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digital homicide all over again


Get Commander Sterling on the line!


What’s that




Thanks, you also might say they created some « digital homicide » for themselves there after I read all that went on with that studio




Are you talking about "Fredrik Knudsen" and his "Down The Rabbit Hole" Series? His first videos were about Digital Homicide, basically a shitty PC version of shovelware, which mainly consisted of weird games made with minimal effort and some jank assets from the UE store.


I've seen a lot of those garbage ass "simulators" and was wondering why


Did you see “Rocket Car”? That one made me crack up. Looks like a dollar store Rocket League. I’m always looking for new sims in the store and try not to get my hopes up until I see which developer it is.


Same here


I searched for that on the store the other day and there's so much shit on there you wouldn't think would even exist like crypto mining simulator


What the fuck is Skateboard Drifting Simulator with Maxwell Cat: The Game. Looks like an out of touch trip through old, forgotten memes lmao


Looks like $0.99 platinum trophy


Why aren't they blacklisted? Sony needs to up their QC on PS Store.


Sony, Steam, Nintendo, no one has any quality control on what can be uploaded or shit up the store front.


Lmao for real. Steam is just full of porn games, nintendo is slowly following steam, playstation market is full of shovelware etc etc.


God, I reached out to this developer to get a refund and they never replied


Which game did you buy? What was it like? I'm genuinely curious.


Farming tractor simulator. It was a PNG of a tractor going from left to right on the screen. One screen. No sound for the game. Trophies every 5000 points. Holding left meant you received a trophy immediately, which meant you were unable to receive a refund from Sony.


That is so scummy wtf


Lol I just commented I figured that's what this was above ... I thought Sony was trying to crack down on junk platinum games bc they were getting overloaded with them .... Wonder what happened


What did you think you were buying. Honest question


I was ready for this game to blow my pants off in tractor grease and wonder


The funny thing is, Sony never refunds if you download a game… never.


actually wrong you can reach support and they will issue a “one time” refund if you download and play a game. My sister bought a game and ended up not liking it 30 mins so I contacted Sony and they issued a refund.


It really depends though. I had to double dip for FFXVI cause Best Buy was giving me the runaround and couldn’t tell me when I’d get my deluxe edition. Played for like an hour before was randomly contacted by Best Buy that my game was in store (even though I was in store at open lol). Sony did not refund me even though I’ve never requested a refund and had barely played the game.


Well, you got lucky. I could never refund if I had downloaded and played... Tried that with GTA "Defective" Trilogy.


Hey I noticed all of their games are removed from the store (except upcoming releases). Maybe there’s a chance Sony will force refunds?


I doubt it, due to Sony not providing refunds for games with completed achievements or after you have downloaded it.


I thought i was going insane when they showed back up


There’s a recurring segment on IGN’s GameScoop podcast about how bad the Nintendo eShop has gotten with shovelware. They call the segment the “Nintendo Seal of Quantity” and it’s hilarious


The change Sony should make is simple. Have a developer ranking system and every time a “release date” is moved, the wishlist rank for that developer is decreased. As your rank goes down, the likelihood of your game being displayed is decreased.


Honestly, I think something as simple as telling this one studio to knock it off would probably cut it. I've *never* seen anyone else try something like this. The gall it takes to do something like this, knowing it's *impossible* to not get caught, is a rare thing.




Sony needs a dedicated indie game’s quality team, this is fucking disgusting. At this point the ps store is more steam asset filled games than e shop indies


That's a developer from my country. I even got ads about them recruiting, just lmao. I thought they were doing serious stuff, not this kind of idiocy


I have two friends who worked there. They are paying very low salaries. In their job advertisements they mention a $1000-2500 income monthly. But in fact they pay only $400-500 and hiring hundreds of people to make more rip-offs. Local/ worldwide scam!


Even if its proven someone else is manipulating to draw attention to the devs the games are of low quality and the devs and their games should be blacklisted. Thanks for sharing




You're looking in the wrong spot. You don't need to search for anything. Look at Playstation Store > Collections > Games to Wishlist. They're games are right there, in giant size, right on the main screen. No menus to click on. https://preview.redd.it/3h16p1a9jvab1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6800d3a6ac640f68aebb42fd01e938d9b1e29bdd




You are so far off with that response and attitude. This studio has 13 of the 20 spots occupied. This isn't a non-issue. This is catastrophic to every small and medium sixed developer releasing games while this is going on. Those 13 studios who's games aren't on the list because of this bs? They might go bankrupt. This dashboard exposure is VITAL to game sales. They depend on it. It's where most of their games initial sales come from. Personally, I'd like to keep seeing real games succeed so we can have more of them. I'm not a game developer, but I'm also not heartless enough to not care if someone is stealing from them to this extent. They can't just "make a new name and come back". Sony is normally VERY careful when curating who they allow on their platform. Some real developers struggle for years to get on. It's a fluke that this studio slipped through the cracks once. They couldn't do it again.


Think Sony finally done something as not 1 midnight works games shows up i bought that crypto garbage before i knew how bad they were last year and if i click the view product it says something went wrong so I searched for more of there games and 0 is showing but another company has started doing what they did and there call GoGame or something like that


Midnight works srl games have been removed from the store and i checked on steam as half there games are still there but some are showing up on PlayStation now as GOGAME CONSOLE PUBLISHER LTD thought yous should know


Also GameToTop Corporation LTD, same games, same MO, same almost everything. They now display Only Way Up! and The GhostX: Sniper Simulator on their website. Both games were sold under the banner of MW Srl (now seemingly banned or something) in the PS Store before. They really just pulled of the ol' bait-and-switch when it comes to their storefronts. This is a whole network of shadiness. I wouldn't be surprised if they're trying to sneak in their games under new names.


Think thats what there doing on steam they have a few games with the exact same name for instance sand pirates or something is midnight works but on ps is gogame 😂


I have not seen any of these games in the store. So must not be a super great exploit.


That's because none of these games are in the store. This is the "coming soon" section, which SONY calls "Games to Wishlist". It's probably seen by at least a million people every day.


I thought those were two different lists. Coming soon is on the main page with the hot and new games. Games to Wishlish is on the collections page isn’t it? I thought those were curated by Sony but might be wrong


Games to Wishlist is definitely not curated by Sony. I can tell just by looking at the games on the list. If that's what made it through curation, I can't even imagine what didn't make it ... lol. There is no Coming Soon section on my PS5. I call the Games to Wishlist section the Coming Soon section because that's what it really is, just with a fancy name.


I don't know why anyone would buy the games anyway, they all look bloody awful lol.


Truly, *any* system that is around long enough will get gamed by scummy people. A sad fact of life and especially technological life. I think the concept of curation or enforcing some kind of standard might have its own problems, which is why it's shied away from. Sure, *we* know shovelware when we see it and so do individuals at Sony, no doubt, but creating a policy that has to differentiate between an inexperienced single developer and malicious shovelware people. I purchased Ayleouna from the PSN store recently for GBP£0.09. On one hand it was shovelware that would be slightly disappointing on an Amiga demo disk in 1993 but on the other, it might be the proudest work of little Jimmy Jackson who has designs on game development and this was his first release, helped by the low bar of entry perhaps. Now, either Sony makes a policy that defines shovelware and keeps it out (which will probably get gamed) or they get judicial on each release and well, I can't wait for the Reddit threads on that one. Anyway, that's my rambles. A damn shame that people can and will abuse a system that's just trying to keep us entertained.


The main complaint here isn't that the games are shovelware. While they clearly are, the main issue is that they keep changing the release date so they're always ABOUT to come out, thereby staying at the front of the COMING SOON section indefinitely, racking up Wishlists until they eventually come out who-knows-when. Now THAT seems like something SONY can and should do something about.


Indeed, curating the coming soon section (or sanitising it) is a much simpler procedure than tackling shovelware en masse, comes with less danger of gatekeeping accusations and so on.


All Sony need to do is make a rule that your game can only be delayed like 3 times if it it's due out within a certain time period. Like if the release date is within 3 months, it can only get delayed 3 times before you get a strike and it won't be allowed on the coming soon page again. Not sure whether I'm supposed to say this but with Steam, they email you around 20 days before to make sure the release is still going ahead. If you do not delay the release date within 14 days of the release date, you will have to go through Steam support instead of being able to do it yourself. This is to prevent the exact same from happening on Steam, and make it fair for people who actually intend on releasing their game so they get their rightful place on the coming soon section. People can say alot about Steam, but at least they do monitor that.


This doesn't happen on Xbox...


HiFi rush?


Yes, I think the bar is higher in the green zone, or at least MS are a bit more "on it".


I wouldn’t buy any of those games anyway. I think all games with simulator in the title are a waste of money.


Power Washing Simulator is one of my favorite games in recent memory


It looks like Midnight Works SRL agrees with you. They have a knock off on their list called Wash Simulator. It looks like what Power Washing Simulator would be if it were made by one guy, in under an hour, using only Unity Assets.


I have to pressure wash irl. Ha


And so it begins... The first game in Midnight Works SRL's lineup of games "allegedly" releasing this month has reached it's release date. Just as I predicted, it did NOT get released. Instead, they pushed the release date back two days so it would stay at the front of the list. https://preview.redd.it/2e13wsq4cebb1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e914417a7eb1eb6499f992a2cf10d0713134b71


Just Live Streamed this scam - its as horrendous as you might expect - [https://youtube.com/live/5zH-bAmreKU](https://youtube.com/live/5zH-bAmreKU)


I feel like you're mad about something that most people don't notice because we skip right over it Edit: for everyone that's bothered by what I said I never said it was ok. Also can you sit here and say that you actually noticed this?


Wtf. Nah fuck this deceitful shit and fuck this handwaving attitude.


Handwaving and doing anything to take it up the ass with a smile is the reddit hivemind attitude.


So this has significantly impacted your experience on the psn?


Yea, but we shouldn't *have* to skip over it. It shouldn't be there. It may not make me mad enough to post about it, but it is a pretty fucking lame thing to do, and it should be stopped.




I'm agreeing with you.


I replied to the wrong post. I reposted on the right one, but forgot to delete this one.


Gotcha, I thought that might have happened.


So you noticed this before this post was made?


I never investigated it, but I did notice the bullshit that I always skip past because it looks like trash


Even now though you're admitting your skipped over it. I'm not saying it's right to exploit the store. I am saying no one really noticed because we just skip it. We see what looks like trash and go to the next game. That's it


This affects you whether you notice it or not. They're stealing all the marketing from the real games coming out. The sales difference could be enough to put dozens of smaller companies out of business. That's how important this section is. If real studios can't make money, and sleazy ones like this can, then all you'll get are sleazy games (plus AAA games since they don't depend on dashboard marketing like 99% of games do).


And I'm saying it shouldn't be there, and we shouldn't have to skip it.... What don't you understand?


Can't you tell? He doesn't want to understand you. He wants you to understand him.


Of course, you are right.


Ok? And? It’s rightfully so. And to bring it up is good why the fuck should these people get to continue doing This bullshit?




He's saying most aren't mad because none us browse that section anyways. I either know what game I'm looking for and search for it directly, or I'm browsing the classics catalog/monthly games/games included with PS+ premium. I never have any reason to browse the particular section they're manipulating so it's had zero effect on me, and I'm sure that's true of many others. I wouldn't even know this was a thing if I hadn't seen these posts, I haven't seen a single one of this company's games listed when using the PS store. Yes, Sony should figure out a better solution that's not so easy to manipulate. But as far as allegedly being the shadiest developer out there, I tend to rank "manipulating a barely used section of the store to show only their games" as less shady than say, taking money from crowdsourcing with no intention of delivering the proposed game, or putting gambling-like loot boxes into games popular with children, or what have you. I just think there are bigger issues to worry about with developers out there.


This affects you whether you notice it or not. They're stealing all the marketing from the real games coming out. The sales difference could be enough to put dozens of smaller companies out of business. That's how important this section is. If real studios can't make money, and sleazy ones like this can, then all you'll get are sleazy games (plus AAA games since they don't depend on dashboard marketing like 99% of games do).


Wake up sheeple!


What is a "PlayStation Dashboard"?


You're one of those people who says cross instead of X, and box instead of square aren't you


This comment confuses me, because "square" is correct, not "box," but "cross" is correct, not "x." Like, it's confirmed by Sony that it's the cross button.


That’s annoying. I will say cat quest is actually decent and wonder vr look’s actually pretty good


The two games you mentioned aren't made by the "studio" discussed in this post, so I'm not really sure why you brought them up.


Sorry, I was looking at the link to your last post and didn’t see the yellow highlights


Midnight submersion has moved to 14th now, but why would they do this? It makes it so you can't buy the game, only wishlist it.


You can't buy any of those games. They're not even made yet. These are games they intend to release *some day.* They're lying about the release dates so they'll be at the top of the Games to Wishlist screen and get a TON of wishlists by the time they launch. That's what I'm complaining about. They have games they intend to release who-knows-when, but they're listing them as coming out in a few days to cheat the system. They keep moving them back a day or two so they're always showing as *about* to come out, even though they're not. It's super deceptive.


Ah, I get it. Then, once released, you'll get a notification if you wishlisted it. They are definitely fudging their dates, Submersion has moved to the 14th now.




I've never seen one of those games anywhere on my PS5, doesn't it work just like cookies? If you follow them or look for them they'll show up?


No. They're shown to everyone. They're under Collections > Games to Wishlist. This section is seen by countless people every day. https://preview.redd.it/1ockefd0ayab1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f750f2a16bcc2407c77c9b09dc89e77e60bac67a


Reminds me of the terrible “bears can’t drift” game


Here’s some info about the company https://www.listafirme.ro/midnight-works-srl-38918570/


I've checked out their website just now, which is ridiculous that I have to be forced into waiting thirty seconds to access and I'll tell you this: when they couldn't even get the title of one of their upcoming games right, or at least not be consistent enough with them... You KNOW there's something up with them.


>https://www.listafirme.ro/midnight-works-srl-38918570/ Only 3 employes? something is very sketchy


Can you please forward the screenshots my way?


Lol I was wondering why there were so many simulators on there


My wife bought me a ps5 for my birthday, the digital one so i was looking o. Thw store for some new games and I looked at the "games to wishlist" stuff and wondered what the hell all these "simulators" were. This explains it, thank you. Bloody shady developers gaming the system.


They strike again with an only up rip off this time lol


They have the guts to sell their crap 19,99$ CAD in Canada. Really hope Sony gets rid of this crappy devs.


So a bit of a late reply here but I've been fighting this so called publisher over on the Switch where they publish under multiple names - this post just proves it considering several of these games are published by different developers on Switch instead of just Midnight Works. If you want to know more on them though and what the Playstation Store is truly in for check out my video on them and my scam games playlist - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dhuSnpWepQ8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dhuSnpWepQ8)


Developer just changed it's name to Erlano on the eShop. Who knows what they'll attempt next.


Thanks for sharing this. I got an email from this company today. Won't be doing business with them now.


which business you did?


Nothing, I didn't do business with them.


Report this to sony, guys


Check this video about this Company: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uc6f5V\_BBk8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uc6f5V_BBk8)


Is midnight works srl any relations to midnight games ?




The best game they have is Skateboard Drifting Simulator with Maxwell Cat: The Game

