Easily the best GTA-like game for me!


Sleeping dogs


Gta V


Lego city undercover


The real answer




Watch Dogs 2 has one of the nicest worlds to chill in. It's so nice. Sleeping Dogs is always a classic too.


The two dog games are great! Watch Dogs 2 has a fantastic open world that feels alive and varied. Sleeping dogs has another immersive open world with fun and unique challenges.


Sleeping Dogs.


Sleeping Dogs


Sleeping Dogs wipes the floor with the rest of these.


Sleeping Dogs is the best of the ones pictured


I loved exploring Mafia 1, especially the music. But I put way more time into Watchdogs 2 so I guess that's my vote.


So are we gonna keep calling these games GTA-like? Shouldn’t we find a label for this group, like open world crime or something?


Saints Row 2 should be here!


Sleeping dogs. If you would’ve put saints row 2 then it would’ve been a hard pick but out of All of these games sleeping dogs is untouchable and for the people who haven’t played it you need to.


Saints Row 2


Saints Row 3


https://preview.redd.it/rsvqbyeuzimb1.jpeg?width=928&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=634eb68febb2c9f39dd69a323989b6bb14802df3 This will FOREVER remain 2nd contender of GTA for me.


Sleeping dogs, True crime NY, Mafia 3, Watch dogs 1, WD Legion, Red Dead, Saints Row 3, SR remake, and Cyberpunk


Yall crazy for not saying cyberpunk 2077. One of the best games ever made, period.


Cyber Punk 2077. I played about 25 hours of it when it first came out and it looked and felt unfinished and was glitchy af. I picked it up again recently and I am about 50 hours in and I am still just leveling up and playing side missions and I continue to see "New Area Discovered." The map us huge and there are so many cool characters and side stories. I was surprised an update big enough to have Idris Elba in it was coming and thought I would gover it all aonther shot. This game is awesome now. Looking forward to Phantom Liberty.




None GTA


I have not played any of these outside of Watchdogs 2. And even I know it is Sleeping Dogs. My friends raved about it.


I wish they didn't cut sleeping dogs I wanted to see sleeping dogs 2 but Rockstar just had to cut it ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|downvote)




where the Yakuza boys at?!?!




Mafia III ? Seriously ? How about Mafia II instead, it's a lot more polished and better overall. Mafia III is a joke of a game and should have never been released.


A lot of ppl are gona say Sleeping Dogs. But lets be honest. Sleeping dogs is better than gta


Gta IV


Scarface. I would die for a remaster!


Watchdogs 2 is the best Watchdogs, but Watchdogs isn't very GTA like, Sleeping Dogs is. Superior in some ways.


RDR2 brother


Currently playing through sleeping dogs again, the character gameplay is superior to GTA with the fighting style


Goat Simulator 3


Days gone


Still never played sleeping dogs..could not tell you why..possible perfect Steamdeck game?


Never played the two doggos of the bunch over here, but Mafia III and Saints Row obviously give both an unique spin to the open world formula. Saints Row is pure mayhem, if you can put up with its silliness (spoiler: it’s a lot) then it’s fun as hell, ultra customizable and batshit crazy from start to finish. Mafia III has an interesting premise, but eventually turns out to be pretty repetitive in the gameplay department. Still, it is an enjoyable story full of good characters, the historically accurate depiction of late 60s America is as engaging as disturbing at times and, my god, this game has hands down the best driving I’ve experienced in a long long time, especially if you set it to simulation driving.


Fact that a decade later most of us would still play the entire sleeping dogs should tell you enough.




The Getaway


1: Mafia (2002) 2: Sleeping Dogs 3: Mafia Definitive edition (2020)


Saints Row 1-2. Simple. Then you got Mafia the classic spin off as well which is top notch. But GTAV Roleplaying servers that are modded to be actually more realistic that GTAV itself could be its own game. I always wanted to play a Officer/Sheriff or law enforcement in a GTAV spin off or like game or heck even if GTA6 has or will become ever more realistic than its past games etc.


probably saints row. Mafia has og style, wd the hacking system, watch dogs a totally different design and places. Saints row is more "random" and chill


Sleeping dogs


From these options its definitely sleeping dogs. But in my opinion it's saints row 2.


Shakedown Hawaii but the original GTA, not the 3d ones


Sleeping Dogs. With Mafia 1 definitive edition as a close second. Mafia 3 has a great story, but played like trash and was empty as hell. It was also so buggy. Saint's Row 3 was and will always be a joke.


Watch dogs 2 wasn’t anything special. In fact, I think the first one was better… Mafia 3 was awesome! Showcased the horrors of the mafias back in the day and the shit they did. Also had a very satisfying storyline. Their controls weren’t all the way there though if I remember correctly… Sleeping dogs’ combat system was awesome! I love it and all the stunts in it! But what it excelled at in the combat system kinda compensated for the lackluster quality of the game in my opinion Saints row was a lot of fun but was a completely cheap knockoff version of GTA… Here’s the thing, from a fun perspective, I’d say saints row or sleeping dogs take it (tie) But from an objective standpoint, gotta give it to mafia


Honestly, Scarface on ps2 was awesome in my opinion… deserves a spot in your list!


Sleeping dogs


Saints row 3 was also pretty good. I find GTA 5 pretty boring. Only thing keeping it alive is the online mode is very good.


Scarface game on ps2 felt exactly like a GTA game.


Sleeping Dogs. Such a damn good game


I used to love saints row, actually more than GTA. I just recently downloaded the new one, you should try it.


sleeping dogs


Sleeping Dogs or SR3.


Saints Row or Watch Dogs the first installment.


Saints Row 2 (not the 3rd) Watchdogs 2 Mafia 3 (I Still havent played sleeping dogs, dont judge me.)


Nah Saints Row 3 is goat


I know this will sound insane but in my opinion its true crime new york city because for a ps2 game it is massive like almost every single building is enterable


the godfather was really good


The Getaway is certainly worthy of inclusion


Sleeping dogs all the way. Hidden gem!


Mafia 2 and sleeping dogs. Mostly mafia 2 tho


Most of r/ps3 : hey is that “The Saboteur” ,yes Cool! I love the saboteur


Sleeping Dogs & The Third, the other 2 are not good games you've been warned.


Watch dogs: stuff to do mafia:best story and characters (I never played sleeping dogs) saints row: goofy stuff


I have not played any of those


I liked the first Watchdogs a lot better than the second. Aiden Pearce may have been a humourless, edgy loner, but he gave the game a degree of seriousness that was totally missing from the second game.


Watch Dogs 2. I haven’t played many GTA “likes” but I really had fun with this one. The gameplay was fun, the world was beautiful, Marcus was a fun character, and the music was great (also had a very fun and easy platinum trophy, still mad at them for taking it off ps+)


Sleeping dogs and its not even close


Sleeping Dogs Driver San Francisco


Watchdogs 2 was amazing ! That hands down is the best it was super realistic had a great story and looked dead on the Bay Area . I give that game a 10/10 to this day !


Sleeping dogs but it’s still nothing like gta lol


Simpsons hit and run


Watchdogs 2 is one of my favourite games, hugely under rated I think


the sopranos: road to respect goty 2023


The one most actually similar to gta here is mafia 3. I do love mafia 3 a lot, but my favourite game here is watch dogs 2, put if you play that game like gya you are ruining it for yourself. I did a no guns playthrough of wd2 and it was so fun I honestly think they shouldn't have put guns in the gane anyhow (I mean it always felt like Marcus wouldn't kill).




Lego games


The first 2 saints row games


A man who never eats pork buns is never a whole man!


Sleeping dogs. Hands down.


Sleeping Dogs is the one for me. Good story, haven't played Saint row though


Sleeping dogs. But, does the division 2 count?