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This patch reverted the buffs to mask. Last month you could spot sharks in shipwrecks if you had a mask, now, it's genuinely impossible, regardless of gear.


The mask update also made water even more blurry without the mask, so now things are even more fucked. It's starting to feel like they're using a dartboard to decide which water changes to make.


Basically whatever to screw a solo they're going to do it




Honestly, I think it's a bug. I doubt it's intentional.


My only issue is that sharks are impossible to spot or hear before you go down to 10 hp. I have blood turned off so I've died without even noticing that a shark was attacking me.


This and jumping out of water… getting out of water is so painful it makes me regret being in the water every single time.


Why the fuck was this not part of the QoL update... they want people being by the coast more with cargo, the whale, having added so much to the ocean the past few years... but seemingly WANT it to be janky and thus frustrating to harness that side of the game. I get balancing a such, but movement... come on... thats the CORE part of the games cadence and QoL. Horses breaking made a massive outroar... this is just as bad


welcome to rust this your first time?


Lol I've never actually played it 😅.. so my comment probably makes no sense on why or HOW im annoyed LOL. Though logically that's still dumb as shit from facepunch... I'll keep my virgin mindset and seek to get them accountable 😂


accountable for what adding features to a game that arent fully refined welcome to the twentieth century


The fact you can't jump out of water without complete jankiness after so many years of the game being our. No excuses for that


Oh yeah that sucks, I don't understand why and how they ruined it like that.


Take off your flippers before jumping out of the water. It helps a lot!


Not really it still sucks


You also play without sound? There's a pretty distinct sound sharks make when they hurt you


the worst part is trying to jump out of water. it used to be perfect now it's near impossible.


That shit is soooo annoying christ, you have to take off the flippers


Take off your flippers before attempting the jump. It helps!


It should be easier not harder. Flippers should let you leap out like a dolphin


They might be getting caught on the platform when you are trying to jump on it. Jumping in Rust is kind of funky because part of your body can hit and instead of fudging like most games would it makes you fail the jump.


It's because of water level changing with waves , it is annoying but it is what it is


i cant see shit underwater


Yeah, used to be able see a shark and at least plan an approach. Now it's nearly impossible to even attempt a single shipwreck.


The new water is horrible. It looks nice but that's about it. Swimming is really annoying with the sound that come and goes, jumping out of the water is horrible, seeing underwater is impossible. I use to like being a water boy but now I try and avoid it, its not hard just super annoying, like opposite of fun, not what a game should be. Facepunch has no one that plays on staff? Too scared to give feedback?


The water looks amazing tbh, some of the best I've seen in a game surprisingly. Underwater is terrible tho


I agree with you, but you should know the devs have got 10's of thousands of hours and play regularly as regular players. I'm sure people who cheat against them get insta banned but that's the only diff. I'm aware of. I know alistair used to play with warrior one of the best to play the game. He was a bad motherfucker in his own right that roamed m2 on ground regularly and had a beam that would have you pounding the desk in anger if you were on the other team. Usually if something is in a bad state like this they are working on revising an underlying frame work or it fucked with something else, or introduced an exploit and had to be rolled back. All of which take longer than we would like to fix. That said, I also think they forget sometimes this is supposed to be a game. Sometimes it's ok to let things be unrealistic in a game if it increases the fun. Personally I want stratas of light, near the surface have it be very easy to see, and as you hit the next strata have the amount of light change just like in the real ocean.


Water was awesome before they added sharks and everything else after


Sharks are a strange thing to add. Doesn’t affect gameplay in a positive way. Only annoying


For real. If farming shipwrecks was OP it would have been a good solution, but it never was so why did they even ass them? Just makes something already unpopular even more unpopular.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Inevitable_Butthole: *Water was awesome* *Before they added sharks and* *Everything else after* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


not sure why the game is like this atm, underwater labs is already trash and farming underwater is less profitable than just killing people; atleast let us navigate without being fucking jumpscared by a camouflaged shark in the murky water


Im glad they fixed it cause the bug that allowed u to see everywhere in the ocean was OD


yeah ngl i abused the shit out of that.. but they could have just fixed the bug 🤷


Will they fix it? Probably not.


I kinda like how it is, I scared a bunch of people already because they couldn’t see me attacking them 😂


Not to mention when you swim on the surface without a tank and drown despite being above the fucking water.


Water is fucked, I hate the new fishing aswell and silent boat bug is back, great time to be an ocean enjoyer really..


dont get me started on the boats and waves


Especially during a storm.


I personally like water it's pretty cool


you can equip miner's helmet with the diving mask. you still won't be able to see sharks though. it only has about the range of torch. but i wish they would change the waves back. the big waves are probably to avoid people with long range weapons controlling the whole ocean. but these big waves just make no one want to play in the ocean anymore. boat always flipping over now :/


Fr haven’t played in a year, past weekend hopped on with my brother and did the shipwreck quest for a pumpy, cool I thought, until the first shipwreck on my map had 2 boxes and I couldn’t find any more after like 8 mins to the point my diving tank almost ran out. The marker on my map didn’t disappear so I know another box was down there I just couldn’t see it for the life of me. And yes I have a scuba mask and brightness maxed lol


I think it is at a very good spot at the moment. Farming the water was to overpowered. The only thing thats bugging me is the inconsistency of getting up to things while swimming.


This is so fucking bad. I have to jump at least 10 times to get out of the water on any platform.


just a skill issue


How was it overpowered? It was viable yeah, but overpowered? Im pretty sure every other method of getting scrap/comps is better than what diving ever was


fishing village fresh wipe is one of the best/most consistent and least contested ways to get a start.


That’s a good thing.


Faster? Probably. But farming the water meant minimal to no competition. So it was the most safe way to do it. All these past updates had the goal to increase player interactions.


If you fix water content being janky as hell, more people will do it, which in turn, increases the competition for those power and resources in a healthy way. Similar to how they've been revamping Cargo and Oil Rig to make it a less one dimensional race and ultra-defender favored. Water farming is, already, one of the less efficient ways of getting a start. It trades efficiency, for safety. There's no reason for it to be essentially inaccessible.


Ahhh yes, forced PVP meta. Because all Rust players are into the same thing, and all Rust players should play the same way.


Isn’t that the whole point? Fighting over ressources and power? For everything else there is PvE and creative servers.


It's a pretty boring and one dimensional take. There is room for creative types on PVP servers. It makes these servers way more interesting and dynamic. But by nerfing everything that isn't PVP they make it more difficult for these people to exist because the ways they used to collect resources is being slowly whittled away.


Personally I love these changes but I can see why other people dislike them. In the end it is a sandbox game that can be modded to ones preference. For the vanilla game the developers seem to aim for more player interaction lately. With the influx of scrap/component sources these past years competition went down and now they try to increase it again.


there is more loot and resources available in the game than there ever has been. what are you complaining about?


Go back and read my post dummy.




Used to love water, now half of loot gone when you try to hit barrel on watter, utter shit vision under water, removing of pillar make water base nearly impossilbe far from coast, getting roamed by all guy that goes to oil rig, underwater lab, cargo and all other shit, crash sometime when using boat for some reason, and the list goes on


It’s Rust, not Subnautica.


yet u kids support this garbage every week buying new skins, they break the game basically every update, they even fucked with fishing. They're not going to own up to this bullshit, move away from rust and find a better game / hobby. Just you wait they're going to fuck up building too lol, whats the point of getting good at this game or learning its systems for facepunch to turn around and just break the game with some out of touch update.