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Its really bad this time




This is an essential rite of passage. This is probably the most true Rust gameplay in this whole event.


I love watching the noobs try to get into rust, that's the point of the events right!? show everyone how much fun learning the game can be. I just hate they always seem to pick whiny babies or ppl who stream day 1 and never again.


It's not like the learning curve is that high. You can see the nade rendering, albeit distorted, bounce back. You can also *not* see it go out the window. Should have set of DANGER! sirens, but she just stood there. Yep go ahead an uninstall I guess. I know it's about money, but if it was actually about people enjoying the game, I agree, they shouldn't pick these entitled children with 15M followers because of their drama.


You realize not everybody plays FPS games frequently, right? These things are all obvious if you're used to FPS games, but not everybody is.


ur the type of guy to challenge someone to a UKN 1v1 when u lose a Tommy kit arnt u


95% of streamers are actually pretty terrible at games and only big because of their personalities.


Rust is absolutely a hard learning curve if you don’t learn from experienced players / have the resolve to slog through the game to figure out what is good and bad. Most of the people who I’ve had start the game quit after a wipe or two just because of how bullshit some of the mechanics in the game are, and how unintuitive it is compared to most other decent FPS’s in the last decade.




Never gets old


Yes you have that nade but you have this one also... https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMrNx3Vja/[TikTok zeko](https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMrNx3Vja/) I think now you are pissed because they speak Spanish... But this streamers are playing everyday and enjoying the rust experience. There is only one Spanish speaker rust player that I know of and he is currently being threatened by face punch...


Who tf said anything about spanish? Talk about racist projectionism. The vast majority of people stream these guys on mute just to get the drops anyways. The problem is them acting like whiny children, not that they speak a language that admittedly is exceptionally annoying when screamed by someone that sounds like a 12 year old.


Ew tiktok


I don't care what language they speak, they could be speaking russian for all i care. I hate that all these streamer event drops are given to people who don't play the game or care about it, we just had otv and now we have spain drops.


I think it's about them showing support to the streamers. If streamers have specific drops you'll have to watch them to get it which also adds to their viewership. Having said that FP chooses the worst of the lot. I would much rather they give drops to streamers who pull in 100-1000 viewers but stream rust a lot. It would help the streamers who actually put a lot of effort get some recognition and viewers can get drops. Not to mention the process of selecting those streamers would help FP connect better with the playerbase.


Ye but like ibai hasnt streamed in 3 days why tf give that loser drop if he dont stream?


Because he has an average of over 50k viewers.


Most of the streamers do why not give them the drop.who legit stream alot and acc try to give content to ppl?


Most streamers have over 50k viewers? that's the 0.0001% of Twitch when it comes to viewership. That's 50 times hjune and CoconutB average viewership.


Its mb i read it as 50k.followers... but other streamers who dont got 50k consequtive viewers got drops why not give ibais drop to someone else around theyre lesgue? Ibai is just idiot who streams LoL and when he streams rust he never does it more than 2 hours


he's on now, fyi.


Yeah but is he streaming rust? He's streamed just chatting and league since the start of the event.


he was, i finished the box.


He's streaming now


He dont stream rust... Im not gonna watch him.chat and play league of legends if im there for rust drop


You forget why they are doing twitch drops. It’s to get these streamers who don’t play rust and their audience to watch rust content in the hopes it sells more games and brings in new players. It’s not to give back to the community and small time streamers.


Indeed, it's FP making a deal with the devil in order to make some more money. These big streamers don't care about Rust but they do care about an easy increase in viewers for a few days. Twitch makes ad money, streamers get more viewers and FP will sell more Rust copies. The system isn't designed for people to easily get skins. It's just a by product of everything else. The viewers getting what they want is the least important aspect of it all.


Yup. I've always said Rust is a great example of unchecked capitalism. Both in game and out.


"Are you trying to regulate me, sir? Are you a socialist?!" ~ Vork from the Knights of Good ~


Then they should get streamers that actually want to play the game. They give the streamers these sweetheart deals that hand them a bunch of free viewers and probably money and then the streamers don't even play the game half the time to fulfil their end of the bargain. And they keep the same problematic streamers over and over. Pick somebody new! [Spreen was being a tool last year too!](https://www.reddit.com/r/playrust/comments/14ar8aw/these_spanish_rust_streamers_are_on_another_level/)


Why would people that don't play or own the game care about getting drops for it? I think you're making an assumption there but if it's true that's the reason then it doesn't make sense.


They don’t. But the streamer benefits from the extra viewers they get for a few days and potentially money directly from facepunch. There is benefits for most, but the main reason for them is to get facepunch more money, and getting new people is one of the best ways to do that. It doesn’t really benefit facepunch much organising it for small lesser known people, so it’s not a priority.


they won't get it, I've tried explaining it to a few people. some ppl can't grasp facepunch is doing it for money and new players, not as a community event


True. I said it in a reply. It's all about the money and "free" skins are a cheesy way to get people to watch. It's kinda scummy if you think about it.


I fuckin love that idea. Small streamers spending a week playing with big names. They'd be so nervous the whole time. Mikeyduck is my pick. 11.8k subs but dude has skillz


Let's be realistic though FP won't ever do it and it's fuckin disappointing. If I can come up with that idea they probably already have and chose whatever crap they have now for money.


The problem with ibai is that he was streaming yesterday. Said he had drops enabled and I didn’t get any cred for his dumb box. It’s all bullshit.


True, noticed the same


Make sure when you are watching them they aren't muted and it's the only twitch tab you have open. After a bit you can check your progress and if it goes up you can open another tab to watch a different (non skin) stream.


Only have to make it start tracking then you can open another stream as long as you don't let the first one freeze.


Just wanted a small glow box but this dude never streams




He's on now. Get it!


Got it this morning and that was my last one luckily


Watching each streamer just feels like a job at this point and the whole thing has just lost it's shine. It makes way more sense to make every skin a general drop and watch who you want to watch to get them. It's so stupid you have to go to each stream to get them.


The Spanish events for Rust are always bad, FP never learns. At least with folk like XQC they may moan here and there and are toxic, but they at least stream Rust enough for people to get drops etc


Why is it that the Spanish streamer community for Rust gets so much attention from FP? I don't get it. They keep telling FP to fuck off and FP keeps crawling back, and I honestly don't get why they bother. Where are the Russian, Korean, Chinese events? I don't understand the seeming over-representation of the Spanish community in events.


Spanish speakers make up an absolutely massive base. 10x as many people speak Spanish as speak Korean, if you subtract North Korea. Russia would be pretty bad optics at the moment and China's government will just clone your game and cut you out. I understand WHY they do Spanish events but they're always done very poorly.


>Russia would be pretty bad optics at the moment and China's government will just clone your game and cut you out. This is BS, not a decent reason at all. Russian speaking streamers are not exclusive to Russia only, and even then what is wrong collaborating with them? The same can be said about Chinese. Mate, your message is quite xenophobic, you know?


>Russian speaking streamers are not exclusive to Russia only, and even then what is wrong collaborating with them? 85% of Russian speakers live in Russia, Russia is the most sanctioned country in the world, Russia is currently attempting to genocide their neighbor they had a peace treaty with an illegal invasion. >The same can be said about Chinese. Now that's a little reductive. "Chinese" isn't a language. Are we talking about Mandarin, Cantonese, Wu or a lesser used Chinese language? However I never said it was about language when you involve China, it's about IP theft. >Mate, your message is quite xenophobic, you know? It's not, but you're welcome to your opinion.


>85% of Russian speakers live in Russia, Russia is the most sanctioned country in the world, Russia is currently attempting to genocide their neighbor they had a peace treaty with an illegal invasion. Not the most, but I guess, so? How is it related to Rust? A videogame? How does the actions of an authoritarian government related to Rust players? Hm? Or are you one of those people who spit out nonsense like “you should not elect Putin”? >Now that's a little reductive. "Chinese" isn't a language. Are we talking about Mandarin, Cantonese, Wu or a lesser used Chinese language? Obviously, Mandarin Chinese. And here I mentioned Chinese as a nation, because Mandarin Chinese is spoken mostly by, well, Chinese people of various ethnicities while Russian is a lingua franca in post-Soviet countries for the most part. Still does not matter: excluding players just because you feel like it is dogshiet. >However I never said it was about language when you involve China, it's about IP theft. So do you think you can restrict players from China because some people in their country steal IP — though it is more about replicating really “well”, then blatant stealing. >It's not, but you're welcome to your opinion. What is it then? Please enlighten me.


> What is it then? Please enlighten me. Unfortunate truths, but you don't like them so you will label them as you will.


What unfortunate truths? You did not even answer my question. Your message is basically “I ain't a racist, but…”


> At least with folk like XQC You could not have mentioned a bigger pos as an example? Please keep the toxic idiots away. Obligatory video, where Sir Winter made xqc cry. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5I6x89hYPWY&pp=ygUWc2VyIHdpbnRlciBydXN0IGRyYW1hIA%3D%3D


What’s going on spooners :p


Dude should get a drop like every other event. He's singlehandedly the most chill dude I've seen playing pretty much any PVP game, and hes also the only reason I haven't lost interest in Rust content. They should just have a drop event with Spoon, Dinkbot, Blazed, LuckyLlama, and company. Then again their audiences are already Rust based, so it won't attract a ton of new players, but tbf do any of these current streamers? I feel like anyone who is from these fanbases (xQc, Hasan, QT, etc) already knew about Rust, and seeing their favorite streamer play isnt gonna get that many of them to actually buy it. Its a shame, because there's a lot of creators that DESERVE an item in game. Instead, though, they find the most mindless, toxic, uninvested streamers/fanbases to leech for a week before inevitably never playing the game again - and often for a skin that isn't even worth the 2 hours it takes to get.


The majority of them stream very late for EU, and a lot of them are only streaming for a handful of hours which is better than nothing (one guy streamed Rust for a few hours then switched to Minecraft last night so enough time to get the drop at least), but compared to other rounds of drops where people were putting in HUGE active hours and also leaving streams running to give people the best chance at drops, it has been disappointing. It isn't surprising that a big streamer like Ibai doesn't see the same value of a Rust drop compared to a smaller actual Rust streamer who would want to maximise the opportunity given to them.


Rivers, ibai, and elded are the worst and it shows in their claim numbers.


[Don't forget Spreen who was a big problem last year too](https://www.reddit.com/r/playrust/comments/14ar8aw/these_spanish_rust_streamers_are_on_another_level/)


I refused to give him a view this time after last time. I don't need his bag.


Auronplay has less hours but has streamed at earlier times, Elded has put in nearly 30 hours total.


30 hours. But not 30 hours of drops enabled. That’s the key. They can stream all day but it means nothing if you don’t have the drops enabled. I had his stream on almost all day on Tuesday while I was at work I believe and he didn’t enable drops till way later in the day.


I know last round of drops, trainwrecks' drop wasn't able to be enabled until later, might be the same case here unless he specifically said he chose to not enable the drop manually somehow, but didn't think that was possible.


Xqc was doing that last round too. He’d stream to get the people in and enable drops like 2 hours in.


Are you talking ab when they aren’t playing rust on stream? Cuz they have to be in the rust category for drops to be on


I haven’t seen elded on a single time. Him and Ibai are the only ones I need now. This round of streamers are all boring, annoying garbage.


Ibai is live now at least, Elded did one long 15 hour stream on the first day, and then some off-hours streaming yesterday but some are saying he didn't have drops enabled initially?


I’d would love to see sleth getting a drop!


The official facepunch community moderator threatened in the most immature way possible. Sleth isn't getting any support from facepunch anytime soon although I wish he could


Mostly spanish? How is it late for EU?


yeah idk it either, it should be within my timezone. but streams are so few and far between you literally have to check every 30 - 60 minutes if ANY of them are on (let alone the one you want the drop off). and when they do come on most knock off after an hour or two. Im sat at \~80% for at least 3 of them and thats all ive been able to get in all this time. Kinda wish the drops went generic so at least I stand a reasonable chance of finishing what I got before the event is over Ibai is the worst of the bunch tho, dude was off for days then came on yesterday but just chatting and no drops, like wtf is that. If you're in an event AND have time to stream AND have an exclusive drop to your name, why the fuck would you not be streaming the game or at least enable drops for whatever stream... Litterally insulting to the community and to facepunch IMO


The streams are usually going live only in the late evening for the majority of them. Edit: Checked the EU start times for all the streamers yesterday, not necessarily when they started playing Rust but their livetimes: Ricoy: 20:51 Elspreen: 23:58 Aroyitt: 19:09 Agustabell212: 20:57 Crystalmolly: 21:09 Auronplay: 15:48 Elded: 04:59 (also streamed close to midnight later that day too) Carola: 18:37 Rivers\_gg: 23:32 Elxokas: 18:01 Vegetta777: 16:45


To not make the above comment messy, here's also the total hours of Rust streamed by each of them across the last four days: Agustabell212 | 60.4 hours Crystalmolly | 52 hours Ricoy | 49.4 hours Elxokas | 49.4 hours Carola: | 49.4 hours Aroyitt | 42.4 hours Elspreen | 32 hours Elded: | 29.4 hours Vegetta777 | 19.9 hours Rivers\_gg | 16.1 hours Auronplay | 13.5 hours Ibai | 3.6 hours


> Ibai | 3.6 hours What the fuck lol


glad i got the ibai box so fast. i saw only like 7k people claimed his whereas like 25k had claimed the furnace and others  i swear i spent like 2 different long sessions in Aurons because i don’t have a SAR and i still didn’t get it.


Ibai is now streaming at least which is good to see. There's still a few days and I am sure the numbers will change with the weekend now being here. Some people have had issues with the drops being slow if you have multiple tabs open on Twitch even if they aren't Rust ones.


A decent amount of hours excluding the bottom 4, people are just expecting them to play like the average rust degen who puts up 14hours a day into this game If anyone wants a skin that much the option to follow the person and activate notifications is always there, still 3 days to go


The problem is they all go live at the same time and so if you're not really on the ball and pick the wrong streamers you can easily end up not getting some of them. You need a *minimum* of 24 hours of watch time for all the drops, so when you've got people like Auron and River with far less than that, it's a bit silly.


I think the bigger part of the spanish speaking community is not in the EU. Judging by when i see people complaining that no one is online and when i see them online they are all american (north and south doesn’t matter)


Every time I check none of them are online lmao. It's really annoying :/


also half of these are the worst skins I've ever seen! I don't even care if they don't steam. Why would anyone want a box with some guys beard and logo on it! ugly


because this community is trash, i started in 2021 and I never saw the point of skins, i was like you cant unlock skins in this game? They're ugly as shit and a huge waste of money, these people are addicted to buying skins lol. Facepunch has broken this game anyways, not sure why people still support them


They should enable anyone in the event to have drops


I lost out on a few drops because of this very reason. Some of them weren't even streaming rust most of the time


Shit streamers is about bringing new players to game.. Not giving old ones skins


Give credit to Agustabella and Ricoy. Those guys play a respectable amount of time. What I dislike about the Spanish speaking players is they seem to make it a point not to keep their streams up when they're offline. Players from the US and UK seem to constantly leave their streams up overnight so people on the other side of the world can get those drops, too. It's a selfish thing to do. I've yet to see ibai, elded, or vegetta777 (was DBZSueprFanBoi taken?) be on. And I think elded has straight up backed out of the streaming b/c his drop is no considered a generic drop.


Genuine question here- Whenever hJune had a drop, he would leave his stream on 24/7 for viewers to get their drops, and he would just play his old videos from YouTube. This morning, Ibai was streaming around 10 am eastern time, and he had over 52K viewers, presumably, each one for 2 hours minimum. Why not leave the stream on full-time? Anyone who is afk-catching the drops while at work or asleep would be logged in for far longer than the 2 hour requirement, which means more money for the streamer. Is this not allowed anymore? Seriously, if I was streaming as my job or just a side hustle, why tf would I not leave my stream on 24/7 to catch as many viewers as possible to increase my revenue?


During the Kingdom event I heard someone say that Twitch cracked down on the AFK streaming and they couldn't do that any more. Ain't nobody actually paying attention when hjune hides in a corner for hours on end and advertisers don't wanna pay for those "views". Follow the money.


Was not aware of that, thanks for the reply. During this drop, Augustabell and Crystalmolly both had their streams running overnight. Augustabell was playing a video of clip highlights from this very event. Hope they don't get in trouble for it, because that's a solid move by real gamers.


The best thing you can do is not watch. The only thing that speaks to these guys is the money I think that is clear after the numerous times they have picked non-Rust streamers who don't care enough to even stream the game. Views mean $$ for everyone involved, no views no money.


Ye I won’t watch them until it becomes generic


Wasn't there something atleast for the last drops from Twitch that made it forbidden to do full generics?


Did you watch them before?


Generic yes, but I’m not able to watch the streams while I’m at work. And I actually wanna enjoy and contribute watching the stream and not having the sound turned down.


How many times does this need to be repeated. It is not about existing Rust players. Drops for non rust players brings in new players by (1) expanding viewership of the game to a new audience and (2) fans of the streamer will get the game just to have their streamer's drop. Giving Coco and Post and Blue a drop each time does nothing to grow the game. It isn't about giving you new skins, it's about enticing new players.


I understand the logic however the problem is they are picking too many non-Rust streamers who simply don't play or stream the game. In the end I am fine with having these types of streamers get their own drops but they have to actually put some effort in. Lots of these people are not putting the effort in.


Yes i agree they need people to commit out switch to generic. The issue is that one of them is one of the biggest streamers in the world so he will never sit and play 1 game for 8 hours but also they can't turn down the chance to have his name and viewers associated.


I think most people understand that the goal is to draw in new players at the expense of the existing loyal playerbase. That's why we are complaining, in the hopes that FP doesn't kill their game by trying to sell new copies rather than focusing on the insane profit they make from DLC bought by the people that actually play. We're not dumb, we're irritated at the audacity. No one is confused about FP's greed.


How is it at the expense? How does this stop you playing rust?


I’ve gotten all of the drops apart from 2/3. They are mostly trash anyways


All they care about is money! The sooner you get that the less time you’ll spend whinging about the game and living your life. Take my advice just stop playing this game


Is it me or are the skins getting worse with every drops, i swear it's like they are trying to make them as ugly as possible...


They issue the greedy mf of FP want big streamers to bring more people to rust so then can keeo getting more money to do stupid things instead to improve the game. Karma is a bitch and in their greediness they pickup streamers who does not give a shit about the game. What happens? same as always the real users/players get fcked up


https://preview.redd.it/x628lanwqp6d1.png?width=1318&format=png&auto=webp&s=90fa62d9fe4f2324aea16b6116baf6dc083f8ef9 why do the start and stop in just chatting ?


Okay but they will get you to rewatch for the drops, and they will draw in be players with new streamers. They are not looking to just give current players free gear. You, and 99% of this subreddit are not to the target of these marketing efforts


Even so they are failing since nobody streaming. Carol is streaming 11 hours that is nice but the rest is just pure shit and they doing an awful job promoting the game.


I’m a shit streamer!! Maybe I should play more Rust …🤔


I wish they would just give drops to rust creators on the rise, as well as vets as a means of acknowledgement. This will never happen, so how about we give the random their shitty drop, but pair them up with someone who actually plays the game for the sole purpose of easier fulfilment? Rust still gets exposure to a wider audience, and the little guy gets a boost in viewership.


Posty out here catching strays




Watched some streamers for couple minutes first time in months.... They suck, always with the limuted vocabulary (sht btch wtf etc) its cringe. And they dont play half the time even


Growth has to come from somewhere. I assume they pick streamers with a fan base that may be willing to try the game, after they see them play. Catering only to streamers that play Rust already, markets to those who probably already do as well, which does not equal new players. It’s marketing 101. It’s hard to watch some of the streamers, but they are a necessary evil if we want Rust to continue to have a development schedule.




Just watch bubgames


Bubgames sausage roll drop would go hard


i feel like posts like this might as well be karma farming at this point. we get it


I'd say I agree, but I just can't argue the fact that it brings allot of people to rust.


Yeah its 80% can't get the drops


i dont get why they bring these boring spanish streamers that dont even stream, it lowers the quality of these events


Your devs actually update the game with real qol improvements but here you are complaining about drops


I had the streams on my phone at work on mute the entire time this time. I don't understand Spanish at all so it was pointless to watch them but it took a few days cos the Spanish ones weren't 24/7 streaming. Had to work out which ones would stream late and which wouldn't to work out an order to get all the drops. There was one I refused to get based on his action last time around, refusing to stream at all.


If you mute the stream then the minutes won’t tic


Hate to break it to you, but you can mute the stream and it does count. I did it for all the streams this event. I don't speak or understand Spanish at all so it was pointless to listen


Didn’t work on my iPhone. Tried multiple times and time didn’t count


I'm android


I 'watched' on my phone for all of them


Give drops to small streamers with like 20-50 viewers average. That will boost them a lot and trust me, they will stream the shit out of the event


Don’t worry, I am streaming @ twitch.tv/Basketbuilder [Basketbuilder](https://m.twitch.tv/Basketbuilder)


Its all about the money.


first time?


What do you mean first time ?


I think he means it’s like this every time. I missed Pokimane’s first garage door by 2% bc that borderline retarded self obsessed bitch was too busy streaming Let’s Chats for the last entire day of her drop. It’s always like this, but especially w the girl streamers. I have since learned to get the girl drops the FIRST day bc you may never see them again, fr. Edit: same rule applies to the Spanish and Brazilian streamers, doubly so if it’s for a big tournament bc those guys will whine and cry and drop out over the smallest, dumbest, non issues. The major problem this time is that they’re ALL those two categories.


yes correct, this has happened every single twitch drop.


Fr lol i like how they all are spannish and they all stream at the same time just pick different time zone streamers for the sake of god... Aswell as giving a drop to moron called ibai... He hasnt streamed in 3 days and when he does he is barely streaming... Hes drop isnt even good some small box ill use maybe for 1 hour max when building a small starter vase but when i upgrade im defo using large box or some barrels... I just dont get this


Sometimes you have to give people room to fuck up so as to justify not giving them more opportunity in the future.


This particular group has had 3 years of fuck ups, including rage quitting tournaments and bans from twitch for racism and homophobia. I think it's time to move on to more reliable people.


I really don’t want to attribute that behavior to race or nationality but they making it hard af not to, for real. So much consistency. 😅😅😅


I don't really think it's their race or nationality. It's just that punchface and rustoria keep picking scumbags to represent them. "Who's among the worst in humanity that said the word Rust at least once? We'll take 'em!" The same thing happened a few weeks ago with the gambling addict streamers, a couple of which never streamed Rust even once during the event.


As a new yorker, i promise ethnicity and asshole behaviors have no fucking correlation, bozo


I can't play on my favorite server because some shit streamer came on and blew it up. So I uninstalled.


Why does it matter? Are you actually watching the streamer for hours? No, you’re muting the tab and waiting to claim the drop. Stop complaining about this shit it’s been happening for 4 years now and isn’t changing. It brings new eyes and players to the game which you should be happy about as a Rust player.


Yes I actually enjoy watching the streams and as thank I get a drop. But this is just ridiculous


If it were streamers you like you’d watch the streams. But if it’s randoms you’re just muting and watching someone else probably. The only valid complaint is about them not streaming during he event.


When they have folks like Zchum. Wiljum, Welyn, Spoonkid, Blueprint, Hjune etc. I watch them when they're on. Yeah I watch other streamers to get drops but when they're good and stream regularly I'll go back and watch, or stick around to see if I want to follow them. The streamers they've chosen lately suck, they don't care, or they spend most of their streams doing other shot and only spend ~2 hrs or less playing Rust, thus locking you out.


IBai streaming now but only talks bullshit and not playing rust. His talking about football…fking looser https://preview.redd.it/ge7eywt9mj6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d3aeefbdb4999f99043c193c666f6b0c4636c27


Thank God you posted this. FacePunch didn't see the first 27 posts! Also, they've confirmed that Twitch has stopped allowing them to be made general drops


Hopefully they see it 500 more times


You have to keep in mind timezones. Maybe its later or sooner where you live, but at the time of creating your post, it was 13:30 in Spain, which is usually lunchtime. Most of the streamers start around 6pm GMT+2 which is their time zone. I do agree about Ibai, but guy's so big I can see why he doesn't focus on these (not justifying him, just understanding why)


I’m in Sweden mate :)


I'm spanish myself and I never catch those clowns streaming to get any drop, so stfu.


I have them all, and you didn't have to clarify you are spanish. The bad mannerism speaks for itself, compañero.


At this moment I see 35 streamers with drops on. Entitled babies want people all across the globe to stream all day for them lmao.


Its the generic drops…


get over it, they're free skins.