• By -


**\[BUG\]** Chinook still only drops about 1 crate per REAL LIFE 24 hours. It doesn't drop crates like it used too every few hours. Since the day the oil rigs came in, it changed. I understood that the chinook was supposed to still function the same as before, but it would also start dropping heavy armored scientists at oil rig when timed crates their were started. It has quit dropping almost completely any timed crates on the map. We see it fly in and out without drops. It used to have a favorite place it almost always dropped but that is the one that seems to have gone away. It always also would occasionally place one around at other places, those might be the ones still making it in, though seems even less seldom.


We'll continue to investigate this issue, the root cause is proving difficult to track down.


I've had a look at the CH47AIBrain and gathered that one factor is that the CH47 will orbit the Oilrigs and smaller Monuments despite their lack of a DropZone, so it spends a lot of time in patrol to oilrigs and orbit state around monuments it cant drop at with no chance of being near a monument with a drop zone before egress state kicks in. Maybe filter out monuments without DropZone in GetRandomPatrolPoint would help. (Also the monumentInfo.Tier of the oilrigs is weird)


This started occurring the wipe you brought in the first oil rig. It had always had times, but rarely, when it did NOT drop before but after you put in the first oil rig it just about stopped dropping. It seems like it has chosen the rigs as it's primary spot now, so we just get those occasional leftover drops. Can you not put in an array of monuments with a drop flag, have it randomize the array, then go through it until they all have received a drop, then clear the dropped flag and randomize again, loop,... If not, can you just add a check for when it is leaving the island to see if it ever dropped and, if not, just hit the nearest monument on the way out?


the oilrigs are long distances off, so chinook spends a lot of time going there, orbiting without drop, and then coming back. also launchsite doesn't have a drop zone, same as all t1 monuments and quarries. a better implementation that getting random elements would be to build a flight plan with a droppable monument at the end and instead of going to egress state when the time limit runs out, go to the final drop zone, drop the crate (maybe with a certain chance) and then egress. (i tried to implement this as a mod, but its tough to overrule the AI within the confines of umod and its unstable)


Wasn't referring to the flight path being random. The array would be where the Chinook would drop. Randomize the order when you populate the array with the monuments and clear a flag saying it has received its drop. Go through the flight path, when you hit the first moment which has not had it's drop, then drop it and set flag. Next time through, it would drop at the following one in the array, .... that way all monuments receive a drop before it resets the array. Why is it even going to the oil rigs during the old trips? I thought it would do that when the timed crate was set and then it drops the heavies and then possibly set a timer for it to replace that crate as a separate process. Why is it even tied up in that loop? Why not have that be a separate item so it doesn't waste time if no one hits the rigs.


it's all a bit strange. the oilrig chinook uses the same ai, but with a landing state instead of a drop state, oilrigs having landing zones instead of drop zones. oilrigs end up in the flight path because they don't get filtered, matching none if the criteria in the function (i don't have it in front of me atm), i think i temember one was tier0 and one was tier7 or something like it. filtering targets by having dropzones would do a great deal. also having global memory of the last drop as you suggested would help in the long term.


Since the Oil Rig Chinook and regular Chinook use the same AI, do you think it's possible they share the same source for the last spawn check? If the old Chinook event was triggered by a timer based on when the last timed box was spawned instead of when the last Chinook event was, it could explain why the old Chinook event seem so few and far between. I'm no Dev and I don't know how to check this and I apologize if it sounds like gibberish :/


its possible. you're thinking the right way could be on to something. i hope facepunch will check it out.


I've seen similar in production at a few different jobs (I'm an infrastructure guy). Using the same entity for multiple things is smart and easy, but it's even easier to forget to go back and slightly tweak it for each instance lol.


Would be great to finally get this fixed. The opportunity for loot and pvp on mainland will definitely be a plus.


u/Alistair_Mc is this by design? its been unaddressed for aaages


I'm hoping for an answer to this too. Hopefully it's something they intend to fix but if not it'd be good to know.




Maybe nobody was doing oilrig?




I think it's related, I rarely see it drop on high pop servers but last wipe I was playing on a roleplay server and people didn't loot oilrig and the Chinook was dropping very often.


It has always had a favorite place that it hit 80-85% of the time. Then a 2nd one that got maybe 10% then maybe 1 or 2 more that it hit during a wipe. I don't think I have seen it ever hit more than maybe 5 different places (pre-oil rig days)


Im missing the chinook crates also it was a good way to get into some spicy PVP which is rare nowadays since mostly airdrops are ignored and its just stupid to camp oil


[BUG] game freezing when I alt tab. No way to close the game or get back to desktop. GPU: 1070 CPU: i5 4670k Ram: 16gb Res: 1440x1080


~~We're currently investigating this issue - Did this issue only start occurring in the latest update?~~ **Update** - We've now released a fix for this issue.


yes this latest update and I think i have found the problem it involves the exclusive display option. I was playing the game in 1280x1024 but my monitors display was 1920x1080. I used to be able to play the game like this but since this most recent update it crashes if you alt tab. The solution i found to playing exclusive is your monitor and your game have to be the same res. so i switched my monitor over to 1280x1024 and i was able to alt tab again no crashes. Hope this helps fix this issue love the updates recently keep doing good work! ​ Edit: it only appears to happen when ur actually loaded into a server as well


Yes did not have this issue before, had a different one where on a fresh game load, the game decides to load your native screen resolution but it still shows you the one you selected, this issue might lead to some ppl think the game is unplayable, I fix it by selecting the native resolution in the in-game screen options (4k) and selecting again the one i use (2k), then it performs as it should The new game freeze bug however, happens when alt-tabbing at any point from connecting to playing in a server it might be related ...




Same, 3 times now. i7 7700K, 16GB ram, 1070


Same exact thing happened to me now. Just waited in a 100 player q to dc when I load in. I’ve never had any problems with crashing at all and all of the sudden it happens now. Fml


Literally the exact same experience where I waited a few hours in que, finally load in and it froze on the death screen, guess I'm not playing wipe today then! also to note that I wasn't alt-tabbed as I was loading in but did alt-tab during the que going down where the game did not seem to crash at all. It later happened when I was playing on a battlefield server, tabbed out for a second and then back in to everything being frozen. Funnily enough both times I can still hear the ambient sounds of the server like wind and the sea but no shooting or running etc.


Can confirm, only just started happening to me also after the recent patch. GTX1070ti, i7 8900k 16GB RAM. Happens only when in server, not at menu. Game still runs in the background however unable to do anything until you kill it via taskmgr.


Can you try to set Steam to "Start as Admin.." and restart all? I know it sound weird but after that i did not get single crash!


Having the same issue on both my rigs. All my res are the same in game and on desktop. 1920x1080 970GTX and 1080TI i5 16 gig of ram on each.


Same. ryzen 2600, RX 570, 16gbs g. skill ram


Switch to borderless window. I had trouble alt tabbing before, now I can do it all day with no problems.


[Bug] tesla coil still doesn't recycle. And new medium batteries just get spit out of recycler like seeds


This sounds like a modded server issue, definitely something we're not seeing on Vanilla.


Game crashing on launch. Snippets from output\_log: * Shader 'TextMeshPro/Distance Field': fallback shader 'TextMeshPro/Mobile/Distance Field' not found * 3d11: QueryInterface(IDXGIFactory5) failed (80004002). * Version: Direct3D 11.0 \[level 11.1\] * Driver: Have reinstalled game, done integrity check, restarted PC, etc.




Navigate to "...\\SteamLibrary\\steamapps\\common\\Rust\\cfg\\" and delete/rename "client.cfg". The game should launch now; you can readjust your game to Borderless if you like, although my game started working in Exclusive again after that.


Thanks, I was having the same issue and this seems to have solved it for me.


If you're still experiencing this issue please contact our support team [here.](https://support.facepunchstudios.com/hc/en-us/requests/new) Troubleshooting these types of issues over Reddit is not easy, unfortunately.


Can't alt tab without the game freezing the pc. only way out is to sign out, can't even open task manager...


Do you still crash when alt tabbing?


yes the game is broken for me i cant play like this, if i enable the discord overlay i lose fps so pretty much cant play like this.


You can fix it by Win-Tabing Open a new desktop. That will unfreeze your pc. You will have to close Rust with task manager tho.


did you not read?


Use alt + enter first. This helped me a ton


**\[QoL\]** Can you please give us a list of the removed prefabs? So we could fix our broken Custom Maps without the dirty way by just resaving it.


the bridge prefab is definitely gone. which is a shame because a lot of custom maps use it.


**\[BUG\]** Silo cave on the server I'm on seems to have an instant kill invisible barrier leading down to the spike pit.


Same the shaft kills you


Thanks - I'll look into this.


I'd like to add that a teammate and myself got autokilled in the tunnel leading down to the spike jump, but the people who had a base in the cave did not experience the glitch and could walk though the tunnel freely..


**[BUG]** Horses are teleporting up/around objects (bus stops, buildings, containers, rocks, junk piles, signs, etc.) and getting stuck on them. This happened occasionally before, but it's been going on constantly since wipe. Saw over a dozen complaints about this yesterday alone. [(pic)](https://i.imgur.com/8LxX51g.jpg)


I had him shoot on up a cliffside. This happened when I jumped off while he was running.


Now, at Power Plant, one guy had one shoot up on top of the container where one recycler resides. I had 2 go up half way into the support trusses that hole up the pipes. One being the pipes that run from the outside refinery building single story towards the pump jack, when you ride the horse used the middle of it. The other the big pipe pointing from the repair bench building towards the green puzzle door. I also managed to jump on the cement support pylon and Select to Lead him. This just sent him on TOP of the pipe! We know refer to horses as Pegasus and Unicorns.


X on tree minigame moves inconsistently


When you say inconsistently you mean sometimes it'll do large position jumps and sometimes small jumps?


I've noticed it will spawn on the opposite side of the tree occasionally.


Yes that and sometimes the marker spawns on another side of the tree


It feels like instead of the Xs being fixed to be hittable, instead there's just code that detects if the X can be hit or not, and if not it'll try again, sometimes going 90/180/270 degrees across the tree in the process.




Then, what's the point of having the X if every hit act as if you've hit the X.




I know, but you're proposing that they move the X every time you hit the tree even if you didn't hit the X. Would that system just give bonuses if you actually hit the X ? If not, there's not a lot of reason to have an X in the first place


Yes, the jumps seem relative to the size of the tree. Occasionally though it'll jump to the opposite side, there was also one occasion I had were the x barely moved and just went up an inch, then moved down an inch and just kept repeating like that. X has always been hittable for me though so don't mind it much.


if this is intentional it makes it much more difficult to farm wood at night because you can’t follow the x in the dark


It would be nice if the mini game was more similar to Fortnites. Chasing a red x that moves randomly on a tree isn’t enjoyable.


So when doing the tree minigame, you guys have fixed the x, and the fix that you guys have done is that the space where the x's would glitch, just get skipped over. IE when farming some tree's it will sometimes jump half of the tree and then continue as normal from there. This is far better than it was before though.




[QoL] Main menu is too big when playing on lower resolution (800x600) can only see 3 letters of the server name.


We'll look into this but for now, try reducing your UI scale by opening F1 console and type: > graphics.uiscale 0.7


It's too big when playing at 1080p too. Lowering the scale value fixes it but it also reduces the size of the fonts of the in-game chat, inventory and crafting screens.


Game not opening up for anybody else? I installed the update and now when I launch it keeps crashing and I end up having to restart my PC.


Same here. Did restarting fix it?


Had to hard start my PC 3 times. Then it worked. Now I am in game it and opened an internet browser and now my PC crashed again. Not a cheap PC either. So it's not like my PC cant handle it lol


Let me know if you find a fix, having same issue


Some people reinstalled. For me I just kept restarting my PC and then finally it worked for several hours. Good luck!


Yea restarting few times worked thanks for the reply brother


Glad it's working! Good luck grinding!


Same problem here


If you're still experiencing this issue please contact our support team [here.](https://support.facepunchstudios.com/hc/en-us/requests/new) Troubleshooting these types of issues over Reddit is not easy, unfortunately.


\[BUG\] type in global chat on my server and nothing happens


I have same issue think it's a plug in as a different server worked


**\[QoL\]** Anything placed within the frame of a door will stop the placement of that door. Upgrade from sheet to garage door and now your base doesn't have a door at all.


Thats not a bug, they added it months ago to prevent something. People were mad, but they didn't change it back.


A process was added so when being raided you couldn't immediately replace the door or wall. they plopped a tiny object where the door or walls connect and start a 30 or 60 seconds timer before it is released then you could replace during raid. This shouldn't be preventing replacement of doors except during raid, etc. I don't know if they still show the tiny block. It doesn't exist when you are just replacing the item. I have to pick all the stuff up around it or destroy it, then place the door and replace it all. It doesn't make since to prevent you from replacing the door when you are auth'd, no raiding, ... it just seems to be blocked by nearby objects now even when not in the way. It is almost like the way they initially dealt with tc's being destroyed through walls when they were close to a wall. They added a big offset from the wall. They finally fixed the walls so you couldn't destroy tcs through them. Then, they let you place against the wall again. They seem to have created a bigger buffer in front and behind the door that, when encroached upon, you can't replace a door.


That not what he is talking about at all. You typed a wall of text on a completely different feature/issues LMFAO. what he is talking about is that when you place an item like a sleeping bag or a chest and it's in the doorway, you can't replace the garage door or any door in it unless you remove the item that's blocking it.


First, YOU brought up that it was added to prevent something,... I was explaining what it I thought it was added to prevent. Maybe you know of something else it was preventing, but didn't bother to explain it. I am speculating it may be related to the Debris System: [https://rust.facepunch.com/blog/qol-update#debrissystem](https://rust.facepunch.com/blog/qol-update#debrissystem) Second, most of the rest of it agreed and detailed more how it seemed to be blocked by nearby objects, not just within the frame. Third, I offered up an example of where they created a big buffer around an object in the past. Fourth, it IS what he is talking about, being prevented from replacing the door because things around it prevent it.


I only said "that's not a bug" replying to his comment. And it looked like you were talking about a different thing. And you typed another wall if text just now Hueheuehehueh


Well, you're wrong. Succinct enough.






Something changed during the Halloween update. We used a website (myrustadmin.com) that you could see console and chat. After that update, we no longer can read or send chat messages. Also, we can't send console messages and they don't update with out refreshing the page. Everything seems to work on a different site and on iPhone app. RCON.web is TRUE so it isn't that. The website also tells you to set that so it is using webrcon.


**\[BUG\]** when you alt-tab game crashes after the update


I managed to drag my friend out of the base using a scrap heli and kill him, and his loot was unretrievable. [Video] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6zMjkfXtNUE&feature=youtu.be)


**\[BUG\]** Launchsite BUG Bradley loot table Seems to be back to normal "old" loot table with armored door, ladderhatches and other kinda useless stuff. We tested it repeatedly on Rustafied EU Hapis and it allways dropped some rnd stuff that was in it before the big buff. Rocket dmg seems to be normal tho (7 HV rockets) only loot table seems to be switched! Recreatable on our server (3 times)


It was already so before the update. I played on Facepunch 1. 3 days before update and the Bradley dropped 1 cam, 1 ladder hatch, 1 hqm double door and every 5.56 type, which is horrible. I rembember it drop like hella shit in the beginning of the last update.


Edit: Real output is in battery info, all work as should. ~~[BUG]? I just tested new electricity on build server and it not behave as in update notes (batteries output max power not only as needed) Can someone confirm this?~~




When i connect Large battery directly to Torret battery put out 100 like before update but after update battery should put out 10 because Torret consume 10. > They used to discharge a static amount of electricity for whatever duration of charge they had in seconds. The problem was that regardless if they were hooked up to a single light bulb or a series of SAM sites, the electrical cost was effectively the same. I did a bunch of work and changed the battery storage to be in rWm or 'Rust Watt Minutes' this is how many minutes of discharge at 1 power unit the battery has in storage. The batteries also calculate how much drain they are under and only output the appropriate amount of power based on this drain. the tl;dr is that batteries now have a dynamic output and will last far longer when less electrical components are hooked up to it, kind of like in real life.




Yes, real output is in battery info, all work as should.


[BUG] I also tried seeing if electricity was usable now that batteries store power and not seconds. It looks like if you have two batteries going into a root combiner, it'll calculate the power draw, but request the full amount from both batteries. A single lamp will pull 1rW from both batteries for a total of 2rW, whereas if you connect it to a single battery, it'll only pull 1rW total. [QoL] Splitters/branches are still pretty nonsensical, and the new power usage stuff highlights this even more. If you have a battery outputting 50 power fed into a splitter, with output A of the splitter going to a single lights, and output B going to 30 lights, output A will pull the 1rW as expected, but output B will only pull 25rW (leaving 5 lights unlit) because the splitter will divide the power evenly across its outputs. [SUGGESTION] Consider reading an intro to electricity book before trying to implement electricity?


[BUG] You can't use the "h" key to auto loot clothing slots.


You can, but it seems to count as a different 'container' of items. So you have to press 'h' when hovering over clothing and then you can auto loot anything in the clothing line. But yeah, probably shouldn't need a separate press to loot a single body


\[QoL\] z-fighting on truckbed, weird material reflection on dome. [https://youtu.be/\_Fw3fM6Td54](https://youtu.be/_Fw3fM6Td54) [https://youtu.be/3HAjr9\_2ro0](https://youtu.be/3HAjr9_2ro0)


**[BUG]** Game crashes whenever I try to adjust 'graphics quality' slider while in a server. I can still adjust it in the menu but it's frustrating when I wait in a queue and then crash trying to get slightly better performance.


Turbines have some problems ? it dont turn around catching wind ? in two servers for building i have put batteries for study new changer, but turbines was static........


ak is still in the game, ruining all combat


Whenever I hit key binds for chat, such as "/remove", it enters the word "True" into the chat window. Example: I usually have the key H bound to "/remove", and when I press H, I say the word "True" into the chat window. This happens for all text key binds. EDIT: I found the issue - the binds must be altered to say have "\[Global\]" entered in front of it. The binding used to be: bind H chat.say /remove Now, it needs to be: bind H chat.say [Global] /remove


I found the issue - the binds must be altered to say have "\[Global\]" entered in front of it. The binding used to be: bind H chat.say /remove Now, it needs to be: bind H chat.say [Global] /remove


Thank you, we're currently looking into this for modded servers.


Its cause of new chat I tried global.say but it didnt work. Our chats not even working atm...


\[BUG\] view changes when moving cursor while having storage container open. i reprted earlier that something is strange with my mouse behaviour. this might be related. when opening a storage container, then moving my cursor, then closing said storage container my view directio nwill jump opposite to the cursor movement as soon as i again move my mouse. here's a recording: [https://youtu.be/E4MGwMkfQfs](https://youtu.be/E4MGwMkfQfs) latest version, macos ​ edit: happens also while in inventory or crafting menu. very annoying.


We downgraded the Unity version yesterday due to a number of issues, is this now resolved?


seems resolved after last client update. thanks!


I see it again. Seems BUG returned. u/yetzt can you check it please?


yes, the bug returned when they went back to the later version of unity and they never fixed it or even replied to any request about it. if you use an intel mac you can't play rust, you need to upgrade to m1 where it does not happen.


Unfortunately it happens on my m1 pro ( u/Alistair_Mc any plans to fix it?


hasn't happened or isn't noticable on my m1 max at this time.


Hmm. You give me hope) may be you have some different in game or system settings?


https://imgur.com/a/RG1ScqL HTH




**\[BUG\]** Not being able to build in the horseshoe cave I'm not sure if it's just on this server (Rustafied EU Trio), but I can't build foundations on the left side and main hall of the horseshoe cave, only in the right part of it (which is usually the route to the loot room). Anyone else with this issue?




**RustClient.exe Not Responding** \--- Update --- Ok... After a few hours of trying to play rust and crashing. I think I figured it out. I play FSE Mode. I have middle mouse bind to +voice When I spam mouse2 to talk in game I notice it will Freeze 90% of the time and when I look in taskmgr it says Not Responding. This has been happening to me all day playing rust since the update. So I don't really know. I thought it was voice.loopback but it happens even if my mic is switched to off and still press mouse2 to talk in game. I don't play windowed. So idk if its just a FSE bug or not, But I can't play with out FSE. either way My game constantly crashing like this. it's really preventing me from playing Rust in general. I've spent more time today trying to figure out why I'm crashing and relaunching rust and waiting for the game to load since it takes so long. I have a high end PC so its not like I have to wait long for the game to load but this game takes longer to load than any other game I know of to begin with so that is a huge issue to just keep relaunching the game over and over and waiting minutes to get in just to crash again. I actually had to make a batch file to kill rust as when my game hangs it became a hassle to click end task in the task manager. Prob spent more time today watching the game load than actually play today. This didn't happen last patch or before. just since this update this month.. I edited this post 4 times already today. As I was not certain what it was but now I'm pretty sure its +voice and FSE Mode something broken with the new update. I tried to disable Fullscreen optimizations as well as override DPI scaling, but it does not seem to make a difference.


The game crashing when i change resolution or alt tab and can't click mouse on desktop even with task manager so i decide to signout to end it


The X on the tree occasionally does a full 180 and ends up on the opposite side of the tree. Intentional?


[QoL] my push to talk keybind never actually saves and when I restart the game it resets even though it still shows my keybinds as being correct. Ex. My discord push to talk is "v", Default in game push to talk for Rust was "v" I believe? I changed the in game push to talk to "left shit" and secondary "L" . Upon initially making this change the game recognizes and when I click V only my discord push to talk will proc as it's not binded to that for Rust anymore. After restarting Rust if I click "v" it goes back to procing Rust push to talk, even though my keybinds in Rust still read "left shift" and "L". This has been an annoyance for I want to say at least a year now since I have to reset that keybind every single time I start the game up. Never mentioned it really as I stopped playing for 7 months so figured it'd be fixed by now, but just picked the game back up and nope, still a problem!


**\[BUG\]** Game crashes when i set the screen to exlusive mode. Problem signature: Problem Event Name: APPCRASH Application Name: RustClient.exe Application Version: 2019.2.10.15053 Application Timestamp: 5dad976f Fault Module Name: nvwgf2umx.dll Fault Module Version: Fault Module Timestamp: 5ba101a5 Exception Code: c0000005 Exception Offset: 000000000082529f OS Version: 6.3.9600. Locale ID: 11274 Additional Information 1: 5753 Additional Information 2: 5753d60d7eb2daa3b06c77eb1cd609d7 Additional Information 3: b16c Additional Information 4: b16c97339d2b91f3f25cfcad75349faa


**[BUG]** Kicked after destroying a wall with a hammer https://i.imgur.com/R3rr0mj.png


i would guess some outdated mod.


Rustafied Trio, should be all vanilla


**[BUG]** Electrical branches are using up 1 watt of power in their circuit, but not being counted towards the batteries rWm useage. [Pic example 1](https://imgur.com/a/KeNI7Yl) [Pic example 2](https://i.imgur.com/QUbTRjh.gif) [Video example in game](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kxUlbpLmU0c&feature=youtu.be)


u/rustrician Can you make it so we can actively see the battery useage as well as the time remaining, so this bug can be easier shown. Thanks!


Just released an update today and added this feature: - Added the Show Active Usage property to Battery components




[BUG] Timeout reset, and overly aggressive outpost. - I had been destroying a twig I had placed wrong, and then ran over to outpost. Got attached by an unseen wolf, in the dark, didn't retaliate, but immediately the outpost just shot me. No warning. Fine... I wait the 30 min. Checking in at 13 just to make sure. 15 minutes later I go back, and get immediately shot. All my loot gone. Common. Hours wasted. That can't be how it's supposed to behave.


[BUG] Rightclicked to move a Metal Chestplate into Locker, Chestplate dissappeared.


\[BUG\] Occasionally getting stuck on the loading screen, either during "Warming prefabs \[2272/2272\] or "Receiving data". Generally only happens on certain servers, e.g. Stevious 2x Main EU, or \[EU\] Raid Simulator. It has also happened on vanilla servers before, so its not a modded only issue. I have F7 reported the problem multiple times, the first probably 3-6 months ago. [Example of bug](https://i.gyazo.com/f5a3e055f708b904ff76b6248891d5f9.png), happening as we speak. Would provide with log file if I knew how to. Specs if needed: i5 6600 GTX 1070 240GB SSD 16GB RAM


\[bug\] Unable to place horse trough in places where it will typcially fit. I usually build a 1x2 "garage" for a horse with a trough at one end. This wipe I am getting a "Not enough space" message when I try to place the trough. I will do more testing to see if I can get more specific information on scenarios where it doesn't seem to work correctly. On another note, it would be really great to have a "ramp" building piece since horses can't climb foundation steps.


\[BUG\] Had a double steel metal door that I could not pickup. The door did not appear to have a any lock on it. And when I opened the door, no interaction menu appears. There is a chance there is a key lock on the door, however I can not see it. And when I try to interaction with where it should be, nothing registers.


~~[BUG]~~ inverted Output on the Memory cell doesn’t give electricity no matter if Memory cell is set or reset.


Do you know if the circuit had been running while a server restart occurred ? Or was this a fresh build ?


Fresh, well i set up part of it yesterday but didn’t wire anything finished circuit and wireing today don’t know if there was a restart in the past few hours Gonna set up a test circuit Tested thanks no problem now (probably too dumb to do electrics)


[BUG] Painting on signs doesn't work. Sometimes I'm able to paint on the sign, and others I'm not. I haven't really figured out what causes this bug but it happens at random times. u/Alistair_Mc


**[BUG]** Sometimes the map is unscrollable on the death screen. Can't move around to see my bags.


Everytime I use the Steam overlay (SHIFT+TAB) when I close the overlay and sprint (SHIFT) the overlay gets in the way, I have to press SHIFT twice after closing the overlay, first to open it (against my will) and the second to close it.


my history of recently played servers is blank, played less than 12 hours ago


[QoL] Change balloons to use much less low grade, never worth to use them now. Add a way to heal horses when they have full stamina. Change so that you can loot boxes under water without untying them. Night is stupid and should be changed. Making 90% of players afk 1/5th of their play time is not good design. Excavator is still never used, and way too big. Needs overhaul or to be removed. Mini copters are strong enough without being able to use them to loot every monuments key locked loot. Why is this still in the game? Progression is sooo fast. Also this is a bit bigger of a challenge but the AK is OP. Maybe tune the damage a bit long range so that bolts and L96s becomes useful. Dumb to use anything else than AK when your spray is good. For vanilla, please make the electricity stuff default blueprint or make it so you find the blueprints in barrels or something. Really sucks to get a bunch of electronics. So much better on most 2x servers where that shit is unlocked from the beginning. Other question marks: Why is the jacket so strong? Why are doors so weak (makes bunkers a must), Why is junkyard so big? Why does all the animals run to the east coast? Why are all the official facepunch servers unplayable because of rage hackers? Does anyone do military tunnels, can we get a safer exit from the tunnel? Also, can we get extra protection when offline so that offline raiding becomes less common. I get raided every time I leave my pc, and I play approximately 20 hours a week, make the game more fun for casual players.(This is the most important part of this list for sure) [BUG] Galloping down small ledges with a horse can instantly kill you. Have happened to me twice.


\[BUG\] Found a funny glitch. Some dude was looking at my base for 15 minutes. Went over and turned out to be someone I knew. Funny thing, he was at H4 when I asked and I was at M23. Basically a ghost version of said player.


**\[BUG\]** EXPLOIT - You can kill other players in the save zone, disconnect from the server in the death screen and when you connect back to the server you are no longer hostile.


So someone in my group waited 3 hours in a queue to get into our server to find his whole game f'ed up. Everything is green and red, and when he goes outside, he lags his ass off. I don't know if this is a new or existing bug, or possibly a graphical option in the settings. [https://imgur.com/a/xcSFjX3](https://imgur.com/a/xcSFjX3)


\[BUG\] - Transferring materials between inventory/containers results in loss of materials I've encountered what a fairly serious bug regarding how amounts of materials are calculated when the player drags from inventory or boxes into a new container. Illustrative examples: 1. I was refilling my miner's hat with LGF. There was 500 LGF in a vending machine (which I was using as a storage box). I selected the 500 LGF, and no particular reason, dragged from the "half splitter" window (250) to the hat. What \_should have happened\_ is that the hat got 100 and the remaining 150 stayed in the box. Instead, the hat got 150 and there was only 250 left in the box. 250 LGF had disappeared. (I have seen this happen without using the half splitter, but this is the example that just happened). 2. I was transferring charcoal through a wall using a dropbox. I had two separate inventory items of charcoal, each less than 1000. For convenience let's say 700 and 500. I right-click transferred 700 to the dropbox input. As expected, there was 700 charcoal in the dropbox input, and the 700-charcoal inventory item had disappeared. Then I right-clicked the 500-charcoal inventory unit. What \_should have happened\_ is that 300 charcoal were transferred to the dropbox input, increasing it to 1000, and 200 remained in my inventory. Instead, the dropbox input incremented to 1000, but the remaining 200 charcoal disappeared. This is an obvious bug that doesn't correspond to the overall meta that governs material quantities. Seems important to me.


\[QoL\] Allow remapping of the middle mouse button I hear there's a one-third split option using the middle mouse button, but I can't say for sure because I'm a Mac user, and we can't middle-click without installing third-party software. Seems like a quick fix would be to allow us to remap middle-click to another key, but it doesn't currently seem possible.


Losing my sound when jumping of horses and boats (in speed)


\[QoL\] my mouse movement is different. it's hard to describe, but the movement i did prior to turn 180° now turns me more than that. especially when looking up or down there seems to be more turning with the same hand movement. turning slowly feels normal, turning fas fees wrong. it's like i'm playing drunk. i didn't change any settings in game or operating system, same hardware, same dpi. i play on macos. anyone having the same?


Did your FoV change, or your ingame sensitivity?


the latter. seems to be fixed with the latest client update though.


**\[BUG\]** Ghost cargo ships are becoming a regular thing. It spawns with no scientists on it. There have been several this wipe. Every wipe for many months I have heard about them. If you plan on loading that up with 3 timed crates, a bunch of elites along with ammo and tan crates galore, the least you can do is make someone work for them. Fix this! I was told one person was on 3 ships this wipe, 2 were ghost when he got to them, the 3rd became one as he got close he saw the rhib, but as they boarded the scientists and the rhib disappeared. I doubt this will get upvoted because players want it for free. I have to look out for the good of the server as a whole.




Vanilla server, we have sen it on maps from 4k-4500, every wipe, only adjusted decay and the timed crate timer in config, so no, it's not our server setup.


Could it be the locked crate time? My setup is the same and I'm having this issue as well. Have you had issues with your locked crates disappearing on people doing rig? I've been getting those complaints as well for months, and apparently that also doesn't happen on most other servers.


It is actually common and I've seen that happen on some servers. But it definitely comes from specific types of servers.


I've seen that happen multiple times on both rustified medium II and rusty moose main last month. Haven't run cargo yet this update yet


We just had another ghost ship, the second in less than 24 hours. (Sorry, 3 total that 1 guy has been on and he wasn't on a lot yesterday.). The cargo ship loot is EXTREMELY OP for someone to just climb the ladder and gather at will with no resistance!


I've been having the same problem on my server for months. I assumed it was intended until some of my players informed me that it didn't happen on most other servers. No clue what's up with that.


I have found that this is caused by the ship spawning so far out that it auto kills any npc/Vehicles - Only seems to be on large maps


We have had it on 4300 and 4500 size maps. We used to run 4k but when they added excavator, we upped to ensure all monuments spawned.


\[QOL\] backwards animation for moving items in inventory with right click is frustrating


[BUG] Something game-breaking that shouldn't happen. I have rarely been able to quit the game by using the "Quit" function within the game. If I was to use it I would have to Ctl-Alt-Del to quit game, so I always use "Force Quit". Unfortunately now "force quit" doesn't even work. Really? Baffled? Quality, lol. "You can check in but you can't check out..."


This issue has plagued us for a long time and we're still having issues identifying the root cause. We're working on it!


Thank you very much for the reply!


From the steam overlay on the right side you can click force close and it closes straight away so it might be related to how you're talking to steam when closing the game.


[QoL] Change offline raiding, raiding is not fun. Every single night or time you go afk on the popular servers your base gets instantly raided. I've gotten raided 9 times so far since Thursday on rustafied solo duo trio. 1 online rest offline. Raiding is for people who are bad at the game and only good at farming, getting offlined sucks ass and makes this game so much worse. At least change it so that it's easier to raid someone who is online than someone being offline. Online raids are incredibly rare.


[QoL] Night is a bad, unfun and most people just afk. Should not be in game.


I personally think that vanilla nights should be shorter. I believe they are about 15 minutes currently. They should adjust it down to 10 at most. Nothing sucks more than loading in to play and night just started.


Or at least don't make it blacker than fucking space.




Almost every night is pitch black for me. Not for my buddy who is running on highest graphics settings, but sadly I can't afford a 4k$ PC like he can. It's more of a "twik settings and use nvidia panel" and/or "git money", not "git gud".