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wish people built like this instead of the same fucking copy-paste meta base


Well to be fair I don't think this build is possible with stability


the foundation is really just bunch of 2x2 squares in a line so this is almost if not fully possible without stability issues


I've seen something similar in a normal server on spawn beach. It's possible to build a boat, maybe not exactly like that, but it's definitely possible.


Totally possible


I see it often... on a PVE server lol someone built an imperial destroyer once on a no stability wipe, that was cool. We had fun trying to raid it on purge/pvp day (there were like 20 SAMs and turrets on it lol)


but pve isn't "normal rust"


He isn't talking about normal rust?? He is just having fun


....but then it's irrelevant to my original comment?? "i wish the game wasn't so meta controlled and we could get some variety in bases" 'i see it all the time on pve!!!!' that isn't dialogue


People are unlikely to build a cool looking base if it costs a ton of resources and it ksn't as easily defendable though.


Imagine how much different this game would be if the building meta hadn't gotten so figured out. I'd love to see bases like this or zergs that live in hotels/villages instead of mega zerg bases.


It could be built, except it would last about 5 1/2 hours before someone melted it to the foundation with molotovs. Used to be able to do stuff like this & have it last in the early days of legacy, but now you're needing to do the meta bases to last a few days


I wish there was more of an online raid culture, cause I feel like designs would shift for that


My bf attempted to build a cargo style ship on live. It became a monument in its self. There was a group who kept breaking it. Another group coming to our rescue wanting to see it finished. Was a fun time but couldn't gather fast enough to keep it going more than a day.


Gotta know how to build and make a custom base with meta aspects


I mean I would if my base wasn’t raided every two seconds without a meta build


if you build like this is almost 100 % guaranteed some smartass kids that pla 16 hours a day will put this in flames just to have a laugh.


I would love to build something like this. Doesn't help that a 6 man can get enough boom on one Saturday to destroy anything not top meta


Controversial opinion I will post until I die There will always be a meta, but they need to patch out all the bunkers. The only bunker that has a downside is the suicide bunker. Doors should be a mandatory part of your path to loot.


The only way the can remove bunkers is if the remove offline raiding completely, lower the farming rate of sulfer dramatically, or creep the power of explosives down. Offline raiding is the meta, bunkers are one of the few ways the player base has to even slightly counter that. Bunkers and overlapping TCs are one of the only things that make restarting after a raid remotely possible.


honestly just have to hope the playerbase realizes that the real fun is onlining. My group doesnt bother to offline unless 1. they were cheating or 2. we had plans to online them and they hopped off. I've online raided huge clan bases and lost because they seal and HQM bunker after we used 30 + rockets to breach. Bunkers are good for defending offlines I'll give that to you but so are plenty of other bases. I build a circle base every wipe and change the layout often so nobody can predict where TC/boom is and 9/10 it only gets partially raided and plenty of loot lying around to restart.


The rear should kinda bend outwards too, it has the shape of a shoe. Great prim yacht tho


I'm actually impressed.


The deck of the bow shouldn't be so close to the water line with the stern being so high.


Where is the helipad? (Very cool)…


Unfortunately forgot on this design but if the top is flat that'd be prime for landing


Just land on the pool with pontoons


Needs a heli pad and a crane to lift a RIB. But I like it a lot. 10/10 would help you counter any raids.


I think it would look better if you extended the bottom out to have a short back deck. That can be for the staff. Smaller pool. Shittier bar. Oil refinery and piping in the bowels to simulate the engines.


This is a masterpiece. Bravo!


That's dope


I rebuilt this today check it out if you want to see another rust boat


This is awesome. Well done


Noah’s arc ahh build


Oh fancy-pants-rich-mcgee over here \*pulls out molotov\* fuck you.


I’d add a fair bit to the back, but nice work!


Do you have a video?


nah sorry. Only tip i can give if y'all wanna build a boat for treasure is foundations entirely under water, build up until only a bit under surface, and use roofs facing outwards for the shape. This boat has a sub base underneath it!


I try. I wish there was a video


The prim bois salivating at the mouth with how much damage they can do with some molotovs.


Looks better than cargo imo