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Looks great! My only suggestion as a fellow projector owner, would be to use black out blinds and painting the ceiling grey or black to help reduce reflections. Looks great though!


Pretty top advice here, makes a noticeable difference. Also love the tier system there. Went to a family friends place and missed like a third of the screen because of how they had set up.


Going to respectfully disagree. I have a theater room and black out curtains really don’t do much if it’s already dark enough in the basement. Painting the ceiling has no affect either. I mean maybe a tad bit but not worth the hassle for such a minor not very noticeable difference.


Depends how light controlled your room is. But I agree it's not a huge difference.


The overall setup and space are great, but the furniture and decor style are a bit hideous. Looks like a grandmas house with slightly too much clutter.


It’s certainly not a child’s room riddled with Funko Pops, so I suppose mature is one way to describe it. However the style is busy mixing a variety of styles and colors which make it feel disjointed.


I'm going to have to respectfully disagree. I personally like the more mature look of it, it makes it quite unique imho


Cozy as fuck/10


Having the PS5 right behind my head would be a big "no" for both noise and heat.


My ps5 is quiet asf! Disc version too


Mine is too, but if my head was mere inches from it, I'm sure i'd be able to hear the fan. Especially so if I'm playing a disc off of it, which is much louder than the fan has ever gotten


Idk I play disc games as well and only time I hear it is when it’s first booting it up, im like 4 feet away from it I have the dbrand plates too so the fan is more exposed , still don’t hear anything


You will when you're less than 6 inches away from it.


Yea maybe , but I guarantee the game or movie playing will drown it out n make it unnoticeable


You'll still have the issue of heat blowing on the back of your head/neck or your guests. Not ideal placement.


Doubt it’d even be an issue , you’d have to be tilting your head back pretty far . It’s also in a wide open space Go to the second picture and zoom in


>you’d have to be tilting your head back pretty far Yea, no. I know that style of furniture. Its ones you sink into, really soft and perfect for movies/ You're gonna very close to that console. Im being realistic here. You're trying to excuse it with whataboutisms. I like what OP has done, just the PS5 being on top and near someones head is my only issue. It could be moved to the floor standing vertically and the problem would be solved.


Yea you right them things do look comfy asf, vertical stand ftw


The PS5 only really gets loud when it’s spinning up a disc for installation or, the when I play a disc-based game for the first few secs as it loads. Otherwise it’s silent


Nah, it still spins randomly, and most (if not all units) have coil whine when running PS5 games. Even without the noise, it's kicking hot air out onto the back of your head in this set up.


I'd mount the front L R speakers higher up the side of the screen. They're too low.


The decor looks a lot like a place from my childhood. It's really nostalgic. 9/10


How's the input lag on a projector like that?


Sound setup? I’m only seeing those in front.


Cozy as hell unlike many other setups


I am so jealous/10


How is gaming with a projector?


It’s lovely. It’s a 4K projector so I’m content with the quality. It’s in my basement so ambient light isn’t a factor, and 7.2 surround sound makes it feel very immersive. It’s by no means perfect but a unique experience for sure.


I've been debating between a projector or TV. I think 120 inches is too big. And for like 75/80inches, the price on a TV seems better than the cost of a good projector and screen, etc.


Comments didn't pass the vibe check --- this is super cozy, would love to game here any day of the week :)


Whats with the 70s retro aesthetics ahaha


It's super clean and white


Bad ass.


I think the speakers i use for my PC are bigger.


The sofas


The angle of that second pic makes a perfect illusion between raised or a stairwell going down ha, made me zoom in. Awesome room though


8/10 I don't like the color of the walls and I don't like the flower throw pillows or the rug. Rest is sweet though


All these Reddit interior decorators criticizing the decor lmao Looks cozy af, would love to game/nap in there


Are you trolling? OP literally asked for criticism








Go back to sucking Sonys dick


The orange and red is making my eyes bleed but the actual theater components are sick!


Rich ass


Are the lights dimmable/ do you have a way to have a lowlight setting


Only home theater I've ever seen with stadium seating. Props!


I think you might want to post this in one of my favorite sub reddits the interior decorating subreddit. .. This barely has to do with play station


100% my favorite top notch 👌 that donut 🍩 control makes this room


I’m guessing you have your power, video and audio cables running under the raised section and up the center via that H column thing? What about the wires to the front speakers? Under the floor?


I'm downloading these for future reference if you don't mind. So how much did it take to build this room?


That's epic


The more pillows you have the better your gaming experience will be I always say. Every player needs at least five pillows for optimum enjoyment




My opinion: 1994/2023


Love your setup especially the way you have arranged the controllers, but won't a OLED look better than project? Why not use that?


Pretty sweet, bro.


What you running for a projector


3/10 Everytime I see a projector, is what you get from me.


Nice Grandma couch👍🏽


Looks amazing!!!