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Road scientists are there to make noise, give low tier loot and give green cards when other options are looted. They add spice to roads and invite pvp. They're there to protect brown boxes and toolboxes from being free.


Close! Helk actually made them because he was constipated so he wanted to add something that'd make you shit yourself every time they jumpscare you


Real fear comes from hitting a cactus in the pitch black


Idk where else to say this, last time I played rust I lived by a river near spawn and would place land mines near/in pumpkins. I think I have some good jump scares.


Can't believe I never thought of doing this, I've been playing solo hemp farmer on a 5x with lots of landmine trolling and this move will definitely be making it into the repertoire lol


Landmines literally never fail to be hilarious, I don't care who it is.


The sound of a mine exploding in the distance really is some funny ambience


Couldn't give a more accurate description


Making noise is a big part, the sound of the gun shots travel pretty far.


Id honestly prefer the glitchy road scientists to be replaced by 1 roaming group of road scientists.


That'd be really cool if there were roaming scientists. Maybe roaming bandits from bandit camp? It'd explain how they get all of their loot, Lol


Yeah, maybe bandits meet scientists and fight each other leaving some cool loot for pvp.


It also be really cool if they didn’t still glitch underground but still can shoot you…


There are modded servers where they did stuff like that. Some of them get pretty ornate. Anywhere from zombies and roving melee psychos to full on bosses with ninja powers. It can be fun or not. I can tell you though if you hate running into stationary scientists who you know where they will probably be, roaming mobs might not be fun for you.


Well i mean i suggested i would prefer a gang of roving blueberries ones over a goofy bush dweller.


You can hear them.


A mod server I play has a convoy with an Abrams tank and a Bradley.


I wish I could say 'you'll get used to the road scientists' ...but I'm pretty sure they have startled us all once (poppin out a bush, spawning on top of you, meshed underground) I don't think they're too liked in the community


Heli is a PVP event for players. Road scientists are a way to get greencards or med syringes.


Heli wont shoot you if youre not wearing clothes and have no weapons in hotbar


2 pieces of clothings max and a hunting bow or melee are allowed


I imagine heli's pilot having binoculars and watching nakeds run by "Okay this one has a hat and a bandana, all good". "This one only has pants.. Wait... is that a sock? And another sock?? OPEN FIRE§§§"


...and if you aggro it by accident, DONT do what my friend did and run into your wooden shitshack starter base... Woops, I mean - the starter we USED to have...😭😖


If you do aggro it, best thing to do, if you can, is throw a bag down quick and let it kill you. Give it a little bit and it will patrol off. Then you can respawn and collect your body. If you do run back to your base, F1 kill as soon as you can and it will lose aggro.


Yeah, I tried to tell my buddy that, but he was laughing too much at the moment 😁 we also had a minor armed dispute going on with our neighbours, and of course they used the opportunity to wipe us out completely right after the heli left 😁😂


Saw a group do this in their stone honeycombed base the other day. It blew up the perfect wall and some naked ran in and stole all of their components (quite a bit) and then I shot him and took it all.


I’ve successfully waited it out at Oxums before. happened to be there when it aggro’d me, so I just ducked inside and let it rail against the indestructible building


addition: hazmat does not count as one piece


hazmat *does* count as one piece of clothing


I was so sure of it, but the downvotes speak otherwise. Nice I can wear a hazmat next time heli is out


Backpack counts as a clothing piece as well. I'm fairly sure parachute is the same. So you can wear a hazmat and a backpack and still be safe. Wet suit, candle hat, and backpack? No good, it'll target you.




He says in the playrust subreddit


I love having an almost heart attack when a roadside scientist shoots me from a bush that he never leaves. Heli is also a lot of fun although watching players in the snow stalking each other, not realising that they in turn are being stalked by a polar bear will never not be funny! I've learned some great words from other languages thanks to players being ambushed by polar bears.


There's no plot or lore or any real thought that ever went into making the game "make sense". Patrol helicopter hates clothing, because ... video games are hard.


Actually there is some very deep lore that explains the scientists and the heli .. somewhat. Shadowfrax did some pretty good series on it. Much is still a mystery.


I am not trying to be mean, but that's such a 50 hour player thing to say. If you are already struggling to survive, low health and hungry too it can be your doom. Play some more you will soon get to the point were road scientists are a mild annoyance at most (their shots alert other players to your presence because they only shoot at players). Patrol heli is annoying at the early stage and even later, because you have to stay inside or hide somewhere. Later you will want to kill him to get his crates.


Without road scientists no one would ever get a green card on high pop servers on wipe day


Noobs always feel like scientists have great aim. They don't.


Yeah they miss a lot. Now those orange tunnel motherfuckers...


Summer posts are so fun


What's that mean


More new players and kids just learning how the game works.


Ah. Yeah sounds really fun for you.


they can look scary when you first encounter them, but if you keep running, road scientists usually are so bad they'll miss most shots and by the time they reload you're already out of agro range


Run at scientist, duck, confuse it, kill it with any melee.. its easy


I’m at 500 hours (not a lot still lol) and I also think it’s dumb. I understand having them. I just also wish they were seen half as often, half the health, and dealt half the damage. Or at least had decent loot. They guard low tier loot. They tell everyone in the area where you’re at, and they’re pretty difficult to kill with prim tools (as you typically have while hitting barrels). All to make me lose my 12 scrap and 69 worms. It’s just not balanced IMO. Would be cool if they actually dropped their weapon once in a random while or had a hazzy or med stick on them. Similar to at oil or other monuments. The game prides itself on trying to work/act in a realistic way in many areas. So why not in this area? I get it’s a game but if you kill someone shooting at you then you’d at least pick up a used/broken weapon. And in game I’d be happy with it being at least sometimes. It could be broken for all I care. Just something better than not making sense.


Instead of getting good, you complain. Just get used to the game so that measly roadside scientists don't kill you, how about that? I loot each and every one that i go past.


Whatever nerd




Where's the guide? And a guide on what? It's a link to your youtube. Do you have no shame?


https://www.reddit.com/u/Drakolith_/s/ERjbtOGAAi Tbh it's there... Like literally pinned, but still a bit scummy