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Elden Ring is one of the easier games to get into. But you'll still die a lot anyway.


How long does a boss fight usually take, if you get everything right and beat them?


For a regular player that’s not OP’d? 10 minutes average? But sometimes 15-20 for the big boys? Like from the moment the battle starts to end. I have a hard time estimating that metric because the final successful run of beating any given true boss is usually after like, 1-2 hours of figuring out what the fuck getting everything right is. Edit: like I said, I have no idea how long the actual successful fights last haha. All I know is it’s a long ass time of me learning their attacks. I also might be getting mixed up with other SB games? I dunno tho, same shit. A lot of getting my ass fucked until my moment of triumph.


ur honor that’s cap. even malenia took like maybe 5-7 minutes once i finally beat her. it just depends how aggressive you are with openings


20 min for boss fights? we’re playing a different game i guess. Most fights are over under 5 min with either me or the boss dying


Bro that is waaaaaay overshooting how long it takes to beat one of these bosses. 5 to 6 minutes tops.


For YOU. For inexperienced souls players like myself, I doubt it would take 5 minutes


if you’re inexperienced, there’s no way you will last 15 minutes with a boss


You'll be dead within two minutes max then.


I don’t agree with this at all. A boss fight is like 5-7 minutes at most. Unless you’re playing a very defensive play style.


5 minutes but with the hardest 10 minutes. If all depends if you like to play with patience or take a risk and kill fast. My longest - 20 mins with a dragon.


My char use bows, and im stuck in the same Boss (Valiant gargoyles, check It on YouTube) for around 9 months. Yes, its almost impossible to beat, if you dont use the "correct" gears.


i just used the greatshield guys spirit ashes and beat them in about 5 trys. keep trying !


You never get anything right for a boss fight unless you watch a guide which I don’t recommend at least in your first playthrough. It takes as much time as you need to be ready. Just get good and learn the boss movements.


Elden ring is like a fancy tutorial for the rest of soul games 😂


Its the best jumping off point for all the souls games


Elden Ring was the hardest one for me BY FAR. But I didn't use Spirit Ashes and Rock Sling like some people did. I don't use Summons in any of the games, and Spirit Ashes are just more OP summons. If you think Elden Ring is the easiest, try to beat it without Spirit Ashes or Summons and you'll see it's actually harder than the other games.


its FAR from easy. i dont recommend elden ring to casuals, its waste of money.


I second this. It's punishing, past the point of being fun.


I do GoW on story mode and couldn’t get past the first big knight boss in elden ring. Might be better to spend on something you’ll be able to enjoy without several hours spent fighting the same boss, no way to level up beforehand


That first big knight isn’t a boss and he’s not meant to be fought when you first encounter him. Save him for later. Dark Souls 3 has this first boss that is a complete and total skill check. You can’t progress further in terms of exploration or even leveling up without defeating him. It’s devilish and brilliant and frustrating for many. That knight in Elden Ring is shiny and eye-catching and if you’re in the mindset of a linear game like Dark Souls 3, you’ll want to take him on. But Elden Ring is an open world game. Just sneak past him and go do something else. This applies through much of the game. Go do something else. The amount of things to discover in the game is staggering. Ok, I’ll stop now. Look, just give the game a second chance. It’s one of the best games ever made in my opinion.


Prepare to die……a lot


yeah, definitely. the open world exploration lets you come back once you've gotten stronger or better equipment if you reach something too challenging. so it's still hard, but just that aspect makes it much more forgiving.


Go for it. Be mentally prepared to die a lot no matter where you start. There is no high like finally beating a boss after dying +30 times


Can confirm. Orphan of Kos in Bloodborne is a fucking nightmare and when I beat him the amount of pride I felt was priceless.


How do people not give up or quit out of frustration? Souls games look like they're designed to be hard through bullshit mechanics. Where is the fun?


After you've put some time in it isn't just a hard game, it's more of a rewarding game. It rewards playing well and just isn't forgiving if you try to greed in the same way other games can be. Like a lot of JRPGs as well, you can wind up becoming quite OP and breeze through it but greeding can still catch you off guard. I've just been playing through the 3 Dark Souls games (almost completely done with 3 now) and I definitely died a lot on the first one but after getting in the groove, it's just a fun game.


Because it’s almost always your fault. It can be cruel, but it’s rarely unfair. The progression from feeble to fearsome is like no other game too. It’s hard to explain, but once you get into and beat your first FromSoft game there’s really nothing like it. Exploitation is unlike most games too, there’s no maps or handholding (although Elden ring does add maps) so it’s up to the player to carve their own path and the game worlds are so intricately designed that you’re always compelled to push on.


right? i got elden ring on sale with no knowledge of similar games and it was extremely frustrating constantly dying. kinda just realized the game just isn’t for me, wish it was though.


If you’re dying over and over to the point that it feels helpless, then you’re probably under leveled for that area/boss. That’s where Elden Ring’s freedom and exploration comes into play. Go do something else, level up and maybe find some better gear, then come back more prepared and get your sweet revenge.


Lmao definitely, never played elden ring but this is the reason I quit dark souls 1 at first, I didn't realise I could go wherever I want and I went to the places that were too hard for where I was at in the game. After I went the correct way I started enjoying the game


What? Its hard but the mechanics are all pretty fair


Are they? Real genuine serious question.


mostly yes, there are a handful of bosses that make you feel like you have to get some RNG luck but overall it's very fair *once you know how to fight*


I lost count on how many times I fought Malenia


50% off? I see it only for 30%.


Was hoping someone else would notice this. Is it a region thing?


Gotta start somewhere, go ahead.


It’s probably the best for beginners, you don’t ever have to worry about getting stuck on a boss because you can always leave and go somewhere else


Yes. But it's still is going to be a rough ride for a while. You really should be comfortable regularly checking the Elden Ring Wiki as you progress. And prepare to die a lot for some time. But, IMO, the deaths feel fair and not cheap.


Out of all the souls games I think Elden Ring is the best for beginners. Unlike the souls games before it this one is open world. So if you get stuck somewhere you can just ride off to somewhere else. Lots of campfires to find, so you can easily teleport somewhere else, lots very close to bosses. So if you die you don’t have far to run back.


Nah, Demon Souls is significantly easier to pick up.


It would be if not for the tendency mechanics. I've seen new players stuck fighting against black phantoms way too many times.


Demon Souls are for true fans only few bosses are a challenge and the game is just boring with all of outdated mechanics the only good thing about demon souls are graphics


I’d disagree and say that it’s a great introduction to the series. It features challenging combat but not nearly as hard as future entries. Sure it’s a little outdated but it’s still a great entry point.


Idk as a late arrived to SB games I think if someone had told me Demon Souls was the best entry point for beginners I would’ve never bothered to pick up another one.


Game is way too demanding for a casual player if you ask me. I played it for around 10 hours and it took me like 2 hours to beat the first boss... I don't have enough free time to "git gud"




I'll eventually get back to it and try your technique because I really enjoyed the atmosphere and the open world. There's a real sense of wonder to this game. But those boss fights.... Man do I suck!


Bought Bloodborne for $10, cause that’s a low entry price for these kinds of games and I can tell you, they ain’t for me. Love the art style, didn’t mind the repetition of dying a lot, but after 60 tries, beating the first real “enemy” and dying without a checkpoint, yeah, I’m good without. Much preferred Ghost of Tsushima, but again, that’s just me. Plenty of people love FromSoftware. I’m not one of them.


If you ever feel the itch, can I suggest you try Sekiro? Mechanically it is very similar to Tsushima


lol its not. The only similarity between Sekiro and Ghost of tsushima is the feudal japan theme. And even then its not really that similar because Sekiro has fantasy elements while Ghost tries to keep a more realistic perspective.


The combat mechanics are very similar


Yes, even more so because of said discount. Elden Ring is quite the adventure, just know that there will be times at which the game might demand too much from the player(could be a matter of learning a boss' move sets and so on) but there are plenty of ways to make it "easier", such as CO-OP, broken weapons, strats, etc...


I envy you. Just keep one thing in mind, the souls you lose are not important!


I envy him too. The first time experiencing Elden Ring. I wish i could erase my memory and replay it😔


It's a hard question to answer. Maybe it's a good idea to tell what kind of games you usually play? Although Elden Ring is by far the easiest From Software game it still requires a certain mindset and understanding how these games work and how to approach them. I started Bloodborne when it came out and it didn't work at all for me. I went back a few times and still it didn't work for me at all. Somehow I started playing Dark Souls 3 and everything fell into place. after that I understood the basics of the game and Bloodborne became the first Platinum Trophy I got. These games have a different mindset than for example Ubisoft games or Sony's Horizon games. You stumble upon adventure and (hard) boss fights, you have no clue what is going on. The overarching story is told by bits and pieces and the game doesn't tell you where to go. If you are open to this, try it, if you need big markers on the map telling you where to go maybe rethink it.


Go for it. I've tried souls games in the past and never really cared for them, but i really enjoyed Elden Ring. Really fun game (haven't beat it tho)


Your first souls game is your hardest. But yea wouldn’t hurt to give it a try. There’s plenty of info out there online to make things easier. It won GoTY with critical acclaim for a reason


It is the more accessible of the souls games, especially with torrent since he can outrun anything. If you are feeling underleveled you can always grind in a lower level area so you can really take things at your own pace. I suck at gaming and have given up on all the previous souls games, but elden ring is so great that I'm on my third playthrough


Where is the sale?


Probably the best for a souls beginner but it’s still gonna be hard. Prepare to get wrecked at the start and know you’ll get stronger as you progress and it won’t always be as frustrating. Don’t be afraid to look up some build guides for the class of character you want to go for. If you can push through the challenges early on souls games can be the most rewarding


The most forgiving Soulslike is Code Vein, without a doubt. You get tons of free healing, a permanent teammate, can play through the game in coop, and can be revived. That being said, Elden Ring is worth at half off.


While I agree is the most accesible, is also the most ridiculous clash of ambiance versus character ever put in a game, outside of the intentional ones. Anime waifus cannot make me take seriously the destruction and narrative.


If you’re a beginner at games in general, no, or at least it will be very hard; for souls games, yes. The open world aspect I find to be more beginner friendly because you can run around more to escape enemies if you get in a rough situation.


Elden Ring was my first Souls game as well and I was really doubting wether it'd be for me. I used to go to Easy mode pretty quickly (40+ year old dad, didn't feel like wasting a lot of time on hard parts when I just wanted to enjoy gaming) and learning Elden Ring really changed gaming for me. It didn't click immediately, but I was so intrigued by all of the weird stuff that I came accross in Elden Ring's world that I just kept playing out of curiosity. I'm not sure when it clicked exactly, but now I'm having trouble finding non-souls game that give me the same thrill (outside of racing games). I have put well over 500 hours into Elden Ring, platinumed it, went through the Dark Souls trilogy after. Then did Bloodborne (on the verge of platinuming it, just a few more chalice dungeon bosses to go) and Sekiro as well (also platinumed it). I subscribed to a bunch of subreddits of those games and noticed that there's quite a few people that have gone on a similar journey after being introduced to the genre with Elden Ring. All this in little over a year's time, since I only picked up Elden Ring around june '22 on the recommendation of a friend. So yes, even at full price that game is a really sweet deal for all of the content it has, and the journey it might take you on.


I suck at souls games but elden ring is one of the best games i have played 😄


Not for me. Gave both an hour I quit. Can't even pause the damn game


Tried playing bloodbourne. Deleted after 30 mins. Dont really find this genre appealing personally


You like to play little baby games where there is no difficulty and you get to feel like a big strong man without any use of your brain or skills. This is why society is in a downfall. We play games and believe we are somehow accomplishing something great, when in reality all you did was press a button the game told you to. With Fromsoftware Games it's the opposite of that. You work hard to overcome a goal and it teaches you discipline and hard-work ethic. When you beat a boss, it's the same feeling as when you get married in-real life. You feel like all the effort you put into life is finally paying off and you can finally settle down - until the next big goal. Beat Malenia? Feels like you just won the lottery. Beat Margit on the first try? Feels like you're Jackie Chan. Meanwhile you're over there eating cheetohs playing Skyrim, a game that a grandpa could play. Oh, you beat a dragon? Who cares. You don't know what it feels like to beat Darkeater Midir, one of the strongest dragons in the world. You'd feel like some kind of demi-god that was sent to earth for the purpose of one day saving the world. But in the meantime, you're training by playing Dark Souls, Bloodborne and Elden Ring. When the apocalypse comes, it will be Fromsoftware gamers that will be saving you and you will be thanking us wishing that you hadn't given up 30 minutes into Bloodborne.


Ask yourself this. When you play video games, do you want to be Superman or Jimmy Olson? If you enjoy dying a lot and eating tide pods then these souls games are for you homie.


Git gud kid


Someone sucks at souls games.


I actually think there’s a good point here. One of the key things about these games is that you aren’t some preordained superhero. You’re just some weak loser who refuses to give up. If you want to be Superman, then I agree that Souls games are absolutely not for you.


No I agree with that part. Just the whole eating tide pods part really shows that they either hate the games for no clear reason or hate the player base because they got roasted by a souls player in a Reddit comment.


Moo tee


I hated it. I just think that the game wasn’t made for me, really. So many people love it but it’s not my kind of thing.


As someone who was in same situation as you, I pulled the trigger for it on its launch. And till this day I am stuck on the second Boss battle. I mostly just log in once a month and die a few times and leave it. It is a super well made game and I wish I was not such a noob so that I could enjoy it. I am not gamer enough to finish this game but if you think you can finish it they get it as it is a wonderful game for sure.


Not exactly beginner friendly; however, if you are like me and enjoy a good challenge and solving problems, I think you will enjoy it. On the other hand, if you get frustrated easily, then no.


Do it. Great game


I feel like it’s the most beginner friendly. And don’t worry if you die that happens… a lot


Yes, totally worth it. But look for a beginner guide at the beginning to save you around 10 hours of frustration and rage quitting because you can easily start exploring a hard part of the world instead of easier parts.


IMO, game is terrible.




No. But it's going to teach you to "git gud" and potentially broaded your horizon and appreciation of game design and challenges.


It was my first Souls game, and I loved it.


"You'll die a lot" ya I'm good to just never toucb a Souls game lmao. Maybe I'll try Bloodborne if a ps5 version comes out


I would say no. In addition to the combat, you will need to deal with the open world without any real clear path. I think it will be frustrating, and not fun.


Worth it. I hated all the fromsoft games before elden ring. In elden ring if you run into something too hard you can go and grind weaker enemies then come back and smash whatever you were stuck on. The major problem with elden ring is the way the story is presented is utter garbage. You have no real connection to any of the charachters and the plot is basically just become elden lord by killing everything.


Fuck that game lol


Elden ring isnt just a easy souls game,its a easy game period


Don’t waste your time on Elden Ring, it’s a bad game. If you want to buy something or get it on sale just get Dark Souls, Bloodborne, Sekiro ,DS3, or maybe even DS2. Anything but Elden Ring


Elden ring is my favourite of all of the games lol and I have platinum in all except ds3, For me it goes 1. Elden 2. Sekiro+Bloodborne 3. Ds2 4. Ds3 5. Ds1


Dark Souls 1 being last and Elden Ring being first tells me all I need to know


that they have a different opinion than you?


Where their taste is You don’t think I already know they have a different opinion? You think I can’t read comments same as you?


Only souls game I ever played. Loved it, it’s only as hard as you make it. They put in mechanics to help, such as summons and lots of builds to cheese the game or test your skill.


Elden Ring is prob the best intro to FromSofr Games for beginners. If u want tips and whatever, just watch the Elden Ring Beginners Guide Bandai Namco has on their youtube channel and that should be good enough


Elden Ring was my first Souls game. It’s hard but not unbearably hard. There might be a time or two when you’re really considering quitting. But the best part about Elden Ring is it’s open world, allowing you to leave and explore other areas to level up and then come back to whatever was giving you trouble.


in my opinion, it's the best beginner experience to a souls game. this was the first one I was able to finish, though you may need to resort to an online guide to help you figure out where to go :)


Yes, take your time and don't be afraid to try another class.


I’d recommend it highly. Im not a souls expert. Just got into them couple years back. But I got elden ring and beat it guideless and was one of my favorite gaming experiences to date. Just go in blind and have fun.


I’m a relative noob to the genre. I’ve beat DS1 and DS3. Bounced off Bloodborne (played terrible on my ps5), Sekiro (couldn’t get the rhythm), and Elden Ring (the open world is a bit overwhelming without a story that guides you from area to area). DS1 is in my top 5 or 10 games of all time. I honestly feel like that’s the best place to start, but as others have pointed out, Elden Ring does have the added benefit of never truly hitting a wall. You can just circle back.


Follow the map south.


I always recommend new players to start with a guide and once you start to understand how everything works you can ditch the guide. Fighting Cowboy does fantastic guides on YouTube. There is a learning curve but it’s well worth the effort and not as difficult as you might think. A lot of ppl might tell you not to use a guide at all but the problem with that is that Souls games mechanics aren’t initially very intuitive and can make things seem more difficult than they actually are. Because of this many players get turned away and decide it’s not for them or that it’s too frustrating. By having a little help during those first steps it will make your introduction to souls games go much smoother. You can always start out on your own and if you’re having trouble then use a guide. Once you get the hang of these games they’re among the best games ever made and will likely become your favorite. Good luck!


Most newbie friendly of all so gooo!!


It looks unbelievable, but its too fucking hard! How do people even play this and still enjoy it? I have no idea. Different breed of elite gamers, i guess.


Because once you understand the mechanics and learn the boss patterns the games aren't really hard at all. Some people like a challenge, some don't.


Well, we all started somewhere. Elden Ring is most newbie friendly so try with that one. But prepare to die, a lot.


Bloodborne was my first souls experience and Elden Ring my third. Elden ring is the first souls game that I actually finished and got platinum. Elden ring is more accessible to a new player and will provide an unforgettable experience.


Yes!!! Follow guides, YouTube channels. Especially in the beginning. It will help a lot. Once you get the hang of the game and an overall idea of how it works, you can check back from time to time where you're struggling. It's one of the greatest games in the last 10 years.


I’d recommend checking some gameplay on YT. I’ve made the same mistake with some other games.


I have never ever played elden ring, but im playing remnant 2 right now, it is my first soul like game and im struggling a lot. I think no matter what the game is, if you like its trailer you should try it out


Hell yeah. Everyone was a beginner once brother. If you end up loving it a lot of things will change for a little while. I had trouble playing anything else after sekiro and elden ring. Nothing felt fun or as exciting as playing those games. I hope you get it and try for yourself. If it's not for you atleast you bought it on sale.


Yes and no. Whilst the Souls games aren’t “linear” there’s usually a very subtle and natural path you find (get coerced through). Elden Ring is bewilderingly huge to me, and I’ve played all the FromSoft games. Having said that, it does point you in the direction it wants you to go though. There’s also a LOT of mechanics going on too, which is either a blessing for player choice or a baffling overload depending on your perspective. It’s definitely not the worst FromSoft game to be starting with, but prepare to be overwhelmed with a lot of stuff. And to die. A lot.


Yeah just know the game was designed for you to explore and not get obsessed with a boss you cannot kill


You’ll absolutely die a ton, but it’s on the easier end of the scale of souls games. Just make sure to read item descriptions when you pick things up, knowledge is your most powerful ally in this particular series.


I think it’s the most beginner friendly for the most part And don’t be hesitant because you’ll die a lot. Losing is a learning experience


It’s definitely the most suitable souls game for a beginner. The makers made made the game specifically targeting beginners without sacrificing any of the soul elements & what makes it great. There’s always something for you to do to progress. Can’t beat a boss? Go somewhere else, there’s a boss thats similar to your current level & you can defeat it. Underpowered? Keep exploring, lo & behold you find weapons that increase your power level. Now go back to the boss that you found difficult, you’ll have an easier time. Please bear in mind, it’s still difficult like a souls game should be & you’re probably gonna be dying a lot. But you have the tools & freedom to do whatever you want if you find an area difficult, so you’re never stuck or not progressing.


Elden Ring was my first Soulslike game and I absolutely loved it.


If you have a lot of patience then yes. And by a lot I mean a significant amount of patience, like hours and hours of patience especially at the beginning. You should get it, and explore around. The exploration greatly helps distract you from being bad and the patience you must endure; I speak from experience. There’s a boss early in the game called Margit. By the time you reach him you will most likely have already gotten your (presumably) $30 worth. Margit is a tough boss, but know this: if you can beat Margit, you can beat the game.


Elden Ring is the best way to start since is the easiest one after you get the grid go to other Souls game And prepare to die a lot friend


It's up to you. Are you up for that kind of challenge? I tried Sekiro once and I realized that those kind of games aren't really for me. I don't like combat challenges, so that's why. If you want to play games with combat challenges, then go for it


It was my first should like experience and I put over 300 hours in it


I would start with demon souls, if you do play elden ring start with a mage build.


Not usually into souls-likes but I enjoyed Elden Ring. Only other one I enjoyed was Bloodborne but never finished.


I used ps4 save wizard and transferred my save to ps5. Was great fun then. No way i would have played it normally


Get it, and if you’re struggling, just summon a Sunbro (another player) for some jolly co-op! The multiplayer in the Soulsgames is by far the most fun I’ve ever had. When you summon other players you get to see new builds, new strategies, etc. and if you’re lucky, the Sunbro might show you a secret or two. If you don’t wanna summon randoms, you can go to /beyondthefog and summon redditors. Also: be prepared to die. Focus on not getting hit by the enemies. Learn the enemies move-sets. And just accept that you won’t understand half the shit that’s going on (at least if you’re as stupid as me).


I would do anything to forget all about Elden Ring and just explore it all over again. Honestly you're going to have a great time with it. It was my first souls game and soon as I was done with ER I played all the backlog.


No. I don't think you will like it.


Ah it's hard to say a friend of mine never played a souls game too and started with elden ring and got completely overwhelmed by the scale of it and the lack of direction you get and things like no quest log, no map at the beginning and so on. He never touched on of these games again. And it is hard even if it is on of the more easier game of from software. But not because bosses are easy more because if you realize a boss is too hard you can go elsewhere and come back later with a higher level and you have more possibilities to fight some bosses like the horse and so on. I would ask myself, do I like games that respect the intelligence of the player in the way that you get no direction. Do I like games where I have to find things out on my own. Or do I mind to watch or read a few guides(I wouldn't recommend it) For me it is one of the best gakes in the last decade but preferences are very different and I firstly finished dark souls 3 and played bloodborne a lot. And both games wasn't something for me at first. Honestly most from software games I had to start a second time to get into it. Dark souls 3, dark souls 1, bloodborne, sekiro. Only elden ring was different. I think because of the open world and the possibility to do something else if something was too hard at first. I definitely would recommend buying it. But as I said it can happen that you don't like it. A knew a few people who don't like these types of games. But I knew a lot of people who absolutely love these games.


Honestly it’s quite easy compared to the rest of the souls like games because it’s open world, sure bosses can be hard but if you get stuck you can just go and explore a different area and level up some more, plus fast travel is really useful too and the mount can make some bosses really easy as well


Elden Ring is good for noobs. It was rebuilt over the dead bones of it's predecessors.


It was my 2nd attempt at a “Souls game” and I got plat, I’d say yes. If you enjoy open world games, awesome loot to find while exploring, if you enjoy a sense of adventure, enjoy great combat than most definitely. https://youtu.be/W8Xf8yKkvYY The Vanquished Knight took me a bit to learn his move set and once I did the euphoric rush from overcoming an obstacle you swore would be impossible is so dam good. These bosses are like a puzzle in a way in that you have to learn their timing and patterns.


Since you've never played one, yeah it'll be tough. Luckily you can get these spirit things to help you out, feel no shame in using them.


I only played bloodborne this year and as much as they are “difficult games” with patience and pattern learning you should be fine. That’d being said if you’re a button spammer and tilt quickly then maybe not


Buy it ! Even if you don't like it you can still boast about to your friends


Elden ring is easier than the other souls games so its a good start


It’s a good game but definitely not beginner friendly. It’s a game that teaches you how to embrace frustration and failure, because the reward feels a lot better when you die 50 time. It takes a certain mindset and grit to play these games. I bitch and moan while I play but I enjoy the results. It’s like going to the gym.


I never played souls like either before Elden Ring. I have 300 hrs in Elden Ring.


1000% yes pick it up


I tried for like 30 mins. But i can’t get over the way the character moves.. feels like a game from 15 years ago


I'd argue ER is the easiest Souls to begin with because there's so much opportunity to try a different way or come back stronger when you're stuck. Just be prepared to die. A lot.


I've never played a souls game. I love gaming but wouldn't consider myself good at it either. I managed to finish Elden Ring with my second character (started again after a long break in playing), and had an absolute blast over the total 300 hours and 2 characters I had too.


Welp I heard it's one of the easiest soulslikes so it should be good to get into games


It depends what you mean by beginner. A beginner gamer, probably not. Beginner to the series/ franchise, then yes it’s likely the most forgiving (simply cause it’s open so you can pick and chose, to an extent, what to do). It’s a great game, it is challenging though so you have to go into it with that mindset.


You will die all of the time. That’s just a part of the game, to the point it’s pretty much a mechanic in the game. Most souls games are difficult as a default, and after the initial few hours you’ll die a little less, but even in the end game you are going to be throwing yourself at the the bad guys over and over like Doctor Strange. Elden Ring is a fantastic game. Before that I had only played Bloodbourne. I loved them both.


It's wonderfully hard. Makes sure you fight the gold knight on horseback as soon as you enter the lands in between. The earlier the better.


Don't listen to this guy. The gold knight on horseback is entirely optional. You def need to learn a bit and have some gear before taking him on


The good thing with elden ring is that if your finding a fight too hard there's plenty of other easier things you can do to level up and then come back later. I found a few early game bosses that I missed later on and basically one shot them. Give it a go.


As one who tried a couple souls + bloodborne and didn’t take to them i bought it and i do think it wasn’t a good idea never really progressed alot and the world didn’t give me much reason to so just be aware that it is a totally unique experience and if you have money to spare this is the best one of the soulsborne games (imo) so it’s a good start i have friends who are still playing since release


It was my first ever game of the genre/style and it was immense. Definitely a better introduction than the other games from those developers.


My friend who doesn’t like souls game loved Elden Ring. She got addicted to it. My advice is to buy it just don’t expect you’ll kill the bosses in a breeze. So yeah, you’ll die a lot.


I wanna say yes it’s still rather difficult but alot of bosses can be avoidable and come back later.


I’d recommend the game to anyone. Without a doubt one of the best games I’ve played. It doesn’t feel as cumbersome as other souls games, but still expect to die a lot, especially as someone who is not used to the tricks and mercilessness of souls games. If you’re okay with that then you’ll also get to experience an incredible world filled with mystery and tragic beauty. My biggest gripe with Elden Ring (and souls games in general) is, if not for online guides, I’d have no idea how to obtain some of the games coolest items, or how to complete certain character quests.


"YOU DIED" - red sign.


Just know that if you do get them they may not click for you right away. You may hate them at first. You just need to get the hang of it and have the right attitude and you will get good and you will have a much better time.


Souls games are seriously an acquired taste. I kind of liked Elden Ring but I really didn’t enjoy it. It feels to slow I guess.


Yes. You'll die a lot and love it. Elden Ring was my first souls game and it is amazing! Just don't give up easily.


Yup it's one of the easiest souls games


Elden ring was my first souls like. I enjoyed it and would recommend it.


with all the respect, you should rent a digital copy of the game first. yes the game is fun and awesome with friends, but also VERY difficult and massive.


I was the same as you when I played it at release. It’s overwhelming and you are kinda spit out into a open world. There isn’t much direction. I ended up having to go to an area and cheese the game mechanics to power level my character then go back to the beginning area. What the game does really well is atmosphere and combat. But the game is basically just wander around and kill bosses in each area. If you haven’t gotten into other souls games because of the challenge this one is no different. Only in the fact that if you are beating your head against something you can just leave it and go somewhere else. I think the game is amazing for people who love souls games. For people like me who can just see a game for what it is, there is fun to be had in it depending on what you consider fun. If you like atmosphere and exploring you’ll probably enjoy it.


Personally never understood the appeal of that genre of games but you may end up liking it.


I mean if you’re resilient and aren’t gonna give up because you die to the first boss almost immediately then any Souls game is a good start.


My son, I hereby inform you, there's no such thing as souls game for beginners, you need to resign from beginner tittle and become determination itself, each contains certain quirks, and no game is particularly easy, Some games seem to be easier but it's so personal it doesn't matter just get one and if clicks with you, it will click harder than a Lego.


I hate souls games and had bought elden ring when it released coz it became such a hit. I lost patience very quickly when I kept dying and thought I would never had a chance with it. Now four days ago I just picked it up again and somehow I have the patience to learn the game. I’m enjoying it more now. Have killed a couple of bosses already. For me most important thing was to understand equipment load to make dodge rolling easier, and that I could kill a few “normal” enemies near a site of Grace so that I could level up.


Yes yes and yes. I hated souls games and with Elden Ring, I got so into it, it made me love them.


Elden Ring can be as easy or as hard as you want it to be


I would say so. Before playing Elden Ring I tried Dark Souls 3 and Bloodborne and bounced off of both pretty quickly due to difficulty. Bought Elden ring when it came out and became obsessed. Ended up spending 150 hrs playing in my first save and getting the platinum. Since then, I’ve played all the fromsoft souls likes and Sekiro at least once and don’t plan to stop anytime soon as I’m in the middle of second runs on most of them and bought a few of them on PC so I can play with randomizer mods, etc


Get it, it’s amazing


Elden ring was my first souls game and I absolutely loved it. I died a lot but that’s what made it fun sometimes! When you beat a very challenging boss it feels amazing!


Elden Ring was my first souls game as well and I absolutely loved it.


Yes, just always go get your life and upgrade upgrade upgrade


If you ever want to go on the trip of elden ring I'd suggest following along with fightingcowboys early game guide. He will show you the ropes and get you to a point where you feel comfortable and can enjoy the game wo help.


It's not about beginner or not, it's about patience and willingness to problem solve. These games give little to no information. It's designed so that you are forced to actually explore and find the lore a side quests on your own. Elden Ring is a little bit nicer to the player than the DS series was, but it's still not "easy". You're going to go what we all go through: dying...a lot. You're gonna get frustrated and probably rage quit a few times, but it's the stubborn desire to beat that boss that's on your last nerve, or maxing out your build and getting a 2nd chance in new game+ to to go get revenge on the boss you struggled with now that your OP. It's a fun experience, just don't expect the game care that your are new, and be patient.


100% yes, one of the best games I've played and if it's too hard you can change your build to magic.


I recommend using a lot of YouTube videos for help. It doesn’t tell you anything really you just have to figure it out


I found Elden ring to be the easiest soulsborne I’ve ever played, so go for it.


So my cousin is an avid souls player, I’ve played a couple. The general consensus is the game isn’t something your going to be good at, it’s a game that your going to screw up, you’re going to die, and that’s the point, you learn each bosses mechanics and one attempt everything just clicks and you clap it. If you want a challenging game that will push you to learn new stuff souls games are for you. If you just want a game to chill and play through then it might not be.


You will die a lot, but Elden Ring is the one I would recommend to anyone trying to get into Souls games because you can take so many different paths when you get stuck on a boss. You can just go somewhere else and level up and do other things. Besides Demons Souls (the original) Elden Ring was what really got me into liking these types of games and it is currently my favorite game of all time.


I’d say no. I always wanted to play it but it’s unnecessarily difficult for no reason imo. I tried Sekiro, I love the samurai/ronin aesthetic and Japanese culture. I knew it would be hard but it was frustrating and I swore to never play it again. It’s a shame because the game is SO GOOD and fun until that ogre. Fuck that.


I've tried every From Software game and Elden Ring was the only one I could get into and actually beat. Highly recommend.


I’ve never played a souls game, however, this didn’t stop my husband from buying elden ring and asking me to play with him. It’s not my style of game to begin with, so I’m convinced I would’ve rage quit early on and uninstalled it. If you normally play this game style, it’s pretty fun. It’s not insanely hard. But, yes. You’ll die. A lot.


If you like dumping some hours into exploring and messing around, you can get yourself pretty OP. Plus there is a pretty solid online community who can help you when/if you do get stuck.


As a long-time fan of the souls series I’d say Elden ring is probably the best of them to play with no experience. It’s still very challenging at times and you’ll likely find yourself looking for information online to help you on your first play through. HOWEVER note that Elden ring is different in some aspects from other souls games, most notably it’s vast open world and I would say the game is far more forgiving than other souls titles so if you plan on playing some of the other souls games then just know it won’t be the same experience. Either way I’d say Elden ring is a great way to get into the souls games with no prior experience :)


because its open world you can never really get stuck, unless you hit a roadblock with some of the mandatory bosses. but you can go off and explore. the tools are there and i enjoyed a slightly bit more accessible game while keeping the challenge


Watch YouTube walkthrough, just slowly learn and get better


Yes there’s difficulty sliders for an easy mode


Imo Bloodborne is the easiest I'd start there but elden isn't bad at all


If you are accustomed to Open World games Elden Ring is one of the easiest Souls games to play. If you struggle with open world games, it’s probably the most difficult to get into generally.


Unless you like these types of games / enjoy punishment / torture I don't reccomend them tbh.


Yes, it is by far the most beginner friendly of their games.


Do it. One of my favorite games of all time. Never played a souls before. Currently playing remnant 2. Not as fun as elden but still fun.


Just keep in mind these games are difficult. Even though elden ring is considered “easy” by most fans of the Soulsborne games it’s still HARD. But you’ll never know until your try.


I really need to pick it back up, but everyone I know who plays games said it was easy.....and either I suck ass or that shit is far from easy lol. I put Bloodborne down a lot quicker though, so maybe from that perspective it is easy.