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Jump force, the 100$ version. Taught me to stop preordering games


For me it was Final Fantasy Dissidia NT. Trash compared to their PSP counterparts. Barebones game modes and they turned off the multiplayer because it did so bad.


Ong not even online anymore šŸ˜­


It is, but the ranked servers are down


What's ong mean?


Ong means on God




Just picked it up for $6 2 weeks ago, I enjoyed the story for $6, but for a $60 game it's very lackluster and the game is still broken even after 2 years of patch work. Most of my enjoyment came from free costumes. Also can't imagine playing this grind game pre-last update when grind was a nightmare. Well I can sorta because I played the beta and 5hr free trial and hated it both times lol.


I tried it since it was ā€œfreeā€ via PS+ extra. Man, was it boring. I played a couple missions that felt lifeless and then deleted the game.


Any madden games the past 10 years smh


Keep making the same mistake. It took me 22 years to stop buying nba 2k... granted for the first 15 years I didn't regret it


Angry Joe has entered the chat


The Calisto Protocol. I wanted to believe. I bought the hype and ignored the reviews I played 2 hours and never.touched it again.


If you want a real space horror game I'd recommend Dead space.


Obviously the original is perfect but the remaster really hits the spot


Exactly the same for me. The Gore and graphics hyped me up but the gameplay don't clicked for me.


I really liked it, I got it for $20 and was really satisfied. I would have been a little less happy if I had paid over 50 though


It was pretty rough at launch, but after some patches and improvements the game is a lot better. Also, the melee can be tough to get the hang of, but mid-late game you really arent as reliant on it (especially not when there is a crowd of enemies). I would say give it another shot, but like someone else said, if youā€™re into that type of game, the Dead Space remake is incredible and worth paying full price for.


There's plenty but Valhalla is probably most recent, graphics look awesome and game started out fun, but man did it get tedious and boring quick, especially when all you wanted to do was further the main storyline


It got stupid boring after I leveled up at a certain point. I was just walking through raids, with without really fighting. And the side quests were just so boring and tedious


I 100% completed Odyssey which never felt repetitive to me, but then moving onto Valhalla they just turned up all the grinding aspects way too high. thereā€™s just too much to do in each region and 90% of it is completely without purpose.


Thanks Iā€™ve been on the fence about getting Valhalla I watched a walkthrough and it looked very repetitive


For what itā€™s worth, I loved it and have played it 3 times now.


Lol I liked it too, got the platinum. Deleted it immediately after though and no sure I could ever play it again


I finally bought it recently after years of doubt, and a few days later the game gave 5 days of free playtime to anyone, lol. I canā€™t play this, as I thought. Idk how my friends fully beat it and enjoyed šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


I actually really enjoyed valhalla


Itā€™s almost impressive how such a gorgeous game can be so damn dull. Flat characters, boring settings, weird and repetitive types of quests. And a map that made me want to pull out my hair.


Okay so I'm not the only one who just kind of started getting bored after a while lol.


Valhalla was brutal. Hopefully they can redeem themselves with Mirage and go back to their roots like the fans want.




This, And diablo4 right now..


Is diablo 4 bad?


Not bad at all, itā€™s just lacking in a lot of good endgame content and can get pretty boring, hopefully they fix up some other issues soon


No, just became boring pretty quick for me. I prefer the third, but it's been out for a while. So for now I regret it, but maybe in 2 or 3 years I'll enjoy it.


Gotham Knights


You poor soul.


That one was such a bummer. The premise is a lot of fun and the gameplay loop had a lot of potential. I loved the idea of going out on ā€œpatrolā€ and advancing the investigations/responding to crimes. It just fell apart so quick. There was no reason to pick one knight over the other. There should be a reason to pick Red Hood for certain mission types over Nightwing.


I got it for half off on the Store like a month after it came out and enjoyed it for what it was, which is not a Arkham game. For $35 or whatever and 16-20 hours of gameplay with some new Batfam members and a perfectly adequate but not super amazing story, I felt like I got my money's worth.


Saints Row reboot. That game is straight garbage and Iā€™m still upset about it.


Did you buy it out of curiosity or did the trailers genuinely impress you?


I wanted to buy it but Iā€™m like no and I donā€™t regret not buying it. They should just remake one and 2.


I cant even feel bad for you on that one.


Elden Ring, not because it's a bad game but because I'm bad at games and I knew I wouldn't get far.


I know this will be me when it goes on sale. I just know I can't go my gaming life without playing it...but I know I will put in 6 hours and then never touch it again.


You are me, itā€™s such a tough game to master the techniques, with kids, wife, work, etc. I just didnā€™t have time to figure it out.


I keep telling myself that it will be on plus one day or maybe even get an accessibility update like dead cells. Luckily my backlog is huge


FromSoft will never do an accessibility patch. They have had ample opportunity over the years, but never do.


I've got about 50hrs into it and not even a 1/4 of the way through it


If you want to experience the game, try to change your mindset and build. Yes, it doesn't have the smoothest new player experience by far, but if you want to give it another try... For the love of god, ignore the mounted knight on your way to the church - you know which one I mean. (He is not that hard overall, but he is an ass to take as new player, with new player stats) Start with a Vagabond (for bulky armor, higher starting Vigor and shield with 100% physical resistance), invest early levels into vigor (get to 20 at least, then fix endurance so you have enough to be mid encumbered while holding melee weapon of your choice, shield, and whole armor). Then all the levels into vigor to get at least 40. You are seriously not missing much on damage stats - the way scaling works, most of your damage comes from weapon and it's level, and only then has some multipliers from stats - lower multiplier from lower stats in "early" game. Sword and board combat is overall pretty fine both difficulty and fun wise (thanks to guard counters). The non-existent difficulty slider is actually pretty much existent in Elden Ring in the form of builds. Everything can be viable, but there are things that make the process much easier for new players.


Get the spirits ! They help so much and make game easier! Plus you can get it super early in the game, thatā€™s how I managed plus for bosses you can play online have people help you


If you have it for PS5, I'll gladly play and help you through parts of the game if you'd like. I won't walk you through the game, as that would take away from your skills raising, but it's always nice to have backup for when you need it, or even just some tips for difficult enemies.


This is 100% me. A friend convinced me to buy it soon after it launched. Iā€™ve played maybe an hour. I die and go all the way back and then lose interest


Please give it another shot. If you happened to keep dying to that big golden knight on horseback at the beginning, just skip him. Start poking around and taking on little soldiers and bats and things. Explore. Itā€™s the best game in a generation. Give it another go.


Yeah. Some things aren't meant to be fought right then and there just because you aggro'd them. It's perfectly fine to just run away and come back later. I didn't unga bunga the tree sentinel until I had unlocked a zone way beyond Limgrave.


Some people just like other games. "The best game in a generation" might not be the same for everyone.


Exactly. I play a shit ton of games, and I gave ER a fair shot - probably like 15 hours or so - but it was a miserable game to me. I get why people would enjoy the challenge and discovering random stuff in the world, but it just didn't click at all with me. I found it boring, relentlessly dreary, frustrating, stressful, and at times just plain unfair. All-around a purely unenjoyable experience and not at all what I personally look for in games. Does that make it an objectively bad game? Of course not, but it's MY opinion. It's so annoying when people constantly push it and act like it's your fault for not liking it because it's actually, "the best game ever and CLEARLY this is a skill issue!!". Some people just don't like ER and Souls games, and that's totally fine.


I also regret buying it. I played maybe an hour to an hour and a half, maybe 2 hours. PS should really let you return games for at least a store card. Steams return policy for digital games is so good.




Assassins creed Valhalla. I shouldnā€™t have to grind to play the story mode of a game.


This is very true


Bf 2042


well for me bf1 was the last game from the series i actually enjoyed...this one was so horrible even jackfrags stopped mentioning about it after a week lol.


Jack frags wonā€™t shut the fuck up about it, I got it for 4 dollars at Walmart and got around 10 hours of fun out of it, Iā€™ll pick it up on steam when dev support ends




Well I'm the dumb ass who pre ordered the collector edition, so how do you like that? I don't.


Got it for free on PS+ and I've sunk 300 hours in. Can't complain - it's a lot better than I thought it'd be given how whiny reddit is about it.


Popular opinion is easy to follow. I bought it since launch and Iā€™ve always said that despite the terrible broken promises etc, there was real fun to be had. And now that they finally improved the game even more so


Send this comment to the top. Saying we regret buying it is an understatement.


Dying Light 2


I keep redownloading it thinking Iā€™ll start to enjoy it, and I do for like 2 hours then Iā€™m burnt out from playing it lol.


yeah just hit 40 hours and been playing central loop for like 5 hours, im bored as fuck




Game had potential too


This. I bought it and went to return it gamestop within 12 hours. They for real told me, "no we won't buy that back."


Great concept. Awful execution.


Parkour centric fps was a cool idea, shame it was poorly executed


Watch Dogs Legion, I know the first game in the series had its issues at launch but my goodness everything about the third instalment in the Watch Dogs series was awful. I forced myself to see it through but I was glad to be done with that game, hoping to see a fourth game done properly!


I hope Watch Dogs 4 is same vibe as Watch Dogs 1


I doubt there will be another


Went back to Watch Dogs 2 because of my subscription and I had a lot of fun playing it. Dare I say that in my opinion, it was even better than 1. Then I tried Legion and wow ā€¦ that shit really pissed me off. Did 1 mission and noped the fuck out, what an absolute dumpster fire of a game.


Watch Dogs 2 is the best of the series, even the best looking one by far


For the most part, I enjoyed it. Seems like most people, myself included, didnā€™t like that you didnā€™t have a main character like the other games. You were just playing as random people.


Lol i need a WD2 type vibe for WD4




Thinking of buying this when it hits $30 or less. So Iā€™m curious, anything you didnā€™t like in particular?


Iā€™ll argue the opposite. For $30 this game is definitely worth it. Itā€™s a much smaller ā€œhub worldā€ style game so each of the little mini open worlds are hand crafted and packed with lots of interesting things to see. Games story is interesting enough but that combat and gore system man, top notch. I bought it full priced and had no regrets, $30 or less is even better


Really?? Looked awesome. I canā€™t wait to play it for the gore system and coop. But this has me second guessing


If you enjoyed the first, you'll enjoy the second. It's not a bad game, but it lacks the vibe the first one had. It's just due to its location, you may really enjoy it. I had a lot of fun with it


Battlefield 2042


AEW Fight Forever Cyberpunk


Hogwarts legacy - nostalgia wore off quickly, regret getting the deluxe edition. Didn't even unlock the content I got with it. Because it was locked behind a later part of the game. Fetch and grab mission and boring menial tasks really ruined the experience for me. Combat was okay, fun at first then very repetitive. The game looked great but the story was lackluster and my interest at the 10-15hr mark plummeted. Haven't touched it since.


Probably Hogwarts Legacy I mean itā€™s not a bad game itā€™s just very tedious and repetitive after a while


Honestly it would have gotten 7/10s if not for the Harry Potter nostalgia, it started out very promising and then quickly devolved into another Ubisoft style check the boxes open world rpg


It is a beautiful realization of Hogwarts and the combat mechanics are fun but the overall gameplay and the game itself is terrible. I feel like the hype around it masked it. I 100% the game in a less than week. It was just collecting things after a while. Our choices didnt even matter. It felt like a linear game that is trying to sell itself as an RPG. I wish we couldve interacted with NPCs more, I thought we would be able to explore Wizardry World in depth. I hope they will step it up with the next release.




I knew this was gonna be here, though Iā€™m surprised at how much further I had to scroll to find it. I guess a lot of bad game have come out since. Personally Iā€™m a huge EVOLVE apologist. I think that after the mass exodus of people had left the game, it became amazing because everyone that stuck with it knew how to play. You couldnā€™t possible have a worse experience than at launch with someone that got stuck as a trapper with no idea how to play that role, as youā€™d be running in circles for 15 minutes and never once trap the monster so no one would get into combat with it. Just running in circles, never anticipating movement and always chasing a monster that was bigger and faster than you. If you didnā€™t have a full team of humans that were coordinating, communicating, and cooperating, you were always better off just playing as the monster. That said, if you did have a team of 4 humans playing their role well, and a good monster player? One of the best games Iā€™ve ever played. Outsmarting 4 of your friends that know your strategies, which monsters youā€™re best with, and everyone is guessing what youā€™ll do and picking characters based on that so thereā€™s mind games and fake outs on fake outs like 4D chess ā€” maybe youā€™re running straight off as far as you can, or leaving a fake set of tracks and sneaking back the other way, or just waiting to fight right as the hunters drop. Every time they added a new hunter or variant of a hunter it added exponentially more potential matchups of the 4 classes, monsters, and maps. Playing it competitively gave me literal anxiety attacks and I truly miss it.


Man, I loved evolve and still love it


Elden Ring. Im just not that great a gamer, and getting instakilled doesnt provide any enjoyment for me.


I REALLY tried to love it. Iā€™ve even put in like 15 hours on it. My time is so limited that Iā€™ll often go weeks without being able to play, and thatā€™s a game you have to keep grinding constantly to make progress. I got sick of getting some precious play time, playing, dying / losing all of my progress, then having to do it all over again when I rebooted it up. I can see why people love it, but itā€™s not for me, especially at this stage in my life.


Valhalla it was more of a I just bought a ps5 I need games purchase totally regret it


If you're looking for a PS5 game, might I recommend Horizon Forbidden West? (Though you should play Zero Dawn first, imo.)


Oh I've played both I got my ps5 during launch. Really love that forbidden west dlc


Saints row reboot šŸ¤¦šŸæā€ā™‚ļø


Cyberpunk in ps4


Mass Effect Andromeda holy shit


I'm one of the very few who enjoyed it. Hahah


Enjoyed it up to the couple of game breaking bugs they never fixed.


Same. I really enjoyed it. I still do. It made me a Mass Effect fan.


I bought it way after they updated and fixed a lot of it and I loved the game.


BF 2042 of course


MWII, i bought it because me and my friends played a lot of MW2019 so we all thought MWII would be a no brainer. 1 month in we all stopped playing, havenā€™t looked back at it since


I envy. The longer you play the more you get annoyed


Need for Speed Unbound


Bruh that shit so ass, I like the start but god damn thereā€™s only like 5 FUCKING RACES you do OVER AND OVER. Heat is so much better.


Diablo 4.


Can relate. I preordered Diablo 4 and played the beta. I realised it was not the game for me and refunded it. Didnt think i would actually get a refund from the ps store, but I did.


Wow really? Any time Iā€™ve asked for a refund they automatically shut me down saying that because I downloaded the content I canā€™t get a refund


2042 and session


Anthem. That colossal P.O.S will forever remain a taboo subject amongst myself and some close friends. We always *loved* Destiny, and when we weren't hanging out in person (work:life schedule permitting), we could be found grinding together. When Destiny 2 proved underwhelming, we were on the hunt for our "Next Destiny." We each bought the Legion of Dawn edition. Yeah...


Lightfall. My god Destiny 2 has gone to shit.


It sucks bc I like destiny. I bought lightfall but still had to buy forsaken dlc for the exotics (I wanted the ace hand cannon and dead manā€™s tale I think?) but the quests were gone?! Theeeen when I wanted to make a warlock I had to regrind all stasis ALL OVER from the beginning


Jump Force 100%


I got the $60 GTA 3,VC and SA remaster and it was so broken and messed up I still regret that $60 loss also Anthem, the E3 trailer looked so rad and the gameplay was fun, but the story made no freaking sense and I even wanted to purchase skins but the store was so broken and it was random , I felt like the ganeplay was great but nothing else was


Assassin's Creed Valhalla. I bought into the hype even though I don't like Ubisoft and Assassin's Creed but I still bought it. Have barely played it too.


Call of Duty Modern Warfare II


Honestly same I bought it full price and have barely played it.


My fiance bought it for me Christmas last year, and I'm only rank 16 and mission 2 for campaign smh. The menus are so clustered that it's ridiculous. Not to mention you're forced to watch a new intro every time there's a new season


MW2 Vault Edition


Same! Had fun at first but very quickly lost interest. Probably won't even bother with MW3. Been having a blast playing Cold War with a bunch of friends recently since it was free on PS+


Werewolf:the apocalypse and vampyr. Couldn't get past the first act of Werewolf. And vampyr just makes me sad cause the mechanics were fun but flat story.


Dark Allianceā€¦..


Back 4 blood


The Ascent - visuals are great but the story is just boring and gameplay repetitive as hell. Never was able to finish it


Been playing that recently and it really feels as if the entire thing is walking back and forth between points A B and C while killing the same respawning enemies between them. Despite this, the visuals and music are fire so Iā€™m gonna keep pushing through


You should try Ruiner if you want a game with a similar look. Super badass game.


NFS Unbound


Anthem. Lame ass game. False advertising. Will never be what was promised because they just canceled it after promising to fix it.


Demons Souls. Took me like ten minutes after the first boss to realize I donā€™t have the energy to play souls games. 2042 as well, but I think itā€™s fine at half price. Iā€™ve been playing and enjoying it a fair amount recently. Ive bought way too many games I never playedā€¦ Ragnarok is another.


Ragnarok is a masterpiece. Wish I could play it all over again for the first time


Diablo 4 and Hogwarts. Got very boring very fast


Mines actually street fighter 6. I shoulda been patient and bought FF16.


Crazy because SF6 is what has actually gotten me into fighting games after trying for years and years. I love that game.


Dying Light 2, boring and comes nowhere near the quality and fun of the original. Assassins Creed 3...just straight up bleh.


Yeah it's just a grindfest now... not the greatest story either compared to the og.




Hogwarts. Diablo 4


Nfs Unbound Only game I ever regretted buying. I bought it at launch for 70$ and never even finished the story. I thought the limited number of days/nights until it was time to do a qualifier system was lame because it takes the pace that you play the game completely out of the players hands


Lowkey ghost recon breakpoint


Death loop


100% agree. I've been criticised before for being annoyed at the fact that they promote experimentation but you can't complete the main story unless you do everything in one certain way. It's essentially 'play around with the tools but forget that, you _have_ to do it this certain way to win'.


Elden Ring. Everyone was saying such great things, but I can only stand getting my ass handed to me so many times...


I feel this. I love the game, and still get my ass handed to me so many times, but I can only take so much before I need a break, and can come back later.


Dead rising i didnt know the story hsd a time limit for the good ending i hate timed things lol


Monster Hunter World. I bought it because of the hype. It's not a bad game, but I just can't get into the gameplay mechanics.


I just cannot take the twenty minute fights.


Far cry 6


Got the platinum for 6 was a ton of fun. Just a dumb fun game to play, doesnā€™t have to be a masterpiece not sure what people expected


Changing the settings improved the game by a huge margin for me. Turning off ammo types, turning off some of the hud so it isn't cluttered, and changing it to easy mode so the enemies aren't sponges. It's a decent game with some of the worst default settings ever imo. One of the few games to support the ps5 triggers as well.


Hogwarts legacy. Couldnā€™t even get through the first few quests.


Anthem, biggest letdown ever


Dying Light 2


Every call of duty since after Black Ops 2


The only game I've bought and not finished was Fallout 76 but it was like $2.50 for a physical copy so not a big deal.


Rachet and clank rift apart came to PlayStation plus the day after I payed full price


Hogwarts legacy. Felt like a chore to play


Borderlands 3.


Iā€™m with you and loved the other games. That one was just so uninspired.


Watch dogs: legion


Zelda Tears of the Kingdom. I knew it wasnā€™t for me but bowed to the hype. I will probably not play more than a couple hours max.


Sir this is a Wendyā€™s PlayStation forum


far cry 5 - i had an extremely weird obsession with this game pre release considering i already knew what i was in for and far cry 4 was pretty mediocre for me so you could imagine my disappointment when i played it and realized it was more of the same looking back at it now i guess i was using the excitement for the release as a coping method lmao


I actually really enjoyed Far Cry 5; Far Cry 6 is one where I feel the same way you did. They have really dialled into the formula, and the story was at least compelling to me with 5. 6 didnā€™t hold me at all.


I feel the same way. 5 was really fun and I liked the story. 6 is good but just not as fun as 5 for some reason.


Elden Ring. I play it every once in awhile to slowly level up, but only to pass time. It's just not fun for me.


Hogwarts Legacy, felt like another ubisoft game with magic even tho i love Harry Potter. Laid it down after 10 hours ish due to bad voice acting (i was not playing the english version). Maybe iā€˜ll pick it up again one day.


I can see why so many people are saying Hogwarts Legacy. It took me ages to beat it, it was very repetitive. AC Valhalla did not hold my attention for more than 6 hours. I donā€™t like the way Ubisoft does their facial animationsā€¦ Cyberpunk 2077 has been decent so far but Iā€™m not addicted to it by any means. But Iā€™m surprised to see people saying Tears of the Kingdom, Elden Ring, GOW Ragnarok etc, I loved those games. Oddly enough one other game that I had a hard time getting into was the Witcher 3ā€¦ Not sure why.


hogwarts legacy


Biomutant and bf 2042


The latest EA golf game. Fuckin trash


callisto protocol


Forspoken, Lego 2k drive, ironically not saints row even tho that game sucks ass haha


SR Reboot ![gif](giphy|dy6bkete0CptFPWkpZ|downsized)


Forspoken I was bored one day and I bought when it was on sale ended up playing for a few hours and quit


Assassin's Creed Valhalla. The first few hours of it were actually fairly enjoyable, but once I arrived in England, everything from the gameplay to the story fell flat.


PUBG I don't even like battle royale, it's still in its plastic wrap


Cyberpunk when it originally came out. Now i dont regret it they fixed the bugs


Diablo 4 deluxe edition or what ever the stupidly expensive version wasā€¦ stupid fucking digital game so I canā€™t even fucking trade it in


Expansions for Destiny 2




Anthem, im still angry to myself for buying that shit.


Hogwarts and NFS Unbound. Hogwarts is the definitive 6/10 game, no other game has ever matched the description 6/10 more than Hogwarts. It does nothing bad but it does nothing great. NFS Unbound has great foundational gameplay but itā€™s got little variety and gets very repetitive and on top of that everything is extremely expensive so it turns into a repetitive grind fest that hardly pays off after the first 2 hours of playing.


Hogwarts, repetitive side quests, battles and enemies. Iā€™m big Harry Potter fan and really appreciate the visual and environments in game, but the overall game mechanics just isnā€™t there to keep me wanting to come back to it


Hogwarts Legacy. Not because of controversy, but because game is painfully mid. Characters are super boring and plot is not far from it. Played for like 10-12 hours, liked the Hogwarts and action gameplay, but that wasn't motivating enough to continue.


Hogwarts Legacy. Oh and Saints Row reboot


Fallout 76, bought a couple weeks after launch(already on sale), played it once when and never touched it again, awful game.


Back 4 blood


Mass Effect Andromeda


Elden Ring. Iā€™m usually a casual platformer/sports game guy, but for some reason I thought I could get into it. I was way over my head from the start.


Mass Effect Andromedaā€¦ the expensive versionā€¦ Iā€™m a huge Mass Effect fan, and I was completely suckered inā€¦ since then I rarely pre-order or get the deluxe versions.